11.conturi Nationale

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11.1 Produsul intern brut,
pe categorii de resurse ........................................ 325
11.2 Produsul intern brut, pe categorii de utilizri ........ 326
11.3 Indicii produsului intern brut, pe categorii
de resurse i categorii de utilizri ........................ 326
11.4 Agregatele macroeconomice
ale sectoarelor instituionale ................................ 327
11.5 Indicatori specifici ai sectoarelor
instituionale .......................................................... 328
11.6 Principalele agregate, pe locuitor ........................ 329
11.7 Rate specifice conturilor naionale ...................... 329
11.8 Populaia ocupat, pe activiti ale economiei
naionale i dup statutul profesional .................. 330
11.9 Ore lucrate de populaia ocupat,
pe activiti ale economiei naionale i
dup statutul profesional ...................................... 332
11.10 Productivitatea muncii, pe persoan ocupat ...... 334
11.11 Productivitatea orar a muncii .............................. 334
11.12 Producia, consumul intermediar i
valoarea adugat brut, pe activiti .................. 335
11.13 Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i
valorii adugate brute, pe activiti ...................... 342
11.14 Produsul intern brut regional, n anul 2008 ................
11.15 Produsul intern brut regional, n anul 2009 ................
11.16 Produsul intern brut regional, n anul 2010 ................
11.17 Produsul intern brut regional ......................................
Gross domestic product,
by category of resources
Gross domestic product, by category of uses
Indices of gross domestic product,
by category of resources and category of uses
Macroeconomic aggregates,
by institutional sector
Specific indicators
for institutional sector
Main aggregates, per inhabitant
Ratios specific to national accounts
Employment, by activity of national
economy and by status of employment
Hours worked by employment,
by activity of national economy and
by status of employment
Labour productivity, by employed person
Labour productivity per hour worked
Production, intermediate consumption and
gross value added, by activity
Indices of production, intermediate consumption
and gross value added, by activity
Regional gross domestic product, in 2008
Regional gross domestic product, in 2009
Regional gross domestic product, in 2010
Regional gross domestic product
Cercetri statistice:
Valorificarea rezultatelor cercetrilor statistice
elaborate n cadrul sistemului statisticii oficiale.
Surse administrative:
Ministerul Finanelor Publice, pentru datele din
execuia bugetului public naional, bilanurile
contabile, precum i pentru datele privind
impozitarea veniturilor persoanelor fizice
independente i asociaiilor familiale;
Banca Naional a Romniei, pentru datele din
balana de pli.
Statistical surveys:
Turning into account the results of statistical surveys
carried out within the system of official statistics.
Administrative sources:
Ministry of Public Finances, for data provided on the
execution of the state budget, the balance sheets, as
well as for data concerning the tax on the income of
family associations and individual natural persons;
National Bank of Romania, for data from the balance
of payments.
Conturile naionale au fost elaborate pe baza
principiilor metodologice ale Sistemului European de
Conturi 1995 (SEC 1995).
Contabilitatea naional reprezint un ansamblu
coerent i detaliat de conturi i tabele ce ofer o imagine
comparabil i complet a activitii economice a unei
ri. Aceasta clasific marea varietate de fluxuri
economice ntr-un numr restrns de categorii
fundamentale i le nscrie ntr-un cadru de ansamblu ce
permite obinerea unei reprezentri a circuitului
economic adaptat nevoilor de analiz, previziune i
politic economic.
Principalele conturi ce se elaboreaz n cadrul
contabilitii naionale sunt:
contul de producie;
contul de distribuire primar a venitului;
contul de exploatare;
contul de alocare a veniturilor primare;
contul de venit al ntreprinderii;
contul de alocare a altor venituri primare;
contul de distribuire secundar a venitului;
contul de redistribuire a venitului n natur;
contul de utilizare a venitului;
contul de utilizare a venitului disponibil;
contul de utilizare a venitului disponibil ajustat;
contul de capital;
contul variaiilor nete datorate economiei i
transferurilor de capital;
contul achiziiilor de active nefinanciare;
contul financiar;
contul altor modificri de active;
conturile de patrimoniu;
contul restului lumii.
Tranzaciile din conturile naionale sunt clasate pe
sectoare instituionale.
Sectorul instituional reprezint ansamblul
unitilor instituionale ce au un comportament economic
asemntor. Unitile instituionale sunt clasate n
sectoare, n funcie de dou caracteristici reprezentative
pentru comportamentul lor economic:
categoria de productori;
natura activitilor i a funciilor lor principale.
Ansamblul de uniti instituionale rezidente (uniti
ce au centrul de interes pe teritoriul economic al unei
ri) se grupeaz n cinci sectoare instituionale: societi
nefinanciare; societi financiare; administraii publice;
gospodriile populaiei; instituii fr scop lucrativ n
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei.
Sectorul societi nefinanciare cuprinde unitile
instituionale dotate cu personalitate juridic care sunt
productori de pia i a cror activitate principal const
The national accounts have been drawn up
according to the methodological principles of European
System of Accounts 1995 (ESA 1995).
National accounting represents a coherent and
detailed whole of accounts and tables, which give a
comparable and complete picture of the economic
activity of a country. It classifies the wide variety of
economic flows into a low number of basic categories
inscribing them in a frame allowing for obtaining a
representation of the economic circuit adapted to
the analyses, forecasts and economic policies
The main accounts compiled within national
accounting are:
production account;
primary distribution of income account;
generation of income account;
allocation of primary income account;
entrepreneurial income account;
allocation of other primary income account;
secondary distribution of income account;
redistribution of income in kind account;
use of income account;
use of disposable income account;
use of adjusted disposable income account;
capital account;
change in net worth due to saving and capital
transfers account;
acquisition of non-financial assets account;
changes in assets;
other changes in volume of assets account;
balance sheets;
rest of the world account.
Transactions of national accounts are classified by
institutional sector.
Institutional sector groups together all the
institutional units, which have a similar type of economic
behaviour. Institutional units are grouped into sectors,
according to the two following criteria, characteristic for
their economic behaviour:
producers class;
the nature of activities and of their main economic
The resident institutional units (units whose center of
interest is placed on the economic territory of a certain
country) are grouped in five institutional sectors: non-
financial corporations; financial corporations; general
government; households; non-profit institution serving
Non-financial corporations sector comprises the
non-financial institutional units with legal status, that are
market producers and whose function consists of
n producerea de bunuri i servicii nefinanciare. n acest
sector se include activitatea regiilor autonome i a
societilor comerciale nefinanciare, precum i a cvasi-
societilor nefinanciare.
Sectorul societi financiare cuprinde ansamblul de
societi i cvasi-societi a cror funcie principal const n
furnizarea de servicii de intermediere financiar i/sau n
exercitarea de activiti financiare auxiliare. n acest sector au
fost incluse urmtoarele tipuri de uniti: Banca Naional a
Romniei, Bncile comerciale romneti i strine, Casa de
Economii i Consemnaiuni (CEC Bank), Case de Ajutor
Reciproc (CAR), Companiile/societile de brokeraj, Societi de
investiii financiare, Bursa de valori, Case de schimb valutar,
RASDAQ, Cooperative de credit, Societi de Asigurare, Fondul
de Garantare a Depozitelor Bancare, Fondul Privat de Pensii.
Sectorul administraii publice cuprinde toate
unitile instituionale a cror producie non-pia este
destinat consumului individual i colectiv; resursele lor
provin, n cea mai mare parte, din contribuiile obligatorii
vrsate de unitile aparinnd altor sectoare i/sau toate
unitile instituionale a cror activitate principal o
constituie efectuarea de operaii de redistribuire a
veniturilor i a patrimoniului naional.
Sectorul administraii publice se compune din
urmtoarele subsectoare:
Administraia central;
Administraiile locale;
Administraiile de securitate social.
Administraiile publice includ: organismele
administrative publice care conduc i finaneaz un
ansamblu de activiti ce constau, n principal, n furnizarea
de bunuri i servicii non-pia pentru colectivitate; instituiile
fr scop lucrativ ce produc servicii nedestinate pieei
controlate i majoritar finanate de ctre administraiile
publice; fondurile de pensii autonome.
Sectorul gospodriile populaiei cuprinde indivizi
sau grupuri de indivizi, att n calitatea lor de consumatori
ct i, eventual, de ntreprinztori, ce produc bunuri sau
servicii financiare i nefinanciare de pia.
Sectorul instituii fr scop lucrativ n serviciul
gospodriilor populaiei grupeaz unitile
instituionale rezidente care produc, n principal, servicii
de non-pia pentru gospodrii i ale cror resurse, n
cea mai mare parte, provin din vnzri ocazionale,
contribuii voluntare efectuate de gospodrii, vrsminte
provenite de la administraiile publice i din venituri din
proprietate. De asemenea se includ: organizaii
religioase (de cult), sindicate, partide politice, uniuni,
fundaii, asociaii culturale i sportive.
Sectorul restul lumii este caracterizat printr-un set
de conturi care reflect tranzaciile ce au loc ntre
unitile rezidente i cele nerezidente. Conturile specifice
acestui sector furnizeaz o vedere de ansamblu asupra
relaiilor economice care leag o ar cu restul lumii.
producing non-financial market goods and services. This
sector includes the activity of autonomous, non-financial
corporations and non-financial quasi-corporations.
Financial corporations sector includes all
corporations and quasi-corporations, which are mainly
involved in financial intermediation and/or auxiliary
financial activities. This sector includes the following
categories of units: National Bank of Romania,
Romanian and foreign Commercial Banks, Savings
Bank, Mutual insurance fund, Brokerage companies,
Financial investment companies, Stock Exchange,
Exchange offices, R.A.S.D.A.Q, Credit co-operatives,
Insurance companies, Guarantee Fund of the Banking
Deposits, Private Pension Fund.
General government sector comprises all
institutional units, that are other non-market producers
whose output is intended for individual and collective
consumption and mainly financed by compulsory
payments made by units belonging to other sectors,
and/or all institutional units principally engaged in the
redistribution of national income and wealth.
The general government sector is divided into the
following sub-sectors:
Central government;
Local government;
Social security funds.
General government includes: general government
entities which manage and finance a group of activities,
mainly providing non-market goods and services, intended
for the benefit of the community; non-profit institutions
recognized as independent legal entities which are other
non-market producers and which are controlled and mainly
financed by general government; autonomous pension funds.
Households sector covers individuals or groups of
individuals as consumers and possibly also as
entrepreneurs producing market goods and
non-financial and financial services.
Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
sector consists of resident institutional units, which serve
households and which are mainly non-market producers;
their principal resources, apart from those derived from
occasional sales, are derived from voluntary contributions in
cash or in kind from households in their capacity of
consumer, from payments made by general government and
from property income. Also includes: religious organizations
(of cults), trade unions, political parties, unions, foundations,
cultural and sports associations.
Rest of the world sector is characterized by a
group of accounts that reflects transactions that occur
between the resident units and the non-resident ones.
Rest of the world accounts reflect the operations carried
out between resident units and non-resident units.
Produsul intern brut (PIB), principalul agregat
macroeconomic al contabilitii naionale, reprezint
rezultatul final al activitii de producie a unitilor
productoare rezidente. Acesta se poate calcula prin
urmtoarele metode:
a) Metoda de producie:
PIB = VAB + IP + TV - SP, unde:
PIB = Produsul intern brut (preuri de pia)
VAB = Valoarea adugat brut
(preuri de baz)
IP = Impozitele pe produse
TV = Taxele vamale
(drepturi asupra importurilor)
SP = Subveniile pe produse
b) Metoda cheltuielilor:
PIB = CF + FBCF + VS + (E - I), unde:
CF = Consumul final efectiv
FBCF= Formarea brut de capital fix
VS = Variaia de stoc
E = Exporturile de bunuri i servicii
I = Importurile de bunuri i servicii
c) Metoda veniturilor:
PIB = R + EBE + AIP - ASP + IP+TV - SP,
R = Remunerarea salariailor
EBE = Excedentul brut de exploatare
AIP = Alte impozite pe producie
ASP = Alte subvenii pe producie
IP = Impozite pe produse
TV = Taxe vamale
SP = Subvenii pe produse
Venitul naional brut (VNB) reprezint ansamblul
veniturilor primare primite de ctre unitile instituionale
rezidente: remunerarea salariailor, impozitele pe
producie i importuri minus subveniile, veniturile din
proprietate (cele de primit minus cele de pltit),
excedentul de exploatare (brut) i venitul mixt (brut). VNB
(la preuri de pia) este egal cu PIB diminuat cu
veniturile primare vrsate de unitile nerezidente i
mrit cu veniturile primare primite de la restul lumii de
ctre unitile rezidente.
