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Republic of Ireland

Flag Coat of arms
Anthem: Amhrn na bhFiann
The Soldier's Song
Location of Ireland ]
(and largest city)
Official languages Iris'$ (nglis'
Demonym Iris'
)e*ublic and
, +resident -ary -c.leese
/aoiseac' (+rime
(nda 0enny
(since 1 -arc'
from t'e 2nited
, Declared 23 .*ril %1%!
, )atified 2% 4anuary %1%1
, )ecognised
! December
21 December
E accession 4anuary %$ %153
Ireland (Iris'6 ire$ *ronounced 7 e r 8]) is a country in
nort',9estern (uro*e /'e modern so:ereign state occu*ies
fi:e,si;t's of t'e island of Ireland$ 9'ic' 9as *artitioned in
%12% It is bordered by #ort'ern Ireland (*art of t'e 2nited
0ingdom) to t'e nort'$ by t'e .tlantic <cean to t'e 9est and
by t'e Iris' =ea to t'e east <fficially$ t'e term Republic of
Ireland (Iris'6 Poblacht na hireann) is t'e description of t'e
=tate but Ireland is its name
/'e state is a member of t'e (2 and t'e 2# >o9e:er$ t'e
=tate?s *olicy of neutrality means it is not a member of #./<
Ireland?s *o*ulation is t'e fastest gro9ing in (uro*e$ 9it' an
annual gro9t' rate of 25@
.rticle 3 of t'e Iris' constitution$ 9'ic' 9as ado*ted in %135$
*ro:ides t'at At'e name of t'e state is ire$ or$ in t'e (nglis'
language$ IrelandB For all official *ur*oses including in
international treaties and in ot'er legal documents$ 9'ere t'e
language of t'e documents is (nglis'$ t'e Iris' go:ernment
uses t'e name Ireland /'e same is true in res*ect of t'e name
ire for documents 9ritten in Iris' Institutions of t'e
(uro*ean 2nion follo9 t'e same *ractice =ince Iris' became
an official (2 language on % 4anuary 2005$ at (2 meetings
name *lates for t'e state read as ire - Ireland$ Cust as t'e t9o
official names are used on Iris' *ass*orts
=ince %131 t'e )e*ublic of Ireland .ct 'as *ro:ided t'at t'e
Republic of Ireland (Iris'6 Poblacht na hireann) is t'e
official description for t'e state /'e .ct 9as intended
*rimarily to declare t'at t'e state 9as a re*ublic rat'er t'an a
form of constitutional monarc'y It *ro:ided t'e stateDs
official description but it did not c'ange its name
&'at is no9 Ireland 'as been Eno9n by a range of ot'er
names$ all of 9'ic' are still sometimes used unofficially /'e
9'ole island of Ireland 9as unilaterally *roclaimed an
inde*endent re*ublic by rebels in %1%! and styled as t'e Irish
Republic (Iris'6 Poblacht na hireann$ subseFuently also
Saorstt ireann) Follo9ing t'e %1%G general election$ t'at
*roclamation 9as ratified by a large maCority of t'e Iris'
-embers of +arliament Het9een %12% and %122$ 9'en t'e
Hritis' go:ernment legislated to establis' 9'at is no9 Ireland
as an autonomous region of t'e 2nited 0ingdom$ it 9as gi:en
t'e name Southern Ireland Follo9ing t'e .nglo,Iris'
.greement$ from %122 until %135$ as a dominion in t'e Hritis'
Common9ealt'$ it 9as styled as t'e Irish Free State
(Iris'6Saorstt ireann) /'at name 9as abolis'ed 9'en t'e
current Iris' constitution 9as ado*ted <t'er colloFuial names
suc' as t'e Twent-Si! "ounties and The South (a name
freFuently used by *eo*le in #ort'ern Ireland) are also often
!e" Constitution
