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A Low-Speed, High-Torque, Direct-Drive

Permanent Magnet Generator

For Wind turine!
W" Wu #"S" $am!den
CSIRO Telecommunications & Faculty of
Engineering, UTS
Industrial Physics PO Box !", Broad#ay
PO Box !$, %indfiled &S' !()( &S' !(()
*ustralia *ustralia
T" %raw&ord, G. Hi''
'est#ind Tur+ines Pty %td
!, O#en Road, -elmscott
'estern *ustralia . (
A!tract-There i! a mar)et &or !ma'', e&&icient
and co!te&&ective
wind generator! &or mini-grid and remote power
!*!tem!" Direct-drive permanent magnet
generator! have
ecome ver* attractive &or thi! app'ication" Thi!
paper de!crie!
the improvement! achieved in an outer-rotor
permanent magnet generator * u!ing &inite
e'ement ana'*!i!
and optimi!ation technique!" The !tarting torque
o& the
generator i! !tudied" An optimi!ation routine &or
the de!ign,
inc'uding magnetic &inite e'ement ana'*!i! and
therma' mode', i! pre!ented" A protot*pe &or +,
+(( rpm generator wa! ui't" The te!t re!u't! with
a re!i!tive
'oad con&irm the !ati!&actor* operation o& the
%ompared with the previou! protot*pe, the new
de!ign ha!
'ower ma!!, 'ower !tarting torque and improved
Traditionally #ind tur+ine generators ha/e used
gear+oxes and
0itch control to allo# constant high1s0eed generation
under /arying
#ind s0eed conditions2 In recent years contem0orary
electronics of high efficiency, high relia+ility and
decreasing cost
offers the o0tion to change the 0o#er fi1e3uency out
of the generator
to match the system fre3uency, #hich leads to the
idea of /aria+le
s0eed direct1dri/e generators2 * num+er of
alternati/e conce0ts ha/e
+een 0ro0osed for direct1dri/e elecmcal generators
for u!e in gridconnected
or stand1alone #ind tur+ines 4,!52 Com0ared to a
con/entional gear+ox1cou0led #ind tur+ine
generator, a direct1dri/e
generator has reduced o/erall si6e, lo#er installation
maintenance cost, a flexi+le control method and
3uic7 res0onse to
#ind fluctuations and load /ariation2
* direct1dri/e generator must +e light and efficient
to minimise
the re3uirements for the to#er structure and to
maximise elecmcal
0o#er extracted .1om the #ind2 For small #ind
turine!, direct1dri/e
0ermanent magnet generators ha/e +ecome /ery
attracti/e +ecause
of their high efficiency, high 0o#er density and
ro+ust rotor
structure2 The attracti/eness of direct1dri/e
0ermanent magnet
generators is further enhanced +y im0ro/ements of
magnet characteristics and decrease of material
0rices2 Some directdri/e
exam0les are Enercon 8E!,"( 7'9, Pro/en 8!2:
7'9, %;'
8!2:1( 7'9 and <enco1'est#ind 8!2:1( 7'9 123"
* =oint effort to de/elo0 a !( 7' lo#1s0eed, high1
tor3ue, directdri/e
0ermanent magnet generator for #ind tur+ines #as
initiated +y
the Uni/ersity of Technology Sydney 40TS5 and
Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
8CSIRO9 in
con=unction #ith the *ustralian Coo0erati/e
Research Centre for
Rene#a+le Energy 8*CRE9 and <enco1'est#ind2
* nono0timised,
>$10ole, )( r0m 0rototy0e #as constructed +y
'est#ind earlier 4>52 It features a radial1flux,
slotted1stator to0ology
#ith outer1rotor and surface1mounted &d1Fe1B
magnets, as sho#n
in Fig2 2 The magnets are +onded to the inner
surface of a steel
drum that rotates around a stationary stator #ith
con/entional three0hase
#indings2 An ad/antage of this arrangement is that
centrifugal force of the rotating magnets a00lies a
0ressure to the
+onding media, therefore increasing the relia+ility of
the glued =oint2
