Book of Enoch

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Also known as 1 Enoch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36
SECTION TWO "The Parables"
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
65 66 67 68 69 70 71
SECTION THREE "The Book of he Co!rses of he Hea"enl#
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
SECTION FO(R "The )rea%*+&s&ons"
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
92 91a 93 91b 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
SECTION SI, "Fra-%en of he Book of Noah"
106 107
SECTION SE+EN ".n .//end&x o he Book of Enoch"
(nnn) The use of these brackets means that the wors so enclose are su!!l"e b# the
%nnn& The use of these brackets means that the wors so enclose are "nter!olat"ons$
'$ $ $( )n"cates some wors wh"ch ha*e been lost$
+ha!ters 1,36- ),.../)
Cha/er 10 I
1$ The wors of the bless"n0 of 1noch- wherew"th he blesse the elect an r"0hteous-
who w"ll be l"*"n0 "n the a# of tr"bulat"on- when all the w"cke an 0oless are to be
remo*e$ 2$ An he took u! h"s !arable an sa" ,1noch a r"0hteous man- whose e#es
were o!ene b# 2o- saw the *"s"on of the 3ol# 4ne "n the hea*ens- wh"ch the an0els
showe me- an from them ) hear e*er#th"n0- an from them ) unerstoo as ) saw-
but not for th"s 0enerat"on- but for a remote one wh"ch "s for to come$ 3$ +oncern"n0 the
elect ) sa"- an took u! m# !arable concern"n0 them5
The 3ol# 2reat 4ne w"ll come forth from 3"s well"n0-
4$ An the eternal 2o w"ll trea u!on the earth- (e*en) on 6ount 7"na"-
%An a!!ear from 3"s cam!&
An a!!ear "n the stren0th of 3"s m"0ht from the hea*en of hea*ens$
5$ An all shall be sm"tten w"th fear
An the 8atchers shall 9uake-
An 0reat fear an trembl"n0 shall se":e them unto the ens of the earth$
6$ An the h"0h mounta"ns shall be shaken-
An the h"0h h"lls shall be mae low-
An shall melt l"ke wa; before the flame
7$ An the earth shall be wholl# rent "n suner-
An all that "s u!on the earth shall !er"sh-
An there shall be a <u0ement u!on all (men)$
8$ =ut w"th the r"0hteous 3e w"ll make !eace$
An w"ll !rotect the elect-
An merc# shall be u!on them$
An the# shall all belon0 to 2o-
An the# shall be !ros!ere-
An the# shall all be blesse$
An 3e w"ll hel! them all-
An l"0ht shall a!!ear unto them-
An 3e w"ll make !eace w"th them>$
9$ An behol? 3e cometh w"th ten thousans of 3"s hol# ones
To e;ecute <u0ement u!on all-
An to estro# all the un0ol#5
An to con*"ct all flesh
4f all the works of the"r un0ol"ness wh"ch the# ha*e un0ol# comm"tte-
An of all the har th"n0s wh"ch un0ol# s"nners ha*e s!oken a0a"nst 3"m$
Cha/er 30 II
1$ 4bser*e #e e*er#th"n0 that takes !lace "n the hea*en- how the# o not chan0e the"r
orb"ts- an the lum"nar"es wh"ch are "n the hea*en- how the# all r"se an set "n orer
each "n "ts season- an trans0ress not a0a"nst the"r a!!o"nte orer$ 2$ =ehol #e the
earth- an 0"*e hee to the th"n0s wh"ch take !lace u!on "t from f"rst to last- how
steafast the# are- how none of the th"n0s u!on earth chan0e- but all the works of 2o
a!!ear to #ou$ 3$ =ehol the summer an the w"nter- how the whole earth "s f"lle w"th
water- an clous an ew an ra"n l"e u!on "t$
Cha/er 40 III
4bser*e an see how ("n the w"nter) all the trees seem as thou0h the# ha w"there an
she all the"r lea*es- e;ce!t fourteen trees- wh"ch o not lose the"r fol"a0e but reta"n
the ol fol"a0e from two to three #ears t"ll the new comes$
Cha/er 50 I+
An a0a"n- obser*e #e the a#s of summer how the sun "s abo*e the earth o*er a0a"nst
"t$ An #ou seek shae an shelter b# reason of the heat of the sun- an the earth also
burns w"th 0row"n0 heat- an so #ou cannot trea on the earth- or on a rock b# reason
of "ts heat$
Cha/er 60 +
1$ 4bser*e #e how the trees co*er themsel*es w"th 0reen lea*es an bear fru"t5
wherefore 0"*e #e hee an know w"th re0ar to all 3"s works- an reco0n":e how 3e
that l"*eth for e*er hath mae them so$ 2$ An all 3"s works 0o on thus from #ear to
#ear for e*er- an all the tasks wh"ch the# accom!l"sh for 3"m- an the"r tasks chan0e
not- but accor"n0 as 2o hath ora"ne so "s "t one$ 3$ An behol how the sea an
the r"*ers "n l"ke manner accom!l"sh an chan0e not the"r tasks from 3"s
commanments>$ 4$ =ut #e,,#e ha*e not been steafast- nor one the commanments of
the @or-
=ut #e ha*e turne awa# an s!oken !rou an har wors
8"th #our "m!ure mouths a0a"nst 3"s 0reatness$
4h- #e har,hearte- #e shall f"n no !eace$
5$ Therefore shall #e e;ecrate #our a#s-
An the #ears of #our l"fe shall !er"sh-
An the #ears of #our estruct"on shall be mult"!l"e "n eternal e;ecrat"on-
An #e shall f"n no merc#$
6a$ )n those a#s #e shall make #our names an eternal e;ecrat"on unto all the r"0hteous-
6b$ An b# #ou shall all who curse- curse-
6c$ An all the s"nners an 0oless shall "m!recate b# #ou-
7c$ An for #ou the 0oless there shall be a curse$
6$ An all the '$ $ $(shall re<o"ce-
6e$ An there shall be for0"*eness of s"ns-
6f$ An e*er# merc# an !eace an forbearance5
60$ There shall be sal*at"on unto them- a 0ool# l"0ht$
6"$ An for all of #ou s"nners there shall be no sal*at"on-
6<$ =ut on #ou all shall ab"e a curse$
7a$ =ut for the elect there shall be l"0ht an <o# an !eace-
7b$ An the# shall "nher"t the earth$
8$ An then there shall be bestowe u!on the elect w"som-
An the# shall all l"*e an ne*er a0a"n s"n-
1"ther throu0h un0ol"ness or throu0h !r"e5
=ut the# who are w"se shall be humble$
9$ An the# shall not a0a"n trans0ress-
Aor shall the# s"n all the a#s of the"r l"fe-
Aor shall the# "e of (the "*"ne) an0er or wrath-
=ut the# shall com!lete the number of the a#s of the"r l"fe$
An the"r l"*es shall be "ncrease "n !eace-
An the #ears of the"r <o# shall be mult"!l"e-
)n eternal 0laness an !eace-
All the a#s of the"r l"fe$
Cha/er 70 +I
1$ An "t came to !ass when the ch"lren of men ha mult"!l"e that "n those a#s were
born unto them beaut"ful an comel# au0hters$ 2$ An the an0els- the ch"lren of the
hea*en- saw an luste after them- an sa" to one another5 >+ome- let us choose us
w"*es from amon0 the ch"lren of men an be0et us ch"lren$> 3$ An 7em<a:a- who
was the"r leaer- sa" unto them5 >) fear #e w"ll not "nee a0ree to o th"s ee- an )
alone shall ha*e to !a# the !enalt# of a 0reat s"n$> 4$ An the# all answere h"m an
sa"5 >@et us all swear an oath- an all b"n oursel*es b# mutual "m!recat"ons not to
abanon th"s !lan but to o th"s th"n0$> 5$ Then sware the# all to0ether an boun
themsel*es b# mutual "m!recat"ons u!on "t$ 6$ An the# were "n all two hunreB who
escene "n the a#s of Care on the summ"t of 6ount 3ermon- an the# calle "t
6ount 3ermon- because the# ha sworn an boun themsel*es b# mutual
"m!recat"ons u!on "t$ 7$ An these are the names of the"r leaers5 7amla:a:- the"r
leaer- Araklba- Dameel- Eokablel- Tamlel- Damlel- Fanel- 1:e9eel- =ara9"<al- Asael-
Armaros- =atarel- Ananel- Ga91el- 7amsa!eel- 7atarel- Turel- Com<ael- 7ar"el$ 8$ These
are the"r ch"efs of tens$
Cha/er 80 +II
1$ An all the others to0ether w"th them took unto themsel*es w"*es- an each chose
for h"mself one- an the# be0an to 0o "n unto them an to ef"le themsel*es w"th them-
an the# tau0ht them charms an enchantments- an the cutt"n0 of roots- an mae
them ac9ua"nte w"th !lants$ 2$ An the# became !re0nant- an the# bare 0reat 0"ants-
whose he"0ht was three thousan ells5 3$ 8ho consume all the ac9u"s"t"ons of men$
An when men coul no lon0er susta"n them- 4$ the 0"ants turne a0a"nst them an
e*oure mank"n$ 5$ An the# be0an to s"n a0a"nst b"rs- an beasts- an re!t"les- an
f"sh- an to e*our one another>s flesh- an r"nk the bloo$ 6$ Then the earth la"
accusat"on a0a"nst the lawless ones$
Cha/er 90 +III
1$ An A:a:el tau0ht men to make swors- an kn"*es- an sh"els- an breast!lates-
an mae known to them the metals of the earth an the art of work"n0 them- an
bracelets- an ornaments- an the use of ant"mon#- an the beaut"f#"n0 of the e#el"s-
an all k"ns of costl# stones- an all colour"n0 t"nctures$ 2$ An there arose much
0olessness- an the# comm"tte forn"cat"on- an the# were le astra#- an became
corru!t "n all the"r wa#s$ 3$ 7em<a:a tau0ht enchantments- an root,cutt"n0s- >Armaros
the resol*"n0 of enchantments- =ara9"<al (tau0ht) astrolo0#- Eokabel the constellat"ons-
1:e9eel the knowle0e of the clous- Ara9"el the s"0ns of the earth- 7hams"el the s"0ns
of the sun- an 7ar"el the course of the moon$ 4$ An as men !er"she- the# cr"e- an
the"r cr# went u! to hea*en $ $ $
Cha/er :0 I,
1$ An then 6"chael- Hr"el- Da!hael- an 2abr"el looke own from hea*en an saw
much bloo be"n0 she u!on the earth- an all lawlessness be"n0 wrou0ht u!on the
earth$ 2$ An the# sa" one to another5 >The earth mae w"thout "nhab"tant cr"es the
*o"ce of the"r cr#"n0st u! to the 0ates of hea*en$ 3$ An now to #ou- the hol# ones of
hea*en- the souls of men make the"r su"t- sa#"n0- I=r"n0 our cause before the 6ost
3"0h$I> 4$ An the# sa" to the @or of the a0es5 >@or of lors- 2o of 0os- E"n0 of
k"n0s- an 2o of the a0es- the throne of Th# 0lor# (staneth) unto all the 0enerat"ons of
the a0es- an Th# name hol# an 0lor"ous an blesse unto all the a0es? 5$ Thou hast
mae all th"n0s- an !ower o*er all th"n0s hast Thou5 an all th"n0s are nake an
o!en "n Th# s"0ht- an Thou seest all 6 th"n0s- an noth"n0 can h"e "tself from Thee$ 6$
Thou seest what A:a:el hath one- who hath tau0ht all unr"0hteousness on earth an
re*eale the eternal secrets wh"ch were (!reser*e) "n hea*en- wh"ch men were str"*"n0
to learn5 7$ An 7em<a:a- to whom Thou hast 0"*en author"t# to bear rule o*er h"s
assoc"ates$ 8$ An the# ha*e 0one to the au0hters of men u!on the earth- an ha*e
sle!t w"th the women- an ha*e ef"le themsel*es- an re*eale to them all k"ns of
s"ns$ 9$ An the women ha*e 10 borne 0"ants- an the whole earth has thereb# been
f"lle w"th bloo an unr"0hteousness$ 10$ An now- behol- the souls of those who
ha*e "e are cr#"n0 an mak"n0 the"r su"t to the 0ates of hea*en- an the"r
lamentat"ons ha*e ascene5 an cannot cease because of the lawless ees wh"ch are
wrou0ht on the earth$ 11$ An Thou knowest all th"n0s before the# come to !ass- an
Thou seest these th"n0s an Thou ost suffer them- an Thou ost not sa# to us what
we are to o to them "n re0ar to these$>
Cha/er 1;0 ,
1$ Then sa" the 6ost 3"0h- the 3ol# an 2reat 4ne s!ake- an sent Hr"el to the son of
@amech- an sa" to h"m5 2$ >2o to Aoah an tell h"m "n m# name I3"e th#self?I an
re*eal to h"m the en that "s a!!roach"n05 that the whole earth w"ll be estro#e- an a
elu0e "s about to come 3 u!on the whole earth- an w"ll estro# all that "s on "t$ 3$ An
now "nstruct h"m that he ma# esca!e an h"s see ma# be !reser*e for all the
0enerat"ons of the worl$> 4$ An a0a"n the @or sa" to Da!hael5 >="n A:a:el han
an foot- an cast h"m "nto the arkness5 an make an o!en"n0 "n the esert- wh"ch "s
"n Fuael- an cast h"m there"n$ 5$ An !lace u!on h"m rou0h an <a00e rocks- an
co*er h"m w"th arkness- an let h"m ab"e there for e*er- an co*er h"s face that he
ma# not see l"0ht$ 6$ An on the a# of the 0reat <u0ement he shall be cast "nto the
f"re$ 7$ An heal the earth wh"ch the an0els ha*e corru!te- an !rocla"m the heal"n0 of
the earth- that the# ma# heal the !la0ue- an that all the ch"lren of men ma# not
!er"sh throu0h all the secret th"n0s that the 8atchers ha*e "sclose an ha*e tau0ht
the"r sons$ 8$ An the whole earth has been corru!te throu0h the works that were
tau0ht b# A:a:el5 to h"m ascr"be all s"n$> 9$ An to 2abr"el sa" the @or5 >Jrocee
a0a"nst the bastars an the re!robates- an a0a"nst the ch"lren of forn"cat"on5 an
estro# %the ch"lren of forn"cat"on an& the ch"lren of the 8atchers from amon0st men
%an cause them to 0o forth&5 sen them one a0a"nst the other that the# ma# estro# each
other "n battle5 for len0th of a#s shall the# not ha*e$ 10$ An no re9uest that the# ("$e$
the"r fathers) make of thee shall be 0rante unto the"r fathers on the"r behalfB for the#
ho!e to l"*e an eternal l"fe- an that each one of them w"ll l"*e f"*e hunre #ears$> 11$
An the @or sa" unto 6"chael5 >2o- b"n 7em<a:a an h"s assoc"ates who ha*e
un"te themsel*es w"th women so as to ha*e ef"le themsel*es w"th them "n all the"r
uncleanness$ 12$ An when the"r sons ha*e sla"n one another- an the# ha*e seen the
estruct"on of the"r belo*e ones- b"n them fast for se*ent# 0enerat"ons "n the *alle#s
of the earth- t"ll the a# of the"r <u0ement an of the"r consummat"on- t"ll the
<u0ement that "s for e*er an e*er "s consummate$ 13$ )n those a#s the# shall be le
off to the ab#ss of f"re5 an 14 to the torment an the !r"son "n wh"ch the# shall be
conf"ne for e*er$ 14$ An whosoe*er shall be conemne an estro#e w"ll from
thenceforth be boun to0ether w"th them to the en of all 0enerat"ons$ 15$ An estro#
all the s!"r"ts of the re!robate an the ch"lren of the 8atchers- because the# ha*e
wron0e mank"n$ 16$ Festro# all wron0 from the face of the earth an let e*er# e*"l
work come to an en5 an let the !lant of r"0hteousness an truth a!!ear5 an "t shall
!ro*e a bless"n0B the works of r"0hteousness an truth> shall be !lante "n truth an <o#
for e*ermore$
17$ An then shall all the r"0hteous esca!e-
An shall l"*e t"ll the# be0et thousans of ch"lren-
An all the a#s of the"r #outh an the"r ol a0e
7hall the# com!lete "n !eace$
18$ An then shall the whole earth be t"lle "n r"0hteousness- an shall all be !lante
w"th trees an be full of bless"n0$ 19$ An all es"rable trees shall be !lante on "t- an
the# shall !lant *"nes on "t5 an the *"ne wh"ch the# !lant thereon shall #"el w"ne "n
abunance- an as for all the see wh"ch "s sown thereon each measure (of "t) shall bear
a thousan- an each measure of ol"*es shall #"el ten !resses of o"l$ 20$ An cleanse
thou the earth from all o!!ress"on- an from all unr"0hteousness- an from all s"n- an
from all 0olessness5 an all the uncleanness that "s wrou0ht u!on the earth estro#
from off the earth$ 21$ An all the ch"lren of men shall become r"0hteous- an all
nat"ons shall offer aorat"on an shall !ra"se 6e- an all shall worsh"! 6e$ 22$ An the
earth shall be cleanse from all ef"lement- an from all s"n- an from all !un"shment-
an from all torment- an ) w"ll ne*er a0a"n sen (them) u!on "t from 0enerat"on to
0enerat"on an for e*er$
Cha/er 110 ,I
1$ An "n those a#s ) w"ll o!en the store chambers of bless"n0 wh"ch are "n the hea*en-
so as to sen them own u!on the earth o*er the work an labour of the ch"lren of
men$ 2$ An truth an !eace shall be assoc"ate to0ether throu0hout all the a#s of the
worl an throu0hout all the 0enerat"ons of men$>
Cha/er 130 ,II
1$ =efore these th"n0s 1noch was h"en- an no one of the ch"lren of men knew
where he was h"en- an where he aboe- an what ha become of h"m$ 2$ An h"s
act"*"t"es ha to o w"th the 8atchers- an h"s a#s were w"th the hol# ones$ 3$ An )
1noch was bless"n0 the @or of ma<est# an the E"n0 of the a0es- an lo? the 8atchers
calle me ,1noch the scr"be, an sa" to me5 4$ >1noch- thou scr"be of r"0hteousness-
0o- eclare to the 8atchers of the hea*en who ha*e left the h"0h hea*en- the hol#
eternal !lace- an ha*e ef"le themsel*es w"th women- an ha*e one as the ch"lren
of earth o- an ha*e taken unto themsel*es w"*es5 IKe ha*e wrou0ht 0reat
estruct"on on the earth5 5$ An #e shall ha*e no !eace nor for0"*eness of s"n5 an
"nasmuch as the# el"0ht themsel*es "n the"r ch"lren- 6$ The murer of the"r belo*e
ones shall the# see- an o*er the estruct"on of the"r ch"lren shall the# lament- an
shall make su!!l"cat"on unto etern"t#- but merc# an !eace shall #e not atta"n$I>
Cha/er 140 ,III
1$ An 1noch went an sa"5 >A:a:el- thou shalt ha*e no !eace5 a se*ere sentence has
0one forth a0a"nst thee to !ut thee "n bons5 2$ An thou shalt not ha*e tolerat"on nor
re9uest 0rante to thee- because of the unr"0hteousness wh"ch thou hast tau0ht- an
because of all the works of 0olessness an unr"0hteousness an s"n wh"ch thou hast
shown to men$> 3$ Then ) went an s!oke to them all to0ether- an the# were all afra"-
an fear an trembl"n0 se":e them$ 4$ An the# besou0ht me to raw u! a !et"t"on for
them that the# m"0ht f"n for0"*eness- an to rea the"r !et"t"on "n the !resence of the
@or of hea*en$ 5$ Lor from thenceforwar the# coul not s!eak (w"th 3"m) nor l"ft u!
