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The use of ceramics within the signalization project in hostile and environmental

protected areas: The Keller Peninsula Case.

FERRAZ, Nicoli; Graduation | Ufes, Brazil
ALVAREZ, Cristina; P!"| Ufes, Brazil
P#N$E#R%, &auro; P!" | Ufes, Brazil
RR%!R#GUE', Re(ina; P! | Ufes, Brazil
)e researc (oal is to *easure te suita+ilit, of cera*ics as te cosen *aterial for te
*anufacturin( of si(n -rotot,-es and su--ort co*-onents of te si(nalization -ro.ect in
te surroundin(s of te Brazilian *ain install*ent, te Co*andante Ferraz Brazilian
Antarctic Base, si(ted in te /eller Peninsula" )e latter re-resents an en0iron*ent 1it
-articular caracteristics, a0in( uni2ue rules of occu-ation and *aterial e3traction and
dis-osal, 1ic de*ands s-ecial a--roac 1en insertin( an, 4ind of forei(n +od, to it"
)is -a-er conducts so*e researc on te suita+ilit, of cera*ics as an efficient and
en0iron*ent friendl, solution" )e test and results e0aluation *etodolo(, to *easure
te a--ro-riateness of cera*ics to te Antarctic landsca-e can +e s-lit into four sta(es5
'ta(e 65 i(li(tin( te endurance caracteristics of cera*ics, re0ie1 of te
literar, sources on Antarctic7s en0iron*ental -articularities, data (aterin( on
te a--lication of cera*ics in si(nalization -ro.ects and finall, lo(istics issues"
'ta(e 85 infor*ation dis-la, 9 functionalit,, en0iron*ental i*-act, *aintenance
and feasi+ilit, of lo(istics strate(,:, definition of cla, t,-e and oter contrastin(
*aterials to +e used, -ro.ect launcin( 9for*, di*ension, colors and
t,-o(ra-,:, sa*-le de0elo-in(, researc on cla, +a4in( tecni2ues,
-reli*inar, -rotot,-es *anufacturin( and *ecanical endurance testin( te
*aterial under lo1 te*-eratures, 0isual contrast testin( te -rotot,-es 1itin
te landsca-e and -rotot,-e i*-ro0e*ent:"
'ta(e ;5 tecnical descri-tion, *anufacturin( te final -rotot,-es, +uild<u- 9test
and ad.usts:, dis*ountin(, tecnical suita+ilit, and lo(istics strate(, la, out:,
anal,zin( -ossi+le +uild<u- i*-acts, ti*e and u*an resource a0aila+ilit,
researc and final results:
'ta(e =5 final +alance" )e last sta(e sets focus on (aterin( infor*ation on te
en0iron*ental a--ro-riateness of cera*ics in te Antarctic landsca-e in
reference to its a+ilit, of -roducin( no residues, and in case it does -roduce
so*e, its a+ilit, to deco*-ose in a en0iron*ental friendl, *anner"
)is article contri+utes to oter studies +, -ro0idin( solutions re(ardin( te
i*-le*entation of cera*ics 1itin nature -rotected areas and terefore +ein( reusa+le in
se0eral oter situations, es-eciall, in tose concernin( unina+ited re(ions"
Keywords: signalization; ceramics; ecodesign; sustainability"

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