*lso the +lades of the #ind tur+ine are directly
mounted on the fi1?nt
surface of the outer1rotor drum, #hich leads to a
sim0le assem+ly
0rocess, as sho#n in Figs2 : and .2
This 0a0er descri+es the im0ro/ed design of the
second 0rototy0e
+y using finite element analysis and com0uter search
Section -( considers starting tor3ue2 The analysis of
the direct1dri/e
0ermanent magnet generator is gi/en in Section
III. Section I<
discusses the design o0timisation and com0ares
designs for se/eral
num+ers of 0oles, and se/eral lamination and
magnet materials2 In
Section <, test results of the second 0rototy0e are
com0ared #ith
0redicted 0erformance2 The conclusions are
summarised in Section I<2
The starting tor3ue of a 0ermanent magnet generator
is the total
tor3ue including the 0ea7 cogging tor3ue, hysteresis
tor3ue, and the
tor3ue necessary to o/ercome the +earing and seal
friction of the
generator2 Bysteresis tor3ue arises .1om the
hysteresis loss of the
generator2 The cogging tor3ue is a dorninent
com0onent, #hichCis
inherently generated from the interaction of the
magnets #ith the
stator teeth2
For a direct1dri/e #ind generator, the starting tor3ue
is an
im0ortant design issue +ecause high starting tor3ue
o0eration at cut1in #ind s0eed2 *s a conse3uence, it
is necessary to
reduce the starting tor3ue to acce0ta+le /alues2
Fig2 %ayout of the direct1dri/e 0ermanent magnet
0-7803-6401 -5/001$10.00 0 2000 IEEE
The cogging tor3ue can +e calculated directly for
different rotor
0ositions, #hen the stator #inding canies no current
and the
rernanence of the magnet is 7no#n2 Since the
magnet remanence is
tem0erature de0endent, the cogging tor3ue /aries
#ith the o0erating
tem0erature of the generator2 The maximum cogging
tor3ue occurs
#hen the rotor tem0erature is at room tem0erature2
The cogging tor3ue is affected +y air ga0 length,
slot #edge
material, s7e#, magnet 0ole arc ratio, and slot
o0ening #idth etc2
For the first 0rototy0e, if the air ga0 is increased
from (", mm to ("6
mm, the pea) cogging tor3ue is reduced from 7+"7
&m to +7", &m2
By using a magnetic slot #edge, the cogging tor3ue
can +e reduced
further from +7", &m to 8", &m2 'hen the stator
slot is s7e#ed +y
one tooth #idth as used in the first 0rototy0e, the
0ea7 cogging
tor3ue decreases from .!2. &m to (("9 &m for an
air ga0 of (",
mm2 The cogging tor3ue is /ery sensiti/e to the 0ole
arc ratio as
sho#n in Fig2 !8a92 'ith a decrease of (2)! to ,"7 of
0ole arc ratio,
the 0ea7 cogging tor3ue increases o/er (, times2
The slot o0ening
#idth also affects the cogging tor3ue2 Fig2 !8+9
sho#s the /ariation
of 0ea7 cogging tor3ue against the slot o0ening
It can +e seen that there are a num+er of #ays to
reduce cogging
tor3ue, ie using a longer air ga0, a magnetic slot
#edge, slot
s7e#ing, and o0timum magnet 0ole arc ratio and slot
o0ening #idth2
For the same out0ut 0o#er, the use of a larger air
ga0 may increase
the thic7ness of the magnet2 The use of a magnetic
slot #edge
increases the flux lea7age +et#een ad=acent 0oles
and reduces the
out0ut 0o#er of the generator2 'hen the slots are
s7e#ed +y one
slot 0itch, the cogging tor3ue should +e ideally
reduced to 6ero, +ut
the out0ut is also reduced2 The most effecti/e
solutions for cogging
tor3ue reduction are the ad=ustment of the magnet m
#idth and the
slot o0ening #idth2
Pole arc rat10
Therefore, o0tirnising magnet arc and slot o0ening
#idth to gi/e a
minimum cogging tor3ue #as used in the im0ro/ed
