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Machine Control Design

Project 3.1.7 VEX and RobotC

[Gerardo Calderon]
[ 3-25-14]

Design Brief
Design Process
RobotC Code
Discussion Questions
Recommendations Page


Problem 5: Elevator (Hardware Level 4 Software Level 4)
A company would like to begin producing residential elevators. Your team must design the
control system and a prototype of an elevator that can go between three floors in any
combination. The prototype must include a set of three switches to represent each floor of
the elevator. Each floor the elevator stops at must have a call button and a set of three
lights to indicate where the elevator is currently located. A built-in safety mechanism
requires that the elevator normally rest on the ground floor and return to the ground floor
after a user-determined period of nonuse.

Client Company:
[horizon lifting]
Target Consumer:
[our target consumer are owners with multiples floors, that
want to move up and down quicker. ]
Problem Statement:
[This company needs an elevator that can move to 3
different floors in any order. when a button is hit a light
needs to turn on to identify what floor youre on. ]

Design Statement:
[our design was a simple but effective design that only
consisted in only one motor,3 bump switches, and 3 leds. the
design in really simple, so when children go in there they can
control the elevator as well. ]

[the elevator had to go in any order. When the elevator go to
a different floor it has to return to the 1st floor after 5


[ ]

[Answer the conclusion questions here. Use complete sentences with proper grammar and spelling.]

1. What was the most difficult part of the problem?
The most difficult part of this project was getting the elevator to go in a random order. Me and my team
member worked on fixing that for 2 days, we tried everything we could think of, but nothing would work.
1. List and describe two features that were not part of the design problem that could be
added to improve your design.
A feature that could improve this project would be a emergency stop button just in case
somebodys hand got stuck or someone might get hurt they could hit that button and the
elevator would stop completely. Another good feature that could be added to this project could
be is a limit switch in between the doors so that if a person stuck there hand out in between the
doors, the doors would open back up without hurting the person.

[A recommendation that i would give to my teacher is extend the time in the project because everything is a
rush and we don't have enough time to finish or add better things. Especially when your partner cant show
up ]
[A major recommendation for a student doing this project next year is work as a team. When you want to
work independently you cant get as much done as working together. ]

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