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OSHA Compliance

Basic Compliance Checklist 29 CFR 1910

I. Administratie
A. The Station has an OSHA poster placed in a conspicuous area. Acceptable Inadequate
B. We maintain (and post) an OSHA 300 o!. Acceptable Inadequate
". We ha#e a $irst aid $acilit% a#ailable &ithin a '0 minute response
Acceptable Inadequate
(. I$ Inadequate to ".) &e ha#e trained emplo%ees on basic $irst aid
responder s*ills. ('+'0.',')
Acceptable Inadequate
-. We ha#e a &ritten -mer!enc% -#acuation .ro!ram. ('+'0.33) Acceptable Inadequate
/. We ha#e emer!enc% e%e &ash stations in areas &ith caustic0acid
Acceptable Inadequate
2. -mplo%ees are trained on the -mer!enc% -#acuation .ro!ram. Acceptable Inadequate
II. Ha!ard Comm"nication #Standard 1910.1200$
A. We ha#e current in#entor% o$ all chemicals on site1 Acceptable Inadequate
B. We maintain material sa$et% data sheets $or all chemicals on site1 Acceptable Inadequate
". -mplo%ees are trained on the chemical ha3ards and sa$et%
precautions $or the chemicals &e ha#e on site1
Acceptable Inadequate
(. We ha#e a &ritten pro!ram1 Acceptable Inadequate
-. All containers are labeled1 Acceptable Inadequate
/. Trainin! records are maintained1 Acceptable Inadequate
III. %ocko"t&'a(o"t #Standard 1910.1)*$
A. We ha#e identi$ied all ha3ardous ener!% sources1 Acceptable Inadequate
B. We ha#e a &ritten plan1 Acceptable Inadequate
". -mplo%ees ha#e been trained1 Acceptable Inadequate
(. We pro#ided loc*s or other methods to isolate ener!% sources1 Acceptable Inadequate
-. oc*out processes are mar*ed on equipment1 Acceptable Inadequate
/. We complete an annual re#ie& o$ the pro!ram1 Acceptable Inadequate
I+. Con,ined Spaces #Standard 1910.1)-$
A. We ha#e identi$ied all areas at the station that ma% contain both
permit and Inadequaten4permit required con$ined spaces.
Acceptable Inadequate
B. We ha#e labeled all permit and Inadequaten4permit required spaces. Acceptable Inadequate
". We ha#e a &ritten pro!ram that de$ines our con$ined space entr%
procedures or processes.
Acceptable Inadequate
(. We pro#ide trainin! to emplo%ees that ma% be required to enter
and0or &or* in permit or Inadequaten4permit required spaces.
Acceptable Inadequate
-. We pro#ide #entilation and0or rescue methods $or con$ined space
Acceptable Inadequate
/. We ha#e a contractor Inadequateti$ication pro!ram o$ our con$ined
space entr% pro!ram.
Acceptable Inadequate
+. .ersonal .rotection /0"ipment #Standard 1910.112$
A. We ha#e conducted a &or*place ha3ard assessment to identi$% &hat
t%pes o$ personal protecti#e equipment are required $or the
Acceptable Inadequate
P a g e | 1
OSHA Compliance
Basic Compliance Checklist 29 CFR 1910
e5posures &e currentl% ha#e.
B. We ha#e a &ritten pro!ram. Acceptable Inadequate
". We ha#e pro#ided emplo%ee trainin! on the required t%pes o$
personal protecti#e equipment.
Acceptable Inadequate
(. We ha#e a s%stem in place $or remo#in! and replacin! de$ecti#e
and0or &orn equipment.
Acceptable Inadequate
+I. /lectrical Sa,et2 #Standard 1910.101$
A. We ha#e labeled all disconnects and circuit brea*ers to identi$% its
Acceptable Inadequate
B. All e5posed li#e electrical parts !reater than ,0 #olts are !uarded
accidental contact.
Acceptable Inadequate
". All electrical circuits !reater than 600 #olts are mar*ed as 7Hi!h
Acceptable Inadequate
(. /le5ible electric cords and cables are Inadequatet used as a
substitute $or $i5ed &irin!.
Acceptable Inadequate
-. We ha#e a certi$ied electrician to certi$% our electrical s%stems. Acceptable Inadequate
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