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International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 5 number 4 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page189

A Literature Survey on Face Recognition Techniques
Riddhi Patel
, Shruti B. Yagnik*

Department of Computer Engineering, Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat, India
*Department of Information Technology, Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat, India

Abstract - With data and information accumulating in
abundance, there is a crucial need for high security. Biometrics
has now received more attention. Face biometrics, useful for a
persons authentication is a simple and non-intrusive method
that recognizes face in complex multidimensional visual model
and develops a computational model for it. In this paper first we
present an overview of face recognition and discuss the
methodology and its functioning. Thereafter we represent the
most recent face recognition techniques listing their advantages
and disadvantages. Some techniques specified here also improve
the efficiency of face recognition under various illumination and
expression condition of face images.

Keywords-face recognition, Eigen faces, fisher faces, neural
network, elastic bunch method, graph matching ,feature
matching and template matching.


Face Recognition becomes one of the most biometrics
authentication techniques from the past few years. Face
recognition is an interesting and successful application of
Pattern recognition and Image analysis. Face recognition
system has two main tasks: verification and identification.
Face verification means a 1:1 match that compares a face
images against a template face images whose identity being
claimed. Face identification means a 1:N problem that
compares a query face image against all image templates in a
face database. Machine recognition of faces is gradually
becoming very important due to its wide range of commercial
and law enforcement applications, which include forensic
identification, access control, border surveillance and human
interactions and availability of low cost recording devices.
Various biometric features can be used for the purpose of
human recognition like fingerprint, palm print, hand
geometry, iris, face, speech, gaits, signature etc. The problem
with finger print, iris palmprint, speech, gaits are they need
active co-operation of person while face recognition is a
process does not require active co-operation of a person so
without instructing the person can recognize the person. So
face recognition is much more advantageous compared to the
other biometrics. Face recognition has a high identification or
recognition rate of greater than 90% for huge face databases
with well-controlled pose and illumination conditions.


The block diagramof a typical face recognition systemcan be
shown with the help of Figure
The face detection and face extraction are carried out
simultaneously. The complete process of face recognition can
be shown in the Figure 1.

Figure1. Block Diagram of a Face Recognition System

The first step in
face recognition
system is to
detect the face in an image. The main objective of face
detection is to find whether there are any faces in the image or
not. If the face is present, then it returns the location of the
image and extent of the each face. Pre-processing is done to
remove the noise and reliance on the precise registration.

There are
factors that
makes the face detection is a challenging task. Pose presence
or absence of structural components, Facial expression,
Occlusion, Image orientation. The facial feature detection is
the process to detect the presence and location of features, like
nose, eyebrow, eyes, lips, nostrils, mouth, ears, etc. this is
done with the assumptions that there is only a single face in an
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 5 number 4 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page190

image. In the Face recognition process the input image is
compared with the database. The input image is also called as
probe and the database is called as gallery. Then it gives a
match report and then the classification is done to identify the
sub-population to which new observations belong
There are basically three approaches for face recognition

A. Feature base approach
In feature based approach the local features like nose, eyes are
segmented and it can be used as input data in face detection to
easier the task of face recognition.

B. Holistic approach
In holistic approach the whole face taken as the input in the
face detection system to performface recognition.

C. Hybrid approach
Hybrid approach is combination of feature based and holistic
approach. In this approach both local and whole face is used
as the input to face detection system.


