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Harbin Ice Festival, Harbin, China. This festival happens during January.

The residents of Harbin resist the

bitter Siberian winter by building a city made eclusively of ice instead of staying in front of the fire
indoors. !aser technology and traditional sculpting techni"ues are used to build the chilly metropolis,
which then melts into the history boo#s with the arrival of spring.
Saidai$%i &yo Hada#a 'atsuri, Saidai%i$na#a, Japan. This festival happens during the third Saturday of
February. (ou)d be surprised and not much can prepare you with seeing *,+++ near na#ed men fight over a
,+cm$long stic#. This is one cra-y festival for foreigners, but that)s the aim at Saidai$%i &yo Hada#a
'atsuri. . priest tosses two sacred shingi stic#s into the heaving mass at midnight and whoever catches,
snatches and, ultimately, stuffs the stic#s into a bo of heaped rice will be blessed with a year of happiness.
/ut the warning is, an aching muscles and limbs the net day.
Song#ran, Thailand happens every 01$02 .pril. 3ever mind the crowded pubs and epensive eateries
because here they really splash out during the 3ew (ear. /e prepared for a three$day of oversi-ed water
guns and buc#ets of the blue stuff as Song#ran hoses down the hottest month of the year with country$wide
water fights. .ccording to tradition, the water symboli-es cleansing, however, these days it loo#s li#e it)s
more of an ecuse to get elephants to spray unsuspecting onloo#ers.
4hu#et 5egetarian Festival, 4hu#et, Thailand happens during September. 6rgani-ers of this event too# to
self$mortification to liven things up when they reali-ed how boring a vegetarian festival was. There is no
truth in it, because this yearly veggie fest features some really shoc#ing displays of body piercing. It)s
barely a ringing endorsement for going veggie, however very fun.
'on#ey /uffet Festival, !opburi, Thailand the festival is celebrated every ,2th of 3ovember. The 1,+++
crab$eating maca"ues found at !opburi in Thailand gorge on much more than %ust crustaceans, especially as
locals leave out 7,+++ #ilos of fruit, ca#es, sweets and fi--y drin#s for the 'on#ey /uffet Festival. 8atch
them stuff their faces, steal cameras, ruffle hair and clamber over anything that moves during the event or
%oin in with sideshows of music, dance and, rather predictably, mon#ey fancy dress.
/aliem 5alley Festival, 4apua, Indonesia
.ugust 9 aside from all the city of Ja#arta has to offer, this uni"ue 4apuan festival is worth a visit as well.
This traces its root in the belief held by the various local tribe that war is not only a conflict of power and
interest, but also a symbol of fertility and prosperity. . rich celebration of the /aliem 5alley)s diverse
indigenous cultures.
8esthill Consulting Travel and Tours, Singapore hopes that the above information is helpful. 'ay we
encourage you to try visit Southeast .sia and eperience the cra-iest festivals you will certainly en%oy.

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