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Speed Seduction 3.


Program Transcript:
Disc Eleven

Created By
Ross Jeffries
Getting Some


The Guru of

For the smart guy who refuses

to resort to bullying, begging,

Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
This transcript may not be duplicated without written permission
buying, bs or booze, in his pursuit of happiness.

from the author.

This program may contain viewpoints that may be considered controversial by certain
audiences. It is intended as a powerful guide for self-respecting, intelligent men who
are looking to avoid from "real-hate-shun-ships by default" and instead claim the
happiness that they deserve.

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You alone are responsible for your decisions and actions, even if they have an impact
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While this transcript contains information, tips, tools, and strategies that are
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Ross: I cant do it anymore because I'm too old. I'm too tired and too sad with the
weight of years. No.

Participant: Is this all about getting her in bed the first night?

Ross: Not necessarily, no.

Participant: So you would spread it over two or three meetings?

Ross: Good question. My general philosophy is to do as much as you can on
that first meeting, so then you'll get the second meeting and she's primed
in the second meeting to do what you want.

Many people say, "How can I get more phone numbers?" Why would you
want to? That may not be the best thing. I'm not aiming at phone numbers.
I'm aiming at getting these kinds of responses.

Stop wondering when you will get her number. Instead, think of how you
can get these responses. When you get these responses, they say, "How
can we hang out again? What can we do?" They'll usually close you.

Participant: What if they ask if you've studied psychology?

Ross: How often does that happen?

Participant: Fifty percent of the time.

Ross: Fifty percent of the time? If that's happening, you're presenting it too
seriously. You're presenting it as an academic discussion or an analysis
rather than a fun thing that requires her participation.

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Eleven
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Participant: They say things like, Youre just too deep.

Ross: That's a clue. I can tell you exactly what's going wrong there. I'm not being
funny. If you're getting things like, "You're too deep," then you're
attempting to deal with conceptual patterns with someone who needs it
directly related to her experience.

One of the other things I'm tugging and pulling for you to see is, is she
highly conceptual? Can I talk about general ideas? What's the difference
between what you think you want and what would come along and really,
totally blow you away because it's so different?

If she's a conceptual thinker she can apply that to her own experience. If
she's not, if she's more sensory oriented, you need to bring it to that level.
If you're getting things like, "You're really deep," essentially that's her mind
saying I don't respond to conceptual approaches. Bring it back down to
earth with me."

Someone like that is re-engaged by coming in with a game, a quiz or a
demonstration. I've learned that distinction. It's okay with me. You get a
sense early on. You'll start to develop really good intuition and you'll be
able to tell within the first two or three minutes.

What's going on with you is you're doing it too seriously. You need to
come more from the fun, playful vibe. You're not engaging her enough.
You're probably doing too much talking. These are certain troubleshooting
things you can look for.

When you do this, women will tend to respond according to the energy
that you present. You don't want to present nervousness, thinking, "I'm
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Eleven
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
doing something slightly naughty. I'm going to pick her pocket now or steal
her watch." You really have to get out of that mind frame.

You're not doing that. You're presenting things that feel good to her and
please her. You're giving a gift. The trick is to believe that you're giving a
gift even if you're giving it awkwardly at first or without any kind of sense of
style. You're still giving a gift.

Some guys say, "How do you decide whether you try to get her home with
you that night or if you have to go for a second meeting?" I can't give you
an exact formula but I can give you some guidelines. Here are some

The first parameter is what do I want? Do I feel sufficiently comfortable? Is
she doing anything in the interaction to make me feel more comfortable or
welcome? I bed you never thought of that, did you? Is she in any way like
that girl in my dream whose doing something to make me feel welcome?

How strongly is she responding? Is she showing readiness? Is she ready
to? Do I have the time or am I exhausted? Do I have to get up in the
morning? These are different things you have to weigh.

It may be that in my mind there are 10 in that combination and I have
seven out of the 10. I just don't have the time or the circumstances, or I
just don't feel like getting the other three. If I'm 70% of the way there, or at
least 50% of the way there, I'm going to say, "We need to hang out again.
What steps can we take to make sure we hang out again?"

I don't say, "Can I have your number? I'd like to ask you out?" It's very
simple. It's one thing. "We need to hang out again," or "Why don't we hang
out again? What steps can we take?" That's it. That's my one close. I don't
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Eleven
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
have 50 of them. I have one. "I have to get going. We need to hang out
again. What steps can we take to hang out again?"

