Qualification of Excipients For Use in Pharmaceuticals

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Copyright 2008 International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council

Printed in the USA by IPEC-Americas

1655 N. Ft. Myer Drive, Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22209
Qualification of
Excipients for
Use in
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Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page. ii


IPEC is an international industry association formed in 1991 by manufacturers and users of excipients. It is an
association comprising three regional pharmaceutical excipient industry associations covering the United
States, Europe, and Japan (which are known respectively as IPEC-Americas, IPEC Europe, and JPEC). IPECs
objective is to contribute to the development and harmonization of international excipient standards, the
introduction of useful new excipients to the marketplace and the development of best practice and guidance
concerning excipients.

IPEC has three major stakeholder groups;
1. Excipient manufacturers and distributors, who are considered suppliers in this document,
2. Pharmaceutical manufacturers, who are called users, and
3. Regulatory authorities who regulate medicines.


This document offers best practice and guidance in the establishment of an effective relationship between an
excipient supplier and excipient users. The excipient supplier may be a manufacturer or a distributor (or both).
It concentrates on the issues that the two parties are likely to encounter and offers advice and best practice as to
how to address them, thereby ensuring a smoother relationship and easier use of the excipient by the user and
in their dealings with the regulatory authorities.

Because excipients are diverse and often have uses other than in pharmaceutical applications, a supplier may
discover that their product is being used by the pharmaceutical industry as an excipient. This document will be
especially valuable in such situations because many of the issues described will be new to the supplier.

Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page. iii


Thus any material used in the pharmaceutical drug product will be required to be manufactured under
appropriate Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and supplied under Good Distribution Practices (GDP). The
exact definition of GMP or GDP will depend on the material in question (e.g. excipient, active pharmaceutical
ingredient, packaging etc) and legislation where the excipient is supplied or sold. Within this guide the terms
GMP and GDP are used to encompass all of these various definitions.

Like all guides this document is not meant to be proscriptive, and suppliers and users may follow the guideline
as written or find their own manner to address the subjects highlighted. The guide is intended to be
comprehensive and covers the essential aspects of the supplier-user relationship. In this regard not every topic
may be appropriate for all relationships.

To facilitate reading, the excipient qualification process has been presented in flow charts as a means of linking
the activities and steps in a logical manner. This aids comprehension and places these steps into context.

There is no specific requirement to follow the exact sequences of actions as detailed in the flowcharts although
users will find these helpful to ensure all aspects are considered.

Although excipient qualification does not directly involve the regulatory authorities, they set many of the
conditions that have to be satisfied if a user is to employ an excipient in their medicine.

This document describes the three phases of the excipient qualification process. The layout and content are as

Section 1 Introduction: describes the scope, purpose, and layout of this guide.
Phase 1 The Excipient Suppliers Process
Section 2 General Guidance: provides background concerning excipient manufacture,
regulation, and controls.
Section 3 Excipient Development and Specification Process: provides guidance to
excipient suppliers on the development of an excipient and its specifications.
Phase 2 The Users Process

Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page. iv

Section 4 Excipient User Assessment, Selection, and Specification Process: provides
guidance on how users should assess the excipients for inclusion in their
Phase 3 The Negotiation Process
Section 5 Excipient Supplier-User Negotiation Process: provides guidance on the
development of an agreement between the excipient supplier and
pharmaceutical user to define excipient quality requirements.
Glossary Terms defined in the glossary appear in bold the first time they are used in
this document.
Appendices Flow diagrams that illustrate the development of a material for sale as an
excipient, the approval of the use of an excipient in a dosage form, the
negotiation process used to determine the appropriateness of the requirements,
and the specific requirements for the excipient.

Each Phase of the process is also described by a flowchart illustrating the process:

Phase One- The Excipient suppliers Process shows the steps a chemical manufacturer may take to evaluate
the market and regulatory requirements for the proposed excipient and the steps leading up to the
market launch,
Phase Two- The Users Process illustrates the path a pharmaceutical company ordinarily follows in
evaluating the excipient and its manufacturer for use in a formulation, and
Phase Three- The Negotiation Process shows the process by which the supplier and user interact to reach a
mutual agreement on quality requirements.

As an international guidance document, the guide cannot specify all national legal requirements or cover in
detail the particular characteristics of excipient qualification in all territories. Although the details in this
document highlight European and United States issues, the principles can be applied to any excipient supplier
excipient user relationship worldwide.

By setting out all the stages in excipient qualification both suppliers and users will be better placed to use the
tools in ICH Q9 Quality Risk Management
to better assess which steps in this guide are most appropriate and
necessary for their particular situation.

ICH Q9, Quality Risk Management, http://www.ich.org/LOB/media/MEDIA1957.pdf

Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page. v

1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Scope 1
1.3 Principles Adopted 1
1.4 Layout 1
2.1 Differentiation of Excipient Manufacture 2
2.1.1 Reference Documents 3
2.2 Preliminary Excipient Marketing Decision 3
2.2.1 Determination of the Intended Target Market and Route of Administration 3
2.3 Regulatory Assessment 4
2.3.1 Safety, Toxicological, and Precedence of Use Issues 4
2.3.2 New (Novel) Excipients 5
2.3.3 Compendial Requirements 6
General Comments 6
United States Pharmacopeia 7
European Pharmacopeia 8
Japanese Pharmacopeia 8
New and Novel Excipients not listed in a Pharmacopoeia 8
Other regulatory requirements 10
2.3.4 Desired Properties for Intended Use 10
2.3.5 Excipient Master Files and Other Filings 10
United States Drug Master Files 10
European Certificates of Suitability (CEP) 11
Japanese Drug Master Files 12
2.3.6 International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) 12
2.3.7 Specific Safety Issues 13
2.3.8 Concluding Comments on the Regulatory Assessment 14
2.4 Manufacturing and Packaging 14
2.4.1 Process Capability and Validation 15
2.4.2 Test Methods and Validation 16
2.5 Excipient Specifications 17
2.5.1 Excipient Stability 17
3.1 Excipient Consistency and Control 18
3.2 Performance Indicators 19
3.3 Production Specification and Master Batch Record 19
3.4 Marketing Materials 20
3.4.1 Sampling Guidelines 21
3.5 Customer Feedback 22
3.6 Post Product Launch 22
3.7 Confidential Information 22

Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page. vi

4.1 Project Initiation 24
4.2 New Formulation Development Projects 24
4.2.1 Selecting the Excipient 25
4.2.2 Selecting the Supplier 26
4.2.3 Regulatory Assessment 28
4.2.4 Refining the Excipient List 29
4.2.5 Formulation Design, Development, and Optimization 30
4.3 Alternative Excipient Source Projects 31
4.4 Negotiation Process Impact 33
5.1 Review of Excipient User Requirements 34
5.2 Quality Agreement 36
5.3 Modification of Requirements 37
5.4 Identification of Potential Solutions 37
5.4.1 Lot Selection 38
5.4.2 Manufacture to Order 41
5.5 Other Approaches 41
5.5.1 In-House Processing 41
5.5.2 Reformulate 41
5.5.3 Supplier Custom Manufacture 42
5.6 Concluding Agreements 42

Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page. vii

This Guide was developed by representatives of many of the member companies of the International
Pharmaceutical Excipients Council (IPEC), an industry association whose members consist of excipient
manufacturers, distributors, and pharmaceutical users. The company representatives who worked on this Guide
are listed below:

William F. Busch, Dow Wolff Cellulosics
Dale Carter, J.M. Huber Engineered Materials
Raymond Croes, SPI Pharma, Inc.
Sidney A. Goode, Pharm.D, The Dow Chemical Company
Maria Guazzaroni Jacobs, Ph.D., Pfizer, Inc.
Diana Hickey, EMD Chemicals Inc.
David B. Klug, M.S., sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC
Cindy Libonati, C.P.M., Purdue Pharma L.P.
Brian McCarter, EMD Chemicals Inc.
Philip H. Merrell, Ph.D., Jost Chemical Co.
Ann Van Meter, The Dow Chemical Co.
R. Christian Moreton, Ph.D., FinnBrit Consulting
Frank H. Murphy, Dow Chemical
Londa L. Ritchey, M.S., Wyeth
David R. Schoneker, M.S., Colorcon, Inc.
Alexa Smith, Colorcon, Inc.
Bob Sulouff, Hercules/Aqualon
Katherine L. Ulman, Dow Corning Corporation
Robert E. Wiens, Eli Lilly Incorporated
Priscilla Zawislak, Hercules Incorporated
Iain Moore, Ph.D., Croda Europe Ltd
Ariane Etoc, Dow Corning
Doris Wangel, Flamel Technologies
Karen Hudson, Eli Lilly
Adrian Bone, Eli Lilly
Irwin B. Silverstein, Ph.D., IBS Consulting in Quality LLC
Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 1

1.1 Purpose
This document is meant as a guide for the qualification of excipient ingredients by excipient
suppliers and pharmaceutical users. Its goal is to establish the information needed to support the
introduction of a material for marketing as an excipient to the pharmaceutical industry as well as
to indicate the steps used to establish the requirements for use of an excipient by a pharmaceutical

1.2 Scope
This guide is applicable to all excipients used in pharmaceutical dosage forms.

1.3 Principles Adopted
When considering how to use this guide, each excipient supplier must consider how it may apply
to their material and processes. In addition pharmaceutical formulators should consider the proper
use of the excipient in their formulation. Although the steps are laid out in a specific sequence in
this guide, supplier and users are not required to follow that route through the excipient
qualification process nor indeed cover every aspect described. The diversity of excipients means
that some principles of the guide may not be applicable to certain materials and processes. The
terminology should and it is recommended do not necessarily mean must.

1.4 Layout
Flow diagrams are a pictorial display of the process described in detail in this document. They
outline a logical path with sequential steps and appropriate decision points that should be
evaluated in the excipient development and qualification process. Decision points show what the
next phase of the evaluation would be, dependent upon the decision reached.

The reference number contained in the boxes of the flow diagram refers the reader to the
corresponding section in this guide where further information is provided. The box number
appears as bold text between the chevrons (<number>) in the text.

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 2


2.1 Differentiation of Excipient Manufacture
Many materials used as excipients have applications other than in pharmaceuticals, such as food
additives, cosmetics, or industrial products. Thus, environmental conditions, equipment, and
operational techniques employed in excipient manufacture are often those of the chemical
industry rather than those of the pharmaceutical industry. The excipient starting materials may not
be required to be manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
requirements for excipients (for example as in the IPEC-PQG GMP Guide
) because these other
uses of the material do not demand the adoption of GMP. Excipients may be manufactured
through significant chemical change, physical modification, blending, or purification which
causes many of the other components present in the starting materials to be removed or reduced.
The effectiveness of these steps is confirmed by chemical, biological, or physical testing of the
excipient. Once synthesized or isolated, excipients normally undergo additional purification. Thus
while materials manufactured by the chemical industry, primarily for other applications can be
used as pharmaceutical excipients, in these cases the principles of GMP will need to be applied
when the material is intended for use in the pharmaceutical industry.

For distributors the same principles apply in that the purity, integrity, and suitability of the
excipient for use in pharmaceutical products needs to be assured. In these cases the IPEC Good
Distribution Practice (GDP) Guide
is an appropriate starting point for defining the quality
assurance standards and systems required.

The finished dosage formulator is highly dependent on the excipient manufacturer to provide
materials that are uniform in chemical and physical characteristics. This is particularly important
in the context of the pharmaceutical product approval process where bioequivalence comparisons
are made between pivotal, clinical trial batch ("biobatch") production and commercial scale-up
lots. The excipient used to manufacture commercial lots should not differ significantly from those
used in biobatches to provide adequate assurance of finished product performance. Therefore, it is
important to minimize variation between the different batches of excipient, as well as within the
excipient batch itself. However if significant differences do occur between excipient lots used in
clinical and commercial drug product lots, additional testing by the finished dosage manufacturer
may be required to establish the bioequivalence of the drug product.

The user of the excipient typically does not significantly alter the chemical and/or physical
properties of the excipient prior to use. Consequently, other components present in the excipient
are likely to be present in the drug product. Excipients frequently function because they are not
pure. That is to say that there may be concomitant components that are necessary for the
correct functioning of the excipient. These concomitant components should not be confused with

Although dosage form manufacturers may have some limited control over excipient quality
through specifications, the excipient manufacturer must be considered to have greater control
over physical characteristics, quality, and the presence of other components in the excipient they
produce. Control over other components in the excipient should not be taken to mean minimizing
or even eliminating concomitant components from the excipient. The presence of concomitant
components in the excipient often has a beneficial effect on excipient performance, but control is
needed to assure that the presence of concomitant components is at a consistent level and other

The Joint IPEC-PQG Good Manufacturing Practices Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients 2006
The IPEC Good Distribution Practices Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2006
IPEC Excipient Composition Guide (in development)

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 3
components are kept to a minimum. It is important to remember however that it is the
responsibility of the pharmaceutical dosage form manufacturer to ensure the safety of their drug
product and the excipients used in the formulation.

Excipients are frequently used in different types of drug products where physical characteristics,
such as particle size, may be important. While the pharmaceutical formulator is primarily
responsible for identifying the particular physical characteristics needed, it is the responsibility of
the excipient manufacturer to adequately control the excipient manufacturing process to assure
consistent excipient conformance to the agreed specifications.

2.1.1 Reference Documents
Several sources have been used for reference information in the development of this
guideline and are listed in Appendix C-Bibliography. IPEC has issued several guidelines
that are referred to in this document. In addition, the pharmacopoeias have pertinent
information in their general chapters that are applicable. Finally, several ICH
are referenced in various sections of this guideline (and are also included in Appendix C-

2.2 Preliminary Excipient Marketing Decision
The original manufacturer begins the process of offering a chemical to the pharmaceutical
market as a substance suitable for use as an excipient in a drug product <1.1>. It is not
appropriate for a distributor to make the determination to use a non-pharmaceutical grade as a
drug component.

Alternatively, a pharmaceutical customer may approach the excipient supplier and indicate a
desire to utilize their product as an excipient (see Section 4-Phase 2). In either instance the
decision to provide the material as an excipient should be made with a good understanding of the
suitability of the safety and quality of the material, and the ability to supply this quality on a
consistent basis.

2.2.1 Determination of the Intended Target Market and Route of Administration
The intended end use of the excipient should be identified and considered in determining
the appropriate regulatory and GMP requirements for the excipient and its manufacturing
facility <1.2>. Of particular importance is whether the excipient will be a component of a
finished drug product. The route of administration is critical to defining the requirements
for the excipient because the key principle throughout pharmaceutical supply is that of
protecting the patient. The risks to the patient are proportional to the route of
administration, approximately increasing in the following sequence:
Oral, vaginal, and rectal
Parenteral, ophthalmic, and preparations intended for use in open wounds

Parenteral dosage forms normally require an excipient to have a low bioburden or be
produced as pyrogen-free. An excipient to be used in a sterile drug product may be
required either to be sterile or capable of remaining unaffected by the drug manufacturers
sterilization process. The excipient supplier is responsible for ensuring that excipients meet
bacterial endotoxins specifications or are pyrogen-free, only if the excipient manufacturer
makes such a representation in specifications, labeling, contractual agreement, a Drug

ICH International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals
for Human Use: http://www.ich.org

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 4
Master File (DMF), or a Certificate of Suitability to the European Pharmacopeia

2.3 Regulatory Assessment

2.3.1 Safety, Toxicological, and Precedence of Use Issues
There are several safety related issues that should be assessed by the potential excipient
manufacturer as part of their decision to introduce an excipient to the pharmaceutical
market <1.3>.

