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Food Of Chettinadu

By Visalakshi Ramanathan
Chettinad is famous for its rich cultural heritage,art and architecture,huge
mansions etc etc.But more recently it is becoming well known world over for its
mouth watering culinary delicacies.Chettinad restaurants are being opened in
almost all big cities and towns world over Chettinad food is famous for its spicy
aroma.Most of the food items are easily digestible,less in caloric value compared
to other south indian food items since items like cheese butter and cashews
rarely find its way in chettinad recipe.Cocunut which is feared by all for its high
cholesterol content is also used in very small quantities.
!araikudi is the biggest City in $ivaganga district. !nown as the capital of
Chettinad, because of the predominance of the %&attu !ottai Chettiars% who have
from here have ventured far and wide to set up their businesses even at the turn
of the '(th century. !araikudi is also home of two famous )nstitutions, *lagappa
+niversity and C,C-) Central ,lectro Chemical -esearch )nstitute".
!araikudi is known as an ancestral home of Chettiyars. )t is .( kilometers away
from Madurai. )t is famous for its Chettinad Mansion, C,C-) Central ,lectro
Chemical -esearch )nstitute", /emples, Old buildings, 0opura karai saris and
Chettinad delicious tasty dishes. &owadays it is termed as a shooting spot for
/amil and /elugu film industries and as well as a tourist center. /ourists come in
large numbers to have to have a view on history of Chettinad buildings. One of
the well known country1s maga2ines recently came out with surprising news
wherein it was mentioned that Chettinad was one among the top 3 fast growing
vacation spots in )ndia. #ence, !araikudi will provide rela4ing and en5oyable time
to tourists who will cherish the memories for long.
!araikudi and 67 other villages comprise Chettinad, the homeland of the
&attukottai Chettiars. /he Chettiars were a prosperous banking community who
ventured overseas to do business in $outh and $outheast *sia in the 89th and
early '(th centuries.
Our Holiness swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar is also from , a small village called
as !ilasevalpatti which is 5ust '( miles from !araikudi. $wami5i is a &agarathar
and the 8
&agarathar in the whole &agarathar #istory who became the 8

&agarathar $wami5i with millions of followers.
$wami5i also standing as the 8
richest &agarathar in the +$* and in the entire
western courtiers with a net worth of more than a Billion US dollar. #e is the
&agarthar who has donated millions of +$ dollars for various social causes all
around the world.#e has donated money so far to :,.7; marriages, donated
money for ;,:'8 various health surgeries, and has also donated money for
';,'9( students education so far . $wami5i is considered to be the living 0od to
his followers and there is no wonder why all his followers are calling $wami5i $ri
$elvam $iddhar as a < =)>)&0 0O?@@
-each $wami5i $ri $elvam $iddhar in +$* A 8B7((. .'9 66.( or , mail to
$wami5i is C D
<Om $elvam $iddhar 0uruve &amaha@@
Ramu Visalakshi! "araikudi! #ndia
Chettinad "itchen
B By >ishal !alyani
Bread $akoda
Bread white or wheat, any" B . to 8( slices ECabbage chopped" B ' cups
Carrot grated" B ' cupsEOnion chopped" B 8 cupE0inger garlic paste B 8F'
spoonEChili powder B 8F' spoonE$alt B to tasteEOil B to deep fry
8.?ip the Bread slices in water and squee2e out the water. /ake this in a mi4ing
'.*dd chopped Onion, Cabbage, grated Carrot, 0inger garlic paste, Chili powder
and $alt to it. Mi4 well with the Bread pieces.
:.Make small dumplings of this mi4 or vadas /ake small portion of the mi4 and
flatten that between your palms".
7.#eat oil in a pan. ?eep fry these dumplings or vadas till it turns into golden
brown color.
Chettinadu %ppam
-aw riceB' cupsEBoiled rice B:F7 cupE0rated coconutB:F7 cupE
&or 'rindin'(
$oak both the rice for ' hours.
*fter soaking grind it in the mi4ie or grinder. ?o not add too much water while
grinding. )f you are using fresh coconut then that coconuts water can be used for
grinding. *dd the grated coconut after 3 minutes of grinding. /his itself will make
the dough little loose. 0rind it to a fine paste. *fter taking out the dough from the
grinder or mi4ie wash it with 8 cup of good water and keep aside.
Method :
8./ake : spoons of grinded dough and mi4 it in the water kept aside. *dd ' more
cups of water into it. &ow keep this mi4ture in the stove and go on stirring it. )t will
start to become thick. Ghen it becomes little thicker consistency of corn flour
added soups" remove it from stove. *llow the !an5i to cool.*dd little salt and the
kan5i to the dough and mi4 well. Make it to the consistency of idly batter.
'. *llow the batter to ferment for ; hours. *fter fermenting, if little thick, coconut
milk can be added or water can also be added to bring it to the correct
consistency. )t should be in the consistency of dosa batter.)n medium fire make
:.)t can be made with ease in non stick appa tawa.)f it is going to be served along
with coconut milk soak them in the coconut milk a few minutes before serving.
Chettinadu "o)hukattai
Har boiled rice idly rice" B 8 I cupE-ed chillieB;ECurry leafE+rud dhalB8teaspoon
Mustard seedB8 teaspoonEBengal gramB8 teaspoonEOilB' table spoons
0rated coconutB' tablespoons
8.$oak the rice for 8 hour. Hut it in the mi4ie with the salt needed and grind for '
'.*dd 8 cup of water to the grinded batter.!eep the kadai in the stove. pour the
oil ,when it gets heated add the mustard seed and allow it to crack then add the
urudh dhal, curry leaf and Bengal gram .
:.Ghen the dhal gets roasted add the grated cocunut stir for a minute, then pour
the batter into the kadai and go on stirring.
7. $witch off the stove when it becomes thick to the consistency that you can
make balls out of it. *llow the batter to cool for ' or : minutes. /hen make
ko2hukattai1s of the desired shape .$team the ko2hukattai1s in the idly pot for 3
3./his ko2hukattai can be eaten without any side dish. But if you can find time
then you can prepare /omato chutney or coconut chutney. )t will taste yummy in
that combination.
Her*s + Health
Skin Cleanser(
Found in your own kitchen is a simple, chemical free cleanser J good oil1
unboiled milk. *ll you need to do is dip a piece of cotton wool in milk and wipe
your face with it. )t also cleans unseen dirt and goes down into your pores.