Then, if she gives you the number she's doing it as part of her investment
in the process of hanging out again. She's not giving it to you because you
asked her. Do you see that distinction? If I say, "I'd like to get your
number," all of a sudden all of that autopilot social stuff can come
slamming down.

She thinks, "Wait a minute. I only give my number to guys I'm going to
date and I only date guys who look like that guy over there. Even though I
felt wonderful with you, you can't have my number." Do you get it?

I don't ask for phone numbers because that triggers the wrong kind of
autopilot. She'll pop right back to her social approval level of a mind and
all that beautiful work I did went right down the tampon drain.

I'm going to say, "I need to get going but we have to hang out again. What
steps can we take to make sure we do that?" She'll say, "Why don't you
come home with me now?" Or she'll say, "Why don't we hang out
tomorrow? Well, I have this thing called a phone. Let's exchange

If she doesn't have an answer you say, "I'll tell you what. Let's just
exchange information. I'll give you a call tomorrow." You call her
tomorrow. By the way, when you get the number always write it down in at
least two places. Put it in your cell phone and write it somewhere so you
don't end up like that guy in the dumpster diving story.

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Eleven
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
I always call her the next day. Don't wait. That's bullshit. You dont know
what's going to happen in the life of a really hot woman. You don't know
how much stimulation is thrown her way. That iron is hot. You strike it.

I don't do anything other than that, because then it gets too complex. This
is like John Wooden drilling the Bruins, making them take 10,000 practice
shots from the same place until they're experts at it.

When you call her, one of two things will happen. You're either going to
get her on the phone or you won't. If you get her on the phone, she'll be
eager to talk to you. If they're not eager to talk to me or they're suddenly
cold, that's it. Game over. I don't play it.

If I get the message machine, then I'm really going to have fun. I say
something like this, "Hey, Debbie. I dont know where you'll be when you
get this message or when you'll get it or what you'll be doing when you get
it, but I do know you'll probably be pleasantly surprised to hear my voice.

"Why don't you give me a call and we'll talk about what we could enjoy."
Or, "Give me a call and we can talk about hanging out and seeing how
much we can enjoy each other."

Another way to put it is, "Hey, Debbie. I dont know where you'll be when
you get this message or when you'll get it or what you'll be doing when
you get it, but I do know you can remember how much fun we had
meeting each other last night. We can look forward to talking and seeing
what we could enjoy."

The basic structure of it is I'm pacing the reality that I don't know where or
when, right? I'm saying, "But I do know that you can remember." There's a
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Eleven
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
command. "Remember how much fun." Hear the command? "We can look
forward to talking and hanging out again, seeing how much we can enjoy."

I leave that phone message. I almost always get a call back right away.
Do you get the gist of the phone message? It doesn't have to be exact.

Here's a key point. When she calls you, the purpose of that phone
conversation is to have a little fun and then get her to agree to meet you. I
used to make the mistake of talking for hours on the phone because I like
talking to girls. It's a bad idea. You dont want to spend a lot of time on the
phone becoming her phone buddy.

Be pleasant, have some fun, remind her of some of the fun you had and
make a meeting. Do not fall into my trap. I love talking to girls. I get lazy so
we talk, talk, talk on the phone. If you do that they want to keep you a
phone fantasy. Be careful there.

Let's say she doesn't call you back. That's when the fun begins. Let the
games begin! That's when I'll use one of my patented answering machine
destroyers. I'll say something like, "Hey, it's Ross. I just thought I'd give
you a last shot at talking. You didn't strike me as someone who would
drop an opportunity without at least checking it out.

"You struck me as someone who would see and opportunity and take it. If
you can find your own reasons to call me, I'm at boom." That almost
always gets a call back within an hour if not within three minutes. Let's
parse it out before I give it to you word-for-word.

"Hey so-and-so. It's Ross. I thought I'd give it a last shot at getting a
chance to talk." What's the implication? I'm saying this is it. I'm busy. "You
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Eleven
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
don't strike me as someone who would drop an opportunity. You struck
me as someone who would see and opportunity and take it."

Am I saying what kind of opportunity, to do what kind of thing? No. It's
vague. I'm also issuing a challenge by saying, "You struck me as
someone who is adventurous and fun. Are you that kind of person?"

"If you can find your own reasons to call me." Is that a command or is that
a command? Am I telling her what the reasons are? The only way she can
make sense of it is find her own reasons to call me. It's remarkable how
that works. "Find your own reasons to call me."

By the way, here's the cool thing. If she can't find her own reasons she
won't call you and she shouldn't call you. Why would you want to be with
someone who after all that beautiful stuff can't find a reason to call you?
Can't get it through her mind to call you? Something is wrong with that
equation and you don't want to go there and deal with it. Trust me.

