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Front Page ' Ju() to: *ront +a,e - .rran,e(ent o/ +rovisions - .ctual +rovisions 0
At 1! o"

.n .ct to establis3 a 4ational Researc3 *und and to )rovide /or its )ro)er ad(inistration&
%22n& A'g'st 200#(
Arrange)ent o"
' Ju() to: *ront +a,e - .rran,e(ent o/ +rovisions - .ctual

+.R" 5
1 93ort title
2 5nter)retation
3 !eanin, o/ :researc3 and develo)(ent activities;
+.R" 55
4."5O4.7 R696.RC< *=4>
4 6stablis3(ent o/ 4ational Researc3 *und
5 +ur)oses o/ *und
? 6@)enses
7 Ait3drawals
+.R" 555
.>!5459"R."5O4 O* *=4>
$ Res)onsibilitB /or *und
C 4ational Researc3 *oundation Doard
10 Researc3E 5nnovation and 6nter)rise Council
11 .ccounts to be Fe)t
12 *inancial state(ents and audit re)orts
13 .))lication o/ *inancial +rocedure .ct
+.R" 5G
14 +ersons not to reveal trade secretsE etc&
15 *or,erB o/ certi/icates and /alse in/or(ation
1? O//ences bB bodies cor)orateE etc&
17 >isclosure o/ interests o/ (e(ber o/ Doard or Council
1$ Re,ulations
At'a- Pro*isions' Ju() to: *ront +a,e - .rran,e(ent o/ +rovisions- .ctual +rovisions 0
.n .ct to establis3 a 4ational Researc3 *und and to )rovide /or its )ro)er ad(inistration&
%22n& A'g'st 200#(
S/ort tit-e
10"3is .ct (aB be cited as t3e 4ational Researc3 *und .ct&
205n t3is .ctE unless t3e conte@t ot3erwise requires H
IDoardI (eans t3e 4ational Researc3 *oundation Doard establis3ed under section C;
ICouncilI (eans t3e Researc3E 5nnovation and 6nter)rise Council establis3ed under section 10;
I*undI (eans t3e 4ational Researc3 *und establis3ed under section 4;
IinvestI includes enterin, into a transaction or an arran,e(ent /or t3e )rotection o/ invest(ents;
IFnowled,eI (eans anB Fnowled,e or ot3er in/or(ationE w3et3er or not t3e )ossessor o/ t3e
Fnowled,e or in/or(ation 3as anB le,allB en/orceable ri,3ts in relation to it;
I)ro)ertBI (eans anB le,al or equitable estate or interest w3et3er )resent or /uture and w3et3er
vested or contin,ent% in real or )ersonal )ro)ertB o/ anB descri)tion;
I)ublic aut3oritBI (eans anB board or aut3oritB establis3ed bB or under anB written law to
)er/or( or disc3ar,e anB )ublic /unction;
IsecuritiesI includes s3aresE inscribed stocFE debenturesE bondsE debenture stocFE notes or anB
ot3er docu(ent creatin, evidencin, or acFnowled,in, indebtedness&
.eaning o" 2resear/ an& &e*e-o1)ent ati*ities3
40H1% 5n t3is .ctE :researc3 and develo)(ent activities; (eans H
a% sBste(aticE investi,ative or e@)eri(ental activities t3at involve innovation and are carried on
eit3er w3ollB or )artlB wit3in 9in,a)ore /or t3e )ur)ose o/ H
i% increasin, or acquirin, new Fnowled,e w3et3er or not t3at Fnowled,e will 3ave s)eci/ic
)ractical a))lication%; or
ii% creatin, new or i()roved (aterialsE )roductsE devicesE )rocesses or services; or
b% ot3er activities t3at are carried on eit3er w3ollB or )artlB wit3in 9in,a)ore /or a )ur)ose
related to t3e carrBin, on o/ activities o/ t3e Find re/erred to in )ara,ra)3 a% or incidental or
conducive to t3e attain(ent or /urt3erance o/ t3e )ur)oses re/erred to in t3at )ara,ra)3E includin,
i% scienti/ic and tec3nical in/or(ation services suc3 as data collection% to su))ort activities o/ t3e
Find re/erred to in )ara,ra)3 a%;
ii% buildin, e@)enditure incurred in t3e acquisition or construction o/ a buildin,E or o/ an
e@tensionE alteration or i()rove(ent toE or o/ (aintenance o/ a buildin, used or to be used /or in