*nother fine cleanser is almond oil, especially effective in protecting the delicate
skin under the eyes.
Skin ,oisturi)er(
For normal skin care, you can take 8 cup of yogurt, 8 tablespoon orange 5uice
and 8 tablespoon lemon 5uice and mi4 it into a paste. *pply it on your face as a
mask and keep it on for 83 minutes. /hen clean it off with a wet tissue watch your
comple4ion glow. For dry skin, you could use a mi4ture of cooked oatmeal and
honeyK it will not only help moisturi2e the skin but also acts as a good cleansing
Skin -ourishment and Bleach(
For nourishing your face try a protein mask. Lou can prepare this mask by first
soaking 8 tablespoon urad dal and 7 almonds in water overnight and then
grinding them into a paste. Lou can then apply this protein mask to your face and
wash it off after half an hour. /his e4ceptional protein mask will not only nourish
the skin but also bleach it.
.rinkle $revention and Softer Skin(
/o prevent wrinkles and soften your skin, you could try pure castor oilK it is known
to slow down the aging process of the skin.
$kin ConditionerE*nother simple and e4cellent skin conditioner that can be made
out of 8 tbsp. honey blended with ' tbsp. cream of milk". =eave it on for a few
minutes and wash it off. )t works like magic.
Skin Blemishes(
For skin blemishes, you can try rubbing a raw potato on your face.
Sun$rotection /otion(
)t1s summer time. /ime to cool off. $o let1s wind up with a good homeBmade sunB
protection lotion. /ake cucumber 5uice and equal amounts of glycerin and rose
water and make a concoction. /his should be refrigerated. /ry it, it1s really cool.
By Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
Before the beginning, the Brahman (absolute reality) was one and non-dual. It thought, "I am
only one -- may I become many." This caused a vibration which eventually became sound,
and this sound was Om. reation itself was set in motion by the vibration of Om. The closest
a!!roach to Brahman is that first sound, Om. Thus, this sacred symbol has become
emblematic of Brahman "ust as images are emblematic of material ob"ects.
The vibration !roduced by chanting Om in the !hysical universe corres!onds to the original
vibration that first arose at the time of creation. The sound of Om is also called #ranava, meaning
that it sustains life and runs through #rana or breath. Om also re!resents the four states of the
$u!reme Being. The three sounds in Om (%&') re!resent the wa(ing, dream and dee! slee!
states and the silence which surrounds Om re!resents the "Turiya" state.
Because the first of the three states of consciousness is the wa(ing state, it is re!resented by the
sound "%" !ronounced li(e "%" in accounting. Because the dream state of consciousness lies
between the wa(ing and the dee! slee! states, it is re!resented by the letter "&" which lies
between the "%" and "'". This "&" is !ronounced li(e the "&" in would. The last state of
consciousness is the dee! slee! state and is re!resented by "'" !ronounced as in "sum." This
closes the !ronunciation of Om "ust as dee! slee! is the final stage of the mind at rest. )henever
Om is recited in succession there is an inevitable !eriod of silence between two successive Oms.
This silence re!resents the "fourth state" (nown as "Turiya" which is the state of !erfect bliss
when the individual self recogni*es his identity with the su!reme.
The Symbol Om
+ust as the sound of Om re!resents the four states of Brahman, the symbol Om written in $ans(rit
also re!resents everything. The material world of the wa(ing state is symboli*ed by the large
lower curve. The dee! slee! state is re!resented by the u!!er left curve. The dream state, lying
between the wa(ing state below and the dee! slee! state above, emanates from the confluence of
the two. The !oint and semicircle are se!arate from the rest and rule the whole. The !oint
re!resents the turiya state of absolute consciousness. The o!en semicircle is symbolic of the
infinite and the fact that the meaning of the !oint can not be gras!ed if one limits oneself to finite
The Power of Chanting Om
,. The chanting of Om drives away all worldly thoughts and removes distraction and
infuses new vigour in the body.
-. )hen you feel de!ressed, chant Om fifty times and you will be filled with new vigour
and strength. The chanting of Om is a !owerful tonic. )hen you chant Om, you feel you
are the !ure, all !ervading light and consciousness.
.. Those who chant Om will have a !owerful, sweet voice. )henever you ta(e a stroll, you
can chant Om. /ou can also sing Om in a beautiful way. The rythmic !ronunciation of
Om ma(es the mind serene and !ointed, and infuses the s!iritual 0ualifications which
ensure self-reali*ation.
1. Those who do meditation of Om daily will get tremendous !ower. They will have lustre
in their eyes and faces.
Meditation on Om
2etire to a 0uite !lace, sit down, close your eyes and com!letely rela3 your muscles and nerves.
oncentrate on the s!ace between your eyebrows and 0uieten and silence the conscious mind.
Begin to re!eat "Om" mentally while associating the ideas of infinity, eternity, immortality, etc.
/ou must re!eat Om with the feeling that you are the infinite and all-!ervading. 'ere re!etition
of Om will not bring the desired result. 4ee! the meaning of Om always at heart. 5eal Om. 5eel
that you are the !ure, !erfect, all-(nowing, eternal, free, Brahman. 5eel that you are absolute
consciousness and the infinite, unchanging e3istance. 6very !art of your body should !owerfully
vibrate with these ideas. This feeling should be (e!t u! all day long. #ractice regularly and
steadily with sincerity, faith, !erseverance and enthusiasm in the morning, midday and evening.
There are many mantras used in worshi!. The first is always the 'oola 'anthirum. This mantra
forms the foundation which su!!orts all the others. It was not written by a !erson but was given
to us directly from %mma 7erself in 7er oracle. This mantra has enormous !ower. $ome of the
benefits conferred by reciting the 'oola 'antra are8
,. The 9ivine energy freely flows from the feet of %mma to the different systems of the
body. The holy vibrations !enetrate all the cells and revitali*e the entire system.
-. 6radication of one:s 4arma.
.. ;ives you what you rightfully deserve.
1. 7el!s solve ailments and genuine !roblems.
<. onfers blessings leading to !ros!erity and a ha!!y life.
=. 7el!s one to reach the highest s!iritual !edestal ('u(ti).
>. #revents fatal accidents.
