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D's Golden Delights

At which the wandering minstrel Comprehensive details about D's Golden Delights can be
found at main website.

And I get my helmet and M16

Ready to fulfill the enemy,

In the mountains and throughout the bay.

I look, and search, wait and breathe

Breathe these nights away, like night and day.

Lethal insect's swarm in my way

Tomorrow white clouds I pray.

Shrapnel flying like burning glass

Across my encounter--I breathe and wait around.

Be aware: equally poems taken from Journal, l971, revised 8/04 into poetry "Sunday:
Vietnam" [#344] and "A Gloomful Dusk: South Vietnam" [#345].


104) No Regret

When questioned--in long term time

What should I say on Judgment day?

For then it will be also late,

Way too late to pray [so I listen to].

What will we all say--on this working day

With chilly remorseless brains?

Like shifting sands

On the plains.

What shall we all say this day?

With bitter tears in ecstasy

When he says:

"I've been listening!"

8/23/04 #347

one zero five) Legend of the Tiny Ute

[Historic Mesa Verde]

She arrived from the third world into the 4th

Via a tunnel it's been said,

And died in the drought

The drought that lasted 20-4 years,

In the eleventh Century Advert, she was a Ute.

Bundled, mummified, in the cliff dwellings

The dwellings of Long House, by a window,

Bundled with a turkey

A turkey to preserve her tranquil, and organization,

On her lengthy, prolonged, extremely lengthy journey.

Prepared whilst at Mesa Verde, #346/eight/six/04

106) Grandpa's Tales

Outdated Grandpa was a jolly-man,

With tales he advised of young times,

To all the kids around our home

By way of heated summer time days.

Old grandpa was a liar of program,

So all the developed-up would say

'But what the heck, go and hear:

And inform us later--anyway!'

He was a hero of the Wonderful War,

A prize fighter in Japan

He traveled the 7 seas he stated--

And could out swear any guy.

It may possibly be that his tales had been accurate,

Or achievable he could have lied

Nevertheless, I wrote them down for you,

The working day before he died.

6/23/04 #348

107) The Vanishing Giant Tortoise

Sunset ebbing, upon the Isla of Santa Cruz--

With the immortal respiration skies of blue,

Of the Galapagos--

Sets on the resting tortoises on

Their towering glazed shells: some born

For the duration of the time of the Civil War--

April 23 2004 #350

108) Theft in Trujillo, Peru

So extended, so prolonged, so prolonged

What tears you children bring

For an unsung victim who

Put your father in jail--for thieving.

Of course, thieving, stealing--my money...

Cry a tear, a simple tear, an additional tear:

Basically, I see what you see--

You are sorry for being caught.

April 25 2004, Trujillo, Peru

109) Parqueito's

The sunlight is blooming, vivid and high

As I relaxation outdoor in this Caf&eacute

(El Parquetie, in Lima, Per&uacute):

The park is eco-friendly and flowery

Streets are total of cars, horns, smog

Folks, people, folks, all about,

On lazing boulevards (hereabouts).

Below, in slumberous Mirafloras,

On lazing boulevards (all about).

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