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Question 1- Nonverbal communication is ambiguous. Explain the statement with example. Also
discuss in brief the types of non-verbal communication.
Answer: Nonverbal communication is ambiguous because the receiver may not get the clear meaning
of the message since precise words like in verbal communication is not used. so in nonverbal
communication the meaning could vary from person to person so nonverbal communication is not
always clear and easily understood, therefore we can say that it is ambiguous. For example meaning
of this gesture fig:1 this symbol is commonly used as sign. But this sign has different meaning in
different countries like :
France- worthless
Japanese- money
Greek- sexual insult

Types of nonverbal communication are :
- Kinesics: Kinesics is the most often studied and important area of non-verbal communication and
refers to body movements of any kind. Different body movements can express inner states of emotion.
The different body movements are: Facial expression, eye movements, gesture, head movements,
posture, physical appearance.
- Haptics: Haptics refers to communication through touch. We can use touch to communicate
affection, assurance, familiarity, comfort, sympathy and other emotions. Touching can also be
interpreted as an assault. Hence, we must use touch as a communication tool carefully. Touching is
used for following: working, greetings, establishing friendship, guiding, managing interaction
- Proxemics: Proxemics is derived from the word proximity or closeness and is the communication
term for personal space and distance. The space and distance which we choose to keep from people is
also part of non-verbal communication. The different types of spaces are as follows: intimate space,
personal space, social and public space.
- Chronemics: Chronemics refers to the study of usage of time. This includes our attitudes towards
punctuality and willingness to wait. It also deals with the manner in which we structure our time and
interactions. Perception of importance of time varies between individuals and cultures. For example,
in most western cultures punctuality is consider to be important. Arriving late for a business meeting
is inexcusable. in other cultures, it is more relaxed and time is not given that much importance
- Paralanguage: Paralanguage is closest to verbal communication. It refers to the tone of voice with
which something is said. It is used to modify the meaning and convey emotions. It may be expressed
consciously or unconsciously and it includes the pitch, volume, and in some cases, intonation of
- Physical Context: Physical context refers to the physical environment or surroundings within which
we communicate. This includes color and layout, design, space management, location, distance.



Question 2- What are the strategies for effective listening? Discuss each of them in short.
Answer: The strategies for effective listening are as follows:
- Create a conductive environment
The environment in which communication takes place should be without any physical
barriers. This barriers can be minimized by:
Proper sound system should be used.
Avoiding places with high level of activity, loud noises and poor air conditioning system.
Shutting off mobile phones and telephones.
-Select face to face Channels
Listening is more accurate in face to face communication. Modern communication devices
are wonderful but it has limitation. For example placing order over the phone for home delivery meal.
The chances are that your order may not be understood correctly. Therefore, as far as possible,
arrange face to face communication for effective listening.
-Be open-minded and avoid distraction
Effective listening requires the right attitude and mindset. You have to focus your attention
completely in what the speakers is saying, without letting your mind wander. This kind of
concentration can be developed through various technique and through constant practice.
- Use nonverbal cues to indicate active listening
It is important to communicate to the speaker that your listening actively to what speaker is
saying. This can be done even without verbal communication. Different nonverbal communication
can be use to indicate that you are listening actively.
- Use verbal communication to indicate active listening
It is important to engage in verbal communication with the listener. In order to convey that
you have understood the speaker's message you need to seek clarification, give feedbacks/suggestion
and paraphrase in your own words what speaker has said.
- Listen first before responding
Avoid the tendency to formulate your own response, even before you have listened
completely to the speaker's words. If you are too busy thinking about what to say next, you may miss
the main point that the speaker is trying to make. This also gives the speaker the impression that you
are pre occupied or rude.

- Use the speakers- listeners gap constructively
It was pointed out earlier that listeners have the ability to absorb information faster than the
speakers' rate of speech. This spare time available to listeners is often misused by letting the mind

wander and is one of the physiological barriers to listening. One way of overcoming this barrier is to
try to use this spare time to note down what the speaker has said, review what has been said so far and
anticipate what the speaker may say next. Thinking ahead of the speaker for effective listening. This
is not easy, but can be learnt through proper training.