A. Eigenface

The Eigenface method is one of the generally used algorithm
for face recognition. Karhunen-Loeve is based on the
eigenfaces technique in which the Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) is used. This method is successfully used to
perform dimensionality reduction. Principal Component
Analysis is used by face recognition and detection.
Mathematically, Eigenfaces are the principal components
divide the face into feature vectors. The feature vector
information can be obtained from covariance matrix. These
Eigenvectors are used to quantify the variation between
multiple faces. The faces are characterized by the linear
combination of highest Eigenvalues. Each face can be
considered as a linear combination of the eigenfaces. The face
can be approximated by using the eigenvectors having the
largest eigenvalues. The best M eigenfaces define an M
dimensional space, which is called as the face space.
Principal Component Analysis is also used by L. Sirovich and
M. Kirby to efficiently represent pictures of faces. They
defined that a face images could be approximately
reconstructed using a small collection of weights for each face
and a standard face picture. The weights describing each face
are obtained by projecting the face image onto the
Eigenface is a practical approach for face recognition.
Because of the simplicity of its algorithm, implementation of
an eigenface recognition systembecomes easy. It is efficient
in processing time and storage. PCA reduces the dimension
size of an image in a short period of time. There is a high
correlation between the training data and the recognition data.
The accuracy of eigenface depends on many things. As it
takes the pixel value as comparison for the projection, the
accuracy would decrease with varying light intensity.
Preprocessing of image is required to achieve satisfactory
result. An advantage of this algorithmis that the eigenfaces
were invented exactly for those purpose what makes the
systemvery efficient

A drawback is that it is sensitive for lightening conditions and
the position of the head. Disadvantages-Finding the
eigenvectors and eigenvalues are time consuming on PPC.
The size and location of each face image must remain similar
PCA (Eigenface) approach maps features to principle
subspaces that contain most energy

B. Neural Networks

The neural networks are used in many applications like
pattern recognition problems, character recognition, object
recognition, and autonomous robot driving. The main
objective of the neural network in the face recognition is the
feasibility of training a systemto capture the complex class of
face patterns. To get the best performance by the neural
network, it has to be extensively tuned number of layers,
number of nodes, learning rates, etc. The neural networks are
non linear in the network so it is widely used technique for
face recognition. So, the feature extraction step may be more
efficient than the Principal Component Analysis. The authors
achieved 96.2% accuracy in the face recognition process when
400 images of 40 individuals. The classification time is less
than 0.5 second, but the training time is as long as 4 hours
features in a hierarchical set of layers and provides partial
invariance to translation, rotation, scale, and deformation. The
disadvantage of the neural network approach is that when the
number of classes increases. [5],[6]

Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) with a feed forward learning
algorithms was chosen for the proposed system for its
simplicity and its capability in supervised pattern matching. It
has been successfully applied to many pattern classification
problems.[7] A new approach to face detection with Gabor
wavelets & feed forward neural network was presented. The
method used Gabor wavelet transform and feed forward
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 5 number 4 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page191

neural network for both finding feature points and extracting
feature vectors. The experimental results have shown that
proposed method achieves better results compared to other
successful algorithmlike the graph matching and eigenfaces
methods. A new class of convolutional neural network was
proposed where the processing cells are shunting inhibitory
neurons. Previously shunting inhibitory neurons have been
used in conventionalfeedforward architecture for classification
and non-linear regression and were shown to be more
powerful than MLPs i.e. they can approximate complex
decision surfaces much more readily than MLPs. A hybrid
neural network was presented which is combination of local
image sampling, a self-organizing map neural network, and a
convolutional neural network. The SOM provides a
quantization of the image samples into a topological space
where inputs that are nearby in the original space are also
nearby in the output space, therefore providing dimensionality
reduction and invariance to minor changes in the image
sample. The convolutional neural network (CNN) provides for
partial invariance to translation, rotation, scale, and
deformation. PCA+CNN & SOM+CNN methods are both
superior to eigenfaces technique even when there is only one
training image per person.SOM +CNN method consistently
performs better than the PCA+CNN method. [8] A new face
detection method is proposed using polynomial neural
network (PNN) [9]. The PCA technique used to reduce the
dimensionality of image patterns and extract features for the
PNN. Using a single network the author had achieved fairly
high detection rate and low false positive rate on images with
complex backgrounds. In comparison with a multilayer
perceptron, the performance of PNN is superior. To best
reflect the geometry of the 3D face manifold and improve
recognition, Spectral Regression Kernel Discriminate
Analysis(SRKDA) based on regression and spectral graph
analysis introduced in proposed method. [10] When the
sample vectors are non-linear SRKDA can efficiently give
exact solutions than ordinary subspace learning approaches. It
not only solves high dimensional and small sample size
problems, but also enhances feature extraction froma face
local non-linear structure. SRKDA only needs to solve a set of
regularized regression problems and no eigenvector
computation involved, which is a huge saving in
computational cost. [11]