The calculation of the o0erating characteristics of
the generator is
+ased on a finite element analysis of the magnetic
field and a
lum0ed10arameter circuit analysis of the thermal
+eha/iour2 The
characteristics of the generator are 0redicted for
fixed or /aria+le
s0eed o0eration under a +alanced resisti/e load2
A" Back emf and synchronous reactance
The +ac7 emf is calculated from the /ariation of the
flux lin7age
#ith the stator coil #hile the rotor turns2 Fig2 2
com0ares the
0redicted and measured ernf for the first 0rototy0e2
'ithout s7e#ed
slots, the 0hase ernf #a/eform sho#s a small di0 in
the middle,
#hich is attri+uted to the effect of the slot o0ening
and dee0 slots2
The 0hase emf #a/eform +ecomes tra0e6oidal #hen
the slots are
s7e#ed one tooth #idth2 The measured emf sho#s a
#a/eform, #hich indicates that one side of the
magnets is of lo#er
magnetisation than the other side2 The
unsymmehical strength of the
magnets may +e due to 0artial demagnetisation from
a hea/y load
The ernf can +e resol/ed into a Fourier series
com0rising a
fundamental com0onent and a series of odd
harmonics, gi/en +y
#here 0 is the num+er of 0oles and w is the
rotational angular s0eed
of the rotor in radls2 E, is the 0ea7 am0litude of the
jth harmonic of
the emf #ithout s7e#ed slots2 kg is the s7e# factor
for the fi
Line to line. unskewed, nn! 287 2 V
Line to line. skewed. rmr 279.5 V
Phase. unskewed, m 166.2 V
Phase, skewed. nns 161 4 V
4a5 Pea) c o p g toque again!t po'e an: mtio
Slot opening wldth (10'm)
45 Pea) cogging torque again!t !'ot opening
Fig2 ! Pea) cogging torque
0 60 120 180 240 300 3
Rotor poslstlon ele!tr"!al de#ree$
4a5 ;cted ac) em&
8+9 Mea!ured pha!e em&
Fig2 2 %ompari!on o& predicted and mea!ured
em& &or the &ir!t protot*pe
The synchronous reactance, D,, consists of the
armature reactance
and the lea7age reactance2 The armature reactance
can +e found
from incremental finite element analysis [5], #hile
the lea7age
reactance can +e calculated +y an em0irical formula2
In terms of the 0hase emf, epk synchronous
reactance, X,, and
0hase resistance, R,, the generator can +e re0resented
+y an
e3ui/alent circuit on a 0er10hase +asis2 Thus, for a
star1connected 2-
0hase symmetric resisti/e load, the load current, iph,
is deri/ed from
and R, is the load resistance 0er 0hase2
Thus, therms /alue of the load current is
=!"- j=1,5,7,1 '"""
B. Losses and load characteristics
The losses #hich affect the efficiency of the
generator are the
#inding co00er loss, stator core loss, mechanical
loss 0redominantly
from earing and seal friction, and !tra* loss, due
to edd* current
losses in the #inding and magnets2
The co00er loss, 0,, is the 0rinci0al loss in the
generator under
most o0erating conditions2 It can readily +e
calculated from the
#inding resistance at the o0erating tem0erature, and
is gi/en +y
*ssuming a uniform sinusoidal flux density in the
lamination, the
core loss, p#, can +e ex0ressed as
#here p,, is the classical hysteresis loss, p, the
classical eddy current
loss and 0, the anomalous loss2 These are gi/en +y
#here kh, k, and k, are the s0ecific hysteresis,
eddy current, and
anomalous losses, res0ecti/ely, #hen the 0ea7 flux
density B* is T
and the fre3uency f is :( B62 '0 is the lamination
mass2 The core
losses in the stator tooth and yo7e are calculated
The mechanical loss, 0, is gi/en +y
Pmec = Tbaa
#here Twi! the +earing and seal friction in &m2
The stray loss, pm, #as found to +e "E of the out0ut
in the first
