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Chapter 1

Brief History
Since its establishment, Casi Cielo Memorial Services Incorporated has served
thousands of grieving families for nearly one hundred years already. It has
accompanied these families of different religions, traditions and tastes through such a
difficult time in their lives. Our staff is known to be sympathetic and eager to serve each
client, to make them feel that they have made the right choice in having us take very
special care of their loved one.
Casi Cielo was founded in 1913 at Tondo, Manila by Mr. William Reyes. He came from
a very fortunate family, having several booming businesses in the textile industry. His
family earned the respect of many people in their area because they always help the
less fortunate by giving out food and excess clothes from their factories. While strolling
the narrow streets of Tondo one day, he witnessed a funeral of a poor tricycle driver
whose family could only afford a plywood coffin and a single candle to light. He thought,
if there was any time that a person should be treated with the most respect, it would be
at his funeral. Those at his funeral must celebrate his life and respect his memory by
putting effort into making his last moments above the ground as luxurious as possible.
This inspired him to pursue the idea of having an own Funeral home someday which will
provide quality services to every family with affordable price.
Presently, the funeral home is under the management of Mr. William Reyes the IX. It
became the longstanding mission of the Reyes family to continue the legacy of their
patriarch to expand their business, to ensure quality services for their clients and to
provide an enriching workplace for each of its employees.
As per DOH Classifications for funeral establishment, Casi Cielo Memorial Services
Incorporated is listed under Category 1 funeral establishment or establishments with
chapels and embalming facilities and offering funeral transport services (Administrative
Order 2012-0033 on Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of PD 855 Code on
Sanitation of the Philippines Chapter XXI "Disposal of Dead Persons)

Organization Structure

Funeral Director
( owner)
Funeral and Services

The Chart above is the organizational Structure of Casi Cielo Memorial Services . It is a
mixed of the traditional and the modern corporation structure. Our group made some
revisions of the traditional structure of a funeral home because it was to simple and
unorganized. It only consists of the Funeral Director, Funeral attendant, Death
consultant, and the Embalmers. The problem with this structure is the overlapped of the
tasks. For instance, the Funeral director is also the main Event Organizer, the human
resource manager, and the boss of the funeral home. As a result, our group made some
revisions with the traditional structure. Thats why we added two departments which are
the marketing and the human resource and development.
First, the Marketing Department seeks for the partnership with different industries like
flowers, candles, coffins, and cars. The department also looks for long term partnership
with churches, media like newspapers and cementeries. In short, marketing is the one
which builds the networks of the funeral home. This will lessen the burdens of the
clients because Reyes Funeral Home gets everything just for them. They are also
responsible in making the publicity of the Reyes Funeral Home.
Next, we have the human resource and development. By its name, this department is
responsible in recruiting and training of its employees. The training of the funeral home
aims to develop holistics individuals which are capable of giving equality service to
every clients. They plan for the workshops and the seminars which will update the
knowledge the staffs . At present age, every day is considered as new knowledge. It is
important to be able to adapt with the new information so that they can be more
competitive. It is the duties of the human resource and development to build
professional behavoiurs among employees like how to communicate, how to observe
the crowd, and how to handle stress. Lastly, the human resource and deveopment is
responsible in resolving the conflicts among co-employees.
Human Resource and
Marketing Department
Human Resource and
Development Staffs
MarketingTeam head
Marketing staffs
On top of this business structure is the Funeral director which is also the owner. He is
in-charge of the daily operation of the business. His duties is to plan for the overall path
of the business. He sets the goals of the company for upcoming years. Aside from that,
he also does some of the duties of the Funeral and Service department such as
meeting with the family of the deceased, casketing, and more.
Lastly, we have the Funeral and Service department. It is the duties of this department
to interact with clients. They will set meetings with the families of the deceased and to
plan for the preparations of the ceremony. They are also the one which perfom the
actual service to the deceased like casketing, make up, and more. It is part of the task
of this employees to process the documents in behalf of the deceased and his family.
Thats why our group separate the funeral and services department into two , the legal
and documentation and Service department. The legal and documentation committee is
in charge of the certificates and documents in the government.
For the accountants, securities, and maintenance, the company will lease from the
agency because it is cheaper and more beneficial in the part of the company. The
business is not that big so there no need to build a separate department for each of
these. In addition, there are less problems with them because if they dont perform well.
The company can ask for replacement.

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