First an assessment should be made as to whether there is a precedence of use for the
material in a drug product or a similar application such as a food additive, food contact
packaging component. If a precedence of use can be shown in applications where there is
human exposure, the safety of the material might already be appropriate for potential
application as an excipient in the pharmaceutical industry.

In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintains a database of excipients
that is posted on their website as the Inactive Ingredient Database (IID)
. The IID should
be used to establish precedence of use since it lists each excipient which has been allowed
as a consequence of its presence in an approved innovator drug product. Each excipient is
listed by name, dosage form, and the maximum amount of excipient contained in an
approved drug of that listed dosage form. Care must be exercised in searching the database
because an excipient can be listed by various names, including trade name, compendia
name, chemical name, or generic description (for dyes and flavors).

In Japan, an assessment for precedence of use can be made by referring to the Japanese
Pharmaceutical Excipients Dictionary (JPED) which is edited by the Japan Pharmaceutical
Excipients Council in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare. The
JPED is a compilation of all excipients for which there is a precedence of use in drug
products in Japan. It includes monographs from the JP or Japanese Pharmaceutical
Excipients (JPE) as well as all non-monograph excipients that have been previously used.
Each monograph lists the nonproprietary name and synonyms along with the application
and maximum dosages for the various routes of administration in approved drugs

In Europe, there is no comprehensive European Union list of excipients that have been
approved in drug products. Therefore, in order to establish precedence of use, it is
necessary to review the drug catalogues such as the Dictionnaire Vidal (France),Die
Rote Liste (Germany), or The Electronic Medicines Compendium (UK)

At the time this Guide was prepared, the European Union had mandated the application of
GMP principles to certain excipients
. Materials in this category are those that could pose
a higher safety risk to the patient including excipients:
prepared from materials derived from a TSE-relevant animal species (excluding
derived from human/animal material with potential viral contamination risk

Instructions: http://www.fda.gov/cder/iig/iigfaqWEB.htm,
Database: http:www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/iig/index.cgm
Maximum dosage information is only contained in the Japanese language version of the JPED.
Electronic Medicines Compendium; http://www.medicines.org.uk/emc.aspx
Draft: Specific Conditions of the Application of the Principles and Guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practice
for Certain Excipients EC-Directive 2001/83/EC, as amended by EC-Directive 2004/27/EC

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 5
claimed to be sterile (or sold as sterile) and used without further sterilization
with the specification or claim that they are endotoxin/pyrogen controlled, or
the following specific materials:
o propylene glycol
o glycerol
Following a public and industry consultation in the summer of 2007, an economic impact
assessment suggested that it was not in the public benefit to mandate the application of GMP
for certain excipients. However, a final decision has not been taken; nevertheless IPEC
recommends the application of the GMP principles described in the IPEC-PQG Excipient
GMP Guide to all excipients.

If there is no precedence of use in a drug product, then the material is to be considered a new
excipient (see Sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.5).

2.3.2 New (Novel) Excipients
An excipient used for the first time in a drug product or by a new route of administration is
classified as new according to the ICH Guideline M4
, Organisation of the Common
Technical Document for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use. Conversely,
this guideline defines known excipients as excipients that are well-established and
commonly used in registered drug products and are usually included in pharmacopoeias.

When an excipient has not previously been used in a pharmaceutical dosage form then
there are a number of conditions set out by the US and European regulatory authorities to
allow for its use.

The U.S. FDA has issued a Guidance concerning the safety testing required for novel
as has IPEC in their IPEC New Excipient Evaluation Guidelines dated October
which were the basis for the USP-NF 26 General Chapter Excipient Biological
Safety Evaluation Guidelines <1074>
on this topic. The information contained in these
documents is useful for assessing the safety of a chemical for use as an excipient. The IPEC
Europe Safety Committee has published a similar guideline
. The manufacturer of a new
or novel excipient should develop the safety information recommended in these guidelines
appropriate to their intended use. This information provides the basis for establishing the
suitability of the material for use as an excipient in a particular type of dosage form.

The terms new and novel as related to excipients are difficult to define precisely.
Clearly an excipient is new if it is not listed in:
the FDA Inactive Ingredient database,
any of the 3 major compendia, U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP-NF), European
Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.), or Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP), or
other widely known compendia such as the Handbook of Pharmaceutical
Excipients or Fiedler: Lexikon der Hilfsstoffe fr Pharmazie, Kosmetik und
angrenzende Gebiete (Encyclopedia of excipients for pharmaceutical, cosmetic

ICH M4, Organisation of the Common Technical Document for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human
Use, Step 4, 2004.
U.S. FDA, Nonclinical Studies for Development of Pharmaceutical Excipients (final version May 2005)
Steinberg, M., Borzelleca, J.F., Enters, E.K., Kinoshita, F.K., Loper, A., Mitchell, D.B., Tamulinas, C.B., and
Weiner, M.L., A New Approach to the Safety Assessment of Pharmaceutical Excipients, Regulatory Toxicology
and Pharmacology, 24, 2, 1996.
USP-NF General Chapter <1074> Excipient Biological Safety Evaluation Guidelines
The Proposed Guidelines for the Safety Evaluation of New Excipients (European Pharmaceutical Review,
November 1997)

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 6
and related use).

The industry recognizes that any change in the chemical composition of an excipient
produces a new excipient, no matter how minor the modification to the chemical
composition. Mixtures of excipient ingredients can result in a novel excipient when the
subject mixture is to be used in a dosage form for which its constituent excipients have not
already independently been used in that intended route of administration. Physical
modification of an excipient, such as micronizing or compaction does not generally
produce a new or novel excipient.

However, co-processing can produce a synergistic physical interaction between two or
more excipients that is patentable and create unique properties that cannot be achieved
through simple blending
. The safety assessment for these co-processed excipients made
with commonly used pharmaceutical excipients will generally be less stringent than for a
new chemical entity.

If the excipient is already described in a pharmacopoeia or used as such in other
pharmaceutical dosage forms, the excipient is neither new nor novel and the detailed safety
review recommended in the above guidelines will not be necessary.

2.3.3 Compendial Requirements
General Comments
There are three major compendia that are routinely referenced globally; the United States
Pharmacopeia National Formulary (USP-NF), the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph.Eur.),
and the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP). These compendia describe the quality of substances
to be regularly used in pharmaceutical products, how to test them and the other general
conditions required to assure the quality of pharmaceutical substances so that they are not
harmful to the patient. The descriptions of substances for pharmaceutical use are called
monographs and these list the analytical specification and other quality attributes required
to assure the safety and quality of the excipient.

In order to market an excipient, there is no regulatory requirement that there must be a
compendial monograph for the material. However, if a compendial monograph exists for an
excipient in a particular regions pharmacopoeia, then the excipient should comply with
that monograph because the regulatory authorities require conformance. However, other
regulations may define a suitable quality which could be used (e.g. Food Chemical Codex).
In all cases, the use of a specification that at least meets a compendial monograph or a
similar standard is preferable to the suppliers own internal document. In particular
conformance to a pharmacopoeial monograph and other relevant general notices and
chapters of the compendia means that the excipient already has a suitably defined quality
for pharmaceutical use.

In some instances, other specific regulations apply for a specific use such as for parenteral
applications as discussed above (see Section 2.2.1).

In the United States, certain food additive materials are produced in conformance with the
Food Chemical Codex (FCC) while in Japan, there is the Japanese Pharmaceutical Codex
and also a series of supplementary books called the Japanese Pharmaceutical Excipients
(JPE). Many other national pharmacopoeias delineate the quality requirements of
pharmaceutical ingredients and these will take precedence over the three major

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 7

Where an excipient is described in a pharmacopoeia, the quality of material for
pharmaceutical use must comply with this monograph (regulatory requirement).

The compendia are concerned with the presence of additives and processing aids in
excipients. While the issue is still under active consideration by the pharmacopoeias, it is
suggested that excipient manufacturers compile information on the identity and quantity of
additives and processing aids that are or may be present in excipient products.

For an excipient listed in multiple compendia that may be marketed for global use, the
manufacturer is advised to ascertain the conformance of the excipient to the monograph
requirements found in all those compendia. While considerable efforts are underway to
harmonize the requirements for excipients with monographs in the three major compendia,
currently there are often different monograph requirements found in one or more of these
compendia. Even for excipients whose monographs have completed the harmonization
process, they may still contain non-harmonized attributes. As a consequence, it is advisable
to tabulate all monograph testing requirements from all compendia having an appropriate
monograph. Such a table should contain not only the test name and specification range but
a brief description of the test method since often the method of analysis differs between
compendia. Once the tabulation is complete, the excipient supplier can develop a testing
plan to ensure conformance to all monograph requirements in the various compendia.
Where multiple test methods are referenced for the same property (attribute), it would be
satisfactory to validate the manufacturers method to demonstrate it provides assurance that
the excipient, when tested to each monograph method, will conform to each monograph

The commercial relevance of an excipient and therefore the use of the excipient in at least
one approved drug product is a prerequisite for inclusion of a monograph in the Ph.Eur.,
USP-NF, or JP/JPE. Both users and suppliers of excipients may request their local
pharmacopeia to develop a new monograph once a materials use in a commercial
pharmaceutical product has occurred. When there is no pharmacopoeia or other compendia
monograph, the manufacturer can establish its own specification, based on an existing
similar pharmacopoeia monograph. If not available, the specification can be based on its
own experience and the excipients chemical and physical properties and intended use.

United States Pharmacopeia National Formulary
The USP and NF are legally separate compendia officially mandated in the U.S. Federal
Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act. However, they are published together in a single book.

To be considered for inclusion in the USP-NF, a new excipient should have been used in an
approved drug product or be listed in another pharmacopoeia. A monograph is prepared for
the new excipient with input from both the excipient manufacturers and pharmaceutical
users. The draft monograph is then published for comment in the Pharmacopeial Forum and
then submitted to the USP for approval.

The USP-NF General Notices require the use of appropriate GMPs in the manufacture of
compendial materials
. The USP-NF includes a General Information Chapter which
elaborates on the GMP requirements for producing an excipient.
The USP-NF also
specifies the requirements for properly testing an excipient both in terms of the

USP-NF General Notices subsection Ingredients and Processes, second paragraph.
USP-NF <1078> Good Manufacturing Practices for Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 8
requirements for validated test methods as well as by detailing specific test methodology.
Generally, excipient monographs (specifications) are contained in that portion of the USP-
NF called the National Formulary (NF) unless they also have been used in a dosage form
where they function as the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API), in which case they
are contained in the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP). The monographs detail the test
methods and specification limits which must be achieved in order to market an excipient as
compendial grade. Certain monographs also contain additional information such as labeling
and storage requirements.

In order to label an excipient as compendial grade, regardless of the pharmacopoeia, all
monograph and appropriate General Chapter or Notices requirements ordinarily must be
met. There is an exception to this for USP and NF grade excipients, under certain
circumstances, as noted in the USP-NF General Notices
. Nevertheless, alternative test
methods used must be validated
and shown to produce results comparable to those
obtained using the compendial method. Non-compendial test methods used must be

European Pharmacopoeia
For a new excipient to be added to Ph.Eur. it must have been a component of a previously
approved drug product and no longer protected by patent. The drug product formulated
with the new excipient ingredient is reviewed and approved by the member state or states to
which the application has been submitted. Once used in an approved drug product, to be
added to the Ph.Eur. the new excipient; must be included in the work program of the
European Pharmacopoeia Commission. To be added to the work program typically requires
the support of several member states at the biannual meeting of the Commission. The
excipient is usually assigned to an expert group and the secretariat will identify the
excipient manufacturers. The excipient suppliers are then asked to provide specifications,
test methods, and samples from which the expert group will develop a draft monograph for
public review by publication in PharmEuropa and subsequent approval by the European
Pharmacopoeia Commission. Upon approval by the Commission, the excipient is added to

Japanese Pharmacopoeia
In Japan, new excipients are also approved as a consequence of the approval of a drug
product application containing the excipient. The pharmaceutical manufacturer makes an
application through a prefectural office to the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
Agency (PMDA). If the drug formulation contains an excipient with no precedence of use
in Japan, the application goes to the Subcommittee on Pharmaceutical Excipients of the
Central Pharmaceutical Affairs Council (CPAC). Their review of the quality attributes and
safety of the excipient is done concurrently with the drug product approval conducted by
the Subcommittee on New Drugs of CPAC. The Subcommittee reports are used by the
Evaluation and Licensing Division to approve the drug product. Once the drug product has
been approved, the Japanese Pharmacopoeia can consider the addition of a monograph.

New and Novel Excipients not listed in a Pharmacopoeia
An ingredient can be used in a pharmaceutical product as an excipient even when there is
no monograph for the material in a compendium. Regulatory authorities require a full
safety and toxicological evaluation
10, 11,12,13
. Once a regulatory authority has approved a
drug application containing such an excipient, that excipient is generally considered

USP-NF General Notices subsection Official and Official Articles, fourth paragraph.
USP-NF <1225> Validation of Compendial Methods

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 9
acceptable for the same route of administration up to the same level of use providing the
same specifications are met as those used in the previously approved drug.

For new excipients a toxicological assessment should be made to demonstrate the safety of
the material in the intended pharmaceutical application at the specified use level. The USP-
NF Excipient Biological Safety Evaluation Guidelines <1074>

provides guidance on
conducting a safety assessment for a novel excipient. In the U.S., the FDA has also issued
guidance on non-clinical studies for new excipients

When new excipients are developed and being used in an approved drug, the manufacturer
may request that a monograph for the excipient is added to the compendia. The purpose of
a pharmacopoeial excipient monograph is to provide standards to assure the excipients
quality in pharmaceutical use. The tests, procedures, and acceptance criteria for an
excipient specification should address: appearance, identity, chemical purity,
microbiological purity, physical characteristics (e.g., optical rotation), packaging, labeling,
and storage.

Generally an excipient monograph contains the following information
Monograph Name: The name by which the excipient will be primarily found in
the compendia,
Official Title: The name by which the excipient is generally known in industry,
Definition: The acceptance criteria for the assay often expressed as a percentage
Packaging and Storage: Special packaging or storage conditions necessary to
protect the excipient,
Labeling: Special requirements for labeling to differentiate various grades of the
excipient such as by molecular weight or listing of additives present,
Description: The excipient is characterized as to chemical structure, molecular
weight, physical form, and solubility,
Identification: There should be a test or tests that confirm the identity of the
Composition: There should be specific tests, where possible, for concomitant and
other components especially for those above 0.1%. There should be tests, where
appropriate, for organic, inorganic and heavy metal components as well as
residual solvent(s),
Assay: There should be a test to quantify the excipient content, where possible,
Other tests: Where further characterization is needed, other tests such as pH,
preservative content, or bacterial endotoxin should be recommended.

The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) also requires for excipients not in the Ph.Eur.
Physical Characteristics
Tests for parameters that may influence the performance in the dosage form
called functionality-related characteristics.

