Dill-Gaspar-Finaldraftreaserchpaperonsustainability 1

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Elizabeth Gaspar

December 4, 2012 Here today, gone tomorrow

We share this planet with many species. It is our responsibility to protect them, both for
their sakes and our own. (Watson, Pamela) Animal extinction has been a very big issues that a
lot of people do not talk about, but now it is time for them to start thinking of what we are doing
that is affecting our animals, such as the red panda. The red panda is an animal that people may
not know about but it is going extinct for the following reasons deforestation and mankind.
These are problems that we can easily change that can save our red pandas.
Red pandas have been roaming our Earth for a long time but now it is at the point of
extinction mainly because of deforestation and mankind. Many conservationists believe there are
less than 10,000 red pandas left in the wild, according to Dan Harris and Jake Whitman from
ABC news. Red pandas are endangered, victims of deforestation. Their natural space is
shrinking as more and more forests are destroyed by logging and the spread of
agriculture.(Red Pandas) The trees that our population is cutting down is where the red
pandas feed, live, and raises its babies, and many people do not think of that when they cut them
down. The bamboo is the main source of food for the red pandas and that is what we mostly cut
down. In southwest China, the red panda is hunted for its fur, especially for its highly-valued
bushy tail from which hats are produced.( Threat to the red panda) Red pandas have been a
target too many hunters in China for its fur that is used in ceremonies, as good-luck charms,
for coats, hats, etc. Hunters do not think of all the harm they are doing to the animals, like the red
pandas, because all they think of is doing their job to make money. If they continue this, there
will be a point where the red pandas will become extinct and will regret everything they did to
the poor animals.The red pandas have been in our Earth for a long time and deforestation and
mankind should not be why they go extinct.
Deforestation and hunting are bringing a lot of negative effects to our red pandas that will
lead them to go extinct. This results in the loss of nesting trees and the bamboo understorey on
which the species feeds. [108. Red panda(Ailurus Fulgens)] Since the red pandas live mostly
in China, their main source of food is the bamboo, which is being cut down because the
population has been increasing that they need to cut them to make more space for them to live in
that area. The red pandas live off trees and when we cut them down we are basically taking their
lives away. One negative impact would be that the ecosystem that the red pandas live in would
become less biodiverse causing problems for animals in this ecosystem. (If they become
extinct) The red panda is the prey for the predators that live in their habitat, like the snow
leopard, and if they go extinct they would break the food chain and the predators would have to
look for other ways they could feed themselves. Its ecosystem will become less biodiverse and
would cause more problems for other animals that also live in their habitat. These effects that we
are causing to the red pandas, all have solutions that we can do to help them.
Every problem in the world has a solution, as well as this. Developing a broad-based
awareness programme on the red pandas to make local communities more aware about the
importance of the species within the ecosystem.(Red panda) Making people aware about the
endangered red pandas will help a lot, it will help more people to donate their time and money to
help find land that will conserve the red pandas and people to help protect that land. With todays
technology spreadin the word about the endangered red pandas, making people aware is more
easier and everyone can do this. Adopt a red panda- one time, once, or start with $5 a
month(ways to help) Adopting a red panda is one of many ways in which we can all help.
When you adopt a red panda you will offer them a safe place to sleep in and supply them with
food. Making people aware of this situation and adopting a red panda are only some ways in
which we can all help our red pandas and offering them shelter and food.
Red pandas have been endangered species mainly because deforestation and the human
race. These are things that we can easily change that will benefit them and us at the same time.
Making people aware about the situation that is going on right now and adopting a red panda are
some ways in which we can offer our help and show that we care. These are step you can do
anywhere and you can start now.

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