Acton-Items CXLII (Mandatory Holocaust Education, Politics, BHO's Foreign-Policy, VA, Illegals)

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I have been likened to a mongoose, latching-on to an issue until achieving closure.

Thats why, regarding

the Holocaust Education Mandate, distribution of the prior Blast e-mail was promptly followed-up by
having sent the following self-explanatory e-mail; if this guy [or any of his colleagues] has ever received
anything resembling a death-threat, one would think that he would want to expose the perpetrator[s].
A response is pending:

From: Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D. []
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 8:41 AM
To: 'Stephen Miskin'
Cc: 'Rhonda Fink-Whitman'; ''; 'Brendan Boyle'; 'Himebaugh, Nicholas
A.'; 'John Rafferty'; 'Candice Wynn'; 'Cawley, Jim'; '';
''; ''; 'David Transue';
Subject: RE: Genocide/Curriculum - A Proposal
Importance: High
Put-up, or Shut-up.

Stephen, @ the bottom of the second Blast e-mail [the pair of which has been
Attached], you issued a broad assertion; as per my intercollated commentary, I hereby
formally request that [you] state the particulars of this chargeor rescind it forthwith.

Miskin and others have said mandate supporters have taken to bullying
those who would like to see Holocaust education legislation passed but
dont see a mandate as realistic.

{This is inaccurate, regretably; perhaps he is channeling
the charge by Hank Butler that my scattered phone
calls to Harrisburg made at least one individual cry
(despite my dogged efforts to include receptionists in
episodic follow-up e-mails), although it is possible he is
specifically referencing the fact thatthrough gentle-
questioningI had IDed his colleague, David Transue,
as the author of a patently-false staff-memo regarding
this topic (when, as detailed previously, I
demonstrated that current-statute does NOT provide
cursory coverage of this topic).}

Theyre threatening people, he said. Ive been called a Nazi
sympathizer. Ive been called a Holocaust denier. I mean, come on. My
mothers entire family was wiped out.

{This is may or may not be accurate, although its
tangential to the issue at-hand; in any case, I will
formally request that he state the particulars of this
chargeor rescind it forthwith.}

You can run, but you cant hide; your dismissive e-mail of almost two months ago
[professing official-inertness] was undermined by your interview-contents.

Put-up, or Shut-up.

From: Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D. []
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 3:50 PM
To: 'Stephen Miskin'; 'David Transue'
Cc: 'Rhonda Fink-Whitman'; ''; 'Brendan Boyle'; 'Himebaugh, Nicholas A.'; 'John
Rafferty'; 'Candice Wynn'; 'Cawley, Jim'; ''; '';
Subject: RE: Genocide/Curriculum - A Proposal
Importance: High

Might you please rescind/revise the faulty input that was provided BOTH to the House Education
Committee and to the Senate???

From: Stephen Miskin []
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 3:38 PM
To: Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D.; David Transue
Cc: 'Rhonda Fink-Whitman';;; 'Brendan Boyle';
'Himebaugh, Nicholas A.'; John Rafferty; Candice Wynn; 'Cawley, Jim';;;
Subject: RE: Genocide/Curriculum - A Proposal

Dr. Sklaroff, thank you for your continued interest in the Holocaust Education bill awaiting Senate
action. The House won't be able to take any action until the Senate votes on the bill.

The bill is in the Senate's purview right now. Thank you.

- Steve Miskin

-------- Original message --------
From: "Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D."
Date:04/08/2014 3:27 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: David Transue
Cc: 'Rhonda Fink-Whitman' ,,,'Brendan Boyle'
,"'Himebaugh, Nicholas A.'" ,John Rafferty ,Stephen Miskin ,Candice Wynn ,"'Cawley, Jim'"
Subject: RE: Genocide/Curriculum - A Proposal

David, Ms. Wynn confirmed that you were the author of the faulty staff-memo that
claimed INCORRECTLY that the current statute covers the unit [genocide, holocaust, and
human rights violations] in a cursory fashion; if this legislation is to be signed-off on
4/29/2014 [International Holocaust Remembrance Day], you are going to have to get-
off-the-dime [even if you wish not to call-me-back, despite my daily calls/e-mails during
the past week].

The following was received in reaction to the dual-memos regarding this issue:

The entire Liberal / Progressive / Left (LPL) apparatus does not want to include the
Holocaust in the required curriculum because it fails to condemn America.

In keeping with the goals of BHO and the LPL it is far better to teach Bush Lied.

The Holocaust would include the good work done by America to defeat the NAZIs
therefore BHO and the LPL must not only not include it, they want to deny its existence
and eliminate the word holocaust as they have eliminated all words they disfavor.

So heres my idea.

Find the six or eight history textbook publishers and lobby them until they add a chapter
in all books about the Holocaust.