Estimrile privind economia neobservat
ncorporate n conturile naionale se realizeaz pentru:
sectorul formal, prin estimarea muncii la negru i a
fraudei la declararea taxei pe valoarea adugat;
sectorul informal, prin estimarea valorii produciei
nedeclarate obinute de ctre asociaiile familiale i
ntreprinztorii individuali.
Serviciile de intermediere financiar indirect
msurate (SIFIM) se msoar convenional prin soldul
dintre dobnzile ncasate i cele pltite de instituiile
financiare, fiind rezultatul activitii de intermediere
financiar a acestora.
Gross domestic product (GDP), the main
macroeconomic aggregate of national accounting,
represents the final result of the production activity of
resident producer units. This aggregate could be
calculated according to the following approaches:
a) Production approach:
GDP = GVA + TP + D - SP, where :
GDP = Gross domestic product (market prices)
GVA = Gross value added
(basic prices)
TP = Taxes on products
D = Import duties
SP = Subsidies on products
b) Expenditure approach:
GDP = FC + GFCF + CS + (E - I), where:
FC = Final consumption
GFCF= Gross fixed capital formation
CS = Change in inventories
E = Exports of goods and services
I = Imports of goods and services
c) Income approach:
GDP = C+ GOS + OTP - OSP+TP + D - SP,
C = Compensation of employees
GOS = Gross operating surplus
OTP = Other taxes on production
OSP = Other subsidies on production
TP = Taxes on products
D = Import duties
SP = Subsidies on products
Gross national income (GNI) represents total primary
income receivable by resident institutional units:
compensation of employees, taxes on production and
imports less subsidies, property income (receivable less
payable), (gross) operating surplus and (gross) mixed
income. GNI (at market prices) equals GDP minus
primary income paid by resident units to non-residents
plus primary income received by resident units from the
rest of the world.
The non-observed economy estimates included
in national accounts are calculated for:
formal sector, by estimating underground labour and
the tax evasion on value added tax;
informal sector, by estimating the undeclared output
of family associations and self-employed persons.
Financial intermediation services indirectly
measured (FISIM) are, by convention, measured by the
balance between the interests received and those paid
by credit institutions as result of their financial
intermediation activity.
Producia i valoarea adugat brut au fost calculate
n preuri de baz (inclusiv subveniile pe produse i exclusiv
impozitele pe produs i taxa pe valoarea adaugat).
Indicii produsului intern brut au fost calculai pe
baza datelor n preuri comparabile, fiind utilizate preurile
anului anterior celui de calcul. Legtura ntre datele
calculate pentru diferite perioade s-a fcut pe baza
nlnuirii indicilor.
Datele pentru anul 2010 sunt definitive, iar cele
pentru anul 2011 sunt semidefinitive.
Datele pentru perioada 2008-2010 sunt prezentate
conform CAEN Rev.2.
Estimarea ocuprii forei de munc se realizeaz n
cadrul contabilitii naionale, conform cerinelor
metodologice i a conceptelor i clasificrilor prevzute de
SEC 1995. Unitile de msur utilizate sunt: mii persoane
i mii ore lucrate.
Populaia ocupat cuprinde persoanele (salariate i
independente) angajate ntr-o activitate productiv
conform SEC 1995.
Salariaii reprezint toate persoanele care lucreaz,
pe baza unui contract formal sau informal, pentru o alt
unitate instituional rezident n schimbul unei remuneraii
n bani sau n natur.
Lucrtorii independeni (pe cont propriu) reprezint
persoane care sunt unici proprietari sau coproprietari ai
unei ntreprinderi fr personalitate juridic, n care
muncesc. Din aceast categorie mai fac parte: lucrtorii
familiali neremunerai i lucrtorii la domiciliu care produc
pentru pia, lucrtorii care exercit, individual sau colectiv,
activiti de producie destinate n ntregime consumului
final propriu sau formrii proprii de capital.
Productivitatea muncii pe o persoan ocupat a
fost calculat ca raport ntre valoarea adugat brut i
numrul de persoane ocupate.
Productivitatea orar a muncii a fost calculat ca
raport ntre valoarea adugat brut i numrul de ore
Conturile regionale reprezint versiunea la nivel
regional a conturilor naionale i respect principiile
metodologice ale SEC 1995. Conform nomenclatorului
unitilor statistice teritoriale a UE (NUTS), regiunea
corespunde nivelului 2. n Romnia, produsul intern brut
regional (PIBR) se calculeaz pentru cele patru macroregiuni,
cele opt regiuni de dezvoltare i pentru extra-regiuni. Pentru
Romnia, extra-regiunile se refer la platforma continental
aflat n Marea Neagr i enclavele teritoriale (ambasadele i
consulatele romne din strintate). Regionalizarea
indicatorilor se poate realiza dup metodele ascendente,
descendente sau mixte, n conturile regionale romneti fiind
utilizate, n principal, metoda descendent i, n funcie de
datele disponibile, metoda mixt.
The output and gross value added were calculated
in basic prices (including the subsidies on products and
excluding the taxes on product and value added tax).
The indices of gross domestic product were
calculated on the basis of data expressed in comparable
prices making use of the prices recorded in the previous
year. The relation between data for different periods was
based on chaining indices.
The data for 2010 are final and those for 2011 are
The data during 2008-2010 are presented
according to CANE Rev.2.
Employment estimation is performed in the framework
of national accounting, according to the methodological
requirements, concepts and classifications of ESA 1995. The
measure units used are: thousands persons and
thousands hours-worked.
Employment covers all persons (employees and self-
employed) engaged in a productive activity as defined by
ESA 1995.
Employees are defined as all persons who principally
work, based on a formal or informal agreement, for
another resident institutional unit in return for remuneration
in cash or in kind.
Self-employed persons are defined as persons
who are the sole owners, or joint owners, of the
unincorporated enterprises without legal personality, in
which they work. In this category are also included:
contributing family workers and home workers who
produce for market, workers engaged in production
undertaken entirely for their own final consumption or
own capital formation, either individually or collectively.
Labour productivity per employed person was
calculated as a ratio between gross value added and
Labour productivity per hour worked was
calculated as a ratio between gross value added and the
number of hours worked.
Regional accounts represent the version of national
accounts at regional level and they are in accordance with the
methodological rules of the ESA 1995. According to the EU
nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS), the region
corresponds to the level 2. In Romania the compilations of
regional gross domestic product (RGDP) are made for the four
macroregion, for the eight development regions and for extra-
regions. In Romania case, extra-regions refer to the continental
platform from the Black Sea and territorial enclaves (Romanian
embassies and consulates from abroad). The regionalisation of
indicators could be made using the bottom-up, top-down or
mixed methods, the Romanian regional accounts compilation
being based mainly on the top-down method and, depending
on the available data, on the mixed one.
Metodele sunt descrise mai jos:
Metoda ascendent (de jos n sus) presupune a
pleca de la informaiile relative ale unitilor rezidente
dintr-o regiune i apoi a le nsuma, pn la obinerea
totalului regional al agregatului respectiv. Suma valorilor
regionale trebuie s fie egal cu valorile naionale.
Metoda descendent (de sus n jos) presupune
repartizarea cifrei naionale a valorii adugate brute pe
regiuni, folosind diverse chei de distribuie, reflectnd pe
ct posibil caracteristicile estimate.
Metoda mixt presupune combinarea celor dou
metode mai sus prezentate n funcie de datele
disponibile i fiabile la nivel regional.
Capacitatea (+) sau necesarul (-) de finanare
reprezint soldul contului de capital i arat suma net a
resurselor pe care economia total le pune la dispoziia
restului lumii (dac este pozitiv) sau pe care le primete de
la restul lumii (dac este negativ).
Cheltuiala pentru consum final acoper cheltuielile
efectuate de ctre un sector pentru achiziionarea de
bunuri i servicii care sunt utilizate pentru a satisface
direct nevoile individuale sau colective ale membrilor
colectivitii. Cheltuiala pentru consumul final poate fi
efectuat pe teritoriul economic sau n restul lumii.
Cheltuiala pentru consum final al administraiilor
publice cuprinde dou categorii de cheltuieli:
valoarea bunurilor i serviciilor produse de
administraiile publice n alte scopuri dect formarea
de capital pentru sine sau vnzare;
cheltuielile pe care administraiile publice le consacr
cumprrii de bunuri i servicii produse de ctre
productorii de bunuri i servicii destinate pieei n
vederea furnizrii lor, fr prelucrare, gospodriilor
populaiei cu titlu de transferuri sociale n natur.
Cheltuiala pentru consum final al gospodriilor
populaiei acoper cheltuielile pentru achiziionarea de
bunuri i servicii care sunt utilizate pentru a satisface direct
nevoile individuale ale membrilor acestora.
Cheltuiala pentru consum final al instituiilor fr
scop lucrativ n serviciul gospodriilor populaiei
cuprinde cheltuielile pe care aceste instituii le consacr
achiziionrii de bunuri i servicii produse de ctre
productorii de bunuri i servicii destinate pieei n
vederea furnizrii lor, fr prelucrri, gospodriilor
populaiei cu titlu de transferuri sociale n natur.
Consumul final colectiv efectiv al administraiilor
publice cuprinde cheltuiala pentru consum colectiv al
administraiilor publice (servicii publice generale, aprare
naional i securitatea teritoriului, meninerea ordinii i
securitii publice, activiti legislative i de reglementare,
cercetare i dezvoltare etc.)
The methods are described below:
Bottom-up method considers as starting point the
information related to units located in a certain region
and their summing-up, thus obtaining the regional total of
the respective aggregate. The sum of regional values is
to be equal to national values.
Top-down method means a breakdown of national
gross value added figure by regions, using various
conversion keys, reflecting as far as possible the
estimated characteristics.
Mixed method means a combination of the above
two methods, depending on the available data, reliable at
regional level.
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) is the
balancing item of the capital account and shows the
resources that the nation puts at the disposal of the rest
of world or that it receives from the rest of the world (in
case a borrowing occurs).
Final consumption expenditure consists of
expenditure incurred by resident institutional units for the
purchase of goods and services that are used for directly
meeting of individual needs or the collective needs of the
community members. Final consumption expenditure may
take place on the domestic economic territory or abroad.
Final consumption expenditure of general
government includes two categories of expenditure:
the value of the goods and services produced by
general government itself for other purpose than
own-account capital formation or sale;
purchases by general government of goods and
services produced by market producers that are
supplied to households without any transformation
as social transfers in kind.
Households final consumption expenditure
covers the expenditure for purchasing goods and
services to directly meet the individual needs of resident
household members.
Final consumption expenditure of non-profit
institutions serving households (NPISHs) includes
expenditure by NPISHs on goods or services produced
by market producers that are supplied - without any
transformation - to households for their consumption as
social transfers in kind.
Governments actual collective final
consumption comprises government expenditure for
collective consumption (management and regulation of
society, security and defence, the maintenance of law
and order, legislation and regulation, research and
development a.s.o. ).
Consumul final individual efectiv al gospodriilor
populaiei cuprinde: cheltuielile gospodriilor populaiei
pentru cumprarea de bunuri i servicii n scopul
satisfacerii nevoilor membrilor lor, cheltuiala pentru
consum individual al administraiilor publice (nvmnt,
sntate, securitate social i aciuni sociale, cultur,
sport, activiti recreative, colectarea de deeuri
menajere) i cheltuiala pentru consum individual al
instituiilor fr scop lucrativ n serviciul gospodriilor.
