Bar Examination 2013 Civil Law

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October 13, 2013 8:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M.
1. This Questionnaire contains SIXT! "1#$ %a&es inc'u(in& these Instructions %a&es. )hec* the
nu+ber o, %a&es an( the %a&e nu+bers at the u%%er ri&ht han( corner o, each %a&e o, this
Questionnaire an( +a*e sure it has the correct nu+ber o, %a&es an( their %ro%er nu+bers.
There are T! "10$ ssa- Questions nu+bere( I to X ".ith sub/uestions$, an( T! "10$ Mu'ti%'e
)hoice Questions (MCQs) nu+bere( I to X ".ith sub/uestions$, to be ans.ere( .ithin four (4) hours.
The essa- %ortion contains /uestions that are .orth 8001o o, the .ho'e e2a+ination, .hi'e the M)Q
%ortion contains /uestions .orth 203.
2. 4ea( each /uestion 5er- care,u''- an( .rite -our ans.ers in -our 6ar 2a+ination !oteboo* in
the same order the questions are posed. 7rite -our ans.ers on'- at the front, not the bac*, %a&e o,
e5er- sheet in -our 2a+ination !oteboo*. !ote .e'' the a''ocate( %ercenta&e %oints ,or each
nu+ber, /uestion, or sub-/uestion. In -our ans.ers, use the nu+berin& s-ste+ in the /uestionnaire.
I, the sheets %ro5i(e( in -our 2a+ination !oteboo* are not su,,icient ,or -our ans.ers, use the bac*
%a&es o, e5er- sheet o, -our 2a+ination !oteboo*, startin& at the bac* %a&e o, the ,irst sheet an(
the bac* o, the succee(in& sheets therea,ter.
3. the ssa- /uestions legibly, clearly, and concisely. Start each nu+ber on a se%arate %a&e.
An to a sub-/uestion un(er the sa+e nu+ber +a- be .ritten continuous'- on the sa+e %a&e
an( the i++e(iate'- succee(in& %a&es unti' co+%'ete(.
8our shou'( (e+onstrate -our abi'it- to ana'-9e the ,acts %resente( b- the /uestion, to se'ect
the +ateria' ,ro+ the i++ateria' ,acts, an( to (iscern the %oints u%on .hich the /uestion turns. It
shou'( sho. -our *no.'e(&e an( un(erstan(in& o, the %ertinent %rinci%'es an( theories o, 'a.
in5o'5e( an( their /ua'i,ications an( 'i+itations. It shou'( (e+onstrate -our abi'it- to a%%'- the 'a. to
the &i5en ,acts, an( to reason 'o&ica''- in a 'a.-er-'i*e +anner to a soun( conc'usion ,ro+ the &i5en
A +ere :8es: or :!o: .ithout an- corres%on(in& e2%'anation or (iscussion .i'' not be &i5en
an- cre(it. Thus, a'.a-s brie,'- but ,u''- e2%'ain -our ans.ers a'thou&h the /uestion (oes not
e2%ress'- as* ,or an e2%'anation. At the sa+e ti+e, re+e+ber that a co+%'ete e2%'anation (oes not
re/uire that -ou 5o'unteer in,or+ation or (iscuss 'e&a' (octrines that are not necessar- or %ertinent to
the so'ution to the %rob'e+. 8on (o not nee( to re-.rite or re%eat the /uestion in -our 2a+ination
;. M)Qs are to be ans.ere( b- .ritin& in -our 2a+ination !oteboo* the ca%ita' 'etter "A, 6, ), <, or
$ corres%on(in& to -our chosen The MCQ answers should begin in the page following the
last page of your essay answers.
There is on'- one correct to e5er- M)Q= choose the 6ST ,ro+ a+on& the o,,ere(
choices. !ote that so+e M)Qs +a- nee( care,u' ana'-sis both o, the /uestions an( the choices
>. Ma*e sure -ou (o not .rite your name or an- etraneous note!s or distincti"e mar#ing!s on -our
2a+ination !oteboo* that can ser5e as an i(enti,-in& +ar*1s "such as na+es that are not in the
&i5en /uestions, %ra-ers, or %ri5ate notes to the 2a+iner$.
7ritin&, 'ea5in& or +a*in& an- (istin&uishin& or i(enti,-in& +ar* in the 2a+ination !oteboo* is
consi(ere( cheatin& an( can (is/ua'i,- -ou ,or the 6ar e2a+inations. 8ou can use the /uestionnaire
,or notes -ou +a- .ish1nee( to .rite (urin& the e2a+ination.
2013 6ar 2a+inations
8ou are a ?a+i'- )ourt @u(&e an( be,ore -ou is a Petition ,or the <ec'aration o, !u''it- o, Marria&e
"un(er Artic'e 3# o, the ?a+i'- )o(e$,i'e( b- Maria a&ainst !ei'. Maria c'ai+s that !ei' is
%s-cho'o&ica''- inca%acitate( to co+%'- .ith the essentia' ob'i&ations o, +arria&e because !ei' is a
(run*ar(, a .o+ani9er, a &a+b'er, an( a +a+aAs bo-- traits that she ne5er *ne. or sa. .hen !ei'
.as courtin& her. A'thou&h su++one(, !ei' (i( not MariaAs %etition an( ne5er a%%eare( in
To su%%ort her %etition, Maria %resente( three .itnesses- herse',, <r. 'sie )han, an( A+brosia. <r.
)han testi,ie( on the %s-cho'o&ica' re%ort on !ei' that she %re%are(. Since !ei' ne5er ac*no.'e(&e(
nBr res%on(e( to her in5itation ,or inter5ie.s, her re%ort is so'e'- base( on her inter5ie.s .ith Maria
an( the s%ousesA +inor chi'(ren. <r. )han conc'u(e( that !ei' is su,,erin& ,ro+ !arcissistic
Persona'it- <isor(er, an ai'+ent that she ,oun( to be a'rea(- %resent since !ei'As ear'- a(u'thoo( an(
one that is &ra5e an( incurab'e. Maria testi,ie( on the s%eci,ic instances .hen she ,oun( !ei' (run*,
.ith another .o+an, or s/uan(erin& the ,a+i'-As resources in a casino. A+brosia, the s%ousesA
current househo'( he'%, corroborate( MariaAs testi+on-.
