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What is email?

Book Answer: An electronic message sent from one communication device to another.

Examples which show that this book definition is STUPID

Text messages
2-way pagers
Digital radios

Email is any massage sent using a combination of SMTP, FTP, IMAP, and
POP3 protocols.
Protocol is a set of rules, instructions, or methods

How emails work
1) Alice composes a message using her Mail User Agent (MUA), and hits
2) Her MUA looks at the message, and makes any changes needed. These
changes allow Alice`s Mail Submission Agent (MSA) to understand the
message. Getting the message to the MSA, checking for the destination, and
sending it is handled by a protocol called Send Mail Transfer Protocol
3) the MSA is a server which only handles outgoing message., These are servers which you can send messages through but not
access. The MSA looks at the to email address , and decides where to send the

4) The MSA looks up on a Domain Name Server (DNS). The
DNS tells the MSA that has an incoming email server called
5) The MSA then sends the message to username : ZachKoppers at
6) Zach then tells his MUA to get new message from the server. This
request, and the delivery of the any messages, is handled by a protocol called
Post Office protocol3 (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

Email filtering
Making Groups in email client

Complex Searches

and, or, not, is contains, from, to
and - means BOTH things are included - Beijing And Metro
or - means either things are included - Beijing Or metro
not - means one thing is eliminated - computers not apple
is - Meant it must be this thing : Samsung
Contains - Means all searches which include this thing - contains :
Smasung, Samsonite, Sam Rami

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