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Jose Suter

How do cities reduce eco- foot print (London)

To clearly answer and understand this question, first of I am going to introduce ecological
footprint definition. It is a measure which involves the impact people have on the
environment. Basically is all the sum of grazing land, cropland, grounds to produce the food,
fibre consumes, to provide space for infrastructure, etc. Ecological footprint also allow
governments to have information about their resources in each country. Therefore they can
track cities demands on natural capital, and to compare with the amount available. With all
these data taken by the eco-footprint information, the governments find easier to answer
specific questions about their economy. Footprint decreases or increases depending on the
individual choices, such as the policies and the activities of the government. There are many
ways to reduce it in order to get a quality life. If cities are successful in decreasing eco-
footprint, then future generations will then have the same advantages, acquiring
sustainable and rich lives. But before this happens individuals have to take action where
everyone is involve and are committing to reduce their own footprint in their country, they
will have to not only make actions but to have support for it.
So how do cities reduce eco-footprint? Most of the time the countries who are successful
are due to the fact that many individuals involve in changing the amount of energy use. This
energy associates with transportation and power inside your home, or any other products
which needs energy as a resource. They help each other in society by encouraging
themselves, so everyone agrees and do the same actions. Eco footprint measures how much
land or weather area we need to produce the resources we use things like energy, food,
settles, and the waste we generate. Our bio capacity is the amount of biological productivity
that is available to provide the resources we used and to absorb the waste. We can compare
our eco-footprint with our bio capacity to see whether we are balanced or not. Most of the
things we used pass through process starting with raw materials, then transport, then
transformation, then packaging, the consumption and finally it becomes rubbish. Each of
these interact with the environment such as water, resources, ecosystems, etc.
Man has being able to use their primary resources to become what we are today. WE are
now 7 billion human being and it will 2 billion more in about 50 years, increasing the
number will increase the buildings, and more of us will live in cities than the will become
hard to sustain. Living, travelling, working will be affected by high amounts of eco
footprints, especially by producing waste, increasing pollution by generating energy. But
since we cannot go back, cities have to reduce their Eco footprint without destroying or
unbalancing the whole world. London is a perfect example and its biggest goal is to reduce
their Co2 emissions by 60% in 11 years later. Transport is what London has being mainly
focus, to make their city cleaner and sustainable. Due to Londons development, systems
are being created in order to achieve these goals. Examples are by reducing heating
systems, offering new houses where it will face south and have a bigger storey
conservatories, so it then will have a better lighting by the sun for a warmer place. Also
most of the house will be greatly insulated, such as the roof and its outer walls and with
triple glazed windows. And for less electricity usage, a wind ventilation system will be
preferable for a more natural and fresh environment. Buildings are as well created by
Jose Suter

recycling local materials, examples are the structural steel which has being useful for
buildings. In London most of the energy comes from woodchip from waste timber that
would be better to be use than to send it to a landfill. Water has also a huge impact for a
lower eco-footprint, in this city they monitor data on energy consumption and water so
then there will be less wasting in these resources and it will save approximately 30% of
water uses from any water appliances and this will give as a result over 90% on space
Overall London has accomplish many things the whole world should follow for a successful
reduction in each country eco-footprint. Co2 reductions is each individuals goal, we all can
help through environmental savings as London. As they plan to include a car club, to
encourage walking, cycling and the use of any local public transport which will hopefully
clean the country, and it has given for about 11% reduction in Co2. Having local food links is
another way which London has manage to reduce approximately 4% co2 and also about 3%
less by recycling their waste which can reduce carbon impact. Solar panels or any
architectural savings will also help for at least 1 % of co2 reduction, if everyone contributes
for any of these examples, reducing eco-footprint becomes easier than a hardest challenge.
We are consuming resources much faster than the world can generate, right now individuals
have use resources more efficiently, as we all know urban cities are increasing their
population even more, therefore problems will also increase in a future, gaining a better
quality life since now its our main achievement or then it is going to be late. We want to
always make the green choice, in a way we reduce carbon emissions, is much more about
the decisions we made is just about being wise and care about everything you do. Basically
you avoid the easiest way, for a better environment in the planet Earth. Industries increase
as technology, so every minute we grow, we all need to tackle the bad results of these
factors. Each of us make a huge roll for our planet, it is hard to get zero carbon and zero
waste, but its something we should look at as we getting close to disaster in a short future.
It is very important to be inform from other cities which have make action already as

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