Consumul final efectiv cuprinde bunurile i serviciile
achiziionate de ctre unitile instituionale rezidente pentru
satisfacerea direct a nevoilor umane, att individuale ct i
Consumul intermediar reprezint valoarea
bunurilor i serviciilor, excluznd activele fixe, utilizate ca
intrri n cursul produciei i care sunt fie transformate,
fie consumate n totalitate n timpul procesului de
Cotizaiile sociale n sarcina patronilor pot fi
efective sau imputate.
Cotizaiile sociale efective n sarcina patronilor
cuprind vrsmintele pe care acetia le efectueaz, n
beneficiul salariailor lor, ctre organismele de asigurare.
Cotizaiile sociale imputate n sarcina patronilor
reprezint contravaloarea prestaiilor sociale furnizate
direct de patroni salariailor lor, fotilor salariai i altora
care au acest drept, fr s fi recurs n acest scop la o
societate de asigurri sau la un fond de pensii autonom sau
la constituirea unui fond specific sau unei rezerve distincte.
Economia brut reprezint soldul contului de
utilizare a venitului disponibil i msoar partea de venit
disponibil brut care nu este destinat cheltuielii pentru
consum final.
Economia neobservat reprezint totalul activitilor
economice care sunt ascunse observaiilor statistice.
Excedentul brut de exploatare este soldul contului
de exploatare i reprezint ceea ce rmne din valoarea
adugat creat n procesul de producie dup
remunerarea salariailor i plata impozitelor pe producie.
Exporturile de bunuri i servicii reprezint
ansamblul de bunuri i servicii furnizate de rezidenii
Romniei ctre nerezideni prin intermediul vnzrilor,
trocului, donaiilor sau transferurilor.
Formarea brut de capital fix reprezint valoarea
bunurilor durabile (active corporale i necorporale),
destinate altor scopuri dect cele militare, achiziionate de
unitile productoare rezidente cu scopul de a fi utilizate
timp de cel puin un an n procesul de producie, precum i
valoarea serviciilor ncorporate n bunurile de capital fix.
Importurile de bunuri i servicii reprezint
ansamblul bunurilor i serviciilor furnizate de nerezideni
ctre rezidenii Romniei prin intermediul vnzrilor,
trocului, donaiilor sau transferurilor.
Households actual individual final consumption
consists of households expenditure on purchasing goods
and services in order to directly meet the individual
needs of resident households members, government
expenditure for individual consumption (education,
health, social security, and welfare, culture, sport,
recreation, collection of households refuse) and NPISH
expenditure for individual consumption.
Actual final consumption consists of the goods or
services that are purchased by resident institutional units
for directly meeting of human needs, whether individual
or collective.
Intermediate consumption consists of the value of
the goods and services, excluding fixed assets,
consumed as inputs in a process of production that are
either transformed or entirely consumed within the
production process.
Employers social contributions may be actual
and imputed.
Employers actual social contributions consist of
the payments made by employers for the benefit of their
employees, to insurance bodies.
Employers imputed social contributions represent
the counterpart to social benefits paid directly by employers
to their employees or former employees and other eligible
persons without involving an insurance enterprise or
autonomous pension fund and without creating special
fund or segregated reserve for the purpose.
Gross savings represent the balancing item of the
use of disposable income account and it measures the
part of gross disposable income that is not intended to
final consumption expenditure.
Non-observed economy represents the total of
economic activities hidden to statistical observations.
Gross operating surplus is the balancing item of
the generation of income account and it corresponds to
the remaining value added after deducting compensation
of employees and the taxes on production.
Exports of goods and services consist of
transactions in goods and services (sales, barter, gifts or
grants) from residents to non-residents of Romania.
Gross fixed capital formation represents the value
of the durable goods (tangible and intangible assets) for
non-military purposes, purchased by the resident
producing units to be used at least one year in the
production process, as well as the value of services
incorporated in fixed capital goods.
Imports of goods and services consist of
transactions in goods and services (purchases, barter,
gifts or grants) from non-residents to residents of
Impozitele curente pe venit, patrimoniu etc.
cuprind toate vrsmintele obligatorii, fr contrapartid,
n bani sau n natur, prelevate n mod periodic de
administraiile publice i de restul lumii asupra venitului i
patrimoniului unitilor instituionale, ct i anumite
impozite periodice, care nu sunt percepute nici asupra
venitului, nici a patrimoniului.
Impozitele pe producie i importuri sunt
vrsminte obligatorii fr contrapartid, n bani sau n
natur, prelevate de administraiile publice sau de
instituiile Uniunii Europene. Ele se descompun n:
impozite pe produse (impozite datorate pe unitatea de
bun sau de serviciu produs sau schimbat);
alte impozite pe producie (impozite pe care
ntreprinderile le suport ca urmare a activitii lor de
producie, independent de cantitatea sau valoarea
bunurilor i serviciilor vndute sau schimbate).
Prestaiile sociale cuprind transferurile n natur
sau numerar atribuite persoanelor pentru acoperirea
unor riscuri sau nevoi ca: boal, btrnee, deces,
invaliditate, omaj, accidente de munc, boli
profesionale. Ele cuprind de asemenea alocaiile pentru
copii i ajutoare pentru unele categorii de familii.
Producia este o activitate socialmente organizat
pentru a realiza bunuri i servicii n cursul unei perioade
Producia de bunuri i servicii destinate pieei
reprezint producia vndut sau destinat vnzrii pe
pia la un pre semnificativ din punct de vedere
economic. Prin convenie, conform conturilor naionale
toate bunurile sunt considerate destinate pieei. Serviciile
destinate pieei reprezint acele servicii care pot face
obiectul cumprrii pe pia i care sunt realizate de o
unitate economic ale crei resurse provin, n cea mai
mare parte, din vnzarea produciei realizate.
Producia pentru consumul final propriu cuprinde
bunurile sau serviciile pe care o unitate instituional le
produce i le pstreaz, fie n scopul consumului final, fie
n scopul formrii brute de capital fix (numai gospodriile
populaiei pot pstra produse n scopul consumului final
propriu, ca de exemplu produsele agricole conservate de
agricultori; n schimb toate sectoarele pot pstra
produsele n scopul formrii brute de capital fix pentru
sine, cum ar fi: maini, unelte fabricate de ctre
ntreprinderi, locuine construite de ctre populaie,
construciile pentru sine efectuate de ntreprinderi).
Producia non-pia const n producia
administraiilor publice i instituiilor fr scop lucrativ n
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei furnizat altor uniti
instituionale, fie cu titlu gratuit, fie la un pre
nesemnificativ din punct de vedere economic.
Current taxes on income, wealth a.s.o. cover all
compulsory, unrequited payments, in cash or in kind,
levied periodically by general government and by the rest
of the world on the income and wealth of institutional
units, and some periodic taxes which are levied neither
on the income, nor the wealth.
Taxes on production and imports cover all
compulsory, unrequited payments, in cash or in kind,
levied periodically by general government and by the
European Union units. Taxes on production and imports
are divided into:
taxes on products (due taxes on goods or services
unit produced or transformed);
other taxes on production (taxes paid by enterprises
as a result of production activity independent of the
amount or value of goods and services sold or
Social benefits comprise all current transfers in
kind or in cash, provided to individuals in order to cover
certain risks or needs such as: sickness, old age, death,
disability, unemployment, work injury, occupational
disease. They comprise also allowances for children and
for certain family categories assistance.
Production is an activity organized within the
society in order to produce goods and services during a
given period.
Market production of goods and services is the
output sold at prices that are economically significant or
intended to be sold on the market. By convention and
according to national accounts rules, all the goods are
considered to be sold on the market. The output of
market services covers all services which could be
purchased on the market and are produced by an
economic unit whose resources are mainly covered by
revenue from sales of their own output.
Output for own final use covers goods or services
that are retained either for final consumption by the
institutional unit or for gross fixed capital formation. Only
households can produce and retain output for own final
consumption, for example, agricultural goods produced
and consumed by members of the same household.
Goods or services used for own gross fixed capital
formation can be produced by any kind of enterprise.
They include, for example, machine tools produced for
their own use by enterprises, dwellings or extensions to
dwellings produced by households.
Other non-market output consists of goods and
individual or collective services produced by general
government and NPISHs that are supplied free, or at
prices that are not economically significant, to other
Ramura de activitate reprezint o grupare de
uniti cu producie omogen (ce grupeaz unitile cu
activitate economic local). Aceste uniti se
caracterizeaz printr-o activitate unic i anume prin
intrri de produse i servicii, prin procese de producie i
ieiri cu produse omogene.
Remunerarea salariailor este definit, n
contabilitatea naional, din punct de vedere al
angajatorului i reprezint costul forei de munc
cuprinznd nu numai salariile declarate, precum i toate
formele de remunerare direct i indirect.
Salariile nete primite reprezint sumele primite de
angajai n contrapartida muncii depuse (inclusiv prime,
sporuri, avantaje n natur), din care se scad cotizaiile
sociale n sarcina salariailor, precum i impozitul pe
Subveniile sunt transferuri curente fr
contrapartid pe care administraiile publice sau
instituiile Uniunii Europene le vars productorilor
rezideni n scopul influenrii nivelurilor lor de producie,
preurilor lor sau remunerrii factorilor de producie.
Exist dou categorii de subvenii:
subvenii pe produse (sumele vrsate pe unitatea de
bun sau serviciu produs sau importat);
alte subvenii pe producie (sumele de care pot
beneficia unitile productoare rezidente, n funcie
de activitile lor de producie).
Unitatea instituional reprezint centrul elementar
de decizie economic caracterizat prin unicitate de
comportament, cu autonomie de decizie n exercitarea
funciei sale principale i care dispune de o contabilitate
Valoarea adugat brut este soldul contului de
producie reprezentnd valoarea nou creat n procesul
de producie.
Variaia stocurilor este msurat prin valoarea
intrrilor n stoc, diminuat cu valoarea ieirilor din
stoc i cu eventualele pierderi curente ale stocurilor
datorate deteriorrilor fizice, pagubelor accidentale
sau furturilor. Stocurile reprezint bunurile, altele
dect cele de capital fix, deinute la un moment dat de
unitile de producie.
Venitul disponibil brut este soldul contului de venit
i msoar partea din valoarea creat de care dispune
naiunea, pentru consum final i economie brut.
Veniturile fiscale sunt vrsminte obligatorii ctre
administraiile publice sub forma impozitelor pe producie
i importuri, a impozitelor pe venit i patrimoniu i a
impozitului pe capital.
Veniturile nete din proprietate ale ntreprinderii
reprezint veniturile ncasate de ntreprinderi sub forma
dobnzilor, a rentelor asupra terenurilor i activelor
nemateriale nchiriate pentru exploatare, a dividendelor
i a altor venituri ncasate, din care se scad veniturile de
aceeai natur pltite de ntreprindere altor uniti
(sectoare, societi etc.).
The industry represents a grouping of units with
homogeneous production (formed by local kind of activity
units). These units are characterised by unique activity
i.e inputs of products and services, by production
processes and outputs of homogeneous products.
Compensation of employees is defined in national
accountancy, from the employer standpoint and
represents the labour force cost, comprising not only
stated salaries, but all forms of direct and indirect
Net salaries received include the amounts received
directly by the employees in return for their work
(including bonuses, enhanced rates of pay, payments in
kind) after deducting the social compulsory contributions
of employees and tax on income.
Subsidies are current unrequited payments which
general government or the institutions of the European
Union make to resident producers, with the objective of
influencing their levels of production, their prices or the
remuneration of the production factors.
Subsidies are classified into:
subsidies on products (subsidies payable per unit of
goods or services produced or imported);
other subsidies on production (amounts which
resident producer units may receive depending on
their producing activities).
Institutional unit is an elementary economic
decision-making center characterized by uniqueness of
behavior, decision-making autonomy in the exercise of
its principal function and which keeps (or can compile at
request) a complete set of accounts.
Gross value added is the balancing item of the
production account and measures the value newly created
within the production process.
Change in inventories is measured by the value of
the inventories less the value of withdrawals and the
value of any recurrent losses of goods held in inventories
due to physical deterioration, or accidental damage or
pilfering. Inventories include all goods, other than fixed
capital goods, held at a given moment in time by
producer units.