The danger of course is they will stop printing History Textbooks altogether which would
help America return from the cloud cuckoo land into which the LPL has placed them.

But seriously, there are only a few textbook publishers so in addition to your efforts to
get the Holocaust added to the curricula of the 501 PA school districts, get in touch with
the textbook publishers and make sure its in the textbooks.

That would be a force multiplier because the textbooks are used by all of the schools in

This doesnt seem like a new idea but has anyone surveyed the school libraries to count
how many Holocaust books are in their inventories? Its another approach to make sure
every library has a sufficient supply of Holocaust books and materials.

How about the college and university libraries in PA?

Its probably pretty simple to donate copies of relevant Holocaust books.

Also, compare that with the number of copies of Mein Kampf that are in the school and
public libraries of PA.

Why does PA teach about Slavery but not the Holocaust?

Is it a race issue?

Has Corbett been lobbied? How about Fitzpatrick, Toomey and Casey? How about the
rest of the PA delegation in Washington, D.C.?

All of the Senators and State Reps in Harrisburg?

Has the lobbying effort been too limited?

Is it in Common Core?

My reaction to this ideato review textbooksis positive, and its consistent with discussions held
during the past decade with Steve Feldman, Executive Director of the Greater Philadelphia District of the
Zionist Organization of America; efforts had been made to implement such oversight in Philly, but they
apparently fizzled. Regarding the other queries, our focus has been trained on Harrisburg.

Also provided was a hyperlink to an article that led to a website that compiled inter alia tons of data
regarding K-12 Mis-Education; because the referenced-article has not yet been uploaded onto the
parent website, it is dutifully reprinted herein [unedited], noting how its message dovetails with ours:

For the past two years, Newton, MA citizens have been raising concerns about how
Newton Public Schools (NPS) teach students about the Middle East. The use of the
Arab World Studies Notebook, a widely discredited anti-Semitic text, has been at the
center of the controversy. In response, NPS officials have assured Newton citizens
that the AWSN was removed years ago after a parent raised concerns.

Now, a public records request filed by APT reveals that, contrary to claims by NSP
officials and the Anti-Defamation League, the Arab World Studies Notebook has been
used in at least three Newton classes last (2012-2013) school year.

The Arab World Studies Notebook is just one instance of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic
materials being used to teach Newton children. Read the whole disappointing story in
the article below and then take action!

Please call 617-406-6300 or email and demand that the ADL keep its
promise to its donors to fight the defamation of the Jewish people and Israel by anyone,
including the Newton Public Schools.

Please call Newton School Committee Vice Chair Matt Hills at 617-559-6110 or email
him at and demand truth and transparency from
the Newton Public Schools, an end to false and biased teaching, and public access to
classroom materials.

The situation in Newton is not unique. The poison against Israel and its Jewish
supporters that is so visible on Americas college campuses is now finding its way into
Americas public high schools. This is a most dangerous situation. Historically,
demonization of Jews usually leads to violence. Recent events in Europe are a warning
to all Jewish communities around the world about this serious threat.


By Charles Jacobs and Ilya Feoktistov
The Jewish Advocate

New information has surfaced regarding the Newton Public School controversy.
Compelled to comply with state law, the schools administrators recently were forced to
release an initial batch of 9
- and 10
-grade history lesson plans used to teach about
the Middle East.

Most of the information, initially withheld from the public despite requests from
parents, taxpayers and even a Newton alderman, was delivered to Americans for Peace
and Tolerance (APTs) offices in response to a public records request. Once our request
is completed, we will post the records on this website. Newton citizens, especially those
who are Jewish, will not be pleased.

For two years, we have been told by Superintendent David Fleishman and others that
the Arab World Studies Notebook (ASWN) was removed from all classrooms and has not
been used to teach Newton students since 2011. But the official documents we received
show that Newton South High School assigned readings from the AWSN to 9
students in at least three separate classes in the last school year months after claims
that it was eliminated.

The AWSN has been condemned by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) as a
fraudulent anti-Israel text created by Saudi-funded organizations. After a parent
complaint about the AWSN was rebuffed in 2011, grassroots Jewish groups lobbied for
more than a year until the schools claimed to remove it. But school documents now
show that the AWSN continued to be taught. We are not sure if this is a matter of
integrity or incompetence.

Apart from the Saudi hate-lesson, the materials released validate our claims that
Newton South educates students to adopt anti-Israel viewpoints through the use of
biased textbooks, readings, maps and pseudoacademic exercises. Until now, our
knowledge of what Newton students are being taught was limited to what we received
from students in only a few of classes. We now know that almost all the teachers in
Newton South teach from the same problematic anti-Israel materials we saw previously.