0rototy0e2 This /alue is used in the design
From the resultant losses, the efficiency of the
generator, v, can
+e o+tained from
#l= PO xl((
PO $ Pcu $ Pfe $ Pmec $ Pstray
#here P, is the out0ut 0o#er and is gi/en +y
For a fixed s0eed and o0eration under a +alanced
resisti/e load,
the load characteristics of the generator can +e
o+tained from
e3uation 8>9 to 8(92 It is found that the out0ut 0o#er
reaches its
maximum /alue #hen the load resistance is
a00roximately e3ual to
Since the generator is directly cou0led to the #ind
tur+ine, the
o0erational s0eed /aries o/er a range, and hence
affects the no1load
emf and synchronous reactance2 The efficiencies for
/aria+le s0eed
o0eration can also +e o+tained fiom the a+o/e
C. Thermal analysis
The generator is a totally enclosed non1/entilated
machine2 *s the
generator is located on a to#er out of doors in hot
en/ironments, its
cooling de0ends not only u0on natural con/ection
+ut also radiation
and solar a+sor0tion2 The thermal 0erformance is a
+alance of heat
in0uts from machine losses and solar a+sor0tion, and
cooling +y
natural con/ection and radiation2 A 0reliminary
calculation sho#ed
that the heat transfer of radiation and solar
a+sor0tion is
a00roximately +alanced2 Thus for sim0licity the
thermal analysis
does not include radiation and solar a+sor0tion2
Ignoring radiation and solar a+sor0tion, the heat
generated +y the
total loss flo#s to the rotor surface through
conduction of the s0ider
structure inside the stator, and con/ection across the
air ga0 from the
stator outer surface, and then dissi0ates +y natural
con/ection into
the surrounding air2 A lum0ed10arameter model for
analysis is 0ro0osed to re0resent the com0lex
distri+uted thermal
0arameters of the generator, as sho#n in Fig2 >2 The
circuit can +e sol/ed to gi/e the tem0erature rise at
different locations2
. Performance of the non!optimised prototype
The 0erformance of the first 0rototy0e #as 0redicted
+y the
methods descri+ed a+o/e and is gi/en in Ta+le I2 It
can +e seen that
there is good agreement +et#een the measured
results and 0redicted
0erformance, in terms of /oltage, current,
tem0erature rise and
starting tor3ue2
earth magnets is only a+out E of the total cost92
The running cost
#as also found to +e small com0ared #ith the ca0ital
Pcu Pfer
Rg2> %um0ed10ammeter model for steady1state
thermal analysis
R, Fthermal resistance +ehyeen stator #indug and
stator tooth
R, = thermal resistance +et#een stator #indmg and
stator yo7e
"# = thermal resistance +et#een stator tooth and
R, $thermal resistance +et#een stator tooth and
outer surface
Rs = t h d resistance +et#een stator outer surface
and mtor inner surface
through con/ection and conduction of the air in the
air gap
R, = % & a l resistance +et#een stator yo7e and
inner surface
", = thermal resistance +et#een s0ider structure
and +earing
Rb = thermal resistance +eh/een +earing and
R, = therma' mistance of the mtor outer surface
"% Fthermal resistance of the su00orting frame outer
-C !" TBE F-$ST P$/T/':F;
Items ;easured Predicted
Pea7 cogging to3ue 8&m9 2$ '' - -
;aximum hysteresis to3ue 8&m9
Starting to3ue 8&m9
R;S cunent 8*9
R;S /oltage ()*
Po#er out0ut 8'9
Efficiency (+*
Rotor tem0era7m rise 8GC9
Stator #indmg tem0emture rise 8CC9
*cti/e mass 87g9
Based on the /alidated modelling 0rocedure, an
routine for the design of a !( 7', ! r0m direct1
dri/e 0ermanent
magnet generator #as set u02 It uses ele/en
dimensional /aria+les
and three cons+1aints2 The three constraints are