Gross disposable income is the balancing item of
the income account and measures the part of the
created value at the nations disposal intended for final
consumption and gross saving.
Fiscal revenues represent compulsory payments to
general government taking the form of taxes on
production and import, taxes on income and wealth and
the taxes on capital.
Net property and entrepreneurial income covers
the income of an enterprise which takes the form of
interests, rents on land and intangible assets, rented for
production purposes, dividends and other income, after
deducting the income of the same nature paid by the
enterprise to other units (sectors, companies a.s.o.).
Variaia creterii produsului intern brut
Gross domestic product growth variation 11.G1
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100
1990 1995 2000 2005
2010 2011
Not: Datele pentru anul 2011 sunt semidefinitive.
Note: The data for 2011 are semi-final.
2009 2010 2011
Contribuii la creterea produsului intern brut, pe categorii de resurse
Contributions to gross domestic product growth, by category of resources 11.G2
CAEN Rev.2 / CANE Rev.2
Produsul Intern Brut
Gross Domestic Product
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Impozite nete
Net taxes
Not: Datele pentru anul 2011 sunt semidefinitive.
Note: The data for 2011 are semi-final.
Contribuii la creterea produsului intern brut, pe categorii de utilizri
Contributions to gross domestic product growth, by category of uses 11.G3
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
0,0 0,0
Not: Datele pentru anul 2011 sunt semidefinitive.
Note: The data for 2011 are semi-final.
Produsul Intern Brut
Gross Domestic Product
Consumul final individual efectiv al
gospodriilor populaiei
Households actual individual final consumption
Consumul final colectiv efectiv al
administraiilor publice
Governments actual collective final consumption
Formarea brut de capital fix
Gross fixed capital formation
Export net (export - import)
Net export (export - import)
Variaia stocurilor
Change in inventories
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
2008 2009 2010 2011
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 34126,4 32297,8 29874,2 36438,6 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industria extractiv; industria Mining and quarrying;
prelucrtoare; producia i furnizarea manufacturing; electricity, gas,
de energie electric i termic, gaze, steam and air conditioning
ap cald i aer condiionat; distribuia production and supply; water supply;
apei; salubritate, gestionarea deeurilor, sewerage, waste management
activiti de decontaminare 118239,8 120637,4 148553,1 160927,9 and decontamination activities
Construcii 56130,6 52809,4 47762,3 47563,4 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motor vehicles and motorcycles;
motocicletelor; transport i depozitare; transport and storage;
hoteluri i restaurante 99593,8 94359,5 69740,4 62764,2 hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 20047,9 19520,6 17811,8 17917,4 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 11407,3 11250,1 11681,0 14170,3 Financial intermediation and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 31671,5 32699,0 46250,9 47449,7 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i Professional, scientific and technical
tehnice; activiti de servicii administrative activities; activities of administrative
i activiti de servicii suport 19739,5 20044,0 24716,8 30599,8 servicesand of support services
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri Public administration and defence;
sociale din sistemul public; nvmnt; social insurance of public sector;
sntate i asisten social 55789,9 55668,2 56607,7 55110,2 education; health and social assistance
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i Shows, culture and recreation
recreative; reparaii de produse de activities; repair of household
uz casnic i alte servicii 11788,8 11693,1 13398,8 14385,3 goods and other services
Valoare adugat brut 458535,5 450979,1 466397,0 487326,8 Gross value added
Impozite pe produs
56415,6 50442,9 57516,7 67503,5 Taxes on product
Drepturi asupra importurilor (taxe vamale) 1192,3 923,2 1958,6 2705,4 Import duties
Subvenii pe produs -1443,4 -1205,8 -2179,0 -827,3 Subsidies on product
Produs intern brut Gross domestic product
(PIB) 514700,0 501139,4 523693,3 556708,4 (GDP)
Produs intern brut Gross domestic product
pe locuitor (lei) 23934,6 23341,4 24435,9 26070,0
per inhabitant (lei)
Venit naional brut 499783,1 494328,7 517278,7 549418,7 Gross national income
Produsul intern brut, pe categorii de resurse
Gross domestic product, by category of resources 11.1
Not: Datele sunt prezentate conform CAEN Rev.2.
Note: The data are presented according to CANE Rev.2.
Inclusiv TVA. / Including VAT.
Date provizorii ce urmeaz a fi rectificate dup publicarea rezultatelor finale ale Recensmntului Populaiei i Locuinelor - 2011.
Provisional data to be rectified after the publication of final results of 2011, Population and Housing Census.
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Produsul intern brut 344650,6 416006,8 514700,0 501139,4 523693,3 556708,4 Gross domestic product
Consumul final efectiv 294867,6 344937,0 420917,5 404275,5 419801,2 436485,0 Actual final consumption
Consumul final individual Households actual
efectiv al gospodriilor individual final
populaiei 268441,3 313223,3 381108,1 360402,1 382446,2 401336,8 consumption
Consumul final colectiv Government's actual
efectiv al collective final
administraiilor publice 26426,3 31713,7 39809,4 43873,4 37355,0 35148,2 consumption
Formarea brut de capital fix 88272,0 125645,3 164279,4 122441,9 129421,8 144558,2 Gross fixed capital formation
Variaia stocurilor 2916,3 3213,4 -3382,5 4695,5 4476,8 5351,2 Change in inventories
Exportul net
-41405,3 -57788,9 -67114,4 -30273,5 -30006,5 -29686,0 Net export
Produsul intern brut, pe categorii de utilizri
Gross domestic product, by category of uses 11.2
Not: Datele sunt prezentate conform CAEN Rev.2.
Note: The data are presented according to CANE Rev.2.
Inclusiv TVA. / Including VAT.
Date provizorii ce urmeaz a fi rectificate dup publicarea rezultatelor finale ale Recensmntului Populaiei i Locuinelor - 2011.
Provisional data to be rectified after the publication of final results of 2011, Population and Housing Census.
Export-Import. / Exports-Imports.
anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100
2009 2010 2011
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 96,7 94,5 112,4 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industria extractiv; industria prelucrtoare; Mining and quarrying; manufacturing;
producia i furnizarea de energie electric electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat; production and supply; water supply;
distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea sewerage, waste management and
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 98,6 104,0 100,1 decontamination activities
Construcii 90,1 95,5 93,6 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor; motor vehicles and motorcycles; transport
transport i depozitare; hoteluri i restaurante 89,2 97,6 97,9 and storage; hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 97,5 99,9 101,0 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 91,9 92,3 116,5 Financial intermediation and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 91,9 96,4 103,0 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice; Professional, scientific and technical
activiti de servicii administrative i activities; activities of administrative services
activiti de servicii suport 94,6 98,0 118,7 and of support services
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri Public administration and defence;
sociale din sistemul public; nvmnt; social insurance of public sector;
sntate i asisten social 98,8 97,4 100,0 education; health and social assistance
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative; Shows, culture and recreation activities; repair
reparaii de produse de uz casnic i alte servicii 83,9 77,9 103,1 of household goods and other services
Valoare adugat brut 94,2 98,2 101,7 Gross value added
Impozite pe produs
87,5 104,2 106,2 Taxes on product
Drepturi asupra importurilor (taxe vamale) 76,3 208,8 121,5 Import duties
Subvenii pe produs 83,4 170,8 123,7 Subsidies on product
Produs intern brut pe locuitor 93,6 99,0 102,5
Gross domestic product per inhabitant
Consumul final efectiv 92,6 98,7 100,9 Actual final consumption
Consumul final individual efectiv Households actual individual
al gospodriilor populaiei 90,9 100,2 101,1 final consumption
Consumul final colectiv efectiv Government's actual collective
al administraiilor publice 109,5 86,3 99,7 final consumption
Formarea brut de capital fix 71,9 98,2 107,3 Gross fixed capital formation
Indicii produsului intern brut, pe categorii de resurse i categorii de utilizri
Indices of gross domestic product, by category of resources and
category of uses 11.3
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Valoarea adugat brut 304269,8 368356,3 458535,5 450979,1 466397,0 Gross value added
Societi nefinanciare 175743,6 217038,6 275435,3 268099,6 266218,6 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei 80364,7 93440,2 107662,4 101212,8 122803,4 Households
Societi financiare 6181,6 7897,0 11406,8 11250,1 11681,0 Financial corporations
Administraii publice 39362,9 46937,9 60162,0 66409,5 62412,8 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 2617,0 3042,6 3869,0 4007,1 3281,2 serving households
Excedentul brut de exploatare 174657,9 207399,1 243125,7 249649,1 276376,4 Gross operating surplus
Societi nefinanciare 91649,6 113168,9 134118,1 141417,8 137442,0 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei 72731,9 83420,1 96051,9 89640,0 121521,9 Households
Societi financiare 2011,1 2365,4 4291,9 4987,7 5569,2 Financial corporations
Administraii publice 7901,7 8296,8 8711,7 12960,6 11733,0 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 363,6 147,9 -47,9 643,0 110,3 serving households
Venitul disponibil brut 349557,3 417137,3 523062,4 510514,4 530735,0 Gross disposable income
Societi nefinanciare 63579,7 78415,4 96054,8 114421,8 110991,5 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei 200488,3 241625,2 319086,8 298897,1 319928,5 Households
Societi financiare 5378,8 5131,0 2970,6 9703,1 17237,0 Financial corporations
Administraii publice 72272,2 84034,8 93890,1 79005,1 80526,2 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 7838,3 7930,9 11060,1 8487,3 2051,8 serving households
Consumul final efectiv 294867,6 344937,0 420917,5 404275,5 419801,2 Actual final consumption
Gospodriile populaiei 268441,3 313223,3 381108,1 360402,1 382446,2 Households
Administraii publice 26426,3 31713,7 39809,4 43873,4 37355,0 General government
Economia brut 54689,7 72200,3 102144,9 106238,9 110933,8 Gross savings
Societi nefinanciare 63579,7 78415,4 96054,8 114421,8 110991,5 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei -32646,6 -31792,9 -8840,9 -5770,0 -7313,1 Households
Societi financiare 5378,8 5131,0 2970,6 9703,1 17237,0 Financial corporations
Administraii publice 14859,3 17456,3 6766,2 -13898,5 -4917,7 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 3518,5 2990,5 5194,2 1782,5 -5063,9 serving households
Formarea brut de capital fix 88272,0 125645,3 164279,4 122441,9 129421,8 Gross fixed capital formation
Societi nefinanciare 66104,8 91364,1 123507,0 84726,9 68301,2 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei 2783,4 8284,0 9284,0 9624,6 29886,0 Households
Societi financiare 1497,2 2206,0 2241,3 1014,1 1140,7 Financial corporations
Administraii publice 17673,7 23581,8 28452,5 26490,4 29860,6 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 212,9 209,4 794,6 585,9 233,3 serving households
Capacitatea (+) sau Net lending (+) or
necesarul (-) de finanare -35991,0 -53915,5 -56442,4 -18160,0 -21921,5 net borrowing (-)
Societi nefinanciare -9898,8 -43478,1 -42275,6 15817,4 28128,4 Non-financial corporations
Gospodriile populaiei -25256,4 -5283,2 5522,2 -2194,0 -25358,9 Households
Societi financiare 3440,6 2381,1 1189,4 8635,2 16047,3 Financial corporations
Administraii publice -7646,3 -10465,7 -27930,9 -42433,0 -35746,8 General government
Instituii fr scop lucrativ n Non-profit institutions
serviciul gospodriilor populaiei 3369,9 2930,4 7052,5 2014,4 -4991,5 serving households
Agregatele macroeconomice ale sectoarelor instituionale
Macroeconomic aggregates, by institutional sector 11.4
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Societi nefinanciare
Non-financial corporations
Remunerarea salariailor 87101,9 105548,0 143308,4 129390,0 128715,3
Compensation of employees
Impozite pe producie i importuri 43176,7 51363,1 59936,1 53669,9 62622,4
Taxes on production and imports
Venituri nete din proprietate ale ntreprinderii -19782,4 -23779,6 -24348,0 -16956,9 -19222,4
Net property and entrepreneurial income