the"r e#es to hea*en for shame of the"r s"ns for wh"ch the# ha been conemne$ 6$
Then ) wrote out the"r !et"t"on- an the !ra#er "n re0ar to the"r s!"r"ts an the"r ees
"n"*"uall# an "n re0ar to the"r re9uests that the# shoul ha*e for0"*eness an
len0th$ 7$ An ) went off an sat own at the waters of Fan- "n the lan of Fan- to the
south of the west of 3ermon5 ) rea the"r !et"t"on t"ll ) fell aslee!$ 8$ An behol a
ream came to me- an *"s"ons fell own u!on me- an ) saw *"s"ons of chast"sement-
an a *o"ce came b""n0 (me) ) to tell "t to the sons of hea*en- an re!r"man them$ 9$
An when ) awake- ) came unto them- an the# were all s"tt"n0 0athere to0ether-
wee!"n0 "n >Abels<a"l- wh"ch "s between @ebanon an 7eneser- w"th the"r faces
co*ere$ 10$ An ) recounte before them all the *"s"ons wh"ch ) ha seen "n slee!- an
) be0an to s!eak the wors of r"0hteousness- an to re!r"man the hea*enl# 8atchers$
Cha/er 150 ,I+
1$ The book of the wors of r"0hteousness- an of the re!r"man of the eternal
8atchers "n accorance w"th the comman of the 3ol# 2reat 4ne "n that *"s"on$ 2$ )
saw "n m# slee! what ) w"ll now sa# w"th a ton0ue of flesh an w"th the breath of m#
mouth5 wh"ch the 2reat 4ne has 0"*en to men to con*erse therew"th an unerstan
w"th the heart$ 3$ As 3e has create an 0"*en to man the !ower of unerstan"n0 the
wor of w"som- so hath 3e create me also an 0"*en me the !ower of re!r"man"n0
the 8atchers- the ch"lren of hea*en$ 4$ ) wrote out #our !et"t"on- an "n m# *"s"on "t
a!!eare thus- that #our !et"t"on w"ll not be 0rante unto #ou throu0hout all the a#s
of etern"t#- an that <u0ement has been f"nall# !asse u!on #ou5 #ea (#our !et"t"on) w"ll
not be 0rante unto #ou$ 5$ An from henceforth #ou shall not ascen "nto hea*en unto
all etern"t#- an "n bons of the earth the ecree has 0one forth to b"n #ou for all the
a#s of the worl$ 6$ An (that) !re*"ousl# #ou shall ha*e seen the estruct"on of #our
belo*e sons an #e shall ha*e no !leasure "n them- but the# shall fall before #ou b#
the swor$ 7$ An #our !et"t"on on the"r behalf shall not be 0rante- nor #et on #our
own5 e*en thou0h #ou wee! an !ra# an s!eak all the wors conta"ne "n the wr"t"n0
wh"ch ) ha*e wr"tten$ 8$ An the *"s"on was shown to me thus5 =ehol- "n the *"s"on
clous "n*"te me an a m"st summone me- an the course of the stars an the
l"0htn"n0s s!e an hastene me- an the w"ns "n the *"s"on cause me to fl# an
l"fte me u!war- an bore me "nto hea*en$ 9$ An ) went "n t"ll ) rew n"0h to a wall
wh"ch "s bu"lt of cr#stals an surroune b# ton0ues of f"re5 an "t be0an to affr"0ht
me$ 10$ An ) went "nto the ton0ues of f"re an rew n"0h to a lar0e house wh"ch was
bu"lt of cr#stals5 an the walls of the house were l"ke a tesselate floor (mae) of
cr#stals- an "ts 0rounwork was of cr#stal$ 11$ )ts ce"l"n0 was l"ke the !ath of the stars
an the l"0htn"n0s- an between them were f"er# +herub"m- an the"r hea*en was (clear
as) water$ 12$ A flam"n0 f"re surroune the walls- an "ts !ortals bla:e w"th f"re$ 13$
An ) entere "nto that house- an "t was hot as f"re an col as "ce5 there were no
el"0hts of l"fe there"n5 fear co*ere me- an trembl"n0 0ot hol u!on me$ 14$ An as )
9uake an tremble- ) fell u!on m# face$ 15$ An ) behel a *"s"on- An lo? there was
a secon house- 0reater than the former- an the ent"re !ortal stoo o!en before me-
an "t was bu"lt of flames of f"re$ 16$ An "n e*er# res!ect "t so e;celle "n s!lenour
an ma0n"f"cence an e;tent that ) cannot escr"be to #ou "ts s!lenour an "ts e;tent$
17$ An "ts floor was of f"re- an abo*e "t were l"0htn"n0s an the !ath of the stars- an
"ts ce"l"n0 also was flam"n0 f"re$ 18$ An ) looke an saw there"n a loft# throne5 "ts
a!!earance was as cr#stal- an the wheels thereof as the sh"n"n0 sun- an there was the
*"s"on of +herub"m$ 19$ An from unerneath the throne came streams of flam"n0 f"re
so that ) coul not look thereon$ 20$ An the 2reat 2lor# sat thereon- an 3"s ra"ment
shone more br"0htl# than the sun an was wh"ter than an# snow$ 21$ Aone of the an0els
coul enter an coul behol 3"s face b# reason of the ma0n"f"cence an 0lor# an no
flesh coul behol 3"m$ 22$ The flam"n0 f"re was roun about 3"m- an a 0reat f"re
stoo before 3"m- an none aroun coul raw n"0h 3"m5 ten thousan t"mes ten
thousan (stoo) before 3"m- #et 3e neee no counselor$ 23$ An the most hol# ones
who were n"0h to 3"m " not lea*e b# n"0ht nor e!art from 3"m$ 24$ An unt"l then )
ha been !rostrate on m# face- trembl"n05 an the @or calle me w"th 3"s own mouth-
an sa" to me5 > +ome h"ther- 1noch- an hear m# wor$> 25$ An one of the hol# ones
came to me an wake me- an 3e mae me r"se u! an a!!roach the oor5 an )
bowe m# face ownwars$
Cha/er 160 ,+
1$ An 3e answere an sa" to me- an ) hear 3"s *o"ce5 >Lear not- 1noch- thou
r"0hteous man an scr"be of r"0hteousness5 a!!roach h"ther an hear m# *o"ce$ 2$ An
0o- sa# to the 8atchers of hea*en- who ha*e sent thee to "ntercee for them5 IKou
shoul "nterceeI for men- an not men for #ou5 3$ 8herefore ha*e #e left the h"0h-
hol#- an eternal hea*en- an la"n w"th women- an ef"le #oursel*es w"th the
au0hters of men an taken to #oursel*es w"*es- an one l"ke the ch"lren of earth-
an be0otten 0"ants (as #our) sonsM 4$ An thou0h #e were hol#- s!"r"tual- l"*"n0 the
eternal l"fe- #ou ha*e ef"le #oursel*es w"th the bloo of women- an ha*e be0otten
(ch"lren) w"th the bloo of flesh- an- as the ch"lren of men- ha*e luste after flesh
an bloo as those also o who "e an !er"sh$ 5$ Therefore ha*e ) 0"*en them w"*es
also that the# m"0ht "m!re0nate them- an be0et ch"lren b# them- that thus noth"n0
m"0ht be want"n0 to them on earth$ 6$ =ut #ou were formerl# s!"r"tual- l"*"n0 the
eternal l"fe- an "mmortal for all 0enerat"ons of the worl$ 7$ An therefore ) ha*e not
a!!o"nte w"*es for #ouB for as for the s!"r"tual ones of the hea*en- "n hea*en "s the"r
well"n0$ 8$ An now- the 0"ants- who are !rouce from the s!"r"ts an flesh- shall be
calle e*"l s!"r"ts u!on the earth- an on the earth shall be the"r well"n0$ 9$ 1*"l s!"r"ts
ha*e !roceee from the"r bo"esB because the# are born from men an from the hol#
8atchers "s the"r be0"nn"n0 an !r"mal or"0"nB the# shall be e*"l s!"r"ts on earth- an
e*"l s!"r"ts shall the# be calle$ 10$ %As for the s!"r"ts of hea*en- "n hea*en shall be the"r well"n0-
but as for the s!"r"ts of the earth wh"ch were born u!on the earth- on the earth shall be the"r well"n0$&
11$ An the s!"r"ts of the 0"ants affl"ct- o!!ress- estro#- attack- o battle- an work
estruct"on on the earth- an cause trouble5 the# take no foo- but ne*ertheless hun0er
an th"rst- an cause offences$ 12$ An these s!"r"ts shall r"se u! a0a"nst the ch"lren of
men an a0a"nst the women- because the# ha*e !roceee from them$
Cha/er 170 ,+I
1$ Lrom the a#s of the slau0hter an estruct"on an eath of the 0"ants- from the souls
of whose flesh the s!"r"ts- ha*"n0 0one forth- shall estro# w"thout "ncurr"n0
<u0ement ,thus shall the# estro# unt"l the a# of the consummat"on- the 0reat
<u0ement "n wh"ch the a0e shall be consummate- o*er the 8atchers an the 0oless-
#ea- shall be wholl# consummate$I 2$ An now as to the watchers who ha*e sent thee
to "ntercee for them- who ha been aforet"me "n hea*en- (sa# to them)5 3$ IKou ha*e
been "n hea*en- but all the m#ster"es ha not #et been re*eale to #ou- an #ou knew
worthless ones- an these "n the harness of #our hearts #ou ha*e mae known to the
women- an throu0h these m#ster"es women an men work much e*"l on earth$I 4$ 7a#
to them therefore5 I Kou ha*e no !eace$I>
Cha/er 180 ,+II
1$ An the# took an brou0ht me to a !lace "n wh"ch those who were there were l"ke
flam"n0 f"re- an- when the# w"she- the# a!!eare as men$ 2$ An the# brou0ht me to
the !lace of arkness- an to a mounta"n the !o"nt of whose summ"t reache to hea*en$
3$ An ) saw the !laces of the lum"nar"es an the treasur"es of the stars an of the
thuner an "n the uttermost e!ths- where were a f"er# bow an arrows an the"r
9u"*er- an a f"er# swor an all the l"0htn"n0s$ 4$ An the# took me to the l"*"n0
waters- an to the f"re of the west- wh"ch rece"*es e*er# sett"n0 of the sun$ 5$ An )
came to a r"*er of f"re "n wh"ch the f"re flows l"ke water an "schar0es "tself "nto the
0reat sea towars the west$ 6$ ) saw the 0reat r"*ers an came to the 0reat r"*er an to
the 0reat arkness- an went to the !lace where no flesh walks$ 7$ ) saw the mounta"ns
of the arkness of w"nter an the !lace whence all the waters of the ee! flow$ 8$ ) saw
the mouths of all the r"*ers of the earth an the mouth of the ee!$
Cha/er 190 ,+III
1$ ) saw the treasur"es of all the w"ns5 ) saw how 3e ha furn"she w"th them the
whole creat"on an the f"rm founat"ons of the earth$ 2$ An ) saw the corner,stone of
the earth5 ) saw the four w"ns wh"ch bear %the earth an& the f"rmament of the hea*en$ 3$
An ) saw how the w"ns stretch out the *aults of hea*en- an ha*e the"r stat"on
between hea*en an earth5 these are the !"llars of the hea*en$ 4$ ) saw the w"ns of
hea*en wh"ch turn an br"n0 the c"rcumference of the sun an all the stars to the"r
sett"n0$ 5$ ) saw the w"ns on the earth carr#"n0 the clous5 ) saw the !aths of the
an0els$ ) saw at the en of the earth the f"rmament of the hea*en abo*e$ 6$ An )
!roceee an saw a !lace wh"ch burns a# an n"0ht- where there are se*en
mounta"ns of ma0n"f"cent stones- three towars the east- an three towars the south$ 7$
An as for those towars the east- was of coloure stone- an one of !earl- an one of
<ac"nth- an those towars the south of re stone$ 8$ =ut the m"le one reache to
hea*en l"ke the throne of 2o- of alabaster- an the summ"t of the throne was of
sa!!h"re$ 9$ An ) saw a flam"n0 f"re$ 10$ An be#on these mounta"ns )s a re0"on the
en of the 0reat earth5 there the hea*ens were com!lete$ 11$ An ) saw a ee! ab#ss-
w"th columns of hea*enl# f"re- an amon0 them ) saw columns of f"re fall- wh"ch were
be#on measure al"ke towars the he"0ht an towars the e!th$ 12$ An be#on that
ab#ss ) saw a !lace wh"ch ha no f"rmament of the hea*en abo*e- an no f"rml#
foune earth beneath "t5 there was no water u!on "t- an no b"rs- but "t was a waste
an horr"ble !lace$ 13$ ) saw there se*en stars l"ke 0reat burn"n0 mounta"ns- an to me-
when ) "n9u"re re0ar"n0 them- 14$ The an0el sa"5 >Th"s !lace "s the en of hea*en an
earth5 th"s has become a !r"son for the stars an the host of hea*en$ 15$ An the stars
wh"ch roll o*er the f"re are the# wh"ch ha*e trans0resse the commanment of the
@or "n the be0"nn"n0 of the"r r"s"n0- because the# " not come forth at the"r
a!!o"nte t"mes$ 16$ An 3e was wroth w"th them- an boun them t"ll the t"me when
the"r 0u"lt shoul be consummate (e*en) for ten thousan #ears$>
Cha/er 1:0 ,I,
1$ An Hr"el sa" to me5 >3ere shall stan the an0els who ha*e connecte themsel*es
w"th women- an the"r s!"r"ts assum"n0 man# "fferent forms are ef"l"n0 mank"n an
shall lea them astra# "nto sacr"f"c"n0 to emons as 0os- (here shall the# stan-) t"ll the
a# of the 0reat <u0ement "n wh"ch the# shall be <u0e t"ll the# are mae an en of$
2$ An the women also of the an0els who went astra# shall become s"rens$> 3$ An )-
1noch- alone saw the *"s"on- the ens of all th"n0s5 an no man shall see as ) ha*e
Cha/er 3;0 ,,
1$ An these are the names of the hol# an0els who watch$ 2$ Hr"el- one of the hol#
an0els- who "s o*er the worl an o*er Tartarus$ 3$ Da!hael- one of the hol# an0els-
who "s o*er the s!"r"ts of men$ 4$ Da0uel- one of the hol# an0els who takes *en0eance
on the worl of the lum"nar"es$ 5$ 6"chael- one of the hol# an0els- to w"t- he that "s set
o*er the best !art of mank"n an o*er chaos$ 6$ 7ara9ael- one of the hol# an0els- who
"s set o*er the s!"r"ts- who s"n "n the s!"r"t$ 7$ 2abr"el- one of the hol# an0els- who "s
o*er Jara"se an the ser!ents an the +herub"m$ 8$ Dem"el- one of the hol# an0els-
whom 2o set o*er those who r"se$
Cha/er 310 ,,I
1$ An ) !roceee to where th"n0s were chaot"c$ 2$ An ) saw there someth"n0 horr"ble5
) saw ne"ther a hea*en abo*e nor a f"rml# foune earth- but a !lace chaot"c an
horr"ble$ 3$ An there ) saw se*en stars of the hea*en boun to0ether "n "t- l"ke 0reat
mounta"ns an burn"n0 w"th f"re$ 4$ Then ) sa"5 >Lor what s"n are the# boun- an on
what account ha*e the# been cast "n h"therM> 5$ Then sa" Hr"el- one of the hol# an0els-
who was w"th me- an was ch"ef o*er them- an sa"5 >1noch- wh# 6 ost thou ask- an
wh# art thou ea0er for the truthM 6$ These are of the number of the stars of hea*en-
wh"ch ha*e trans0resse the commanment of the @or- an are boun here t"ll ten
thousan #ears- the t"me enta"le b# the"r s"ns- are consummate$> 7$ An from thence )
went to another !lace- wh"ch was st"ll more horr"ble than the former- an ) saw a
horr"ble th"n05 a 0reat f"re there wh"ch burnt an bla:e- an the !lace was cleft as far
as the ab#ss- be"n0 full of 0reat escen"n0 columns of f"re5 ne"ther "ts e;tent or
ma0n"tue coul ) see- nor coul ) con<ecture$ 8$ Then ) sa"5 >3ow fearful "s the !lace
an how terr"ble to look u!on?> 9$ Then Hr"el answere me- one of the hol# an0els who
was w"th me- an sa" unto me5 >1noch- wh# hast thou such fear an affr"0htM> An )
answere5 >=ecause of th"s fearful !lace- an because of the s!ectacle of the !a"n$> 10$
An he sa" unto me5 >Th"s !lace "s the !r"son of the an0els- an here the# w"ll be
"m!r"sone for e*er$>
Cha/er 330 ,,II
1$ An thence ) went to another !lace- an he showe me "n the west another 0reat an
h"0h mounta"n %an& of har rock$
Eheo/&c <reek
2$ An there was "n "t four hollow !laces-
ee! an w"e an *er# smooth$ 3ow
smooth are the hollow !laces an ee!