<n 21 December %135$ a ne9 constitution$ t'e Constitution of
Ireland$ came into force It re*laced t'e Iris' Free =tate by a
ne9 state called sim*ly IIrelandI /'oug' t'is state?s
constitutional structures *ro:ided for a +resident of Ireland
instead of a Eing$ it 9as not tec'nically a re*ublicJ t'e
*rinci*al Eey role *ossessed by a 'ead of state$ t'at of
symbolically re*resenting t'e state internationally remained
:ested$ in statute law$ in t'e 0ing as an organ /'e <ffice of
Ko:ernor,Keneral 9as 'ereby abolis'ed
/'e Iris' state remained neutral during &orld &ar II$ a *eriod
it described as /'e (mergency
<n 2% December %13G$ t'e )e*ublic of Ireland .ct declared a
re*ublic$ 9it' t'e functions *re:iously gi:en to t'e Ko:ernor,
Keneral acting on t'e be'alf of t'e 0ing gi:en instead to t'e
+resident of Ireland
/'e Iris' state 'ad remained a member of t'e t'en,Hritis'
Common9ealt' after inde*endence until t'e declaration of a
re*ublic on %G .*ril %131 2nder Common9ealt' rules
declaration of a re*ublic automatically terminated members'i*
of t'e associationJ since a rea**lication for members'i* 9as
not made$ Ireland conseFuently ceased to be a member
Ireland Coined t'e 2nited #ations in %155 and t'e (uro*ean
Community (no9 t'e (uro*ean 2nion) in %153 Iris'
go:ernments 'a:e soug't t'e *eaceful reunification of Ireland
and 'a:e usually coo*erated 9it' t'e Hritis' go:ernment in
t'e :iolent conflict in:ol:ing many *aramilitaries and t'e
Hritis' .rmy in #ort'ern Ireland Eno9n as I/'e /roublesI .
*eace settlement for #ort'ern Ireland$ t'e Helfast .greement$
9as a**ro:ed in %11G in referendums nort' and sout' of t'e
border$ and is currently being im*lemented
+resident of Ireland$ -ary -c.leese
/'e state is a re*ublic$ 9it' a *arliamentary system of
go:ernment /'e +resident of Ireland$ 9'o ser:es as 'ead of
state$ is elected for a se:en,year term and can be re,elected
only once /'e *resident is largely a figure'ead but can still
carry out certain constitutional *o9ers and functions$ aided by
t'e Council of =tate$ an ad:isory body /'e Taoiseach (*rime
minister)$ is a**ointed by t'e *resident on t'e nomination of
*arliament /'e /aoiseac' is normally t'e leader of t'e
*olitical *arty 9'ic' 9ins t'e most seats in t'e national
elections It 'as become normal in t'e )e*ublic for coalitions
to form a go:ernment$ and t'ere 'as not been a single,*arty
go:ernment since %1G1
/'e bicameral *arliament$ t'e #ireachtas$ consists of a
=enate$ =eanad Lireann$ and a lo9er 'ouse$ DMil Lireann /'e
=eanad is com*osed of si;ty membersJ ele:en nominated by
t'e /aoiseac'$ si; elected by t9o uni:ersities$ and 33 elected
by *ublic re*resentati:es from *anels of candidates
establis'ed on a :ocational basis /'e DMil 'as %!! members$
Teachta$ %la$ elected to re*resent multi,seat constituencies
under t'e system of *ro*ortional re*resentation by means of
t'e =ingle /ransferable Note 2nder t'e constitution$
*arliamentary elections must be 'eld at least e:ery se:en
years$ t'oug' a lo9er limit may be set by statute la9 /'e
current statutory ma;imum term is e:ery fi:e years
Leinster >ouse$ t'e seat of #ireachtas ireann (t'e Iris'