Variaia stocurilor 1888,3 2138,8 -2412,9 3011,9 769,6
Change in inventories
Gospodriile populaiei
Salarii nete primite 83083,7 100449,2 140958,7 126475,0 123607,9
Net wages received
Prestaii sociale primite 30358,4 38345,9 53323,0 63537,7 67692,9
Social benefits received
Impozite curente pe venit i patrimoniu 10519,8 14539,2 18397,3 19006,3 19117,0
Current taxes on income and wealth
Cotizaii sociale vrsate 35604,2 43639,1 51988,2 51260,6 51144,6
Social contributions paid
Administraii publice
General government
Total venituri fiscale 64876,7 79257,7 94865,4 86511,9 93882,9
Total fiscal revenues
Cotizaii sociale efective primite 33656,5 40847,5 48625,4 47596,0 45781,4
Actual social contributions received
Prestaii sociale vrsate 30358,4 38345,9 53323,0 63537,7 67690,7
Social benefits granted
Subvenii 6113,5 5747,5 5764,8 4163,8 2930,2
Transferuri nete de capital -4863,5 -4335,7 -6104,8 -2018,9 -741,9
Net capital transfers
Societi financiare
Financial corporations
Dobnzi primite 12445,9 18754,0 6651,3 36855,4 32412,0
Interests received
Dobnzi vrsate 9960,0 16427,5 8518,2 31494,9 25388,6
Interests paid
Restul lumii
Rest of the world
Exporturi de bunuri i servicii 111250,3 121895,7 156629,3 153355,5 185499,7
Exports of goods and services
Importuri de bunuri i servicii 152655,6 179684,6 223743,7 183629,0 215506,2
Imports of goods and services
Soldul operaiilor de repartiie 5414,3 3873,4 10672,0 12113,5 8085,0
Balance of distributive transactions
Capacitatea (+) sau necesarul (-) de finanare a naiunii -35991,0 -53915,5 -56442,4 -18160,0 -21921,5
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of the nation
Indicatori specifici ai sectoarelor instituionale
Specific indicators for institutional sector 11.5
lei preuri curente / lei current prices
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Produsul intern brut 15967,6 19315,4 23934,6 23341,4 24435,9
Gross domestic product
Venitul disponibil brut 16194,9 19367,9 24323,5 23778,1 24764,5
Gross disposable income
Consumul final individual efectiv al gospodriilor populaiei 12436,8 14543,1 17722,3 16786,3 17845,2
Households actual individual final consumption
Economia brut a gospodriilor populaiei -1512,5 -1476,2 -411,1 -268,7 -341,2
Gross saving of households
Capacitatea (+) sau necesarul (-) de finanare a gospodriilor populaiei -1170,1 -245,3 256,8 -102,2 -1183,3
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of households
Principalele agregate, pe locuitor
Main aggregates, per inhabitant 11.6
procente / percentage
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Rata de investiii a sectorului societi nefinanciare
37,6 42,1 44,8 31,6 25,7
Investment ratio of non-financial corporations sector
Rata de autofinanare a sectorului societi nefinanciare
87,1 65,4 70,1 115,7 133,5
Self-financing ratio of non-financial corporations sector
Rata de economie financiar a gospodriilor populaiei
-12,6 -2,2 1,7 -0,7 -7,9
Financial saving ratio of households
Rata de economie a gospodriilor populaiei
-16,3 -13,2 -2,8 -1,9 -2,3
Saving ratio of households
Rata de economie financiar a naiunii
-10,3 -12,9 -10,8 -3,6 -4,1
Financial saving ratio of the nation
Rata excedentului brut
57,4 56,3 53,0 55,4 59,3
Gross operating surplus ratio
Rata de presiune fiscal
18,8 19,1 18,4 17,3 17,9
Fiscal ratio
Rata de presiune social
9,8 9,8 9,4 9,5 8,7
Social ratio
Ponderea capacitii (+) sau necesarului (-) de finanare a naiunii n PIB
-10,4 -13,0 -11,0 -3,6 -4,2
Weight of lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of the nation in GDP
Rate specifice conturilor naionale
Ratios specific to national accounts 11.7
Formarea brut de capital fix a sectorului societi nefinanciare: Valoarea adugat brut a sectorului societi nefinanciare x 100.
Gross fixed capital formation of non-financial corporations sector: Gross value added of non-financial corporations sector x 100.
(Economia brut+Transferuri nete de capital): (Formarea brut de capital fix + Variaia stocurilor + Achiziii minus cedri de active
nefinanciare neproduse) x 100. / (Gross saving+Net capital transfers): (Gross fixed capital formation+Change in inventories+Acquisitions
less disposals of non financial non produced assets) x 100.
(Capacitatea (+) sau necesarul de finanare (-) a gospodriilor populaiei: Venitul disponibil brut al gospodriilor populaiei) x 100.
(Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of households: Gross disposable income of households) x 100.
Economia brut a gospodriilor populaiei: Venitul disponibil brut al gospodriilor populaiei x 100.
Gross saving of households: Gross disposable income of households x 100.
Capacitatea (necesarul) de finanare a (al) economiei naionale: Venitul disponibil brut al economiei naionale x 100.
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of national economy: Gross disposable income of national economy x 100.
Total excedent brut de exploatare: Valoarea adugat brut a economiei naionale x 100.
Gross operating surplus of national economy: Gross value added of national economy x 100.
(Impozite pe producie i importuri + Impozite curente pe venit i patrimoniu): Produsul intern brut x 100.
(Taxes on production and imports + Current taxes on income and on wealth): Gross domestic product x 100.
Cotizaiile sociale efective primite de administraiile publice: Produsul intern brut x 100.
Total actual social contributions of general government: Gross domestic product x 100.
Capacitatea (necesarul) de finanare a (al) economiei naionale: Produsul intern brut x 100.
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of national economy: Gross domestic product x 100.
2008 2009
din care: / of which: din care:
Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) Total Lucrtori Total
Salariai pe cont Salariai
Employees propriu Employees
Total 9365,9 6512,9 2853,0 9181,0 6241,7
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2767,8 292,1 2475,7 2764,2 190,2
Industria extractiv; industria prelucrtoare;
producia i furnizarea de energie electric
i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat;
distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 2217,9 2189,0 28,9 2008,0 1979,6
Construcii 733,1 577,9 155,2 724,4 564,7
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul;
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor;
transport i depozitare; hoteluri i restaurante 1756,4 1619,3 137,1 1746,8 1635,4
Informaii i comunicaii 123,5 121,9 1,6 122,1 120,1
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 98,0 96,5 1,5 91,5 89,8
Tranzacii imobiliare 59,7 59,3 0,4 46,9 46,8
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice;
activiti de servicii administrative i
activiti de servicii suport 274,8 263,3 11,5 314,8 298,7
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri
sociale din sistemul public; nvmnt;
sntate i asisten social 1083,1 1074,9 8,2 1114,6 1105,0
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative;
reparaii de produse de uz casnic i alte servicii 251,6 218,7 32,9 247,7 211,4
Populaia ocupat, pe activiti ale economiei naionale i
dup statutul profesional
Employment, by activity of national economy and
by status of employment 11.8
mii persoane / thou persons
2009 2010
of which: din care: / of which:
Lucrtori Total Lucrtori Activity (CANE Rev. 2 division)
pe cont Salariai pe cont
propriu Employees propriu
Self-employed Self-employed
2939,3 9156,1 6026,6 3129,5 Total
2574,0 2896,2 198,6 2697,6 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Mining and quarrying; manufacturing;
electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
production and supply; water supply;
sewerage, waste management and
28,4 1931,6 1896,6 35,0 decontamination activities
159,7 701,6 516,1 185,5 Construction
Wholesale and retail; repair of
motor vehicles and motorcycles; transport
111,4 1715,1 1595,9 119,2 and storage; hotels and restaurants
2,0 124,5 120,9 3,6 Information and communication
1,7 91,7 90,1 1,6 Financial intermediation and insurance
0,1 39,4 38,1 1,3 Real estate activities
Professional, scientific and technical
activities; activities of administrative services
16,1 304,2 284,1 20,1 and of support services
Public administration and defence;
social insurance of public sector;
9,6 1117,1 1106,4 10,7 education; health and social assistance
Shows, culture and recreation activities;
36,3 234,7 179,8 54,9 repair of household goods and other services
2008 2009
din care: / of which: din care:
Activitatea (diviziuni CAEN Rev. 2) Total Lucrtori Total
Salariai pe cont Salariai
Employees propriu Employees
Total 17593168,7 12629990,6 4963178,1 17148741,8 12037409,6
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 4789346,8 552192,5 4237154,3 4779092,3 358538,2
Industria extractiv; industria prelucrtoare;
producia i furnizarea de energie electric
i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat;
distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 4268953,6 4213077,5 55876,1 3814940,6 3762824,2
Construcii 1440127,9 1138571,2 301556,7 1415411,5 1107676,9
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul;
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor;
transport i depozitare; hoteluri i restaurante 3474499,6 3206682,0 267817,6 3450035,7 3237333,7
Informaii i comunicaii 243287,3 240290,0 2997,3 236462,8 232526,2
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 187406,4 184573,3 2833,1 171140,0 168346,7
Tranzacii imobiliare 115186,7 114483,2 703,5 88338,6 88102,7
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice;
activiti de servicii administrative i
activiti de servicii suport 526501,7 505234,3 21267,4 601680,1 572094,3
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri
sociale din sistemul public; nvmnt;
sntate i asisten social 2072181,6 2056814,1 15367,5 2122355,7 2105368,1
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative;
reparaii de produse de uz casnic i alte servicii 475677,1 418072,5 57604,6 469284,5 404598,6
Ore lucrate de populaia ocupat, pe activiti ale economiei naionale i
dup statutul profesional
Hours worked by employment, by activity of national economy and by
status of employment 11.9
mii ore / thou hours
2009 2010
of which: din care: / of which:
Lucrtori Total Lucrtori Activity (CANE Rev. 2 division)
pe cont Salariai pe cont
propriu Employees propriu
Self-employed Self-employed
5111332,2 17036438,7 11486567,7 5549871,0 Total
4420554,1 5106047,6 377777,2 4728270,4 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Mining and quarrying; manufacturing;
electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
production and supply; water supply;
sewerage, waste management and
52116,4 3680730,9 3614428,6 66302,3 decontamination activities
307734,6 1358751,1 1002477,3 356273,8 Construction
Wholesale and retail; repair of
motor vehicles and motorcycles; transport
212702,0 3302000,6 3074542,7 227457,9 and storage; hotels and restaurants
3936,6 236702,7 230224,7 6478,0 Information and communication
2793,3 174672,3 171522,0 3150,3 Financial intermediation and insurance
235,9 74989,2 72595,2 2394,0 Real estate activities
Professional, scientific and technical
activities; activities of administrative services
29585,8 577910,0 540112,2 37797,8 and of support services
Public administration and defence;
social insurance of public sector;
16987,6 2083202,2 2063583,0 19619,2 education; health and social assistance
Shows, culture and recreation activities;
64685,9 441432,1 339304,8 102127,3 repair of household goods and other services
lei / persoan / lei / person
Activitatea Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2008 2009 2010 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
Total 48958,0 49120,9 50938,4 Total
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 12329,8 11684,3 10315,0 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industria extractiv; industria Mining and quarrying; manufacturing;
prelucrtoare; producia i furnizarea electricity, gas, steam and
de energie electric i termic, gaze, air conditioning production
ap cald i aer condiionat; distribuia and supply; water supply;
apei; salubritate, gestionarea deeurilor, sewerage, waste management and
activiti de decontaminare 53311,6 60078,4 76906,8 decontamination activities
Construcii 76566,1 72900,9 68076,3 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motor vehicles and motorcycles;
motocicletelor; transport i depozitare; transport and storage;
hoteluri i restaurante 56703,4 54018,5 40662,6 hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 162331,2 159873,9 143066,7 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 116401,0 122951,9 127382,8 Financial intermediation and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 530510,9 697206,8 1173880,7 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i Professional, scientific and technical
tehnice; activiti de servicii administrative activities; activities of administrative
i activiti de servicii suport 71832,2 63672,2 81251,8 services and of support services