an ark to look at$
2$ An there were four hollow !laces "n "t-
ee! an *er# smooth5 three of them were
ark an one br"0htB an there was a
founta"n of water "n "ts m"st$ An ) sa"5
>3ow smooth are the hollow !laces an
ee! an ark to *"ew$>
3$ Then Da!hael answere- one of the hol# an0els who was w"th me- an sa" unto me5
>These hollow !laces ha*e been create for th"s *er# !ur!ose- that the s!"r"ts of the
souls of the ea shoul 4 assemble there"n- #ea that all the souls of the ch"lren of
men shoul assemble here$ 4$ An these !laces ha*e been mae to rece"*e them t"ll the
a# of the"r <u0ement an t"ll the"r a!!o"nte !er"o %t"ll the !er"o a!!o"nte&- t"ll the
0reat <u0ement (comes) u!on them$>
Eheo/&c <reek
5$ ) saw the s!"r"ts of the ch"lren of men 5$ ) saw (the s!"r"t of) a ea man mak"n0
who were ea- an the"r *o"ce went forth
to hea*en an mae su"t$ 6$ Then ) aske
Da!hael the an0el who was w"th me- an )
sa" unto h"m5 ITh"s s!"r"t,,whose "s "t
whose *o"ce 0oeth forth an maketh su"tMI
su"t- an h"s *o"ce went forth to hea*en
an mae su"t$ 6$ An ) aske Da!hael the
an0el who was w"th me- an ) sa" unto
h"m5 >Th"s s!"r"t wh"ch maketh su"t-
whose "s "t- whose *o"ce 0oeth forth an
maketh su"t to hea*enM>
7$ An he answere me sa#"n05 >Th"s "s the s!"r"t wh"ch went forth from Abel- whom
h"s brother +a"n slew- an he makes h"s su"t a0a"nst h"m t"ll h"s see "s estro#e from
the face of the earth- an h"s see "s ann"h"late from amon0st the see of men$>
Eheo/&c <reek
8$ The ) aske re0ar"n0 "t- an re0ar"n0
all the hollow !laces5 >8h# "s one
se!arate from the otherM> 9$ An he
answere me an sa" unto me5 >These
three ha*e been mae that the s!"r"ts of
the ea m"0ht be se!arate$ An such a
"*"s"on has been make (for) the s!"r"ts of
the r"0hteous- "n wh"ch there "s the br"0ht
s!r"n0 of water$ 10$ An such has been
mae for s"nners when the# "e an are
bur"e "n the earth an <u0ement has not
been e;ecute on them "n the"r l"fet"me$ 11$
3ere the"r s!"r"ts shall be set a!art "n th"s
0reat !a"n t"ll the 0reat a# of <u0ement
an !un"shment an torment of those who
curse for e*er an retr"but"on for the"r
s!"r"ts$ There 3e shall b"n them for e*er$
12$ An such a "*"s"on has been mae for
the s!"r"ts of those who make the"r su"t-
who make "sclosures concern"n0 the"r
estruct"on- when the# were sla"n "n the
a#s of the s"nners$ 13$ 7uch has been
mae for the s!"r"ts of men who were not
r"0hteous but s"nners- who were com!lete
"n trans0ress"on- an of the trans0ressors
the# shall be com!an"ons5 but the"r s!"r"ts
shall not be sla"n "n the a# of <u0ement
nor shall the# be ra"se from thence$> 14$
The ) blesse the @or of 0lor# an sa"5
>=lesse be m# @or- the @or of
r"0hteousness- who ruleth for e*er$>
8$ Then ) aske re0ar"n0 all the hollow
!laces5 >8h# "s one se!ara0e from the
otherM> 9$ Then he answere me sa#"n05
IThese three ha*e been mae that the
s!"r"ts of the ea m"0ht be se!arate$
An th"s "*"s"on has bas been mae for
the s!"r"ts of the r"0hteous- "n wh"ch there
"s a br"0ht s!r"n0 of water$ 10$ An th"s has
been mae for s"nners when the# "e an
are bur"e "n the earth an <u0ement has
not been e;ecute u!on them "n the"r
l"fet"me$ 11$ 3ere the"r s!"r"ts shall be set
a!art "n th"s 0reat !a"n- t"ll the 0reat a#
of <u0ement- scour0"n0s- an torments
of the accurse for e*er- so that (there ma#
be) retr"but"on for the"r s!"r"ts$ There he
shall b"n them for e*er$ 12$ An th"s
"*"s"on has been mae for the s!"r"ts of
those who make the"r su"t- who make
"sclosures concern"n0 the"r "struct"on-
when the# were sla"n "n the a#s of the
s"nners$ 13$ An th"s has been mae for the
s!"r"ts of men who shall not be r"0hteous
but s"nners- who are 0oless- an of the
lawless the# shall be com!an"ons5 but
the"r s!"r"ts shall not be !un"she "n the
a# of <u0ement nor shall the# be ra"se
from thence$> 14$ Then ) blesse the @or
of 2lor# an sa"5 >=lesse art Thou- @or
of r"0hteousness- who rulest o*er the
Cha/er 340 ,,III
1$ Lrom thence ) went to another !lace to the west of the ens of the earth$ 2$ An ) saw
a burn"n0 f"re wh"ch ran w"thout rest"n0- an !ause not from "ts course a# or n"0ht
but (ran) re0ularl#$ 3$ An ) aske sa#"n05 >8hat "s th"s wh"ch rests notM> 4$ Then Da0uel-
one of the hol# an0els who was w"th me- answere me an sa" unto me5 >Th"s course
of f"re wh"ch thou hast seen "s the f"re "n the west wh"ch !ersecutes all the lum"nar"es
of hea*en$>
Cha/er 350 ,,I+
1$ An from thence ) went to another !lace of the earth- an he showe me a mounta"n
ran0e of f"re wh"ch burnt a# an n"0ht$ 2$ An ) went be#on "t an saw se*en
ma0n"f"cent mounta"ns all "ffer"n0 each from the other- an the stones (thereof) were
ma0n"f"cent an beaut"ful- ma0n"f"cent as a whole- of 0lor"ous a!!earance an fa"r
e;ter"or5 three towars the east- one foune on the other- an three towars the south-
one u!on the other- an ee! rou0h ra*"nes- no one of wh"ch <o"ne w"th an# other$ 3$
An the se*enth mounta"n was "n the m"st of these- an "t e;celle them "n he"0ht-
resembl"n0 the seat of a throne5 an fra0rant trees enc"rcle the throne$ 4$ An amon0st
them was a tree such as ) ha ne*er #et smelt- ne"ther was an# amon0st them nor were
others l"ke "t5 "t ha a fra0rance be#on all fra0rance- an "ts lea*es an blooms an
woo w"ther not for e*er5 an "ts fru"t "s beaut"ful- an "ts fru"t n resembles the ates of
a !alm$ 5$ Then ) sa"5 >3ow beaut"ful "s th"s tree- an fra0rant- an "ts lea*es are fa"r-
an "ts blooms *er# el"0htful "n a!!earance$> 6$ Then answere 6"chael- one of the
hol# an honoure an0els who was w"th me- an was the"r leaer$
Cha/er 360 ,,+
1$ An he sa" unto me5 >1noch- wh# ost thou ask me re0ar"n0 the fra0rance of the
tree- an wh# ost thou w"sh to learn the truthM> 2$ Then ) answere h"m sa#"n05 >) w"sh
to know about e*er#th"n0- but es!ec"all# about th"s tree$> 3$ An he answere sa#"n05
>Th"s h"0h mounta"n wh"ch thou hast seen- whose summ"t "s l"ke the throne of 2o- "s
3"s throne- where the 3ol# 2reat 4ne- the @or of 2lor#- the 1ternal E"n0- w"ll s"t-
when 3e shall come own to *"s"t the earth w"th 0ooness$ 4$ An as for th"s fra0rant
tree no mortal "s !erm"tte to touch "t t"ll the 0reat <u0ement- when 3e shall take
*en0eance on all an br"n0 (e*er#th"n0) to "ts consummat"on for e*er$ )t shall then be
0"*en to the r"0hteous an hol#$ 5$ )ts fru"t shall be for foo to the elect5 "t shall be
trans!lante to the hol# !lace- to the tem!le of the @or- the 1ternal E"n0$
6$ Then shall the# re<o"ce w"th <o# an be 0la-
An "nto the hol# !lace shall the# enterB
An "ts fra0rance shall be "n the"r bones-
An the# shall l"*e a lon0 l"fe on earth-
7uch as th# fathers l"*e5
An "n the"r a#s shall no sorrow or !la0ue
4r torment or calam"t# touch them$>
7$ Then blesse ) the 2o of 2lor#- the 1ternal E"n0- who hath !re!are such th"n0s
for the r"0hteous- an hath create them an !rom"se to 0"*e to them$
Cha/er 370 ,,+I
1$ An ) went from thence to the m"le of the earth- an ) saw a blesse !lace "n
wh"ch there were trees w"th branches ab""n0 an bloom"n0 %of a "smembere tree&$ 2$
An there ) saw a hol# mounta"n- an unerneath the mounta"n to the east there was a
stream an "t flowe towars the south$ 3$ An ) saw towars the east another mounta"n
h"0her than th"s- an between them a ee! an narrow 4 ra*"ne5 "n "t also ran a stream
unerneath the mounta"n$ 4$ An to the west thereof there was another mounta"n- lower
than the former an of small ele*at"on- an a ra*"ne ee! an r# between them5 an
another ee! an r# ra*"ne was at the e;trem"t"es of the three mounta"ns$ 5$ An all
the ra*"nes were ee! ran narrow- (be"n0 forme) of har rock- an trees were not
!lante u!on them$ 6$ An ) mar*ele at the rocks- an ) mar*ele at the ra*"ne- #ea- )
mar*ele *er# much$
Cha/er 380 ,,+II
1$ Then sa" )5 >Lor what ob<ect "s th"s blesse lan- wh"ch "s ent"rel# f"lle w"th trees-
an th"s accurse *alle# betweenM> 2$ Then Hr"el- one of the hol# an0els who was w"th
me- answere an sa"5 >Th"s accurse *alle# "s for those who are accurse for e*er5
3ere shall all the accurse be 0athere to0ether who utter w"th the"r l"!s a0a"nst the
@or unseeml# wors an of 3"s 0lor# s!eak har th"n0s$
Eheo/&c <reek
3ere shall the# be 0athere to0ether- an
here shall be the"r !lace of <u0ement$ 3$ )n
the last a#s there shall be u!on them the
s!ectacle of r"0hteous <u0ement "n the
!resence of the r"0hteous for e*er5 here
shall the merc"ful bless the @or of 2lor#-
the 1ternal E"n0$
3ere shall the# be 0athere to0ether- an
here shall be the !lace of the"r hab"tat"on$
3$ )n the last t"mes- "n the a#s of true
<u0ement- "n the !resence of the
r"0hteous for e*er5 here shall the 0ol#
bless the @or of 2lor#- the 1ternal E"n0$
4$ )n the a#s of <u0ement o*er the former- the# shall bless 3"m for the merc# "n
accorance w"th wh"ch 3e has ass"0ne them (the"r lot)$> 5$ Then ) blesse the @or of
2lor# an set forth 3"s 0lor# an laue 3"m 0lor"ousl#$
Cha/er 390 ,,+III
1$ An thence ) went towars the east- "nto the m"st of the mounta"n ran0e of the
esert- an ) saw a w"lerness an "t was sol"tar#- full of trees an !lants$ 2$ An water
0ushe forth from abo*e$ 3$ Dush"n0 l"ke a co!"ous watercourse %wh"ch flowe& towars
the north,west "t cause clous an ew to ascen on e*er# s"e$
Cha/er 3:0 ,,I,
1$ An thence ) went to another !lace "n the esert- an a!!roache to the east of th"s
mounta"n ran0e$ 2$ An there ) saw aromat"c trees e;hal"n0 the fra0rance of
frank"ncense an m#rrh- an the trees also were s"m"lar to the almon tree$
Cha/er 4;0 ,,,
1$ An be#on these- ) went afar to the east- an ) saw another !lace- a *alle# (full) of
water$ 2$ An there"n there was a tree- the colour (M) of fra0rant trees such as the mast"c$
3$ An on the s"es of those *alle#s ) saw fra0rant c"nnamon$ 4$ An be#on these )
!roceee to the east$
Cha/er 410 ,,,I
1$ An ) saw other mounta"ns- an amon0st them were 0ro*es of trees- an there
flowe forth from them nectar- wh"ch "s name sarara an 0albanum$ 2$ An be#on
these mounta"ns ) saw another mounta"n to the east of the ens of the earth- whereon
were aloe,trees- an all the trees were full of stacte- be"n0 l"ke almon,trees$ 3$ An
when one burnt "t- "t smelt sweeter than an# fra0rant oour$
Cha/er 430 ,,,II
Eheo/&c <reek
1$ An after these fra0rant oours- as )
looke towars the north o*er the
mounta"ns ) saw se*en mounta"ns full of
cho"ce nar an fra0rant trees an
c"nnamon an !e!!er$
1$ To the north,east ) behel se*en
mounta"ns full of cho"ce nar an mast"c
an c"nnamon an !e!!er$
2$ An thence ) went o*er the summ"ts of all these mounta"ns- far towars the east of
the earth- an !asse abo*e the 1r#thraean sea an went far from "t- an !asse o*er
the an0el Got"el$
Eheo/&c <reek
3$ An ) came to the 2aren of
D"0hteousness- an saw be#on those
trees man# lar0e trees 0row"n0 there an
of 0ool# fra0rance- lar0e an *er#
beaut"ful an 0lor"ous- an the tree of
w"som whereof the ma# eat an know
0reat w"som$
3$ An ) came to the 2aren of
D"0hteousness- an from afar off trees
more numerous than these trees an 0reat
two trees there- *er# 0reat- beaut"ful- an
0lor"ous- an ma0n"f"cent- an the tree of
knowle0e- whose hol# fru"t the eat an
know 0reat w"som$
4$ That tree "s "n he"0ht l"ke the f"r- an "ts lea*es are l"ke (those of) the +arob tree5 an
"ts fru"t "s l"ke the clusters of the *"ne- *er# beaut"ful5 an the fra0rance of the tree
!enetrates afar$ 5$ Then ) sa"5 >3ow beaut"ful "s the tree- an how attract"*e "s "ts look?>
6$ Then Da!hael the hol# an0el- who was w"th me- answere me an sa"5 >Th"s "s the
tree of w"som- of wh"ch th# father ol ("n #ears) an th# a0e mother- who were before
thee- ha*e eaten- an the# learnt w"som an the"r e#es were o!ene- an the# knew
that the# were nake an the# were r"*en out of the 0aren$>
Cha/er 440 ,,,III
1$ An from thence ) went to the ens of the earth an saw there 0reat beasts- an each
"ffere from the otherB an () saw) b"rs also "ffer"n0 "n a!!earance an beaut# an
*o"ce- the one "ffer"n0 from the other$ 2$ An to the east of those beasts ) saw the ens
of the earth whereon the hea*en rests- an the !ortals of the hea*en o!en$ 3$ An ) saw
how the stars of hea*en come forth- an ) counte the !ortals out of wh"ch the#
!rocee- an wrote own all the"r outlets- of each "n"*"ual star b# "tself- accor"n0 to
the"r number an the"r names- the"r courses an the"r !os"t"ons- an the"r t"mes an
the"r months- as Hr"el the hol# an0el who was w"th me showe me$ 4$ 3e showe all
th"n0s to me an wrote them own for me5 also the"r names he wrote for me- an the"r
laws an the"r com!an"es$
Cha/er 450 ,,,I+
1$ An from thence ) went towars the north to the ens of the earth- an there ) saw a
0reat an 0lor"ous e*"ce at the ens of the whole earth$ 2$ An here ) saw three !ortals
of hea*en o!en "n the hea*en5 throu0h each of them !rocee north w"ns5 when the#
blow there "s col- ha"l- frost- snow- ew- an ra"n$ 3$ An out of one !ortal the# blow
for 0oo5 but when the# blow throu0h the other two !ortals- "t "s w"th *"olence an
affl"ct"on on the earth- an the# blow w"th *"olence$
Cha/er 460 ,,,+
An from thence ) went towars the west to the ens of the earth- an saw there three
!ortals of the hea*en o!en such as ) ha seen "n the east- the same number of !ortals-
an the same number of outlets$
Cha/er 470 ,,,+I
1$ An from thence ) went to the south to the ens of the earth- an saw there three
o!en !ortals of the hea*en5 an thence there come ew- ra"n- an w"n$ 2$ An from
thence ) went to the east to the ens of the hea*en- an saw here the three eastern
!ortals of hea*en o!en an small !ortals abo*e them$ 3$ Throu0h each of these small
!ortals !ass the stars of hea*en an run the"r course to the west on the !ath wh"ch "s
shown to them$ 4$ An as often as ) saw ) blesse alwa#s the @or of 2lor#- an )
cont"nue to bless the @or of 2lor# who has wrou0ht 0reat an 0lor"ous woners- to
show the 0reatness of 3"s work to the an0els an to s!"r"ts an to men- that the# m"0ht
!ra"se 3"s work an all 3"s creat"on5 that the# m"0ht see the work of 3"s m"0ht an
!ra"se the 0reat work of 3"s hans an bless 3"m for e*er$
SECTION TWO "The Parables"
+ha!ters 37,71- .../)),@..)
Cha/er 480 ,,,+II
1$ The secon *"s"on wh"ch he saw- the *"s"on of w"som ,wh"ch 1noch the son of
Care- the son of 6ahalalel- the son of +a"nan- the son of 1nos- the son of 7eth- the son
of Aam- saw$ 2$ An th"s "s the be0"nn"n0 of the wors of w"som wh"ch ) l"fte u!
m# *o"ce to s!eak an sa# to those wh"ch well on earth5 3ear- #e men of ol t"me-
an see- #e that come after- the wors of the 3ol# 4ne wh"ch ) w"ll s!eak before the
@or of 7!"r"ts$ 3$ )t were better to eclare (them onl#) to the men of ol t"me- but e*en
from those that come after we w"ll not w"thhol the be0"nn"n0 of w"som$ 4$ T"ll the
!resent a# such w"som has ne*er been 0"*en b# the @or of 7!"r"ts as ) ha*e
rece"*e accor"n0 to m# "ns"0ht- accor"n0 to the 0oo !leasure of the @or of 7!"r"ts
b# whom the lot of eternal l"fe has been 0"*en to me$ 5$ Aow three Jarables were
"m!arte to me- an ) l"fte u! m# *o"ce an recounte them to those that well on the
Cha/er 490 ,,,+III
1$ The f"rst Jarable$
8hen the con0re0at"on of the r"0hteous shall a!!ear-
An s"nners shall be <u0e for the"r s"ns-
An shall be r"*en from the face of the earth5
2$ An when the D"0hteous 4ne shall a!!ear before the e#es of the r"0hteous-
8hose elect works han0 u!on the @or of 7!"r"ts-
An l"0ht shall a!!ear to the r"0hteous an the elect who well on the earth-
8here then w"ll be the well"n0 of the s"nners-
An where the rest"n0,!lace of those who ha*e en"e the @or of 7!"r"tsM
)t ha been 0oo for them "f the# ha not been born$
3$ 8hen the secrets of the r"0hteous shall be re*eale an the s"nners <u0e-
An the 0oless r"*en from the !resence of the r"0hteous an elect-
4$ Lrom that t"me those that !ossess the earth shall no lon0er be !owerful an e;alte5
An the# shall not be able to behol the face of the hol#-
Lor the @or of 7!"r"ts has cause 3"s l"0ht to a!!ear
4n the face of the hol#- r"0hteous- an elect$
5$ Then shall the k"n0s an the m"0ht# !er"sh
An be 0"*en "nto the hans of the r"0hteous an hol#$
6 An thenceforwar none shall seek for themsel*es merc# from the @or of 7!"r"ts
Lor the"r l"fe "s at an en$
Cha/er 4:0 ,,,I,
1$ %An "t shall come to !ass "n those a#s that elect an hol# ch"lren w"ll escen from the h"0h
hea*en- an the"r see w"ll become one w"th the ch"lren of men$ 2$ An "n those a#s 1noch rece"*e
books of :eal an wrath- an books of "s9u"et an e;!uls"on$&
An merc# shall not be accore to them- sa"th the @or of 7!"r"ts$
3$ An "n those a#s a wh"rlw"n carr"e me off from the earth-
An set me own at the en of the hea*ens$
4$ An there ) saw another *"s"on- the well"n0,!laces of the hol#-
An the rest"n0,!laces of the r"0hteous$
5$ 3ere m"ne e#es saw the"r well"n0s w"th 3"s r"0hteous an0els-
An the"r rest"n0,!laces w"th the hol#$
An the# !et"t"one an "ntercee an !ra#e for the ch"lren of men-
An r"0hteousness flowe before them as water-
An merc# l"ke ew u!on the earth5
Thus "t "s amon0st them for e*er an e*er$
6a$ An "n that !lace m"ne e#es saw the 1lect 4ne of r"0hteousness an of fa"th-
7a$ An ) saw h"s well"n0,!lace uner the w"n0s of the @or of 7!"r"ts$
6b$ An r"0hteousness shall !re*a"l "n h"s a#s-
An the r"0hteous an elect shall be w"thout number before 3"m for e*er an e*er$
7b$ An all the r"0hteous an elect before 3"m shall be stron0 as f"er# l"0hts-
An the"r mouth shall be full of bless"n0-
An the"r l"!s e;tol the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts-
An r"0hteousness before 3"m shall ne*er fa"l-
%An u!r"0htness shall ne*er fa"l before 3"m$&
8$ There ) w"she to well-
An m# s!"r"t lon0e for that well"n0,!lace5
An there heretofore hath been m# !ort"on-
Lor so has "t been establ"she concern"n0 me before the @or of 7!"r"ts$ 9$ )n those a#s
) !ra"se an e;tolle the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts w"th bless"n0s an !ra"ses-
because 3e hath est"ne me for bless"n0 an 0lor# accor"n0 to the 0oo !leasure of
the @or of 7!"r"ts$ 10$ Lor a lon0 t"me m# e#es re0are that !lace- an ) blesse 3"m
an !ra"se 3"m- sa#"n05 >=lesse "s 3e- an ma# 3e be blesse from the be0"nn"n0
an for e*ermore$ 11$ An before 3"m there "s no ceas"n0$ 3e knows before the worl
was create what "s for e*er an what w"ll be from 0enerat"on unto 0enerat"on$ 12$
Those who slee! not bless Thee5 the# stan before Th# 0lor# an bless- !ra"se- an
e;tol- sa#"n05 I3ol#- hol#- hol#- "s the @or of 7!"r"ts5 3e f"lleth the earth w"th
s!"r"ts$I> 13$ An here m# e#es saw all those who slee! not5 the# stan before 3"m an
bless an sa#5 >=lesse be Thou- an blesse be the name of the @or for e*er an
e*er$> 14$ An m# face was chan0eB for ) coul no lon0er behol$
Cha/er 5;0 ,$
1$ An after that ) saw thousans of thousans an ten thousan t"mes ten thousan- )
saw a mult"tue be#on number an reckon"n0- who stoo before the @or of 7!"r"ts$ 2$
An on the four s"es of the @or of 7!"r"ts ) saw four !resences- "fferent from those
that slee! not- an ) learnt the"r names5 for the an0el that went w"th me mae known to
me the"r names- an showe me all the h"en th"n0s$
3$ An ) hear the *o"ces of those four !resences as the# uttere !ra"ses before the @or
of 0lor#$ 4$ The f"rst *o"ce blesses the @or of 7!"r"ts for e*er an e*er$ 5$ An the
secon *o"ce ) hear bless"n0 the 1lect 4ne an the elect ones who han0 u!on the
@or of 7!"r"ts$ 6$ An the th"r *o"ce ) hear !ra# an "ntercee for those who well
on the earth an su!!l"cate "n the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts$ 7$ An ) hear the fourth
*o"ce fen"n0 off the 7atans an forb""n0 them to come before the @or of 7!"r"ts to
accuse them who well on the earth$ 8$ After that ) aske the an0el of !eace who went
w"th me- who showe me e*er#th"n0 that "s h"en5 >8ho are these four !resences
wh"ch ) ha*e seen an whose wors ) ha*e hear an wr"tten ownM> 9$ An he sa" to
me5 >Th"s f"rst "s 6"chael- the merc"ful an lon0,suffer"n05 an the secon- who "s set
o*er all the "seases an all the wouns of the ch"lren of men- "s Da!hael5 an the
th"r- who "s set o*er all the !owers- "s 2abr"el5 an the fourth- who "s set o*er the
re!entance unto ho!e of those who "nher"t eternal l"fe- "s name Jhanuel$> 10$ An these
are the four an0els of the @or of 7!"r"ts an the four *o"ces ) hear "n those a#s$
Cha/er 510 ,$I
1$ An after that ) saw all the secrets of the hea*ens- an how the k"n0om "s "*"e-
an how the act"ons of men are we"0he "n the balance$ 2$ An there ) saw the
mans"ons of the elect an the mans"ons of the hol#- an m"ne e#es saw there all the
s"nners be"n0 r"*en from thence wh"ch en# the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts- an
be"n0 ra00e off5 an the# coul not ab"e because of the !un"shment wh"ch !rocees
from the @or of 7!"r"ts$ 3$ An there m"ne e#es saw the secrets of the l"0htn"n0 an of
the thuner- an the secrets of the w"ns- how the# are "*"e to blow o*er the earth-
an the secrets of the clous an ew- an there ) saw from whence the# !rocee "n
that !lace an from whence the# saturate the ust# earth$ 4$ An there ) saw close
chambers out of wh"ch the w"ns are "*"e- the chamber of the ha"l an w"ns- the
chamber of the m"st- an of the clous- an the clou thereof ho*ers o*er the earth
from the be0"nn"n0 of the worl$ 5$ An ) saw the chambers of the sun an moon-
whence the# !rocee an wh"ther the# come a0a"n- an the"r 0lor"ous return- an how
one "s su!er"or to the other- an the"r statel# orb"t- an how the# o not lea*e the"r
orb"t- an the# a noth"n0 to the"r orb"t an the# take noth"n0 from "t- an the# kee!