/'e Ko:ernment is constitutionally limited to fifteen
members #o more t'an t9o members of t'e Ko:ernment can
be selected from t'e =enate$ and t'e /aoiseac'$ Tnaiste
(de*uty *rime minister) and -inister for Finance must be
members of t'e DMil /'e current go:ernment consists of a
coalition of t'ree *artiesJ Fianna FMil under /aoiseac' Hertie
.'ern$ t'e Kreen +arty under ne9 leader 4o'n Kormley and
t'e +rogressi:e Democrats under -inister for >ealt' and
C'ildren -ary >arney /'e last sc'eduled general election to
t'e DMil tooE *lace on 23 -ay 2005$ after it 9as called by t'e
/aoiseac' on 21t' .*ril
/'e main o**osition in t'e current DMil consists of Fine Kael
under (nda 0enny$ /'e Labour +arty under ne9 leader
(amon Kilmore and =inn FOin . number of inde*endent
de*uties also sit in DMil Lireann t'oug' less in number t'an
before t'e recent election
Ireland Coined t'e (uro*ean 2nion in %153 but 'as c'osen to
remain outside t'e =c'engen /reaty CitiPens of t'e 20 can
freely enter Ireland 9it'out a *ass*ort t'anEs to t'e Common
/ra:el .rea$ 'o9e:er some form of identification is reFuired
at air*orts and sea*orts ogra*'y of Ireland
/'e education systems are largely under t'e direction of t'e
go:ernment :ia t'e -inister for (ducation and =cience
(currently -ary >anafin) )ecognised *rimary and secondary
sc'ools must ad'ere to t'e curriculum establis'ed by
aut'orities t'at 'a:e *o9er to set t'em
/'e education systems in Ireland are com*le; due to a
confusion of o9ners'i*$ control and curricular assessment
/'is 'as arisen because t'e systems de:elo*ed o:er long
*eriods of time 9it' :ariable influence by se:eral Eey *layers$
including t'e Iris' state 2nliEe in countries suc' as France$
Ireland?s state education system is largely limited to t'e
content of t'e curriculum$ alt'oug' t'is too is mediated by
:oluntary interests /'e +rogramme for International =tudent
.ssessment$ coordinated by t'e <(CD (<rganiPation for
(conomic Coo*eration and De:elo*ment) $ currently ranEs
Ireland?s education as t'e 20t' best in t'e 9orld$ being
significantly 'ig'er t'an t'e <(CD a:erage
+rimary$ =econdary and /'ird (2ni:ersityQCollege) le:el
education are all free in Ireland for all (2 citiPens
Dis*osable income *er *erson as a *ercentage of t'e national
/'e economy of Ireland 'as transformed in recent years from
an agricultural focus to a modern$ Eno9ledge economy$
focusing on ser:ices and 'ig',tec' industries and de*endent
on trade$ industry and in:estment (conomic gro9t' in Ireland
a:eraged a (relati:ely 'ig') %0@ from %115R2000$ and 5@
from 200%R2003 Industry$ 9'ic' accounts for 3!@ of KD+$
about G0@ of e;*orts$ and 21@ of t'e labour force$ no9 taEes
t'e *lace of agriculture as t'e country?s leading sector
(;*orts *lay a fundamental role in t'e state?s gro9t'$ but t'e
economy also benefits from t'e accom*anying rise in
consumer s*ending$ construction$ and business in:estment <n
*a*er$ t'e country is t'e largest e;*orter of soft9are,related
goods and ser:ices in t'e 9orld In fact$ a lot of foreign
soft9are$ and sometimes music$ is filtered t'roug' t'e country
to a:ail of t'e state?s non,ta;ing of royalties from co*yrig'ted