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri Public administration and defence;
sociale din sistemul public; nvmnt; social insurance of public sector;
sntate i asisten social 51509,5 49944,6 50673,8 education; health and social assistance
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i Shows, culture and recreation
recreative; reparaii de produse de activities; repair of household goods
uz casnic i alte servicii 46855,3 47206,7 57089,0 and other services
Productivitatea muncii, pe persoan ocupat
Labour productivity, by employed person 11.10
lei / or / lei / hour
Activitatea Activity
(diviziuni CAEN Rev.2) 2008 2009 2010 (CANE Rev.2 divisions)
Total 26,1 26,3 27,4 Total
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 7,1 6,8 5,9 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Industria extractiv; industria prelucrtoare; Mining and quarrying; manufacturing;
producia i furnizarea de energie electric electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
i termic, gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat; production and supply; water supply;
distribuia apei; salubritate, gestionarea sewerage, waste management and
deeurilor, activiti de decontaminare 27,7 31,6 40,4 decontamination activities
Construcii 39,0 37,3 35,2 Construction
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; Wholesale and retail; repair of
repararea autovehiculelor i motocicletelor; motor vehicles and motorcycles; transport
transport i depozitare; hoteluri i restaurante 28,7 27,4 21,1 and storage; hotels and restaurants
Informaii i comunicaii 82,4 82,6 75,2 Information and communication
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 60,9 65,7 66,9 Financial intermediation and insurance
Tranzacii imobiliare 275,0 370,2 616,8 Real estate activities
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice; Professional, scientific and technical
activiti de servicii administrative i activities; activities of administrative services
activiti de servicii suport 37,5 33,3 42,8 and of support services
Administraie public i aprare; asigurri Public administration and defence;
sociale din sistemul public; nvmnt; social insurance of public sector;
sntate i asisten social 26,9 26,2 27,2 education; health and social assistance
Activiti de spectacole, culturale i recreative; Shows, culture and recreation activities;
reparaii de produse de uz casnic i alte servicii 24,8 24,9 30,4 repair of household goods and other services
Productivitatea orar a muncii
Labour productivity per hour worked 11.11
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2008 73276,6 39150,2 34126,4
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2009 67468,3 35170,5 32297,8
2010 64441,0 34566,8 29874,2
Agricultur, vntoare i servicii anexe 2008 70314,1 37901,5 32412,6
Crop and animal production, hunting and 2009 64320,4 33780,2 30540,2
related service activities 2010 60478,1 32637,1 27841,0
Silvicultur i exploatare forestier 2008 2797,8 1128,4 1669,4
Forestry and logging 2009 2780,5 1123,2 1657,3
2010 3782,3 1902,8 1879,5
Pescuit i acvacultur 2008 164,7 120,3 44,4
Fishing and aquaculture 2009 367,4 267,1 100,3
2010 180,6 26,9 153,7
Industria extractiv 2008 13728,9 8554,5 5174,4
Mining and quarrying 2009 15711,3 9796,6 5914,7
2010 17719,0 9047,0 8672,0
Industria prelucrtoare 2008 280183,7 179193,0 100990,7
Manufacturing 2009 267268,8 168082,0 99186,8
2010 283309,2 170151,0 113158,2
Industria alimentar, fabricarea buturilor 2008 73368,2 45977,6 27390,6
i a produselor din tutun 2009 71090,4 44427,0 26663,4
Manufacture of food products, beverages 2010 70717,9 41780,3 28937,6
and tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile, a articolelor de mbrcminte 2008 20729,5 12099,6 8629,9
i a produselor din piele 2009 18878,6 11152,0 7726,6
Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel and leather products 2010 19500,3 8413,2 11087,1
Fabricarea lemnului i a produselor din hrtie i poligrafie 2008 17783,5 10268,8 7514,7
Manufacture of wood and paper products, and printing 2009 17999,7 10399,3 7600,4
2010 16668,1 8589,5 8078,6
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor din lemn 2008 9636,9 5672,2 3964,7
i plut, cu excepia mobilei; fabricarea articolelor 2009 9810,4 5802,8 4007,6
din paie i din alte materiale vegetale mpletite 2010 10314,5 5162,1 5152,4
Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork,
except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and
plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie 2008 4840,5 2878,9 1961,6
Manufacture of paper and paper products 2009 4096,5 2455,2 1641,3
2010 2940,9 1825,9 1115,0
Tiprirea i reproducerea pe supori a nregistrrilor 2008 3306,1 1717,7 1588,4
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 2009 4092,8 2141,3 1951,5
2010 3412,7 1601,5 1811,2
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a produselor 2008 18541,8 13834,8 4707,0
obinute prin prelucrarea ieiului 2009 13979,5 10514,7 3464,8
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 2010 11973,3 10328,3 1645,0
Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity 11.12
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor chimice 2008 13293,2 10299,9 2993,3
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 2009 11126,7 8633,3 2493,4
2010 11476,4 9799,6 1676,8
Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de baz i 2008 1952,9 966,1 986,8
a preparatelor farmaceutice 2009 2871,9 1434,2 1437,7
Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products 2010 2546,4 2261,5 284,9
and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice i a 2008 26889,4 17218,4 9671,0
altor produse din minerale nemetalice 2009 24035,8 15456,5 8579,3
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products and other 2010 23474,5 18416,1 5058,4
non-metallic mineral products
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice 2008 11031,0 6908,6 4122,4
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 2009 11787,2 7384,3 4402,9
2010 12224,7 9809,6 2415,1
Fabricarea altor produse din minerale nemetalice 2008 15858,4 10309,8 5548,6
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 2009 12248,6 8072,2 4176,4
2010 11249,8 8606,5 2643,3
Industria metalurgic i a produselor din metal 2008 38194,0 28061,5 10132,5
Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products 2009 26529,5 18623,2 7906,3
2010 37603,3 25652,3 11951,0
Industria metalurgic 2008 22925,0 19415,9 3509,1
Manufacture of basic metals 2009 12693,6 10747,3 1946,3
2010 23615,9 14686,4 8929,5
Industria construciilor metalice i a produselor din metal, 2008 15269,0 8645,6 6623,4
exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 2009 13835,9 7875,9 5960,0
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, 2010 13987,4 10965,9 3021,5
except machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a produselor electronice i optice 2008 8791,8 4996,8 3795,0
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 2009 10003,4 5675,5 4327,9
2010 12365,5 3824,8 8540,7
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 2008 9536,7 5321,9 4214,8
Manufacture of electrical equipment 2009 9367,4 5237,4 4130,0
2010 11639,8 6096,7 5543,1
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i echipamente n.c.a. 2008 9246,2 5614,1 3632,1
Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 2009 9415,6 5723,3 3692,3
2010 10802,8 6339,3 4463,5
Industria mijloacelor de transport 2008 28786,5 16294,4 12492,1
Manufacture of transport equipment 2009 37867,6 21441,2 16426,4
2010 37313,2 20629,9 16683,3
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport rutier, 2008 22314,7 11854,4 10460,3
a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 2009 29773,5 15875,8 13897,7
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 2010 30798,9 16422,7 14376,2
Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.12
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 2008 6471,8 4440,0 2031,8
Manufacture of other transport equipment 2009 8094,1 5565,4 2528,7
2010 6514,3 4207,2 2307,1
Fabricarea mobilei; alte activiti industriale n.c.a., 2008 13070,0 8239,1 4830,9
repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea mainilor 2009 14102,7 9364,4 4738,3
i echipamentelor 2010 17227,7 8019,5 9208,2
Manufacture of furniture; other manufacturing
activities n.e.c.; repair maintenance and installation
of machinery and equipment
Fabricarea mobilei; alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 2008 10030,7 5868,5 4162,2
Manufacture of furniture; other manufacturing 2009 9125,0 5488,2 3636,8
activities n.e.c. 2010 8830,1 5034,6 3795,5
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea 2008 3039,3 2370,6 668,7
mainilor i echipamentelor 2009 4977,7 3876,2 1101,5
Repair maintenance and installation of 2010 8397,6 2984,9 5412,7
machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i termic, 2008 49845,8 40133,6 9712,2
gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 2009 62219,1 49957,5 12261,6
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 2010 54178,6 34771,8 19406,8
Distribuia apei, salubritate, gestionarea deeurilor 2008 5143,9 2781,4 2362,5
i activiti de decontaminare 2009 7607,4 4333,1 3274,3
Water supply, sewerage, waste management 2010 14919,5 7603,4 7316,1
and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea i distribuia apei 2008 1739,3 977,3 762,0
Water catchment, treatment and distribution 2009 2094,0 1172,5 921,5
2010 2186,9 1653,2 533,7
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate; colectarea, tratarea i 2008 3404,6 1804,1 1600,5
eliminarea deeurilor; activiti de recuperare a 2009 5513,4 3160,6 2352,8
materialelor reciclabile; activiti i servicii de decontaminare 2010 12732,6 5950,2 6782,4
Used water collection and purification, waste collection,
purification and disposal; activities of recycling materials
recovery; activities and services of decontamination
Construcii 2008 119820,3 63689,7 56130,6
Construction 2009 115139,9 62330,5 52809,4
2010 132595,7 84833,4 47762,3
Comerul cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; repararea 2008 90475,9 36481,1 53994,8
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 2009 78746,3 31777,4 46968,9
Wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2010 98765,2 72592,0 26173,2
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; ntreinerea i repararea 2008 5583,6 3662,1 1921,5
autovehiculelor i a motocicletelor 2009 3481,6 2288,0 1193,6
Wholesale and retail and repair of motor vehicles 2010 9784,6 5182,0 4602,6
and motorcycles
Comer cu ridicata, cu excepia comerului cu 2008 49205,8 17148,3 32057,5
autovehicule i motociclete 2009 43599,5 15522,6 28076,9
Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2010 51028,6 41380,5 9648,1
Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.12
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Comer cu amnuntul, cu excepia autovehiculelor i 2008 35686,5 15670,7 20015,8
motocicletelor 2009 31665,2 13966,8 17698,4
Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2010 37952,0 26029,5 11922,5
Transport i depozitare 2008 67310,4 30239,4 37071,0
Transport and storage 2009 72404,0 33471,0 38933,0
2010 82697,5 44282,1 38415,4
Transporturi terestre i transporturi prin conducte 2008 50983,7 22276,5 28707,2
Land transport and transport via pipelines 2009 54875,7 24697,3 30178,4
2010 61189,4 32476,6 28712,8
Transporturi pe ap 2008 1108,4 799,0 309,4
Water transport 2009 1414,5 1019,6 394,9
2010 1644,3 1109,3 535,0
Transporturi aeriene 2008 2542,7 1541,3 1001,4
Air transport 2009 2662,4 1610,0 1052,4
2010 3391,1 2053,2 1337,9
Depozitare i activiti auxiliare pentru transporturi 2008 10241,0 4748,1 5492,9
Warehousing and support activities for transportation 2009 10762,9 5175,8 5587,1
2010 13659,6 7666,9 5992,7
Activiti de pot i de curier 2008 2434,6 874,5 1560,1
Postal and courier activities 2009 2688,5 968,3 1720,2
2010 2813,1 976,1 1837,0
Hoteluri i alte faciliti de cazare; restaurante 2008 20320,8 11792,8 8528,0
i alte activiti de servicii de alimentaie public 2009 20327,8 11870,2 8457,6
Hotels and other accommodation facilities; 2010 14126,8 8975,0 5151,8
restaurants and other catering services
Informaii i comunicaii 2008 33300,4 13252,5 20047,9
Information and communication 2009 32926,1 13405,5 19520,6
2010 38159,3 20347,5 17811,8
Activiti de editare, audiovizual i radiodifuziune 2008 6509,4 3576,0 2933,4
Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities 2009 6280,6 3493,2 2787,4
2010 6995,1 4935,4 2059,7
Activiti de editare 2008 3062,9 1930,0 1132,9
Publishing activities 2009 3053,6 1925,7 1127,9
2010 3548,6 2453,8 1094,8
Activiti de producie cinematografic, video i de programe 2008 3446,5 1646,0 1800,5
de televiziune; nregistrri audio i activiti de editare 2009 3227,0 1567,5 1659,5
muzical; activiti de difuzare i transmitere de programe 2010 3446,5 2481,6 964,9
Motion picture, video and television programme production,