fa"th w"th each other- "n accorance w"th the oath b# wh"ch the# are boun to0ether$ 6$
An f"rst the sun 0oes forth an tra*erses h"s !ath accor"n0 to the commanment of
the @or of 7!"r"ts- an m"0ht# "s 3"s name for e*er an e*er$ 7$ An after that ) saw
the h"en an the *"s"ble !ath of the moon- an she accom!l"shes the course of her
!ath "n that !lace b# a# an b# n"0ht,the one hol"n0 a !os"t"on o!!os"te to the other
before the @or of 7!"r"ts$
An the# 0"*e thanks an !ra"se an rest notB
Lor unto them "s the"r thanks0"*"n0 rest$
8$ Lor the sun chan0es oft for a bless"n0 or a curse-
An the course of the !ath of the moon "s l"0ht to the r"0hteous
An arkness to the s"nners "n the name of the @or-
8ho mae a se!arat"on between the l"0ht an the arkness-
An "*"e the s!"r"ts of men-
An stren0thene the s!"r"ts of the r"0hteous-
)n the name of 3"s r"0hteousness$
9$ Lor no an0el h"ners an no !ower "s able to h"nerB for 3e a!!o"nts a <u0e for
them all an 3e <u0es them all before 3"m$
Cha/er 530 ,$II
1$ 8"som foun no !lace where she m"0ht wellB
Then a well"n0,!lace was ass"0ne her "n the hea*ens$
2$ 8"som went forth to make her well"n0 amon0 the ch"lren of men-
An foun no well"n0,!lace5
8"som returne to her !lace-
An took her seat amon0 the an0els$
3$ An unr"0hteousness went forth from her chambers5
8hom she sou0ht not she foun-
An welt w"th them-
As ra"n "n a esert
An ew on a th"rst# lan$
Cha/er 540 ,$III
1$ An ) saw other l"0htn"n0s an the stars of hea*en- an ) saw how 3e calle them all
b# the"r names an the# hearkene unto 3"m$ 2$ An ) saw how the# are we"0he "n a
r"0hteous balance accor"n0 to the"r !ro!ort"ons of l"0ht5 () saw) the w"th of the"r
s!aces an the a# of the"r a!!ear"n0- an how the"r re*olut"on !rouces l"0htn"n05
an () saw) the"r re*olut"on accor"n0 to the number of the an0els- an (how) the# kee!
fa"th w"th each other$ 3$ An ) aske the an0el who went w"th me who showe me what
was h"en5 >8hat are theseM> 4$ An he sa" to me5 >The @or of 7!"r"ts hath showe
thee the"r !arabol"c mean"n0 (l"t$ >the"r !arable>)5 these are the names of the hol# who
well on the earth an bel"e*e "n the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts for e*er an e*er$>
Cha/er 550 ,$I+
Also another !henomenon ) saw "n re0ar to the l"0htn"n0s5 how some of the stars
ar"se an become l"0htn"n0s an cannot !art w"th the"r new form$
Cha/er 560 ,$+
1$ An th"s "s the secon Jarable concern"n0 those who en# the name of the well"n0
of the hol# ones an the @or of 7!"r"ts$
2$ An "nto the hea*en the# shall not ascen-
An on the earth the# shall not come5
7uch shall be the lot of the s"nners
8ho ha*e en"e the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts-
8ho are thus !reser*e for the a# of suffer"n0 an tr"bulat"on$
3$ 4n that a# 6"ne 1lect 4ne shall s"t on the throne of 0lor#
An shall tr# the"r works-
An the"r !laces of rest shall be "nnumerable$
An the"r souls shall 0row stron0 w"th"n them when the# see 6"ne 1lect 4nes-
An those who ha*e calle u!on 6# 0lor"ous name5
4$ Then w"ll ) cause 6"ne 1lect 4ne to well amon0 them$
An ) w"ll transform the hea*en an make "t an eternal bless"n0 an l"0ht
5$ An ) w"ll transform the earth an make "t a bless"n05
An ) w"ll cause 6"ne elect ones to well u!on "t5
=ut the s"nners an e*"l,oers shall not set foot thereon$
6$ Lor ) ha*e !ro*"e an sat"sf"e w"th !eace 6# r"0hteous ones
An ha*e cause them to well before 6e5
=ut for the s"nners there "s <u0ement "m!en"n0 w"th 6e-
7o that ) shall estro# them from the face of the earth$
Cha/er 570 ,$+I
1$ An there ) saw 4ne who ha a hea of a#s-
An 3"s hea was wh"te l"ke wool-
An w"th 3"m was another be"n0 whose countenance ha the a!!earance of a man-
An h"s face was full of 0rac"ousness- l"ke one of the hol# an0els$
2$ An ) aske the an0el who went w"th me an showe me all the h"en th"n0s-
concern"n0 that 7on of 6an- who he was- an whence he was- (an) wh# he went w"th
the 3ea of Fa#sM 3$ An he answere an sa" unto me5
Th"s "s the son of 6an who hath r"0hteousness-
8"th whom welleth r"0hteousness-
An who re*ealeth all the treasures of that wh"ch "s h"en-
=ecause the @or of 7!"r"ts hath chosen h"m-
An whose lot hath the !re,em"nence before the @or of 7!"r"ts "n u!r"0htness for
4$ An th"s 7on of 6an whom thou hast seen
7hall ra"se u! the k"n0s an the m"0ht# from the"r seats-
%An the stron0 from the"r thrones&
An shall loosen the re"ns of the stron0-
An break the teeth of the s"nners$
5$ %An he shall !ut own the k"n0s from the"r thrones an k"n0oms&
=ecause the# o not e;tol an !ra"se 3"m-
Aor humbl# acknowle0e whence the k"n0om was bestowe u!on them$
6$ An he shall !ut own the countenance of the stron0-
An shall f"ll them w"th shame$
An arkness shall be the"r well"n0-
An worms shall be the"r be-
An the# shall ha*e no ho!e of r"s"n0 from the"r bes-
=ecause the# o not e;tol the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts$
7$ An these are the# who <u0e the stars of hea*en-
%An ra"se the"r hans a0a"nst the 6ost 3"0h&-
An trea u!on the earth an well u!on "t$
An all the"r ees man"fest unr"0hteousness-
An the"r !ower rests u!on the"r r"ches-
An the"r fa"th "s "n the 0os wh"ch the# ha*e mae w"th the"r hans-
An the# en# the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts-
8$ An the# !ersecute the houses of 3"s con0re0at"ons-
An the fa"thful who han0 u!on the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts$
Cha/er 580 ,$+II
1$ An "n those a#s shall ha*e ascene the !ra#er of the r"0hteous-
An the bloo of the r"0hteous from the earth before the @or of 7!"r"ts$
2$ )n those a#s the hol# ones who well abo*e "n the hea*ens
7hall un"te w"th one *o"ce
An su!!l"cate an !ra# %an !ra"se-
An 0"*e thanks an bless the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts&
4n behalf of the bloo of the r"0hteous wh"ch has been she-
An that the !ra#er of the r"0hteous ma# not be "n *a"n before the @or of 7!"r"ts-
That <u0ement ma# be one unto them-
An that the# ma# not ha*e to suffer for e*er$
3$ )n those a#s ) saw the 3ea of Fa#s when 3e seate h"mself u!on the throne of 3"s
An the books of the l"*"n0 were o!ene before 3"m5
An all 3"s host wh"ch "s "n hea*en abo*e an 3"s counselors stoo before 3"m-
4$ An the hearts of the hol# were f"lle w"th <o#B
=ecause the number of the r"0hteous ha been offere-
An the !ra#er of the r"0hteous ha been hear-
An the bloo of the r"0hteous been re9u"re before the @or of 7!"r"ts$
Cha/er 590 ,$+III
1$ An "n that !lace ) saw the founta"n of r"0hteousness
8h"ch was "ne;haust"ble5
An aroun "t were man# founta"ns of w"som5
An all the th"rst# rank of them-
An were f"lle w"th w"som-
An the"r well"n0s were w"th the r"0hteous an hol# an elect$
2$ An at that hour that 7on of 6an was name )n the !resence of the @or of 7!"r"ts-
An h"s name before the 3ea of Fa#s$
3$ Kea- before the sun an the s"0ns were create-
=efore the stars of the hea*en were mae-
3"s name was name before the @or of 7!"r"ts$
4$ 3e shall be a staff to the r"0hteous whereon to sta# themsel*es an not fall-
An he shall be the l"0ht of the 2ent"les-
An the ho!e of those who are trouble of heart$
5$ All who well on earth shall fall own an worsh"! before h"m-
An w"ll !ra"se an bless an celebrate w"th son0 the @or of 7!"r"ts$
6$ An for th"s reason hath he been chosen an h"en before 3"m-
=efore the creat"on of the worl an for e*ermore$
7$ An the w"som of the @or of 7!"r"ts hath re*eale h"m to the hol# an r"0hteousB
Lor he hath !reser*e the lot of the r"0hteous-
=ecause the# ha*e hate an es!"se th"s worl of unr"0hteousness-
An ha*e hate all "ts works an wa#s "n the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts5
Lor "n h"s name the# are sa*e-
An accor"n0 to h"s 0oo !leasure hath "t been "n re0ar to the"r l"fe$
8$ )n these a#s owncast "n countenance shall the k"n0s of the earth ha*e become-
An the stron0 who !ossess the lan because of the works of the"r hans-
Lor on the a# of the"r an0u"sh an affl"ct"on the# shall not (be able to) sa*e themsel*es$
9$ An ) w"ll 0"*e them o*er "nto the hans of 6"ne elect5
As straw "n the f"re so shall the# burn before the face of the hol#5
As lea "n the water shall the# s"nk before the face of the r"0hteous-
An no trace of them shall an# more be foun$
10$ An on the a# of the"r affl"ct"on there shall be rest on the earth-
An before them the# shall fall an not r"se a0a"n5
An there shall be no one to take them w"th h"s hans an ra"se them5
Lor the# ha*e en"e the @or of 7!"r"ts an 3"s Ano"nte$
The name of the @or of 7!"r"ts be blesse$
Cha/er 5:0 ,$I,
l$ Lor w"som "s !oure out l"ke water-
An 0lor# fa"leth not before h"m for e*ermore$
2$ Lor he "s m"0ht# "n all the secrets of r"0hteousness-
An unr"0hteousness shall "sa!!ear as a shaow-
An ha*e no cont"nuanceB
=ecause the 1lect 4ne staneth before the @or of 7!"r"ts-
An h"s 0lor# "s for e*er an e*er-
An h"s m"0ht unto all 0enerat"ons$
3$ An "n h"m wells the s!"r"t of w"som-
An the s!"r"t wh"ch 0"*es "ns"0ht-
An the s!"r"t of unerstan"n0 an of m"0ht-
An the s!"r"t of those who ha*e fallen aslee! "n r"0hteousness$
4$ An he shall <u0e the secret th"n0s-
An none shall be able to utter a l#"n0 wor before h"mB
Lor he "s the 1lect 4ne before the @or of 7!"r"ts accor"n0 to 3"s 0oo !leasure$
Cha/er 6;0 $
1$ An "n those a#s a chan0e shall take !lace for the hol# an elect-
An the l"0ht of a#s shall ab"e u!on them-
An 0lor# an honour shall turn to the hol#-
2$ 4n the a# of affl"ct"on on wh"ch e*"l shall ha*e been treasure u! a0a"nst the
An the r"0hteous shall be *"ctor"ous "n the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts5
An 3e w"ll cause the others to w"tness (th"s)
That the# ma# re!ent
An for0o the works of the"r hans$
3$ The# shall ha*e no honour throu0h the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts-
Ket throu0h 3"s name shall the# be sa*e-
An the @or of 7!"r"ts w"ll ha*e com!ass"on on them-
Lor 3"s com!ass"on "s 0reat$
4$ An 3e "s r"0hteous also "n 3"s <u0ement-
An "n the !resence of 3"s 0lor# unr"0hteousness also shall not ma"nta"n "tself5
At 3"s <u0ement the unre!entant shall !er"sh before 3"m$
5$ An from henceforth ) w"ll ha*e no merc# on them- sa"th the @or of 7!"r"ts$
Cha/er 610 $I
1$ An "n those a#s shall the earth also 0"*e back that wh"ch has been entruste to "t-
An 7heol also shall 0"*e back that wh"ch "t has rece"*e-
An hell shall 0"*e back that wh"ch "t owes$
5a$ Lor "n those a#s the 1lect 4ne shall ar"se-
2$ An he shall choose the r"0hteous an hol# from amon0 them5
Lor the a# has rawn n"0h that the# shoul be sa*e$
3$ An the 1lect 4ne shall "n those a#s s"t on 6# throne-
An h"s mouth shall !our forth all the secrets of w"som an counsel5
Lor the @or of 7!"r"ts hath 0"*en (them) to h"m an hath 0lor"f"e h"m$
4$ An "n those a#s shall the mounta"ns lea! l"ke rams-
An the h"lls also shall sk"! l"ke lambs sat"sf"e w"th m"lk-
An the faces of %all& the an0els "n hea*en shall be l"0hte u! w"th <o#$
5b$ An the earth shall re<o"ce-
5c$ An the r"0hteous shall well u!on "t-
5$ An the elect shall walk thereon$
Cha/er 630 $II
l$ An after those a#s "n that !lace where ) ha seen all the *"s"ons of that wh"ch "s
h"en ,for ) ha been carr"e off "n a wh"rlw"n an the# ha borne me towars the
west, 2$ There m"ne e#es saw all the secret th"n0s of hea*en that shall be- a mounta"n of
"ron- an a mounta"n of co!!er- an a mounta"n of s"l*er- an a mounta"n of 0ol- an
a mounta"n of soft metal- an a mounta"n of lea$
3$ An ) aske the an0el who went w"th me- sa#"n0- >8hat th"n0s are these wh"ch )
ha*e seen "n secretM> 4$ An he sa" unto me5 >All these th"n0s wh"ch thou hast seen
shall ser*e the om"n"on of 3"s Ano"nte that he ma# be !otent an m"0ht# on the
5$ An that an0el of !eace answere- sa#"n0 unto me5 >8a"t a l"ttle- an there shall be
re*eale unto thee all the secret th"n0s wh"ch surroun the @or of 7!"r"ts$
6$ An these mounta"ns wh"ch th"ne e#es ha*e seen-
The mounta"n of "ron- an the mounta"n of co!!er- an the mounta"n of s"l*er-
An the mounta"n of 0ol- an the mounta"n of soft metal- an the mounta"n of lea-
All these shall be "n the !resence of the 1lect 4ne
As wa;5 before the f"re-
An l"ke the water wh"ch streams own from abo*e %u!on those mounta"ns&-
An the# shall become !owerless before h"s feet$
7$ An "t shall come to !ass "n those a#s that none shall be sa*e-
1"ther b# 0ol or b# s"l*er-
An none be able to esca!e$
8$ An there shall be no "ron for war-
Aor shall one clothe oneself w"th a breast!late$
=ron:e shall be of no ser*"ce-
An t"n %shall be of no ser*"ce an& shall not be esteeme-
An lea shall not be es"re$
9$ An all these th"n0s shall be %en"e an& estro#e from the surface of the earth-
8hen the 1lect 4ne shall a!!ear before the face of the @or of 7!"r"ts$>
Cha/er 640 $III
1$ There m"ne e#es saw a ee! *alle# w"th o!en mouths- an all who well on the earth
an sea an "slans shall br"n0 to h"m 0"fts an !resents an tokens of homa0e- but that
ee! *alle# shall not become full$
2$ An the"r hans comm"t lawless ees-
An the s"nners e*our all whom the# lawlessl# o!!ress5
Ket the s"nners shall be estro#e before the face of the @or of 7!"r"ts-
An the# shall be ban"she from off the face of 3"s earth-
An the# shall !er"sh for e*er an e*er$
3$ Lor ) saw all the an0els of !un"shment ab""n0 (there) an !re!ar"n0 all the
"nstruments of 7atan$ 4$ An ) aske the an0el of !eace who went w"th me5 > Lor whom
are the# !re!ar"n0 these )nstrumentsM> 5$ An he sa" unto me5 >The# !re!are these for
the k"n0s an the m"0ht# of th"s earth- that the# ma# thereb# be estro#e$
6$ An after th"s the D"0hteous an 1lect 4ne shall cause the house of h"s con0re0at"on
to a!!ear5 henceforth the# shall be no more h"nere "n the name of the @or of
7$ An these mounta"ns shall not stan as the earth before h"s r"0hteousness-
=ut the h"lls shall be as a founta"n of water-
An the r"0hteous shall ha*e rest from the o!!ress"on of s"nners$>
Cha/er 650 $I+
1$ An ) looke an turne to another !art of the earth- an saw there a ee! *alle#
w"th burn"n0 f"re$ 2$ An the# brou0ht the k"n0s an the m"0ht#- an be0an to cast them
"nto th"s ee! *alle#$ 3$ An there m"ne e#es saw how the# mae these the"r
"nstruments- "ron cha"ns of "mmeasurable we"0ht$ 4$ An ) aske the an0el of !eace
who went w"th me- sa#"n05 > Lor whom are these cha"ns be"n0 !re!are M> 5$ An he
sa" unto me5 > These are be"n0 !re!are for the hosts of A:a:el- so that the# ma# take
them an cast them "nto the ab#ss of com!lete conemnat"on- an the# shall co*er
the"r <aws w"th rou0h stones as the @or of 7!"r"ts commane$
6$ An 6"chael- an 2abr"el- an Da!hael- an Jhanuel shall take hol of them on that
0reat a#- an cast them on that a# "nto the burn"n0 furnace- that the @or of 7!"r"ts
ma# take *en0eance on them for the"r unr"0hteousness "n becom"n0 sub<ect to 7atan
an lea"n0 astra# those who well on the earth$>
7$ An "n those a#s shall !un"shment come from the @or of 7!"r"ts- an he w"ll o!en
all the chambers of waters wh"ch are abo*e the hea*ens- an of the founta"ns wh"ch
are beneath the earth$ 8$ An all the waters shall be <o"ne w"th the waters5 that wh"ch
"s abo*e the hea*ens "s the mascul"ne- an the water wh"ch "s beneath the earth "s the
fem"n"ne$ 9$ An the# shall estro# all who well on the earth an those who well
uner the ens of the hea*en$ 10$ An when the# ha*e reco0n":e the"r unr"0hteousness
wh"ch the# ha*e wrou0ht on the earth- then b# these shall the# !er"sh$
Cha/er 660 $+
1$ An after that the 3ea of Fa#s re!ente an sa"5 > )n *a"n ha*e ) estro#e all who
well on the earth$> 2$ An 3e sware b# 3"s 0reat name5 > 3enceforth ) w"ll not o so to
all who well on the earth- an ) w"ll set a s"0n "n the hea*en5 an th"s shall be a
!le0e of 0oo fa"th between 6e an them for e*er- so lon0 as hea*en "s abo*e the
earth$ An th"s "s "n accorance w"th 6# comman$ 3$ 8hen ) ha*e es"re to take
hol of them b# the han of the an0els on the a# of tr"bulat"on an !a"n because of
th"s- ) w"ll cause 6# chast"sement an 6# wrath to ab"e u!on them- sa"th 2o- the