On the basis o, the e5i(ence %resente(, .i'' -ou &rant the %etitionC "83$
A co''ision occurre( at an intersection in5o'5in& a bic-c'e an( a ta2icab. 6oth the bic-c'e ri(er "a
business+an then (oin& his +ornin& e2ercise$ an( the ta2i (ri5er c'ai+e( that the other .as at ,au't.
6ase( on the %o'ice re%ort, the bic-c'e crosse( the intersection ,irst but the ta2icab, crossin& at a ,ast
c'i% ,ro+ the bic-c'eAs 'e,t, cou'( not bra*e in ti+e an( hit the bic-c'eAs rear .hee', to%%'in& it an( the bic-c'e ri(er into the si(e.a'* > +eters a.a-.
The bic-c'e ri(er su,,ere( a ,racture( ri&ht *nee, sustaine( .hen he ,e'' on his ri&ht si(e on the
concrete si(e .a'*. De .as hos%ita'i9e( an( .as subse/uent'- o%erate( on, ren(erin& hi+ i++obi'e
,or 3 .ee*s an( re/uirin& %h-sica' rehabi'itation ,or another 3 +onths. In his co+%'aint ,or (a+a&es,
the ri(er %ra-e( ,or the o, P1,000,000 actua' (a+a&es,P200,000 +ora' (a+a&es, P200,000
e2e+%'ar- (a+a&es, P1 00,000 no+ina' (a+a&es an( P>0,000 attorne-As ,ees.
Assu+in& the %o'ice re%ort to be correct an( as the 'a.-er ,or the bic-c'e ri(er, .hat e5i(ence
"(ocu+entar- an( testi+onia'$ an( 'e&a' ar&u+ents .i'' -ou %resent in court to @usti,- the (a+a&es
that -our c'ient c'ai+sC "83$
Ser&io is the re&istere( o.ner o, a >00-s/uare +eter 'an(. Dis ,rien(, Marce'o, .ho has 'on& been
intereste( in the %ro%ert-, succee(e( in %ersua(in& Ser&io to se'' it to hi+. On Eune 2, 2012, the-
a&ree( on the %urchase %rice o, P#00,000 an( that Ser&io .ou'( &i5e Marce'o u% to Eune30, 2012
.ithin .hich to raise the a+ount. Marce'o, in a 'i&ht tone usua' bet.een the+, sai( that the- shou'(
sea' their a&ree+ent throu&h a case o, Eac* <anie's 6'ac* an( P>,000 :%u'utan: +one- .hich he
i++e(iate'- han(e( to Ser&io an( .hich the 'atter acce%te(. The ,rien(s then sat (o.n an( (ran*
the ,irst bott'e ,ro+ the case o, bourbon.
On Eune 1>, 2013, Ser&io 'earne( o, another bu-er, 4oberto, .ho .as o,,erin& P800,000 in rea(-
cash ,or the 'an(. 7hen 4oberto con,ir+e( that he cou'( %a- in cash as soon as Ser&io cou'( &et the
(ocu+entation rea(-, Ser&io (eci(e( to .ith(ra. his o,,er to Marce'o, ho%in& to @ust e2%'ain +atters
to his ,rien(. Marce'o, ho.e5er, ob@ecte( .hen the .ith(ra.a' .as co++unicate( to hi+, ta*in& the
%osition that the- ha5e a ,ir+ an( bin(in& a&ree+ent that Ser&io cannot si+%'- .a'* a.a- ,ro+
because he has an o%tion to bu- that is (u'- su%%orte( b- a (u'- acce%te( 5a'uab'e consi(eration.
"A$ <oes Marce'o ha5e a cause o, action a&ainst Ser&ioC ">3$
"6$ )an Ser&io c'ai+ that .hate5er the- +i&ht ha5e a&ree( u%on cannot be en,orce(
because an- a&ree+ent re'atin& to the sa'e o, rea' %ro%ert- +ust be su%%orte( b- e5i(ence
in .ritin& an( the- ne5er re(uce( their a&ree+ent to .ritin&C "33$
Anse'+o is the re&istere( o.ner o, a 'an( an( a house that his ,rien( 6obo- occu%ie( ,or a no+ina'
renta' an( on the con(ition that 6obo- .ou'( 5acate the %ro%ert- on (e+an(. 7ith Anse'+oAs
*no.'e(&e, 6obo- intro(uce( reno5ations consistin& o, an a((itiona' be(roo+, a co5ere( 5eran(a,
an( a concrete b'oc* ,ence, at his o.n e2%ense.
Subse/uent'-, Anse'+o nee(e( the %ro%ert- as his resi(ence an( thus as*e( 6obo- to 5acate an(
turn it o5er to hi+. 6obo-, (es%ite an e2tension, ,ai'e( to 5acate the %ro%ert-, ,orcin& Anse'+o to
sen( hi+ a .ritten (e+an( to 5acate.
In his o.n .ritten re%'-, 6obo- si&ni,ie( that he .as rea(- to 'ea5e but Anse'+o +ust ,irst rei+burse
hi+ the 5a'ue o, the i+%ro5e+ents he intro(uce( on the %ro%ert- as he is a bui'(er in &oo( ,aith.
Anse'+o re,use(, insistin& that 6obo- cannot as* ,or rei+burse+ent as he is a +ere 'essee. 6obo-
res%on(e( b- re+o5in& the i+%ro5e+ents an( 'ea5in& the bui'(in& in its ori&ina' state.