sound recording and music publishing activities;
programming and broadcasting activities
Telecomunicaii 2008 18937,2 6794,6 12142,6
Telecommunications 2009 19434,0 7180,8 12253,2
2010 18898,0 9515,5 9382,5
Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.12
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Activiti de servicii n tehnologia informaiei; 2008 7853,8 2881,9 4971,9
activiti de servicii informatice 2009 7211,5 2731,5 4480,0
Computer programming, consultancy and related 2010 12266,2 5896,6 6369,6
activities; information service activities
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 2008 20664,3 9257,0 11407,3
Financial and insurance intermediation 2009 19032,0 7781,9 11250,1
2010 18722,6 7041,6 11681,0
Intermedieri financiare, cu excepia activitilor de asigurri 2008 11711,7 6403,7 5308,0
i ale fondurilor de pensii 2009 11460,8 5808,3 5652,5
Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding 2010 15455,6 5434,0 10021,6
Activiti de asigurri, reasigurri i ale fondurilor de pensii 2008 3753,8 1929,5 1824,3
(cu excepia celor din sistemul public de asigurri sociale) 2009 3481,1 1333,0 2148,1
Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding (except 2010 2711,2 1581,0 1130,2
compulsory social security)
Activiti auxiliare intermedierilor financiare, 2008 5198,8 923,8 4275,0
activiti de asigurare i fonduri de pensii 2009 4090,1 640,6 3449,5
Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, 2010 555,8 26,6 529,2
insurance activities and pension funds
Tranzacii imobiliare 2008 54536,0 22864,5 31671,5
Real estate activities 2009 56484,3 23785,3 32699,0
2010 55671,7 9420,8 46250,9
Chirii imputate pentru locuinele ocupate de proprietari 2008 42030,2 21055,5 20974,7
Imputed rents of owner-occupied dwellings 2009 44530,9 18571,2 25959,7
2010 44334,8 4513,2 39821,6
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice 2008 30576,7 17281,8 13294,9
Professional, scientific and technical activities 2009 31286,0 17384,9 13901,1
2010 35814,3 20991,1 14823,2
Activiti juridice i de contabilitate; activiti ale direciilor 2008 17169,5 9333,1 7836,4
(centralelor), birourilor administrative centralizate; activiti 2009 18726,6 9992,9 8733,7
de management i de consultan n management; activiti de 2010 24623,1 11879,2 12743,9
arhitectur i inginerie; activiti de testri i analiz tehnic
Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices;
management consultancy activities; architectural and
engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
Activiti juridice i de contabilitate; activiti ale direciilor 2008 9137,2 5568,4 3568,8
(centralelor), birourilor administrative centralizate; activiti 2009 9833,1 5768,3 4064,8
de management i de consultan n management 2010 14568,5 7923,1 6645,4
Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices;
management consultancy activities
Activiti de arhitectur i inginerie; activiti de testri 2008 8032,3 3764,7 4267,6
i analiz tehnic 2009 8893,5 4224,6 4668,9
Architectural and engineering activities; technical 2010 10054,6 3956,1 6098,5
testing and analysis
Cercetare - dezvoltare 2008 3858,1 2311,1 1547,0
Scientific research - development 2009 3536,6 2118,0 1418,6
2010 2386,8 1571,9 814,9
Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.12
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Publicitate i activiti de studiere a pieei; alte activiti 2008 9549,1 5637,6 3911,5
profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice; activiti veterinare 2009 9022,8 5274,0 3748,8
Advertising and market research; other professional, 2010 8804,4 7540,0 1264,4
scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities
Publicitate i activiti de studiere a pieei 2008 8412,3 4725,9 3686,4
Advertising and market research 2009 7826,6 4306,6 3520,0
2010 7165,0 6384,3 780,7
Alte activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice; 2008 1136,8 911,7 225,1
activiti veterinare 2009 1196,2 967,4 228,8
Other professional, scientific and technical activities; 2010 1639,4 1155,7 483,7
veterinary activities
Activiti de secretariat i activiti de servicii suport 2008 15085,3 8640,7 6444,6
Office administrative and support service activities 2009 14902,5 8759,6 6142,9
2010 16164,1 6270,5 9893,6
Activiti de nchiriere i leasing 2008 1871,2 1144,1 727,1
Rental and leasing activities 2009 2023,7 1232,5 791,2
2010 2230,9 678,7 1552,2
Activiti de servicii privind fora de munc 2008 1011,0 748,5 262,5
Employment activities 2009 1007,1 769,8 237,3
2010 1404,6 246,5 1158,1
Activiti ale ageniilor turistice i a tur-operatorilor; 2008 3410,6 1175,7 2234,9
alte servicii de rezervare i asisten turistic 2009 2914,4 1071,1 1843,3
Travel agency, tour operator reservation service 2010 2812,3 2309,3 503,0
and related activities
Activiti de investigaii i protecie; activiti de peisagistic 2008 8792,5 5572,4 3220,1
i servicii pentru cldiri; activiti de secretariat, servicii suport 2009 8957,3 5686,2 3271,1
i alte activiti de servicii prestate n principal ntreprinderilor 2010 9716,3 3036,0 6680,3
Security and investigation activities; services to buildings
and landscape activities; office administrative, office support
and other business support activities
Administraie public i aprare, asigurri sociale din sistemul public 2008 31359,8 7016,0 24343,8
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security 2009 30440,9 5874,6 24566,3
2010 29458,1 7115,1 22343,0
nvmnt 2008 24590,5 7080,5 17510,0
Education 2009 24193,3 6993,4 17199,9
2010 22260,3 3820,7 18439,6
Sntate i asisten social 2008 29197,9 15261,8 13936,1
Health and social assistance 2009 31673,4 17771,4 13902,0
2010 27226,5 11401,4 15825,1
Activiti referitoare la sntatea uman 2008 29174,8 15249,7 13925,1
Human health activities 2009 31657,6 17765,2 13892,4
2010 26954,0 11339,8 15614,2
Activiti de asisten social 2008 23,1 12,1 11,0
Social work activities 2009 15,8 6,2 9,6
2010 272,5 61,6 210,9
Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.12
milioane lei preuri curente / lei million current prices
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Activiti de spectacole, culturale I recreative 2008 10022,7 6349,6 3673,1
Arts, entertainment and recreation 2009 14132,7 9178,4 4954,3
2010 11126,4 3692,0 7434,4
Activiti de creaie i interpretare artistic; activiti 2008 5149,5 3420,8 1728,7
ale bibliotecilor,arhivelor, muzeelor i alte activiti culturale; 2009 8623,7 5866,2 2757,5
activiti de jocuri de noroc i pariuri 2010 10148,2 3078,9 7069,3
Creative, arts and entertainment activities; libraries,
archives, museums and other cultural activities;
gambling and betting activities
Activiti sportive, recreative i distractive 2008 4873,2 2928,8 1944,4
Sports activities and amusement and 2009 5509,0 3312,2 2196,8
recreation activities 2010 978,2 613,1 365,1
Alte activiti de servicii 2008 16231,0 8115,3 8115,7
Other service activities 2009 15032,2 8293,4 6738,8
2010 12980,9 7016,5 5964,4
Activiti asociative diverse 2008 9135,9 4698,1 4437,8
Activities of membership organisations 2009 8577,5 5119,9 3457,6
2010 9014,0 5703,6 3310,4
Reparaii de calculatoare, de articole personale 2008 1320,5 633,9 686,6
i de uz gospodresc 2009 1084,7 524,8 559,9
Repair of computers and personal and 2010 1301,8 454,0 847,8
household goods
Alte activiti de servicii 2008 5774,6 2783,3 2991,3
Other personal service activities 2009 5370,0 2648,7 2721,3
2010 2665,1 858,9 1806,2
Total 2008 985670,9 527135,4 458535,5
2009 976996,3 526017,2 450979,1
2010 1030336,7 563939,7 466397,0
Impozite pe produs
2008 56415,6
Taxes on product
2009 50442,9
2010 57516,7
Drepturi asupra importurilor (taxe vamale) 2008 1192,3
Import duties 2009 923,2
2010 1958,6
Subvenii pe produs 2008 -1443,4
Subsidies on product 2009 -1205,8
2010 -2179,0
Produs intern brut 2008 514700,0
Gross domestic product 2009 501139,4
2010 523693,3
Producia, consumul intermediar i valoarea adugat brut,
pe activiti - continuare
Production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.12
Not: Datele sunt prezentate conform CAEN Rev.2.
Note: The data are presented according to CANE Rev.2.
Inclusiv TVA. / Including VAT.
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Agricultur, silvicultur i pescuit 2009 96,9 97,1 96,7
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2010 88,8 83,6 94,5
Agricultur, vntoare i servicii anexe 2009 97,0 97,1 96,8
Crop and animal production, hunting 2010 87,3 82,3 92,9
and related service activities
Silvicultur i exploatare forestier 2009 94,4 94,6 94,3
Forestry and logging 2010 129,2 131,6 127,5
Pescuit i acvacultur 2009 107,4 107,8 106,3
Fishing and aquaculture 2010 48,3 47,1 51,7
Industria extractiv 2009 104,7 104,1 105,7
Mining and quarrying 2010 110,8 106,7 117,6
Industria prelucrtoare 2009 94,5 93,5 96,3
Manufacturing 2010 101,5 100,7 102,9
Industria alimentar, fabricarea buturilor 2009 99,8 99,9 99,6
i a produselor din tutun 2010 95,6 92,1 101,5
Manufacture of food products, beverages
and tobacco products
Fabricarea produselor textile, a articolelor de 2009 82,3 82,0 82,7
mbrcminte i a produselor din piele 2010 97,7 95,1 101,5
Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel and
leather products
Fabricarea lemnului i a produselor din 2009 105,3 105,1 105,5
hrtie i poligrafie 2010 91,7 89,4 94,8
Manufacture of wood and paper products,
and printing
Prelucrarea lemnului, fabricarea produselor din 2009 109,9 109,6 110,3
lemn i plut, cu excepia mobilei; 2010 105,3 102,1 109,9
fabricarea articolelor din paie i din alte
materiale vegetale mpletite
Manufacture of wood and of products of wood
and cork, except furniture; manufacture of
articles of straw and plaiting materials
Fabricarea hrtiei i a produselor din hrtie 2009 91,4 91,3 91,5
Manufacture of paper and paper products 2010 70,5 68,4 73,7
Tiprirea i reproducerea pe supori a nregistrrilor 2009 112,1 113,5 110,6
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 2010 80,2 78,8 81,7
Fabricarea produselor de cocserie i a produselor 2009 94,0 94,8 91,6
obinute prin prelucrarea ieiului 2010 67,9 66,8 71,4
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products
Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity 11.13
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Fabricarea substanelor i a produselor chimice 2009 87,0 85,7 91,5
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 2010 104,1 103,3 107,0
Fabricarea produselor farmaceutice de baz i a 2009 102,4 103,0 101,7
preparatelor farmaceutice 2010 70,9 70,9 71,0
Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products
and pharmaceutical preparations
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice i a 2009 85,5 85,7 85,0
altor produse din minerale nemetalice 2010 97,1 96,6 98,1
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products and other
non-metallic mineral products
Fabricarea produselor din cauciuc i mase plastice 2009 101,6 102,0 100,9
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 2010 100,1 99,7 100,8
Fabricarea altor produse din minerale nemetalice 2009 74,2 74,8 73,1
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 2010 94,3 93,8 95,2
Industria metalurgic i a produselor din metal 2009 75,2 72,9 81,5
Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products 2010 132,8 138,4 119,8
Industria metalurgic 2009 65,8 65,6 66,6
Manufacture of basic metals 2010 168,7 167,2 176,8
Industria construciilor metalice i a produselor 2009 89,2 89,1 89,4
din metal, exclusiv maini, utilaje i instalaii 2010 99,9 99,0 101,2
Manufacture of fabricated metal products,
except machinery and equipment
Fabricarea calculatoarelor i a produselor 2009 106,3 106,7 105,8
electronice i optice 2010 120,2 118,1 122,9
Manufacture of computer, electronic
and optical products
Fabricarea echipamentelor electrice 2009 104,1 104,5 103,5
Manufacture of electrical equipment 2010 123,1 122,1 124,3
Fabricarea de maini, utilaje i echipamente n.c.a. 2009 92,6 92,8 92,3
Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 2010 111,5 110,9 112,4
Industria mijloacelor de transport 2009 113,1 112,4 114,0
Manufacture of transport equipment 2010 95,4 93,5 97,8
Fabricarea autovehiculelor de transport rutier, 2009 116,3 116,1 116,5
a remorcilor i semiremorcilor 2010 100,0 99,0 101,2
Manufacture of motor vehicles,
trailers and semi-trailers
Fabricarea altor mijloace de transport 2009 102,2 102,7 101,1
Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c. 2010 78,2 77,8 79,0
Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.13
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Fabricarea mobilei; alte activiti industriale n.c.a., 2009 97,4 100,3 92,6
repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea mainilor i echipamentelor 2010 116,9 119,8 111,4
Manufacture of furniture; other manufacturing activities n.e.c.;
repair maintenance and installation of machinery and equipment
Fabricarea mobilei; alte activiti industriale n.c.a. 2009 89,6 91,0 87,6
Manufacture of furniture; other manufacturing 2010 93,9 93,0 95,2
activities n.e.c.