6ach ty!e of !oo"a or velvi has s!ecific mantras which are recited at a certain time during the
ritual. The long mantras have either ,?@ or ,??@ lines and are concluded with a short mantra of
three lines and three om:s. The mantras recited during mandram !oo"a in %merica are shown
below. %mma has given us !ermission to omit the ,??@ line mantra which is normally recited
because $he says we are so busy and have little time. %ll mandrams in India, however, recite the
,??@ as is normally re0uired.
The number ,?@ has been considered sacred for thousands of years in India. The origin of this
number !robably lies in astronomy. The average distance from the sun and moon to the earth is
,?@ times each of their res!ective diameters. This is true to an accuracy of ?.<A for the $un and
-A for the 'oon. The thought that this was (nown so long ago is ama*ing. Bi(e all tantric
mantras each line is !receded by om and concluded with om. These characteristics give the
mantras great !otency
Rashis and ,oola ,antras
By Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
-emember the -aasis here are based on MMO& $)0& and not $+& $)0&
Rashis and Moola Mantras
&atives of various rashis can chant the following Moola Mantras according to
their Manma -ashi for good benefits. -eciting the Mantras at least 88 times a
day, preferably during the morning hours will give good results.
*riesMesha" -ashi Om #reem $reem =akshmi &arayana &amaha
/aurus>rishabha" -ashi Om 0opalaya +ttara ?wa5aya &amaha
0eminiMithun" -ashi Om !leem !rishnayana &amaha
Cancer!arka" -ashi Om #iranyagarbha *vyaktya -oopene &amaha
=eo$imha" -ashi Om !leem Brahmane Magadadharaya &amaha
>irgo!anya" -ashi Om Hreem Heetambaraya &amaha
=ibra/ula" -ashi Om /atva &iran5naya /arakaramaya &amaha
$corpio>rischik" -ashi Om &aayanaya $urasihaya &amaha
$aggitarius?hanu" -ashi Om $rideva !rushnaya Oorthishitaya &amaha
CapricornMakar" -ashi Om >atsalaya &amaha
*quarius!umbha" -ashi Om $ri +pendraya *tchyutaya &amaha
HiscesMeena" -ashi Om !leem +thritaya >uddarene &amaha
,an'al 1osh Harikar
#raying to Bord 7anuman with Hanuman Chalisa and other
Hanuman Mantras, and !rayers to Bord 4arti(eya !rotect the
native from the evil of !lanet 'ars. %ngara(a %stottara $hata
Camavali can also be suggested. 'any remedial measures are
!rescribed for 'angli( ;irls es!ecially of %shtam 'angal. These are 4umbh Divah,
$avitri and 'angal ;auri Dats etc. These should be !erformed under !ro!er guidance.
Before Marriage:
!umbha >ivah, >ishnu >ivah and *shwatha >ivah are the most popular
remedies for ,an'al 1osha.
*shwatha vivaha means the marriage with peepal or banana tree and
cutting the tree after that.
!umbha 0hata" >ivah, means marriage with a pot and breaking it after
After Marriage:
Gorship =ord #anuman by reciting Hanuman Chaalisa daily
!eep Orange coloured idol of =ord 0anesha in worship room and worship
Chanting of ,ahamrityunjaya ,antra
Gorship banyan tree with milk mi4ed with something sweet
Feed birds with sweets
!eep ivory #aathi ?aant" at home
Mangal osha Shanti Mantra:
Dharani Garbha Sambhutam Vidyut Kanti Samaprabha Kumaram
Shakti Hastamca Mangalam Pranamamy Aham
I offer my obeisance to $hri 'angal, the god of the !lanet Mars, who was born from the
womb of the earth goddess. 7is brilliant is li(e that of lightning, and he a!!ears as a
youth carrying a s!ear in his hand.
"m!ortant #ote: However$ it has to be remembered that ea%h horosco!e is uni&ue so
no remedy %an be suggested to all of them' The best way is to get your %hart
%onsulted by a (nowledgeable Athrva )edi% Swamiji li(e our Swamiji Selvam
Siddhar and #OT a usual *yotish or a Pundit at all to (now what remedy you
would need to over%ome this !roblem'
+ood Time for your Marriage or ,emarriage-
.By *yotish Samrat His Holiness Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
'arriage is an im!ortant event in our life. It brings along with it a sense of maturity,
res!onsibility and com!leteness. It contributes towards the enhancement of social status
of a !erson after marriage.
Before deciding when the native will get married, so many factors have to be ta(en into
consideration. The most im!ortant factor deciding the time of marriage is Denus a!art
from +u!iter. To !redict the time of marriage, one should have to consider the !eriod of
marriage i.e., early, average or late, the 9asha, %ntardasha etc., and the transit of !lanets
favorable for marriage.
If "u!iter is !laced natally between the Bibra and #isces rashis, generally marriage will
ta(e !lace only after .? years. %s far as female natives are concerned, the @th house, or
its Bord and the !lanet located in the @thhouse !lay a vital role in marriage as!ect. 9uring
marriage "u! usually transits over or as!ects the house ,st ,-nd ,<th , >th , Fth and ,?th
from 'oon or Bagna, crosses the natal "u!, venus or the !resent 9asa lord in 2ashi.
/arly marriage will ta(e !lace according to various te3ts under the following
,. Den is !laced in 4ar(ata(a 2asi, $agitt. or #isces 2ashi.
-. Den !ositioned in an angle, while the lord of the Bagna is !laced in >th house.
.. Den in an angle in o!!osition to $aturn
1. $trong Den in lagna, -nd , >th or ,,th house.
<. Den in own or e3alted sign but associated with the lord of the >th house.
=. Den is !laced in the Bagna, -nd , >th or ,,th house.
>. % strong moon is !laced in <th or >th.
@. Den is !laced in between %ries 2ashi to Dirgo 2ashi.
F. Den combined with the lord of the >th in an angle while as!ected by "u! in >th .
Timing of Marriage O!erative asha Parameters:
,. onnection of Dimshottari 'ahadasha, %ntardasha Bords with Bagna or >th 7ouse or
Bagna Bord.
-. Bagna Bord and >th Bord ma(ing connection in Cavamsha chart.
.. hara %ntardasha 'a(ing a connection with 9ara(ara(a in +aimini $ystem.
1. 9asha of >th BordG Bagna Bord or 9asha of >th lord from Denus.
<. 9asha of !lanet !osted in >th house, as!ecting >th house or Bord.