@or of 7!"r"ts$ 4$ Ke m"0ht# k"n0s who well on the earth- #e shall ha*e to behol
6"ne 1lect 4ne- how he s"ts on the throne of 0lor# an <u0es A:a:el- an all h"s
assoc"ates- an all h"s hosts "n the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts$>
Cha/er 670 $+I
1$ An ) saw there the hosts of the an0els of !un"shment 0o"n0- an the# hel scour0es
an cha"ns of "ron an bron:e$ 2$ An ) aske the an0el of !eace who went w"th me-
sa#"n05 > To whom are these who hol the scour0es 0o"n0 M > 3$ An he sa" unto me5 >
To the"r elect an belo*e ones- that the# ma# be cast "nto the chasm of the ab#ss of
the *alle#$
4$ An then that *alle# shall be f"lle w"th the"r elect an belo*e-
An the a#s of the"r l"*es shall be at an en-
An the a#s of the"r lea"n0 astra# shall not thenceforwar be reckone$
5$ An "n those a#s the an0els shall return
An hurl themsel*es to the east u!on the Jarth"ans an 6ees5
The# shall st"r u! the k"n0s- so that a s!"r"t of unrest shall come u!on them-
An the# shall rouse them from the"r thrones-
That the# ma# break forth as l"ons from the"r la"rs-
An as hun0r# wol*es amon0 the"r flocks$
6$ An the# shall 0o u! an trea uner foot the lan of 3"s elect ones
%An the lan of 3"s elect ones shall be before them a thresh"n0,floor an a h"0hwa# 5&
7$ =ut the c"t# of m# r"0hteous shall be a h"nrance to the"r horses$
An the# shall be0"n to f"0ht amon0 themsel*es-
An the"r r"0ht han shall be stron0 a0a"nst themsel*es-
An a man shall not know h"s brother-
Aor a son h"s father or h"s mother-
T"ll there be no number of the cor!ses throu0h the"r slau0hter-
An the"r !un"shment be not "n *a"n$
8$ )n those a#s 7heol shall o!en "ts <aws-
An the# shall be swallowe u! there"n
An the"r estruct"on shall be at an enB
7heol shall e*our the s"nners "n the !resence of the elect$>
Cha/er 680 $+II
1$ An "t came to !ass after th"s that ) saw another host of wa0ons- an men r""n0
thereon- an com"n0 on the w"ns from the east- an from the west to the south$ 2$ An
the no"se of the"r wa0ons was hear- an when th"s turmo"l took !lace the hol# ones
from hea*en remarke "t- an the !"llars of the earth were mo*e from the"r !lace- an
the soun thereof was hear from the one en of hea*en to the other- "n one a#$ 3$ An
the# shall all fall own an worsh"! the @or of 7!"r"ts$ An th"s "s the en of the
secon Jarable$
Cha/er 690 $+III
1$ An ) be0an to s!eak the th"r Jarable concern"n0 the r"0hteous an elect$
2$ =lesse are #e- #e r"0hteous an elect-
Lor 0lor"ous shall be #our lot$
3$ An the r"0hteous shall be "n the l"0ht of the sun$
An the elect "n the l"0ht of eternal l"fe5
The a#s of the"r l"fe shall be unen"n0-
An the a#s of the hol# w"thout number$
4$ An the# shall seek the l"0ht an f"n r"0hteousness w"th the @or of 7!"r"ts5
There shall be !eace to the r"0hteous "n the name of the 1ternal @or$
5$ An after th"s "t shall be sa" to the hol# "n hea*en
That the# shoul seek out the secrets of r"0hteousness- the her"ta0e of fa"th5
Lor "t has become br"0ht as the sun u!on earth-
An the arkness "s !ast$
6$ An there shall be a l"0ht that ne*er eneth-
An to a l"m"t (l"t$ > number >) of a#s the# shall not come-
Lor the arkness shall f"rst ha*e been estro#e-
%An the l"0ht establ"she before the @or of 7!"r"ts&
An the l"0ht of u!r"0htness establ"she for e*er before the @or of 7!"r"ts$
Cha/er 6:0 $I,
1$ %)n those a#s m"ne e#es saw the secrets of the l"0htn"n0s- an of the l"0hts- an the <u0ements the#
e;ecute (l"t$ > the"r <u0ement >)5 an the# l"0hten for a bless"n0 or a curse as the @or of 7!"r"ts w"lleth$
2$ An there ) saw the secrets of the thuner- an how when "t resouns abo*e "n the hea*en- the soun
thereof "s hear- an he cause me to see the <u0ements e;ecute on the earth- whether the# be for
well,be"n0 an bless"n0- or for a curse accor"n0 to the wor of the @or of 7!"r"ts$ 3$ An after that all
the secrets of the l"0hts an l"0htn"n0s were shown to me- an the# l"0hten for bless"n0 an for
Cha/er 7;0 $, A Lra0ment of the =ook of Aoah
1$ )n the #ear 500- "n the se*enth month- on the fourteenth a# of the month "n the l"fe
of 1noch$ )n that Jarable ) saw how a m"0ht# 9uak"n0 mae the hea*en of hea*ens to
9uake- an the host of the 6ost 3"0h- an the an0els- a thousan thousans an ten
thousan t"mes ten thousan- were "s9u"ete w"th a 0reat "s9u"et$ 2$ An the 3ea of
Fa#s sat on the throne of 3"s 0lor#- an the an0els an the r"0hteous stoo aroun
3$ An a 0reat trembl"n0 se":e me-
An fear took hol of me-
An m# lo"ns 0a*e wa#-
An "ssol*e were m# re"ns-
An ) fell u!on m# face$
4$ An 6"chael sent another an0el from amon0 the hol# ones an he ra"se me u!- an
when he ha ra"se me u! m# s!"r"t returneB for ) ha not been able to enure the
look of th"s host- an the commot"on an the 9uak"n0 of the hea*en$ 5$ An 6"chael
sa" unto me5 > 8h# art thou "s9u"ete w"th such a *"s"on M Hnt"l th"s a# laste the
a# of 3"s merc#B an 3e hath been merc"ful an lon0,suffer"n0 towars those who
well on the earth$ 6$ An when the a#- an the !ower- an the !un"shment- an the
<u0ement come- wh"ch the @or of 7!"r"ts hath !re!are for those who worsh"! not
the r"0hteous law- an for those who en# the r"0hteous <u0ement- an for those who
take 3"s name "n *a"n,that a# "s !re!are- for the elect a co*enant- but for s"nners an
25$ 8hen the !un"shment of the @or of 7!"r"ts shall rest u!on them- "t shall rest "n
orer that the !un"shment of the @or of 7!"r"ts ma# not come- "n *a"n- an "t shall sla#
the ch"lren w"th the"r mothers an the ch"lren w"th the"r fathers$ Afterwars the
<u0ement shall take !lace accor"n0 to 3"s merc# an 3"s !at"ence$>
7$ An on that a# were two monsters !arte- a female monster name @e*"athan- to
well "n the ab#sses of the ocean o*er the founta"ns of the waters$ 8$ =ut the male "s
name =ehemoth- who occu!"e w"th h"s breast a waste w"lerness name Fu"a"n- on
the east of the 0aren where the elect an r"0hteous well- where m# 0ranfather was
taken u!- the se*enth from Aam- the f"rst man whom the @or of 7!"r"ts create$ 9$
An ) besou0ht the other an0el that he shoul show me the m"0ht of those monsters-
how the# were !arte on one a# an cast- the one "nto the ab#sses of the sea- an the
other unto the r# lan of the w"lerness$ 10$ An he sa" to me5 > Thou son of man-
here"n thou ost seek to know what "s h"en$>
11$ An the other an0el who went w"th me an showe me what was h"en tol me
what "s f"rst an last "n the hea*en "n the he"0ht- an beneath the earth "n the e!th- an
at the ens of the hea*en- an on the founat"on of the hea*en$ 12$ An the chambers of
the w"ns- an how the w"ns are "*"e- an how the# are we"0he- an (how) the
!ortals of the w"ns are reckone- each accor"n0 to the !ower of the w"n- an the
!ower of the l"0hts of the moon- an accor"n0 to the !ower that "s f"tt"n05 an the
"*"s"ons of the stars accor"n0 to the"r names- an how all the "*"s"ons are "*"e$ 13$
An the thuners accor"n0 to the !laces where the# fall- an all the "*"s"ons that are
mae amon0 the l"0htn"n0s that "t ma# l"0hten- an the"r host that the# ma# at once
obe#$ 14$ Lor the thuner has !laces of rest (wh"ch) are ass"0ne (to "t) wh"le "t "s wa"t"n0
for "ts !ealB an the thuner an l"0htn"n0 are "nse!arable- an althou0h not one an
un"*"e- the# both 0o to0ether throu0h the s!"r"t an se!arate not$ 15$ Lor when the
l"0htn"n0 l"0htens- the thuner utters "ts *o"ce- an the s!"r"t enforces a !ause ur"n0
the !eal- an "*"es e9uall# between themB for the treasur# of the"r !eals "s l"ke the
san- an each one of them as "t !eals "s hel "n w"th a br"le- an turne back b# the
!ower of the s!"r"t- an !ushe forwar accor"n0 to the man# 9uarters of the earth$ 16$
An the s!"r"t of the sea "s mascul"ne an stron0- an accor"n0 to the m"0ht of h"s
stren0th he raws "t back w"th a re"n- an "n l"ke manner "t "s r"*en forwar an
"s!erses am" all the mounta"ns of the earth$ 17$ An the s!"r"t of the hoar,frost "s h"s
own an0el- an the s!"r"t of the ha"l "s a 0oo an0el$ 18$ An the s!"r"t of the snow has
forsaken h"s chambers on account of h"s stren0th ,There "s a s!ec"al s!"r"t there"n- an
that wh"ch ascens from "t "s l"ke smoke- an "ts name "s frost$ 19$ An the s!"r"t of the
m"st "s not un"te w"th them "n the"r chambers- but "t has a s!ec"al chamberB for "ts
course "s 0lor"ous both "n l"0ht an "n arkness- an "n w"nter an "n summer- an "n "ts
chamber "s an an0el$ 20$ An the s!"r"t of the ew has "ts well"n0 at the ens of the
hea*en- an "s connecte w"th the chambers of the ra"n- an "ts course "s "n w"nter an
summer5 an "ts clous an the clous of the m"st are connecte- an the one 0"*es to
the other$ 21$ An when the s!"r"t of the ra"n 0oes forth from "ts chamber- the an0els
come an o!en the chamber an lea "t out- an when "t "s "ffuse o*er the whole
earth "t un"tes w"th the water on the earth$ An whensoe*er "t un"tes w"th the water on
the earth '$ $ $( 22$ Lor the waters are for those who well on the earthB for the# are
nour"shment for the earth from the 6ost 3"0h who "s "n hea*en5 therefore there "s a
measure for the ra"n- an the an0els take "t "n char0e$ 23$ An these th"n0s ) saw
towars the 2aren of the D"0hteous$ 24$ An the an0el of !eace who was w"th me sa"
to me5 > These two monsters- !re!are conformabl# to the 0reatness of 2o- shall
fee $ $ $
Cha/er 710 $,I
1$ An ) saw "n those a#s how lon0 cors were 0"*en to those an0els- an the# took to
themsel*es w"n0s an flew- an the# went towars the north$ 2$ An ) aske the an0el-
sa#"n0 unto h"m5 > 8h# ha*e those (an0els) taken these cors an 0one off M > An he
sa" unto me5 > The# ha*e 0one to measure$>
3$ An the an0el who went w"th me sa" unto me5
> These shall br"n0 the measures of the r"0hteous-
An the ro!es of the r"0hteous to the r"0hteous-
That the# ma# sta# themsel*es on the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts for e*er an e*er$
4$ The elect shall be0"n to well w"th the elect-
An those are the measures wh"ch shall be 0"*en to fa"th
An wh"ch shall stren0then r"0hteousness$
5$ An these measures shall re*eal all the secrets of the e!ths of the earth-
An those who ha*e been estro#e b# the esert-
An those who ha*e been e*oure b# the beasts-
An those who ha*e been e*oure b# the f"sh of the sea-
That the# ma# return an sta# themsel*es
4n the a# of the 1lect 4neB
Lor none shall be estro#e before the @or of 7!"r"ts-
An none can be estro#e$
6$ An all who well abo*e "n the hea*en rece"*e a comman an !ower an one
*o"ce an one l"0ht l"ke unto f"re$
7$ An that 4ne (w"th) the"r f"rst wors the# blesse-
An e;tolle an laue w"th w"som-
An the# were w"se "n utterance an "n the s!"r"t of l"fe$
8$ An the @or of 7!"r"ts !lace the 1lect one on the throne of 0lor#$
An he shall <u0e all the works of the hol# abo*e "n the hea*en-
An "n the balance shall the"r ees be we"0he
9$ An when he shall l"ft u! h"s countenance
To <u0e the"r secret wa#s accor"n0 to the wor of the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts-
An the"r !ath accor"n0 to the wa# of the r"0hteous <u0ement of the @or of 7!"r"ts-
Then shall the# all w"th one *o"ce s!eak an bless-
An 0lor"f# an e;tol an sanct"f# the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts$
10$ An 3e w"ll summon all the host of the hea*ens- an all the hol# ones abo*e- an
the host of 2o- the +herub"c- 7era!h"n an 4!hann"n- an all the an0els of !ower-
an all the an0els of !r"nc"!al"t"es- an the 1lect 4ne- an the other !owers on the
earth (an) o*er the water$ 11$ 4n that a# shall ra"se one *o"ce- an bless an 0lor"f#
an e;alt "n the s!"r"t of fa"th- an "n the s!"r"t of w"som- an "n the s!"r"t of !at"ence-
an "n the s!"r"t of merc#- an "n the s!"r"t of <u0ement an of !eace- an "n the s!"r"t
of 0ooness- an shall all sa# w"th one *o"ce5 I =lesse "s 3e- an ma# the name of the
@or of 7!"r"ts be blesse for e*er an e*er$I
12$ All who slee! not abo*e "n hea*en shall bless 3"m5
All the hol# ones who are "n hea*en shall bless 3"m-
An all the elect who well "n the 0aren of l"fe5
An e*er# s!"r"t of l"0ht who "s able to bless- an 0lor"f#- an e;tol- an hallow Th#
blesse name-
An all flesh shall be#on measure 0lor"f# an bless Th# name for e*er an e*er$
13$ Lor 0reat "s the merc# of the @or of 7!"r"ts- an 3e "s lon0,suffer"n0-
An all 3"s works an all that 3e has create 3e has re*eale to the r"0hteous an
)n the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts$
Cha/er 730 $,II
1$ An thus the @or commane the k"n0s an the m"0ht# an the e;alte- an those
who well on the earth- an sa"5
> 4!en #our e#es an l"ft u! #our horns "f #e are able to reco0n":e the 1lect 4ne$>
2$ An the @or of 7!"r"ts seate h"m on the throne of 3"s 0lor#-
An the s!"r"t of r"0hteousness was !oure out u!on h"m-
An the wor of h"s mouth sla#s all the s"nners-
An all the unr"0hteous are estro#e from before h"s face$
3$ An there shall stan u! "n that a# all the k"n0s an the m"0ht#-
An the e;alte an those who hol the earth-
An the# shall see an reco0n":e 3ow he s"ts on the throne of h"s 0lor#-
An r"0hteousness "s <u0e before h"m-
An no l#"n0 wor "s s!oken before h"m$
4$ Then shall !a"n come u!on them as on a woman "n tra*a"l-
%An she has !a"n "n br"n0"n0 forth&
8hen her ch"l enters the mouth of the womb-
An she has !a"n "n br"n0"n0 forth$
5$ An one !ort"on of them shall look on the other-
An the# shall be terr"f"e-
An the# shall be owncast of countenance-
An !a"n shall se":e them-
8hen the# see that 7on of 6an 7"tt"n0 on the throne of h"s 0lor#$
6$ An the k"n0s an the m"0ht# an all who !ossess the earth shall bless an 0lor"f#
an e;tol h"m who rules o*er all- who was h"en$
7$ Lor from the be0"nn"n0 the 7on of 6an was h"en-
An the 6ost 3"0h !reser*e h"m "n the !resence of 3"s m"0ht-
An re*eale h"m to the elect$
8$ An the con0re0at"on of the elect an hol# shall be sown-
An all the elect shall stan before h"m on that a#$
9$ An all the k"n0s an the m"0ht# an the e;alte an those who rule the earth
7hall fall own before h"m on the"r faces-
An worsh"! an set the"r ho!e u!on that 7on of 6an-
An !et"t"on h"m an su!!l"cate for merc# at h"s hans$
10$ $Ae*ertheless that @or of 7!"r"ts w"ll so !ress them
That the# shall hast"l# 0o forth from 3"s !resence-
An the"r faces shall be f"lle w"th shame-
An the arkness 0row ee!er on the"r faces$
11$ An 3e w"ll el"*er them to the an0els for !un"shment-
To e;ecute *en0eance on them because the# ha*e o!!resse 3"s ch"lren an 3"s elect
12$ An the# shall be a s!ectacle for the r"0hteous an for 3"s elect5
The# shall re<o"ce o*er them-
=ecause the wrath of the @or of 7!"r"ts resteth u!on them-
An 3"s swor "s runk w"th the"r bloo$
13$ An the r"0hteous an elect shall be sa*e on that a#-
An the# shall ne*er thenceforwar see the face of the s"nners an unr"0hteous$
14$ An the @or of 7!"r"ts w"ll ab"e o*er them-
An w"th that 7on of 6an shall the# eat
An l"e own an r"se u! for e*er an e*er$
15$ An the r"0hteous an elect shall ha*e r"sen from the earth-
An cease to be of owncast countenance$
An the# shall ha*e been clothe w"th 0arments of 0lor#-
16$ An these shall be the 0arments of l"fe from the @or of 7!"r"ts5
An #our 0arments shall not 0row ol-
Aor #our 0lor# !ass awa# before the @or of 7!"r"ts$
Cha/er 740 $,III
1$ )n those a#s shall the m"0ht# an the k"n0s who !ossess the earth "m!lore (3"m) to
0rant them a l"ttle res!"te from 3"s an0els of !un"shment to whom the# were el"*ere-
that the# m"0ht fall own an worsh"! before the @or of 7!"r"ts- an confess the"r s"ns
before 3"m$ 2$ An the# shall bless an 0lor"f# the @or of 7!"r"ts- an sa#5
> =lesse "s the @or of 7!"r"ts an the @or of k"n0s-
An the @or of the m"0ht# an the @or of the r"ch-
An the @or of 0lor# an the @or of w"som-
3$ An s!len" "n e*er# secret th"n0 "s Th# !ower from 0enerat"on to 0enerat"on-
An Th# 0lor# for e*er an e*er5
Fee! are all Th# secrets an "nnumerable-
An Th# r"0hteousness "s be#on reckon"n0$
4$ 8e ha*e now learnt that we shoul 0lor"f#
An bless the @or of k"n0s an 3"m who "s k"n0 o*er all k"n0s$>
5$ An the# shall sa#5
> 8oul that we ha rest to 0lor"f# an 0"*e thanks
An confess our fa"th before 3"s 0lor# ?