The teachers class notes we received directly contradict Newton school officials claims
that any anti-Israel materials are balanced by pro-Israel materials. For example, school
administrators claimed that a series of assigned maps (created by a Palestine Liberation
Organization propaganda unit, but never identified as such) were balanced by maps
with a pro-Israel viewpoint. No such maps can be found. Several maps show Palestinian
refugee dispersal and camp locations but there is no map showing the expulsion of Jews
from Arab lands.

Several Newton teachers use a textbook written by James Gelvin, an anti-Israel
ideologue and a pioneer of the academic boycott against Israel. Gelvin wrote the
textbook while receiving payments from Sheikh Zayed, the anti-Semitic Emirates
billionaire whose $2 million gift Bostons Jewish heroine, Rachel Fish, forced Harvard
University to reject because of the anti Semitism of his think tank.

In Newton schools, students are given an assignment called POV, which purports to
show the Israeli and Palestinian points of view on various events in the history of the
conflict.Yet these points of view are often either blatantly or subtly anti-Israel.

Centuries of Islamic religious teaching that Jews are to be a subjugated people, not
permitted self-rule, are erased from Newtons history lessons. To ensure that students
wont see Judeophobia as a root cause of the conflict, they are given a doctored,
whitewashed version of the Hamas Charter from which the terror groups genocidal
anti-Jewish pronouncements are removed so that the jihadist murderers can be falsely
portrayed as mere militant nationalists.

Newton officials have sought to deflect accusations that they permit biased instruction
by saying that its not anti-Israel but only an exercise in critical thinking. (We dont
teach students what to think, but how to think, Fleishman says.) Newton teachers
class notes tell a different story. Just as with the cleansed Hamas Charter, one teacher
insists that the Arab war against Israel is not inherently a religious conflict. This is a
conflict over land. (Emphasis hers.) Many Middle East scholars would disagree, so why
not let students decide for themselves? Newton students, the documents show,
are made to debate whether the Jews have a right to a homeland of their own, but are
never asked to ponder if any other people, such as the Palestinians themselves, deserve
a state.

Critical thinking is increasingly being used throughout our nation to justify teaching
hatred and the demonization of Jews. But is there a public school anywhere in America
where students receive critical thinking lessons about Islamist honor killings, female
genital mutilation, the enslavement and forced conversion of infidel women, or todays
forced exodus and slaughter of Christians from the Middle East? Its doubtful. These
topics are made taboo; they dont fit the anti-Western, anti-Judeo- Christian narrative
that permeates our schools. A week or so before we received the public records from
Newton, 478 high school students from Newton signed a letter defending the history
department in the face of allegations by [APT] that Newtons Middle East curriculum is
anti-Israel. It was published in The Jewish Advocate and The Newton Tab.

One suspects, from both the language and content of the letter (posted on APTs
website) that it was not written by students alone. People can judge for themselves.
Ironically, students who parrot their teachers are expressing an image opposite of the
one young people like to present: that of cool, independentminded, even rebellious
youth. How were they herded into a pack of 478 conformists? What happened to the
courage to, in the words of their generations bumper sticker, question authority?

It takes no courage to whine about Israel Jews wont beat you up. Bravery today
would be to stand up for black slaves in Sudan and Nigeria, abused and oppressed
women under Islamic rule, Sharia-compliant hanging of gays. Sadly, the most these
victims will likely get from todays students (and our nations leaders) is hashtag

Literary-references that come to mind after having reflexly-disgorged the prior pair of Blast e-mails
refer to ads for the movie JAWS-II [Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water.] and
the last-line of Portnoys Complaint [ So [said the doctor]. Now vee may perhaps to begin. Yes? ].
Thus, after having [en]countered the deceit that continues to emanate from those who [inexplicably]
oppose the Holocaust Education Mandate, overnight-communications are tackled; it may be true that
Medical School teaches delayed gratification, but it seems Im playing Whack-a-Mole as problems
keep arising. I am truly TRYING to apply suasion-principles IDed during recent days but, frankly, the
effort is TRYING due to sensory-overload. Nevertheless, the last-line of Gatsby [So we beat on, boats
against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.] serves as a motivator to, perhaps, resolve
recurring concepts and, thereby, not feel compelled to redocument and to recapitulate truisms.

Also, one additional clarification is apt, if only to capture what I hope will be an ongoing
trend [with regard to the GOPs selection of a POTUS-16 ticket] within the context of
how I have carefully articulated my political maneuvers. I am transparent and linear;
thereforejust like how I practice medicineI convey identical info to all players. Thus,
I ensured that both Guzzardi and Mike Vereb know of my availability to attempt to serve
as an intermediary, simply by exploring/resolving putative policy-disparities; my goal
was to dramatize [e.g., Common Core] and then to minimize [e.g., Borrowing] schisms.