=. Transits of +u!iter on Divah $aham (sensitive marriage !oint in the horosco!e).
>. Cavamsa lords of the ,st, -nd or >th houses.
@. +u!iter activating natal Denus in male charts.
F. #lanets !ositioned in >th from Denus.
,?. Bagna Bord transiting inGnear >th house.
,,. 9asha of 2ahuGDenus, natural significator
,-. 9is!ositor of >th Bord.
,.. $aturn and +u!iter activating BagnaGBagna Bord.
,1. In the natal horosco!e, !lanets associated with the lord of -nd, >th ,,?th or Den.
,<. $un and or most !lanets around lagna or >th house.
$arameters for 2ransit of $lanets(
,. $aturn and +u!iter will influence two conditions out of four mentioned below 8
i. >th 7ouse ii. >th Bord iii. Bagna iv. Bagna Bord
-. The $un may indicate month of marriage by influencing one of four conditions
mentioned above by !ositioning or as!ect.
.. The 'oon may indicate date of marriage by influencing one of four conditions
mentioned above by !ositioning or as!ect.
2egarding the marriage of the female natives, @th house, its lord and the !lanet located in
the @th house, !lays an im!ortant role for marriage.
Important Tips:
#redicting time of marriage is a very tric(y 0uestion, which worries the !arents about
their sonGdaughter. In such cases the %strologer should chec( yogas that confer marriage,
!lanetary conditions at birth and in transit, dasha and antra dasha etc. The following
!oints should also be considered.
,. If %scendant rashi of a Cavamsha chart falls in >th house of birth chart and >th lord is
in ,-th from %scendant, marriage will ta(e !lace between ,= and -? years of age.
-. )hen -nd house is occu!ied by Denus and >th lord is in ,,th house, marriage is
between -. and -@ years of age.
.. )hen -nd lord is in ,,th and Bagna lord is in ,?th house, marriage may occur between
,> and -? years of age.
1. )hen Denus is in 4endra houses and >th lord is !osited in any house owned by
$aturn, as!ected by a benefic, marriage age is -. to -@ years.
<. If -nd lord is !osited in ,,th house and ,,th lord in -nd house, marriage will be
between ,= and -< years of age.
=. )hen >th house is occu!ied by Denus, 'oon and $aturn, the marriage will not be
!ossible before .? years of age. It may be the .<th year.
6. )f $un is in 6th, and 6th lord co5oins >enus in !endra, marriage is possible
within ': to '3 years of age. )f 6th lord or >enus is afflicted in birth chart or
&avamsha chart, marriage
may occur between :( and :: years of age
Mantras for elayed Marriage
)ith the blessings of ;oddess %tharva $oolini 'a, these 'antras should be recited with
utmost devotion and faith to get their wish fulfilled. ( there is only one Tem!le for
$oolini 'a in he Corth %merica H 9ayton, O7)
3atyayani 'antra:
I4atyaayani 'ahaamayey 'ahaa /oginiya 9heeshwari
Cand ;o!asutam 9evi #ati 'ey 4uru Tey CamahaJ
This 'antra should be recited ,?@ times by unmarried girls everyday after getting an
initiation through an %tharva Dedic $wami"i in &$%.
"O 4atyaayaniK 'ahaa 'ayey (names of 'other ;oddess), $u!reme Bord of all great
/oginis, 'a(e $hree 4rishna, my husband. I !rostrate before you."
#arbati $wayamvar 'antra :
"Ballar(ayutsat!rabhaam 4artale Bolbru 'ala(ulam
'alamsanddahatim 'anohartanum 'andsmitadhomu(heem
'andam 'andmu!esushee Bariyitum $hambhum +aganmohimim
Dandit!adamishtarthadaam #arvateem"
This slo(a should be recited every 5riday evening regularly with utmost devotion by the
girls to get desired husband, after getting initiation by an %thava Dedic $wami"i
%tharva Vedic Vaasthu
Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
Vaastu for "itchen
!itchenFfireBplace should be preferably in the $outhB,ast direction. )t may be in
,astF&orthBGest direction. *void &orth and $outh directions while cooking as facing &orth
increases unwanted e4penses and facing $outh is detrimental to ladyNs health which causes pain
in the shoulders or even cervical pain. Facing ,ast or Gest while cooking is a must.
)f your wife is facing cervical problems, pain in leg and backache, this can be due to her
back facing the entrance gate of the kitchen. )nstall a conve4 mirror in front of her so that she can
see what is going on in her backside through the mirror. Frequent turning around is
avoided.!itchen is the second best place after &orthB,ast for performing Hoo5a. Choose &orthB
,ast corner of the !itchen for putting an idol of deity.
-emove medicines from kitchen and shift it to living room, preferably at Hoo5a
place.*void water and fire in one line from the kitchen for better harmony. #aving water O fire in
one =ine or opposite to one another, adds to difference of opinion amongst the family members.
-earranging the gadgets or putting a minimum '1 high partition of any material between fireFwater
will be very helpful.
>aastu for Bed -oom
Bedroom for head of the family should be in
$outhBGestF$outh direction. &orth and ,ast
directions are best suitable for small children.
Children pursuing research or some serious
study should occupy Gest sector of the house. )f
you want your grown up child to leave the home
for career building, put his bedroom in the &orthB
Gest direction of the home.
/o maintain health and happiness, the color of the bedroom walls should be same on all
four walls, while the ceiling should always be whiteFsky blue. )mproper position of the bedroomF
bedF dressing table brings unhappiness in the married life and causes disturbed sleep.&ever keep
your head towards &orth while sleeping. !eeping it towards $outh or ,ast gives peacefulFrestful
sleep and a healthy life. Gest facing head is also acceptable.
&ever put a mirror in front of the bed or attached with the bed. Cover it while sleeping to
avoid bad dreams and ensuring a healthy sleep. * properly placed round mirror and soothing
paintings etc. in the bedroom can enhance the relationship.
Gooden beds without bo4 for storage" are the best for sleeping. *void metal beds
wrought )ron" etc. as it may lead to health problems related to heart and brain.For better
harmony O ever lasting personal relationship always prefer a double bed with single mattress,
since the normally used double mattresses creates a symbolic separation which might become
Hlace #eavy furniture such as wardrobe, floor to ceiling bookcase on $outh or Gest side
of the Bedroom. ?ressing table along with any 5ewellery and bangle bo4es should be located
against the &orth or ,ast wall.* wall poster having mountainsF snowBclad peaks of mountains
without water" etc. on $outhBGest wall of the bedroom can add immense strength and stability in
the life.