Guideline for Submitting Requests for Revision of the USP-NF, Chapter Three Excipients, page 67 October 8,
Guideline for Submitting Requests for Revision of the USP-NF, Chapter Three Excipients, pp 57-64 October 8,
The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, Evaluation of Medicines for Human Use, Note
for Guidance on Excipients, Antioxidants and Antimicrobial Preservatives in the Dossier for Application for
Marketing Authorisation of a Medicinal Product, (DRAFT) CPMP/QWP/419/03, February 2003

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 10
This list is not exhaustive but is intended to provide preliminary guidance on the content of
a proposed monograph.

In addition, the manufacturer will have to submit information about the appearance and
solubility characteristics of the new excipient. This information appears in a separate
section of the USP-NF. In Europe, the user will also have to justify the specifications for
the excipient. For new or novel excipients, there should be documentation in accordance
with their Guideline on The Chemistry of New Active Substances

Other regulatory requirements
Although the monographs specify the characteristics an excipient must meet in order to be
used in pharmaceutical applications, there are other requirements which can be found in the
General Notices and/or General Chapters and which can apply if the criteria are met. Some
of these are described in Section 2.3.6.

2.3.4 Desired Properties for Intended Use
The initial step in bringing a new excipient to market is to determine its functionality as
required in the manufacture, administration, identification, or stability of the intended drug

Suppliers may have a range of data available describing the functionality of their materials
if they have been used in other applications, e.g., food, cosmetics. This information can be
valuable to pharmaceutical users as it will help define the functionality and to some degree
the safety profile of the excipient. Some of this data and knowledge can be considered
proprietary. If it is to be shared with excipient users, suitable confidentiality agreements
may need to be drawn up.

For genuinely new materials that are to be used as excipients, the corresponding data would
need to be generated to show the utility of the material in the intended applications.

2.3.5 Excipient Master Files and Other Filings
A Drug Master File (DMF) is a compilation of technical details related to the manufacture
of the excipient and is formatted so that it is aligned with the ICH Common Technical
Document (CTD) format for easy future application. The DMF typically includes
specifications and test methods for raw materials, in-process testing, and the finished
excipient product, a complete description of the manufacturing process, safety data,
packaging details, and label content.

In the U.S., an excipient supplier will often submit a DMF to the Food and Drug
Administration to provide confidential information relative to the excipient, its safety, and
conformance with appropriate GMP requirements. A similar system of DMF exists in both
Canada and Japan. In Europe, for materials where a Certificate of Suitability is not
available, such confidential information needed to support the drug product filing by a
pharmaceutical manufacturer must be supplied directly to the user for inclusion in their
marketing authorization, using confidentiality agreements where necessary.

United States Drug Master Files
Submission of an excipient Drug Master File (DMF) to the FDA is not required by law or
FDA regulations
. A Type IV DMF for Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC)

The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, Guideline on The Chemistry of New Active
Substances, CPMP/QWP/130/96/Rev 1, February 2004
FDA Guideline for Drug Master Files, September 1989.

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 11
information, or a Type V DMF for excipient safety information can be used to submit this
type of data. The DMF may be used to support an Investigational New Drug Application
(IND), New Drug Application (NDA), Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA),
Biological License Application (BLA), Veterinary Drug Application, another DMF, or an
Export Application. The FDA assigns a unique number to the DMF but does not approve or
disapprove them. The FDA maintains the DMF as a confidential document that cannot be
referenced by third parties without the written agreement of the excipient DMF holder.

The FDA references the DMF only in conjunction with their review of a submission or
application to the FDA in the form of a drug application (IND, NDA, ANDA etc.). The
review occurs when the excipient DMF holder has given the drug formulator permission to
reference the DMF in their drug filing to the FDA. In the FDA review of the drug filing,
when the agency requires details concerning the manufacture of the excipient, the FDA will
review the information in the DMF. The excipient DMF holder has the obligation to assure
the content of their DMF remains current and should update the DMF on an annual basis or
indicate to the FDA that no changes are required.

IPEC has issued a guideline that describes the organization and composition of an excipient

These types of systems are also being considered in other regions at this time and could be
implemented elsewhere in the future.

European Certificates of Suitability (CEP)
The system in the European Union (EU) is somewhat different from other areas. There are
three types of marketing authorization procedures for drug products which use DMFs or
CEPs as applicable:
1. Centralized (submission to the European Medicines Agency EMEA, London, UK
obligatory for biological and biotech products, certain therapeutic indications and
open to innovations), two countries identified as rapporteur and co-rapporteur each
evaluating the dossier.
2. Mutual Recognition Procedure (MRP - submission to and approval by one EU
member state which then becomes the reference country for extension within the
3. Decentralized procedure (submission to all EU countries desired, one of them
identified as the reference country. The procedure is similar to, but quicker than,
the MRP).
No matter which procedure applies, pertinent excipient data must be provided directly to
the pharmaceutical company for inclusion in their drug product dossier. It is recommended
that it be provided under a suitable confidentiality agreement.

Although a DMF system exists for drug substances (APIs) at this time this system is not
available for excipients.

There are two types of CEP; the ordinary one can be obtained by excipient manufacturers
for an excipient described in a Ph.Eur. monograph by submitting a file using the Common
Technical Document (CTD) format to the European Directorate for the Quality of
Medicines (EDQM) in Strasbourg, France. The CEP acts in much the same way as a U.S.
Type IV Drug Master file and allows the excipient supplier to retain confidential

IPEC-Americas, Excipient Master File Guide, 2004.

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 12
information which is not shared with the excipient user. These Certificates of Suitability are
not available for excipients for which there is no monograph in the Ph.Eur.

A second type of CEP exists to document that there is no potential concern about
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE; including Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy - BSE) which is open to APIs and excipients (even those without a
pharmacopoeia monograph). Granting the CEP indicates that the excipient is of low or no
risk of transmission of TSE to humans through the drug product.

Japanese Drug Master Files
In Japan the drug product application is submitted to the regulatory authorities by the
pharmaceutical company typically containing all relevant details concerning the excipient.
The new excipient Drug Master File system in Japan can be used in certain circumstances;
however this system is still undergoing some changes to allow it to be used for all types of
excipients and applications. Currently, this system can be used fairly easily for individual
excipients. However, it is not designed to easily handle multiple excipient grades or
combinations of excipients which are part of a range of products that comprise an excipient
family. Since a unique file would be needed for each formulation or grade, this makes the
system somewhat burdensome.

2.3.6 International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH)
The International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) was organized to develop uniform
global requirements for various technical aspects of pharmaceutical product registration.
ICH has approved guidance documents on the technical requirements for drug products
containing new ingredients. While the focus is primarily on the dosage form and active
ingredients, several of the guidelines have an impact on excipients and can affect the
marketing of an excipient. Excipient suppliers should familiarize themselves with the
following two documents as pharmaceutical customers will expect to see compliance to
these guidelines. Q3A, Impurities in New Drug Substances
ICH has issued the Q3A guideline
for drug substances which recommends steps
for qualifying impurities in the active pharmaceutical ingredient. Since such
materials when found in excipients are often beneficial to excipient performance,
they are referred to as other components. While ICH Q3A guideline is not
specifically intended for excipients, it is suggested that other components which are
potentially harmful or do not contribute to the performance of the excipient are
identified and reported using the provisions of the guideline. Where appropriate,
consideration should be given to establishing specification limits for certain other
components. It is suggested that a composition profile
is developed so that:
The potential for drug interactions with other components can be
determined by the user.
The impact on the composition can be assessed following changes to:
o The Manufacturing Process
o Raw materials
o Packaging
The composition profile defines all components that comprise the excipient. Q3C, Impurities: Guideline for Residual Solvents

ICH Q3A, Impurities in New Drug Substances, http://www.ich.org/LOB/media/MEDIA422.pdf

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 13
ICH has also issued the Q3C guideline
on residual solvents which lists various
organic solvents in one of four classifications. They include solvents to be avoided,
solvents to be limited, solvents with low toxic potential, and solvents for which no
adequate toxicological data was found. The presence in the excipient of any solvent
listed in the ICH guideline should be within the limits specified in the guideline for
the intended application. However, it is important to note that these levels are for
the presence of the stated solvent in the finished dosage form and not in the
individual excipient ingredients. Therefore, in calculating the maximum allowable
residual solvent level in the excipient, the intended use concentration of the
excipient in the finished dosage form along with other sources of the listed solvent
must be taken into account. Residual solvents should be limited as much as
possible in the excipients so that they are below those listed in Q3C or are present
only very low levels in the drug product. This will then reduce or limit the need for
routine testing of residual solvents in the drug product, except for those used in its
manufacture. If the level of residual solvent exceeds those in the Q3C guideline,
the manufacturer should measure and report the quantity of the residual solvent in
each lot of excipient and report on the COA. In the absence of information
concerning the usage level of the excipient in the drug product, the levels in Q3C
should be adopted.

This ICH guideline for Residual Solvents has been adopted by the Ph.Eur. as
Chapter 5.4, and the USP has replaced the General Chapter Organic Volatile
Impurities <467> with the Q3C text which is now General Chapter Residual
Solvents <467>.

2.3.7 Specific Safety Issues
Depending on applicability, excipient suppliers should have knowledge of and control over
the following aspects of excipient quality since they may also have implications for end
user safety:
Origin of raw materials
o Animal derived materials lead to concern for issues related to BSE or other
TSE which can restrict acceptance. Issues may also arise if raw materials are
derived from certain other natural substances (e.g. peanuts) since some of these
materials can lead to allergic reactions in the patient. Finally, concerns may
arise about excipients produced from genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
such as corn (maize) or soy products. These issues may restrict the acceptance
and use of excipients. It is therefore critical that the excipient supplier
determines and controls the origin of their raw materials.
o Viral safety information may be needed in case of excipient raw materials of
human or animal origin. For such materials, viral safety evaluation study
results may be required. They should demonstrate that materials used in
production of the excipient are considered safe and that the approaches
(methods) used to test, evaluate, and eliminate potential risks during the
manufacturing are suitable.
Degradation products of the excipient
o For a well established excipient, the excipient supplier will often know how it
changes as a result of atypical processing conditions or due to thermal and
related stresses to which it may be exposed in the supply chain. Such

ICH Q3C, Impurities, Guideline for Residual Solvents, http://www.ich.org/LOB/media/MEDIA423.pdf

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 14
knowledge should be made available to the user. Where formal stability studies
on the excipient are conducted, such studies can provide similar information
(see Section 2.5.1).
Presence of catalyst residue, decomposition or degradation products, and process
related components. This is particularly relevant where the catalyst residues are
heavy metals
Inclusion of additives and processing aids
o The presence of additives and process aids in the excipient such as biocides,
anti-oxidants, or stabilizers can lead to safety concerns for the user, and their
selection should be carefully reviewed and assessed for acceptability in the
intended market application. A composition profile should be developed for the
purpose of establishing the presence of process- related components and the
quantity present. The excipient supplier should endeavor to provide a
consistent quantity of these components in the excipient.

While safety issues such as these may be evident in the excipient, it is not suggested that
this precludes their acceptance in all instances. It is important that the original manufacturer
evaluates their effect as part of the regulatory assessment.

2.3.8 Concluding Comments on the Regulatory Assessment
Upon the completion of regulatory assessment, the market minimum requirements should
have been established along with any regulatory constraints <1.4>. To proceed with the
introduction of the excipient, the conclusion of the evaluation should be that the material
can be suitably produced for the intended use. If not, the project should be discontinued

2.4 Manufacturing and Packaging
From the point where GMP starts
, all operations including packaging and distribution should be
conducted in conformance with appropriate excipient GMP or GDP requirements <1.6>.

It is important that the excipient is produced using a manufacturing process that is in a state of
control, often referred to as a capable process. Whether the process is by batch or continuous,
there should be a written set of manufacturing instructions listing the raw materials, operating
equipment, operating conditions, in-process controls, sampling plan, packaging operations,
packaging components, and labeling materials with their content. While dedicated manufacturing
equipment is preferred, multi-use equipment is acceptable provided there is no incidental
carryover of contaminants from the manufacture of another chemical <1.6>.

Packaging operations include steps in the manufacturing process where the excipient may be
exposed to potential environmental contamination, which raises another potential GMP
compliance issue. Suitable controls need to be put in place in this area to ensure excipient quality.
It is recommended that a quality risk assessment is conducted to ascertain the optimum controls in
question <1.7>.

Packaging and labeling materials should also be considered. Packaging materials should be
shown to suitably protect the excipient from potential environmental contamination and
degradation while minimizing potential excipient contamination due to packaging components.

See EMEA Note for Guidance Guideline on the Specifications Limits for Residues of Metal Catalysts or Metal
Reagents, EMEA/CHMP/SWP/4446/2000
The Joint IPEC-PQG Good Manufacturing Practices Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2006, p 3

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 15
The container label should list the following as a minimum:
The manufacturers trade name
The grade, if applicable
The manufacturers and/or distributors name
The batch number
Special storage conditions required to assure excipient quality

As required, excipient labeling, which is inclusive of the container label, Certificate of Analysis
, and Bill of Lading (BOL)
, should also contain the following:
The identification of all added substances such as preservatives or antimicrobials,
Suggested storage conditions other than typical warehousing (ambient conditions),
Special customer-requested information such as the customer raw material code,
Kosher or Halal compliance, and
Clear identification of the manufacturing plant site.
This information can be applied either at the site of manufacture or prior to final shipment to the
pharmaceutical customer. For bulk shipments, the label content can appear on a combination of
the Bill of Lading and the vehicle placard (where regulations on showing safety information
permit such additions).

The manufacturing process, including packaging and labeling operations should be evaluated for
their conformance to appropriate GMP requirements <1.8>. The excipient container should be
sealed with a tamper-evident device. Such devices include security tape, embossed metal seals
(for bulk shipments), and embossed bung seals.

2.4.1 Process Capability and Validation
The process for manufacturing the excipient should be capable of producing an excipient
that consistently meets the established specifications. In the chemical processing industry,
this is often referred to as having a capable process <1.9>. Demonstration that a process is
capable is called a validation study in the pharmaceutical industry and often referred to as a
process capability study in the chemical/excipient industry.

Capability is often determined by producing several batches using the manufacturing
instructions. A Process Validation study, a requirement in the pharmaceutical industry,
begins with the preparation and approval of a Process Validation protocol. The protocol
delineates the details of the process validation study including a description of the
equipment, process, sampling plan, and the validation approval criteria. The protocol is
reviewed and approved and then the study is executed. A final report is prepared to
document the study and its conclusions. The report is reviewed and approved by
appropriate quality personnel.

As an alternative to a process validation study, statistical techniques can be used to
demonstrate that the process capability is sufficient so that lot selection of excipient grade
material is unnecessary. A useful and effective means of performing this is to determine the
Process Capability Index (C
and C
). C
is a statistical measure of the ability of the
process to generate batches near the midpoint of the specification, with numbers greater
than 1.3 being typically deemed capable, i.e. a process whose output meets specification
with a likelihood of 99.7%. C
is a measure of how far the average value of the process is
from the center of the specification. If it is identical to C
, then the process is perfectly
centered. Lower values indicate a process that is skewed to one side or the other of the

IPEC-Americas Certificate of Analysis Guide for Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2000.
A document used when shipping goods that describes the content of the shipment and accompanies it.

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 16
specification midpoint. These studies rely upon the process to be performing with only
random variation. The process capability study should be documented and should satisfy
the requirements to demonstrate that the manufacturing process is in control. This provides
assurance to users that the quality of each batch of excipient will be consistent (see also
Section 5.4).