C. Fisherfaces

Fisherfaces is one the most successfully widely used method
for face recognition. It is based on appearance method. In
1930 R.A Fisher developed linear/fisher discriminant analysis
for face recognition.[12] It shows successful result in the face
recognition process. LDA method demonstrated in
(Belhumeur et al., 1997; Zhao et al., 1999; Chen et al., 2000;
Yu and Yang, 2001; Liu and Wechsler., 2002; Lu et al.,
2003a, b; Ye and Li., 2004).[13] All used LDA to find set of
basis images which maximizes the ratio of between-class
scatter to within-class scatter. The disadvantage of LDA is
that within the class the scatter matrix is always single, since
the number of pixels in images is larger than the number of
images so it can increase detection of error rate if there is a
variation in pose and lighting condition within same images.
So to overcome this problem many algorithms has been
proposed. Because the fisherfacestechnique uses the
advantage of within-class information so it minimizes the
variation within class, so the problemwith variations in the
same images such as lighting variations can be overcome.[2]

The fisherface method for face recognition described by
Belhumeur et al [14] uses both principal component analysis
and linear discriminant analysis which produce a subspace
projection matrix, similar as used in the eigenface method.
However, the fisherface method is able to take advantage of
within-class information, minimising variation within each
class, yet still maximising class separation. Like the eigenface
construction process, the first step of the fisherface tecnique is
take each (NxM) image array and reshape into a ((N*M)x1)
Fisherface is similar to Eigenface but with enhancement of
better classification of different classes image. With FLD, one
can classify the training set to deal with different people and
different facial expression. We have better accuracy in facial
expression than Eigen face approach. Besides, Fisherface
removes the first three principal components which are
responsible for light intensity changes; it is more invariant to
light intensity. [4]

The disadvantages of Fisherface are that it is more complex
than Eigenface to finding the projection of face space.
Calculation of ratio of between-class scatter to within-class
scatter requires a lot of processing time. Besides, due to the
need of better classification, the dimension of projection in
face space is not as compact as Eigenface, results in larger
storage of the face and more processing time in recognition.
D. Elastic bunchGraph matching

Face recognition using elastic bunch graph matching is based
on recognizing faces by estimating a set of features using a
data structure called a bunch graph.[15] Same as for each
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 5 number 4 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page192

query image, the landmarks are estimated and located using
bunch graph. Then the features are extracted by taking the
number of instances of Gabor filters which is called face
graph. The matching percentage (MSEBGM) is calculated on
the basis of similarity between face graphs of database and
query image. In 1999, Elastic Bunch Graph Matching was
suggested by LaurenzWiskott, Jean-Marc Fellous, Norbert
Kruger and Christoph von der Malsburg of University of
Southern California. This approach is totally different to
Eigenface and Fisherface. It uses elastic bunch graph to
automatically locate the fudicial points of the face such as
eyes, nose, mouth, etc and recognize the face according to
these face features. Elastic Bunch Graph Matching (EBGM)
uses the structure information of a face which reflects the fact
that the images of the same subject tend to translate, scale,
rotate, and deformin the image plane. It uses the labeled
graph, edges are labeled the distance information and nods are
labeled with wavelet coefficients in jets. After that this model
graph can be used to generate image graph. The model graph
can be rotated, scaled, translated and deformed during the
matching process. The gabor wavelet transformation is used to
produce the local features of the face images. Gabor wavelets
are biologically motivated convolution kernels in the shape of
plan waves restricted by a Gaussian envelop function, the set
of convolution coefficients for kernels of different orientations
and frequencies at one image pixel is called a jet. [4]