*void or minimi2e the use of /.> or computer in bedroom as the energy level of the room
will get destroyed by the radiations emittedK causing disharmony which may lead even to
separation. *void sleeping in a room located at the end of a long corridor, or where the door
opens directly to a staircase. /he strong flow of bad soul may bring illness to the occupants.
/o improve marriage prospects, #ang several crystal balls and light a chandelier in
$outhBGest corner. !eep -ose Puart2 precious stone along with a pair of Mandarian ducks in
$outhBGest of your bedroom will enhance harmony. )mmerse a fresh sweet and 5uicy orange to a
moving stream of water on any full moon day for an early, happy and durable marriage. !eeping
a picture of any flower, double happiness symbols and a picture Fidols of 0oddesses *tharva
$oolini helps in getting a suitable life partner.
45o'ini 1asha %strolo'y

5o'ini 1asha is very popular in northern india.Logini dasha is also &akshatra

*ased dasha like Vimshottari dasha and it is based on the constellation of the
Moon, commonly referred to as -ashi &akshatra or Manam &akshatra. On this
basis accurate predictions can be given.
/here are . types of Logini which are in the following order. /heir total operative
period is :; years. *s per classical te4ts the planets known as following namesE
-o. of $lanet -ame of 5o'ini -o. of years in 1asha
6. ,oon Mangala One year
7. Sun Hingala /wo years
8. 9upiter ?hanya /hree years
:. ,ars Bharamari Four years
;. ,ercury Bhadrika Five years
<. Saturn +lka $i4 years
=. Venus $iddha $even years
>. Rahu $ankataa ,ight years
/he mahadasha of each Logini starts with itself and follows in a
regular order as above. )n the ma5or period of each Logini, sub period
of all Loginis operate according to their proportional periods in the
natural order starting from its own sub period. )t is like same way as in
>imshottari ?asha.
How to Calculate the 5o'ini 1asha(
&ote down the &akshatra no. of the Moon, taking *shwini as &akshatra no 8.
*dd :" /hree into it. ?ivide by eight. /he remainder represents the Logini
dasha operative at the time of birth.EB
Logini dasha at birth Q &ak. no. of Moon R : S . Q -emainder will be Logini
*tharva >edic Halm -eadings
By Swamiji Selvam Siddhar
/he lines in our palms act as registers, recording events and suggesting the
possible outcomes of our actions and decisions. #owever our lines keep on
changing according to our karmas we do providing a chart of the progress and
development we make through our lines.
There are 1 ma"or !alm reading lines in most hands. The ma"or lines in our hand are the
0ife 0ine, the Head 0ine, the Heart 0ine and the 1ate 0ine.
These ma"or lines give basic information about you, li(e how you function !hysically,
emotionally, and intellectually. These ma"or lines of !almistry are only one source of
information and other !arts of the hand can tell you much about each of these ma"or lines.
/ife /ine( ?/ine of Vitality@9eevan Rekha@$itr RekhaA
It starts from the base of the !alm from above the first brac(et, circles half around the
mount of Denus and ends below the mount of +u!iter and above the mount of lower mars.
ontrary to !o!ular misconce!tion, the length of the Bife Bine
does not determine how long you will live.
In !alm reading, the Bife Bine shows 7ealth, #ros!erity, Luality of life,
Ditality, $e3uality and general energy level.
The stronger the life line, the more robust and vigorous is the constitution.
The life line when read with the heart line indicates the longevity. If the life
line a!!ears more !rominent than the other ma"or lines in the hand. #hysical
activities will ta(e !recedence over intellectual !ursuits.
The life line may start from an island or for(, which indicates an unfortunate childhood.
The life line ending with a for( is both bad and good, de!ending on the !osition of the
for(ed line. If one line of the for( goes into the +u!iter, it is good or if one line of the for(
ends in a grill diseases li(e !aralysis, loss of memory etc. are li(ely, as !er the su!!ortive
indications of the !alm.
$ubsidiary lines arising from the life line towards the mounts of 'ercury, $un, $aturn or
+u!iter are called the secondary lines, which indicate the rises in life in the field indicated
by the mount towards which these rising lines travel. % !arallel line to the line of life on
the side of the mount of venus is called "'ars line" or "the sister life line" which
augments the life line.
In !almistry, a double Bife Bine is often seen. This line echoes the Bife Bine, but can be
even less than half as long, held along the curve of the Bife Bine. This is called an %ngel
Bine. It signifies that angels or other su!reme !owers are watching over and !rotecting
you. It increases the !ower of health and vitality in a !erson.
Head /ine( ?/ine of ,entality@,ind /ineA
The Head line begins on the thumb side of the hand and sweeps out
towards the percussion edge. It starts from the base of the mount of
Jupiter and above the lower Mars, extends towards the mount of
Moon. It could be curved towards the mount of Moon, end at the base
of mount of Moon or at its middle. It reflects your mind and brain
and from the study of the head line it is possible to determine the
quality and quantity of brain power.
The 7ead Bine shows things li(e 'emory, oncentration, Bevel of intelligence, Ty!e of
intelligence. 5rom this line we can ma(e out the mentality, the !ower of mental
concentration and the ability to e3ert self-control. % strong head line is associated with
dynamic thin(er. The stronger and clearer the line, the greater the clarity of thought.
'ental !rocesses are shar!, facts are assimilated logically. #eo!le with strong head lines
!ossess e3cellent !owers of com!rehension and ability to concentrate for longer !eriods
of time.
In the normal course, the head line goes straight across the !alm or slo!es
slightly downwards. If it goes u!ward towards the heart line, it is not
considered good. It indicates that the !erson allows his feelings to overcome
his better "udgment. 7e loses self-control and is over come by emotions and
!assions. The bad effects get aggravated if the head line goes towards the
mount of $aturn. It causes sudden death.
If there is a cross, dot, or star at the end of such head line, on the mount of
$aturn, sudden end of life is certain. % cut indicates head in"ury, brea(
indicates brain disorder, cross or star indicates head in"ury or danger to head. % chain
li(e line ma(es the !erson idiotic. %n island or a dot at the end of the head line indicates
mental disturbances. The severity of the affliction will de!end u!on the si*e of the island
or dot. The bigger the island or dot the more serious the affliction. This however, be
confirmed by other indications on the !alm.