If the process fails to reliably produce acceptable excipient, i.e. the process capability is too
low, or the process validation failed, the manufacturer should consider modifications to
process parameters and assess controls <1.10>. Since a lower process capability can result
from problems with the test method, an assessment of the analytical methods may also be
needed <1.11>. It is undesirable to select individual lots of material meeting excipient
requirements (see Section 5.4.1). Therefore if the methods are satisfactory and the process
cannot be adjusted to achieve the required process capability <1.12>, the manufacturer
should reevaluate the suitability of using the chemical as an excipient for the target market,
including the route of administration of the dosage form<1.2>. It is not normally acceptable
to increase the specification limits in order to obtain a capable process.

2.4.2 Test Methods and Validation
In conjunction with the development of a suitable manufacturing process, the excipient
producer should develop appropriate Quality Control test methods. Where the excipient is
labeled as conforming to a compendial monograph, these test methods must either utilize
the method described in the monograph or be demonstrated to provide comparable results.
Test methods that do not follow all of the details described in the monograph should be
validated. This requires documented scientific evidence showing the manufacturers
method adequately assures the excipient meets the designated monograph specification

For excipients listed in a regional compendium, the material is expected to conform to that
monograph when used in that region. If other methods are developed and deemed more
satisfactory, they must be validated against the compendia method and found to be
equivalent to or better than the compendia method. Their use should be justified. It is
important to note that where there is a discrepancy between the results obtained using the
compendia method and the manufacturers method, the compendia method is considered
the official result.

Often an excipient manufacturer will develop its own test method for various reasons such
as to provide assurance the excipient meets the intended performance requirements or to
monitor or control the presence of other components. These non-compendial methods
should meet the requirements for an appropriate test method as detailed in the compendia.

Test methods fall into two categories; those which can and those which cannot be validated.
Examples of methods which cannot be validated include measurements, usually involving
physical methods, such as bulk density, viscosity, and refractive index which rely on direct
measurement using calibrated devices. Such methods cannot be validated in the classical

The other category is for methods which can be validated. There should be a validation
protocol and report for all methods that are non-compendial. The validation protocol should
describe the study in order to show the method is appropriate including such details as a
description of the test method, the equipment, reagents, standards etc. The protocol should
also delineate the test results that must be achieved in order to consider the method
validated. Once the validation has been conducted, there should be a report documenting
the test results and conclusion. Test method validation may include evaluation of items

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 17
such as accuracy, precision, specificity, method linearity, ruggedness, limit of detection and
limit of quantitation. ICH Q2 validation guidance
provides additional details on

2.5 Excipient Specifications
A specification is a list of tests to be carried out and criteria to be met, in line with the established
substance (or product) monograph (see also subsection 2.3.2 New (Novel) Excipients).

Draft or tentative specifications should be developed that are in accordance with accepted
standards and are consistent with the manufacturing process and its process capability <1.13>.
The excipients end use should also be considered, e.g., oral, sterile, dermal, in establishing these
specifications. The specifications should include control of the composition (e.g. organic
components, inorganic components, and residual solvents) related to both the raw materials and
the manufacturing process. As necessary, appropriate limits for total microbial counts and
compendial indicator organisms should be established based on the likelihood for microbial
contamination and the ability of the excipient to support microbial growth. If the excipient is
intended for use in parenteral drug products, appropriate limits should also be established for

Where the excipient is to be a compendial grade, the specification test methods should either
follow the compendial methods as written, or be validated (if appropriate as noted in Section
2.4.2) to demonstrate scientifically that they produce comparable results. If the excipient is not
compendial, then the test method should conform to the general requirements described in
compendia or ICH guidelines on validation of analytical methods. The suitability of all test
methods should nonetheless be verified under actual conditions of use and documented. The
detection limit for each method should be sufficiently sensitive to discriminate between
acceptable and unacceptable material, if appropriate.

The draft specification for compendial excipients should contain specified ranges for all
parameters that assure the excipient meets the compendial requirements. If the excipient is not
compendial, then the specified ranges should assure the excipient meets the technical and
regulatory requirements appropriate to the use and route of administration.

Consideration should be given to the development of specifications that reflect customer
requirements and those needed to assure adequate control of the excipient for its intended use.
The specification should include those properties and specified ranges, within the process
capability, necessary for the excipient to meet the customers use requirements.

2.5.1 Excipient Stability
It is important to demonstrate that the excipient remains in conformance with the sales
specification until the end of the re-evaluation interval, retest interval or expiration
period. The excipient supplier should provide data to show stability in the commercial
packaging and defined storage conditions that are intended to protect the excipient from
degradation throughout the supply chain
. If stability data is not available, the excipient
user may have to generate it themselves <1.14>.

Preliminary information can be developed using accelerated stability protocols and
conditions described in the ICH guideline Q1A Stability Testing of New Drug Substances

ICH Q2, Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology,
IPEC Stability Guide (in development)

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 18
and Products
. Although this guideline was developed for drug substances (APIs) and
drug products it is suggested that the stability of new excipients be evaluated according to
the concepts of the guideline. It is important to determine the length of time the excipient
will continue to meet the established specification in the unopened market package,
referred to as the re-evaluation interval, retest interval or expiration period.

Ideally, the excipient re-evaluation interval or expiration period should be sufficiently long
to allow the excipient user to receive and use the excipient prior to expiry <1.15>. Many
pharmaceutical manufacturers desire excipients with a minimum re-evaluation interval
exceeding one year. However, excipients may be considered suitable with shorter intervals
provided appropriate controls are in place to ensure the excipient is used while in
conformance with the specification. If this is not the case, then special arrangements may
have to be made, for example temperature controlled storage and transportation,
manufacture to order. Alternatively, it may be necessary, where appropriate (and if not a
compendia, safety, or regulatory requirement), to adjust or broaden the specification
range(s) so as to extend the re-evaluation interval or expiration period if possible <1.16>.

If the excipient is not sufficiently stable for the intended application, a study should be
conducted to assess the possibility of improving the excipient stability <1.17> through
process adjustment <1.12>. However, it is necessary to ensure the excipient continues to
meet the expected technical and regulatory requirements. If the excipient stability cannot be
sufficiently improved, it is unlikely the excipients would be accepted in the market place,
and the manufacturer would be advised to re-consider their strategy <1.2>.

Ideally, samples of three commercial lots of the excipient should be used to establish the
stability of the excipient in the commercial package. Samples of the excipient from these
lots should be stored in commercial or worst case packaging material under the
recommended storage conditions
(see the Stability Guide for more details). Periodically,
excipient should be sampled from the three lots and tested for conformance to the sales
specification and/or stability indicating tests to demonstrate continued conformance
through the stated expiration period.

As an alternative to conducting a stability study under recommended storage conditions,
which will take the full stated expiration period to complete, an accelerated stability study
can be conducted. ICH has issued a guideline Q1A
, which, while focusing on the API and
dosage forms, provides guidance on test conditions also useful for excipients.

In either approach, stability indicating test(s) are desirable to monitor the impact of storage
conditions on the excipient. A stability indicating test method is one where the
measurement is capable of quantifying the degradation of the excipient. In the absence of a
stability indicating method, testing to those parameters that are indicative of excipient
stability and expected degradation (e.g. color) can be used.


3.1 Excipient Consistency and Control
Each step of the excipient manufacturing process should be controlled, to the extent necessary, to
ensure that the excipient consistently meets required specifications <1.18>. Various experimental
strategies are available for identification of these operating parameters. One technique to identify

ICH Q1A, Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 19
these parameters is use of a Design of Experiments (DoE) protocol
. Such experimentation can
provide the basis for performing a process capability study to support process validation.

Excipients are normally subject to various in-process tests <1.24> (See Flow Diagram, Phase
One, Page 2) to show that a manufacturing process is in a state of control. Based upon the
operating parameters, a plan for process control should be developed. In-process inspection and
testing should be performed based upon monitoring the process or actual sample analysis at
defined controlled points and times. The plan should identify what in-process measurements
should be made to monitor the process, what measurement techniques will be utilized, where and
how any necessary process samples will be taken, and who will perform the testing (see also
sections 2.4.1 and 5.4).

It is important to identify and set appropriate limits for excipient components. Such components
arise from their presence in raw materials or their development during the manufacturing process
either as by-products or residues from a catalyst, solvent, polymer initiator etc. These limits
should be based upon appropriate toxicological data, or limits described in compendia, as well as
considering the manufacturing processes and reaction chemistries.

The excipient supplier should have sufficient information at this point to evaluate the target
market and use, and confirm that the business potential is sufficient to proceed with excipient
development <1.19>. In addition, the manufacturer should confirm that the process is suitable to
consistently produce a material that meets the market needs. If the information fails to confirm
the market potential, the supplier may decide to discontinue the project <1.20>.

3.2 Performance Indicators
An excipient is included in a drug product because it performs a role in the formulation.
Conformance to monograph requirements or product specifications is sufficient to establish
consistency in the quality of the excipient <1.21>. However such testing may not establish that a
change in the manufacturing process has altered its performance in the dosage form. Therefore for
the purpose of evaluating process changes, appropriate performance indicators should be
established, for the intended target use.

As an example, if the intended target use is solid dosage forms, several tests have been developed
for use in establishing the performance characteristics of the dosage form, such as dissolution
testing and tablet hardness. In this example, the excipient manufacturer might determine a
baseline of these performance characteristics for the excipient in the target dosage form, e.g.
using a model formulation. The excipients performance characteristics might then be correlated
with its physical properties such as particle size, particle shape, particle size distribution, specific
gravity, viscosity, the hygroscopic nature of the excipient, etc. It is also possible that these
characteristics might be correlated with the chemical composition such as the level of
concomitant and other components. The excipient manufacturer would be able to evaluate the
impact of a process change by comparing these excipient properties before and after the change to
ensure consistent excipient performance.

Assessing excipient performance is an inexact science. Therefore, for most critical end-use
applications, a strong collaboration with the excipient user is recommended so that this issue can
be addressed.

3.3 Production Specification and Master Batch Record
Specifications for the manufacture and for the sale of the excipient should be developed. As noted
earlier, the sales specification should meet the regulatory and market requirements for the

IPEC QbD Guide (in development)

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 20
excipient <1.22>. The production specification delineates the requirements that the excipient
must meet to assure not only conformance with the sales specification developed in Section 2.5
but also to assure conformance to regulatory requirements <1.23>. For example, a production
specification may require demonstration that certain other components fall below established
limits which the manufacturer may not wish to disclose to the customer in the sales specification.
Specification limits for certain parameters appearing on both sets of specifications may be tighter
on the production specification to ensure that the excipient continues to meet the sales
specification limit throughout the re-evaluation interval.

For materials manufactured using batch processing, the Master Batch Record should be
developed at this stage. Clear and complete manufacturing instructions help ensure uniform
product quality. It should identify the raw materials, describe the process for manufacturing the
excipient, identify GMP instruments and manufacturing equipment and their operating
parameters, the in-process sampling and test requirements <1.24>, and describe the packaging
and labeling of the excipient.

The Master Production Record documents all of the information needed to produce an
excipient lot/batch. The record confirms the step-by-step progress in manufacturing the lot of
excipient to the Master Batch Record. It should contain records of such items as the lot number
and quantity of all raw materials used, the start and stop time for process steps requiring a
specified duration, measurements made during the process, sampling intervals and test results
where indicated (in-process controls), and the quantity of the excipient produced. For each entry
on the production record there should be an indication of the person recording the information.

Where the excipient is produced using continuous processing, the Master Production Record
should contain appropriate relevant information. The aim is to ensure that the critical processing
aspects are recorded to demonstrate that the batch/lot has been manufactured according to the
planned arrangements. Often this information is contained in log sheets or electronic files which
record the process parameters and measurements on a periodic basis. Such information may be
presented in a Master Process Flow, or a Master Process Log.

3.4 Marketing Materials
A literature package should be prepared for distribution to potential customers. The package
should contain the sales specification (or draft as appropriate), Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS), an Excipient Information Package (EIP)
<1.25>, and technical (promotional) literature
including storage and stability information (as available) <1.26>.

Technical literature should be prepared describing the performance of the excipient for the target
market, intended use, and the intended route of administration. The literature should clearly
identify the material as an excipient and demonstrate the advantage(s) in using the excipient or
the benefit derived from developing a drug formulation using the excipient. All labeling,
technical, and promotional literature should be periodically reviewed to ensure that they are
aligned with the excipient manufacturers intended use of the excipient.

Certain excipients may also have been used by drug manufacturers as an API. Such applications
tend to be historic and in some cases the excipient supplier is either unaware of the dual
classification of their product or does not support the materials use as an API. At this time the
legal position is clear, an API should be manufactured according to the GMP defined in ICH
. In the U.S., the manufacturing site is required to be registered with the FDA as a drug

IPEC-Americas Standardized Excipient Information Protocol User Guide, 2005
ICH Q7, Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 21
manufacturing establishment as stated in Section 201 of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic
Act (FD&C Act). In Europe likewise, API manufacturers have to work according to ICH Q7
(elaborated as Part II in European GMPs), and for APIs imported from non-EU countries, GMP
manufacturing must be audited and confirmed. Clearly, this meets or exceeds all requirements for
an excipient. Where it is known that a material has the dual application, the excipient supplier
should clearly indicate the intended application in marketing materials and on labeling.

The excipient supplier should begin to establish a formal system to answer customer inquiries
concerning the excipient. In addition to the information contained in the EIP, the customer may
require additional information on the excipient such as:
o Toxicology studies
o Precedence of use
o Human exposure data
o Literature reviews, etc.
o Animal testing
Regulatory Status
o Details of the regulatory status in specific target countries.
Note: It is the pharmaceutical formulators or the pharmaceutical user
companys responsibility to ensure the excipient meets regulatory

3.4.1 Sampling Guidelines
Sampling of excipient ingredients by the user is often critical to their obtaining proper
Quality Control test results. Therefore, the excipient supplier may prepare sampling
guidelines. Such guidelines should begin with an indication as to the homogeneity of the
excipient in the package, as received by the customer. A sampling technique could be
developed based on the homogeneity characteristics of the excipient, so as to assure a
representative sample from the packaged excipient is taken. Where the quality of the
excipient is affected by the sampling technique, such as moisture absorption for a
hygroscopic excipient, additional guidance should be provided.

Traditionally, users have required samples of excipient from at least three discreet
production lots for their evaluation <1.27>. While a customer may evaluate the
performance characteristics of the excipient produced in the lab or a pilot plant, full
evaluation by the pharmaceutical formulator will generally require excipient produced
under appropriate GMP requirements in a commercial scale facility. For excipients
produced in batch processes, it has been common to have these three commercial lots
representing the extremes of the process, so as to demonstrate to the customer satisfactory
performance within the range represented by the excipient sales specification (e.g. at the
limits of one or more critical parameters that define excipient quality). Where such samples
are unavailable, other techniques for assessing the excipient should be used (see Section 4).

The reliance on three lots of a new excipient for validation purposes is now changing. The
Regulatory Agencies, particularly in the US with the introduction of Quality by Design

(QbD) and the Design Space concept, recognize that three lots may not be the appropriate
number. In this new paradigm, the number of lots and the scale of manufacture required to
allow the evaluation of a new excipient should be scientifically justified. It may be that
three lots are adequate under certain circumstances. However, it should be anticipated that
more than three lots may be required for some projects. In any case, the excipient

See ICH Q8, Pharmaceutical Development. http://www.ich.org/LOB/media/MEDIA1707.pdf

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 22
manufacturer should plan to have available at least three lots manufactured at a scale that
adequately represents the final manufacturing scale for initial customer trials.