"A$ 4eso'5e 6obo-As c'ai+ that as a bui'(er in &oo( ,aith, he shou'( be rei+burse( the 5a'ue
o, the i+%ro5e+ents he intro(uce(. ";3$
"6$ )an 6obo- be he'( 'iab'e ,or (a+a&es ,or re+o5in& the i+%ro5e+ents o5er Anse'+oAs
ob@ectionC ";3$
Eose,a e2ecute( a (ee( o, (onation co5erin& a one-hectare rice 'an( in ,a5or o, her (au&hter,
Eenni,er. The (ee( s%eci,ica''- %ro5i(es that:
$%or and in consideration of he lo"e and ser"ice &ennifer has shown and gi"en to me, '
hereby freely, "oluntarily and irre"ocably donate to her my one(hectare rice land co"ered by
TCT )o. **++,, located in -an %ernando, .ampanga. This donation shall ta#e effect upon
my death.$
The (ee( a'so containe( Eenni,erAs si&ne( acce%tance, an( an attache( notari9e( (ec'aration b-
Eose,a an( Eenni,er that the 'an( .i'' re+ain in Eose,aAs %ossession an( cannot be a'ienate(,
encu+bere(, so'( or (is%ose( o, .hi'e Eose,a is sti'' a'i5e.
A(5ise Eenni,er on .hether the (ee( is a (onation inter 5i5os or +ortis causa an( e2%'ain the
reasons su%%ortin& -our a(5ice. "83$
Gito obtaine( a 'oan o, P1,000,000 ,ro+ ?er(ie, %a-ab'e .ithin one -ear. To secure %a-+ent, Gito
e2ecute( a chatte' +ort&a&e on a To-ota A5an9a an( a rea' estate +ort&a&e on a 200-s/uare +eter
%iece o, %ro%ert-.
"A$ 7ou'( it be 'e&a''- si&ni,icant - ,ro+ the %oint o, 5ie. o, 5a'i(it- an( en,orceabi'it- - i, the
'oan an( the +ort&a&es .ere in %ub'ic or %ri5ate instru+entsC "#3$
"6$ GitoAs ,ai'ure to %a- 'e( to the e2tra-@u(icia' ,orec'osure o, the +ort&a&e( rea' %ro%ert-.
7ithin a -ear ,ro+ ,orec'osure, Gito ten(ere( a +ana&erAs chec* to ?er(ie to re(ee+ the
%ro%ert-. ?er(ie re,use( to acce%t %a-+ent on the &roun( that he .ante( %a-+ent in cash:
the chec* (oes not /ua'i,- as 'e&a' ten(er an( (oes not inc'u(e the interest %a-+ent. Is
?er(ieAs re,usa' @usti,ie(C ";3$
In 200>, An(res bui't a resi(entia' house on a 'ot .hose on'- access to the nationa' hi&h.a- .as a
%ath.a- crossin& 6ran(oAs %ro%ert-. An(res an( others ha5e been usin& this %ath.a- "%ath.a- A$
since 1B80.
In 200#, 6ran(0 ,ence( o,, his %ro%ert-, thereb- b'oc*in& An(resA access to the nationa' hi&h.a-.
An(res (e+an(e( that %art o, the ,ence be re+o5e( to +aintain his o'( access route to the hi&h.a-
"%ath.a- A$, but 6ran(o re,use(, c'ai+in& that there .as another a5ai'ab'e %ath.a- "%ath.a- 6$ ,or
in&ress an( e&ress to the hi&h.a-. An(res countere( that %ath.a- 6 has (e,ects, is circuitous, an(
is e2tre+e'- incon5enient to use.
To sett'e their (is%ute, An(res an( 6ran(o hire( <a+ian, a &eo(etic an( ci5i' en&ineer, to sur5e- an(
e2a+ine the t.o %ath.a-s an( the surroun(in& areas, an( to (eter+ine the shortest an( the 'east
%re@u(icia' .a- throu&h the ser5ient estates. A,ter the sur5e-, the en&ineer conc'u(e( that %ath.a- 6
is the 'on&er route an( .i'' nee( i+%ro5e+ents an( re%airs, but .i'' not si&ni,icant'- a,,ect the use o,
6ran(oAs %ro%ert-. On the other han(, %ath.a- A that ha( 'on& been in %'ace, is the shorter route but
.ou'( si&ni,icant'- a,,ect the use o, 6ran(oAs %ro%ert-.
In 'i&ht o, the en&ineerAs ,in(in&s an( the circu+stances o, the case, reso'5e the %artiesA ri&ht o, .a-
(is%ute. "#3$
)iriaco 4ea't- )or%oration ")4)$ so'( to the s%ouses <e' a )ru9 a>00-s/uare +eter 'an( "Got A$ in
Parana/ue. The 'an( no. has a ,air +ar*et 5a'ue o, P',200,000. )4) 'i*e.ise so'( to the s%ouses
4o(ri&ue9, a H00-s/uare +eter 'an( "Got 6$ .hich is a(@acent to Got A. Got 6 has a %resent ,air
+ar*et 5a'ue o, P1,>00,000.
The s%ouses <e'a )ru9 constructe( a house on Got 6, re'-in& on there %resentation o, the )4) sa'es
a&ent that it is the %ro%ert- the- %urchase(. On'- u%on the co+%'etion o, their house (i( the s%ouses
<e'a )ru9 (isco5er that the- ha( bui't on Got 6 b- the s%ouses 4o(ri&ue9, not on Got A that
the- %urchase(. The- s%ent P 1 000,000 ,or the house.