In the Elastic graph matching the basic process is to compare
graphs with images and to generate new graphs. In its simplest
version a single labeled graph is matched onto an image. A
labeled graph has a set of jets arranged in a particular spatial
order. A relative set of jets can be selected fromthe Gabor-
wavelet transformof the image. The image jets initially have
the same relative spatial arrangement as the graph jets, and
each image jet relatives to one graph jet. The similarity of the
graph with the image then is simply the average jet similarity
between image and graph jets. For increase similarity it allows
some translation, rotation and distortion up to some extent. In
contrast to eigenfaces the elastic bunch graph matching
technique treat one vector per feature of faces. The advantage
of this is that change or missing any one feature it does not
mean that the person will not recognized. The stored data can
be easily extended to a database for storage. When a new face
images is added, no additional effort is need to modify
templates, as it already stored in the database. It is possible to
recognized person up to rotation of 22 degrees. Disadvantage
of this algorithm is that it is very sensitive to lightening
conditions and a lot of graphs have to be placed manually on
the face. When the changes in lighting are large, the result will
have a significant decrease in the recognition rate. [4]

E. Template matching

In template matching, we can exploit other face templates
fromdifferent prospects to characterize single face. Primarily,
grey levels that match the face image can also be processed in
proper format (Bichsel, 1991). In Bruneli and Poggio (1993)
the Pop and Bruneli is available for all aspects of developing
automatic four template features i.e., eyes, nose, mouth, face
and selecting the entire set. The system is evaluated by
comparing results from geometrical based algorithms on 188
images of 47 subjects. The pattern matching algorithmis a
very practical approach, very simple to use and approximately
achieves 100% recognition rate. The Principal Component
Analysis using Eigenface provides the linear arrangement of
templates. The main advantage of this approach is that it is
easy to implement and is less expensive than any other feature
classifier. Comparatively, template based algorithms are more
expensive and cannot be easily processed. However, the
recognition process is easily handled between the given
template and input image. The complexity arises only during
the extraction of template. Generally template based
techniques outperformas compared to feature based methods.
In Karungaruet al. (2004) uses template based genetic
algorithmand exposes different results on target image by
adjusting the size of the template as preprocessing. The edge
detection and YIQ color templates are exploited. The results
are taken around the distance measure face recognition
approach and comparison is performed with existing methods.
In Anlonget al. (2005) the author works on the grid to
construct reliable and proper infrastructure. This method is
highly effective for larger databases that solve the problemof
face recognition under reasonable computational cost. In Sao
and Yegnanarayana (2007) an algorithm is proposed for
person verification using template based face recognition
method. Primarily, the edginess based face representation is
calculated to process one dimensional images. The systemis
somehow associated with Neural Networks to test the images
under varying pose and illumination conditions. Similarly in
Wang and Yang (2008) a face detection algorithm is proposed
rather than face recognition algorithmas preprocessing steps.
Now the advantage is taken fromtemplate based algorithmfor
face detection by constructing a general frame work for
hierarchical face detection. The features are extracted using
PCA from2D images. At the end, it concludes that it is good
to use template algorithms for face detection because it gives
highest recognition rate. Similarly in Leva daet al. (2008)
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 5 number 4 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page193

Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and Long Short Term
Memory (LSTM) are investigated under the Neural Network
classification in which a single feature template is large
enough for feature extraction. It actually implements the
gradient based learning algorithm by handling associated
gradient problems. The experimental result reveals that both
methods performwell for face recognition while the learning
strategy gives robust recognition rate. The working of this
approach is summed up by saying that further improvements
are still required in order to solve the recognition problemthat
seems to be very common in real world. [16]

A simple version of template matching is that a test image
represented as a two-dimensional array of intensity values is
compared using a suitable metric, such as the Euclidean
distance, with a single template representing the whole face.
There are several other more sophisticated versions of
template matching on face recognition. One can use more than
one face template from different viewpoints to represent an
individual's face. A face froma single viewpoint can also be
represented by a set of multiple distinctive smaller templates.
The face image of gray levels may also be properly processed
before matching. In Bruneli and Poggio automatically selected
a set of four features templates, i.e., the eyes, nose, mouth, and
the whole face, for all of the available faces. They compared
the performance of their geometrical matching algorithm and
template matching algorithmon the same database of faces
which contains 188 images of 47 individuals. The template
matching was superior in recognition (100 percent recognition
rate) to geometrical matching (90 percent recognition rate)
and was also simpler. Since the principal components (also
known as eigenfaces or eigenfeatures) are linear combinations
of the templates in the data basis, the technique cannot
achieve better results than correlation, but it may be less
computationally expensive .One drawback of template
matching is its computational complexity. Another problem
lies in the description of these templates. Since the recognition
system has to be tolerant to certain discrepancies between the
template and the test image, this tolerance might average out
the differences that make individual faces unique. In general,
template-based approaches compared to feature matching are
a more logical approach. In summary, no existing technique is
free from limitations. Further efforts are required to improve
the performances of face recognition techniques, especially in
the wide range of environments encountered in real world.

