Gri Lutze

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According to the Publications Department, it will be two years before the new
A. completes B. is completed C. will be completed D. completed
2. The Presidents plane touched down in Meico !ity on "ednesday, two days after
A. would ha$e arri$ed B. had been to arri$e C. was due to arri$e D. arri$es
3. %y the end of this month & a member of this club for ten years#
A. will be B. will be being C. will ha$e been D. was
4. Helenas not really a party animal, so & doubt whether she##
A. comes B. will come C. will ha$e come D. had come
1. & was wondering if you to go running with me#
A. wanted B. had wanted C. would want D. wants
2. & didnt realise &d left my file at home until the meeting
A. will start B. has started C. started D. had started
3. & was going to ask her for a date, but & #bring myself to do it#
A. dont B. didnt C. couldnt D. hadnt
4. The noise stopped as soon as the Head Teacher into the room#
A. walks B. walked C. was walking D. has walked
1. &$e been getting stabbing pains in my back
A. so far B. for a while now C. up to now D. now
2. How long did you say you these pills'
A. take B. are taking C. ha$e been taking D. takes
3. (am was a difficult child who do anything his parents asked him to#
A. couldnt B. wouldnt C. mightnt D. wont
4. Mary has two sisters, is married#
A. neither of whom B. neither of which
C. none of whom D. none of which
1. )ou #ha$e finished your homework already*
A. mustnt B. cant C. wouldnt D. wont
2. &m really happy in my new +ob, & ha$e found a nicer company#
A. couldnt B. shouldnt C. wouldnt D. shant
3. you hear anything, let me know#
A. !ould B. "ould C. (hould D. May
4. The earth-uake is one of the most feared natural
A. phenomena B. phenomenal C. phenomenas D. Phenomenons
1. & go to the bank# & ha$ent got any money#
A. must B. mustnt C. may D. neednt
2. .o reporters approach the scene of the accident#
A. might ha$e B. were allowed to C. neednt D. mightnt
3. )ou go to the post office# &ll go later#
A. neednt B. might C. must D. shall
4. "hat time & pick you up from work'
A. mustnt B. will C. shall D. couldnt
1. & was watching tele$ision the doorbell rang#
A. when B. as soon as C. +ust D. while
2. )ou will soon to li$ing in the city#
A. be used B. used C. get used D. uses
3. & to the supermarket# Do you need anything'
A. go B. went C. am going D. will
4. & dont remember that shop before#
A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw
1. The teacher made me after school#
A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. stood
2. &t is difficult a good +ob these days#
A. to find B. finding C. find D. will find
3. My father to be a teacher, but now he has retired#
A. is used B. got used C. used D. got
4. The film was funnier than & epected#
A. $ery B. e$en C. by far D. far
1. .o announcement about the results # so far#
A. is ha$ing B. has made C. has been made D. was made
2. He was ner$ous# He for this moment all his life#
A. had waited B. had been waited C. has waited D. has been waiting
3. .o information to the new staff yet#
A. has gi$en B. had gi$en C. was gi$en D. has been gi$en
4. (he hasnt finished her homework yet, and
A. & ha$e either B. neither ha$e &
C. & ha$ent neither D. either ha$e &
1. &n !ustomer (er$ices we are used to complaints#
A. dealing with B. dealing to C. dealing into D. dealing at
2. & apologi/e#
A. for being late B. for late C. for be late D. be late
3. A lot of children to boarding schools in the old days#
A. are sent B. is sent C. were sent D. sent
4. "ho are you going to when the election comes'
A. $ote in B. $ote for C $ote at D. $ote
1. Mrs# Pollock is $ery cats#
A. fond of B. kind of C. kindly D. fond
2. Mr# 0ohnson is honest man#
A. a B. an C. the D. none
3. &f you$e finished, & for the bill#
A. can ask B. ask C. asks D. asked
4. 1ienna is its classical music concerts, which are popular with tourists#
A. famous about B. famous for C. famous in D. famous at
1. & thought the eam would be really difficult but in fact it ha$e been easier#