As their 'a.-er, a(5ise the s%ouses <e'a )ru9 on their ri&hts an( ob'i&ations un(er the &i5en
circu+stances, an( the recourses an( o%tions o%en to the+ to %rotect their interests. "83$
4ica %etitione( ,or the annu'+ent o, her ten--ear o'( +arria&e to 4ichar(. 4ichar( hire( Att-. )ru9 to
re%resent hi+ in the %rocee(in&s. In %a-+ent ,or Att-. )ru9As acce%tance an( 'e&a' ,ees, 4ichar(
con5e-e( to Att-. )ru9 a %arce' o, 'an( in Ta&ui& that he recent'- %urchase( .ith his 'otto .innin&s.
The trans,er (ocu+ents .ere (u'- si&ne( an( Att-. )ru9 i++e(iate'- too* %ossession b- ,encin& o,,
the %ro%ert-As entire %eri+eter.
<es%erate'- nee(in& +one- to %a- ,or his +ountin& 'e&a' ,ees an( his other nee(s an( (es%ite the
trans,er to Att-. )ru9, 4ichar( o,,ere( the sa+e %arce' o, 'an( ,or sa'e to the s%ouses Iarcia. A,ter
ins%ection o, the 'an(, the s%ouses consi(ere( it a &oo( in5est+ent an( %urchase( it ,ro+ 4ichar(.
I++e(iate'- a,ter the sa'e, the s%ouses Iarcia co++ence( the construction o, a three-stor- bui'(in&
o5er the 'an(, but the- .ere %re5ente( ,ro+ (oin& this b- Att-. )ru9 .ho c'ai+e( he has a better
ri&ht in 'i&ht o, the %rior con5e-ance in his ,a5or.
Is Att-. )ru9As c'ai+ correctC "83$
Manue' .as born on 12 March 1B;0 in a 1 000-s/uare +eter %ro%ert- .here he &re. u% he'%in& his
,ather, Michae', cu'ti5ate the 'an(. Michae' has 'i5e( on the %ro%ert- since the 'an( .as o%ene( ,or
sett'e+ent at about the ti+e o, the )o++on.ea'th &o5ern+ent in 1B3 >, but ,or so+e reason ne5er
secure( an- tit'e to the %ro%ert- other than a ta2 (ec'aration in his na+e. De has he'( the %ro%ert-
throu&h the -ears in the conce%t o, an o.ner an( his sta- .as unconteste( b- others. De has a'so
conscientious'- an( continuous'- %ai( the rea't- ta2es on the 'an(.
Michae' (ie( in 2000 an( Manue' - as Michae'Js on'- son an( heir -no. .ants to secure an( re&ister
tit'e to the 'an( in his o.n na+e. De consu'ts -ou ,or 'e&a' a(5ice as he .ants to %er,ect his tit'e to
the 'an( an( secure its re&istration in his na+e.
"A$ 7hat are the 'a.s that -ou nee( to consi(er in a(5isin& Manue' on ho. he can %er,ect his
tit'e an( re&ister the 'an( in his na+eC 2%'ain the re'e5ance o, these 'a.s to -our %ro@ecte(
course o, action. ";3$
"6$ 7hat (o -ou ha5e to %ro5e to secure Manue'As ob@ecti5es an( .hat (ocu+entation are
necessar-C ";3$
I. Ar+an( (ie( intestate. Dis ,u''-b'oo( brothers, 6obb- an( )onra(, an( ha',-b'oo( brothers, <ann-,
(.ar( an( ?'oro, a'' %re(ecease( hi+. The ,o'' are the sur5i5in& re'ati5es:
1. 6enn- an( 6onnie, 'e&iti+ate chi'(ren o, 6obb-=
2. )esar, 'e&iti+ate chi'( o, )onra(=
3. <ante, i''e&iti+ate chi'( o, <ann-=
;. rnie, a(o%te( chi'( o, (.ar(= an(
>. ?e'i2, &ran(son o, ?'oro.
The net 5a'ue o, Ar+an(As estate is P',200,000.
I. "1$ Do. +uch (o 6enn- an( 6onnie stan( to inherit b- ri&ht o, re%resentationC "13$
"A$ P200,000
"6$ P300,000
")$ P;00,000
"<$ P1>0,000
"$ !one o, the abo5e.
I. "2$ Do. +uch is <anteAs share in the net estateC "13$
"A$ P1>0,000.
"6$ P200,000.
")$ P300,000.
"<$ P;00,000.
"$ !one o, the abo5e.
I. "3$ Do. +uch is rnieAs share in the net estate . "13$
"A$ P 0.
"6$ P;00,000.
")$ P1>0,000.
"<$ P200,000.
"$ !one o, the abo5e.
I. ";$ Do. +uch is ?e'i2As share in the net estateC "13$
"A$ P;00,000.
"6$ P1>0,000.
")$ P300,000.
"<$ P0.
"$ !one o, the abo5e.
II. A, 6, ) an( < are the so'i(ar- (ebtors o, X ,or P;0,000. X re'ease( < ,ro+ the %a-+ent o, his
share o, PI 0,000. 7hen the ob'i&ation beca+e (ue an( (e+an(ab'e, ) turne( out to be inso'5ent.
Shou'( the share o, inso'5ent (ebtor ) be (i5i(e( on'- bet.een the t.o other re+ainin& (ebtors, A
an( 6C "13$
"A$ 8es. 4e+ission o, <As share carries .ith it tota' e2tin&uish+ent o, his ob'i&ation to the
bene,it o, the so'i(ar- (ebtors.
"6$ 8es. The )i5i' )o(e reco&ni9es re+ission as a +o(e o, e2tin&uishin& an ob'i&ation. This
c'ear'- a%%'ies to <.
")$ !o. The ru'e is that &ratuitous acts shou'( be restricti5e'- construe(, a'' on'- the
'east trans+ission o, ri&hts.
"<$ !o, as the re'ease o, the share o, one (ebtor .ou'( then increase the bur(en o, the other
(ebtors .ithout their consent.
