Act. 13 Contents Quiz # 6 Grammar - Vocabulary

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Act. 13 : Contents Quiz # 6 Grammar / Vocabulary
Quiz 6 - Grammar / Vocabulary
Dear Students,
This quiz is made in order to check your grammar and vocabulary competence, so that you need to read carefully the
questions and choose the best option.
Punctuation : 25
Attempts : 1
Date : May 12th to 28th
Course Director
Lmite de tiempo! " hora
#uestionario abierto! lunes, "$ de mayo de $%"&, %%!%%
#uestionario cerrado! mi'rcoles, $( de mayo de $%"&, $)!**
Act. 13 : Contents Quiz # 6 Grammar / Vocabulary
Puntos: 1
Unit 5: Word Order - Sentence Structure
According to the picture, choose the best option:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. They singing a song together
b. They song a sing together
c. They sang a song last night.
d. They are fighting on the microphone.
Puntos: 1
Unit 6 - Simple Past
Select the corresponding uestion according to the picture ma!ing use o" simple past#
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Did she +ash the dishes yesterday,
b. -ave she +ashed the dishes yesterday,
c. -ave she cook the lunh yesterday,
d. Did she cook the lunch yesterday,
Puntos: 1
Unit 1$# Present Per"ect and Simple Past#
Select the best option to complete the dialogue:
Mother: .............. your home+ork,
Daughter: /o, 0 have 1ust come home from school.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. 2ou have done already
b. -ave already you done
c. -ave you done already
d. -ave you already done
Puntos: 1
Unit & : 'odal (erbs o" Obligation and Ad)ise
Select the best option to complete the paragraph:
3-arry the dirty dog4 is a children5s tale +ritten by 6ene 7ion that tells about a dog +ho didn5t like a
Puntos: 1
Unit & - 'odal )erbs o" obligation and ad)ise#
Select the best option to complete the paragraph:
8o you have breakfast every day.
Puntos: 1
Unit * : +al!ing about burglaries and brea!s-in
,hoose the correct option according to the de"inition#
Ad1ective that describes an ob1ect that is e9tremely useful, important or represents a high cost.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Antique
b. #heap
c. :aluable
d. Price
Puntos: 1
Unit * : S-non-ms
Select the best option to complete the paragraph:
0nsurance companies usually non;smokers to their policies.
Puntos: 1
Unit . : /e"usals and Acceptance
,hoose the correct option according to the de"inition:
People say this +ord to e9press a determination not to accept an offer or proposal
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Turn off
b. <efuse
c. #onsider
d. Allo+
Puntos: 1
Unit 6 Past Porgressi)e (s Simple Present
Select the best option to complete the paragraph:
<obin -ood usually robbed the nobles they +ere riding through the forest.

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