. Eey *art of economic *olicy$ since %1G5$ 'as been =ocial
+artners'i* 9'ic' is a neo,cor*oratist set of :oluntary ?*ay
*acts? bet9een t'e Ko:ernment$ em*loyers and trades unions
/'ese usually set agreed *ay rises for t'ree,year *eriods
/'e state Coined in launc'ing t'e (uro currency system in
4anuary %111 (lea:ing be'ind t'e Iris' *ound) along 9it'
ele:en ot'er (2 nations /'e %115 to 2000 *eriod of 'ig'
economic gro9t' led many to call t'e country t'e Celtic /iger
/'e economy felt t'e im*act of t'e global economic
slo9do9n in 200%$ *articularly in t'e 'ig',tec' e;*ort sector
S t'e gro9t' rate in t'at area 9as cut by nearly 'alf KD+
gro9t' continued to be relati:ely robust$ 9it' a rate of about
!@ in 200% and 2002 Kro9t' for 2003 9as o:er 3@$ and for
2005 9as 35@
&it' 'ig' gro9t' came 'ig' le:els of inflation$ *articularly in
t'e ca*ital city +rices in Dublin$ 9'ere nearly 30@ of
Ireland?s *o*ulation li:es$ are considerably 'ig'er t'an
else9'ere in t'e country$ es*ecially in t'e *ro*erty marEet
/'e *ositi:e re*orts and economic statistics masE se:eral
underlying imbalances /'e construction sector$ 9'ic' is
in'erently cyclical in nature$ no9 accounts for a significant
com*onent of Ireland?s KD+ . recent do9nturn in residential
*ro*erty marEet sentiment 'as 'ig'lig'ted t'e o:er,e;*osure
of t'e Iris' economy to construction$ 9'ic' no9 *resents a
t'reat to economic gro9t' =e:eral successi:e years of
unbalanced economic gro9t' 'a:e also led to 'uge ineFuality
bet9een t'e strata of Iris' society (see (conomy of Ireland ,
)ecent de:elo*ments) +o:erty figures s'o9 t'at !G@ of
Ireland?s *o*ulation suffer Iconsistent *o:ertyI
/'e official languages are Iris' and (nglis' /eac'ing of t'e
Iris' and (nglis' languages is com*ulsory in t'e *rimary and
secondary le:el sc'ools t'at recei:e money and recognition
from t'e state =ome students may be e;em*t from t'e
reFuirement to recei:e instruction in eit'er language (nglis'
is by far t'e *redominant language s*oEen t'roug'out t'e
country +eo*le li:ing in *redominantly Iris',s*eaEing
communities$ Kaeltac't regions$ are limited to t'e lo9 tens of
t'ousands in isolated *ocEets largely on t'e 9estern seaboard
)oad signs are usually bilingual$ e;ce*t in Kaeltac't regions$
9'ere t'ey are in Iris' only /'e legal status of *lace names
'as recently been t'e subCect of contro:ersy$ 9it' an order
made in 2005 under t'e <fficial Languages .ct c'anging t'e
official name of certain locations from (nglis' bacE to Iris'
(eg Dingle 'ad its name c'anged to An %aingean$ but 9as
t'en renamed to IDingle Daingean 2i C'uisI)$ sometimes
des*ite local o**osition$ and$ in Dingle?s case$ a *lebiscite
reFuesting a name c'ange to a bilingual :ersion -ost *ublic
notices are only in (nglis'$ as are most of t'e *rint media
-ost Ko:ernment *ublications and forms are a:ailable in bot'
(nglis' and Iris'$ and citiPens 'a:e t'e rig't to deal 9it' t'e
state in Iris' if t'ey so 9is' #ational media in Iris' e;ist on
/N (/K3)$ radio (eg )aidiT na Kaeltac'ta)$ and in *rint (eg
LM #ua and Foinse)
.ccording to t'e 200! census$ %$!5!$510 *eo*le (or 31@) in