2arely in !almistry a double 7ead Bine is seen. 9oubling a line usually strengthens its
energy. If the double 7ead Bines go in different directions or seem far a!art, it can
indicate more of a double-!ersonality. This often indicates a lot of talent and an instinct
for business. They will tend to do well in life.
Heart /ine( ?/ine of Bmotions@/ine of /oveA
It starts from the !ercussion at the base of the mount of 'ercury and from the to! of the
mount of 'ars !ositive and e3tends across the !alm to the base of mount of +u!iter. This
line may end below $un, $aturn or +u!iter inde!endently or merging with the line of head
by bending towards it. It reflects your heart, on both !hysical and emotional levels. It
shows %bility to love and acce!t love, 6motionality, 6motional maturity, #assion and
sensuality, 'anner of relationshi!s
The 7eart line also !redicts your fate in a love affair. If the heart line is clear and dee!, it
reveals someone who is confident of his or her se3uality and is warm and generous
towards others. #eo!le with a dominant heart line tend to act im!ulsively without thought
for the conse0uences. It also indicates the dominance of emotions over mind (mind line)
and !hysical energy (life line).The holder of a short heart line is a cool and rational being,
in full control of his emotions and less li(ely to be swayed by the u!s and downs of the
heart. % shar!ly curved heart line is the sign of a !assionate and highly emotional being.
)hen the heart line terminates in between the inde3 and middle fingers, it shows that the
!erson devote himself to loved ones, and for a woman it is the mar( of a good wife and
mother. This gentle !erson is ca!able of enduring love and devotion. % line of heart
which is having a chain formation gives !oor health, a for( gives immorality, health
!roblems etc. de!ending on the nature of for( of the way each for(ed line runs. %
descending line is bad, crosses, cuts, stars, brea(s on the line of heart are danger signs.
1ate 0ine: 20u%( 0ine 3han ,e(ha3 4arma ,e(ha5
The 5ate Bine in !almistry is sometimes considered a minor line, rather than
a ma"or line. It doesn:t show u! in every hand. /et it is a dominant line,
com!ared to the other minor lines. This line arises from the base of the !alm,
ascending towards the mount of $aturn. It is in the middle of the !alm under
ordinary conditions. But there could be many variations to it. It may merge
with the life line at its starting !lace to some distance.
The 5ate Bine shows $uccess, areer !ath, #ossible ty!es of areer, #re-
destined vocation. The fate line is a barometer of the degree of satisfaction
one has with his abilities and actual accom!lishments. The fate line tells us the year of
marriage as well as the a!!earance of a lover and a strong su!!orter. 5ate lines that
originate from the lower !art of the life line is sign of determination, the !erson who
creates his own fortune through will!ower and !erseverance. The fate line is also (nown
as #o!ularity Bine and belongs to the fortunate individual who will always en"oy
!o!ularity and benevolence from others.
% strong, well-constructed fate line is associated with a self motivated individual,
someone with !lenty of drive and direction in life. Trustworthiness, 0ualities of
leadershi! and seriousness are the characteristics of this individual. % line starting from
inside the arc of the life line and merging with the fate line indicates an assistance from a
family member. % faint fate line consisting of many short lines is the mar( of
indecisiveness and vagueness. Individuals who do not define their life goals and allow
others to ma(e decisions e3hibit a !oorly develo!ed fate line.
If the line has trident or a dident (three divergent lines or s!lit into two lines), crosses,
chain formation, islands, cuts, stars on it, then these are the indications of misfortunes. In
the absence of a good life line or defective life line not su!!lemented by a 'ars line, the
fate line acts or su!!lementary of the life line, thus enhancing its strength to give fortune.
There can be no fortune without life. Biving itself against odds is a fortune.
Q.1. Square plots bring health and wealth to the inhabitants.
*ns. $quare shaped plots are considered the sign of stability and economy.
/hese plots are considered highly auspicious by all the classical proponents of
>aastu as well as modern >aastu e4perts. /here is more area and fewer
perimeters in case of square plots as compared to rectangular plots which has
slightly more perimeter and less area. $quare and rectangular shaped plots and
buildings require lesser amount of masonry on its periphery. /hus, we see that
the perimeter of a given area in a rectangular shaped building is nearly equal to
the square but it increases rapidly when its length is more than twice of width.
#ence, a square or rectangular building whose length is nearly one and a half
times of the width is ideal. Moreover, more space can be utili2ed in a square
shaped plot as compared to other shaped plots. Our body also fits in
squareFrectangular shape easily. *ll the above brings health and wealth to the
inhabitants in square shaped plot.
Q.2. Any excaation in the !iddle o" the plot brings disintegration o"
*ns. /he middle part of a plot is known as Brahma $than. )t should always be
left blank as per )deal >aastu. )t has T(U load. /herefore, no e4cavation should
be done here. )f we do e4cavation in the middle of plot, there e4ists
communication gap in the family members and there is no easily accessibility to
general things. &o meeting point e4ists here if e4cavation is done ./he best
e4ample can be given from the epics of Mahabharat where !aurvas had
e4cavated in the middle part in the form of a lake due to which all the !aurvas
were totally ruined. Moreover, there should not be any heightFbeam in this area
which also gives the same effects in the family as of e4cavation. /herefore, we
can say that any e4cavation in the middle of plot brings disintegration in the
Q.#. Main Road ending $%eethi Shoola& on the entrance brings sudden
*ns. Main roads that thrust into a site or a road which terminates as dead end to
a plot causes $hoola or fast approaching arrow like effects. /his is also called
>eethi $hoola. >eethi means a small road or passage. /hese are naturally or
manBmade and every dust ends there which brings sudden misfortune for the
inhabitants of the plot. /he results of >eethi $hoola are different depending upon
the direction of approaching road. /o some e4tent it gives auspicious results for
the plot, if road is approaching in the &orth or ,ast of &ortheast, Gest of
&orthwest andFor $outh of $outheast. )t leads to difficulties and hardship of all
kinds. /he house owner will always feel insecure. >ehicles approaching from the
opposite direction cause imbalance of energies for the people living in the plot
which brings sudden misfortune.
Q.'. (esser height o" roo!s !ay cause )reta *adha.