tem#1ature rise,
out0ut 0o#er, and starting tor3ue2 The o+=ecti/e is to
minimise the
ca0ital cost of the machine including materials,
0o#er loss,
su00orting structure and #ind s0eed /ariations2 It is
noted that the
cost o0timisation effecti/ely minimises the acti/e
mass due to the
high cost of the to#er and site installation2 The 0arts
cost of the
It is /ery im0ortant to 0ro/ide an initial feasi+le
design for the
o0timisation 0rocess, #hich can narro# the design
s0ace and
therefore sa/e com0utation time2 The design data for
the first
0rototy0e #as use# for the initial design2
Hesign o0timisations for se/eral num+em of 0oles,
and se/eral
lamination and magnet materials #ere 0erformed2
The design results
are gi/en in Ta+le ((--#" For a &i<ed num+er of
0oles, eg >$, the
design #ith short stac7 length sho#s a minimum
acti/e mass or total
cost2 'hen the stac7 length is &i<ed, the acti/e mass
decreases #ith
an increase of the num+er of 0oles2 It has +een found
that a +etter
grade of lamination material hel0s to meet the
starting tor3ue
8hysteresis tor3ue9 re3uirement, #hile a +etter grade
of magnet
material increases out0ut 0o#er2 The most
fa/oura+le design is a .(1
0ole machine #ith %y1core "( lamination and
&":SB magnet2
Bo#e/er, this design has a large diameter of (2, m2
A! manufacturing methods 0laced an u00er limit on
the outerrotor
drum diameter, a ".10ole #ind generator #as
selected for the
second 0rototy0e2 <alues of the 0rinci0al design
detads are gi/en in
Ta+le <2
T*B%E n
($%&!'( U0 %*;I&*TIO& )*+ .nSH
Poles ". >( >$ :> 60
'?ndin?tenumamerise8GC9 : !! !> "( "( . .
EfficieK (+* $)2 $.2: $.2) $.2) $.2:
Outer diameter 8( m9 .$, ., ),: ,(. ,(
OveraU lenK 8(" m) !)> !." !, E ,(
*cti/e mass 87g9 : (. ,> $. $!
Grade %y1core ++, %y1core 1+, mppn 3,-
lamination Cost8*L7g9 ! > >
Core loss 8'7g9 !2: 2" 2O
Winding &pa%,e rise 8CC9 "( "( "(
?fficieK? (+* $.2: $)2 $)2!
Bystensis to3ue 8&m9 ,2! >2 "2>
(uterdiameter8(" m9 ,( ," $))
OveraU length 8' m9 ,( $: $)
*cti/e mass (-g* $! ), ))
Grade &!)SB &""SB &":SB
Magnet Cost &-. >( :( .(
$emanenceo 2(. 2: 2,
Winding temperature rise 8GC9 "( "( "(
? f f i c i e n ? ? (+* $.2: $.2, $.2,
Bystemis to3ue 8&m9 ,2! ,2) ,2.
Outer diameter 8( m9 ,( () ,).
OveraU length 8(" m9 ,( $! $"
*cti/e mass (.g) $! $2) $(
machine is small # m 0 d #ith the total cost 8eg the
cost of rare
.otor position me!hani!al de#ree$
Fig2 : C o 0 g to3ue as a function of rotor 0osition
T*B%E <
&um+er of 0oles
&um+er of 0hases
Outer diameter
O/erall axial 'en=
Air m
%amination material
;agnet &aterial
;agnet thic7ness
*cti/e mass
'esis0ance per 0hase at !( /0
Synchronous in#uc0ance per 0hase
Synchronous reac0ance at ! r0m
&o1load 0hase emf
<oltage at U9 .1 out0ut
/urrent a0 !( 7' out0ut
Efficiency a0 U9 .1 out0ut
;aximum 0o#er out0ut at ! rpm
The cogging tor3ue is minimised #hen the magnet
arc ratio is (2)
and the slot o0ening #idth is "2) mm2 Fig2 : sho#s
the cogging
tor3ue #ithout s7e#ed slots as a function of rotor
0osition2 'ith
s7e#ed slots for one tooth #idth, the 0ea7 cogging
tor3ue is :2$ &m2
The hysteresis tor3ue is $2> &m2 Therefore, the
starting tor3ue of the
generator is .2! &m including ! &m for +earing
and seal iiiction2
The measured staring tor3ue of the second 0rototy0e
is !( &m2
Fig2 . sho#s the cross section of the generator 1it%
its flux lines at
no1load2 The 0redicted +ac7 ernf at no1load is sho#n
in Fig2 )2 Fig2 $
sho#s the load characteristics of the generator at !