t'e )e*ublic regard t'emsel:es as com*etent in Iris'J t'oug'
no figures are a:ailable for (nglis',s*eaEers$ it is t'oug't to
be almost %00@
/'e +olis' language is one of t'e most 9idely,s*oEen
languages in Ireland after (nglis' and Iris'6 t'ere are o:er
!3$000 +oles resident in Ireland according to t'e 200! census
<t'er languages s*oEen in Ireland include ='elta$ s*oEen by
t'e Iris' /ra:eller *o*ulation and a dialect of =cots is s*oEen
by t'e descendents of =cottis' settlers in 2lster
-ost students at second le:el c'oose one or t9o foreign
languages to learn Languages a:ailable for t'e 4unior
Certificate and t'e Lea:ing Certificate include Frenc'$
Kerman$ Italian and =*anis'J Lea:ing Certificate students can
also study .rabic$ 4a*anese and )ussian =ome sc'ools also
offer .ncient KreeE$ >ebre9 =tudies and Latin at second
=t +atricE?s Cat'edral in Dublin$ t'e #ational Cat'edral of t'e
C'urc' of Ireland (*art of t'e .nglican Communion)
Ireland is a secular stateJ e:en t'oug' G!G@ of t'e *o*ulation
are )oman Cat'olic$ and t'e country 'as one of t'e 'ig'est
rates of regular and 9eeEly c'urc' attendance in t'e &estern
&orld >o9e:er$ t'ere 'as been a maCor decline in t'is
attendance among Iris' Cat'olics in t'e course of t'e *ast 30
years Het9een %11! and 200%$ regular -ass attendance$
declined furt'er from !0@ to 3G@
(it 'ad been abo:e 10@
before %153)$ and all but t9o of its sacerdotal seminaries 'a:e
closed (=t +atricE?s College$ -aynoot' and =t -alac'y?s
College$ Helfast) . number of t'eological colleges continue
to educate bot' ordained and lay *eo*le
/'e second largest C'ristian denomination$ t'e C'urc' of
Ireland (.nglican)$ 'a:ing been declining in number for most
of t'e t9entiet' century$ but 'as more recently e;*erienced an
increase in members'i*$ according to t'e 2002 census$ as 'a:e
ot'er small C'ristian denominations$ and >induism /'e
largest ot'er +rotestant denominations are t'e +resbyterian
C'urc' in Ireland$ follo9ed by t'e -et'odist C'urc' in
Ireland /'e :ery small 4e9is' community in t'e state also
recorded a marginal increase (see >istory of t'e 4e9s in
Ireland) in t'e same *eriod
/'e *atron saints of Ireland are =aint +atricE and =aint
.ccording to t'e 200! census$ t'e number of *eo*le 9'o
described t'emsel:es as 'a:ing Ino religionI 9as %G!$3%G
(33@) .n additional %$5%5 *eo*le described t'emsel:es as
agnostic and 121 as at'eist instead of ticEing t'e Ino religionI
bo; /'is brings t'e total nonreligious 9it'in t'e state to 35@
of t'e *o*ulation . furt'er 50$322 (%5@) did not state a
Religion and politics
/'e %135 Constitution of Ireland ga:e t'e Cat'olic C'urc' a
Is*ecial *ositionI as t'e c'urc' of t'e maCority$ but also
recognised ot'er C'ristian denominations and 4udaism .s
9it' ot'er *redominantly Cat'olic (uro*ean states (eg$
Italy)$ t'e Iris' state under9ent a *eriod of legal secularisation
in t'e late t9entiet' century In %152$ t'e articles mentioning
s*ecific religious grou*s$ including t'e Cat'olic C'urc' 9ere
deleted from t'e Iris' constitution by t'e Fift' .mendment of
t'e Constitution of Ireland
.rticle 33 remains in t'e Constitution It begins6