Repararea, ntreinerea i instalarea 2009 123,3 123,2 123,5
mainilor i echipamentelor 2010 159,3 157,7 164,7
Repair maintenance and installation of
machinery and equipment
Producia i furnizarea de energie electric i termic, 2009 114,3 113,9 116,1
gaze, ap cald i aer condiionat 2010 84,4 83,6 87,5
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Distribuia apei, salubritate, gestionarea deeurilor 2009 108,6 108,9 108,3
i activiti de decontaminare 2010 175,5 176,1 174,8
Water supply, sewerage, waste management
and decontamination activities
Captarea, tratarea i distribuia apei 2009 108,8 109,1 108,4
Water catchment, treatment and distribution 2010 97,1 97,4 96,6
Colectarea i epurarea apelor uzate; colectarea, tratarea 2009 108,6 108,8 108,3
i eliminarea deeurilor; activiti de recuperare a 2010 205,4 205,3 205,5
materialelor reciclabile; activiti i servicii de decontaminare
Used water collection and purification, waste collection,
purification and disposal; activities of recycling materials
recovery; activities and services of decontamination
Construcii 2009 91,1 92,1 90,1
Construction 2010 112,3 126,5 95,5
Comerul cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; repararea 2009 86,3 85,6 86,8
autovehiculelor i motocicletelor 2010 117,6 126,6 111,5
Wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles
Comer cu ridicata i cu amnuntul; ntreinerea i 2009 61,9 62,3 61,1
repararea autovehiculelor i a motocicletelor 2010 278,5 281,7 272,3
Wholesale and retail and repair of motor
vehicles and motorcycles
Comer cu ridicata, cu excepia comerului cu 2009 87,9 88,8 87,4
autovehicule i motociclete 2010 108,8 113,2 106,4
Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Comer cu amnuntul, cu excepia autovehiculelor 2009 88,0 87,6 88,2
i motocicletelor 2010 112,0 116,2 108,7
Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.13
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Transport i depozitare 2009 95,6 99,9 92,0
Transport and storage 2010 92,1 95,4 89,3
Transporturi terestre i transporturi prin conducte 2009 93,4 98,9 89,2
Land transport and transport via pipelines 2010 87,4 90,2 85,2
Transporturi pe ap 2009 108,5 108,7 107,9
Water transport 2010 108,1 109,3 104,8
Transporturi aeriene 2009 99,6 97,0 103,5
Air transport 2010 111,0 113,1 107,8
Depozitare i activiti auxiliare pentru transporturi 2009 102,8 104,2 101,5
Warehousing and support activities for transportation 2010 106,2 109,8 102,8
Activiti de pot i de curier 2009 99,5 99,4 99,5
Postal and courier activities 2010 103,6 106,2 102,1
Hoteluri i alte faciliti de cazare; restaurante 2009 92,9 93,6 91,9
i alte activiti de servicii de alimentaie public 2010 68,2 74,4 59,5
Hotels and other accommodation facilities;
restaurants and other catering services
Informaii i comunicaii 2009 98,6 100,3 97,5
Information and communication 2010 113,2 132,5 99,9
Activiti de editare, audiovizual i radiodifuziune 2009 100,6 100,6 100,7
Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities 2010 104,3 127,9 74,7
Activiti de editare 2009 101,7 101,5 102,1
Publishing activities 2010 104,6 124,5 70,7
Activiti de producie cinematografic, video i de programe 2009 99,7 99,5 99,9
de televiziune; nregistrri audio i activiti de editare 2010 104,0 132,1 77,4
muzical; activiti de difuzare i transmitere de programe
Motion picture, video and television programme production,
sound recording and music publishing activities;
programming and broadcasting activities
Telecomunicaii 2009 102,3 104,4 101,1
Telecommunications 2010 95,7 115,8 84,0
Activiti de servicii n tehnologia informaiei; 2009 88,0 90,3 86,7
activiti de servicii informatice 2010 167,9 182,2 159,1
Computer programming, consultancy and related
activities; information service activities
Intermedieri financiare i asigurri 2009 90,9 89,8 91,9
Financial and insurance intermediation 2010 93,1 94,3 92,3
Intermedieri financiare, cu excepia activitilor de 2009 95,7 92,9 99,1
asigurri i ale fondurilor de pensii 2010 129,5 111,7 147,8
Financial intermediation, except insurance and
pension funding
Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.13
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Activiti de asigurri, reasigurri i ale fondurilor de pensii 2009 92,8 89,5 96,3
(cu excepia celor din sistemul public de asigurri sociale) 2010 70,2 59,7 76,8
Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding (except
compulsory social security)
Activiti auxiliare intermedierilor financiare, 2009 78,8 68,8 80,9
activiti de asigurare i fonduri de pensii 2010 10,7 8,6 11,1
Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation,
insurance activities and pension funds
Tranzacii imobiliare 2009 92,2 92,6 91,9
Real estate activities 2010 98,7 101,9 96,4
Chirii imputate pentru locuinele ocupate de proprietari 2009 102,2 83,8 120,6
Imputed rents of owner-occupied dwellings 2010 99,7 23,7 154,0
Activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice 2009 93,8 93,7 94,0
Professional, scientific and technical activities 2010 109,3 117,7 98,8
Activiti juridice i de contabilitate; activiti ale direciilor 2009 99,0 98,9 99,1
(centralelor), birourilor administrative centralizate; activiti 2010 125,5 136,7 112,7
de management i de consultan n management; activiti
de arhitectur i inginerie; activiti de testri i analiz tehnic
Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices;
management consultancy activities; architectural and
engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
Activiti juridice i de contabilitate; activiti 2009 98,7 98,5 99,1
ale direciilor (centralelor), birourilor 2010 141,4 154,0 123,5
administrative centralizate; activiti
de management i de consultan n management
Legal and accounting activities; activities of head
offices; management consultancy activities
Activiti de arhitectur i inginerie; activiti 2009 99,3 99,4 99,1
de testri i analiz tehnic 2010 108,0 113,2 103,3
Architectural and engineering activities;
technical testing and analysis
Cercetare - dezvoltare 2009 83,8 84,0 83,4
Scientific research - development 2010 64,5 70,8 54,9
Publicitate i activiti de studiere a pieei; alte activiti 2009 88,7 89,2 87,9
profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice; activiti veterinare 2010 93,1 100,4 82,9
Advertising and market research; other professional,
scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities
Publicitate i activiti de studiere a pieei 2009 87,8 87,9 87,6
Advertising and market research 2010 87,4 92,5 81,1
Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.13
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Alte activiti profesionale, tiinifice i tehnice; 2009 95,3 95,8 93,4
activiti veterinare 2010 130,8 135,6 110,6
Other professional, scientific and technical activities;
veterinary activities
Activiti de secretariat i activiti de servicii suport 2009 96,7 97,5 95,7
Office administrative and support service activities 2010 106,0 112,9 96,2
Activiti de nchiriere i leasing 2009 99,8 99,0 100,9
Rental and leasing activities 2010 105,2 111,2 96,0
Activiti de servicii privind fora de munc 2009 96,4 96,6 96,0
Employment activities 2010 133,1 134,6 128,2
Activiti ale ageniilor turistice i a tur-operatorilor; 2009 91,2 91,6 91,1
alte servicii de rezervare i asisten turistic 2010 94,1 100,3 90,5
Travel agency, tour operator reservation service
and related activities
Activiti de investigaii i protecie; activiti de peisagistic 2009 98,3 98,6 97,7
i servicii pentru cldiri; activiti de secretariat, servicii suport 2010 107,1 112,7 97,3
i alte activiti de servicii prestate n principal ntreprinderilor
Security and investigation activities; services to buildings
and landscape activities; office administrative, office support
and other business support activities
Administraie public i aprare, asigurri sociale din 2009 97,5 93,7 98,6
sistemul public 2010 103,3 103,7 103,2
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security
nvmnt 2009 98,6 98,7 98,5
Education 2010 98,2 98,5 98,1
Sntate i asisten social 2009 104,6 109,4 99,4
Health and social assistance 2010 86,3 86,4 86,2
Activiti referitoare la sntatea uman 2009 104,6 109,4 99,4
Human health activities 2010 85,5 85,8 85,0
Activiti de asisten social 2009 108,7 84,3 135,5
Social work activities 2010 1662,7 1609,7 1696,9
Activiti de spectacole, culturale I recreative 2009 101,5 102,0 100,7
Arts, entertainment and recreation 2010 77,3 79,6 73,1
Activiti de creaie i interpretare artistic; activiti 2009 103,6 103,9 102,8
ale bibliotecilor, arhivelor, muzeelor i alte activiti 2010 115,7 114,7 117,8
culturale; activiti de jocuri de noroc i pariuri
Creative, arts and entertainment activities;
libraries, archives, museums and other cultural
activities; gambling and betting activities
Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.13
n procente fa de anul precedent / as percentage against previous year
Consum adugat
Anii Producie intermediar brut
Years Production Intermediate Gross value
consumption added
Activiti sportive, recreative i distractive 2009 99,4 99,7 98,9
Sports activities and amusement and 2010 17,3 17,4 17,1
recreation activities
Alte activiti de servicii 2009 84,1 91,9 76,3
Other service activities 2010 81,7 81,9 81,3
Activiti asociative diverse 2009 88,5 99,0 77,4
Activities of membership organisations 2010 98,0 96,2 100,6
Reparaii de calculatoare, de articole 2009 71,4 74,0 69,0
personale i de uz gospodresc 2010 117,3 114,3 120,1
Repair of computers and personal
and household goods
Alte activiti de servicii 2009 80,0 83,8 76,4
Other personal service activities 2010 48,3 47,8 48,8
Total 2009 95,1 96,0 94,2
2010 100,6 102,7 98,2
Impozite pe produs
2009 87,5
Taxes on product
2010 104,2
Drepturi asupra importurilor (taxe vamale) 2009 76,3
Import duties 2010 208,8
Subvenii pe produs 2009 83,4
Subsidies on product 2010 170,8
Produs intern brut 2009 93,4
Gross domestic product 2010 98,9
Indicii produciei, consumului intermediar i valorii adugate brute,
pe activiti - continuare
Indices of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added,
by activity - continued 11.13
Not: Datele sunt prezentate conform CAEN Rev.2.
Note: The data are presented according to CANE Rev.2.
Inclusiv TVA. / Including VAT.

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