6$ An now we lon0 for a l"ttle rest but f"n "t not5
8e follow har u!on an obta"n ("t) not5
An l"0ht has *an"she from before us-
An arkness "s our well"n0,!lace for e*er an e*er5
7$ Lor we ha*e not bel"e*e before 3"m
Aor 0lor"f"e the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts- %nor 0lor"f"e our @or&
=ut our ho!e was "n the sce!tre of our k"n0om-
An "n our 0lor#$
8$ An "n the a# of our suffer"n0 an tr"bulat"on 3e sa*es us not-
An we f"n no res!"te for confess"on
That our @or "s true "n all 3"s works- an "n 3"s <u0ements an 3"s <ust"ce-
An 3"s <u0ements ha*e no res!ect of !ersons$
9$ An we !ass awa# from before 3"s face on account of our works-
An all our s"ns are reckone u! "n r"0hteousness$>
10$ Aow the# shall sa# unto themsel*es5 > 4ur souls are full of unr"0hteous 0a"n- but "t
oes not !re*ent us from escen"n0 from the m"st thereof "nto the buren of 7heol$>
11$ An after that the"r faces shall be f"lle w"th arkness
An shame before that 7on of 6an-
An the# shall be r"*en from h"s !resence-
An the swor shall ab"e before h"s face "n the"r m"st$
12$ Thus s!ake the @or of 7!"r"ts5 > Th"s "s the or"nance an <u0ement w"th res!ect to
the m"0ht# an the k"n0s an the e;alte an those who !ossess the earth before the
@or of 7!"r"ts$>
Cha/er 750 $,I+
1$ An other forms ) saw h"en "n that !lace$ 2$ ) hear the *o"ce of the an0el sa#"n05 >
These are the an0els who escene to the earth- an re*eale what was h"en to the
ch"lren of men an seuce the ch"lren of men "nto comm"tt"n0 s"n$>
Cha/er 760 $,+
1$ An "n those a#s Aoah saw the earth that "t ha sunk own an "ts estruct"on was
n"0h$ 2$ An he arose from thence an went to the ens of the earth- an cr"e alou to
h"s 0ranfather 1noch5 an Aoah sa" three t"mes w"th an emb"ttere *o"ce5 3ear me-
hear me- hear me$> 3$ An ) sa" unto h"m5 > Tell me what "t "s that "s fall"n0 out on the
earth that the earth "s "n such e*"l !l"0ht an shaken- lest !erchance ) shall !er"sh w"th
"t M > 4$ An thereu!on there was a 0reat commot"on - on the earth- an a *o"ce was
hear from hea*en- an ) fell on m# face$ 5$ An 1noch m# 0ranfather came an
stoo b# me- an sa" unto me5 > 8h# hast thou cr"e unto me w"th a b"tter cr# an
wee!"n0M 6$ An a comman has 0one forth from the !resence of the @or concern"n0
those who well on the earth that the"r ru"n "s accom!l"she because the# ha*e learnt
all the secrets of the an0els- an all the *"olence of the 7atans- an all the"r !owers ,the
most secret ones, an all the !ower of those who !ract"ce sorcer#- an the !ower of
w"tchcraft- an the !ower of those who make molten "ma0es for the whole earth5 7$
An how s"l*er "s !rouce from the ust of the earth- an how soft metal or"0"nates "n
the earth$ 8$ Lor lea an t"n are not !rouce from the earth l"ke the f"rst5 "t "s a
founta"n that !rouces them- an an an0el stans there"n- an that an0el "s !re,
em"nent$> 9$ An after that m# 0ranfather 1noch took hol of me b# m# han an
ra"se me u!- an sa" unto me5 > 2o- for ) ha*e aske the @or of 7!"r"ts as touch"n0
th"s commot"on on the earth$ 10$ An 3e sa" unto me5 I =ecause of the"r
unr"0hteousness the"r <u0ement has been eterm"ne u!on an shall not be w"thhel
b# 6e for e*er$ =ecause of the sorcer"es wh"ch the# ha*e searche out an learnt- the
earth an those who well u!on "t shall be estro#e$I 11$ An these,the# ha*e no !lace
of re!entance for e*er- because the# ha*e shown them what was h"en- an the# are
the amne5 but as for thee- m# son- the @or of 7!"r"ts knows that thou art !ure- an
0u"ltless of th"s re!roach concern"n0 the secrets$
12$ An 3e has est"ne th# name to be amon0 the hol#-
An w"ll !reser*e thee amon0st those who well on the earth-
An has est"ne th# r"0hteous see both for k"n0sh"! an for 0reat honours-
An from th# see shall !rocee a founta"n of the r"0hteous an hol# w"thout number
for e*er$
Cha/er 770 $,+I
1$ An after that he showe me the an0els of !un"shment who are !re!are to come an
let loose all the !owers of the waters wh"ch are beneath "n the earth "n orer to br"n0
<u0ement an estruct"on on all who %ab"e an& well on the earth$ 2$ An the @or of
7!"r"ts 0a*e commanment to the an0els who were 0o"n0 forth- that the# shoul not
cause the waters to r"se but shoul hol them "n checkB for those an0els were o*er the
!owers of the waters$ 3$ An ) went awa# from the !resence of 1noch$
Cha/er 780 $,+II
1$ An "n those a#s the wor of 2o came unto me- an 3e sa" unto me5 > Aoah- th#
lot has come H! before 6e- a lot w"thout blame- a lot of lo*e an u!r"0htness$ 2$ An
now the an0els are mak"n0 a wooen (bu"l"n0)- an when the# ha*e com!lete that
task ) w"ll !lace 6# han u!on "t an !reser*e "t- an there shall come forth from "t the
see of l"fe- an a chan0e shall set "n so that the earth w"ll not rema"n w"thout
"nhab"tant$ 3$ An ) w"ll make fast th# se before me for e*er an e*er- an ) w"ll
s!rea abroa those who well w"th thee5 "t shall not be unfru"tful on the face of the
earth- but "t shall be blesse an mult"!l# on the earth "n the name of the @or$>
4$ An 3e w"ll "m!r"son those an0els- who ha*e shown unr"0hteousness- "n that
burn"n0 *alle# wh"ch m# 0ranfather 1noch ha formerl# shown to me "n the west
amon0 the mounta"ns of 0ol an s"l*er an "ron an soft metal an t"n$ 5$ An ) saw
that *alle# "n wh"ch there was a 0reat 6 con*uls"on an a con*uls"on of the waters$ 6$
An when all th"s took !lace- from that f"er# molten metal an from the con*uls"on
thereof "n that !lace- there was !rouce a smell of sul!hur- an "t was connecte w"th
those waters- an that *alle# of the an0els who ha le astra# (mank"n) burne beneath
that lan$ 7$ An throu0h "ts *alle#s !rocee streams of f"re- where these an0els are
!un"she who ha le astra# those who well u!on the earth$
8$ =ut those waters shall "n those a#s ser*e for the k"n0s an the m"0ht# an the
e;alte- an those who well on the earth- for the heal"n0 of the bo#- but for the
!un"shment of the s!"r"tB now the"r s!"r"t "s full of lust- that the# ma# be !un"she "n
the"r bo#- for the# ha*e en"e the @or of 7!"r"ts an see the"r !un"shment a"l#- an
#et bel"e*e not "n 3"s name$ 9$ An "n !ro!ort"on as the burn"n0 of the"r bo"es
becomes se*ere- a corres!on"n0 chan0e shall take !lace "n the"r s!"r"t for e*er an
e*erB for before the @or of 7!"r"ts none shall utter an "le wor$ 10$ Lor the <u0ement
shall come u!on them- because the# bel"e*e "n the lust of the"r bo# an en# the
7!"r"t of the @or$ 11$ An those same waters w"ll uner0o a chan0e "n those a#sB for
when those an0els are !un"she "n these waters- these water,s!r"n0s shall chan0e the"r
tem!erature- an when the an0els ascen- th"s water of the s!r"n0s shall chan0e an
become col$ 12$ An ) hear 6"chael answer"n0 an sa#"n05 > Th"s <u0ement
wherew"th the an0els are <u0e "s a test"mon# for the k"n0s an the m"0ht# who
!ossess the earth$> 13$ =ecause these waters of <u0ement m"n"ster to the heal"n0 of the
bo# of the k"n0s an the lust of the"r bo#B therefore the# w"ll not see an w"ll not
bel"e*e that those waters w"ll chan0e an become a f"re wh"ch burns for e*er$
Cha/er 790 $,+III
1$ An after that m# 0ranfather 1noch 0a*e me the teach"n0 of all the secrets "n the
book "n the Jarables wh"ch ha been 0"*en to h"m- an he !ut them to0ether for me "n
the wors of the book of the Jarables$ 2$ An on that a# 6"chael answere Da!hael
an sa"5 > The !ower of the s!"r"t trans!orts an makes me to tremble because of the
se*er"t# of the <u0ement of the secrets- the <u0ement of the an0els5 who can enure
the se*ere <u0ement wh"ch has been e;ecute- an before wh"ch the# melt awa# M > 3$
An 6"chael answere a0a"n- an sa" to Da!hael5 > 8ho "s he whose heart "s not
softene concern"n0 "t- an whose re"ns are not trouble b# th"s wor of <u0ement
(that) has 0one forth u!on them because of those who ha*e thus le them out M > 4$ An
"t came to !ass when he stoo before the @or of 7!"r"ts- 6"chael sa" thus to Da!hael5
> ) w"ll not take the"r !art uner the e#e of the @orB for the @or of 7!"r"ts has been
an0r# w"th them because the# o as "f the# were the @or$ 5$ Therefore all that "s
h"en shall come u!on them for e*er an e*erB for ne"ther an0el nor man shall ha*e
h"s !ort"on ("n "t)- but alone the# ha*e rece"*e the"r <u0ement for e*er an e*er$
Cha/er 7:0 $,I,
1$ An after th"s <u0ement the# shall terr"f# an make them to tremble because the#
ha*e shown th"s to those who well on the earth$
2$ An behol the names of those an0els %an these are the"r names5 the f"rst of them "s 7am<a:a-
the secon Arta9"fa- an the th"r Armen- the fourth Eokabel- the f"fth Turael- the s";th Dum<al- the
se*enth Fan<al- the e"0hth Ae9ael- the n"nth =ara9el- the tenth A:a:el- the ele*enth Armaros- the twelfth
=atar<al- the th"rteenth =usase<al- the fourteenth 3ananel- the f"fteenth Turel- an the s";teenth
7"ma!es"el- the se*enteenth Cetrel- the e"0hteenth Tumael- the n"neteenth Turel- the twent"eth Dumael-
the twent#,f"rst A:a:el$ 3$ An these are the ch"efs of the"r an0els an the"r names- an the"r ch"ef ones
o*er hunres an o*er f"ft"es an o*er tens&$
4$ The name of the f"rst Ce9on5 that "s- the one who le astra# %all& the sons of 2o- an
brou0ht them own to the earth- an le them astra# throu0h the au0hters of men$
5$ An the secon was name Asbeel5 he "m!arte to the hol# sons of 2o e*"l
counsel- an le them astra# so that the# ef"le the"r bo"es w"th the au0hters of
men$ 6$ An the th"r was name 2areel5 he "t "s who showe the ch"lren of men all
the blows of eath- an he le astra# 1*e- an showe %the wea!ons of eath to the sons of
men& the sh"el an the coat of ma"l- an the swor for battle- an all the wea!ons of
eath to the ch"lren of men$ 7$ An from h"s han the# ha*e !roceee a0a"nst those
who well on the earth from that a# an for e*ermore$ 8$ An the fourth was name
Jenemue5 he tau0ht the ch"lren of men the b"tter an the sweet- an he tau0ht them all
the secrets of the"r w"som$ 9$ An he "nstructe mank"n "n wr"t"n0 w"th "nk an
!a!er- an thereb# man# s"nne from etern"t# to etern"t# an unt"l th"s a#$ 10$ Lor men
were not create for such a !ur!ose- to 0"*e conf"rmat"on to the"r 0oo fa"th w"th !en
an "nk$ 11$ Lor men were create e;actl# l"ke the an0els- to the "ntent that the# shoul
cont"nue !ure an r"0hteous- an eath- wh"ch estro#s e*er#th"n0- coul not ha*e
taken hol of them- but throu0h th"s the"r knowle0e the# are !er"sh"n0- an throu0h
th"s !ower "t "s consum"n0 me$ 12$ An the f"fth was name Ease<a5 th"s "s he who
showe the ch"lren of men all the w"cke sm"t"n0s of s!"r"ts an emons- an the
sm"t"n0s of the embr#o "n the womb- that "t ma# !ass awa#- an %the sm"t"n0s of the soul&
the b"tes of the ser!ent- an the sm"t"n0s wh"ch befall throu0h the noont"e heat- the
son of the ser!ent name Taba>et$ 13$ An th"s "s the task of Easbeel- the ch"ef of the
oath wh"ch he showe to the hol# ones when he welt h"0h 4 abo*e "n 0lor#- an "ts
name "s ="9a$ 14$ Th"s (an0el) re9ueste 6"chael to show h"m the h"en name- that he
m"0ht enunc"ate "t "n the oath- so that those m"0ht 9uake before that name an oath
who re*eale all that was "n secret to the ch"lren of men$ 15$ An th"s "s the !ower of
th"s oath- for "t "s !owerful an stron0- an he !lace th"s oath Akae "n the han of
6"chael$ 16$ An these are the secrets of th"s oath '$ $ $(
An the# are stron0 throu0h h"s oath5
An the hea*en was sus!ene before the worl was create-
An for e*er$
17$ An throu0h "t the earth was foune u!on the water-
An from the secret recesses of the mounta"ns come beaut"ful waters-
Lrom the creat"on of the worl an unto etern"t#$
18$ An throu0h that oath the sea was create-
An as "ts founat"on 3e set for "t the san a0a"nst the t"me of ("ts) an0er-
An "t are not !ass be#on "t from the creat"on of the worl unto etern"t#$
19$ An throu0h that oath are the e!ths mae fast-
An ab"e an st"r not from the"r !lace from etern"t# to etern"t#$
20$ An throu0h that oath the sun an moon com!lete the"r course-
An e*"ate not from the"r or"nance from etern"t# to etern"t#$
21$ An throu0h that oath the stars com!lete the"r course-
An 3e calls them b# the"r names-
An the# answer 3"m from etern"t# to etern"t#$
22$ %An "n l"ke manner the s!"r"ts of the water- an of the w"ns- an of all :e!h#rs- an (the"r) !aths
from all the 9uarters of the w"ns$ 23$ An there are !reser*e the *o"ces of the thuner an the l"0ht of
the l"0htn"n0s5 an there are !reser*e the chambers of the ha"l an the chambers of the hoarfrost- an
the chambers of the m"st- an the chambers of the ra"n an the ew$ 24$ An all these bel"e*e an 0"*e
thanks before the @or of 7!"r"ts- an 0lor"f# (3"m) w"th all the"r !ower- an the"r foo "s "n e*er# act of
thanks0"*"n05 the# thank an 0lor"f# an e;tol the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts for e*er an e*er$&
25$ An th"s oath "s m"0ht# o*er them
An throu0h "t %the# are !reser*e an& the"r !aths are !reser*e-
An the"r course "s not estro#e$
26$ An there was 0reat <o# amon0st them-
An the# blesse an 0lor"f"e an e;tolle
=ecause the name of that 7on of 6an ha been re*eale unto them$
27$ An he sat on the throne of h"s 0lor#-
An the sum of <u0ement was 0"*en unto the 7on of 6an-
An he cause the s"nners to !ass awa# an be estro#e from off the face of the
An those who ha*e le the worl astra#$
28$ 8"th cha"ns shall the# be boun-
An "n the"r assembla0e,!lace of estruct"on shall the# be "m!r"sone-
An all the"r works *an"sh from the face of the earth$
29$ An from henceforth there shall be noth"n0 corru!t"bleB
Lor that 7on of 6an has a!!eare-
An has seate h"mself on the throne of h"s 0lor#-
An all e*"l shall !ass awa# before h"s face-
An the wor of that 7on of 6an shall 0o forth
An be stron0 before the @or of 7!"r"ts$
Cha/er 8;0 $,,
1$ An "t came to !ass after th"s that h"s name ur"n0 h"s l"fet"me was ra"se aloft to
that 7on of 6an an to the @or of 7!"r"ts from amon0st those who well on the earth$
2$ An he was ra"se aloft on the char"ots of the s!"r"t an h"s name *an"she amon0
them$ 3$ An from that a# ) was no lon0er numbere amon0st them5 an he set me
between the two w"ns- between the Aorth an the 4 8est- where the an0els took the
cors to measure for me the !lace for the elect an r"0hteous$ 4$ An there ) saw the
f"rst fathers an the r"0hteous who from the be0"nn"n0 well "n that !lace$
Cha/er 810 $,,I
1$ An "t came to !ass after th"s that m# s!"r"t was translate
An "t ascene "nto the hea*ens5
An ) saw the hol# sons of 2o$
The# were ste!!"n0 on flames of f"re5
The"r 0arments were wh"te %an the"r ra"ment&-
An the"r faces shone l"ke snow$
2$ An ) saw two streams of f"re-
An the l"0ht of that f"re shone l"ke h#ac"nth-
An ) fell on m# face before the @or of 7!"r"ts$
3$ An the an0el 6"chael %one of the archan0els& se":e me b# m# r"0ht han-
An l"fte me u! an le me forth "nto all the secrets-
An he showe me all the secrets of r"0hteousness$
4$ An he showe me all the secrets of the ens of the hea*en-
An all the chambers of all the stars- an all the lum"nar"es-
8hence the# !rocee before the face of the hol# ones$
5$ An he translate m# s!"r"t "nto the hea*en of hea*ens-
An ) saw there as "t were a structure bu"lt of cr#stals-
An between those cr#stals ton0ues of l"*"n0 f"re$
6$ An m# s!"r"t saw the 0"rle wh"ch 0"rt that house of f"re-
An on "ts four s"es were streams full of l"*"n0 f"re-
An the# 0"rt that house$
7$ An roun about were 7era!h"n- +herub"c- an 4!hann"n5
An these are the# who slee! not
An 0uar the throne of 3"s 0lor#$
8$ An ) saw an0els who coul not be counte-
A thousan thousans- an ten thousan t"mes ten thousan-
1nc"rcl"n0 that house$
An 6"chael- an Da!hael- an 2abr"el- an Jhanuel-
An the hol# an0els who are abo*e the hea*ens-
2o "n an out of that house$
9$ An the# came forth from that house-
An 6"chael an 2abr"el- Da!hael an Jhanuel-
An man# hol# an0els w"thout number$
10$ An w"th them the 3ea of Fa#s-
3"s hea wh"te an !ure as wool-
An 3"s ra"ment "nescr"bable$
11$ An ) fell on m# face-
An m# whole bo# became rela;e-
An m# s!"r"t was transf"0ureB
An ) cr"e w"th a lou *o"ce- $ $ $
w"th the s!"r"t of !ower-
An blesse an 0lor"f"e an e;tolle$
12$ An these bless"n0s wh"ch went forth out of m# mouth were well !leas"n0 before
that 3ea of Fa#s$
13$ An that 3ea of Fa#s came w"th 6"chael an 2abr"el- Da!hael an Jhanuel-
thousans an ten thousans of an0els w"thout number$
%@ost !assa0e where"n the 7on of 6an was escr"be as accom!an#"n0 the 3ea of Fa#s- an 1noch
aske one of the an0els (as "n ;l*"$ 3) concern"n0 the 7on of 6an as to who he was$&
14$ An he ("$e$ the an0el) came to me an 0reete me w"th 3"s *o"ce- an sa" unto me >
Th"s "s the 7on of 6an who "s born unto r"0hteousness-
An r"0hteousness ab"es o*er h"m-
An the r"0hteousness of the 3ea of Fa#s forsakes h"m not$>
15$ An he sa" unto me5
> 3e !rocla"ms unto thee !eace "n the name of the worl to comeB
Lor from hence has !roceee !eace s"nce the creat"on of the worl-
An so shall "t be unto thee for e*er an for e*er an e*er$
16$ An all shall walk "n h"s wa#s s"nce r"0hteousness ne*er forsaketh h"m5
8"th h"m w"ll be the"r well"n0,!laces- an w"th h"m the"r her"ta0e-
An the# shall not be se!arate from h"m for e*er an e*er an e*er$
17$ An so there shall be len0th of a#s w"th that 7on of 6an-
An the r"0hteous shall ha*e !eace an an u!r"0ht wa#
)n the name of the @or of 7!"r"ts for e*er an e*er$>
SECTION THREE "The Book of he Co!rses of he
Hea"enl# $!%&nar&es'"
+ha!ters 72,82- @..)),@...))
