Section 1 Questions

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Activity 1.1: how many different pieces of hardware can you name? 20 is a good number.

1. Keyboard
2. Mouse
3. Microphone
4. Monitor
5. Screen
6. System Unit
7. Speaker
8. Printer
9. Video Camera
10. Scanner
11. CD - rom
12. Memory card
13. USB drive
14. Headphone
15. Optical drive
16. Motherboard
17. joystick (game pad)
18. UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply)
19. CPU
20. RAM
21. ROM
22. Heat Exchange (Fans)
23. external hard drive
24. Power supply
25. Wifi network

Activity 1.2
Name of Item Hardware Software
Keyboard *
Flow Charter *
Web Designer *
Spreadsheet *
Scanner *
Remote Control *
Operating System *
Word Processor *
Web Browser *
Mouse *
Database Physical Computer Program
Laser Printer *
Virus-Checker *

Draw A Simple Computer Diagram

INPUT DEVICE ------> Processor & Internal Memory --------> Output devices

1a) Explain the main difference between computer hardware and software.
You can touch hardware, you cannot touch software
1b) Give two examples of computer hardware and software
mouse, keyboard. operating system, web browser
2a) The diagram below represents the main components of a general-purpose computer
Part A ----> Part B ----> Part C
Part D
Part A: input devices Part B: Processor and Internal Memory Devices
Part C: Out Put devices Part D: Secondary Storage devices
3 ROM and RAM are both types of memory
a) what does ROM stand for? Read Only Memory
b) What does RAM stand for? Random Access Memory
Contents are lost when the computer is turned off (volati
Contents are not lost when the computer turns

Stores the program needed to start up the
stores the application programs and data
currently being used
-term memory)
4 In computers and mobile devices such as mobile phones, palmtops and PDAs, memory is needed
a) Give the full names of ROM and RAM?
Read Only Memory ; Random Access Memory
b) Explain why both RAM and ROM are needed.
ROM stores instructions needed to start a computer. RAM is short-term memory used
to run the programs currently used.
5a) explain why is it important that a computer has a large amount of RAM and ROM
more RAM will give short-term memory, which can help speed up the computer
ROM stores instructions to start the computer (BIOS) or manages computer hardware.
(Controller Chip on a hard drive). You only need enough ROM to fit BIOS. More ROM will not help.
5b) explain what ROM and RAM will be used for in a computer
RAM is like short-term memory; it holds the programs running while power is on
ROM Stores instructions to start the computer (BIOS), or manages computer hardware
(controller chip on a hard drive )
1) Ring two items which are storage media (circle)
magnetic tape, touch pad, flash memory, OCR, Chip Reader, Light paper

2) Complete each sentence using ONE item from the list
router, output, communication, software, processor, microphone, ROM, RAM, Input
a) SOFTWARE means the programs that supply the instructions to the hardware to tell it what to
b) INPUT devices such as keyboard, mice and scanners are used to supply data to the computer
c) OUTPUT devices are hardware such as printers, speakers and screens
d) ROM is memory which is used to hold the boot program needed to start the computer up
when first switched on
e) RAM is memory held on a chip that can have its contents changed by the user.

Questions B
1) Graphical user interfaces are very popular interfaces that are used with computer, mobiles
phones and other portable devices
a) Give three features of a graphical user interface
Windows; Icons; Menus; Pointers
b) Other than a graphical user interface (GUI) give the name of one other type of user
Command Line Interface (CLI)
Post-WIMP (iPhone)

2) All Computers need an operating system.
a) Explain what an operating system is
A piece of software which controls hardware, and other software. The Master,
the Boss
b) List THREE different functions of an operating system
o Handles Input and Outputs
o Recognizes new hardware
o Supervises the running of other programs
o Handles the storage of data

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