Preparation of distinct lots of excipient should be part of the marketing plan for the
introduction of the excipient to the pharmaceutical market. For batch processes, there is not
usually an issue with defining what constitutes a discrete batch. However, where
continuous processing is used, what constitutes distinct lots can be open to interpretation.
Careful consideration should be given to the manufacture of the representative lots that
should wherever possible, encompass the full range of acceptable material within the
process capability.

3.5 Customer Feedback
Often the customer will commence trials upon the satisfactory completion of the technical inquiry
and evaluation by their pharmaceutical development personnel. Feedback from these trials
<1.28> may identify the need to change the manufacturing process and/or the production or sales
specification for the excipient. This may lead to an iterative process of additional customer trials
followed by process modifications. Customer feedback can also identify the need for changes in
the packaging and or labeling of the excipient <1.29>.

If the customer trials are satisfactory, the specifications should be finalized. If the trials are
unsatisfactory and specifications need to be revised, then additional samples should be provided
to the customer <1.27>, along with the revised sales specification, <1.23> and with a request for
their feedback <1.28>.

Once the customer feedback is satisfactory and no further changes in the specifications are
indicated, a Quality Agreement Documentation Package should be developed <1.30>. The
Quality Agreement Documentation Package should contain the Sales Specification, Certificate of
Analysis (COA), technical literature (3.4), sampling guidelines (3.4.1), and Excipient Information
Package (3.4) which includes stability/retest and expiry information (2.5.1). The COA format and
content should be established as described in the IPEC-Americas Certificate of Analysis Guide
for Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients

3.6 Post Product Launch
Often an excipient product is launched with only a small number of lots produced <1.31>. As the
manufacturer gains production experience, their ability to produce conforming material increases.
Thus, the manufacturer should reevaluate the process capability after approximately 10 lots and
again after about 30 lots <1.32>, using this information to adjust the Quality Agreement
Documentation Package, specification etc. accordingly <1.33>. It is desirable for there to be an
ongoing assessment of process capability.

3.7 Confidential Information
As noted in 2.3.5 (Drug Master Files), formulators require detailed manufacturing and quality
information from the excipient manufacturer for inclusion in their drug registration
documentation. Excipient manufacturers often consider some of this information to be
confidential. Therefore the excipient manufacturer should consider how this confidential
information will be made available for regulatory review<1.34>. There are essentially two
possible ways to provide this data to the regulatory agencies:
the first is to provide the detailed data to the dosage form manufacturer directly
after they have agreed to keep the subject information confidential <1.35>, and
the other is to make a regulatory submission where a suitable system exists (see
2.3.5 e.g., Drug Master Files in the U.S., Japan and Canada and CEP in Europe)

Phase 1 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 23

It should be noted that for countries that have a Mutual Recognition Agreement with the
European Union, reference to the CEP may be made in regulatory filings.

The subject of confidentiality agreements is normally addressed by the legal department of both
parties and will not be further addressed in this guide.

Phase 2 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 24


4.1 Project Initiation
The excipient user will typically initiate a formulation project when they have identified a
business opportunity that requires formulation design and development. Such needs could include
a new active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), reformulation of an existing product, a formulation
for a product line extension, development of a generic equivalent, or identification of an
alternative supplier for an existing grade of a pharmaceutical excipient <4.1>. The type of project
will determine the composition of the project team with the objective of developing the new drug
or approving a new supplier.

4.2 New Formulation Development Projects
For new formulation development projects, the project is often initiated by forming a project team
with the objective of developing the new drug product. The project team will have responsibility
for defining the business opportunity for a marketing application for the intended therapeutic use
<4.2>. The first decision prior to finalizing the team is whether the project is a drug or
formulation development project <4.3>. If it is not either of these, then the project involves the
selection of an alternative supplier (see Section 4.3)

With the business opportunity identified, the project team is formed and identifies route of
administration, dosage form, and target market taking into account the difference in the various
geographical regions <4.4>. Once the route of administration is decided, the team can then
determine the various strengths for formulation. At this stage the project team should carefully
assess formulation constraints and opportunities that could impact the quality and performance of
the product at later stages. Quality by Design principles should be applied as early in the process
as possible.

The project is assigned to a formulation scientist (or team) who is tasked to identify the functional
requirements necessary to incorporate the API in the dosage form so as to deliver the API to the
patient with the desired therapeutic effect <4.5>. Excipients will be expected to provide various
functions in the dosage form or its processing, including, but not limited to:
Compression Aid
Suspending/Dispersing Agent
Coating/Film Former
Identity through printing with ink
Release Modifier

Phase 2 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 25

The use of combinations of excipients in formulations is common since typically no one excipient
can provide the complete range of functions necessary to produce the desired dosage form.

aid in the processing of the drug delivery system during its manufacture,
protect, support or enhance stability, bioavailability or patient acceptability,
assist in product identification,
enhance any other attribute of the overall safety, effectiveness or delivery of the
drug during storage or use.

The use of excipients of multiple functionality in the formulation may result in simplification of
the drug formulation design stage since there are fewer excipient suppliers to assess and monitor.
The use of fewer excipients may simplify the manufacturing process at the small scale. However,
scale up to commercial manufacture may require additional excipients not required in the initial
formulation design studies.

4.2.1 Selecting the Excipient
Once the formulation team has identified the excipient functionalities that are needed for
the dosage form, they will then develop a list of candidate excipients that meet the project
requirements (functionality, etc.) <4.6>. The list will be developed from various sources
such as the company formulary of excipient ingredients, excipient manufacturers literature,
and technical articles. At this stage, it would be expected that for each desired function, the
list contains multiple excipients.

There are several benefits in working with an excipient that has been used by the company
in other products. Knowledge will have been gained about the sampling and testing of the
excipient for incoming Quality Control approval. The company will have experience with
handling the excipient in a safe manner and minimizing the risk of cross contamination.
The proper storage conditions for the excipient will also have been established, as well as
the retest interval for the excipient. Finally there will often be information related to the
cleaning of utensils and equipment after their use with the excipient.

Once the list of excipients has been assembled, the formulator will determine those most
appropriate for use with the particular API. Final excipient selection will include an
assessment of their prior use within the company <4.7>, and could include:
Name of approved suppliers,
Identity of the dosage forms where the excipient has been used,
Functionality the excipient provides to the dosage form,
Excipient use level in the dosage form,
Number of years the supplier has been providing the excipient, and
Performance history of the excipient supplier.

Other factors to consider include:
Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA),
Manufacturing capacity,
Supply chain,
Special requirements, such as minimum order quantity or lead time,
Packaging available,

The Joint IPEC-PQG Good Manufacturing Practices Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2006, p. 3

Phase 2 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 26
Technical competence,
Quality Assurance systems,
GMP conformance,
Audit findings, and
Source (site of manufacture)

The information gathered for each candidate excipient is used as a preliminary screen to
rank the excipients in order of desirability for use in the formulation. The preferred
candidate excipients should be compatible with the API
, and be considered capable of
providing the desired functionality at an acceptable use level.

Excipient compatibility studies are conducted at elevated temperatures so as to get quicker
indications of physical and chemical interactions with the API. Such interactions may
adversely affect the stability or manufacturability of the drug product. Examples of such
incompatibilities are:
Detrimental physical interactions exemplified by binding of the API to the
excipient so as to make it unavailable to the patient;
Interaction between the API and excipient such that the integrity of the API cannot
be maintained and an adequate product shelf-life cannot be achieved,
Detrimental physical interactions that may result in inadequate ability to
manufacture the dosage form,
Compromised performance of the finished product, and
Interference with the ability to measure the presence of the API in the dosage form.

Chemical interactions generally result in new chemical entities that are usually classified as
degradants. If there is no alternative excipient, these degradants must be characterized and
evaluated for safety. Where appropriate, limits are assigned to the degradant.

4.2.2 Selecting the Supplier
If it is determined that there are no candidate excipients to provide the desired functionality
that have a prior use within the company, then other candidate excipients will be considered

Where the candidate excipient has no history of use at the drug manufacturer, the
purchasing department will usually be asked to obtain certain information from each
supplier of the excipient <4.9>. This information may include, but is not limited to the
Excipient Information Package (EIP)
from the manufacturer and where
appropriate, the distributor. This document would include:
o The suppliers commitment to conforming to appropriate excipient GMP
o Characterization of the composition of the excipient,
o Regulatory information,
o Description of the excipient manufacturing process and facility,
o Site and supply chain security measures, and
o BSE/ TSE and allergen information/certifications.
Technical information supporting the functional performance of the excipient. Such
information may include:

Moreton, RC, Excipient Interactions, in Excipient Development for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, and Drug
Delivery Systems, edited by Katdare, A and Chaubal, MV, (EDs), Informa Healthcare, New York, 2006, 93-108

Phase 2 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 27
o Data showing the performance of the excipient in achieving the desired
functionality in model formulations and
o Studies showing the stability of the excipient under model drug product
processing conditions.
Understanding the origin and handling of excipient samples
Understanding the full supply and distribution chain
, and
Pricing and availability at the intended manufacturing site

Experience from working with previously known excipient suppliers is a benefit since the
company will have had experience with:
Suppliers order entry process,
Delivery performance,
Certificate of Analysis (COA),
Suitability of information (e.g. conformance to IPEC guidelines
28, 40
Reliability of the suppliers measurements,
Tamper evident seals,
Supply chain security measures,
Conformance to appropriate GMPs, including prior audit history,
Established supplier profile in the organization, e.g.
o minimum order quantity,
o order lead time, payment terms, etc,
o delivery performance, ability to meet delivery requirements, and
Reliability of the suppliers measurements reported on the COA.

Such factors may allow the excipient user to go to reduced testing of the incoming
excipient more quickly, where justifiable.

Previously qualified suppliers should have been audited by either the user or a suitable third
party and should be on a re-audit schedule. IPEC has issued a guideline suitable for
conducting audits for conformance to IPEC-PQG excipient GMP requirements

For new suppliers all these issues would need to be addressed as part of supplier
qualification, a process that is likely to be undertaken in parallel with the evaluation of the
excipient in the intended formulation.

Users should generate audit information through site visits, either using their own audit
resources or qualified third party audit providers, for all excipients and their supply chain.
Questionnaires should not be used as a substitute for on-site assessment. The user should
evaluate this audit information (audit report and site response) to confirm the suitability of
the site Quality System and excipient quality for the intended purpose.

The project is now ready to proceed to the suitability assessment step. The candidate
excipients are evaluated for their compatibility with the API and therefore samples of the
candidate excipient are needed. If the excipient has a history of prior use within the
company, samples are usually available or will be requested <4.10>. For those excipients
not in the company formulary, once the information from the supplier has been reviewed
and the supplier has been found to be conditionally acceptable, the formulator requests

IPEC-Americas Significant Change Guide, 2005
The Joint IPEC-PQG Good Manufacturing Practices Audit Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients 2007

Phase 2 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 28
samples of the candidate excipient. As noted in the Phase 1 portion of this guide, the
formulator will need samples representative of the typical commercial excipient.

With samples of the excipient on-hand, assessment of the compatibility of the excipient
with the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient can proceed <4.11>.

At this stage of the drug development process, it is critical to inform the excipient supplier,
who should then inform the manufacturer as appropriate, that their excipient is being
considered for use in a new drug application <4.12>. There is considerable benefit to the
excipient user in providing as much information as possible about the new drug application.
The excipient supplier may have the expertise to:
Acknowledge the excipient is suitable for the intended route of administration and
geographical region,
Assure the excipient is available in the quantities anticipated,
Confirm the excipient is stable under the expected processing conditions,
Provide information on the excipient composition profile
to the user, where
appropriate, and
If possible, discuss the reactivity of the excipient to provide information useful to
assessing excipient compatibility with the API and other ingredients, etc.

The technical information assembled is used to assess the appropriateness of the excipient
for the intended use <4.13>. The formulation team would consider all the information
available from the pre-formulation assessment to confirm that the excipient remains a
viable candidate for inclusion in the drug product.

4.2.3 Regulatory Assessment
While the formulator evaluates the sample of the excipient, personnel with appropriate
excipient regulatory expertise confirm that the excipient is acceptable for use in the
formulation<4.14>. This will involve an assessment of the excipient regulatory status in the
intended markets. This assessment should confirm the excipient is permitted in the target
dosage form or route of administration, and that the expected quantity of excipient to be
used in the new drug product is within the maximum quantity previously approved in such
applications <4.15>. Otherwise the formulator can expect the Regulatory Authorities to
request additional safety data.

In conjunction with the excipient supplier communication <4.12>, the regulatory
department would want to know how the excipient manufacturer would convey pertinent
information regarding Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls to the regulatory agencies.
In countries where an excipient Drug Master File (DMF) system is available and the
excipient manufacturer has filed a DMF, the excipient manufacturer can then inform the
regulatory agency via an appropriate DMF reference letter that allows the agency access to
view the DMF in response to a specified drug filing by the pharmaceutical manufacturer.
Where the excipient manufacturer has not filed a DMF with the regulatory authority or in
markets where an excipient DMF system is not available, the user can require a
commitment from the excipient manufacturer to supply appropriate information under a
confidentiality agreement. Whether a DMF has been filed or not, the excipient
manufacturer should be prepared to address requests from the drug manufacturer for
additional information. In the United States, a DMF is not necessary for excipients
complying with a monograph in the USP-NF; however, many excipient manufacturers do
maintain DMFs for their compendial excipients for other reasons.

IPEC Excipient Composition Guide (in development)

Phase 2 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 29
In Europe a supplier can apply for a European Certificate of Suitability (CEP) from the
European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM) where there is a monograph in
the European Pharmacopoeia. The CEP confirms that the European Pharmacopoeia
monograph is adequate to control the excipient. Where a CEP has been issued, this helps to
confirm that the excipient is suitable for use in the European region and serves the same
purpose to suppliers and users as an U.S. DMF. For those materials for which BSE/TSE
precautions are required, a special CEP is available and this is applicable to any excipient,
regardless of whether or not it has a monograph in the European Pharmacopoeia.

At this stage of the drug development process, the formulation team would assemble all of
the information for review <4.13> to confirm that it is appropriate to proceed with
formulation development using the candidate excipient <4.16>. This review would be both
a technical (including pre-formulation <4.17>) and regulatory assessment to show that the
formulation would provide the intended therapeutic effect and would be likely to receive
regulatory approval. With positive indications for both aspects of the assessment, the drug
manufacturer would develop a list of preferred excipients for use in the desired formulation
<4.18>. Where the assessment indicates an excipient in the formulation may not provide
the desired performance or may prove to be incompatible, the formulation work would
revert to a review of other excipients available <4.7>. If no other excipients are suitable,
then the formulator proceeds to identify potential excipients not already in the formulary

4.2.4 Refining the Excipient List
At this stage in the formulation development process, if no excipients have been identified
that provide the desired functionality in the formulation, or if technical and regulatory
problems are identified; the formulation team should re-evaluate the feasibility of the
project scope by referring back to <4.2> or <4.16> as appropriate. Where the list contains
several excipients that can provide the desired functionality, the list of excipients should be
refined to develop a short list of excipients <4.19>.

