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Weekly newsletter of
Telephone: 5985 2864

Email Address: Issue 16 29
May, 2014


Friday 30
May - PA Lunch Day Jacket Potato with various toppings
Friday 6
June - Curriculum Day no students required at school
Monday 9
June - Public Holiday-Queens Birthday no students required at school

School Review Reflection
In recent years, the school has experienced a steady increase in enrolments, as families with young children move into the
area. For the past four years the school has had an enrolment over 200 students, with this figure dipping slightly in 2011
due to building works. On current information, the school will enrol approximately 40 preps in 2014 thereby increasing
enrolments to 250. The schools SFO is currently 0.56 which categorizes the schools socio-economic profile as low.
The school community brings with it high expectations in terms of academic outcomes, resourcing, facilities and the
provision of extra curricula opportunities for children. Whilst the school has been in existence for more than 50 years, it
occupies a modern, well-maintained set of buildings which were constructed in 2008-9, when the school was totally
rebuilt. The facilities, resources and improved academic results in recent years have all contributed to the enrolment
growth. A high level of parent participation is characteristic of our school.
The schools staffing profile has an excellent range of teaching experience across all levels. The leadership framework is
comprised of the Principal and Assistant Principal (Acting) Approximately 50% of teachers are within the experienced
range and the remaining half are either within the accomplished or graduate range. In 2013, a team of five ES staff was
employed to support 9 students funded through the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD). One part time ES staff
member (0.5) Reading Intervention operates on a daily basis to provide intensive support for Year one students identified
at risk in their reading development.
Tootgarook has a solid commitment to high quality teaching and learning, at all levels of the school and across all
programs. This begins with the foundations of learning in Literacy and Numeracy in the early years and is reinforced as
children progress through both the early years and middle years of schooling. As a professional learning community,
strong degrees of collaboration are expected between staff members to ensure robust team planning structures operate.
The Principles of Learning and Teaching (PoLT), the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS)and more recently
(AusVels) have become key elements of teaching and the curriculum across all levels of the school, including specialist
provision in the following program areas: Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education, Indonesian and Bluearth. A broad range of
extra curricula programs operate on a regular basis to support the diverse needs and interests of students.
Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T.) continues to be an integral component of teaching and learning for
students and staff at Tootgarook. All students and staff participate in a carefully structured program that embraces many
existing and emerging technologies.
The Kidsmatter Program provides a strong basis for the schools wellbeing practices. Parents and students consistently
identify student safety and behaviour expectations as one of the strong features of the school. The foundation skills of this
program are explicitly taught and students receive awards at assembly for demonstrating these skills.
As part of our school review for the past 4 years staff, students, school council, parents and the community will have an
opportunity to participate over the course of the year.
There are various areas to consider and they consist of-
Student learning
What student outcomes were we trying to achieve?
What student outcomes did we achieve?
Why did we achieve / not achieve improved student outcomes?
How effectively did we manage resources to support the achievement of improved student outcomes?
What can we do in the future to continue to improve?
Student engagement and wellbeing
What student outcomes were we trying to achieve?
What student outcomes did we achieve?
Why did we achieve / not achieve improved student outcomes?
How effectively did we manage resources to support the achievement of improved student outcomes?
What can we do in the future to continue to improve?
Student pathways and transitions
What student outcomes were we trying to achieve?
What student outcomes did we achieve?
Why did we achieve / not achieve improved student outcomes?
How effectively did we manage resources to support the achievement of improved student outcomes?
What can we do in the future to continue to improve?
As part of the process parents have an opportunity to complete an online survey featured in the newsletter or going
directly to The survey is also available in hard copy from the

Students will be presented with certificates at Monday morning assembly.
Prep B Mrs Bos Hannah McCormack for her amazing efforts in independent writing- WOW, Keep it up!
Prep P Mrs Prossor William Campbell for his great spelling attempts during independent writing. A
fantastic effort.
1H Mrs Hughes Max McIntosh for his great sharing of information about life 200 years ago on the
Mornington Peninsula. Great sharing Max. Keep it up.
1P Miss Perkins Mia Forgie For being an enthusiastic learner and writing a list of mammals at home to
share with the grade. Mia also had a wonderful time dancing at the P-2 disco last week.
Well done Mia!
2B Mrs Baird
2J - Mrs Johnstone Maddison Little for making a great effort to write more in writing sessions and include
interesting mind pictures and Vocabulary choices in her sentences.
3/4T Miss Withers Charlee Russell for her excellent presentation on Beach Nesting Birds. Well done for
memorising all of that information. Great Effort.
3/W Ms Walton Luke McKenzie - For the effort he is putting into the formation of letters. His handwriting is
greatly improvedKeep it up Luke.
4/5S Miss Staley Sarah Wallace - For her confident, detailed and informative presentation on the Hooded
Plover. Congratulations Sarah!
5Q Miss Quintin
6B Mrs Bruin Jack Campbell - Congratulations on a great job helping to run assembly. You confidently
accepted the role and made the most of your opportunity. Well done!
Art / Craft - Miss Davey Jordan Carver 1P fantastic effort on your paper bag mask! You showed some
great paper cutting techniques! Well done.
Music Mrs Young -

Our monthly market was held last Saturday with 1P rostered on. Thankyou to the
following helpers: Alison Gate, Christine Young, Darren Walker, Gary Barrett, Michelle
George, Leza Dixon, Meagan _ Connor Hojby, Amanda Reeve, Cheryl and Geoff Hughes,
Fran Lazner, Carol, Ken and Alicia Perkins, Lisa Bateman, Mandy Bos, Nicole Hee, Leanne
McLeod, Mick Giarrusso, Colin Moorhouse + Sandra Code.
Our next market is Saturday 28
June with 2J rostered on.
If anyone has any exercise bikes that are in good working condition,
safe for our students and will last a long time could you please donate
them to our school so our students can use them to improve their
fitness. If you are unable to deliver them Mr King will come and pick them
up. Kind Regards.Mr King

Attention Parents who order School Lunches from The Milk Bar in Rosebud the owners have
informed us that some parents are paying old prices that were updated last October The
lunch order menu will be updated shortly and sent home in the next week or so.
The end of Education Week was celebrated with a sausage sizzle. Mr
Whitworth served up the sausages and we all certainly enjoyed them!


5/855 Pt Nepean Rd, Rosebud
03 5982 2388
was last Friday and 133 students
from all grade levels walked to
Great Effort well done!

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