In the process, I did not maintain smooth relations with those who were leading the TEA
[Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement and, specifically, those who were engaged in a
Precinct Project seeking some turnover among state-level GOP-CommitteePeople.
Indeed, the former did not appreciate the desire to primary Fitzpatrick [and now,
noting how Eric Cantor was forced to respond to competitive pressure, Mike has yet to
state (to his putative friends and/or publicly) that he would oppose Amnesty] while
the latter did not appreciate the worth of linking their county-level agitation to
Guzzardis statewide candidacy [which would have yielded certain efficiencies-of-scale
(in terms of database management) when attempting to galvanize the dyspeptic base].

I am unapologetic, for my credibility remains intact; my goals and methodology have
been articulated via these Blast e-mails [and clarified orally, whenever requested],
and those who allow tangential concerns [e.g., the pro-lifers who are always poised to
drown-out people who wish to focus on achieving limited-government, in all realms].
Indeed, although Im sympathetic to the intent to counter the 100% pro-choicers, it is
preferable to enlarge the GOPs tent to accommodate the multiple-choicersso as to
allow other priorities to drive the political-recruitment (and re-education?) initiative.

Thus, having covered cultural controversies in prior compilations, it remains desirable
to accept Gay Marriage [although I would still prefer to focus on civil-union, rhetorically]
and to legalize Pot [although restrictions would undoubtedly be needed, after noting
experiences in Colorado and California]. If the GOP is to enhance its populist/libertarian
component, it must keep government out of ALL rooms in the house; thus, Michelle
[Obama] shouldnt be able to dictate whats in the Kitchen, and Michele [Bachmann]
shouldnt be able to dictate whos in the Bedroom. Noting that the GOPs Platform has
quietly retreated from endorsing the Personhood Amendment to advocating that
restrictions are apt @ 20-weeks gestation, it seems my mindset is shared nationally.
{GOP Cong. Dent backs same-sex marriage, the third House-Republican to do so, and
RMU Poll Finds Support of Same-Sex Marriage and Extraction Tax.}

The reaction to my having divulged these goals and attitudes has been decidedly mixed,
with some finding them unsettling and others heaping praise. My transition from being
a Dem transpired in 92, when I served as the coordinator for Perot [for Abington,
Jenkintown and Cheltenham] prior to becoming a GOP-Committeeman; looking back,
the clich [The party left me, I didnt leave the party] remains apt, for it has now
supplanted classical liberalism with [a corrupted] modern liberalism. What had been
fascinating open-mindedness [in the 70s] has been supplanted by fascism [under BHO].
Thus, until Americas ship-of-state is righted [for corruption is rampant], Im advocating
party-line support for the GOP @ all levels, and I will continue to agitate accordingly;
although Im not well-connected [as is Marcel Groen, Esq.], I will speak-truth-to-power.

This perception of BHOs Foreign-Policy Speech is c/w predictions [it was edited after received]:

Obama speech Versus his past int'l failures: Words Vs. Failures

By Udi Schayat

OBAMAS SPEECH AT WEST POINT needs to be compared to his [Obama's] int'l failures
in last three years. This is a comparison of his words against his int'l failures, and we can
blame also the Senators who supported these activities. Its about time to START talking
about his int'l mistakes, and not only the domestic variety.

Essentially, Obama said, "I'm confident that if we...end our war in Afghanistan...we'll
also be able to begin a new chapter in the story of American leadership around the
world," said. On an issue like this, it is preferable to hold an open discussion by experts
to abiding by a ONE-MAN decision. Such an approach would forestall Obama from
doing the unthinkable: empowering Islamic butchers whose hands are soaked in
American blood. And Obama may be moving the US Navy out of the Middle East, as the
Russians expand their presence in the Middle East.

Contrary to Obama's spin, he is not supporting pro-democracy freedom-fighters; many
are anti-west Muslim fundamentalists [aligned with al-Qaeda]. Consider this partial list
of Obamas International failures [just in the Arab World] due to planned and calculated
steps [and not as accidental mistakes], c/w his ideology:

* Obamas Iraqi withdrawal allowed Iran to take-over, as the Iraqi army failed big
time to replace the efficacy of Americans.
* Obamas support for terrorist rebels in Syria ignores the fact that they are anti-
West and support al-Qaida.
* Obamas removal of Qaddafi [which cost the USA at Least $896 Million]
undermined the best success of any Arab country during the past 15 years; he had been
stable and had cooperated with the West [such as when he relinquished WMDs after
the Iraqi invasion]. Libyan jihadists who spent years in Iraq killing U.S. soldiers formed
the nucleus of the anti-Qaddafi movement. {Ref is a top national analyst and journalist
on Israel TV news panel, Ari Shavit.} Thus, Obama's policy contravenes our national
interest, is inept, immoral and illegal.
* Obamas support of Shiite-led demonstrators in Bahrain in 2011 (rebels also
supported by Iran) prompted Saudi Arabias King Abdullah to defy the Obama
Administration's policy of supporting popular uprisings against autocratic Arab
regimes when, on March 14, he sent Saudi troops into Bahrain to prop-up the King;
everyone knew the disturbances had been organized by Tehran's Lebanese surrogate,
Hizballah, prompting King Abdullah and other Gulf nations to make their own decisions,
after having accused Obama of promoting a diplomacy that gave Tehran a clear field.
* Obamas removal of Mubarak in Egypt empowered the Muslim Brotherhood;
later, Obamas having stopped Finance from aiding military leaders in Egypt made it
difficult for them to fight the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and terrorists.
This is a sampling of how Rush Limbaugh has perceived the VA-Scandal [c/o Charlie Schipp]:

This morning at the White House: the Drivebys are really worried about this
one. This could really be bad for us, writes F. Chuck Todd, as if he were a member of
the administration. What about the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious, Benghazi? Nothing
to see there, just Conservatives faking their anger.

The VA scandal is not so much about medical care being poor, but that lines are so long
that vets cant get in. It is a mismanaged bureaucracy.

Reporters were lined up for the comment by Obama. Boy, was he mad! ((Clip Obama: I
will not stand for it, not as Commander-in-Chief, and as an American. If the
investigation . . .)) See? The Limbaugh Theorem: Obama is above any problem he
creates. Then he blamed prior administrations.

Hes been trying to fix the problem but, somehow they didnt get fixed. Then he found
out how bad it is, and he is really mad. You are not supposed to ask how it is that he
cant fix anything, only make things worse.

CNN newsroom Special Coverage, with Jake Tapper. ((Clip: I was caught off guard with
the disconnect. It doesnt have to be studied. Vets wanted direct action. Hes known
about this years, and years, and years? It has gotten worse.) This is the guy who broke
the scandal in Phoenix. Wait, yet again?

The audience for Obamas press conference was not the vets or the intelligent, but only
for the low-info-voters to show that he cares.

A whopping two bills that died in committee were supported by then senator
Obama. There were no hidden waiting lists under Bush; there was no scrubbing the
data to show vets were being served, when they were not.

((Rush replays the montage of Obama being mad, above itexplaining each.))
(((Visit to read them!)) Do you see a pattern?
> Every time, he didnt know, but was really MAD when he found out!

((Clip May 16 2013 Obama really outraged in IRS: The minute I found out about it, I
said, Weve got to get this thing fixed.)) At the time, I said there would be no smoking
gun memo because those placed there dont need instruction, they are like-minded.

Lois Learner is a mad Liberal and is as committed as Obama. All they need to know is
that there will be no consequences: Obama will be mad and look into it. Reality is not
a concernjust the image before the Low-Info. You are not supposed to say, Wait a
minute; you are the CEO; you ran on these issues.

The media gives Obama a pass because he cares [and is a fellow Liberal].

((Clip March 18 2009 Obama mad about Wall Street bonuses: People have a right to be
mad, Im mad.))

QUESTION: Why is this a big deal? Why focus on this? It helps to expose Obama for
who he really isand it shows his tactics. It would be irresponsible to not point this out.

QUESTION: Can Obama know everything that goes on? Everything that is happening
can be linked to the ideology. This Adm is incompetent and the government cannot do
everything. They cant run Obamacare or a website, they cant improve the waiting list
for the VA, they cant fix the border.

The Left has done a good job of demonizing the other side. So they are the
compassionate ones. You are not supposed to examine their results. At least they care
and Obama tried.

Everything gets worse under The Regime. At some point, people have to see it is not
the quirk of fate. It is not that the great economic days of the 1980s were
undeserved. It is because of Obama policy, executive orders and [Liberal]
legislation. There is a record number of people on disability.

Every metric is worsening and it comes from Obama Adm policy. It is a flat-out dark
joke that Obama didnt know and is just as mad as you are.

Everything that is happening is a direct result of Democrats winning elections; and that
is why we point out the phoniness of Barack Obama.
>>> Obama knows exactly what is happeninghe put it all into play.

Obama knows and everyone know it.

Weve added the outrage today to our montage. ((Clip-Montage)) Which he didnt
know until today.

Caller-Ohio: Obama does not hold cabinet meetings, so doesnt know.
>>> He knows. Obama doesnt know? Thats not at all the reality.

The one common denominator in all the things Obama is so mad about is Obama
himself! He pretends to be angry now but, after midterms, he will say there was not a
smidgen of corruption.

