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Symbols in the play

The star, named after all Alcor- Monica, is

the deep love of the Professor. Although it is
not visible and wont be ever seen, it is an
entity that belongs to the Professors
affective memory. It represents the call of
the Universe, which is only heard by the
Professor, his desire to escape from the cruel
reality. They are creatures that have never
met, but are seeking for each other.
The stars trail represents the destiny, not
only an unpredictable fact, but a symbolical
path that must be taken for granted. The
repeated collocation No star ever leaves its
trail emphasizes the aspect of the
uniqueness of the way a man should follow
in life.

Comenius-Stars Over Europe 2012-2014

Synopsis/ Libretto of the
dramatization realized
by the Romanian team at

The Chief Sebastian Chiril
Miss Cucu Adina Ursache
The Professor Andrei Avadanei
Pascu - Mihnea Amihilesei
The Unknown Miruna Adiaconiei
The School Girl Codrina Croitoriu
The Conductor - Lctuu Rzvan

The action begins with the discussion
between the Chief and the Professor,
who is waiting for receiving an
extremely rare astronomy book.
According to the Chiefs predictions,
Miss Cucu arrives on the platform at 7
Miss Cucu is a punctual young
teacher and a constant passenger of
trains. She is obsessed with rules and
discipline and persecutes the school
girl, who usually comes on the
platform to admire the trains . She is
profondly anchored in reality, being
unable to understand the girls
necessity of escaping from the real
space by watching the trains passing
away. Also, she is sceptical when the
Professor tries to explain her the
necessity of seeing beyond the
horizon line.
Next, the Professor receives the book
package and he pays attention to the
appearance of an unknown lady. The
Chief bannes her access in the train,
as she is not able to pay her train
ticket with money, but with the chips
she gained at the casino. The
Professor invites her in his house,
because she has nowhere else to go.
The Unknown has the air of coming
from other world and thats why the
Chief and the Conductor treat her as
insane. All the evidence is that she
behaviours weirldly: she doesnt take
into account the social rules, she has
never gazed at stars, she doesnt
understand the Professors ambition
to study the astronomers books. She
may be considered the human
embodiment of the star dicovered by
the Professor, giving that he realises
at the end of the play that her name,
Monica, is the perfect one for his star.
The Professor is a book-warm
astronomer who longs for searching
more and more things about his true
passion- the Astronomy. He is a
socially unadapted person, who has
no other pleasure except from
studying. Yet, he is the only one who
understands the school girls
behaviour , another apparently
incomprehensible character.
These two characters, though seem to
be so different, they have many things
in common. Both come from other
worlds, the world of books and the
world of stars.


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