r0m2 For a
maximum out0ut 0o#er, the load resistance 0er
0hase is a+out !2!>
R2 The /oltage and current #a/eforms for the
maximum out0ut
0o#er are sho#n in Fig2 ,2 It is noted that the current
for a hea/y
load tends to +e inducti/e since the synchronous
reactance is much
larger that the #inding resistance2 Fig2 ( sho#s the
0erformance as
a function of s0eed2 The out0ut 0o#er fiom the #ind
tur+ine is
0ro0ortional to the shaft s0eed cu+ed for the s0eed
u0 to nominal
s0eed2 The generated /oltage is 0ro0ortional to the
s0eed s3uared2
Therefore the current is 0ro0ortional to the s0eed
s3uared #hen the
s0eed is less than the nominal s0eed2 'hen the
s0eed is higher than
the nominal s0eed, the load current 7ee0s constant2
To test the second 0rototy0e in the la+oratory the
0ermanent magnet generator #as dri/en +y a ;a6da
com+ustion engine2 Fig2 sho#s the measured
o0en1circuit /oltage
#a/eform at no1load, #hich agrees #ell #ith the
#a/eform sho#n in Fig2 .2 'hile /arying
symmetrical "10hase
resisti/e load, the /oltage, current, and in0ut 0o#er
#ere recorded
for different engine s0eeds2 T#o sets of "10hase
resistors #ere
connected either in star or delta to gi/e ",.,, and $
R for the load
resistance2 Fig2 ! and " sho# the measured out0ut
0o#er and
efficiency of the generator as a function of s0eed,
The load characteristics at ! r0m can +e extracted
7om the test
data and are sho#n in Fig2 >2 'hen the out0ut
0o#er reaches !(
7' at ! r0m, the 0hase /oltage is !(! <, the
efficiency ,> + and
the load current "" A" The measured /oltage and
efficiency are
slightly higher than the 0redicted /alues sho#n in
Ta+le < for the
follo#ing reasonsM
$ An a/erage /alue for the remanence of the
magnets #as used in
the design, #hich may +e less than the actual /alues
for the
deli/ered magnets2
$ An am+ient tem0erature of :( >% #as assumed in
the design as
the generator #as assumed on the to#er2 This /alue
is higher
than that in the la+orato32 Therefore, the o0eration
of the magnets #as higher than the test condition,
#hich results
in a lo#er remanence of the magnets2
$ The stray loss #as assumed to +e "E of the out0ut
#hich may +e too high for the second 0rototy0e2
The test results of the generator #ith a resisti/e load
confirm the
satisfactory o0eration of the generator2 The direct1
dri/e generator is
currently installed #ith a t#o1+lade tur+ine on a ".m
to#er at
;urdoch Uni/ersity, to conduct full site testing2
Figs2 : and .
sho# the direct1dri/e generator mounted on the main
fiarne and on
the to#er, res0ecti/ely2
Fig" & 0lu1 line a0 no1load
I . Phase emt. withan skew I
Rotor posistion ele!tri!al de#ree$
6,, . .
Pham em1 2lm skew
Phase 2dta#e
Load !urrent - 2,,
Line lo ltne em1 mthwt skew
Phase em, mthan skew
Llne to ltne em3 mth skew
4 + 4 . 56 . 756 . ." 27, *(
Rotor poslstlon ele!treal de#ree$
Fig2 ) Redicted no1load ernf #a/eforms at ! rpm
Fig2 , <oltage an# a m a t #a/eforms for
maximum out0ut 0o## at ! 1 r0m
6utp"t power -. 7nput pawer
)8l!9em: ;Volta#e
%a#net temp me .mdm# temp rlse
- 2.
