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In Focus:
Expat Living is a section dedicated to the daily
the camera
living of expatriates.
It is printed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
To share stories about your life abroad, send stories The Photo Challenge is
or story ideas to Matthew Lamers at sponsored by Hyosung
Submissions may be edited for length or clarity. Camera (English: 010-7203-
9599) and Babo Shirts
( w w w. b a b o s h i r t s . c o m ) .
Winners of the weekly compe-
tition receive a 50,000 won
store credit at Hyosung
Camera and a Babo Shirt. To
take part in the competition,
simply upload your photo at
ulphotoclub — Ed.

By Aaron Raisey

As much as we might en-

joy photography and happily
endure the hassle of hauling
a camera around, there are
of course
times where
we don’t
have a cam-
era with us.
Maybe we forgot to take it, or
perhaps it isn’t convenient or
PHOTO CHALLENGE — Weekly winner — Last week in Seorak National Park, Gangwon-do, a heavenly reward for a long climb — the Taebaek mountain range near Osaek as seen from Daechongbong practical to have it with us
Peak. Photo by Norlan Page on the occasion.
But does photography
then stop for us? Are we
only photographers when
we are physically in posses-

Coping with the three stages of the flu sion of a camera? Perhaps
so for some, but I recom-
mend keeping those pho-
tographers eyes open all
the time.
What do I mean? What are
germs are Division I all the way. worst way to spend a day off: better after spending a day get- When I found out he had my while saying that they’re help- some things we can keep an
For another, those Tennessee ill- Wrapped up in a blanket that’s ting some rest. This time around traits, I knew he’d never be just ing. This should be great prepa- eye out for? Well, let’s briefly
nesses beset me when I was in not warm enough and never will I was more wrong than usual: In another person to me; he’d be ration for university. touch on a few areas that
my energetic early to mid-20s, be, I hope to sleep but struggle previous years we didn’t have a part of me, and I would feel the I was through with Stage II of contribute to a good photo —
whereas now I’m a 30 year old to do so because of breathing flu pandemic making headlines things that hurt him. my own illness a couple of days shapes, lines, color, contrast
By Rob York with recurring back pain and a problems, so instead I lie awake worldwide, nor did we have He and my wife were checked after symptoms began, and my and light.
chest full of jeans that don’t fit. wondering if there’s a neighbor- Daniel, our 5-month-old baby. into the hospital where she works reward was their return from Practice seeing regular
Ever since arriving in Korea Despite my expectations of hood “juk,” or rice porridge, My first reaction when she to be watched for a few days. I the hospital, with the doctor as- shapes and how they com-
four years ago, I’ve reacted to- brevity, there are always a whole store I can stagger toward. told me, one day after her symp- could feel Stage I of gamgi setting sured that the worst had pliment each other or cre-
ward the first symptom of a cold range of phases that must be After the muscles aches and toms began, that she had tested in, but was much more concerned passed. Now I’m at home with ate interesting interac-
— usually a sore throat — in the worked through. First, there’s chills pass, then comes Stage positive for H1N1, was to won- with the fact that when I held them, well into my recovery tions. Squares and circles
same way: I am convinced that I Stage I, or the throat phase, III, or the recovery phase. der what would happen to him. Daniel, he didn’t reach up and stage and confident that we’ll all together such as a solitary
need a good night’s rest as soon where it hurts to talk and I spit During recovery only the nasal She had already started recov- grab me like usual; instead his be well again soon. ball on a tiled floor. Groups
as possible. This is the remnant more often than a Yankees pitch- problems remain and work may ering from her symptoms, so I arms hung at his side, with him Furthermore, I will have of triangles could be anoth-
of a mentality that served me er would during the whole of All- continue. My experience has was more or less sure she’d be too weak to lift them. many years to teach Daniel er — the structure of a con-
well in Tennessee, where a Star Weekend. If I wake up in been that it’s annoying to work okay. But when Daniel’s nose He and I were both tested for about how to stay well, how to struction crane is filled
work-hindering illness was an this condition, I have two choic- while experiencing sinus diffi- started to run and his tempera- H1N1, but fortunately we both recover from illnesses, and how with triangles. Related to
annual event, but a brief one if I es: Call in to work and tell them culties, but on the upside, if you ture rose, I thought back to tested negative. I still had to to say, “Thanks, but I already shapes are lines, and
were properly rested. I can’t make it, or show up and have Korean coworkers there’s when she was seven months leave them in the hospital, but have enough tangerines.” strong lines can be an effec-
There are a couple of prob- let them see and hear how much virtually no end to the number pregnant and we found out that not until after I had watched the tive way to create interest
lems with that way of thinking: they don’t want me around. of tangerines you’ll receive. his leg length was two weeks nurses put an IV into his leg, in your photos. Keep a
for one, I’m no longer in The next day, or perhaps later This year when my wife Ji- ahead of most Korean babies at which caused him to cry until For more of Rob York’s writ- look-out for diagonals,
Tennessee, and I’m convinced that afternoon, the sore throat yeon woke up with gamgi symp- that stage, and the Korean his voice went hoarse. On the ings, go to rjamesyork. curves and especially the
that the common cold germs passes and Stage II, the chills toms after a working for a week nurses exclaimed that the ultra- bright side, at least this will; to contact him, e- elusive and treasured “S”
there are like NCAA Division III and general muscle aches at the hospital, I again had the sound pics had shown his nose teach him that adults frequent- mail line such as you might see
wrestlers and Korea’s “gamgi” phase, sets in. Here starts the first impression that she’d be to be “very big.” ly will cause him great pains — Ed. in a winding path or a
country road.
When you are out and
Additionally, while other vil- learning in the YMVC. On aver- about without that camera