The State ac&nowledges that the homage of public
worship is due to Almight 'od( It shall hold )is *ame
in re+erence, and shall respect and honour religion(
/'e article also establis'es freedom of religion (for belief$
*ractice$ and organisation 9it'out undue interference from t'e
state)$ *ro'ibits endo9ment of any *articular religion$
*ro'ibits t'e state from religious discrimination$ and reFuires
t'e state to treat religious and non,religious sc'ools in a non,
*reCudicial manner
Cat'olic doctrine *ro'ibits abortion in all circumstances$
*utting it in conflict 9it' t'e *ro,c'oice mo:ement In %1G3$
t'e (ig't' .mendment of t'e Constitution of Ireland
recognised It'e rig't to life of t'e unbornI$ subCect to
Fualifications concerning t'e IeFual rig't to lifeI of t'e
mot'er /'e case of Attorne 'eneral +( - *rom*ted *assage
of t'e /'irteent' and Fourteent' .mendments$ guaranteeing
t'e rig't to tra:el abroad to 'a:e an abortion *erformed$ and
t'e rig't of citiPens to learn about Iser:icesI t'at are illegal in
Ireland but legal outside t'e country (see .bortion in Ireland)
Cat'olic and +rotestant attitudes in %135 also disa**ro:ed of
di:orce$ 9'ic' 9as *ro'ibited by t'e original Constitution It
9as not until %115 t'at t'e Fifteent' .mendment re*ealed t'is
/'e Cat'olic C'urc' 9as 'it in t'e %110s by a series of se;ual
abuse scandals and co:er,u* c'arges against its 'ierarc'y In
2005$ a maCor inFuiry 9as made into c'ild se;ual abuse
allegations /'e Ferns re*ort$ *ublis'ed on 25 <ctober 2005$
re:ealed t'at more t'an %00 cases of c'ild se;ual abuse$
bet9een %1!2 and 2002$ by 2% *riests$ 'ad taEen *lace in t'e
Diocese of Ferns alone /'e re*ort criticised t'e KardaU and
t'e 'ealt' aut'orities$ 9'o failed to *rotect t'e c'ildren to t'e
best of t'eir abilitiesJ and in t'e case of t'e Karda before %1GG$
no file 9as e:er recorded on se;ual abuse com*laints
Des*ite most sc'ools in Ireland being run by religious
organisations$ a general trend of secularism is occurring 9it'in
t'e Iris' *o*ulation$ *articularly in t'e younger generations
-any efforts 'a:e been made by secular grou*s$ to eliminate
t'e rigorous study in t'e first and si;t' classes$ to *re*are for
t'e sacraments of >oly Communion and confirmation
>o9e:er religious studies as a subCect 9as introduced into t'e
state administered I4unior certificateI in 200%
In t'e *ast$ Ireland 'as 'istorically fa:oured conser:ati:e
legislation regarding se;uality For e;am*le$ contrace*tion
9as illegal in Ireland until %151 .not'er e;am*le is t'e
legislation 9'ic' outla9ed 'omose;ual acts 9as not re*ealed
until %113 alt'oug' it 9as generally only enforced 9'en
dealing 9it' underage se; >o9e:er$ Ireland 'as taEen ste*s
to grant eFual rig'ts for its gay citiPens
/'e island of Ireland 'as *roduced t'e HooE of 0ells$ and
9riters suc' as Keorge HerEeley$ ='eridan le Fanu$ 4onat'an
=9ift$ 4ames 4oyce$ Keorge Hernard ='a9$ )ic'ard Hrinsley
='eridan$ <li:er Koldsmit'$ <scar &ilde$ &H Veats$ +atricE
0a:anag'$ =amuel HecEett$ Hrian <?#olan$ 9'o *ublis'ed as
Flann <?Hrien$ 4o'n -illington =ynge$ =eMn <?Casey$ =eamus