*ns. Preta Badha means shrinking of a man and the atma of a man does not
e4pand. )f the rooms are of lesser height, may be less than 8( feet, the volume of
the rooms will be less and there will be less quantity of air in the rooms as it
could be as in a greater height room. Moreover, it has less space element. *ll the
Hanchmahabhootas i.e. fire, earth, air, water, space will have dearth in these
rooms. /here will be no necessary elements for survival. /he man living in these
rooms becomes narrow minded. #e does not rise in his life due to his less mental
growth. /he other family members also suffer due to this, which may get health
problems in them. /he rooms should always be of greater height so as to acquire
all the five great elements of Hanchmahabhootas which are very necessary for
survival. /hus, it is said that lesser height of rooms causes Hreta Badha for the
people living in these rooms.
Q.+. ,orth or -ast o" Ishaan is best "or an underground water
*ns. Gater is one of the five great elements of Hanchmahabhootas and is
inevitable for a human life. * site selection for the residence is done keeping in
view the availability of water. )t can be ensured in the form of a well, boring, hand
pump, underground water storage tank. )n >aastu, &ortheast sector is best for
underground water tankFwellFbowli as water governs the &ortheast sector. )t is a
cool place and cold water can be obtained from here. )t is also a $attvik 2one. )ts
lord is Mup and ?ikpal is =ord $hiv. Hositive rays are obtained from this direction
only which purify naturally the underground water. Ghen we dug earth from here,
it gets less weight and the &ortheast corner becomes of less load as per )deal
>aastu which is best. )shaan or &ortheast corner is also of ?ev sthan and it
should be given greater importance. * well in the east of &ortheast gives good
finances and education. Gater source placed here leads to increased wealth,
prosperity, knowledge and family. /he BorewellFBowli should not be in e4act of
&orth or ,ast. )t should not be constructed in the shadow area of &ortheast. /he
well or water should be towards the right or left of these two a4is. /he well should
be in the &orth or ,ast of &ortheast and not towards &ortheast of $outheast. *
boringFwell in the ,ast leads to prosperity, in the &orth it leads to increase in
wealth, in the Gest it invites difficulties and hardships and in the $outh, it leads to
untimely death, deformities, frequent accidents, attempted suicides and bad
ways. * well in the Brahmasthan is never recommended. /herefore, we can say
that &orth or ,ast of )shaan is best for underground water tankFwellFbowli.
Q.0. Staircase should turn cloc.wise while going upwards with odd nu!ber
o" steps.
*ns. One of the strongest recommendations in >aastu $hastra about $taircase is
that it should always be clockwise or rightBhanded. Because human wants to
apply shortest route and covers less distance in right hand direction. /he rule of
right hand or clockwise movement is based on strong scientific grounds. /oday,
nearly 9(U of the worldVs population is right handed. /he left hand is passive
and sub5ective, showing earlyBinherited traits and attitudes. /he right hand is
active and ob5ective, showing years of maturity, developed self and present O
future health. /he right hand movement of a $taircase helps to take advantage of
the dominance of right hand rule in a lucid manner. )f the staircase is clockwise
with right railing and open well in the right hand side, the better grip of right hand
will facilitate the safe and quick ascending. Moreover, centre of gravity is in the
upward direction, while ascending. )f a person starts from right, it should end at
right which is $hubh. /herefore, odd numbers of steps are taken.
Q.1. Serants2 )ets and %ehicles should be in the ,orthwest2 separate "ro!
the !ain building.
*ns. /he planet Moon rules over the &orthwest sector. )ts directional lord is
>aayu, the 0od of Ginds. Being the meeting point of cold and hot 2ones, this
sector becomes the ideal place for windVs entry. $ervants, pets and vehicles are
not a part of the house, they should be kept in the background. )n this sector they
are active. &orthwest is the limit of e4tension of MasterVs feet sleeping in the
$outhwest. /he servant, staying in the &orthwest remains youthful and vigilant to
obey his masterVs orders. /he air has swift movement which will keep the
livestock kept in the &orthwest, active. *nimals used for transportation such as
horse or camel are kept here in &orthwest, wind energy of &orthwest will make
them to run faster. 0arage or vehicles are also best in this direction because of
their quick movements, to and from the house for personVs personal use.
Q.3. )lace "or 4eeping should be in the 4est o" ,orth54est.
*nsE /he planet Moon rules &orthBGest sector and $at rules over Gest sector. )n
between these sectors,place for weeping -odan $than" is taken because it is
the dark place and active disha e4ists here. /he cold nature of both of Moon and
night make the air soothing for our body and weeping gets activated here in a
fresh way. *fter weeping, the person is relieved of his tensions and feels light like
air. /he mysterious cold nature of planet $at an airy planet" and cold nature of
planet Moon,with least light, helps the person to become calm, cool and quiet in
that area after weeping. Because of all the above factors Gest of &orthBGest is
taken as the place for weeping.
Q.6. 4hat is the role o" directions in the Industrial %aastu.
*nsE )n >aastu $hastra, different directions are rich in different energies. Certain
of business thrive better in certain directions ,certain locations and certain
buildings. /heir correct choice is first step on the path to success in any
business. /herefore we must design our business space to harness these
energies accordingly. /he role of different directions in )ndustrial >aastu areE
8.&orthE )ts planetary lord is Mercury and ?ikpal is !uber and it has satvik and
ra5asof air" energies. /he business activities in this direction areE
Banking,MoneyBlanding, speech therapy clinic, educational institutions etc.
'.&orthB,astE )ts planetry lord is Mupiter and ?ikpal is $hiv. )t has satvik energy.
/he business activities to be performed in this direction areE -ligious institutions,
preaching, courts of flow of law,arbitration,chambers,meditation O yoga
centres,places of worship etc.
:.,astE )ts planetary lord is $un O ?ikpal is )ndra. )t has satvik and ra5as of fire"
energies. /he business activities areE Holitical party, office ,multinational
organi2ations, business tycoons,film makers,swimming pools,public baths etc.
7.$outhB,astE )ts planatry lord is >en and ?ikpal is *gni. )t has ra5asik
energy./he business activities areE antique shops,food
processing,industries,coffee shops, women organi2ations,industrial working in
the field of light and energy etc.
3.$outhE )ts planetry lord is Mars and ?ikpal is Lama. )t has tamas and ra5asof
fire" energies./he business activities areE )ndusties using heat, fire and metals
on a large scale,violent games such as foot ball,archery and karate, free style
bo4ing etc.