activities o/ t3e Find re/erred to in )ara,ra)3 a%;
iii% trainin, and (ana,e(ent o/ (an)ower /or activities o/ t3e Find re/erred to in )ara,ra)3 a%;
iv% /easibilitB studies wit3 a view to establis3in, t3e strate,ic direction o/ anB s)eci/ic researc3
and develo)(ent activitB; and
v% anB ot3er worF or services includin, )atentin,E licensin, and ot3er activities% necessarB to
su))ort activities o/ t3e Find re/erred to in )ara,ra)3 a%&
2% *or t3e )ur)oses o/ t3is sectionE t3e /ollowin, activities s3all not be taFen to be sBste(aticE
investi,ative or e@)eri(ental activities:
a% (arFet researc3E (arFet testin, or (arFet develo)(entE and sale )ro(otion includin,
consu(er surveB%;
b% testin, and standardisation;
c% )ros)ectin,E e@)lorin, or drillin, /or (ineralsE )etroleu( or natural ,as /or t3e )ur)ose o/
discoverin, de)ositsE deter(inin, (ore )reciselB t3e location o/ de)osits or deter(inin, t3e siJe or
qualitB o/ de)osits;
d% t3e (aFin, o/ cos(etic (odi/ications or stBlistic c3an,es to )roductsE )rocesses or )roduction
e% )re1)roduction activities suc3 as de(onstration o/ co((ercial viabilitBE toolin,1u) and trial
/% routine collection o/ in/or(ationE e@ce)t as )art o/ t3e researc3 and develo)(ent )rocess;
,% )re)aration /or teac3in,;
3% routine so/tware develo)(ent;
i% le,al and ad(inistrative as)ects o/ )atentin,E licensin, and ot3er activitiesE unless re/erred to
in subsection 1% b% v%;
K% activities associated wit3 co()lBin, wit3 statutorB require(ents or standards;
F% anB activitB related to t3e re)roduction o/ a co((ercial )roduct or )rocess bB a )3Bsical
e@a(ination o/ an e@istin, sBste( or )lanE blue)rintsE detailed s)eci/ications or )ubliclB available
Esta5-is/)ent o" Nationa- Resear/ F'n&
60H1% "3ere s3all be establis3ed a /und to be called t3e 4ational Researc3 *und w3ic3 s3all be
3eldE (ana,ed and ad(inistered as a Govern(ent /und&
2% "3ere s3all be )aid into t3e *und H
a% all (oneBs /ro( ti(e to ti(e a))ro)riated /ro( t3e Consolidated *und and aut3orised to be
)aid into t3e *und bB t3is .ct or anB ot3er written law;
b% all ot3er revenues o/ 9in,a)ore allocated bB anB written law to t3e *und;
c% all ,i/ts and donations )aid bB anB )erson or or,anisation to t3e Govern(ent /or t3e )ur)oses
o/ t3e *und ,enerallB;
d% a(ounts received bB t3e Doard or Govern(ent H
i% /ro( t3e sale o/ anB )ro)ertB )aid /or wit3 (oneB /ro( t3e *und;
ii% /ro( t3e sale o/ anB )ro)ertB )roducedE or /ro( dealin, wit3 )atents or ot3er intellectual
)ro)ertB ri,3ts in res)ect o/ inventions (adeE in t3e course o/ anB researc3 and
develo)(ent activitB )aid /or wit3 (oneB /ro( t3e *und; or
iii% in res)ect o/ anB worF )aid /or wit3 (oneB /ro( t3e *und;
e% all invest(ents out o/ (oneBs in t3e *und aut3orised to be (ade bB t3is .ct or anB ot3er
written law and t3e )roceeds o/ anB suc3 invest(entE includin, t3e net inco(e /ro( suc3
invest(ents; and
/% all su(s received bB waB o/ re)aB(ent o/ anB loan or advance /ro( t3e *und and anB interest
/ro( anB suc3 loan or advance&
3% "3e *und s3all be re,arded as co()risin, )ublic (oneBs /or t3e )ur)oses o/ anB ot3er written
4% *or t3e )ur)oses o/ subsection 2% e%E t3e net inco(e /ro( invest(ents s3all be t3e a(ount
ascertained bB addin, toE or deductin, /ro(E t3e inco(e received /ro( invest(ents o/ (oneBs in
t3e *und anB )ro/it derived or loss sustainedE as t3e case (aB beE /ro( t3e realisation o/ suc3