III. A+a(or obtaine( a 'oan o, P300,000 ,ro+ 6asi'io %a-ab'e on March2>, 2012. As securit- ,or the
%a-+ent o, his 'oan, A+a(or constitute( a +ort&a&e on his resi(entia' house an( 'ot in 6asi'ioAs
,a5or. )acho, a &oo( ,rien( o, A+a(or, &uarantee( an( ob'i&ate( hi+se', to %a- 6asi'io, in case
A+a(or ,ai's to %a- his 'oan at +aturit-.
III. "1$ I, A+a(or ,ai's to %a- 6asi'io his 'oan on March 2>, 2012, can 6asi'io co+%e' )acho to
%a-C "13$
"A$ !o, 6asi'io cannot co+%e' )acho to %a- because as &uarantor, )acho can in5o*e
the %rinci%'e o, e2cussion, i.e., a'' the assets o, 6asi'io +ust ,irst be e2hauste(.
"6$ !o, 6asi'io cannot co+%e' )acho to %a- because 6asi'io has not e2hauste( the
a5ai'ab'e re+e(ies a&ainst A+a(or.
")$ 8es, 6asi'io can co+%e' )acho to %a- because the nature o, )achoAs un(erta*in&
in(icates that he has boun( hi+se', so'i(ari'- .ith A+a(or.
"<$ 8es, 6asi'io can co+%e' )acho .ho boun( hi+se', to uncon(itiona''- %a- in case
A+a(or ,ai's to %a-= thus the bene,it o, e2cussion .i'' not a%%'-.
III. "2$ I, A+a(or se''s his resi(entia' house an( 'ot to <ie&o, can 6asi'io ,orec'ose the rea'
estate +ort&a&eC "13$
"A$ 8es, 6asi'io can ,orec'ose the rea' estate +ort&a&e because rea' estate +ort&a&e
creates a rea' ri&ht that attaches to the %ro%ert-.
"6$ 8es, 6asi'io can ,orec'ose the rea' estate +ort&a&e. It is bin(in& u%on <ie&o as
the +ort&a&e is e+bo(ie( in a %ub'ic instru+ent.
")$ !o, 6asi'io cannot ,orec'ose the rea' estate +ort&a&e. The sa'e con,ers o.nershi%
on the bu-er, <ie&o, .ho +ust there,ore consent.
"<$ !o, 6asi'io cannot ,orec'ose the rea' estate +ort&a&e. To (e%ri5e the ne. o.ner
o, o.nershi% an( %ossession is un@ustan( ine/uitab'e.
IF. )ru9 'ent Eose his car unti' Eose ,inishe( his 6ar e2a+s. Soon a,ter )ru9 (e'i5ere( the car, Eose
brou&ht it to Mitsubishi )ubao ,or +aintenance chec* u% an( incurre( costs o, P8,000. Seein& the
carAs %ee'in& an( ,a(e( %aint, Eose a'so ha( the car re%ainte( ,or P10,000. the t.o /uestions
be'o. base( on these co++on ,acts.
IF. "1$ A,ter the bar e2a+s, )ru9 as*e( ,or the return o, his car. Eose sai( he .ou'( return it
as soon as )ru9 has rei+burse( hi+ ,or the car +aintenance an( re%aintin& costs o, P
Is EoseAs re,usa' @usti,ie(C "13$
"A$ !o, EoseAs re,usa' is not @usti,ie(. In this *in( o, contract, Eose is ob'i&e( to %a- ,or
a'' the e2%enses incurre( ,or the %reser5ation o, the thin& 'oane(.
"6$ 8es, EoseAs re,usa' is @usti,ie(. De is ob'i&e( to %a- ,ora'' the or(inar- an(
e2traor(inar- e2%enses, but sub@ect to rei+burse+ent ,ro+ )ru9.
")$ 8es, EoseAs re,usa' is @usti,ie(. The %rinci%'e o, un@ust enrich+ent .arrants the
rei+burse+ent o, EoseAs e2%enses.
"<$ !o, EoseAs re,usa' is not @usti,ie(. The e2%enses he incurre( are use,u' ,or the
%reser5ation o, the thin& 'oane(. It is EoseAs ob'i&ation to shou'(er these use,u'
IF. "2$ <urin& the bar e2a+ +onth, Eose 'ent the car to his &ir',rien(, Eo'ie, .ho %ar*e( the
car at the Ma'' o, AsiaAs o%en %ar*in& 'ot, .ith the i&nition *e- insi(e the car. )ar thie5es
bro*e into an( too* the car.
Is Eose 'iab'e to )ru9 ,or the 'oss o, the car (ue to Eo'ieAs ne&'i&enceC "13$
"A$ !o, Eose is not 'iab'e to )ru9 as the 'oss .as not (ue to his ,au't or ne&'i&ence.
"6$ !o, Eose is not 'iab'e to )ru9. In the absence o, an- %rohibition, Eose cou'( 'en(
the car to Eo'ie. Since the 'oss .as (ue to ,orce +a@eure, neither Eose nor Eo'ie is
")$ 8es, Eose is 'iab'e to )ru9. Since Eose 'ent the car to Eo'ie .ithout )ru9As consent,
Eose +ust bear the conse/uent 'oss o, the car.
"<$ 8es, Eose is 'iab'e to )ru9. The contract bet.een the+ is %ersona' in nature. Eose
can neither 'en( nor 'ease the car to a thir( %erson.
F. In 200>, G, M, !, 0 an( P ,or+e( a %artnershi%. G, M an( ! .ere ca%ita'ist %artners .ho
contribute( P>00,000 each, .hi'e 0, a 'i+ite( %artner, contribute( P1 ,000,000. P @oine( as an
in(ustria' %artner, contributin& on'- his ser5ices. The Artic'es o, Partnershi%, re&istere( .ith the
Securities an( 2chan&e )o++ission, (esi&nate( G an( 0 as +ana&in& %artners= G .as 'iab'e on'-
to the e2tent o, his ca%ita' contribution= an( P .as not 'iab'e ,or 'osses.