>eaney$ Hram =toEer$ (liPabet' Ho9en$ 0ate <?Hrien$ =eMn W
FaolMin$ FranE <?Connor$ &illiam /re:or and ot'ers ='a9$
Veats$ HecEett and >eaney are #obel Literature laureates
<t'er *rominent 9riters include 4o'n Han:ille$ )oddy Doyle$
+Mdraic W Conaire$ -MirtUn W Cad'ain$ =Oamus W Krianna$
Dermot Holger$ -ae:e Hinc'y$ FranE -cCourt$ (dna
<?Hrien$ #uala #U D'om'naill$+aul -uldoon$ /'omas
-cCart'y$ 4ose*' <?Connor$ 4o'n -cKa'ern and Colm
+rominent Iris' artists include #at'aniel >one$ 4ames .rt'ur
<?Connor$ )odericE <?Conor$ 4acE Veats$ &illiam <r*en$
-ainie 4ellett$ Louis le HrocFuy$ .nne -adden$ )obert
Hallag'$ 4ames Coleman$ Dorot'y Cross and 4o'n Kerrard
Ireland is Eno9n for its Iris' traditional music$ but 'as
*roduced many ot'er internationally influential artists in ot'er
musical genres$ suc' as 22$ /'in LiPPy$ /'e +ogues$ t'e
alternati:e rocE grou* /'e Cranberries$ Hlues guitarist )ory
Kallag'er$ folE singer C'risty -oore$ /'e C'ieftans and
singer =inOad <?Connor
In classical music$ t'e Island of Ireland 9as also t'e birt'*lace
of t'e notable com*osers /urloug' <?Carolan$ 4o'n Field
(in:entor of t'e #octurne)$ Kerald Harry$ -ic'ael &illiam
Halfe$ =ir C'arles Nilliers =tanford and C'arles &ood
)obert Hoyle 9as a se:enteent',century *'ysicist and
disco:ered Hoyle?s La9 (rnest &alton of /rinity College
Dublin s'ared t'e %15% #obel +riPe in +'ysics for Is*litting
t'e atomI &illiam )o9an >amilton 9as a significant
mat'ematician /'e Iris' *'iloso*'er and t'eologian
(riugena$ 9as considered one of t'e leading intellectuals of
'is era
=uccessful entertainment e;*orts in t'e late t9entiet' century
include acts suc' as 22$ /'in LiPPy$ /'e +ogues$ )ory
Kallag'er$ =inOad <?Connor$ Hoomto9n )ats$ /'e Corrs$
>orsli*s$ HoyPone$ )onan 0eating$ /'e Cranberries$ Clannad$
Kilbert <?=ulli:an$ &estlife and (nya$ and t'e internationally
acclaimed dance s'o9s Ri+erdance and .ord of the %ance
In t'e early t9enty,first century$ Damien )ice and /'e /'rills
rose to international fame /'e Frames are a *o*ular band in
Ireland 9'o are on t'e rise 9orld,9ide$ alt'oug' t'eir status
as *ossibly t'e best,liEed li:e band in Ireland is under t'reat
from ne9er bands liEe Hell X%
22$ t'e most successful Iris' band of all time and one of t'e
biggest bands internationally since t'e %1G0s
#otable >olly9ood actors from t'e )e*ublic of Ireland
include -aureen <?>ara$ Harry FitPgerald$ Keorge Hrent$
.rt'ur ='ields$ -aureen <?=ulli:an$ )ic'ard >arris$ +eter
<?/oole$ +ierce Hrosnan$ Kabriel Hyrne$ Hrendan Kleeson$
Daniel Day Le9is (by citiPens'i*)$ Colm -eaney$ Colin
Farrell$ Hrenda FricEer$ 4onat'an )'ys,-eyers$ =tuart
/o9nsend and Cillian -ur*'y
/'e flouris'ing Iris' film industry$ state,su**orted by Hord
=cannMn na 'Lireann$ 'el*ed launc'ed t'e careers of directors
#eil 4ordan and 4im ='eridan$ and su**orted Iris' films suc'
as 4o'n Cro9ley?s Intermission$ #eil 4ordan?s /rea&fast on
Pluto$ and ot'ers . *olicy of ta; breaEs and ot'er incenti:es
'as also attracted international film to Ireland$ including -el
Kibson?s /ra+eheart$ =te:en =*ielberg?s Sa+ing Pri+ate Ran

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