- Do not be judgmental
Judgmental listening can destroy empathy. You can listen non judgmentally by
Adopt a non-confrontational approach
Identify common interest
Avoid leading questions
Avoiding minimizing the problem


Question 3- How does general writing differ from business writing in terms of language style
and tone?
Answer: In written communication, tone refers to the way a statement sounds, which in turn, depends
on the choice of words. A sentence or statements may be grammatically perfect, but may convey a
negative message, if the choice of words is wrong.
For example "you failed to meet the sales target".
This statement has a negative tone, since it emphasizes what could not be achieved. The same idea
could be expressed in a more positive tone,
"With a little extra effort, you could have achieved the target"
This example shows that even a negative idea can be expressed in a positive language through the use
f appropriate words.
The tone of business communication should also be confident.
For example, " I hope you will agree that my qualification match your job profile"
Beginning the sentence with 'i hope' creates the impression that you lack confidence in yourself. It
might be better to say " on reviewing my bio-data, you will find that my qualification match your job
needs in the flowing respect."
While it is important to be self assured, avoiding sounding over confident and pompous.
For example, "I am sure you will agree our company has the best reputation for quality and service".
Instead, you can write the same as "We shall try to live up to our reputation for the quality and
Another aspect of tone is to sound courteous and sincere. This builds goodwill and good relation and
increase the likelihood of a message achieving its objectives. Avoid statements such as the following:
you sent your complaint to the wrong department. You should have sent it to the shipping department.
This sounds very discourteous and rude when responding to a customer complaint. Instead, it might
be better to say we have sent your complaint to the concerned department, which will be contacting
you shortly.
sincerity also means avoiding exaggeration and flattery. Especially when communicating with
customers. Consider the following examples:
1. we are more interested in your satisfaction, than in making profits.
2. You are such a valued customer that we shall go to any lengths to earn your satisfaction.
The first sentence sounds insincere, since the main objective of any organization is to make profits.
The second sentence is exaggerated and unduly flatters the customer. It should be toned down by
saying something such as we valued your goodwill and will make quick efforts to ensure your

Finally, the tone of business writing should be non-discriminatory. This means that the language that
is used should not be offensive, irrespective of gender, religion or race.
One way of ensuring this is to avoid 'sexist language' by using neutral job titles, or titles that do not
imply that a body is held only by a man.
For example:
'chairperson', instead of 'chairman.'
'salesperson', instead of 'salesman.'
If the reader's gender is not known, use a non-sexist salutation such as 'Dear Customer, Investor, or
Advertiser', instead of 'Dear sir or Madam.'
Personal titles and salutations such as 'Dr.', 'professor', etc., should be used wherever appropriate.


Question 4- One has to decide whether it is necessary to have a meeting and then start planning
for it. What types of meetings you can call for your business related activities?
Answer: According to Deborah Tannen, A meeting is any focused conversation that has a specific
agenda, especially but not only if it has been set up in advance. This definition implies that meetings
are not aimless discussions, but they require careful planning and revolve around a specific topic that
is decided in advance. Therefore, while meetings may be more or less formal in the way they are
conducted, they need to be planned, irrespective of the nature of the meeting.
At the outset, let us discuss the different categories of business meetings:
1.Task oriented meetings:
As the name suggests, this type of meeting is a special meeting that is called to discuss and
make arrangements for a specific event. For example, the company is opening a new branch or new
factory, which will be inaugurated by a minister on a specific date. All the key people involved may
be asked to attend the meeting, to discuss the arrangements that are being made for the inauguration.
Specific tasks are assigned to each of the participants of the meeting.
2.Progress meetings
These are periodic meeting that are called to review the progress being made on a particular front. For
example, weekly meeting may be held to review sales progress or if a new project has been initiated,
periodic meetings may be held to review the progress of different stages of the project.
3.Information sharing meetings
In some organization these types of meetings may be called regularly for the main purpose of
exchanging information on a topic of relevance to the organization. Such meeting may take place
among co-workers or may also involve top management. For example:
The managing director of a company may call this senior managers to share information about the
company's joint ventures, overseas collaborations or plans for acquisition.
A weekly meeting of top executives may be held to discuss the activities of the company's
international divisions.
The members of the research and development ( R & D) department may meet regularly to compare
notes on the results of their search efforts.
4.Problem solving or decision making meetings
This type of meeting is the most challenging, as it involves taking some kind of action, making major
decisions or changing the existing policies and procedures. Therefore, all interests and departments of
the organization are represented at such meeting. They also tend to be time consuming. For example,
the marketing strategy of the company may need to be revised, as sales are on the decline or a new
product is to be launched and a meeting may be called to discuss the launch strategy. As a problem
solving meetings are the most complicated type of meeting, the guidelines offered in this unit are
more relevant to these meetings.