P'r1oses o" F'n&
70H1% "3e obKect o/ t3e *und is to (aFe )rovision /or t3e /undin, and ad(inistration o/ researc3
and develo)(ent activities wit3 a view to H
a% encoura,in, t3e develo)(ent in 9in,a)ore o/ innovative )roductsE )rocesses and services;
b% increasin, invest(ent bB t3e )ublic and )rivate sectors in 9in,a)ore in researc3 and
develo)(ent activities t3at will (aFe 9in,a)ore (ore internationallB co()etitive;
c% )ro(otin, t3e tec3nolo,ical advance(ent o/ t3e )ublic and )rivate sectors in 9in,a)ore
t3rou,3 a /ocus on innovation; and
d% creatin, an environ(ent t3at is conducive to increase co((ercialisation o/ new )rocesses and
)roduct tec3nolo,ies&
2% "3e (oneBs in t3e *und (aB be wit3drawn and a))lied /or all or anB o/ t3e /ollowin, )ur)oses
a% to )rovide /inancial assistance includin, loans and sc3olars3i)s% to anB )ublic aut3oritBE
enter)riseE educational institution or ot3er )erson w3et3er in 9in,a)ore or
elsew3ere% undertaFin, or /acilitatin, researc3 and develo)(ent activities;
b% to )ro(ote or assist /inanciallB or ot3erwise% anB enter)rise en,a,ed in t3e e@)loitation o/
researc3 and develo)(ent activities undertaFen bB anB )ublic aut3oritBE enter)riseE
educational institution or ot3er )erson w3et3er in 9in,a)ore or elsew3ere%E w3ere suc3 an
enter)riseE in t3e o)inion o/ t3e DoardE is )ro/itable and e//icient or ca)able o/ beco(in, )ro/itable
and e//icient and 3as reasonable )ros)ects /or )ro/itabilitBE develo)(entE e@)ansionE ,rowt3 or
)rovidin, viable e()loB(ent;
c% t3e )aB(ent o/ re(uneration or allowances )aBable to )ersons ot3er t3an )ublic o//icers%
en,a,ed to advise t3e Doard or Council in t3e )er/or(ance o/ t3eir res)ective /unctions under t3is
d% t3e )aB(ent o/ ot3er e@)enses incurred bB t3e Doard or Council in t3e )er/or(ance o/ t3eir
res)ective /unctions under t3is .ctE includin, anB re(uneration or allowances )aBable to t3e
(e(bers o/ t3e Doard or Council w3o are not )ublic o//icers;
e% t3e )aB(ent o/ e@)enses re/erred to in section ?&
3% "3e (oneBs in t3e *und (aB also be invested in H
a% anB invest(ent aut3orised under section 7 o/ t3e *inancial +rocedure .ct Ca)& 10C%; and
b% suc3 ot3er invest(ents as t3e Doard t3inFs /itE not bein, anB stocFE bondE /und or securitB
issued bB t3e Govern(ent&
#0.ll e@)enses incidental to or arisin, /ro( t3e ad(inistrationE invest(ent and (ana,e(ent o/
(oneBs in t3e *und s3all be c3ar,ed u)on and )aBable out o/ t3e *und&
!0H1% 4o (oneBs s3all be wit3drawn /ro( t3e *und unless t3eB are c3ar,ed u)on t3e *und or
are aut3orised to be wit3drawn or trans/erred under t3is .ct&
2% 4o )aB(ent s3all be (ade out o/ t3e *und unless t3e )aB(ent is aut3orised bB t3e Doard&
Res1onsi5i-ity "or F'n&
;0"3e *und s3allE subKect to t3e direction o/ t3e CouncilE be (ana,ed and ad(inistered bB t3e
Nationa- Resear/ Fo'n&ation <oar&
=0H1% "3ere s3all be a bodB to be called t3e 4ational Researc3 *oundation Doard co()risin, suc3
nu(ber o/ (e(bers as t3e !inister t3inFs /it&
2% "3e (e(bers o/ t3e Doard s3all eac3 be a))ointed bB t3e !inister and s3all 3old o//ice /or
suc3 )eriod not e@ceedin, 3 Bears% as t3e !inister (aB in anB case deter(ine&
3% 9ubKect to subsection 4%E t3e /unctions and duties o/ t3e Doard s3all be H
a% to co1ordinate researc3 and develo)(ent activities undertaFen or )ro(oted bB t3e