In 200#, the %artnershi% earne( a net %ro,it o, P800,000. In the sa+e -ear, P en&a&e( in a (i,,erent
business .ith the consent o, a'' the %artners. Do.e5er, in 200H, the %artnershi% incurre( a net 'oss o,
P>00,000. In 2008,the %artners (isso'5e( the %artnershi%. The %rocee(s o, the sa'e o, %artnershi%
assets .ere insu,,icient to sett'e its ob'i&ation. A,ter 'i/ui(ation, the %artnershi% ha( an un%ai( 'iabi'it-
F. "'$ Assu+in& that the @ust an( e/uitab'e share o, the in(ustria' %artner, P, in the %ro,it in
200# a+ounte( to P1 00,000, ho. +uch is the share o, 0, a 'i+ite( %artner, in the P800,000
net %ro,itC "13$
"A$ P1#0,000.
"6$ P1H>,000.
")$ P280,000.
"<$ P200,000.
"$ !one o, the abo5e.
F. "2$ In 200H, ho. +uch is the share o, 0, a 'i+ite( %artner, in the net 'oss o, P>00,000C
"A$ P 0.
"6$ P1 00,000.
")$ P12>,000.
"<$ P200,000.
"$ !one o, the abo5e.
F. "3$ )an the %artnershi% cre(itors ho'( G, 0 an( P'iab'e a,ter a'' the assets o, the %artnershi%
are e2hauste(C "13$
"A$ 8es. The sti%u'ation e2e+%tin& P ,ro+ 'osses is 5a'i( on'- a+on& the %artners. G
is 'iab'e because the a&ree+ent 'i+itin& his 'iabi'it- to his ca%ita' contribution is not
5a'i( inso,ar as the cre(itors are concerne(. Da5in& ta*en %art in the +ana&e+ent o,
the %artnershi%, 0 is 'iab'e as ca%ita'ist %artner.
"6$ !o. P is not 'iab'e because there is a 5a'i( sti%u'ation e2e+%tin& hi+ ,ro+ 'osses.
Since the other %artners a''o.e( hi+ to en&a&e in an outsi(e business acti5it-, the
sti%u'ation abso'5in& P ,ro+ 'iabi'it- is 5a'i(. ?or 0, it is basic that a 'i+ite( %artner is
'iab'e on'- u% to the e2tent o, his ca%ita' contribution.
")$ 8es. The sti%u'ations e2e+%tin& P an( G ,ro+ 'osses are not bin(in& u%on the
cre(itors. 0 is 'i*e.ise 'iab'e because the %artnershi% .as not ,or+e( in accor(ance
.ith the re/uire+ents o, a 'i+ite( %artnershi%.
"<$ !o. The )i5i' )o(e a''o.s the %artners to sti%u'ate that a %artner sha'' not be
'iab'e ,or 'osses. The re&istration o, the Artic'es o, Partnershi% e+bo(-in& such
sti%u'ations ser5es as constructi5e notice to the %artnershi% cre(itors."$ !one o, the
abo5e is co+%'ete'- accurate.
FI. Iar- is a tobacco tra(er an( a'so a 'en(in& in5estor. De so'( tobacco 'ea5es to Do+er ,or (e'i5er-
.ithin a +onth, a'thou&h the %erio( ,or (e'i5er- .as not &uarantee(. <es%ite Iar-As e,,orts to (e'i5er
on ti+e, trans%ortation %rob'e+s an( &o5ern+ent re( ta%e hin(ere( his e,,orts an( he cou'( on'-
(e'i5er a,ter 30 (a-s. Do+er re,use( to acce%t the 'ate (e'i5er- an( to %a- on the &roun( that the
a&ree( ter+ ha( not been co+%'ie( .ith.
As 'en(in& in5estor, Iar- &rante( a P',000,000 'oan to Isaac to be %ai( .ithin t.o -ears ,ro+
e2ecution o, the contract. As securit- ,or the 'oan, Isaac %ro+ise( to (e'i5er to Iar- his To-ota
Inno5a .ithin se5en "H$ (a-s, but Isaac ,ai'e( to (o so. Iar- .as thus co+%e''e( to (e+an( %a-+ent
,or the 'oan be,ore the en( o, the a&ree( t.o--ear ter+.
FI. "'$ 7as Do+er @usti,ie( in re,usin& to acce%t the tobacco 'ea5esC "13$
"A$ 8es. Do+er .as @usti,ie( in re,usin& to acce%t the tobacco 'ea5es. The (e'i5er-
.as to be +a(e .ithin a +onth. Iar-As %ro+ise o, (e'i5er- on a :best e,,ort: basis
+a(e the (e'i5er- uncertain. The ter+, there,ore, .as a+bi&uous.
"6$ !o. Do+er .as not @usti,ie( in re,usin& to acce%t the tobacco 'ea5es. De
consente( to the ter+s an( con(itions o, the sa'e an( +ust abi(e b- it. Ob'i&ations
arisin& ,ro+ contract ha5e the ,orce o, 'a. bet.een the contractin& %arties.
")$ 8es. Do+er .as @usti,ie( in his re,usa' to acce%t the (e'i5er-. The contract
conte+%'ates an ob'i&ation .ith a ter+. Since the (e'i5er- .as +a(e a,ter 30 (a-s,
contrar- to the ter+s a&ree( u%on, Iar- cou'( not insist that Do+er acce%t the
tobacco 'ea5es.
"<$ !o. Do+er .as not @usti,ie( in re,usin& to acce%t the tobacco 'ea5es. There .as
no ter+ in the contract but a +i2e( con(ition. The ,u',i''+ent o, the con(ition (i( not
(e%en( %ure'- on Iar-As .i'' but on other ,actors, e.&., the shi%%in& co+%an- an( the
&o5ern+ent. Do+er shou'( co+%'- .ith his ob'i&ation.
