Expository Piece

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Expository Piece

People are often damaged by the families and groups they belong
An individual may be damaged mentally or physically by their family or social group that they be-
long to, but it isnt reasonable to assume that this is just the case. Family and friends can also create
a supportive network for an individual to reach out to and it can shape them into good moral citi-
As viewed in the study of Cartagena, written by Nam Lee, the main character, Ron, is damaged
through his network of friends. Based in Spain Ron and his friends are apart of a vicious gang who is
under the orders of an assassin called El Padre. Ron, suffers from great mental trauma of the deeds
he has done and the crimes hes committed, during the end of the novel all he thinks of his death
and he has an ultimatum of killing himself or being murdered. This is an example of how social
groups can damage someones mental health.
In a separate case study, there was a girl named, Genie, the wild child, who was mentally and phys-
ically damaged by her family and society. Genie was born into a family who had many mental prob-
lems, for 13 years she was isolated from the outside world and those within her family. For 13 years
her father chained her to a children's potty and was occasionally placed in her cot, the father and
mother both suffered from great mental disabilities and depression and in effect the took there pain
out on there youngest daughter. When social workers found her she had a learning and mental ca-
pacity of a thirteen month year old child.Later in her life she was sent to various foster homes where
she faced abuse which was physical and verbal. It is found that in these two cases a person can be
greatly damaged by there home or community environment and can lead to troubled and dangerous
Family and friends can also create a supportive network for an individual and it can shape them into
good moral citizens. In a persons life they can find hardships in their life they may need a helping
hand to get them through the difficult times. In cases of depression a persons family may be the
most beneficial way to help them out. Friends and family cant solve problems but they can help
guide an individual to the right steps and clear there headspace. Parents guide there children as they
grow up into adults the moral code in society and teach them right from wrong.
This was seen in Hiroshima, written by Nam Lee, a young girl called Mayako was greatly supported
by her family and her parents taught her correct morals and how to act in society. Mayako grew up
during the War and times were difficult as the government brainwashed their citizens to going to
any means possible and encouraged the death of the enemies to protect the fatherland. Mayakos
Big Sister was one of the citizens who became brainwashed by the government and tried to influ-
ence her younger sister to follow her though it was there parents that supported Mayako with her
decision to not follow. Mayakos father was the instigator of implying there morals on Mayako and
taught her that manslaughter was atrocious even against your enemy. It is proven through these
points that a persons family can be beneficial to their mental state and to help shape them into
moral citizens through engraving their family morals in the brains.

It is observed through these examples that people can be severely damaged mentally and physically
from their family background or society. Friends and family though can be extremely beneficial to
ones mental state as they guide a person through their life and to give them a supportive hand.

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