Govern(entE )ublic aut3orities w3ose obKects are si(ilar to t3e obKect o/ t3e *undE enter)risesE
educational institutions or ot3er )ersons in 9in,a)oreE and to /acilitate co1
o)erationE co((unicationE collaboration and e@c3an,e o/ ideas and Fnowled,e between t3e(;
b% to investi,ate and evaluate t3e require(ent /or /undin, anB researc3 and develo)(ent activitB
,enerallB or s)eci/icallB;
c% to develo) )olicies and )lans /or researc3 and develo)(ent activities in 9in,a)ore in t3e
national interest;
d% to a))rove t3e )aB(ent o/ (oneB /ro( t3e *und;
e% to advise t3e !inister on anB (atter relatin, to t3e (ana,e(ent and ad(inistration o/ t3e
*und t3at t3e Doard considers a))ro)riate or t3at is re/erred to t3e Doard bB t3e !inister;
/% to sub(it to t3e !inister /or a))rovalE not later t3an 30 daBs be/ore t3e end o/ eac3 /inancial
Bear o/ t3e *undE a bud,et /or t3e *und in res)ect o/ t3e /inancial Bear ne@t /ollowin, in relation to
t3at *und;
,% to sub(it to t3e !inister an annual re)ort res)ectin, t3e *und not later t3an 30 daBs a/ter t3e
end o/ eac3 /inancial Bear in relation to t3at *und; and
3% to e@ercise suc3 ot3er )owers and )er/or( suc3 ot3er /unctions and duties wit3 res)ect to t3e
(ana,e(entE o)eration and ad(inistration o/ t3e *und as (aB be )rescribed&
4% "3e Doard s3allE in t3e e@ercise o/ its )owers and t3e )er/or(ance o/ its /unctions and duties
under t3is .ctE co()lB wit3 suc3 directives as (aB /ro( ti(e to ti(e be issued bB t3e Council&
Resear/> Inno*ation an& Enter1rise Co'ni-
100"3ere s3all be a bodB Fnown as t3e Researc3E 5nnovation and 6nter)rise Council co()risin,
suc3 )ersons /ro( t3e )rivate sector and )ublic sector as t3e !inister t3inFs /itE and w3ose
/unctions s3all be H
a% to )rovide advice and ,uidance to t3e Govern(ent in t3e /or(ulation o/ its )olicies and laws on
all tB)es o/ researc3 and develo)(ent activities and innovation in 9in,a)ore; and
b% to lead in t3e )ro(otion o/ all as)ects o/ researc3 and develo)(ent activities and innovation in
9in,a)oreE bB identi/Bin, and )ro(otin, activities and )ro,ra((es t3at will (aFe 9in,a)ore (ore
internationallB co()etitive and alertin, t3e )ublic and )rivate sectors to anB new business
o))ortunities t3at arise /ro( t3e e@)loitation o/ results o/ anB researc3 and develo)(ent activities
or innovation&
Ao'nts to 5e ?e1t
110H1% "3e Doard s3all H
a% cause to be Fe)t )ro)er accounts and records o/ all transactions and a//airs relatin, to t3e
b% do all t3in,s necessarB to ensure t3at )aB(ents out o/ t3e *und are )ro)erlB aut3orised and
correctlB (ade; and
c% ensure t3at adequate control is (aintained over t3e assets and recei)ts o/ t3e *und&
2% "3e Doard s3all a))oint a )ublic o//icer to be an accountin, o//icer o/ t3e *und wit3
res)onsibilitB /or Fee)in, )ro)er accounts and records in relation t3eretoE and )re)arin,
and si,nin, a state(ent o/ t3e *undLs accounts in res)ect o/ eac3 /inancial Bear&
Finania- state)ents an& a'&it re1orts
120H1% "3e Doard s3allE as soon as )racticable a/ter t3e close o/ eac3 /inancial Bear o/ t3e *undE
cause to be )re)ared and sub(itted to t3e .uditor1General t3e /inancial state(ents and accounts
/or t3e *und relatin, to t3at /inancial BearE and t3e .uditor1General s3all t3en audit or cause an
audit o/ t3e state(ents and accounts and re)ort on t3e(&
2% "3e /inancial Bear o/ t3e *und s3all be a )eriod o/ 12 (ont3s endin, on 31st !arc3 in anB