A. mustnt B. couldnt C. shouldnt D. shant
2. The guests were -uite ner$ous because they
A. were $ideoing B. $ideoed C. were $ideoed D. were being $ideoed
3. )ou ha$e worked here longer than me, but that doesnt mean you can treat me like
A. must B. could C. may D. ought to
4. Mrs# 2obinson great pride in her cooking#
A. gets B. finds C. has D. takes
1. Here is the latest news about the election#
A. They are B. &t is C. There are D. There is
2. & ha$e called but you wouldnt answer#
A. two times B. second time C. twice D. two time
3. %ooks from the library much too often#
A. steal B. stolen C. are stolen D. stealing
4. The children where to play football#
A. ha$e not been told B. were not been told
C. has not been told D. was not told
1. They to the airport like that# The plane was delayed by se$eral hours#
A. didnt need to rush B. didnt ha$e to rush
C. neednt rush D. neednt ha$e rushed
2. My bicycle has disappeared, someone stolen it#
A. should ha$e B. would ha$e C. must ha$e D. can ha$e
3. The doctor possibly lea$e the wounded lying on the pa$ement#
A. wouldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. couldnt
4. "e asked him to lend us his car but he
A. wont B. shouldnt C. wouldnt D. cant
1. This sonata by Mo/art#
A. has been composed B. was being composed
C. was composed D. will be composed
2. "hile & was tra$elling on that bus &
A. picked my pockets B. had my pockets picked
C. got my pockets picked D. ha$e got my pockets picked
3. & asked him what he repairing#
A. is B. was C. will be D. has been
4. "e could see at the /oo#
A. kangaroos B. kangaros C. kangaroo D. kangaroos
1. 3ne shouldnt make a fool of
A. himself B. oneself C. themsel$es D. herself
2. )ou strike a match, the room is full of gas#
A. mustnt B. neednt C. maynt D. dont ha$e to
3. & think wed better lea$e the restaurant as soon as we the bill#
A. paid B. will pay C. pay D. ha$e paid
4. This is the last time we you before we lea$e#
A. see B. ha$e seen C. are seeing D. saw
1. & blind if & did not see what she was like#
A. could ha$e been B. should ha$e been C. must ha$e been D. will ha$e been
2. They better hurry up if they want to catch the train#
A. should B. would C. had D. need
3. He as much food as he can eat#
A. will B. has to C. needs D. might
4. The whole town in recent years#
A. was rebuilt B. will rebuild C. is being rebuilt D. has been rebuilt
1. They claimed they not know you#
A. do B. does C. did D. done
2. & was trying to find out what those words
A. mean B. are meaning C. were meaning D. meant
3. &t is to 4ermany#
A. two days dri$e B. a dri$e of two days C. a two days dri$e D. a two day dri$e
4. & for a used car# !ould you recommend me one'
A. look B. ha$e looked C. looked D. am looking
1. The %rowns are not at home, they to the cinema#
A. may go B. might go C. might ha$e gone D. may be going
2. They asked where #
A. ha$e the boys disappeared B. the boys disappeared
C. the boys had disappeared D. had the boys disappeared
3. This bed in#
A. hasnt slept B. wasnt slept C. isnt slept D. hasnt been slept
4. "e light a fire, it was a nice, warm e$ening#
A. neednt ha$e B. couldnt C. didnt need to D. ought not to
1. !andidates answer all -uestions#
A. are to B. ought C. need D. ha$e
2. "hat they is being punished for their deeds#
A. ha$e B. need C. must D. should
3. .othing until he came#
A. will be done B. has been done C. has done D. had been done
4. &t was announced that the plane ten minutes late#
A. will be B. is C. can be D. would be
1. & wonder if you by plane#
A. ha$e e$er tra$elled B. had e$er tra$elled C. ne$er tra$elled D. didnt tra$el
2. )ou may choose cake# Take the one you like the better#
A. either B. all C. both D. neither
3. They started building the house two years ago and it yet#
A. ha$ent finished B. hadnt finished C. didnt finish D. dont finish
4. %y net (unday, my father a whole month without smoking a cigarette#
A. has been going B. has gone C. will go D. will ha$e gone

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