Another phony point: they publish their streamlined method, because the previous
administration didnt care. But that is where it stops. Only intentions make the
news. Obama gets credit for just announcing. Next, Im so mad, bla, bla, blah. The
new mandated goals didnt achieve anything.

Robert Petzel retired after he knew as early as 2010. He announced his retirement last
September, and Obama announced Petzels replacement last month. We are moving
forward, says Obama.

Petzel admitted he knew about the VA memo, but what was going on was not the
point: massive new goals and intentions (and credit) was all that mattered to
them. They knew the goals were not being met, so secretly covered it up. They were
doing what they think Obama would want donecover up reality so the Obama image
is preserved. Thats all it is, be it IRS, Obamacare, VA; it is all about how Obama is

If it is discovered, then the Olde Playbook is rolled out, OH MY GOD, I never knew. I am
SO mad! ((Reading: Whistleblower in St. Louis was told to not contact
anyone.)) Sounds like bullying to me. Dr Jose Matthews continues to go the VA
Hospital, as scheduled.

Jeff of CNN says they will not be bullied or shamed into covering Benghazi.
>>> But they consider the VA scandal to be different.

Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:

"Imagine if you're in a VA hospital in Arizona, and you've been promised you're on a
special waiting list where you are going to get advanced treatment, preferential
treatment. You wait, and you wait, and you wait -- and you see the owners of the horse
get their request answered in two days -- and you die before getting treatment."

"You know, it's no wonder college graduates are booing if a commencement speaker
tells 'em to get out there and work hard. They're looking around and saying, 'Why? Who
else is?'"

"If you want to treat this VA thing seriously, this is exactly where we're all headed. This
is what Obamacare's going to be for everybody. The VA is just one small bureaucracy."

"Imagine if, say, 40 people on an Obama secret food stamp list died of starvation. That's
kind of what we're talking about here with the VA."

"I offered to move to Rio Linda if they would rename it Limbaugh, California. They
didn't. I tried the same thing with West Sacramento. They refused the offer. They're still
paying the price, both places."

"You know, it's no wonder college graduates are booing if a commencement speaker
tells 'em to get out there and work hard. They're looking around and saying, 'Why? Who
else is?'"

"The president's really mad about the VA hospital, folks. He was just as mad about the
IRS scandal. And he was just as mad when he found out that you couldn't keep your
doctor. Mad about Benghazi, when he found out that the ambassador in Benghazi got
killed. . He's going to get to the bottom of this. This is unconscionable."

"If I did a hologram of myself, like they did in Vegas for Jacko, I could make speeches all
over the place and never really go. Yeah. That's not a bad idea: Do a hologram. Well, I'm
going to look into that. Yep, absolutely."

"The government is allowed to totally bollix everything it does because they're trying to
help, and that's how Obama escapes accountability in many ways."

"Do you know what the minimum wage in Switzerland is? Anybody in there want to take
a guess? What is the minimum wage in Switzerland? Zero. There is no minimum wage."

"You know where they got Tommy Vietor? He was a driver. He was a driver during the
campaign. Vietor drove a van in the Obama campaign, and he ends up in the Situation
Room on the night Benghazi's taking place with Obama nowhere to be found. Vietor's in
there because of total loyalty, which, believe me, when you're running scam after scam
after scam, you need people loyal to you."

Jim Geraghty @ NRO [and others] noted comparable behaviors:

Obama's Fake Outrage, Fake Tirelessness, Fake Pay Cut . . .

The Obama administration is dangerously depleting our nation's reserves of
speechwriting clichs.

For example, when some terrible mess blows up on the president's watch, what does he
say? Come on. You know it.

No one is madder than him.

After White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough assured the public, "nobody is more
outraged about this problem right now" than President Obama -- an outrage that has
yet to be expressed in anything more than pro forma public statements -- Reid Epstein
decided to look up how often the president assured all of us he was angry -- or perhaps
more angry than anyone else! -- about failures of his administration or other setbacks.

It's quite a list:

October 2013: "Nobody's madder than me about the fact that the
website isn't working as well as it should."
The IRS scandal, May 2013: "Americans are right to be angry about it,
and I am angry about it."
April 2012, the Secret Service prostitution scandal: "If it turns out that
some of the allegations that have been made in the press are
confirmed, then of course I'll be angry."
May 2010, the BP oil spill: "And I know that doesn't lessen the
enormous sense of anger and frustration felt by people on the Gulf and
so many Americans. Every day I see this leak continue I am angry and
frustrated as well."
March 2009, the AIG bonuses guaranteed in TARP: "I don't want to
quell anger," he said. "I think people are right to be angry. I'm angry."

He forgot one, though, when Obama was "apoplectic":

President Barack Obama is "apoplectic" about lavish spending at the
GSA, one of his top advisers said Sunday.