BearE e@ce)t t3at t3e /irst /inancial Bear o/ t3e *und s3all be,in on 22nd .u,ust 200? and end on
31st !arc3 o/ t3e succeedin, Bear&
3% "3e re(uneration o/ t3e auditor s3all be )aid out o/ t3e *und&
4% .s soon as t3e accounts o/ t3e *und and t3e /inancial state(ents 3ave been audited in
accordance wit3 t3is .ctE a co)B o/ t3e audited /inancial state(entsE to,et3er wit3 a co)B o/
anB re)ort (ade bB t3e auditorE s3all be sub(itted to t3e Doard&
5% A3ere t3e .uditor1General is not t3e auditor o/ t3e *undE a co)B o/ t3e audited /inancial
state(ents and anB re)ort (ade bB t3e auditor s3all be /orwarded to t3e .uditor1General at t3e
sa(e ti(e t3eB are sub(itted to t3e Doard&
?% "3e !inister s3all as soon as )racticable cause a co)B o/ t3e audited /inancial state(ents o/
t3e *und and t3e auditorMs re)ort to be )resented to +arlia(ent&
A11-iation o" Finania- Proe&'re At
140"3e *inancial +rocedure .ct Ca)& 10C% s3all a))lB to t3e *und to t3e e@tent t3at it is not
inconsistent wit3 anB o/ t3e )rovisions o/ t3is .ct&
Persons not to re*ea- tra&e serets> et0
160H1% 5/ a )erson e@ercisin, anB /unction under t3is .ct obtains )rotected in/or(ation about t3e
a//airs o/ anot3er )ersonE 3e s3all not disclose t3at )rotected in/or(ation to anB ot3er )erson
unless t3e disclosure H
a% is (ade wit3 t3e written consent o/ t3e )erson to w3o( t3e in/or(ation relates;
b% is /or t3e )ur)ose o/ t3e ad(inistration or en/orce(ent o/ t3is .ct; or
c% is in co()liance wit3 t3e require(ent o/ anB courtE tribunalE aut3oritB or )erson 3avin, law/ul
aut3oritB to require t3e )roduction o/ docu(ents or t3e answerin, o/ questions&
2% 5/ anB )erson acts in contravention o/ subsection 1%E 3e s3all be ,uiltB o/ an o//ence and s3all
be liable on conviction to a /ine not e@ceedin, N5E000 or to i()rison(ent /or a ter( not e@ceedin,
2 Bears or to bot3&
3% *or t3e )ur)ose o/ t3is sectionE t3e re/erence to a )erson disclosin, anB )rotected in/or(ation
includes 3is )er(ittin, anB ot3er )erson to 3ave anB access to anB recordE docu(ent or
ot3er t3in, containin, t3at in/or(ation w3ic3 is in 3is )ossession or under 3is control bB virtue o/
3is bein, or 3avin, been a (e(ber o/ t3e Doard or Council&
4% 5n t3is sectionE :)rotected in/or(ation; (eans in/or(ation t3e disclosure o/ w3ic3 would or
could reasonablB be e@)ected to disclose a trade secret or to adverselB a//ect a )erson in relation
to t3e law/ul business a//airs o/ t3at )erson&
Forgery o" erti"iates an& "a-se in"or)ation
1705/ anB )erson H
a% /or,es or counter/eits anB docu(ent or certi/icate required bB t3e Doard /or t3e )ur)oses o/
t3is .ct; or
b% in relation to anB a))lication w3et3er bB t3e )erson or on be3al/ o/ anot3er% to t3e Doard /or
its )er(issionE consent or a))rovalE or /or anB ,rant or /inancial assistanceE (aFes w3et3er
orallBE electronicallBE in writin, or ot3erwise% or /urnis3es anB state(ent to t3e Doard w3ic3 is
/alseE and w3ic3 3e eit3er Fnows or believes to be /alse or does not believe to be trueE
3e s3all be ,uiltB o/ an o//ence and s3all be liable on conviction to a /ine not e@ceedin, N5E000 or
to i()rison(ent /or a ter( not e@ceedin, ? (ont3s or to bot3&
O""enes 5y 5o&ies or1orate> et0
1#0H1% A3ere an o//ence under t3is .ct co((itted bB a bodB cor)orate is )roved H
a% to 3ave been co((itted wit3 t3e consent or connivance o/ an o//icer; or
b% to be attributable to anB ne,lect on 3is )artE
