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Millennial Searches Notes

Viktor Frankl; holocaust and author of Mans Search for Meaning

Called to the question What is the meaning of life?

Science teacher declared Life is nothing more and a combustion process, a process of

Frankl didnt accept that as an answer and therefore went out to search for the answer himself

>1980 are considered Generation Y or the millennial generation are the most educated in
American history

Facing one of the worst job markets in decades. Many are in debt and/or unemployed.

Income gap of Young and old is widening

Older generations think of Generation Y of being narcissistic and lazy

Do we have a lost generation?
Not so much; more of a generation in flux
Tough economic times forces G-Y to rethink success for it to be less of material prosperity and
more of something else

What is the something else?
Due to the tough economic times, G-Y wants jobs that makes them happy instead of just chasing

They focus less on financial success and more on making a difference

#1 that G-Y wants is a job that makes them feel to have meaning

Some managers agree that G-Y is primarily influenced by money, thats not the case

Meaningful work was rated [ by of surveyed young adults] as one of the three most important
factors to define career success

Meaning is a cognitive and emotional assessment of the degree to which we feel our lives have
purpose, value and impact

Meaning is not the same as feeling happy

People that have meaningful lives are more other-oriented/giver

People that have happy lives are more self-oriented/taker; they see being other-orienting as
sacrificing oneself to help others

Other-oriented people end up having more physiological well-being, more creativity, enhanced
work performance; more engaged in their job and less likely to get out of their current positions

Millennials are looking at jobs in government and health care

The focus on helping others is what millennials are responding to - James W. Lewis

Older millennials show concern for meaning while younger millennials show more concern for
others and less in material goods

Economic hardship makes young people look out to others and the world around them;
Economic prosperity makes young people more self-centered

Benefits come out of economic deprivation; makes people think what actually makes a
successful life; they think more on helping others than ones own prosperity

G-Y wishes to have meaningful lives much like Frankl did

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