Where the excipient list contains multiple items, the formulator or team would prioritize
and screen the excipients using the information available. The evaluation criteria may
include at this stage <4.20>, excipient:
Storage conditions,
Supplier testing to user specifications,
User confirmation of supplier COA,
Global regulatory acceptability,
Availability of supply local to the proposed drug manufacturing facilities (e.g.
import restrictions),
Supplier Quality Assessment information,
Supplier GMP conformance (based upon qualified audit information),
Labeling issues,
Issues involving tamper-evident seals,
Supplier agreement to notify in the event of significant change,
Regulatory constraints, and
Cost considerations.
A comparison of the listed excipients using the above criteria would be expected to identify
the preferred excipient(s).

A business decision is often made concerning the need for multiple suppliers of the
excipient <4.21>. Where more than one supplier is desired, the formulator would determine

Phase 2 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 30
if samples from alternative suppliers are available for evaluation. If suitable samples are
unavailable, the formulator would request samples.

The final step at this stage of the dosage development project is to perform a risk
assessment to select the excipients and processing method with the best likelihood of
success for the project <4.22>. This assessment should include a review of the results from
either an on-site or qualified third-party audit, including distributors. If other assessment
techniques are used, they should be justified
. If the likelihood of success is unacceptably
low, the project would ordinarily either be cancelled, or the projects scope would be
changed <4.23>.

4.2.5 Formulation Design, Development, and Optimization
Initial formulation and process design studies may cover a broad range of excipients used
in a number of trial formulations <4.24>. At this stage the emphasis is to find at least one
formulation that meets the target profile. Once suitable formulations have been identified
and assessed for potential use, the project can progress to formulation and process

QbD is an approach to designing and developing formulations and manufacturing processes
to provide optimum product quality. QbD facilitates the understanding and control of the
formulation and manufacturing process variables that affect the quality of the drug product.
QbD begins with the pre-formulation assessment (e.g., excipient compatibility), and
continues with the development of a drug formulation having the required performance
characteristics to meet the expectations of the regulatory agency, patient or caregiver. QbD
typically leads to the following stages of the development process:
1. Definition of the target product quality profile to meet expectations
2. Design and development of product and manufacturing process to meet the target
product quality profile
3. Identification and understanding of:
a. critical raw material attributes,
b. critical process parameters, and
c. sources of variability.
4. Monitoring of the process and adjustment within normal variation of process
variables (as identified in 3 above) to produce consistent product quality, leading to
appropriate in-process controls.

QbD properly executed leads to an understanding of the Design Space, which is the range
of input variables within which the process can operate and still produce conforming drug
product. These input variables include raw materials as well as equipment operating
parameters. The Design Space may be determined through such techniques as Design of
Experiments (DoE)

The process for finalizing the drug formulation begins with a review of the decision
whether alternative suppliers are required or that single sourcing is acceptable <4.25>. If
the decision is made to seek alternative suppliers, then the process returns to identifying
suppliers and requesting samples <4.34> (see Section 4.3).

In either event, samples are obtained from multiple lots of the excipient from the candidate
suppliers <4.26>. The pharmaceutical manufacturer prefers samples that represent the range
of specification properties and performance expectations that result from the excipient
manufacturing process capability. While desirable, it may not be possible for the excipient

GMP paper audits or EIP Site Quality Overviews alone are insufficient for this purpose.

Phase 2 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 31
manufacturer to provide such samples, particularly with excipients manufactured by
continuous processing, but also sometimes with excipients produced using batch
processing. Other options for such investigations can be considered; for example the use of
samples from other appropriate pharmaceutical grades, or even non-pharmaceutical grade
samples at the users discretion. Nevertheless, multiple lot samples should represent current
excipient manufacturing process variability to the extent possible. To facilitate provision of
proper samples that demonstrate excipient functionality and variability, intercompany
technical discussions should be held.

With proper samples and a well designed DoE approach, a robust formulation can be
developed that will provide an acceptable drug product as long as the excipients used
conform to their sales specification. Representative samples from the excipient lots are
taken and tested for conformance to the excipient sales specification and where applicable,
the excipient compendial monograph. The multiple excipient lots will be tested using
methods intended to confirm that the excipient will provide the desired performance in the

When the testing of the multiple lots of excipient meets requirements, the excipient will be
available for formulation work. Once all excipients and the API have been identified, and
feasibility of the formulation confirmed, formulation development and process optimization
will be initiated <4.27>. In addition, two further simultaneous activities will be undertaken:
the evaluation of excipient test methods, the frequency of testing, and specifications
<4.28>; and the identification of performance indicating requirements and related test
limits <4.29>. As performance indicating requirements and related test methods are
identified, if these are different from those already supplied by the excipient manufacturer,
they should be communicated to the supplier. Evaluation of the excipient manufacturers
ability to test against these requirements, and the frequency with which they can do so,
should be understood <4.28>.

Information should flow between technical personnel at the supplier and the user. The
evaluation of supplier test methodology can include discussions with the supplier to gain an
understanding of their release testing and validation activities The supplier should disclose
sufficient details concerning the Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC) relating to
the excipient so that the drug manufacturer can assess the quality and consistency of the
excipient, and to enable development of a pharmaceutical product using QbD concepts. The
dosage form manufacturer should disclose sufficient details of the dosage form so that the
excipient supplier can confirm the selected grade is appropriate for the intended route of
administration and geographical region. The outcome of the discussion between supplier
and user should allow the updating of the specification for the excipient including any
additional requirements <4.30>. Confirmatory testing is performed on multiple lots to
assure that the proposed tests can be performed and the limits can be met <4.31>. This
information is used to develop the draft excipient specification for the intended application
<4.32>. The draft specification is then communicated to the excipient supplier for review
(see Phase 3). Any refinement of performance requirements or specifications <4.33> should
result in modification to test limits <4.29>.

4.3 Alternative Excipient Source Projects
The specification and performance of the excipient will already have been defined in this case
and so the requirement is simply to find an alternative that provides the same functionality.

Having defined the project as not being a new formulation development project <4.3>, the
project should be confirmed as an alternate source project.

Phase 2 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 32
Alternative source projects may be motivated by a number of reasons:
Cost savings,
Addition of further suppliers,
The existing supplier may no longer be able to supply the material, or
Business continuity planning:
o contingency plan,
o reduce reliance on a single source for capacity purposes.

Typically, such projects will be undertaken in a commercial manufacturing setting, rather than
R&D. A project team would be organized, and the project goals defined. The team would be
comprised of representatives from several functions, but as a minimum should include
representatives from: Manufacturing, Production Planning, Quality Assurance, Purchasing, and
Technical Services, or Production Support. Representatives from other disciplines may also be
included such as Regulatory Affairs, R&D, and Finance.

An evaluation should be performed to determine the potential interchangeability for the existing
excipient. Based on the results of the evaluation, a decision on the suitability of the supplier(s)
would be made <4.34>. Where there are suitable alternatives, those suppliers would be contacted

An evaluation of potential alternative suppliers is performed using criteria <4.36> including:
Competitive pricing,
Production capacity,
Suitability of their supply chain,
User specified requirements,
Performance history as a supplier to the company and the pharmaceutical industry,
Suitability of excipient packaging,
Potential for cost saving,
Technical competence and support available,
Appropriateness of the quality system, and
Conformance of the site to GMP requirements.

If there are discrepancies, or an ideal supplier cannot be found (i.e. meeting all the preferred
criteria for interchangeability, as defined by the Project Team), an assessment of the likelihood of
satisfactorily resolving the issues would be made <4.37>. This assessment would necessarily
include discussions and negotiations with the potential supplier(s) <4.38>. If the discrepancies
can be resolved, the progression of the project will depend on the willingness of the excipient
manufacturer to implement the necessary changes <4.39>. If the supplier is unwilling or unable to
implement the changes, the user company has the option to either seek another supplier <4.40>,
to terminate the alternative supplier project, or explore other options <4.41> (as discussed in
Phase 3). If the supplier will implement the proposed changes, the project progression
could/would be dependent on the final implementation of the changes <4.42> followed by
another evaluation of the supplier <4.36>.

Assuming the evaluation ultimately identifies an acceptable alternative supplier, the next stage
would be to obtain appropriate samples of the excipient from that supplier <4.43>, as necessary.
This may require sample from several lots of the excipient covering the range of material
characteristics seen with the particular grade (see Phase 1, Section 3.4.1).

Once the appropriate samples are available, the project would progress through:
Laboratory/small scale evaluations (including excipient characterization) <4.44>
Pilot scale investigations (studies) <4.46>

Phase 2 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 33
Pivotal scale investigations (studies) <4.49>
Commercial scale investigations (studies) <4.51>, and
Validation and commercial production (studies) <4.53>.

This list of activities at the different scales of manufacture listed above is not intended to be
followed rigorously. Depending on the nature of the excipient and the type of product being
considered, it may be possible to skip e.g., the pilot scale investigations and/or the pivotal scale

Before transitioning from one stage to the next, the results from the current stage would be
assessed <4.45>, <4.48>, <4.50> and <4.52>. If the assessment is satisfactory, the project would
move to the next stage as designated by the Project Team. If there are any issues, the progress and
the project would need to be reassessed <4.47>.

In alternative source projects, the ideal is to identify the source of an excipient grade that is
functionally equivalent in all respects to the original source material (interchangeable). However,
this may not be entirely possible, and functional equivalence may mean addressing the question,
What changes in the unit processes are required to produce an equivalent drug product using this
source of the new excipient?

Since these projects typically concern commercial products, the U.S. FDAs SUPAC Guidance
(Scale-up and Post Approval Change) will apply to any products manufactured for the U.S.
market. In Europe, the Variations Regulation will apply. There may be equivalent rules in other
regions. The type of product (immediate release vs. modified release), the biopharmaceutical
classification of the API (Biopharmaceutical Classification System Class 1 vs. Classes 2, 3, and
4), and the criticality of the excipient (particularly for modified release products) will all
influence the sophistication of the data required to support the regulatory filing of the change.
Such data may include, but is not limited to:
Bioequivalence requirements, and
Revalidation of
o Manufacturing and
o Analytical methods.

For modified release products, particularly with a release controlling excipient, it is likely that the
pharmaceutical manufacturer would consider a bioequivalence study at least at the pivotal scale,
even if they have a good in-vitro-in-vivo correlation.

Assuming the project is successful, there will be a need to formally negotiate a Supply Agreement
(see 4.4 below). The precise timing will depend on the organizations involved. However, it is
likely to be before the commercial scale investigations <4.51>. The negotiation process is
covered in Section 5 (Phase 3) of this Guideline.

4.4 Negotiation Process Impact
It is recognized that the negotiation process discussed in Phase 3 may require the re-assessment of
performance requirements and specifications <4.32> or <4.33>. When the need for additional
refinement of performance requirements and specifications is indicated, the process will revert
back to <4.29> for the further identification of performance indicating requirements and test
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The negotiation process may be invoked for a variety of reasons including:
New material,
New grade,
Updated specification,
Revision or renewal of an existing Quality Agreement,
Move to an alternative supplier, and
Disagreement related to issues discussed in Phases 1 or 2.

Apart from quality of material matters which have been extensively covered in Phase 1 and Phase
2 of this document, the following quality of service issues should also be communicated by the
excipient user and evaluated by the excipient supplier before entering into a supply agreement.

Typically, negotiations will be formally initiated when the excipient user issues a Request for
Pricing (RfP) or solicits a bid or quote.

5.1 Review of Excipient User Requirements
The excipient user initiates the negotiation process by providing written copies of their excipient
specification and any other requirements to the manufacturer or distributor (supplier) <5.1>. The
specifications for the excipient may stipulate either compendial grade, where available and
suitable, or provide specification parameters, test methods, and acceptance criteria for the
specified properties. It is also appropriate to provide the supplier with any other atypical or
important requirements including:
Minimum order size and number of lots per receipt,
Remaining shelf life or reevaluation interval upon receipt,
Special packaging,
Special labeling,
Special shipping, or
Specified manufacturing facility.

The supplier reviews the proposed specifications and other requirements to ascertain their ability
to meet customer expectations using their standard excipient grade <5.2>. An objective technical
review should be conducted by such groups as the Quality Unit, Regulatory, Manufacturing,
Technical Services, etc. Sales or Marketing should not perform this review without subsequent
review by a technical department, since the former have a vested interest in making the sale.

The evaluation of the excipient specifications by the supplier should include review of:
Specified parameters: to confirm that test data are available,
Test methods for those parameters: to confirm that those tests can be performed or that
suitable alternatives are available,
Test results: for the specified parameters,
Frequency of testing, and
Conformance statements: usually relating to supply of compendial excipient.
The reviewer can then determine the manufacturers ability to reliably supply excipient to the
customers specification.

There is agreement on the specifications when the specification proposed by the customer is
congruent with the excipient manufacturers specification. Where there are differences in the
customer requirements and the suppliers standard product, the manufacturer should review their
process capabilities to determine the feasibility of meeting the unresolved customer requirement.

Phase 3 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 35

Caution should be exercised in agreeing to meet a customer specification where the known
process capability studies indicate there is a low likelihood of meeting the specification.

A similar review of other customer requirements should be conducted <5.3>. It is important for
the supplier to involve parties with direct knowledge of the ability to meet specified requirements.
By involving such knowledgeable personnel there is increased assurance the supplier will be able
to routinely meet customer requirements. Examples of such requirements are requests for special
packaging, label content, palletizing, floor versus pallet loading, and pallet construction.

Agreement on specifications should be formally documented <5.4>. A written agreement should
be established between the customer and supplier. Where a distributor is used, there must be a
process between the distributor and excipient manufacturer to assure the specifications are
reviewed and accepted by the manufacturer
. It is critical that the specifications are reviewed and
approved by the appropriate technical personnel at the excipient manufacturer to acknowledge

If the excipient manufacturer agrees to meet the customer specification and specified
requirements, the supplier would provide pricing to the customer <5.5>. The pricing should
include the cost of supply chain issues such as <5.6>:
1. Product ownership: where the supplier is expected to retain ownership of the excipient
even after the excipient has left the manufacturing site (e.g., consignment stock).
2. Packaging and Labeling:
a. Additional label content such as customer specified product coding and barcodes,
b. Use of unique packaging components such as specified plastic bags and
container/closure materials, and
c. Special size packages or net weight such as bulk containers.
3. Shipping:
a. Special configurations:
palletizing and shrink-wrap,
container floor loading, or
pallet configurations and materials of construction.
b. Minimum order quantity,
c. Lead time: to assure conforming excipient is available to ship,
d. General carriers, specified carriers, or customer pickup,
e. Multiple lot versus single lot shipments,
f. Pre- and Co-shipment samples (if mutually agreed) including:
how and from where the samples are to be collected (including the sampling
the quantity of sample,
how the sample is to be packaged,
how they are to be shipped,
the recipient address, and
for pre-shipment samples.
o when in the order cycle samples should be provided, and
o whom at the supplier should receive the users approval to ship.
Note: Where the parties agree to such sampling, caution should be exercised to assure
that appropriate GMP requirements are met.