"On the GSA issue, he was I think it's fair to say apoplectic," said David
Axelrod, said on NBC's Meet the Press. "Because we made a big effort to
cut waste, inefficiency, fraud against government, saved tens of billions
of dollars doing it on just this very kind of thing. And so this was very
enraging to him, and, of course, he acted quickly, the administration
acted quickly and changed the management there."

At the time of the "apoplectic" comment, the president had not yet mentioned the GSA
spending scandal in the preceding three weeks. Maybe it's a really quiet anger.

Then, of course, there's the tired clich suggesting that president Obama will never rest.

APRIL 9, 2009: "And we will not rest until we reach a day when not one
single veteran falls into homelessness."

MAY 11, 2009: "I will not rest until the dream of health-care reform is
finally achieved in the United States of America."

SEPTEMBER 15, 2009: "I want you all to know, I will not rest until
anybody who's looking for a job can find one -- and I'm not talking about
just any job, but good jobs that give every American decent wages and
decent benefits and a fair shot at the American Dream."

NOVEMBER 2, 2009: "We will not rest until we are succeeding in
generating the jobs that this economy needs."

NOVEMBER 23, 2009: "I will not rest until business are investing again,
and businesses are hiring again."

This was a particularly good one, considering the time and the place: Obama, speaking
from Hawaii, where he and his family are vacationing, told Americans, "We will not
rest until we find all who were involved and hold them accountable."

JANUARY 28, 2010: "We will not rest until we build an economy that's
ready for America's future."

MARCH 5, 2010: "I'm not gonna rest and my administration is not gonna
rest in our efforts to help people who are looking to find a job."

MAY 26, 2010 : "We will not rest until this well is shut, the environment
is repaired and the clean up is complete."

Okay, BP did eventually shut down the well.

JULY 8, 2010: "My administration will not rest until every American who
is able and ready and willing to work can find a job."

That nice list above missed one big one, although this one was from Hillary Clinton:
"What happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack and we will not rest until we have
tracked down and brought to justice the terrorists who murdered four Americans."

Yes, the "we will not rest" pledge is always an unrealistic promise. No, no preceding
president gave up sleep after making a similar pledge. But there's something about
Obama's promiscuous use of the pledge that makes everyone involved a little cheaper --
his speechwriters for going back to that dry well again and again, the president for
managing to deliver the line for the thousandth time and sounding like he means it, and
everyone who applauds for acting like saying it means something.

As Frank Drebin said, "Wilma, I promise you; whatever scum did this, not one man on
this force will rest one minute until he's behind bars. Now, let's grab a bite to eat."

Remember "all statements from Barack Obama come with an expiration date"?

And then of course, there's the symbolic pay cut:

The White House is refusing to confirm whether President Barack
Obama followed up on his pledge to take a five percent pay cut due to
sequestration last year.

Obama promised last April to take a 5 percent pay cut in "solidarity"
with federal employees who were furloughed as a result of the
automatic budget cuts, known as the sequester. The cut was meant to
equate to the level of spending cuts imposed on nondefense federal

"The president has decided that to share in the sacrifice being made by
public servants across the federal government that are affected by the
sequester, he will contribute a portion of his salary back to the
Treasury," a White House official said at the time.

The White House would not respond to numerous requests submitted
by the Washington Free Beacon to the White House press office to
confirm that Obama did, in fact, write checks to the Treasury.

And then, of course, there's the "I'll-march-with-you" pledge to labor unions:

On Nov. 3, 2007, Barack Obama -- then a senator running for president -
- pledged to a crowd in Spartanburg, S.C., that he would watch out for
unions and protect their collective bargaining rights. "If American
workers are being denied their right to organize when I'm in the White
House, I will put on a comfortable pair of shoes and I will walk on that
picket line with you as president of the United States," Obama said.

Which, of course, never happened. Even during the fights over collective bargaining for
public-sector workers in Wisconsin.

Iowahawk summarizes it well: "I pledge to have my top men get to the bottom of these
phony scandals that I'm madder than hell to have only learned about from the papers."

Yet Another Shameless Lie, This One about the American Legion

You know, national press corps, you have no one to blame but yourselves for the likes of
Jay Carney populating this administration, offering shameless, easily refutable lies on
serious matters, and believing they can survive another news cycle before the lie falls

Had you covered Obama and his allies with the kind of skepticism they warranted from
the beginning, they wouldn't be as prone to lie, and lie shamelessly, as they do today.

The latest example:

At the White House briefing today, Press Secretary Jay Carney
repeatedly suggested the American Legion had praised the Department
of Veterans Affairs for the resignation Friday of top VA health official Dr.
Robert Petzel.

It turns out, however, the American Legion had issued a statement
dismissing the resignation as "business as usual."