You don't want to bother even trying to figure it out. I used to bother. Don't.
That's a sankhara, a fixed pattern of thinking that says you have to figure
out everything that doesn't work. Forget that. Go offer your gift elsewhere.
She gets two calls.

This works if you deliver it matter-of-fact. If you deliver it angry and you
show that you feel hurt that she didn't call you back it wont work. I've had
students repeat things I've said word-for-word and it didn't work. I said,
"Tell me how you said it? Well, no wonder it didn't work."

Opportunity is also very positively loaded word. There's a little trick here. I
am playing a little bit of a crafty trick for which I will own up. Opportunity is
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Eleven
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
a really positive word. When you hear opportunity implies that it's not an
obligation. It's a gift. It's something you want.

When someone tries to sell you they say, "The cost of this opportunity."
You say, "Fuck you. I know you're trying to sell me." They never call it a
sale. They call it an opportunity. Given that you've had this good
interaction with her before, it will then be interpreted as being positive.

Do I even say what that means? What does it mean? What kind of
opportunity? Take it in what way? It's all completely vague. It's up to her to
interpret. In the context of her having a really great time with you, she'll
interpret it in the right way.

In my mind, the reason I'm leaving this message is it could be that
something is going on in her environment that she does want to call me
back. The only reason I'm leaving this message is I'm assuming she really
wants to talk to me but something has happened in her environment to
derail her attention. Giving this call reminds her.

This is basically a clever reminder. It's not a punishment. It's not an
intrusion or infringement. It's really important that you get that line and stay
on the right side of the line.

Participant: How much after the first call would you leave that call?

Ross: I usually give people three to four days to call me back. You really don't
know what's going on with her. She could have any number of a million
things. Maybe her cat got lost.

The advantage of this is she doesn't have to tell you. You don't get
excuses. She either calls you or she doesn't. It could be any number of
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Eleven
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
things distracting her attention, nothing to do with you or her that happens.
This is giving her a window of opportunity to step back through the
connection that you shared.

Without it being blaming or mean. I'm saying, "Hey, you fucking, dumb
cunt. Who the fuck do you think you are, not returning my call, bitch?" I'm
not going there. I'm simply saying, "Hey, you didn't strike, blah, blah, blah."
Notice the kicker, "If you can find your own reasons to call me." That's a
command. "Find your own reasons to call me."

There's something else going on here. Not only is it vague, but I'm also
saying, "It's your responsibility." I'm actively saying, "If you want to engage
with me, you have to take an active roll." I didn't say, "Do it to please me."
Right? I'm saying, "Find your own reason." It's a challenge, but it's a true

The best challenges are true challenges. I want a woman who finds her
own reason to do things. It's not because I'm course and I'm scolding her
or making her feel bad. I want her to find her own reasons. It's true
challenge. It really is what I want.

The most clever, slick language works really well when there's truth
behind it. If you can take being utterly truthful and project it through clever
language, the power is still in the truth but the clever language acts as a
really nice massage, to let the truth go in in an even more sexy way. It
helps her receive that truth in a way that is more receptive and sexy.

It's still the truth, it's just coming through that filter of clever language. I
mean it. When I say, "Find your own reasons," I want her to do it because
she wants to.

Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Eleven
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
Speed Seduction 3.0 | Program Transcript Disc Eleven
Copyright 2008, Ross Jeffries. All Rights Reserved.
This is not designed to make her do something she doesn't want to do. It's
to reminder her, "Hey, get back on track," and to let her know that I am
very busy. I'm not going to chase her down. Some girls want to feel
chased down. I don't do it.

Even then I'm screening. She won't call me back if she doesn't really want
to. That's fine with me. I don't want to deal with somebody whose life is out
of control or chaotic. Or, she wants me to chase her.

Isn't that great? If she doesn't call me back, look at the time I've saved. If
she doesn't call me back it's because of one or more of those three
reasons where I wouldn't want to deal with her anyway. She doesnt call
me back because she wants me to chase her? I don't want to chase her,
so good, thank you.

She doesn't call me back because her life is so chaotic she can't control it.
Great, I don't want to be around that. Or she can't find her own motivation
to do it. Great, I don't want her.

The best patterns are coming from truth and they're screening and setting
standards. The language is just a way to make what you're sending more
acceptable and fun. Sometimes your truth comes through so powerfully
you need a filter around it. You need to buffer it.

I want to do one more thing then I'm going to stop. I've been going for a
while. I want to get back to this meditation thing I did on how to do that.

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