Phase 3 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 36

5.2 Quality Agreement
It is good practice for the excipient supplier and user to define and enter into a Quality Agreement

The Quality Agreement may cover the following topics, but the inclusion of these or of other
topics is a matter for agreement between the two parties <5.7>:
1. Compliance
Excipient specifications, including,
a. Additional functional tests,
b. Altered ranges of tests already in the excipient suppliers standard
c. Alternative test methods either for parameters already in the manufacturers
specification or for additional parameters, and
d. Microbial test limits.
2. Sourcing,
BSE/TSE, GMO, allergens, etc. risk assessments,
Acceptability (as appropriate) of excipient from multiple manufacturing locations,
Restriction, or allowance, of contract operations such as manufacturing; packaging
and laboratory testing,
Identification of the country of origin and restriction to specified locations,
Importation restrictions, and
Special certifications such as Kosher or Halal approval.
3. Auditing,
The right of the customer to audit suppliers facilities and systems at a mutually
agreeable time,
Confidentiality agreement as required,
User to issue a written report within a specified timeframe, and
Supplier to respond to report with a specified timeframe.
4. Notification of changes,
Conformance to designated quality system,
Conformance to specified compendia such as USP-NF, Ph.Eur., and JP, and
Disclosure of regulatory agency inspections and findings.
5. Provide an understanding of the intended use including:
Route of administration and
Geographical region.
6. Communication
a. Out-of-Specification (OOS),
o Test results to be investigated and documented according to procedure.
Other Quality Issues,
a. Deviations,
Documentation of investigation of significant process deviations.
b. Complaints,
Investigation of complaints involving product quality according to
procedure and communication to the customer,
Promptly reporting complaints and provision of samples by the customer
as appropriate, and
Cooperation between both parties in the investigation.
7. Manufacturing, Packaging and Labeling,

IPEC Quality Agreement Guide (in development)

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Qualification of manufacturing and packaging processes,
Validation of cleaning and analytical methods, where appropriate,
Sample retention, and
Special labeling requirements.
8. Documentation and Records,
Certificate of Analysis (COA) to be supplied with each lot,
Content of the COA,
Additional information to be included on the COA,
Use of electronic signatures, and
Retention period for applicable records.
9. Storage and Distribution
Documentation in support of recommended storage conditions and retest interval,
Recommended storage and transportation conditions,
Storage and shipment in conformance to recommendations, and
Use of reusable shipping containers.
10. Change Control,
Handling of change notification such as following the guidance provided by the
Significant Change Guide

11. Recalls
Prompt notification to the customer by the supplier,
Cooperate of both parties in the recall, and
Supplier will have a recall procedure that has been demonstrated as effective.

5.3 Modification of Requirements
If the supplier finds they are unable to meet either the customer specification and/or other
requirements, the customer should be promptly notified <5.8>. The supplier should clearly
identify specifications and requirements they cannot achieve and include an explanation as to
why <5.9>. The customer should review the correspondence and seek to clarify any points as

Once the customer requirements and supplier capabilities are clearly understood, the parties can
determine what concessions can be made that are acceptable to both <5.10>. The customer
specification would only be modified if the changes are not expected to affect the functionality of
the excipient in the intended dosage form.

If the customer is unable to alter the specification or other requirements, they would then inquire
as to whether the supplier was in a position to make appropriate changes. If the user and/or the
supplier are able to reach agreement on the specification and other requirements <5.11>, an
agreement to supply excipient is achieved <5.4>.

It should be recognized that altering specifications and other requirements can be time
consuming. If the change is made by the user, they must ensure that the change will not alter their
ability to achieve the desired functionality and reliability of supply. If the supplier makes the
change, they must confirm their ability to reliably supply excipient of the specified quality and to
the specified requirements. There will often be considerable internal discussion and data
evaluation by both the supplier and the user before reaching an appropriate decision.

5.4 Identification of Potential Solutions
Where agreement through modification of specifications and other requirements cannot be readily
achieved, then other solutions should be explored <5.12>. The supplier will be requested to work
with the user to develop a solution <5.13>. It should be recognized that the supplier can decide
not to work with the user and exercises their option to walk away from the potential business

Phase 3 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 38

<5.39>. For technical and/or business reasons they may be unable to agree to the user
specification and/or other requirements. In that event, the process then proceeds to section 5.5,
Other Approaches.

If the supplier agrees to work with the user, the supplier will assess whether lot selection can meet
the users desired excipient quality <5.14>. The supplier identifies inventory that conforms to the
users specification <5.15>. This approach is discussed in some detail under Section 5.4.1.

A more suitable solution is custom manufacture, where the supplier either alters the
manufacturing process for the excipient to produce the excipient on demand to meet the user
specification <5.31> or further processes the finished excipient in a custom manufacturing
operation <5.33>. Further processing may be performed where unique solid state properties such
as particle size, particle size distribution, and bulk density are desired.

5.4.1 Lot Selection
Lot selection is the practice of comparing the test results for the material in the suppliers
inventory against the users specification to identify those lots that conform. However, such
approaches do not guarantee continuity of supply from the excipient supplier since not
every lot may conform. Both parties should ensure that the process capability is sufficient
to ensure continued supply in a timely manner.

Lot selection should be the consideration of last resort due to the risks involved, including
inhomogeneity, continuity of supply, etc. The agreement to use lot selection should be
documented between the parties.

This discussion is meant to alert the user to the many issues that arise from relying on lot
selection for conforming excipient. For additional information on these issues, see
references under Appendix C Bibliography.

Evaluation of the suitability of lot selection begins with the identification by the customer
of the property, measurement method, and acceptance criteria <5.16>. The supplier then
evaluates the measurement method and their ability to perform the measurement at their
manufacturing location or otherwise identifies where the test can be performed <5.17>. A
potential test location is the user who would then use pre- or co-shipment samples provided
by the supplier.

Three important criteria should be met if lot selection is to be used to fulfill the user
requirements: intra-lot variability, inter-lot variability, and the stability of the property.

Lot selection should only be used when the excipient manufacturing processes operates in a
state of statistical control. Random variation associated with the property used for lot
selection is important to ensuring the sampling plan will adequately protect the customer
from receiving a non-conforming lot. With the process in statistical control and displaying
random variation, it is possible to gather data for intra-lot variability <5.18>. Generally this
is accomplished through statistical sampling of a lot so as to show with a high degree of
confidence (95% Confidence Interval), that the lot is homogenous. This allows for the
establishment of a routine lot sampling plan.

Lot selection relies on understanding the variation associated with the property being
measured in relation to the required range. As a basis for considering lot selection, it is
important to quantify the intra-lot variation of that property. Variation of this property in
the excipient results from the variability contributed by both the manufacturing process and
the measurement system.

Phase 3 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 39

Measurement variation is the result of the variability of the entire system from sampling
through testing. It includes such sources of variation as:
Sampling technique,
Sample non-uniformity,
Sample preparation,
Test equipment,
Analyst technique, and
Laboratory conditions.

Variability between the suppliers measurement process and that of the users measurement
process should also be considered. Otherwise there can be a disagreement as to whether the
lot meets the requirements.

The second criterion for consideration is inter-lot variability. Sufficient data should be
gathered so as to measure the lot to lot variation of the excipient <5.19>. Ideally the
average value of the data for the property under evaluation will be midway between the
specified ranges. Also when this data is plotted, the shape of the histogram should approach
a Gaussian Curve (Normal Distribution).

Manufacturing process variation, resulting in lot-to-lot variability, arises from:
Seasonal impacts due to such changes as:
o Raw materials,
o Water quality, and
o Environmental conditions.
Effects of process aging such as:
o Catalyst life,
o Equipment wear,
o Filter efficiency, and
o Equipment cleanliness.
Operational differences:
o Equipment,
o Personnel,
o Process control, and
o Raw material through storage and handling.

The final criterion is an assessment of the stability of the excipient <5.20> which is an
important factor that can affect the decision to provide excipient using lot selection. With a
stable excipient <5.21> and user concurrence to take inventory that has been held for a
prolonged interval, the supplier can set aside sufficient conforming excipient to meet the
anticipated needs of the user for an extended period. If the excipient does not possess
adequate stability to inventory material from lot selection, the user will need to re-assess
their options <5.23>. Among the options the user can consider are in-house modification
<5.43> of the excipient grade that is available (Section 5.5.1) and where this is not feasible,
reformulation of the drug product (Section 5.5.2) <5.44>.

The process capability of the specified property should be calculated to confirm it is
adequate for the purpose of lot selection <5.22>.
= minimum (USL-Avg or Avg-LSL)/3

Where USL = Upper Specification Limit,
LSL = Lower Specification Limit,

Phase 3 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 40

Avg = Average, and
= standard deviation.
It is noted that a process capability (C
) value of 1.0 indicates that 99.7% of material
would meet the specification. Depending on the mutually agreed level of risk, lower
process capability can be acceptable. The inherent risks should be thoroughly understood
and acknowledged by both the user and supplier.

Once quantified, the variability arising from manufacturing and measurement along with
the desired specification range can be used to determine the number of samples that are
needed from each lot to assure the entire lot conforms to the user specification
. Simply
stated, the more variation, whether it arises from manufacturing manifested as lot non-
homogeneity or lot-to-lot variation, or the measurement system, the greater the number of
samples needed to assure the accuracy of the measurement result, and the subsequent
acceptance decision. The determination of the proper number of samples needed to assure
the proper accept/reject decision, is determined from the Operating Characteristic (OC)
curve. This curve of a plot of the probability of acceptance vs. the true lot average
demonstrates the proper number of samples to achieve a statistical probability the lot
conforms to specification.

Briefly, an OC curve uses the customer risk (the risk that nonconforming lots are released
as acceptable), the producer risk, (the risk that conforming lots are rejected as
unacceptable), the specification range, and variation (both manufacturing process and
measurement system) and determines the appropriate acceptance sampling plan
. It should
be noted that the closer the measurement average for the property to the center point of the
specified range, the fewer samples that will be needed to achieve a constant level of risk.

The ability of the supplier to reliably provide excipient to the users specification is
dependent upon the quantity of material the user orders versus the quantity of material
produced during that time period that meets the user specification. There are many factors
to consider but at a minimum, it is desirable for the ratio of production to user order
requirements should be at least 3:1; allowing the supplier to select inventory to fill the
customer order <5.24>. Otherwise the user may find the supplier does not have sufficient
conforming material to meet their order quantity and delivery requirements.

Generally lot selection is viable <5.25> <5.26> when there is mutual agreement between
manufacturer and user concerning:
1. Cost of manufacture provides an adequate profit to the manufacturer at an
acceptable cost to the user,
2. The supplier can agree to provide a continuity of supply of conforming excipient.
3. The excipient is stable enough so that the user receives it with sufficient shelf life
for use in the manufacture of the pharmaceutical product.
4. The business objectives of both supplier and user have been met.
If there are no agreements on these issues <5.27>, then the user will have to re-assess their
options <5.23>.

With agreement the supplier and user will evaluate the ability of the supplier to test for
conformance to the user requirements <5.28>. If the supplier is capable of performing the
appropriate tests and can provide their results on a Certificate of Analysis (COA), then the

Specifications for the Chemical and Process Industries, A Manual for Development and Use, American Society
for Quality, 1996, 61-64.
Specifications for the Chemical and Process Industries, A Manual for Development and Use, American Society
for Quality, 1996, 75-90.

Phase 3 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 41

supplier can implement special inventory management and logistics as necessary <5.30>.
Otherwise, the user might request that the supplier provide pre-shipment samples so that the
user can test and identify those lots that meet user requirements <5.29>. The supplier
and/or user would then implement appropriate inventory and logistics management.

5.4.2 Manufacture to Order
Where the stability of the excipient is inadequate or where the process capability is
insufficient for lot selection <5.21> <5.22>, consideration should be given by the excipient
supplier to produce the excipient to order <5.31>. This often involves careful process
monitoring that result in the excipient with the property desired by the user. The excipient
is manufactured to fulfill the user order where the user will supply a forecast to the
manufacturer with an agreed to lead time <5.34>. The manufacturer will then assure there
is conforming material in inventory to meet the user demand forecast and there will be an
agreement to proceed <5.27> between supplier and user.

Where the excipient supplier cannot meet the user requirements by producing the excipient
to order, the manufacturer can consider custom manufacturing the excipient <5.32>.
Otherwise the user will need to reassess their options <5.23>.

5.5 Other Approaches
Where the supplier has declined the business <5.39>, the user should ascertain if there are any
other suppliers capable of providing the excipient quality desired. If there is another supplier
<5.41>, the user would return to Phase 2 <4.34> and evaluate that suppliers excipient. If the user
cannot identify another supplier of the excipient, the user might then consider either
reformulating the dosage or modifying the excipient quality available in-house to meet the
requirements of the formulation.

5.5.1 In-House Processing
If there is no supplier <5.40>, the user is left with the option to consider in-house
modification of the excipient <5.42> <5.43>. This approach is practical in circumstances
where certain physical properties of the excipient are desired, such as finer or more uniform
particle size for powders and homogeneity of batches for liquids. Improvements to the
chemical properties of the excipient that might be feasible include increased purity,
removal of a specified impurity or concomitant component, alteration of the excipient pH,
or treatment to reduce the excipient activity. Other considerations for in-house processing
include modification of moisture content and reduction of bioburden. Finally, the user can
purchase a non-pharmaceutical grade of material and under appropriate GMP, can improve
the purity of the material so that it now meets the requirements for an excipient ingredient.
Such activities should be justified in the regulatory filing.

Where purification of a non-pharmaceutical grade of starting material is conducted, the user
should qualify the material and justify the steps used to improve its purity. It is not
acceptable to purchase a "technical" grade of material and simply test it to confirm it meets
compendial standards. Without production conducted in conformance to appropriate GMP
requirements, the material remains unsuitable for use as an excipient.

5.5.2 Reformulate
Where the stability of the excipient is inadequate and where the excipient cannot be made
to order, the user will not have an assured supply of excipient that meets their requirements.
In that case, the user will be left with no alternative but to reformulate <5.44>.

Phase 3 Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 42

5.5.3 Supplier Custom Manufacture
If lot selection is not viable, then custom manufacture can be considered <5.33>. The data
from lot selection as discussed in Section 5.4.1 is assessed for intra-lot <5.18> and inter-lot
<5.19> variability. This information is used to make the determination as to whether the
process capability is sufficient <5.22>. Where process capability is insufficient for
manufacture to order (Section 5.4.2), process modifications can be considered <5.36> to
achieve the desired excipient quality <5.37>. If the process can be optimized, then data can
be developed to support the new process capability. If process optimization will not achieve
the target excipient quality, the user will have to re-assess their options <5.23>.

If the modified process shows adequate capability, then consideration can be given to
custom manufacture of the excipient <5.35>. Examples where custom manufacture might
be indicated were discussed under Section 5.5.1, In-House Processing. The important
difference is that the manufacturing improvement in custom manufacture occurs at an
excipient manufacturing facility whereas in-house processing occurs under the direction of
the user.

If custom manufacture is viable and the product is used exclusively for the user <5.38>,
there is an agreement to proceed <5.27>. Where the excipient is not produced exclusively
for the user and there is still an agreement with the user to proceed, the process returns to
Phase 1 for the introduction of a new excipient grade.

5.6 Concluding Agreements
Where there is mutual agreement to use a special excipient grade to meet the user specification, it
is important for the user to supply a forecast to provide the supplier with adequate lead time
<5.34>. The accuracy of the user forecast and the suppliers desire for lead time are negotiated
prior to reaching final agreement.

With agreement to proceed, the supplier approves the user specification and other requirements.
If the user requires pre-shipment samples, the supplier makes arrangements to provide them
<5.29> (see Section 5.1).