What are global village centers? lage centers only provide begin-
ner and intermediate level
Korean classes, because these
ethnic Koreans from China
age, 170 participants recieve
services here daily,” said the
chief of the DISDYO in the
opening ceremony.
also keep colors in mind.
Look for pleasing plays such
as a yellow building against
a blue sky, or any vibrant col-
NEW TO KOREA the programs are free or have a
very minimal charge.
parts: Educational Support,
Welfare Advancement, and
usually come with some back-
ground in the Korean language,
The Yeongdeungpo Multic-
ultural Village Center is open
or in a relatively dull envi-
By Lee Jae-eun The centers also offer free Cultural Support. There are of- the Yeongdeungpo Multicult- from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday Closely aligned to color is
Korean-language classes for be- fices and counseling rooms, lec- ural Village Center also offers through Friday and from 10 contrast. Contrast is espe-
Global village centers are are often the most effective at ginner and intermediate levels. ture rooms for computer and advanced-level classes. Acc- a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends. For cially relevant to black and
community centers for foreign- helping newcomers from their There are now six global vil- language education, meeting ording to the schedule, people more information, visit the white photography. Watch
ers living in Seoul, where staff own countries. Foreign volun- lage centers in Seoul: Itaewon- rooms, a multicultural library, can also take Korean, computer, Yeongdeungpo Multicultural for sharp delineations be-
try to help expats deal with teers gather and go to help out Hannam, Ichon, Yeoksam, Se- and a playroom for kids. All fa- or driver’s-license classes, pay- Village Center near Darim tween bright areas and
problems they face in their daily at orphanages and nursing orae, Yeonnam and Yeongd- cilities are available for foreign- ing only for textbooks. Subway Station (Line 2 or 7, dark. In your mind, try
lives. With the aid of embassies, homes. eungpo. ers, married immigrants, and Evening and weekend classes Exit 8 or 10), or call (02) 2670- switching to black and
labor centers, and police, they It is through this kind of work The new Yeongdeungpo their families. are available along with week- 3800. white mode in the middle of
can be protected and helped, that they are also able to under- Multicultural Village Center Global centers are tailored day classes, in order to accom- For more information about the day when the light is of-
even if they can’t speak Korean. stand Korean living and get in- opened just a few months ago, specifically to the demographics modate as many schedules as any of the global village centers, ten too harsh for color cap-
Staff speak English, Chinese, volved in local society. on Sept. 29. of the foreigners in the district possible. visit the Seoul Global Center ture but creates sharp shad-
Japanese, French, and some With a visit to the nearest Currently, there are 37,000 reg- they are serving. In the case of In order to organize the pro- website at ows.
other languages. global village center, people can istered foreigners and 6,700 for- the Yeongdeungpo Multicul- grams, staff members started or call This brings us to light. Be
Through the global centers find information or learn about eigners with Korean citizenship tural Village Center, because announcing the opening of the the hotline at (02) 1688-0120. observant of the light at dif-
you can sign up to do volunteer events held around Seoul. living in Yeongdeungpo-gu. This most of the foreigners in the Yeongdeungpo Multicultural Or, anyone can call or visit the ferent times of the day. On
work for others in need. Global Various programs and lectures totals 44,000 foreigners, making area are ethnic Koreans who Village Center and began seek- nearest global village center or days without too much cloud
village centers are another way where participants can experi- it the district with the highest have come from China to work, ing teachers and applicants as get useful information from cover, you will notice how
of networking. ence Korean culture are listed. number of alien residents. there are programs specifically early as July. their websites, which can be the quality of light changes
After all, communities gath- For example, there are daily liv- In order to fulfill their needs, organized to help them find em- “Now there are 305 people found at the link above. over the course of the day-
ered through the village centers ing orientation sessions. Most of the center is divided into three ployment. from 10 different countries ( light period. This can have a
dramatic effect on color.
Colors are warm and rich at
THREE COMICS FROM ROKETSHIP the beginning and the end of
the day, but bright and
harsh during the midday pe-
riod. Make a mental note of
these effects for future refer-
Bringing two or more of
these elements together is
what the broader subject of
composition is all about,
but the point here is don’t
close your eyes to photog-
raphy just because you
don’t have a camera handy.
Look for these things and
mentally note them —
even if it might not be real-
ly worthy of a good photo,
it’s the seeing that is im-
portant. Just as you don’t
need specialized exercise
equipment to keep your
body in shape, you don’t
need to be in possession of
a camera to keep a prac-
ticed eye.
Have a look at what the
some of the best expat pho-
tographers in Korea are see-
ing and check out the Seoul
Photo Club on Flickr.

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