Here's what Carney said at the White House briefing: "The American
Legion said that the group looks at Petzel's resignation as a, quote, step
towards addressing the leadership problem at the VA. So I think that
undercuts the assertion that that is not a meaningful development."

Carney went on to cite the American Legion nine times during the

Also noted, and meaningful:

Caroline Glick documented why Pope Francis had paid an unfriendly visit.

Sen. Ted Cruz shared stories of his trip to Israel, Ukraine, Poland and Estonia this week.

Obama's Afghanistan Withdrawal Has Bill Kristol So Upset, 'I Find It Sickening.'

Fighting Boko Haram Does Not End With Finding the Girls.

Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas [vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee]
warned of the consequences of walking away from war: I am not willing to accept that
we must have a smaller military and a smaller role in the world.

From a friend: During his NBC-interview, Snowden was engaging, well-spoken and
effective when making points about government encroachment into our lives. He made
more sense than BHO and made traitor John Kerry look like a rank amateur, especially
recalling his appearances with Hanoi Jane revisited and Swift Water explanations. Brian
Williams seemed more a commie than Snowden.

The U.S. economy shrunk at an annual rate of 1% in the first quarter, more than the
0.5% contraction economists were expecting. The number was revised down from a
previous reading that showed a slight expansion for the worlds biggest economy. The
decline in the first three months of the year is the first negative reading since the first
quarter of 2011 when it fell 1.3%.

Obama Is Bypassing Congress Again; This Time It's Going to Cost You. Next week, BHO
will unveil a climate action plan that it intends to implement without legislative
approval; its a creative approach to governing, not unlike other executive
actions Obama has taken to bypass Congress. Know five actions by the federal
government that were supposed to be environmentally friendly, but which backfired
and left us worse off.

The Latest State to Give Up on Its Obamacare Exchange is Nevada.

Politically-connected corporations get rich off of cronyism.

[These are from The Free Beacon]

Congress Funds Armys Hypersonic Missile After Chinese Strike Vehicle Test - Congress
approved funding last week for the Pentagons advanced hypersonic missile program
and expressed concerns over Chinas recent test of an ultra high-speed strike vehicle
designed to deliver nuclear warheads through U.S. missile defenses.

VA Committee Chairman Calls for Shinsekis Immediate Resignation - House Veterans
Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller (R., Fla.) called for the resignation of VA
Secretary Eric Shinseki following an inspector general report Wednesday that confirmed
allegations of hidden wait times at a Phoenix VA hospital.

DHS Stonewalls Congress on Hands Off Permitting Those with Terror Ties into U.S. -
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is refusing to answer Congress questions
about the existence of a secret terrorist hands off list that is said to have permitted
individuals with terrorist ties easy entrance into the United States.

Environmentalist Dem Praises Dow Chemical During Town Hall - Democratic Senate
hopeful Gary Peters offered effusive praise to one of his largest campaign donors during
a Wednesday town hall-style campaign event.

Venezuela Sanctions Bill Pressures Obama Administration to Act - A Venezuela sanctions
bill that will be debated on the House floor on Wednesday would apply more pressure
on the Obama administration to take action in the crisis that will soon enter its fourth
month, observers say.

Experts raise questions about Frenchman's data on income inequality - Americas
thought leaders have spoken. French economist Thomas Pikettys Capital in the Twenty-
First Century is The Most Important Intellectual Endeavor of the Decade (At Least).

CNN: West Point Gave Obama Icy Reception

[These are from Politico]

Dems join GOP in Shinseki pile-on - A highly critical inspector general report finds
systemic problems at VA medical facilities.

Boehner's friends plot tea party crackdown - They're discussing tactics to punish
members who do not support his speakership.

Flood of child migrants a neglected challenge - As Congress dithers over immigration
reform, the children of Central America arent waiting.

House members rip into VA - Chairman says VA failed to comply with subpoena.

Scalise to push ACA alternative - The RSC health-care proposal would fully repeal and
replace Obamacare.

On immigration, Cantor can't win - The Virginia Republican faces opposition from
liberals and conservatives alike.

[These are from Drudge]

Washington scrambles to provide food, housing to DREAMers pouring across border
60,000 children
Scores of illegals flown to Arizona as Texas overwhelmed
Immigration becomes central issue in Cantor race
Charges fly
Homeland: Agents shouldn't target illegals at courthouses
Are we all racist now?


When Bushies blew a CIA cover, it was 'treason'; now, it's only a mistake - Valerie Plame
doesn't deny that blowing the cover of the CIA station chief in Afghanistan is a serious
matter. It's just that, discussing the issue at a Wednesday evening forum sponsored by
The Atlantic, Plame seemed to view the outing of the CIA's top spy on the front lines in
the Afghan war as more of an embarrassment than an outrage.

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