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Yaban Khatiwada
Permanent Address :Dadhi Guranse-2, Sindhuli, Nepal
Contract No : +919557268258
Email id :

1. Key skill set
Team work, creative, computer and technical skills, Analytical and research skills

2. Internship
summer internship on analysis of Liquidity position of Nepal Investment Bank
Limited(NIBL) from 14
June, 2013 to 7
august 2013 on for the partial fulfilment of
MBA course at Durbar Marga, Kathmandu, Nepal
internship at Kist Bank limited from 22
August 2011 to 21
October, 2011 for the
partial fulfilment of the BBA course at Baneshwor, Kathmandu Nepal

3. Qualification
a. Professional
Perusing Master in Business Administration (73%) in 4
semester at Doon Business
School in Dehradun(UK), India specialization in Finance (Security analysis and
portfolio management, Risk management and Insurance, Corporate tax planning).

Graduate: Bachelor in Business Administration(4 year BBA), specialization in Finance
(International finance, Financial institution and market, Derivative market,
corporate tax), 2.88 CGPA out of 4, 2007 -2011, CITE, Kathmandu, Nepal

b. Educational
Intermediate in management, Brilliant Higher Secondary School, Kathmandu, Nepal,
Schooling from Chandeshwory Secondary School, Dadhi Guranse-2, Sindhuli, Nepal

4. Awards/ Achievement
Second award in Inter college business plan competition held at DBS, Dehradun,
India 23
February, 2013.
Third award in inter class competition INVESTRIX ( financial Planning) held at DBS,
29 Nov, 2013
First award in Quiz competition held at College of Information Technology,
Kathmandu, Nepal 9
February, 2010.
Third award in Inter school football competition on 15
January, 2005.
Third award in District level Poem competition held at Pallabi Gyanmanch
Pustakalaya (sindhuli), 22
October, 2003.

5. Training Undertaken
One day leadership training
Banking training

6. Extra curriculum Activities
Own many award in debate, poem and speech competition
Anchoring many school and college level programs and festival.
Organized 6 days Industrial tour in BBA 7
semester, organized many picnics and
short tours.
7. Special Interest
literature (specially writing Gazal and Poem, reading novel)
Sports ( specially football)

8. Personal Details
DOB :11
December, 1989
Gender :male
Language known : writing, reading (Nepali, English, Hindi)
Nationality : Nepalese

9. References
1. Dr. (Prof) R S Verma,, 8755979427

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