FI. "2$ )an Iar- co+%e' Isaac to %a- his 'oan e5en be,ore the en( o, the t.o--ear %erio(C
"A$ 8es, Iar- can co+%e' Isaac to i++e(iate'- %a- the 'oan. !on-co+%'iance .ith
the %ro+ise( &uarant- or securit- ren(ers the ob'i&ation i++e(iate'- (e+an(ab'e.
Isaac 'ost his ri&ht to +a*e use o, the %erio(.
"6$ 8es, Iar- can co+%e' Isaac to i++e(iate'- %a- the 'oan. The (e'i5er- o, the
To-ota Inno5a is a con(ition ,or the 'oan. IsaacAs ,ai'ure to (e'i5er the car 5io'ate( the
con(ition u%on .hich the 'oan .as &rante(. It is but ,air ,or Iar- to (e+an(
i++e(iate %a-+ent.
")$ !o, Iar- cannot co+%e' Isaac to i++e(iate'- %a- the 'oan. The (e'i5er- o, the
car as securit- ,or the 'oan is an accessor- contract= the %rinci%a' contract is sti'' the P
1,000,000 'oan. Thus, Isaac can sti'' +a*e use o, the %erio(.
"<$ !o, Iar- cannot co+%e' Isaac to i++e(iate'- %a- the 'oan. /uit- (ictates that
Iar- shou'( ha5e &rante( a reasonab'e e2tension o, ti+e ,or Isaac to (e'i5er his
To-ota Inno5a. It .ou'( be un,air an( bur(enso+e ,or Isaac to %a- the P1,000,000
si+%'- because the %ro+ise( securit- .as not (e'i5ere(.
Gito .as a co++ercia' %i'ot .ho ,'e. ,or Paci,ic-Micronesian Air. In 1BB8, he .as the co-%i'ot o, the
air'ineAs ?'i&ht MAB1# that +-sterious'- (isa%%eare( t.o hours a,ter ta*e-o,, ,ro+ A&ana, Iua+,
%resu+ab'- o5er the Paci,ic Ocean. !o trace o, the %'ane an( its 10> %assen&ers an( cre. .as e5er
,oun( (es%ite (i'i&ent search= Gito hi+se', .as ne5er hear( o, a&ain. Gito 'e,t behin( his .i,e, Gita,
an( their t.o chi'(ren.
In 2008, Gita +et an( an( +arrie( Eai+e. The- no. ha5e a chi'( o, their o.n.
7hi'e on a tour .ith her ,or+er hi&h schoo' c'ass+ates in a re+ote %ro5ince o, )hina in 2010, Gita
.as sur%rise( to see Gito or so+ebo(- .ho 'oo*e( e2act'- 'i*e hi+, but she .as sure it .as Gito
because o, the e2tre+e sur%rise that re&istere( in his ,ace .hen he a'so sa. her. Shoc*e(, she
i++e(iate'- ,'e( to her hote' an( %ost haste returne( to the countr- the ne2t (a-. Gita no. co+es to
-ou ,or 'e&a' a(5ice. She as*s -ou the ,o'' /uestions:
FII. "'$ I, Gito is a'i5e, .hat is the status o, his +arria&e to GitaC "13$
"A$ The +arria&e subsists because the +arita' bon( has not been ter+inate( b-
"6$ The +arria&e .as ter+inate( .hen Gita +arrie( Eai+e.
")$ The +arria&e subsists because GitaAs +arria&e to Eai+e is 5oi(.
"<$ The +arria&e is ter+inate( because Gito is %resu+e( (ea( a,ter his %'ane has
been +issin& ,or +ore than ; -ears.
"$ The +arria&e can be ,or+a''- (ec'are( ter+inate( i, Gito .ou'( not resur,ace.
FII. "2$ I, Gito is a'i5e, .hat is the status o, GitaAs +arria&e to Eai+eC "13$
"A$ The +arria&e is 5a'i( because GitaAs +arria&e to Gito .as ter+inate( u%on GitoAs
(isa%%earance ,or +ore than se5en -ears.
"6$ The +arria&e is 5a'i(. A,ter an absence o, +ore than 10 -ears, Gito is a'rea(-
%resu+e( (ea( ,or a'' %ur%oses.
")$ The +arria&e is 5oi(. GitoAs +ere absence, ho.e5er 'en&th-, is insu,,icient to
authori9e Gita to contract a subse/uent +arria&e.
"<$ The +arria&e is 5oi(. I, Gito is in(ee( a'i5e, his +arria&e to Gita .as ne5er
(isso'5e( an( the- can resu+e their +arita' re'ations at an- ti+e.
7hich o, the ,o'' actions or (e,enses are +eritorious: "13$
"A$ An action ,or reco5er- o, (o.n%a-+ent %ai( un(er a rescin(e( ora' sa'e o, rea' %ro%ert-.
"6$ A (e,ense in an action ,or e@ect+ent that the 'essor 5erba''- %ro+ise( to e2ten( or rene.
the 'ease.
")$ An action ,or %a-+ent o, su+ o, +one- ,i'e( a&ainst one .ho ora''- %ro+ise( to
anotherAs (ebt in case the 'atter (e,au'ts.
"<$ A (e,ense in an action ,or (a+a&es that the (ebtor has su,,icient, but un'i/ui(ate( assets
to satis,- the cre(it ac/uire( .hen it beco+es (ue.
"$ !one o, the abo5e.
6ett- entruste( to her a&ent, Ai(a, se5era' %ieces o, @e.e'r- to be so'( on co++ission .ith the
e2%ress ob'i&ation to turn o5er to 6ett- the %rocee(s o, the sa'e, or to return the @e.e'ries i, not so'(
in a +onthAs ti+e. Instea( o, se''in& the @e.e'ries, Ai(a the+ .ith the Ta+buntin& Pa.nsho%,
an( use( the +one- ,or herse',. Ai(a ,ai'e( to re(ee+ the @e.e'ries an( a,ter a +onth, 6ett-
(isco5ere( .hat Ai(a ha( (one. 6ett- brou&ht cri+ina' char&es .hich resu'te( in Ai(aAs con5iction
,or esta,a.