Question 5- What is memo? When you write a memo, what language and writing style will you
follow? Explain.
Answer: Memo is written message, proposal or reminder that is usually used in business. It is a short
note notes that is used to record something. It is fully known as memorandum and is usually a written
records that supports journal entries. As a memo is a short, informal report, the following points have
to be remembered regarding the language and style that is used:
Be concise: It is important to be brief and focus on the point, so that the memo does not exceed two
pages in length. Make the sentences and paragraph short, limit each paragraph to five lines or less and
use bullet points wherever possible. If you are giving reasons, number them or put them in separate
paragraphs with double line spacing. Otherwise use single line spacing between lines .
Use active not passive voice: As mentioned earlier, use of personal pronouns and active voice is
permitted in a memo, unlike a formal report where the passive voice must be used for the sake of
objectivity. In other words, it is appropriate to say for example that based on 'my experience', 'I' feel
that the budget is not adequate.
use simple language: In earlier units, the importance of using simple English was emphasized. It is a
good practice to use short and simple words. At the same time avoid trying to impress the reader by
using unnecessary jargon.
Avoid giving too many reasons: Although, it is important to provide a justification when you make a
request or try to persuade someone to do something, do not overdo it. In general, a reader can only
absorb a maximum of six or seven reasons at once. Therefore, do not overstate your reasons.
Close with a call for action: Do not leave the reader hanging. If you wish to persuade the reader to
accept your request or recommendation, you must say it clearly using action words and indication a
time frame or limit. For example, I would like to discuss this in person with you and get your
approval before the end of this week.
Therefore while writing business memos it is important to have clarity in writing, use short and simple
words, use positive language, keep paragraphs unified and coherent, have one idea in one paragraph
and use right tone.


Question 6- Write short notes on:
a) Business letters :
Business letters are used to communicate with external stakeholders such as consumers,
intermediaries, government, banks ,etc. Business letter is very useful because it produce permanent
written record. Business letter can be used to communicate different messages to a variety of
audiences. Business letters are also very different from personal letters, in terms of the degree of
formality , tone, style and format used. Business letters are the life blood of communication for any
business. There are many types of business letter in use. Many people thought that business letter
would be a thing of the past once the email and other technology seep into the office. This notion has
so far been proven false. Business letters are still in wide use and their importance hasn't been
diminishing to the slightest
There are many reasons why we usually write business letters. They are
To persuade any of the stakeholders by trying to convince through logic.
To express our opinion or to intimate any ne regarding an issue.
To remind regarding an important issue undergoing discussion or a process.
To make announcement regarding meeting outcomes.
To maintain permanent records for future use.
b) Group discussions:
Group discussion is a methodology used by an organization to gauge whether the candidates
has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desire in its member. It refers to the situation where a
particular number of people (three to eight) meet together face to face and through free oral
interaction, originate, share and discuss ideas to arrive at a decision or solution to a problem. Group
discussion are used for decision making and problem solving. They are also used as a personality test
for evaluating several candidates simultaneously.
The purpose of groups discussion is to measure certain traits of the participants, which are otherwise
difficult to identify and take to assess. It is common for people who can communicate their ideas well
and discuss effectively with others, in a one-to-one situation, to become silent in a group situation.
They will not be able to present or discuss their ideas with the other members of the group. A GD
helps to identify people who have such group skills and people who do not.
Benefits of group discussion;
It helps to have better understanding of the subject.
It stimulates critical thinking
It helps the group to make decision consensually.
It improves your listening skills.
In increases confidence in speaking
It helps to understanding strength and weakness.
It improves leadership skills.

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