Cha/er 830 $,,II
1$ The book of the courses of the lum"nar"es of the hea*en- the relat"ons of each-
accor"n0 to the"r classes- the"r om"n"on an the"r seasons- accor"n0 to the"r names
an !laces of or"0"n- an accor"n0 to the"r months- wh"ch Hr"el- the hol# an0el- who
was w"th me- who "s the"r 0u"e- showe meB an he showe me all the"r laws e;actl#
as the# are- an how "t "s w"th re0ar to all the #ears of the worl an unto etern"t#- t"ll
the new creat"on "s accom!l"she wh"ch ureth t"ll etern"t#$ 2$ An th"s "s the f"rst law
of the lum"nar"es5 the lum"nar# the 7un has "ts r"s"n0 "n the eastern !ortals of the
hea*en- an "ts sett"n0 "n the western !ortals of the hea*en$ 3$ An ) saw s"; !ortals "n
wh"ch the sun r"ses- an s"; !ortals "n wh"ch the sun sets an the moon r"ses an sets "n
these !ortals- an the leaers of the stars an those whom the# lea5 s"; "n the east an
s"; "n the west- an all follow"n0 each other "n accuratel# corres!on"n0 orer5 also
man# w"nows to the r"0ht an left of these !ortals$ 4$ An f"rst there 0oes forth the
0reat lum"nar#- name the 7un- an h"s c"rcumference "s l"ke the c"rcumference of the
hea*en- an he "s 9u"te f"lle w"th "llum"nat"n0 an heat"n0 f"re$ 5$ The char"ot on
wh"ch he ascens- the w"n r"*es- an the sun 0oes own from the hea*en an returns
throu0h the north "n orer to reach the east- an "s so 0u"e that he comes to the
a!!ro!r"ate (l"t$ > that >) !ortal an sh"nes "n the face of the hea*en$ 6$ )n th"s wa# he r"ses
"n the f"rst month "n the 0reat !ortal- wh"ch "s the fourth %those s"; !ortals "n the cast&$ 7$
An "n that fourth !ortal from wh"ch the sun r"ses "n the f"rst month are twel*e
w"now,o!en"n0s- from wh"ch !rocee a flame when the# are o!ene "n the"r season$
8$ 8hen the sun r"ses "n the hea*en- he comes forth throu0h that fourth !ortal th"rt#-
morn"n0s "n success"on- an sets accuratel# "n the fourth !ortal "n the west of the
hea*en$ 9$ An ur"n0 th"s !er"o the a# becomes a"l# lon0er an the n"0ht n"0htl#
shorter to the th"rt"eth morn"n0$ 10$ 4n that a# the a# "s lon0er than the n"0ht b# a
n"nth !art- an the a# amounts e;actl# to ten !arts an the n"0ht to e"0ht !arts$ 11$ An
the sun r"ses from that fourth !ortal- an sets "n the fourth an returns to the f"fth !ortal
of the east th"rt# morn"n0s- an r"ses from "t an sets "n the f"fth !ortal$ 12$ An then the
a# becomes lon0er b# two !arts an amounts to ele*en !arts- an the n"0ht becomes
shorter an amounts to se*en !arts$ 13$ An "t returns to the east an enters "nto the
s";th !ortal- an r"ses an sets "n the s";th !ortal one,an,th"rt# morn"n0s on account
of "ts s"0n$ 14$ 4n that a# the a# becomes lon0er than the n"0ht- an the a# becomes
ouble the n"0ht- an the a# becomes twel*e !arts- an the n"0ht "s shortene an
becomes s"; !arts$ 15$ An the sun mounts u! to make the a# shorter an the n"0ht
lon0er- an the sun returns to the east an enters "nto the s";th !ortal- an r"ses from "t
an sets th"rt# morn"n0s$ 16$ An when th"rt# morn"n0s are accom!l"she- the a#
ecreases b# e;actl# one !art- an becomes ele*en !arts- an the n"0ht se*en$ 17$ An
the sun 0oes forth from that s";th !ortal "n the west- an 0oes to the east an r"ses "n
the f"fth !ortal for th"rt# morn"n0s- an sets "n the west a0a"n "n the f"fth western
!ortal$ 18$ 4n that a# the a# ecreases b# two !arts- an amounts to ten !arts an the
n"0ht to e"0ht !arts$ 19$ An the sun 0oes forth from that f"fth !ortal an sets "n the f"fth
!ortal of the west- an r"ses "n the fourth !ortal for one, an,th"rt# morn"n0s on
account of "ts s"0n- an sets "n the west$ 20$ 4n that a# the a# "s e9ual":e w"th the
n"0ht- %an becomes of e9ual len0th&- an the n"0ht amounts to n"ne !arts an the a# to
n"ne !arts$ 21$ An the sun r"ses from that !ortal an sets "n the west- an returns to the
east an r"ses th"rt# morn"n0s "n the th"r !ortal an sets "n the west "n the th"r !ortal$
22$ An on that a# the n"0ht becomes lon0er than the a#- an n"0ht becomes lon0er
than n"0ht- an a# shorter than a# t"ll the th"rt"eth morn"n0- an the n"0ht amounts
e;actl# to ten !arts an the a# to e"0ht !arts$ 23$ An the sun r"ses from that th"r
!ortal an sets "n the th"r !ortal "n the west an returns to the east- an for th"rt#
morn"n0s r"ses "n the secon !ortal "n the east- an "n l"ke manner sets "n the secon
!ortal "n the west of the hea*en$ 24$ An on that a# the n"0ht amounts to ele*en !arts
an the a# to se*en !arts$ 25$ An the sun r"ses on that a# from that secon !ortal an
sets "n the west "n the secon !ortal- an returns to the east "nto the f"rst !ortal for one,
an,th"rt# morn"n0s- an sets "n the f"rst !ortal "n the west of the hea*en$ 26$ An on
that a# the n"0ht becomes lon0er an amounts to the ouble of the a#5 an the n"0ht
amounts e;actl# to twel*e !arts an the a# to s";$ 27$ An the sun has (therew"th)
tra*erse the "*"s"ons of h"s orb"t an turns a0a"n on those "*"s"ons of h"s orb"t- an
enters that !ortal th"rt# morn"n0s an sets also "n the west o!!os"te to "t$ 28$ An on that
n"0ht has the n"0ht ecrease "n len0th b# a n"nth !art- an the n"0ht has become
ele*en !arts an the a# se*en !arts$ 29$ An the sun has returne an entere "nto the
secon !ortal "n the east- an returns on those h"s "*"s"ons of h"s orb"t for th"rt#
morn"n0s- r"s"n0 an sett"n0$ 30$ An on that a# the n"0ht ecreases "n len0th- an the
n"0ht amounts to ten !arts an the a# to e"0ht$ 31$ An on that a# the sun r"ses from
that !ortal- an sets "n the west- an returns to the east- an r"ses "n the th"r !ortal for
one,an,th"rt# morn"n0s- an sets "n the west of the hea*en$ 32$ 4n that a# the n"0ht
ecreases an amounts to n"ne !arts- an the a# to n"ne !arts- an the n"0ht "s e9ual to
the a# an the #ear "s e;actl# as to "ts a#s three hunre an s";t#,four$ 33$ An the
len0th of the a# an of the n"0ht- an the shortness of the a# an of the n"0ht ar"se,
throu0h the course of the sun these "st"nct"ons are mae (l"t$ > the# are se!arate >)$ 34$ 7o "t
comes that "ts course becomes a"l# lon0er- an "ts course n"0htl# shorter$ 35$ An th"s
"s the law an the course of the sun- an h"s return as often as he returns s";t# t"mes
an r"ses- "$e$ the 0reat lum"nar# wh"ch "s name the sun- for e*er an e*er$ 36$ An that
wh"ch (thus) r"ses "s the 0reat lum"nar#- an "s so name accor"n0 to "ts a!!earance-
accor"n0 as the @or commane$ 37$ As he r"ses- so he sets an ecreases not- an
rests not- but runs a# an n"0ht- an h"s l"0ht "s se*enfol br"0hter than that of the
moonB but as re0ars s":e the# are both e9ual$
Cha/er 840 $,,III
1$ An after th"s law ) saw another law eal"n0 w"th the smaller lum"nar#- wh"ch "s
name the 6oon$ 2$ An her c"rcumference "s l"ke the c"rcumference of the hea*en-
an her char"ot "n wh"ch she r"es "s r"*en b# the w"n- an l"0ht "s 0"*en to her "n
(ef"n"te) measure$ 3$ An her r"s"n0 an sett"n0 chan0e e*er# month5 an her a#s are
l"ke the a#s of the sun- an when her l"0ht "s un"form ("$e$ full) "t amounts to the
se*enth !art of the l"0ht of the sun$ 4$ An thus she r"ses$ An her f"rst !hase "n the east
comes forth on the th"rt"eth morn"n05 an on that a# she becomes *"s"ble- an
const"tutes for #ou the f"rst !hase of the moon on the th"rt"eth a# to0ether w"th the
sun "n the !ortal where the sun r"ses$ 5$ An the one half of her 0oes forth b# a se*enth
!art- an her whole c"rcumference "s em!t#- w"thout l"0ht- w"th the e;ce!t"on of one,
se*enth !art of "t- (an) the fourteenth !art of her l"0ht$ 6$ An when she rece"*es one,
se*enth !art of the half of her l"0ht- her l"0ht amounts to one,se*enth !art an the half
thereof$ 7$ An she sets w"th the sun- an when the sun r"ses the moon r"ses w"th h"m
an rece"*es the half of one !art of l"0ht- an "n that n"0ht "n the be0"nn"n0 of her
morn"n0 %"n the commencement of the lunar a#& the moon sets w"th the sun- an "s "n*"s"ble
that n"0ht w"th the fourteen !arts an the half of one of them$ 8$ An she r"ses on that
a# w"th e;actl# a se*enth !art- an comes forth an recees from the r"s"n0 of the
sun- an "n her rema"n"n0 a#s she becomes br"0ht "n the (rema"n"n0) th"rteen !arts$
Cha/er 850 $,,I+
1$ An ) saw another course- a law for her- (an) how accor"n0 to that law she !erforms
her monthl# re*olut"on$ 2$ An all these Hr"el- the hol# an0el who "s the leaer of them
all- showe to me- an the"r !os"t"ons- an ) wrote own the"r !os"t"ons as he showe
them to me- an ) wrote own the"r months as the# were- an the a!!earance of the"r
l"0hts t"ll f"fteen a#s were accom!l"she$ 3$ )n s"n0le se*enth !arts she accom!l"shes
all her l"0ht "n the east- an "n s"n0le se*enth !arts accom!l"shes all her arkness "n the
west$ 4$ An "n certa"n months she alters her sett"n0s- an "n certa"n months she !ursues
her own !ecul"ar course$ 5$ )n two months the moon sets w"th the sun5 "n those two
m"le !ortals the th"r an the fourth$ 6$ 7he 0oes forth for se*en a#s- an turns
about an returns a0a"n throu0h the !ortal where the sun r"ses- an accom!l"shes all
her l"0ht5 an she recees from the sun- an "n e"0ht a#s enters the s";th !ortal from
wh"ch the sun 0oes forth$ 7$ An when the sun 0oes forth from the fourth !ortal she
0oes forth se*en a#s- unt"l she 0oes forth from the f"fth an turns back a0a"n "n se*en
a#s "nto the fourth !ortal an accom!l"shes all her l"0ht5 an she recees an enters
"nto the f"rst !ortal "n e"0ht a#s$ 8$ An she returns a0a"n "n se*en a#s "nto the fourth
!ortal from wh"ch the sun 0oes forth$ 9$ Thus ) saw the"r !os"t"on ,how the moons rose
an the sun set "n those a#s$ 10$ An "f f"*e #ears are ae to0ether the sun has an
o*er!lus of th"rt# a#s- an all the a#s wh"ch accrue to "t for one of those f"*e #ears-
when the# are full- amount to 364 a#s$ 11$ An the o*er!lus of the sun an of the stars
amounts to s"; a#s5 "n 5 #ears 6 a#s e*er# #ear come to 30 a#s5 an the moon falls
beh"n the sun an stars to the number of 30 a#s$ 12$ An the sun an the stars br"n0 "n
all the #ears e;actl#- so that the# o not a*ance or ela# the"r !os"t"on b# a s"n0le a#
unto etern"t#B but com!lete the #ears w"th !erfect <ust"ce "n 364 a#s$ 13$ )n 3 #ears
there are 1-092 a#s- an "n 5 #ears 1-820 a#s- so that "n 8 #ears there are 2-912 a#s$
14$ Lor the moon alone the a#s amount "n 3 #ears to 1-062 a#s- an "n 5 #ears she
falls 50 a#s beh"n5 %"$e$ to the sum (of 1-770) there "s to be ae (1-000 an) 62 a#s$& 15$ An
"n 5 #ears there are 1-770 a#s- so that for the moon the a#s "n 8 #ears amount to
21-832 a#s$ 16$ %Lor "n 8 #ears she falls beh"n to the amount of 80 a#s&- all the a#s she falls
beh"n "n 8 #ears are 80$ 17$ An the #ear "s accuratel# com!lete "n conform"t# w"th
the"r worl,stat"ons an the stat"ons of the sun- wh"ch r"se from the !ortals throu0h
wh"ch "t (the sun) r"ses an sets 30 a#s$
Cha/er 860 $,,+
1$ An the leaers of the heas of the thousans- who are !lace o*er the whole
creat"on an o*er all the stars- ha*e also to o w"th the four "ntercalar# a#s- be"n0
"nse!arable from the"r off"ce- accor"n0 to the reckon"n0 of the #ear- an these rener
ser*"ce on the four a#s wh"ch are not reckone "n the reckon"n0 of the #ear$ 2$ An
ow"n0 to them men 0o wron0 there"n- for those lum"nar"es trul# rener ser*"ce on the
worl,stat"ons- one "n the f"rst !ortal- one "n the th"r !ortal of the hea*en- one "n the
fourth !ortal- an one "n the s";th !ortal- an the e;actness of the #ear "s accom!l"she
throu0h "ts se!arate three hunre an s";t#,four stat"ons$ 3$ Lor the s"0ns an the t"mes
an the #ears an the a#s the an0el Hr"el showe to me- whom the @or of 0lor# hath
set for e*er o*er all the lum"nar"es of the hea*en- "n the hea*en an "n the worl- that
the# shoul rule on the face of the hea*en an be seen on the earth- an be leaers for
the a# an the n"0ht- "$e$ the sun- moon- an stars- an all the m"n"ster"n0 creatures
wh"ch make the"r re*olut"on "n all the char"ots of the hea*en$ 4$ )n l"ke manner twel*e
oors Hr"el showe me- o!en "n the c"rcumference of the sun>s char"ot "n the hea*en-
throu0h wh"ch the ra#s of the sun break forth5 an from them "s warmth "ffuse o*er
the earth- when the# are o!ene at the"r a!!o"nte seasons$ 5$ %An for the w"ns an 6 the
s!"r"t of the ew when the# are o!ene- stan"n0 o!en "n the hea*ens at the ens$& 6$ As for the
twel*e !ortals "n the hea*en- at the ens of the earth- out of wh"ch 0o forth the sun-
moon- an stars- an all the works of hea*en "n the east an "n the west- 7$ There are
man# w"nows o!en to the left an r"0ht of them- an one w"now at "ts (a!!o"nte)
season !rouces warmth- corres!on"n0 (as these o) to those oors from wh"ch the stars
come forth accor"n0 as 3e has commane them- an where"n the# set corres!on"n0
to the"r number$ 8$ An ) saw char"ots "n the hea*en- runn"n0 "n the worl- abo*e those
!ortals "n wh"ch re*ol*e the stars that ne*er set$ 9$ An one "s lar0er than all the rest-
an "t "s that that makes "ts course throu0h the ent"re worl$
Cha/er 870 $,,+I
1$ An at the ens of the earth ) saw twel*e !ortals o!en to all the 9uarters (of the
hea*en)- from wh"ch the w"ns 0o forth an blow o*er the earth$ 2$ Three of them are
o!en on the face ("$e$ the east) of the hea*ens- an three "n the west- an three on the
r"0ht ("$e$ the south) of the hea*en- an three on the left ("$e$ the north)$ 3$ An the three f"rst
are those of the east- an three are of the north- an three %after those on the left& of the
south- an three of the west$ 4$ Throu0h four of these come w"ns of bless"n0 an
!ros!er"t#- an from those e"0ht come hurtful w"ns5 when the# are sent- the# br"n0
estruct"on on all the earth an on the water u!on "t- an on all who well thereon- an
on e*er#th"n0 wh"ch "s "n the water an on the lan$
5$ An the f"rst w"n from those !ortals- calle the east w"n- comes forth throu0h the
f"rst !ortal wh"ch "s "n the east- "ncl"n"n0 towars the south5 from "t come forth
esolat"on- rou0ht- heat- an estruct"on$ 6$ An throu0h the secon !ortal "n the
m"le comes what "s f"tt"n0- an from "t there come ra"n an fru"tfulness an
!ros!er"t# an ewB an throu0h the th"r !ortal wh"ch l"es towar the north come col
an rou0ht$
7$ An after these come forth the south w"ns throu0h three !ortals5 throu0h the f"rst
!ortal of them "ncl"n"n0 to the east comes forth a hot w"n$ 8$ An throu0h the m"le
!ortal ne;t to "t there come forth fra0rant smells- an ew an ra"n- an !ros!er"t# an
health$ 9$ An throu0h the th"r !ortal l#"n0 to the west come forth ew an ra"n-
locusts an esolat"on$
10$ An after these the north w"ns5 from the se*enth !ortal "n the east come ew an
ra"n- locusts an esolat"on$ 11$ An from the m"le !ortal come "n a "rect "rect"on
health an ra"n an ew an !ros!er"t#B an throu0h the th"r !ortal "n the west come
clou an hoar,frost- an snow an ra"n- an ew an locusts$
12$ An after these %four& are the west w"ns5 throu0h the f"rst !ortal a<o"n"n0 the north
come forth ew an hoar,frost- an col an snow an frost$ 13$ An from the m"le
!ortal come forth ew an ra"n- an !ros!er"t# an bless"n0B an throu0h the last !ortal
wh"ch a<o"ns the south come forth rou0ht an esolat"on- an burn"n0 an
estruct"on$ 14$ An the twel*e !ortals of the four 9uarters of the hea*en are therew"th
com!lete- an all the"r laws an all the"r !la0ues an all the"r benefact"ons ha*e )
shown to thee- m# son 6ethuselah$
Cha/er 880 $,,+II
1$ An the f"rst 9uarter "s calle the east- because "t "s the f"rst5 an the secon- the
south- because the 6ost 3"0h w"ll escen there- #ea- there "n 9u"te a s!ec"al sense
w"ll 3e who "s blesse for e*er escen$ 2$ An the west 9uarter "s name the
"m"n"she- because there all the lum"nar"es of the hea*en wane an 0o own$ 3$ An
the fourth 9uarter- name the north- "s "*"e "nto three !arts5 the f"rst of them "s for
the well"n0 of men5 an the secon conta"ns seas of water- an the ab#sses an
forests an r"*ers- an arkness an clousB an the th"r !art conta"ns the 0aren of
r"0hteousness$ 4$ ) saw se*en h"0h mounta"ns- h"0her than all the mounta"ns wh"ch are
on the earth5 an thence comes forth hoar,frost- an a#s- seasons- an #ears !ass
awa#$ 5$ ) saw se*en r"*ers on the earth lar0er than all the r"*ers5 one of them com"n0
from the west !ours "ts waters "nto the 2reat 7ea$ 6$ An these two come from the
north to the sea an !our the"r waters "nto the 1r#thraean 7ea "n the east$ 7$ An the
rema"n"n0- four come forth on the s"e of the north to the"r own sea- two of them to the
1r#thraean 7ea- an two "nto the 2reat 7ea an "schar0e themsel*es there %an some
sa#5 "nto the esert&$ 8$ 7e*en 0reat "slans ) saw "n the sea an "n the ma"nlan5 two "n the
ma"nlan an f"*e "n the 2reat 7ea$
Cha/er 890 $,,+III
1$ An the names of the sun are the follow"n05 the f"rst 4r<ares- an the secon Tomas$
2$ An the moon has four names5 the f"rst name "s Ason<a- the secon 1bla- the th"r
=enase- an the fourth 1rae$ 3$ These are the two 0reat lum"nar"es5 the"r c"rcumference
"s l"ke the c"rcumference of the hea*en- an the s":e of the c"rcumference of both "s
al"ke$ 4$ )n the c"rcumference of the sun there are se*en !ort"ons of l"0ht wh"ch are
ae to "t more than to the moon- an "n ef"n"te measures "t "s transferre t"ll the
se*enth !ort"on of the sun "s e;hauste$ 5$ An the# set an enter the !ortals of the
west- an make the"r re*olut"on b# the north- an come forth throu0h the eastern
!ortals on the face of the hea*en$ 6$ An when the moon r"ses one,fourteenth !art
a!!ears "n the hea*en5 %the l"0ht becomes full "n her&5 on the fourteenth a# she
accom!l"shes her l"0ht$ 7$ An f"fteen !arts of l"0ht are transferre to her t"ll the
f"fteenth a# (when) her l"0ht "s accom!l"she- accor"n0 to the s"0n of the #ear- an
she becomes f"fteen !arts- an the moon 0rows b# (the a"t"on of) fourteenth !arts$ 8$
An "n her wan"n0 (the moon) ecreases on the f"rst a# to fourteen !arts of her l"0ht- on
the secon to th"rteen !arts of l"0ht- on the th"r to twel*e- on the fourth to ele*en- on
the f"fth to ten- on the s";th to n"ne- on the se*enth to e"0ht- on the e"0hth to se*en- on
the n"nth to s";- on the tenth to f"*e- on the ele*enth to four- on the twelfth to three- on
the th"rteenth to two- on the fourteenth to the half of a se*enth- an all her rema"n"n0
l"0ht "sa!!ears wholl# on the f"fteenth$ 9$ An "n certa"n months the month has
twent#,n"ne a#s an once twent#,e"0ht$ 10$ An Hr"el showe me another law5 when
l"0ht "s transferre to the moon- an on wh"ch s"e "t "s transferre to her b# the sun$ 11$
Fur"n0 all the !er"o ur"n0 wh"ch the moon "s 0row"n0 "n her l"0ht- she "s transferr"n0
"t to herself when o!!os"te to the sun ur"n0 fourteen a#s %her l"0ht "s accom!l"she "n the
hea*en&- an when she "s "llum"ne throu0hout- her l"0ht "s accom!l"she full "n the
hea*en$ 12$ An on the f"rst a# she "s calle the new moon- for on that a# the l"0ht
r"ses u!on her$ 13$ 7he becomes full moon e;actl# on the a# when the sun sets "n the
west- an from the east she r"ses at n"0ht- an the moon sh"nes the whole n"0ht throu0h
t"ll the sun r"ses o*er a0a"nst her an the moon "s seen o*er a0a"nst the sun$ 14$ 4n the
s"e whence the l"0ht of the moon comes forth- there a0a"n she wanes t"ll all the l"0ht
*an"shes an all the a#s of the month are at an en- an her c"rcumference "s em!t#-