If the agreement requires lot selection, the supplier and/or user should implement inventory
management procedures to assure there is appropriate inventory to meet the user forecast <5.30>
within the desired lead time <5.34>.

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Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API): Any substance or mixture of substances, intended to be used
in the manufacture of a drug product and that, when used in the production of a drug, becomes an active
ingredient of the drug product. Such substances are intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other
direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or to affect the structure
or any function of the body of man or animals.

Additive: A substance added to the excipient to improve or maintain a characteristic such as a
preservative, flow agent, antimicrobial, etc.

Bill of Lading: A document used when shipping goods that describes the content of the shipment
and accompanies it.

Certificate of Analysis: A document listing the test methods, specification and results of testing a
representative sample from the batch to be delivered.

Certificate of Suitability to the European Pharmacopoeia (CEP): Certification granted to individual
manufacturers by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM) when a specific active
ingredient or excipient is judged to be in conformity with a Ph.Eur. monograph.

Change Control: A process for management review of proposed changes that may impact the quality or
regulatory conformance of the excipient.

Component: Any material present in the excipient that arises as a consequence of the raw materials
and/or manufacturing process.

Composition Profile: A description of all of the components present in the excipient.

Concomitant Component: A material found in an excipient in addition to the major component(s) that is
necessary for assuring the proper performance of the excipient in the drug formulation.

Contaminant: An undesired material of a chemical or microbiological nature or foreign matter
introduced from a raw material, intermediate, or excipient during production, sampling, packaging,
storage or transport.

Co-processing: Any mixture of compendial or non-compendial excipients that has been designed to be
physically co-processed in a way which results in functional performance attributes when used in a drug
application and which are not seen if the excipients are combined using simple mixing.

Customer Risk: The probability that a lot is released by the manufacturer although the product is

Date of Manufacture: A date indicating the completion of the final manufacturing process (as defined by
the supplier for the particular excipient and process).

Design of Experiments: A series of planned experiments that uses statistical principles to select variable
parameters with the objective of optimizing process performance.

Design Space: The multidimensional combination and interaction of input variables (e.g., material
attributes) and process parameters that have been demonstrated to provide assurance of quality.

Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 52

Document Control: The set of procedures to ensure documents can be identified as to their status e.g.
draft, revised, approved, obsolete, superseded, etc.

Drug Master File (DMF): Detailed information about the manufacture of an excipient that can be
submitted to the United States Food and Drug Administration, Health Canada, and the Japanese
Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency.

Endotoxin: A toxin that is produced within certain bacteria that is released only when the bacteria are

Excipient: Substances other than the API which have been appropriately evaluated for safety and are
intentionally included in a drug delivery system.

Expiry (Expiration) Date: The date designating the time during which the excipient is expected to
remain within specifications and after which it should not be used.

Excipient Information Package (EIP): An IPEC initiative to provide standards for the exchange of data
between excipient suppliers and excipient users. The EIP is comprised of the Site Quality Overview,
Product Regulatory Datasheet, and Site and Supply Chain Security Overview. IPECs Standardized
Excipient Information Protocol User Guide provides information on the preparation of the EIP

Expiration Period: The duration, normally expressed in months or years from the date of manufacture,
within which the excipient can continue to be used.

Functionality: A desirable property of an excipient that aids and/or improves the manufacture, quality,
or performance of the drug product.

Good Distribution Practices: The general principles of good practices in the pharmaceutical starting
materials supply chain.

Good Manufacturing Practices: Requirements for the overall quality system under which drug products
and their ingredients are manufactured, tested, and released. Current Good Manufacturing Practices
(cGMP) is the applicable term in the United States. For purposes of this guide, the terms GMP and cGMP
are equivalent.

Impurity: A component of an excipient that is not intended to be present but arises as a consequence of
the manufacturing process.

Inactive Ingredient Database: An FDA database containing information on excipients present in FDA-
approved drug products.

Interchangeability: Functional equivalent in all respects to the original source material

Master Batch Record: Documentation of the steps necessary to produce a finished excipient by batch

Master Process Flow: Documentation that describes excipient manufacture from raw material to final
purification using continuous processing.

Master Process Log: Record of the operating conditions used for the manufacture of the excipient using
continuous processing

Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 53

Master Production Record: Record of the manufacture of the lot/batch of the excipient from raw
material to completion.

Operating Characteristic (OC) Curve: A graphical technique for showing the performance of an
accept/reject plan.

Other Components: Materials present in an excipient that arise as a consequence of the raw materials
and/or manufacturing process and are not concomitant component.

Original Manufacturer: Person or company manufacturing a material to the stage at which it is
designated as a pharmaceutical starting material.

Packaging Material: A material intended to protect an intermediate or excipient during storage and

Pivotal Scale: A scale of cGMP pharmaceutical product manufacture less than full commercial scale but
greater than 1/10
commercial scale. Studies using such manufacture (e.g. product stability) may be used
to support the marketing application.

Pre-formulation: Those studies preceding formal formulation design that are used to investigate the
physical, chemical and biopharmaceutical properties of the API.

Process: The set of operating steps including synthesis, isolation, purification, packaging, etc. that
produce the finished excipient.

Process Capability: Measurement of the process variability for a specified property.

Process Parameter: A measurable operating condition.

Process Step: A documented instruction to the excipient manufacturing personnel directing that an
operation be done.

Process Validation: Documented evidence demonstrating assurance that a specific process will
consistently produce excipient meeting its specifications and quality characteristics.

Processing Aid: A material added to a manufacturing step for the purpose of facilitating the completion
of that step or subsequent step.

Producer Risk: The probability that a lot is rejected by the manufacturer although the product is

Production Specification: A list of tests, references to analytical procedures, and appropriate criteria for
a material as manufactured.

Pyrogen-Free: A specification parameter stipulating the excipient is free of endoxin and any other fever
causing agents.

Quality Agreement: A formal agreement between the excipient manufacturer and their pharmaceutical
customer that stipulates the responsibilities of each party in meeting the regulatory requirements for sale
and use of the excipient in a dosage form.

Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 54

Quality by Design: The development of the design space, specifications, and manufacturing controls that
result from pharmaceutical development studies using Design of Experiments, process analytical
technology (PAT) and or prior knowledge.

Random Variation: Variation in the measured property whose distribution of results shows no
predictable pattern.

Re-evaluation Interval: The duration, normally expressed in months or years, from the date of
manufacture, throughout which the excipient should continue to conform to the specification and after
which should be tested to confirm it continues to meet specification.

Retest Interval: (Re-evaluation Interval)

Sales Specification: A list of tests, references to analytical procedures, and appropriate criteria for a
material as offered for sale.

Shelf Life: The length of time during which the excipient meets specification (see also expiration period,
re-evaluation interval and retest interval).

Significant Change: Any change that alters an excipient physical or chemical property from the norm, or
that is likely to alter the excipient performance in the dosage form.

Specification: A list of tests, references to analytical procedures and appropriate acceptance criteria that
are numerical limits, ranges or other criteria for the tests described for a material.

Statistical Control: A process that results in product that exhibits random variation of its property.

Sterile: Completely free from microorganisms such that, after inoculation of a suitable nutrient medium
under aseptic conditions with the material, and followed by incubation at an appropriate temperature for
14 days, no growth of microorganisms is seen.

Supplier: Used here to denote the company providing the excipient ingredient to the pharmaceutical
customer. May be either the excipient manufacturer or distributor.

Validation: A documented program that provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process,
method, or system will consistently produce a result meeting predetermined acceptance criteria.

Worst Case: A set of conditions encompassing processing limits, circumstances, equipment, etc., which
pose the greatest chance of a failure in a process, to a product, or in a procedure, when compared to ideal
conditions or those stipulated in a procedure. Such conditions do not necessarily induce product, process,
or equipment failure.

Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 55


1. Engel, Jan and DeVries, Bert, Evaluating a Well-Know Criterion for Measurement Precision, Journal
of Quality Technology, 29/4, 469-476, October 1997.

2. European Pharmacopoeia

3. Excipient Development for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, and Drug Delivery Systems,
Katdare, A and Chaubal, MV, (Eds), Informa Healthcare, New York, 2006.

4. U.S. FDA, Nonclinical Studies for Development of Pharmaceutical Excipients (final version May

5. Food Chemical Codex

6. International Conference on Harmonisation Documents:
ICH Q1A: Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products
ICH Q2: Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology
ICH Q3A: Impurities in New Drug Substances
ICH Q3C: Impurities, Guideline for Residual Solvents
ICH Q5A: Viral Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology Products derived from Cell Lines of Human
or Animal Origin
ICH Q5C: Stability Testing of Biotechnological / Biological Products
ICH Q6A: Specifications, Test Procedures and Acceptance criteria for New Drug Substances and
New Drug Products: Chemical Substances
ICH Q6B: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological / Biological Products
ICH Q7: Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
ICH Q8: Pharmaceutical Development
ICH Q9: Quality Risk Management
ICH M4, Organisation of the Common Technical Document for the Registration of
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, Step 4, 2004.

7. International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Documents:
The Joint IPEC-PQG Good Manufacturing Practices Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2006
Steinberg, M., Borzelleca, J.F., Enters, E.K., Kinoshita, F.K., Loper, A., Mitchell, D.B.,
Tamulinas, C.B., and Weiner, M.L., A New Approach to the Safety Assessment of
Pharmaceutical Excipients, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 24, 2, 1996.
IPEC Europe Safety Committee, The Proposed Guidelines for the Safety Evaluation of New
Excipients, European Pharmaceutical Review, November 1997.
IPEC-Americas Standardized Excipient Information Protocol User Guide, 2005
IPEC-Americas Significant Change Guide, 2005
IPEC-Americas Excipient Master File Guide, 2004
IPEC-Americas Certificate of Analysis Guide for Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2000
IPEC The IPEC Good Distribution Practices Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2006
The Joint IPEC-PQG Good Manufacturing Practices Audit Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients,
IPEC Excipient Composition Guide (in development)
IPEC-Americas Stability Guide (in development)
IPEC QbD Guide (in development)
IPEC Quality Agreement Guide (in development)

Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 56

8. Japanese Pharmacopoeia

9. Japanese Pharmaceutical Excipients

10. Japanese Pharmaceutical Excipients Dictionary

11. Jurans Quality Control Handbook, J.M. Juran and Frank M. Gryna, 5
edition, McGraw Hill, NY

12. Specifications for the Chemical and Process Industries, A Manual for Development and Use,
American Society for Quality, Milwaukee, 1996

13. United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary

14. Virus Validation Studies: CPMP/BWP/268/95: The Design, Contribution, and Interpretation of
Studies Validating the Inactivation and Removal of Viruses.

15. Dictionaire Vidal ISBN-13 978-0320075759

16. Die Rote Liste ISBN-13 978-3540219309

17. Electronic Medicines Compendium; http://www.medicines.org.uk/emc.aspx

i. ICH Q9, Quality Risk Management, http://www.ich.org/LOB/media/MEDIA1957.pdf

Main Text
1. The Joint IPEC-PQG Good Manufacturing Practices Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients 2006
2. The IPEC Good Distribution Practices Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2006
3. IPEC Excipient Composition Guide (in development)
4. ICH International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use: http://www.ich.org
5. Instructions: http://www.fda.gov/cder/iig/iigfaqWEB.htm,
6. Database: http:www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/iig/index.cgm
7. Maximum dosage information is only contained in the Japanese language version of the JPED.
8. Electronic Medicines Compendium; http://www.medicines.org.uk/emc.aspx
9. Draft: Specific Conditions of the Application of the Principles and Guidelines of Good
Manufacturing Practice for Certain Excipients,
xcipientsgmp.pdf , & EC-Directive 2001/83/EC, as amended by EC-Directive 2004/27/EC
10. ICH M4, Organisation of the Common Technical Document for the Registration of
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, Step 4, 2004.
11. U.S. FDA, Nonclinical Studies for Development of Pharmaceutical Excipients (final version May
12. Steinberg, M., Borzelleca, J.F., Enters, E.K., Kinoshita, F.K., Loper, A., Mitchell, D.B.,
Tamulinas, C.B., and Weiner, M.L., A New Approach to the Safety Assessment of
Pharmaceutical Excipients, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 24, 2, 1996.
13. USP-NF General Chapter <1074> Excipient Biological Safety Evaluation Guidelines
14. The Proposed Guidelines for the Safety Evaluation of New Excipients (European Pharmaceutical
Review, November 1997)
15. USP-NF General Notices subsection Ingredients and Processes, second paragraph.
16. USP-NF <1078> Good Manufacturing Practices for Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients

Copyright 2008 The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Page 57

17. USP-NF General Notices subsection Official and Official Articles, fourth paragraph.
18. USP-NF <1225> Validation of Compendial Methods
19. Guideline for Submitting Requests for Revision of the USP-NF, Chapter Three Excipients, page
67 October 8, 2003
20. Guideline for Submitting Requests for Revision of the USP-NF, Chapter Three Excipients, pp 57-
64 October 8, 2003
21. The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, Evaluation of Medicines for
Human Use, Note for Guidance on Excipients, Antioxidants and Antimicrobial Preservatives in
the Dossier for Application for Marketing Authorisation of a Medicinal Product, (DRAFT)
CPMP/QWP/419/03, February 2003
22. The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, Guideline on The Chemistry of
New Active Substances, CPMP/QWP/130/96/Rev 1, February 2004
23. FDA Guideline for Drug Master Files, September 1989.
24. IPEC-Americas, Excipient Master File, 2004.
25. ICH Q3A, Impurities in New Drug Substances, http://www.ich.org/LOB/media/MEDIA422.pdf
26. ICH Q3C, Impurities, Guideline for Residual Solvents,
27. See EMEA Note for Guidance Guideline on the Specifications Limits for Residues of Metal
Catalysts or Metal Reagents, EMEA/CHMP/SWP/4446/2000
28. The Joint IPEC-PQG Good Manufacturing Practices Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2006,
p 3
29. IPEC-Americas Certificate of Analysis Guide for Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2000.
30. A document used when shipping goods that describes the content of the shipment and
accompanies it.
31. ICH Q2, Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology,
32. IPEC Stability Guide (in development)
33. ICH Q1A, Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products
34. IPEC QbD Guide (in development)
35. IPEC-Americas Standardized Excipient Information Protocol User Guide, 2005
36. ICH Q7, Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
37. See ICH Q8, Pharmaceutical Development. http://www.ich.org/LOB/media/MEDIA1707.pdf
38. The Joint IPEC-PQG Good Manufacturing Practices Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2006,
p. 3
39. Moreton, RC, Excipient Interactions, in Excipient Development for Pharmaceutical,
Biotechnology, and Drug Delivery Systems, edited by Katdare, A and Chaubal, MV, (EDs),
Informa Healthcare, New York, 2006, 93-108
40. IPEC-Americas Significant Change Guide, 2005
41. The Joint IPEC-PQG Good Manufacturing Practices Audit Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients
42. IPEC Excipient Composition Guideline (in development)
43. GMP paper audits or EIP Site Quality Overviews alone are insufficient for this purpose.
44. IPEC Quality Agreement Guide (in development)
45. Specifications for the Chemical and Process Industries, A Manual for Development and Use,
American Society for Quality, 1996, 61-64.
46. Specifications for the Chemical and Process Industries, A Manual for Development and Use,
American Society for Quality, 1996, 75-90.
Copyright 2008 International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council
Printed in the USA by IPEC-Americas
1655 N. Ft. Myer Drive, Suite 700
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Excipients for
Use in
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