t3e o//icer as well as t3e bodB cor)orate s3all be ,uiltB o/ t3e o//ence and s3all be liable to be
)roceeded a,ainst and )unis3ed accordin,lB&
2% A3ere t3e a//airs o/ a bodB cor)orate are (ana,ed bB its (e(bersE subsection 1% s3all a))lB
in relation to t3e acts and de/aults o/ a (e(ber in connection wit3 3is /unctions o/ (ana,e(ent as
i/ 3e were a director o/ t3e bodB cor)orate&
3% A3ere an o//ence under t3is .ct co((itted bB a )artners3i) is )roved H
a% to 3ave been co((itted wit3 t3e consent or connivance o/ a )artner; or
b% to be attributable to anB ne,lect on 3is )artE
t3e )artner as well as t3e )artners3i) s3all be ,uiltB o/ t3e o//ence and s3all be liable to be
)roceeded a,ainst and )unis3ed accordin,lB&
4% A3ere an o//ence under t3is .ct co((itted bB an unincor)orated association ot3er t3an a
)artners3i)% is )roved H
a% to 3ave been co((itted wit3 t3e consent or connivance o/ an o//icer o/ t3e unincor)orated
association or a (e(ber o/ its ,overnin, bodB; or
b% to be attributable to anB ne,lect on t3e )art o/ suc3 an o//icer or a (e(berE
t3e o//icer or (e(ber as well as t3e unincor)orated association s3all be ,uiltB o/ t3e o//ence and
s3all be liable to be )roceeded a,ainst and )unis3ed accordin,lB&
5% 5n t3is section H
IbodB cor)orateI includes a li(ited liabilitB )artners3i);
Io//icerI H
a% in relation to a bodB cor)orateE (eans anB directorE )artnerE (e(ber o/ t3e co((ittee o/
(ana,e(entE c3ie/ e@ecutiveE (ana,erE secretarB or ot3er si(ilar o//icer o/ t3e bodB
cor)orate and includes anB )erson )ur)ortin, to act in anB suc3 ca)acitB; or
b% in relation to an unincor)orated association ot3er t3an a )artners3i)%E (eans t3e )residentE
t3e secretarBE or anB (e(ber o/ t3e co((ittee o/ t3e unincor)orated associationE or anB )erson
3oldin, a )osition analo,ous to t3at o/ )residentE secretarB or (e(ber o/ a co((ittee and
includes anB )erson )ur)ortin, to act in anB suc3 ca)acitB;
I)artnerI includes a )erson )ur)ortin, to act as a )artner&
?% Re,ulations (aB )rovide /or t3e a))lication o/ anB )rovision o/ t3is sectionE wit3 suc3
(odi/ications as t3e !inister considers a))ro)riateE to anB bodB cor)orate or unincor)orated
association /or(ed or reco,nised under t3e law o/ a territorB outside 9in,a)ore&
Dis-os're o" interests o" )e)5er o" <oar& or Co'ni-
1!0H1% . (e(ber o/ t3e Doard or Council w3o 3as a direct or indirect )ecuniarB interest in a
(atter bein, considered or about to be considered bB t3e Doard or CouncilE as t3e case (aB beE
bein, an interest t3at could con/lict wit3 t3e )ro)er )er/or(ance o/ t3at (e(berMs /unctions in
relation to t3e consideration o/ t3e (atter s3allE as soon as )racticable a/ter t3e relevant
/acts 3ave co(e to t3e Fnowled,e o/ t3at (e(berE disclose t3e nature o/ t3at interest at a
(eetin, o/ t3e Doard or CouncilE as t3e case (aB be&
2% . disclosure under subsection 1% s3all be recorded in t3e (inutes o/ t3e (eetin, o/ t3e Doard
or CouncilE as t3e case (aB be&
1;0"3e !inister (aB (aFe re,ulations /or carrBin, out t3e )ur)oses and )rovisions o/ t3is .ct&
At 1! o" 200# @ Nationa- Resear/ F'n& At 200#

>ate o/ *irst Readin, : 27 *ebruarB 200? Dill 4o& 10-200? )ublis3ed on
27 *ebruarB 200?%
>ate o/ 9econd and "3ird Readin,s : 3 .)ril 200?
>ate o/ co((ence(ent : 22 .u,ust 200?
' Ju() to: *ront +a,e - .rran,e(ent o/ +rovisions- .ctual +rovisions 0

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