- 175
- - - 15.+ - 2 - 125 g, - - loo 2
Load current &$
Fig2 $ 8 P r e d i c t e d load characteristics at !
( rpm
r 6utput power 7nput power A *ur<lne
output power
)33l!len!: 0 Load !urrent $ Volta#e
%a#net temp. nse r .lndln# temp rlse
Fig2 ( Predicted 0erformance again!t speed
under resisti/e load
Fig" ' - 3easure# opencircuit vo'tage wave&orm
- Load re3i3tance 9 $1
2 Lo=d mslstan!e 18 n
Y 25
Speed rpm$
Fig" (+ Mea!ured output power again!t spead
Fig" (2 ;easured e&&icienc* again!t !peed
Direct-drive generator
Fig" (8 Direct-drive gemator mcunted on 04e
main 4&&e
--5,tp,t po1er 5'' Inp,t po1er
)33l!len!: 4Volta#e
o l . l . l . l " l " l " l " l " l . l " l o
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 60 100
Load !urrent 4A5
&ig" 14 ;easured 'oad chamcteri!tic! at +( ( rpm
0rototy0e2 Than7s also go to Bo#ard %o/att at
CSIRO and Peter
'atterson at 0TS for discussions2
Fig2 . Hirectdi/e generator on 0he to#er
The cogging tor3ue, +ac7 ernf, synchronous
reactance and iron
loss of a directdri/e 0ermanent magnet #ind
generator #ere
calculated +y using a finite element analysis2
Com+ined #ith an
e3ui/alent circuit and a lum0ed10arameter thermal
model, the
analysis of the 0erformance under a +alanced
resisti/e load #as
0resented and /alidated +y examining the non1
o0timised !( 7'
A design o0thisation routine #as a00lied to study a
range of
designs #ith different num+er of 0oles, different
lamination and
magnet materials2 The design of a ".10ole machine
#as finalised
and +uilt, #hich has a larger diameter and shorter
axial length than
the 0re/ious 0rototy0e2 Test results #ith a resisti/e
load ha/e
confirmed satisfactory o0eration of the generator2 Its
acti/e mass is
smaller, it has a lo#er starting tor3ue, and it is more
com0ared to the 0re/ious 0rototy0e2
B2J2 Chalmers, '2 'u, E2 S0ooner, G*n axial1flux
generator for a gearless #ind energy system,G '(((
trans. on (ner)y
Con*ersion, <ol2 >, &o2 !, June ,,,, 00!:1!:)2
E2 ;ul=ada, C2P2 Butterfield, N2 'an, G*xial1flux
modular 0ermanentmagnet
generator #ith a toroidal #inding for #ind1tur+ine
a00lications,G '((( Trans. on 'ndustry
+pplications, <ol2 ":, &o2 >,
JulyO*ugust ,,,, 00$"1$".2
<2 S2 Ramsden, G*00lication of rare1earth magnets
in high10erformance
electric machines,G 15Ih 'nternational ,orkshop
on "are!(urrh
-a)nets and Their +pplications, Hresden, "(
*ugust1" Se0tem+er,
,,$, 00.!"1.>!2
J2N2 Chen, C2<2 &ayar, G* multi10ole 0ermanent
magnet generator
direct cou0led to #ind tur+ine,G 'nternational
Conference on (lectrical
-achines, Istan+ul, Tur7ey, .!/ Se0tem+er ,,$,
;2 @yimesi, H2 Ostergaard, GInductance
com0utation +y incremental
finite element analysis,G '((( Tram -a)netics,
<ol2 ":, &o2 ", ;ay
,,,, 00,1!!2
The authors #ould li7e to than7 Jianyi Chen at
Curtin Uni/ersity
of Technology, for 0ro/iding them 1it% test results
of the 0re/ious

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