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Mock Trial!!

R Vs. Mr. Brogue

By; Kristopher.G.Stephenson
Mock Trial!!!
R Vs. Brogue
Thursday May 22
2014- R vs. Brogue- It does loo !le"r th"t #r. Brogue is guilty $ut re"lly
the %"in point o& this th"t "ll the Police Officers should no' "nd h"ve to. (o get the guilty
!h"rged is th"t they need cold hard facts. )s I "% " retired poli!e o&&i!er I no' 'e need
eviden!e to !onvi!t so%eone. *ithout eviden!e there "re no re"lly strong points to !onvi!ted
#r. Brogue. (his !"se is not the s"%e $ut " little lie the +,K "ssent"tion. (here 'ere
'itnesses "nd eviden!e in the +,K !"se- $ut in this !"se there "re only 'itnesses. (he +,K
!"se '"s never solved "nd the !"se h"d 'e"pon "nd eviden!e "nd "lso cold hard facts. So
you !"nnot !onvi!t #r. Brogue 'ithout this stu&& needed to %u!h thing %issing- there "re %ore
things in the $iggest unsolved !"ses in the 'orld. (he .udg%ent 'ould $e very on &"ir i& the
!ourt 'ill de!ide th"t #r. Brogue is guilty. I 'ored on the &or!e &or /0 ye"rs "nd retired to $e "
p"rt o& the priest so people !"n no' th"t it1s not "ll o& the poli!e o&&i!ers th"t %ess up. By the
end o& it- it1s not our s"y the .udge or .ury h"s the l"st s"y. I .ust hope th"t it is o"y $y the end o&
it. Sure "s " priest %y ne' .o$ is to get it "s it h"ppens $ut I thin I should h"ve " s"y $e&ore
"nd then "&ter the !ourt d"y. +ust so the people no' 'hen it1s pu$lished th"t i& the out!o%e is
th"t this &reedo% is s"ved I thought he should h"ve h"d it the 'hole ti%e- or i& he got ti%e they
'ould no' th"t I '"s thining he shouldn1t $e guilty "t "ll. Friday May 23, 2014- (here is one
d"y le&t until the 'eeend 'here the !ourts- l"'yers- 2l"typus- "nd the de&ense get ti%e o&&.
#ost-liely they 'ill not do "ny%ore 'or over the 'eeend "s the !ourt d"y is the &ollo'ing
#ond"y. Wednesday May 28 2!"#$ (he verdi!t o& the !"se I thought it '"s re"lly du%$ "nd
it1s so stupid. I &ind th"t the .udg%ent '"s un&"ir .ust $e!"use they didn1t h"ve %u!h eviden!e to
!onvi!ted #r. Brogue. I don1t no' i& it1s good enough to t"e "ll the '"y to the Supre%e 3ourt
o& 3"n"d". But &or sure #r. Brogue should $e "llo'ed to "t le"st get to " ple" to the se!ond
level. ,or other reporters they t"l to the !ro'n "nd the de&ense l"'yers- to get %ore %O&'
()R' *)%T+. But &or %e- I thin it should $e "ll "$out the !"se "nd 'h"t I s"y in %y report-
"lso .ust $e!"use I "% "n e4-poli!e o&&i!er. So I no' %ore "$out then %ost people- right &ro%
'rong- insistent to guilty. #y $ig opinion o& the .udg%ent is 'h"t I 'rote $e&ore the !"se
h"ppened. (here '"s not i& "nything- " lot o& eviden!e to !onvi!t. +ust lie the +,K !"se it
should h"ve $een " %O&' %)+,. (he %"in re"son I dis"gree 'ith the .udge1s de!ision in this
!"se is $e!"use- "ny 'ell 5u"li&ied .udge 'ould no' .ust lie the poli!e %ust $e proven guilty
'ithout dough. (h"t is 'hy I dis"gree 'ith this de!ision.
Reported/)uthored $y6 Kristopher.G.Stephenson

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