;.$outhBGestE )ts planetry lord is -ahu and ?ikpal is &ainiriti. )t has tamsic
energy./he business activities to do in this direction areE leather industries, wood
work, ivory work, industries manufacturing poisonous drugs and chemicals,
mortuary,places of rest such as night shelters etc.
6.GestE )ts planetry lord is $at and ?ikpal is >aruna. )t has tamas and ra5as of
air" energies./he business activities areE laboratries,research institutes,
detective agencies, petroleum and mining industries, eating pla2as,antique shops
..&orthBGestE )ts planetry lord is Moon and ?ikpal is >ayu .)t has ra5as
energy./he business activities to be performed in this direction are E audio and
music, parlours, beauty culture saloons, pet animals ,dairies, car showrooms
,vehicle service centres, air conditioning etc.
Moreover, all the great fiveBelements i.e., Hanchmahabhootas should be kept in
mind while choosing any direction to do any business activity.
Q.17. 4hich probable steps will you underta.e "or the reial o" a sic.
industrial unit.
*ns. >aastu $hastra as a tool to enhance the business success of a sick
industrial unit can be used in several ways. *uspicious directions can be used
for arranging office positions to improve the posperity of the sick unit./here are
methods aimed at increasing turnover at retail establishments such as general
stores,boutiques,restaurant and franchise outlets.,mployee1s productivity can be
improved by introducing >aastu $hastra principles in the sick industrial unit. *ll
the openings should be open so that all the great fiveBelements
i.e.,Hanchmahabhootas comes in to force and the cross ventilation should be
Gise application of >aastu principles can assist the movement of stagnant
energies in the unit. /he prana of an industrial unit depends on the people
working there and their mutual relationships. /he environment of a unit can
dramatically be improved if its occupants coBoperate with one other in a positive
way. Haint, plants and images also help in improving an unsatisfactory
environment of the unit. *ll these things can make it a better place to work.
Office activities of the unit can be diverted in ra5as and tamas. ?ecision making
and implementing policies are mainly ra5as .Ghile day to day administrative task
and putting the the ideas into practice is largely a tamas activity. /amas and
ra5as with tamas energy is good for smooth running of the sick unit. /here
should be sufficient room for future hori2ontal and vertical e4pansion. =arge
trucks can make pick ups and deliveries easily in the open location.
Happy ,arria'e ,atch ,akin'
H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
Marriage is very im!ortant Sans(ar (occasion) in which a
boy and a girl get married with each other and starts their
married life socially and enter into ;rahast +eevan. Before
marriage most of the families consult an astrologer for
'atching of the 7orosco!es of the boy and the ;irl.
The Dedic system of %strology has in it an age old traditional 7orosco!e 'atching or
4undli 'atching system in which ;unas are matched on the basis of +anama Ca(shatra
of the Boy and ;irl and !oints are given for various descri!tions. These descri!tions are
eight in number.
6')arna 2Mental Com!atibility5: 6 !oint
It shows the basic !otential of a !erson and the !erson:s inherent s(ills and abilities. This
also includes the !ersonal egos of both !artners and com!atibility between their egos. 5or
best ad"ustment, the difference of Darna between the two should be minimal.
7')ashya 2ominant Com!atibility5: 7 !oints
Dashya means ones control or domination over the other. It reflects who will be the more
dominant !artner between the two !ros!ective !artners.The !ur!ose of chec( is to avoid
any chances of confrontation between the two.
8'Tara 2"ntensity of ,elatiomshi! Com!atibility5: 8 !oints
It indicates the health, well-being and com!atibility of the !artners after marriage and is
done on the basis of +anam Ca(shatra of both.
9':oni 2Physi%al ; Se<ual %om!atibility5: 9 !oints
It shows se3ual and biological com!atibility between the two. It also shows mutual love
and se3ual inclinations of the !artners.
='+raha.Maitri 2Psy%hologi%al is!osition Com!atinbility5: = !oints
It is used to assess the nature and tem!erament of both. It also shows one:s attitude,
ob"ective, and intellectual level. It shows !rogeny !ros!ects, mental 0ualities and mutual
affection between them.
>'+ana 2Com!atibility of #ature5: > !oints
It is used to com!are the general traits of ones behavior which is determined by an
individual nature and indicates the com!atibility of tem!erament and mutual daily
behavior, for ha!!iness and !ros!erity in their lives.
?'Bha(oot 2Mutual Com!atibility5: ? !oints
This is a crucial test to chec( overall !ros!erity in the growth of family, family welfare
and economic !ros!erity after marriage.
@'#adi 2Com!atibility between 0ife 1or%es5: @ !oints
It is the most im!ortant in 'atching as it has ma3imum number of !oints. Cadi or !ulse
is the central !oint and indicator of nervous energy on which an individual health and
nature de!ends. This test also measures the genetic com!atibility between the cou!le to
!roduce healthy !rogeny after marriage.
6ach of these factors has its own significance and have their own number of !oints.
These all combine together to ma(e u! .= !oints or ;&C%$.
If a cou!le scores has less than ,@ then the match is not considered a good match
according to traditional %strology. If the score is between ,@ - -1, then the match is
acce!table (%verage). If the score is between -< M .-, then the match is very good
(%bove %verage). If the score is above .- then technically the match is e3cellent but a lot
of other factors have to be chec(ed out.
Below are the !oints whi%h should be (e!t in mind before Mat%h Ma(ing:
,. Bongevity of both, Boy N ;irl from their res!ective 7orosco!es
-. $trength of the horosco!e on marriage !oint of view
.. 'angli( 9osha 'atching
1. %nalysis of coming 9ashas of both
<. 9asha $andhi and Transit
=. 'atching of married life (>th 7ouses) in both 7orosco!es
>. 'atch 'a(ing of significant !lanet of 'arriage
@. #ros!erity and other related 'atching
F. 'atching of malefic !lanets which affectes marital houses in 7orosco!e
,?. #rogeny and soundness of mind.
%fter matching horosco!es. a cou!le can s!ent their married life ha!!ily with !ros!erity.
If horosco!e is not matched !ro!erly then they can be unha!!y, divorce may be ha!!en,
child may not be born or life !artner may be dead. $o 'atch 'a(ing is very im!ortant
for any marriage.

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