6ett- therea,ter ,i'e( an action a&ainst Ta+buntin& Pa.nsho% ,or the reco5er- o, the @e.e'ries.
Ta+buntin& raise( the (e,ense o, o.nershi%, a((itiona''- ar&uin& that it is (u'- 'icense( to en&a&e in
the %a.nsho% an( 'en(in& business, an( that it acce%te( the +ort&a&e o, the @e.e'r- in &oo( ,aith
an( in the re&u'ar course o, its business.
I, -ou .ere the @u(&e, ho. .i'' -ou (eci(e the caseC "13$
"A$ I .i'' ru'e in ,a5or o, 6ett-. M- ru'in& is base( on the )i5i' )o(e %ro5ision that one .ho has
'ost an- +o5ab'e or has been un'a.,u''- (e%ri5e( thereo, +a- reco5er it ,ro+ the %erson in
%ossession o, the sa+e. Ta+ buntin&As c'ai+ o, &oo( ,aith is inconse/uentia'.
"6$ I .i'' ru'e in ,a5or o, 6ett-. Ta+buntin&As c'ai+ o, &oo( ,aith %a'es into insi&ni,icance in
'i&ht o, the un'a.,u' (e%ri5ation o, the @e.e'ries. Do.e5er, e/uit- (ictates that Ta+buntin&
+ust be rei+burse( ,or the %a.n 5a'ue o, the @e.e'ries.
")$ I .i'' ru'e in ,a5or o, Ta+buntin&. Its &oo( ,aith ta*es %rece(ence o5er the ri&ht o, 6ett- to
reco5er the @e.e'ries.
"<$ I .i'' ru'e in ,a5or o, Ta+buntin&. Ioo( ,aith is a'.a-s %resu+e(. Ta+buntin&As 'a.,u'
ac/uisition in the or(inar- course o, business cou%'e( .ith &oo( ,aith &i5es it 'e&a' ri&ht o5er
the @e.e'ries.
Ar'ene o.ns a ro. o, a%art+ent houses in Ka+unin&, Que9on )it-. She a&ree( to 'ease A%art+ent
!o. 1 to Eanet ,or a %erio( o, 18 +onths at the rate o, P10,000 %er +onth. The 'ease .as not co5ere(
b- an- contract. Eanet %ro+%t'- &a5e Ar'ene t.o "2$ +onths (e%osit an( 18 chec*s co5erin& the
renta' %a-+ent ,or 18 +onths. This sho. o, &oo( ,aith %ro+%te( Ar'ene to %ro+ise Eanet that shou'(
Ar'ene (eci(e to se'' the %ro%ert-, she .ou'( &i5e Eanet the ri&ht o, ,irst re,usa'.
X. "1$ !ot 'on& a,ter Eanet +o5e( in, she recei5e( ne.s that her a%%'ication ,or a Master o,
Ga.s scho'arshi% at Kin&As )o''e&e in Gon(on ha( been a%%ro5e(. Since her acce%tance o,
the scho'arshi% entai'e( a trans,er o, resi(ence, Eanet as*e( Ar'ene to return the a(5ance
renta' %a-+ents she +a(e. Ar'ene re,use(, %ro+%tin& Eanet to ,i'e an action to reco5er the
%a-+ents. Ar'ene ,i'e( a +otion to (is+iss, c'ai+in& that the 'ease on .hich the action is
base(, is unen,orceab'e.
I, -ou .ere the @u(&e, .ou'( -ou &rant Ar'eneAs +otionC "13$
"A$ 8es, I .i'' &rant the +otion because the 'ease contract bet.een Ar'ene an( Eanet
.as not in .ritin&, hence, Eanet +a- not en,orce an- ri&ht arisin& ,ro+ the sa+e
"6$ !o, I .i'' not &rant the +otion because to a''o. Ar'ene to retain the a(5ance
%a-+ents .ou'( a+ount to un@ust enrich+ent.
")$ 8es, I .i'' &rant the +otion because the action ,or reco5er- is %re+ature= Eanet
shou'( ,irst secure a @u(icia' rescission o, the contract o, 'ease.
"<$ !o. I .i'' not &rant the +otion because the cause o, action (oes not see* to
en,orce an- ri&ht un(er the contract o, 'ease.
X. "2$Assu+e that Eanet (eci(e( not to acce%t the scho'arshi% an( continue( 'easin&
A%art+ent !o. 1. Mi(.a- throu&h the 'ease %erio(, Ar'ene (eci(e( to se'' A%art+ent !o. 1 to
Eun in breach o, her %ro+ise to Eanet to &rant her the ri&ht o, ,irst re,usa'. Thus, Eanet ,i'e( an
action see*in& the reco&nition o, her ri&ht o, ,irst re,usa', the %a-+ent o, (a+a&es ,or the
5io'ation o, this ri&ht, an( the rescission o, the sa'e bet.een Ar'ene an( Eun.
Is EanetAs action +eritoriousC "13$
"A$ 8es, un(er the )i5i' )o(e, a %ro+ise to bu- an( se'' a (eter+inate thin& is
reci%roca''- (e+an(ab'e.
"6$ !o, the %ro+ise to bu- an( se'' a (eter+inate thin& .as not su%%orte( b- a
")$ 8es, EanetAs ri&ht o, ,irst re,usa' .as c'ear'- 5io'ate( .hen the %ro%ert- .as not
o,,ere( ,or sa'e to her be,ore it .as so'( to Eun.
"<$ !o, a ri&ht o, ,irst re,usa' in5o'5es an interest o5er rea' %ro%ert- that +ust be
e+bo(ie( in a .ritten contract to be en,orceab'e.
"$ !one o, the abo5e.

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