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Gurgaon Institute of Technology & Management

Bilaspur-Tauru Road, NH8, Gurgaon-!!"# $Haryana%

Ph: &' !" !!(8)*, #!)!(8*+ ,a-. &' !" !*8'()
/-maii. in1b( 0isit us at.
Ref: GITM1!*#1 2ated.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
mportant points regar!ing the !issertation report writing
("inal #ear Electronics & Communication Engineering $tu!ents%
1. Report shoul! be har! boun! (blac& colour%' !ul( signe! an! of goo! qualit(.
). Co*er must contain
i% Pro+ect name (capital,times new roman 1- si.e%
ii% $tu!ents name (capital,times new roman 1/ si.e%
iii% 012 3ogo
i*% Department
*% nstitute a!!ress
*i% 4ni*ersit( name
*ii% 2onth & #ear
5. 6ll the pages before chapters shoul! be numbere! in small roman numerals an! chapter page
numbers in simple numerals.
7. $ubsections (onl( upto le*el% shoul! appear in the content page an! ma8imum subsection in the
main report is allowe! upto ) le*el.
9. "igures & 1ables shoul! not be cut & paste. 6ll tables & figures shoul! be ma!e b( the stu!ents' if
ta&en from some source (li&e internet' boo&' paper' pre*ious (ear reports etc.% then !ul( ac&nowle!ge it.
/. "igure number:table number :equation number:sections shoul! be numbere! accor!ing to the
chapter no. li&e eq. no. 5.1'5.)' etc.
;. <nl( stan!ar! metho! of quoting reference numbers shoul! be liste! (li&e brac&ets = >%.
-. 6ll references' figures' tables gi*en must be quote! at appropriate places li&e
,or 3oo4s. Groo5er, M6 76, 8utomation 7roduction 9ystem :omputer Integrated Manufacturing,
7rentice-Hall India6, !**8
,or ;ournals. Tillman,,686, H<ang,:6=6, and >uo,?6,'((6 2etermining :omponent Relia3ility and
Redundancy for @ptimum 9ystem Relia3ility. I/// Transaction on Relia3ility R-!A$#%,A!-A)6
?. 1itle for each figure: table or photograph must be gi*en with their numbers.
1@. Each of them must be !iscusse! in !etail at the appropriate location in the te8t.
11. $ections:subsections of the chapters shoul! be in small letters (bol!%. Chapter shoul! be in capital.
1). Page set up shoul! be from left , 1.)A' from 1op, @.-A form right, , @.-A & from
Bottom,, @.-A
Cea!er, name of the chapter (Right Dustifie!%
Approved by: All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi; Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of aryana, Chandi!arh
Affiliated with: "ahari#hi Dayanand $niver#ity, %ohta& 'aryana(

Gurgaon Institute of Technology & Management
Bilaspur-Tauru Road, NH8, Gurgaon-!!"# $Haryana%
Ph: &' !" !!(8)*, #!)!(8*+ ,a-. &' !" !*8'()
/-maii6- in1b(E.qitm.coDn 0isit us at6- www.qitm.coDn
Ref: GITM1!*1 2ated.
"ooter, name of the pro+ect title (left +ustifie!%
Page no. , Bottom Center
$pacing,1.9 lines
"ont t(pe,1imes Few Roman
"ont $i.e for , 2ain te8t is 1)
$ection:$ubsection, 1) (Bol!%
Chapter Fame,1/ (Bol! Capital%
15. <ne line space for each section:subsection (before & after%.
17. Page no. at the center:Bottom in continuous from the chapter to the last appen!i8.
19. Chapter nos. shoul! not be pro*i!e! to the reference an! appen!i8 (b( con*ention%
1/. 1e8t use! on figure: Drawing must be rea!able.
1;. Declaration must be signe! b( the stu!ent (all the members of the pro+ect team if no of stu!ents in
pro+ect are more then one% ' with their rolls.
1-. 1he !eclaration format shoul! follows
Pro+ect 1itle
GGWe hereb( !eclare that the wor& carrie! out in!epen!entl( b( us an! ha*e not been ta&en from an(
other source e8cept where quote!GG
stu!ents Fame Roll Fo. $ign.
(all the members of the pro+ect team if no of stu!ents in pro+ect are more then one %
1?.4se spell chec&' no mista&es in spelling or grammar. 1here shoul! be clarit( in the te8t. )@. $tan!ar!
abbre*iation where use! first time in the te8t shoul! be !etaile! in the bo!( of thesis in a!!ition to
those un!er nomenclature.
1. 1itle page
). Declaration
5. Certificate
7. 6c&nowle!gement
9. 6bstract
Approved by: All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi; Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of aryana, Chandi!arh
Affiliated with: "ahari#hi Dayanand $niver#ity, %ohta& 'aryana(

Gurgaon Institute of Technology & Management
Bilaspur-Tauru Road, NH8, Gurgaon-!!"# $Haryana%
Ph: &' !" !!(8)*, #!)!(8*+ ,a-. &' !" !*8'()
/-maii6- in1b( 0isit us at6- www.qitm.coDn
Ref: GITM1!*1 2ated.
;. 3ist of figures
-. 3ist of 1ables
?. Contents
1@. Chapter, ntro!uction
11. Chapter,) 3iterature Re*iew & <b+ecti*e of Present wor&
1). Chapter,5 1heoretical wor&: Design of 2o!el ing:$oftwa re !e*elopment (6s applicable%
15. Chapter,7 "ab rication:E8peri menta l Wor&:n!ustrial Pro+ect :<bser*ation' Results & Discussions
17. Chapter,9 Results & Discussions (<nl( salient features% & scope for future wor&
19. Chapter,/ Conclusions
1/. References
1;. 6ppen!ices
Approved by: All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi; Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of aryana, Chandi!arh
Affiliated with: "ahari#hi Dayanand $niver#ity, %ohta& 'aryana(

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