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Questions A

1. A network manager is worried about hacking and computer viruses

a. what is meant by a computer virus?
a program that has been created to do damage to a computer system
b. What is meant by hacking?
the process of accessing a computer system without permission
2. Computer viruses pose a serious threat to all computer systems.
a. give the name of the piece of software that can be used to check for viruses and
also remove them.
anti-virus software
b. describe two actions that may be taken, other than using software, to prevent
viruses from entering a computer system.
Do not download anything
Do not open any spam emails
3. A password normally has to be entered in order t gain access to a network.
a. give one reason why a password is needed
be let the things be personal
b. give one reason why this password should be changed regularly
to decrease the possibility of being hacked.

Questions B
1. ICT has replaced or changed many jobs
a. give the names of two types of job that have been replaced by ICT
paint spraying, packaging goods
b. some jobs have changed their nature due to the introduction of ICT. Name two
jobs where this has happened.
Shop keepers, DVD/VD designers and producers
c. the increase in high-speed broadband links has led cheaper international telephone calls
using the Internet. Name one job that may be lost to a different country as a result of this.
call center
2. The widespread use of ICT has had a huge impact on society. One benefit that it has
brought is the creation of new and interesting jobs.
a. give three examples of jobs that have been created through the introduction of
network managers/administrators, web site designers, development staff
b. Many people have had to be retrained to cope with the introductions of new ICT
systems. Explain why regular training is needed in the workplace.
because ICT systems are keep changing

Questions C
1. The use of ICT systems has been associated with a number of health problems
a. state three health problems that have been associated with the prolonged use
of ICT systems
RSI, headache, back ache
b. In order to prevent health problems caused by the use of computers, some
actions can be taken. Describe six such actions that can be taken to avoid the health problems
you have identified in part (a) happening.
take regular breaks, use and ergonomic keyboard, keep the screen clean, use
appropriate lighting, use blinds to avoid glare, use a wrist rest
2. An employee who spends much of their time at a keyboard typing in orders at high
speed is worried about RSI.
a. what do the initials RSL stand for?
repetitive strain injury
b. Give one of the symptoms of RSI.
the great pain
c. Write down two precautions that the employee can take to minimize the chance of
contracting RSI.
use a document holder, use an ergonomic keyboard/mouse
3. Copy the table and tick the correct column to show whether each of the following
statements about health risks in using ICT is true or false
True False
The continual use of keyboards over a long period can give rise to aches and
pains in the hands, arms and wrists
RSI stands for repeated stress injury V
wrist rests and ergonomic keyboards can help prevent RSI V
Back ache can be caused by slouching in your chair when using a computer V
Glare on the screen can cause RSI V
4. Some people misuse email facilities. For example, spam is an annoyance for many
computer users
a. explain what is meant by spam
email with bad information and viruses
b. Describe how is it possible to reduce the amount o time dealing with spam
Get help from cyber police
5. Many people get sent phishing emails
a. what is meant by phishing emails?
emails that trick people to get personal information
b. explain the dangers in these phishing emails
All information will be exposed, and things such as money will be in danger

Test Yourself
The following notes summarize this topic. The notes are incomplete because they have words missing.
Using the words in the list below, copy out and complete the sentences A to P, underlining the words
that you have inserted. Each word may be used more than once.

RSI files headaches eye-tests scanner
download blogs spam wikis hacking
blinds phishing firewall pharming
teleworking back ache anti-virus

A. To protect data from deliberate damage caused by hackers illegally gaining access to a
computer network via the Internet, a firewall should be used.
B. In order to prevent viruses entering an ICT system, anti-virus software should be used to
search for and destroy viruses.
C. Users should be told not to open files attached to emails unless they know who they are
D. Users should also be told not to download music and games illegally off the Internet
from file sharing sites.
E. RSI is caused by typing or using a mouse over a long period of time.
F. The symptoms of eye strain include blurred vision and headache.
G. Working in cramped conditions and not adopting the correct posture when using
computer can lead to back ache.
H. Adjustable blinds should be used on windows to prevent glare on the screen, and the
screen, should also be kept free from glare from lights.
I. It is important to have regular eye-tests and use glasses or contact lenses when working
with computers, if needed.
J. Unauthorized use of an ICT system with a view to seeing or altering the data is called
K. Phishing means sending emails which falsely say they are from banks or other
organizations in order to trick people into revealing their banking or credit card details.
L. Teleworking means working from home by making use of computers and
communications equipment.
M. It is possible to use special software to filter out emails that are unasked for, which are
popularly called spam.
N. Pharming is where program code is deposited onto a user's computer (by a virus/Trojan)
or onto a server in the case of a network
O. Web sites that are created by an individual with information about events in their life,
videos, photographs, etc., are called blogs.
P. Web pages that can be viewed and modified by anyone who has a web browser are
called wikis.

Revision Questions
a. what do the initials RSI stand for?
Repetitive Strain Injury
b. RSI is a health problem that may be caused by prolonged computer use.
Describe how RSI is caused.
c. List one precaution that a computer user can take to minimize the chance of contracting
use a document holder
2. Here is a list of health problems. Write down the names of those that can be caused by
prolonged computer use:
Back ache
Eye strain
3. People who work with computers for long periods may experience some health
problems. These health problems include eye strain and RSI.
a. give the names of two health problems other than eye strain and RSI a user may
headaches, back and neck aches
b. Explain two things a user should do in order to prevent future health problems
when sitting in a chair at a desk and using a computer.
sit up, and use a comfortable chair
4. Describe one way in which is used in manufacturing in order to reduce the number of
people needed to produce goods.
let computer system to check all the health problem
5. there have been a lot of changed in the pattern of employment due to the increased use
of ICT. Tick three boxes that give sensible reasons why the pattern of employment has changed
with increased use of ICT.
homeworking/teleworking is more popular V
employees are more likely to work more flexibly V
training and retraining are needed regularly V

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