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Center for Constitutional Rights

5. I asked my Muslim acquaintance, why does God
6. sustain the vengeance of religous war?
7. Why are we sitting here you with your anklet,
8. an electronic monitoring system
9. that you have to wear because you're Muslim.
10. "Is Obama Muslim?" No No Muslim
11. can disavow they are Muslim if Are.
12. Is it true that in your holy books words
13. mean meanings? That there is no difference?
14. Nothing to be translated but read AS
15. "Do all religions fold into Islam?"
16. And Making hand gestures to clarify
17. I hold out my hands and then fold them in.
18. As if the books I held within my palms
19. Like Promote Share
21. Ayy Edith
22. 7 minutes ago
23. Allah, in your Merciful Greatness, See.
24. I dn't wnat to be uncivilized here.
25. I want to dream of beautiful people
26. who care not for comfort of consciousness
27. but trouble themselves for all of the heartbreaks
28. They seek out the Miserable and wash their Eyes.
29. THey gather the Untouched and Outcast
30. Listen to Tales of Horrors Unbound
31. Lose themselves everything just to give LOVE
32. There are people I know who stop Death.
33. They arm themselves with your Holiness,
34. Succumb to the worship and bow down Head
35. So reverent their radiance profound
36. That I dare to speak of them to Allah.
37. Like Promote Share
39. Ayy Edith
40. 15 minutes ago
42. Peace is very awkward America,
43. Nobody hates you nor wants yur mistakes.
44. Everyone's equally F'd know what I mean
45. No lack of Answer but lack of Question.
46. Mediocrity is no Lullaby
47. It's not Free to arm a Cartel, get me?
48. Nor to spend taxes to take down the Govs
49. just a student at university
50. brings promise to her people and her life
51. Dreams of Love, know what that is? L-O-V-E
53. If no one can Gov what you got in It?
54. You can't scrape a dollar off of Bloodspills.
55. Yet you still keep milking the Cowboy Lies?
56. In order of Avarice Averages?
57. While you're at it take greatness and screw it.
58. Like Promote Share
Philip Althouse likes this.

60. Ayy Edith
61. 22 minutes ago
63. I only Learned the Forces of Peace
64. through the Gifthorse of Censorship.
65. It motivates more than a Magistrate
66. Who beats mice through Poet's who record its Cries.
67. Music preceded and Music derived
68. By the Echoes-Exhaled Magic, Verse,
69. If I am to you what a Machine to codes,
70. Tell me now if I am Human or Worse
71. For if you say that I Human, Why?
73. Why not be a beautiful Butterfly
74. It sees no Evil in the Universe
75. It sees no Disdain in All Innocence
76. As my Father before Me as his Mother,
77. Edith, my namesake I want Another.

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