F. Geometrical feature matching
Geometrical feature matching techniques are based on the
computation of a set of geometrical features from the picture
of a face. The overall configuration can be described by a
vector which representing the position and size of the main
facial features like eyes and eyebrows, nose, mouth, and an
outline of face. The primary works on automated face
recognition by using geometrical features was done in 1973.
Their systemachieved 75% recognition rate on a database of
20 people using two images per person, one as the model and
the other as the test image. In 1993 R. Bruneli and T. Poggio,
automatically extracted a set of geometrical features from the
picture of a face, such as nose width and length, mouth
position and chin shape. There were 35 features extracted
form a 35 dimensional vector. The recognition was then
performed with a Bayes classifier. They achieved recognition
rate 90% on a database of 47 people.[17] I.J. Cox el at.
introduced a mixture-distance technique which achieved 95%
recognition rate on a query database of 685 individuals. Each
face was represented by 30 manually extracted distances.[20]
Reference [21] used Gabor wavelet decomposition to detect
feature points for each face image which reduced the storage
requirement for the database. Typically, 35-45 feature points
per face were generated. Two cost values, the topological cost,
and similarity cost, were evaluated. The recognition accuracy
of the right person was 86% and 94% of the correct person's
faces were in the top three candidate matches. In summary,
geometrical feature matching based on precisely measured
distances between features may be useful for finding matches
in a large database. However, it will be dependent on the
accuracy of the feature location algorithms.

Disadvantage of current automated face feature location
algorithms do not provide a high degree of accuracy and
require considerable computational time.

In 2006 Basavaraj and Nagaraj proposed a geometrical model
for facial feature extraction. The basic process includes
improvement of frontal face images including ears and chin
and also of potential features because it enhances the
development of methods in face recognition process. The face
model proposed by the ability to identify is divided into four
steps. The starting step is pre-processing. The main aimof this
step is to reduce the noise and the input image is converted
into a binary one. The second step contains labeling of facial
features and then finding the origin of these labeled features.
Finally, it calculates the estimated distance used for matching
purpose. In Khalid et al. (2008) the author tries to reduce the
search space by minimizing the facial features information.
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 5 number 4 Nov 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page194

The information is limited by extracting 60 fiducially control
points (nose, mouth, eyes etc) of face with different light and
expression images. The functional classification of these
features is large-scale point of distance and angle
measurement. This process achieve 86% recognition rate. In
Huiyu and Sadka (2011) the diffusion distance over the
calculation of face images is produced. These images describe
the shape of Gabor filters which includes the size and extent.
Gabor filter results for the discriminatory image are used to
distinguish between face representations in the database. In
Zhen et al. (2011) presented a recognition approach based on
facial geometry. In this approach, first the face image is
segmented into multiple facial geometrical domains such as
image space and image orientation at different scale. In
second step LBP is calculated. The presented approach
provides good face representation by exploring facial
information from different domains which gives efficient face
recognition systems. Similarly in Pavanet al. (2011) presented
a geometry based face recognition method which makes use
of subspace based models. These models provide geometrical
properties of the face space which can assist efficient
recognition systemfor number of image applications. [19]

Face recognition is a challenging problem in the field of
image processing and computer vision. Because of lots of
application in different fields the face recognition has received
great attention. In this paper different face recognition
algorithms are mentioned with their advantages and
disadvantages. You can use any of them as per your
requirement and application. You can also work over to
improve the efficiency of the discussed algorithms and
improve the performance.


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