*o" of l"0ht$ 15$ An three months she makes of th"rt# a#s- an at her t"me she makes
three months of twent#, n"ne a#s each- "n wh"ch she accom!l"shes her wan"n0 "n the
f"rst !er"o of t"me- an "n the f"rst !ortal for one hunre an se*ent#,se*en a#s$ 16$
An "n the t"me of her 0o"n0 out she a!!ears for three months (of) th"rt# a#s each- an
for three months she a!!ears (of) twent#,n"ne each$ 17$ At n"0ht she a!!ears l"ke a man
for twent# a#s each t"me- an b# a# she a!!ears l"ke the hea*en- an there "s noth"n0
else "n her sa*e her l"0ht$
Cha/er 8:0 $,,I,
1$ An now- m# son- ) ha*e shown thee e*er#th"n0- an the law of all the stars of the
hea*en "s com!lete$ 2$ An he showe me all the laws of these for e*er# a#- an for
e*er# season of bear"n0 rule- an for e*er# #ear- an for "ts 0o"n0 forth- an for the
orer !rescr"be to "t e*er# month an e*er# week5 3$ An the wan"n0 of the moon
wh"ch takes !lace "n the s";th !ortal5 for "n th"s s";th !ortal her l"0ht "s accom!l"she-
an after that there "s the be0"nn"n0 of the wan"n05 4$ (An the wan"n0) wh"ch takes !lace
"n the f"rst !ortal "n "ts season- t"ll one hunre an se*ent#,se*en a#s are
accom!l"she5 reckone accor"n0 to weeks- twent#,f"*e (weeks) an two a#s$ 5$ 7he
falls beh"n the sun an the orer of the stars e;actl# f"*e a#s "n the course of one
!er"o- an when th"s !lace wh"ch thou seest has been tra*erse$ 6$ 7uch "s the !"cture
an sketch of e*er# lum"nar# wh"ch Hr"el the archan0el- who "s the"r leaer- showe
unto me$
Cha/er 9;0 $,,,
1$ An "n those a#s the an0el Hr"el answere an sa" to me5 > =ehol- ) ha*e shown
thee e*er#th"n0- 1noch- an ) ha*e re*eale e*er#th"n0 to thee that thou shoulst see
th"s sun an th"s moon- an the leaers of the stars of the hea*en an all those who
turn them- the"r tasks an t"mes an e!artures$
2$ An "n the a#s of the s"nners the #ears shall be shortene-
An the"r see shall be tar# on the"r lans an f"els-
An all th"n0s on the earth shall alter-
An shall not a!!ear "n the"r t"me5
An the ra"n shall be ke!t back
An the hea*en shall w"thhol ("t)$
3$ An "n those t"mes the fru"ts of the earth shall be backwar-
An shall not 0row "n the"r t"me-
An the fru"ts of the trees shall be w"thhel "n the"r t"me$
4$ An the moon shall alter her orer-
An not a!!ear at her t"me$
5$ %An "n those a#s the sun shall be seen an he shall <ourne# "n the e*en"n0 on the e;trem"t# of the
0reat char"ot "n the west&
An shall sh"ne more br"0htl# than accors w"th the orer of l"0ht$
6$ An man# ch"efs of the stars shall trans0ress the orer (!rescr"be)$
An these shall alter the"r orb"ts an tasks-
An not a!!ear at the seasons !rescr"be to them$
7$ An the whole orer of the stars shall be conceale from the s"nners-
An the thou0hts of those on the earth shall err concern"n0 them-
%An the# shall be altere from all the"r wa#s&-
Kea- the# shall err an take them to be 0os$
8$ An e*"l shall be mult"!l"e u!on them-
An !un"shment shall come u!on them 7o as to estro# all$>
Cha/er 910 $,,,I
1$ An he sa" unto me5
> 4bser*e- 1noch- these hea*enl# tablets-
An rea what "s wr"tten thereon-
An mark e*er# "n"*"ual fact$>
2$ An ) obser*e the hea*enl# tablets- an rea e*er#th"n0 wh"ch was wr"tten (thereon)
an unerstoo e*er#th"n0- an rea the book of all the ees of mank"n- an of all
the ch"lren of flesh that shall be u!on the earth to the remotest 0enerat"ons$ 3$ An
forthw"th ) blesse the 0reat @or the E"n0 of 0lor# for e*er- "n that 3e has mae all
the works of the worl-
An ) e;tolle the @or because of 3"s !at"ence-
An blesse 3"m because of the ch"lren of men$
4$ An after that ) sa"5
> =lesse "s the man who "es "n r"0hteousness an 0ooness-
+oncern"n0 whom there "s no book of unr"0hteousness wr"tten-
An a0a"nst whom no a# of <u0ement shall be foun$>
5$ An those se*en hol# ones brou0ht me an !lace me on the earth before the oor of
m# house- an sa" to me5 > Feclare e*er#th"n0 to th# son 6ethuselah- an show to all
th# ch"lren that no flesh "s r"0hteous "n the s"0ht of the @or- for 3e "s the"r +reator$ 6$
4ne #ear we w"ll lea*e thee w"th th# son- t"ll thou 0"*est th# (last) commans- that thou
ma#est teach th# ch"lren an recor ("t) for them- an test"f# to all th# ch"lrenB an "n
the secon #ear the# shall take thee from the"r m"st$
7$ @et th# heart be stron0-
Lor the 0oo shall announce r"0hteousness to the 0ooB
The r"0hteous w"th the r"0hteous shall re<o"ce-
An shall offer con0ratulat"on to one another$
8$ =ut the s"nners shall "e w"th the s"nners-
An the a!ostate 0o own w"th the a!ostate$
9$ An those who !ract"ce r"0hteousness shall "e on account of the ees of men-
An be taken awa# on account of the o"n0s of the 0oless$>
10$ An "n those a#s the# cease to s!eak to me- an ) came to m# !eo!le- bless"n0 the
@or of the worl$
Cha/er 930 $,,,II
1$ An now- m# son 6ethuselah- all these th"n0s ) am recount"n0 to thee an wr"t"n0
own for thee? an ) ha*e re*eale to thee e*er#th"n0- an 0"*en thee books
concern"n0 all these5 so !reser*e- m# son 6ethuselah- the books from th# father>s
han- an (see) that thou el"*er them to the 0enerat"ons of the worl$
2$ ) ha*e 0"*en 8"som to thee an to th# ch"lren-
%An th# ch"lren that shall be to thee&-
That the# ma# 0"*e "t to the"r ch"lren for 0enerat"ons-
Th"s w"som (namel#) that !asseth the"r thou0ht$
3$ An those who unerstan "t shall not slee!-
=ut shall l"sten w"th the ear that the# ma# learn th"s w"som-
An "t shall !lease those that eat thereof better than 0oo foo$
4$ =lesse are all the r"0hteous- blesse are all those who walk )n the wa# of
r"0hteousness an s"n not as the s"nners- "n the reckon"n0 of all the"r a#s "n wh"ch the
sun tra*erses the hea*en- enter"n0 "nto an e!art"n0 from the !ortals for th"rt# a#s
w"th the heas of thousans of the orer of the stars- to0ether w"th the four wh"ch are
"ntercalate wh"ch "*"e the four !ort"ons of the #ear- wh"ch lea them an enter w"th
them four a#s$ 5$ 4w"n0 to them men shall be at fault an not reckon them "n the
whole reckon"n0 of the #ear5 #ea- men shall be at fault- an not reco0n":e them
accuratel#$ 6$ Lor the# belon0 to the reckon"n0 of the #ear an are trul# recore
(thereon) for e*er- one "n the f"rst !ortal an one "n the th"r- an one "n the fourth an
one "n the s";th- an the #ear "s com!lete "n three hunre an s";t#,four a#s$
7$ An the account thereof "s accurate an the recore reckon"n0 thereof e;actB for the
lum"nar"es- an months an fest"*als- an #ears an a#s- has Hr"el shown an
re*eale to me- to whom the @or of the whole creat"on of the worl hath sub<ecte
the host of hea*en$ 8$ An he has !ower o*er n"0ht an a# "n the hea*en to cause the
l"0ht to 0"*e l"0ht to men ,sun- moon- an stars- an all the !owers of the hea*en wh"ch
re*ol*e "n the"r c"rcular char"ots$ 9$ An these are the orers of the stars- wh"ch set "n
the"r !laces- an "n the"r seasons an fest"*als an months$ 10$ An these are the names
of those who lea them- who watch that the# enter at the"r t"mes- "n the"r orers- "n
the"r seasons- "n the"r months- "n the"r !er"os of om"n"on- an "n the"r !os"t"ons$ 11$
The"r four leaers who "*"e the four !arts of the #ear enter f"rstB an after them the
twel*e leaers of the orers who "*"e the monthsB an for the three hunre an
s";t# (a#s) there are heas o*er thousans who "*"e the a#sB an for the four
"ntercalar# a#s there are the leaers wh"ch suner the four !arts of the #ear$ 12$ An
these heas o*er thousans are "ntercalate between 13 leaer an leaer- each beh"n
a stat"on- but the"r leaers make the "*"s"on$ 13$ An these are the names of the leaers
who "*"e the four !arts of the #ear wh"ch are ora"ne5 6"lk">el- 3el>emmelek- an
6el>e<al- an Aarel$ 14$ An the names of those who lea them5 Anar>el- an )<asusa>el-
an >1lome>el, these three follow the leaers of the orers- an there "s one that follows
the three leaers of the orers wh"ch follow those leaers of stat"ons that "*"e the
four !arts of the #ear$
15$ )n the be0"nn"n0 of the #ear 6elke<al r"ses f"rst an rules- who "s name Tam>a"n"
an sun- an all the a#s of h"s om"n"on wh"lst he bears rule are n"net#,one a#s$ 16$
An these are the s"0ns of the a#s wh"ch are to be seen on earth "n the a#s of h"s
om"n"on5 sweat- an heat- an calmsB an all the trees bear fru"t- an lea*es are
!rouce on all the trees- an the har*est of wheat- an the rose,flowers- an all the
flowers wh"ch come forth "n the f"el- but the trees of the w"nter season become
w"there$ 17$ An these are the names of the leaers wh"ch are uner them5 =erka>el-
Gelebs>el- an another who "s ae a hea of a thousan- calle 3"lu<ase!h5 an the
a#s of the om"n"on of th"s (leaer) are at an en$
18$ The ne;t leaer after h"m "s 3el>emmelek- whom one names the sh"n"n0 sun- an all
the a#s of h"s l"0ht are n"net#,one a#s$ 19$ An these are the s"0ns of (h"s) a#s on the
earth5 0low"n0 heat an r#ness- an the trees r"!en the"r fru"ts an !rouce all the"r
fru"ts r"!e an rea#- an the shee! !a"r an become !re0nant- an all the fru"ts of the
earth are 0athere "n- an e*er#th"n0 that "s "n the f"els- an the w"ne!ress5 these
th"n0s take !lace "n the a#s of h"s om"n"on$ 20$ These are the names- an the orers-
an the leaers of those heas of thousans5 2"a>l<al- Ee>el- an 3e>el- an the name
of the hea of a thousan wh"ch "s ae to them- Asfa>el5 an the a#s of h"s
om"n"on are at an en$
SECTION FO(R "The )rea%*+&s&ons"
+ha!ters 83,90- @...))),.+
Cha/er 940 $,,,III
1$ An now- m# son 6ethuselah- ) w"ll show thee all m# *"s"ons wh"ch ) ha*e seen-
recount"n0 them before thee$ 2$ Two *"s"ons ) saw before ) took a w"fe- an the one was
9u"te unl"ke the other5 the f"rst when ) was learn"n0 to wr"te5 the secon before ) took
th# mother- (when) ) saw a terr"ble *"s"on$ An re0ar"n0 them ) !ra#e to the @or$ 3$ )
ha la" me own "n the house of m# 0ranfather 6ahalalel- (when) ) saw "n a *"s"on
how the hea*en colla!se an was borne off an fell to 4 the earth$ 4$ An when "t fell
to the earth ) saw how the earth was swallowe u! "n a 0reat ab#ss- an mounta"ns
were sus!ene on mounta"ns- an h"lls sank own on h"lls- an h"0h trees were rent
from the"r stems- an hurle own an sunk "n the ab#ss$ 5$ An thereu!on a wor fell
"nto m# mouth- 6 an ) l"fte u! (m# *o"ce) to cr# alou- an sa"5 > The earth "s
estro#e$> 6$ An m# 0ranfather 6ahalalel wake me as ) la# near h"m- an sa" unto
me5 > 8h# ost thou cr# so- m# son- an wh# ost thou make such lamentat"onM> 7$ An
) recounte to h"m the whole *"s"on wh"ch ) ha seen- an he sa" unto me5 > A terr"ble
th"n0 hast thou seen- m# son- an of 0ra*e moment "s th# ream, *"s"on as to the
secrets of all the s"n of the earth5 "t must s"nk "nto the ab#ss an be estro#e w"th a
0reat estruct"on$ 8$ An now- m# son- ar"se an make !et"t"on to the @or of 0lor#-
s"nce thou art a bel"e*er- that a remnant ma# rema"n on the earth- an that 3e ma# not
estro# the whole earth$ 9$ 6# son- from hea*en all th"s w"ll come u!on the earth- an
u!on the earth there w"ll be 0reat estruct"on$ 10$ After that ) arose an !ra#e an
"m!lore an besou0ht- an wrote own m# !ra#er for the 0enerat"ons of the worl-
an ) w"ll show e*er#th"n0 to thee- m# son 6ethuselah$ 11$ An when ) ha 0one forth
below an seen the hea*en- an the sun r"s"n0 "n the east- an the moon sett"n0 "n the
west- an a few stars- an the whole earth- an e*er#th"n0 as 3e ha known "t "n the
be0"nn"n0- then ) blesse the @or of <u0ement an e;tolle 3"m because 3e ha
mae the sun to 0o forth from the w"nows of the east- an he ascene an rose on
the face of the hea*en- an set out an ke!t tra*ers"n0 the !ath shown unto h"m$
Cha/er 950 $,,,I+
1$ An ) l"fte u! m# hans "n r"0hteousness an blesse the 3ol# an 2reat 4ne- an
s!ake w"th the breath of m# mouth- an w"th the ton0ue of flesh- wh"ch 2o has mae
for the ch"lren of the flesh of men- that the# shoul s!eak therew"th- an 3e 0a*e
them breath an a ton0ue an a mouth that the# shoul s!eak therew"th5
2$ =lesse be Thou- 4 @or- E"n0-
2reat an m"0ht# "n Th# 0reatness-
@or of the whole creat"on of the hea*en-
E"n0 of k"n0s an 2o of the whole worl$
An Th# !ower an k"n0sh"! an 0reatness ab"e for e*er an e*er-
An throu0hout all 0enerat"ons Th# om"n"onB
An all the hea*ens are Th# throne for e*er-
An the whole earth Th# footstool for e*er an e*er$
3$ Lor Thou hast mae an Thou rulest all th"n0s-
An noth"n0 "s too har for Thee-
8"som e!arts not from the !lace of Th# throne-
Aor turns awa# from Th# !resence$
An Thou knowest an seest an hearest e*er#th"n0-
An there "s noth"n0 h"en from Thee %for Thou seest e*er#th"n0&$
4$ An now the an0els of Th# hea*ens are 0u"lt# of tres!ass-
An u!on the flesh of men ab"eth Th# wrath unt"l the 0reat a# of <u0ement$
5$ An now- 4 2o an @or an 2reat E"n0-
) "m!lore an beseech Thee to fulf"l m# !ra#er-
To lea*e me a !oster"t# on earth-
An not estro# all the flesh of man-
An make the earth w"thout "nhab"tant-
7o that there shoul be an eternal estruct"on$
6$ An now- m# @or- estro# from the earth the flesh wh"ch has arouse Th# wrath-
=ut the flesh of r"0hteousness an u!r"0htness establ"sh as a !lant of the eternal see-
An h"e not Th# face from the !ra#er of Th# ser*ant- 4 @or$>
Cha/er 960 $,,,+
1$ An after th"s ) saw another ream- an ) w"ll show the whole ream to thee- m# son$
2$ An 1noch l"fte u! (h"s *o"ce) an s!ake to h"s son 6ethuselah5 > To thee- m# son-
w"ll ) s!eak5 hear m# wors,"ncl"ne th"ne ear to the ream,*"s"on of th# father$ 3$
=efore ) took th# mother 1na- ) saw "n a *"s"on on m# be- an behol a bull came
forth from the earth- an that bull was wh"teB an after "t came forth a he"fer- an alon0
w"th th"s (latter) came forth two bulls- one of them black an the other re$ 4$ An that
black bull 0ore the re one an !ursue h"m o*er the earth- an thereu!on ) coul no
lon0er see that re bull$ 5$ =ut that black bull 0rew an that he"fer went w"th h"m- an )
saw that man# o;en !roceee from h"m wh"ch resemble an followe h"m$ 6$ An
that cow- that f"rst one- went from the !resence of that f"rst bull "n orer to seek that
re one- but foun h"m not- an lamente w"th a 0reat lamentat"on o*er h"m an
sou0ht h"m$ 7$ An ) looke t"ll that f"rst bull came to her an 9u"ete her- an from
that t"me onwar she cr"e no more$ 8$ An after that she bore another wh"te bull- an
after h"m she bore man# bulls an black cows$ 9$ An ) saw "n m# slee! that wh"te bull
l"kew"se 0row an become a 0reat wh"te bull- an from 3"m !roceee man# wh"te
bulls- an the# resemble h"m$ An the# be0an to be0et man# wh"te bulls- wh"ch
resemble them- one follow"n0 the other- (e*en) man#$
Cha/er 970 $,,,+I
1$ An a0a"n ) saw w"th m"ne e#es as ) sle!t- an ) saw the hea*en abo*e- an behol a
star fell from hea*en- an "t arose an eat an !asture amon0st those o;en$ 2$ An
after that ) saw the lar0e an the black o;en- an behol the# all chan0e the"r stalls
an !astures an the"r cattle- an be0an to l"*e w"th each other$ 3$ An a0a"n ) saw "n
the *"s"on- an looke towars the hea*en- an behol ) saw man# stars escen an
cast themsel*es own from hea*en to that f"rst star- an the# became bulls amon0st
those cattle an !asture w"th them %amon0st them&$ 4$ An ) looke at them an saw- an
behol the# all let out the"r !r"*# members- l"ke horses- an be0an to co*er the cows of
the o;en- an the# all became !re0nant an bare ele!hants- camels- an asses$ 5$ An
all the o;en feare them an were affr"0hte at them- an be0an to b"te w"th the"r teeth
an to e*our- an to 0ore w"th the"r horns$ 6$ An the# be0an- moreo*er- to e*our
those o;enB an behol all the ch"lren of the earth be0an to tremble an 9uake before
them an to flee from them$
Cha/er 980 $,,,+II
1$ An a0a"n ) saw how the# be0an to 0ore each other an to e*our each other- an the
earth be0an to cr# alou$ 2$ An ) ra"se m"ne e#es a0a"n to hea*en- an ) saw "n the
*"s"on- an behol there came forth from hea*en be"n0s who were l"ke wh"te men5 an
four went forth from that !lace an three w"th them$ 3$ An those three that ha last
come forth 0ras!e me b# m# han an took me u!- awa# from the 0enerat"ons of the
earth- an ra"se me u! to a loft# !lace- an showe me a tower ra"se h"0h abo*e the
earth- an all the h"lls were lower$ 4$ An one sa" unto me5 > Dema"n here t"ll thou
seest e*er#th"n0 that befalls those ele!hants- camels- an asses- an the stars an the
o;en- an all of them$>
Cha/er 990 $,,,+III
1$ An ) saw one of those four who ha come forth f"rst- an he se":e that f"rst star
wh"ch ha fallen from the hea*en- an boun "t han an foot an cast "t "nto an ab#ss5
now that ab#ss was narrow an ee!- an horr"ble an ark$ 2$ An one of them rew a
swor- an 0a*e "t to those ele!hants an camels an asses5 then the# be0an to sm"te
each other- an the whole earth 9uake because of them$ 3$ An as ) was behol"n0 "n
the *"s"on- lo- one of those four who ha come forth stone (them) from hea*en- an
0athere an took all the 0reat stars whose !r"*# members were l"ke those of horses-
an boun them all han an foot- an cast them "n an ab#ss of the earth$
Cha/er 9:0 $,,,I,
1$ An one of those four went to that wh"te bull an "nstructe h"m "n a secret- w"thout
h"s be"n0 terr"f"e5 he was born a bull an became a man- an bu"lt for h"mself a 0reat
*essel an welt thereonB an three bulls welt w"th h"m "n that *essel an the# were
co*ere "n$ 2$ An a0a"n ) ra"se m"ne e#es towars hea*en an saw a loft# roof- w"th
se*en water torrents thereon- an those torrents flowe w"th much water "nto an
enclosure$ 3$ An ) saw a0a"n- an behol founta"ns were o!ene on the surface of that
0reat enclosure- an that water be0an to swell an r"se u!on the surface- an ) saw that
enclosure t"ll all "ts surface was co*ere w"th water$ 4$ An the water- the arkness- an
m"st "ncrease u!on "tB an as ) looke at the he"0ht of that water- that water ha r"sen
abo*e the he"0ht of that enclosure- an was stream"n0 o*er that enclosure- an "t stoo
u!on the earth$ 5$ An all the cattle of that enclosure were 0athere to0ether unt"l ) saw
how the# sank an were swallowe u! an !er"she "n that water$ 6$ =ut that *essel
floate on the water- wh"le all the o;en an ele!hants an camels an asses sank to the
bottom w"th all the an"mals- so that ) coul no lon0er see them- an the# were not able
to esca!e- (but) !er"she an sank "nto the e!ths$ 7$ An a0a"n ) saw "n the *"s"on t"ll
those water torrents were remo*e from that h"0h roof- an the chasms of the earth
were le*ele u! an other ab#sses were o!ene$ 8$ Then the water be0an to run own
"nto these- t"ll the earth became *"s"bleB but that *essel settle on the earth- an the
arkness ret"re an l"0ht a!!eare$ 9$ =ut that wh"te bull wh"ch ha become a man
came out of that *essel- an the three bulls w"th h"m- an one of those three was wh"te
l"ke that bull- an one of them was re as bloo- an one black5 an that wh"te bull
e!arte from them$
10$ An the# be0an to br"n0 forth beasts of the f"el an b"rs- so that there arose
"fferent 0enera5 l"ons- t"0ers- wol*es- o0s- h#enas- w"l boars- fo;es- s9u"rrels-
sw"ne- falcons- *ultures- k"tes- ea0les- an ra*ensB an amon0 them was born a wh"te
bull$ 11$ An the# be0an to b"te one anotherB but that wh"te bull wh"ch was born
amon0st them be0at a w"l ass an a wh"te bull w"th "t- an the w"l asses mult"!l"e$
12$ =ut that bull wh"ch was born from h"m be0at a black w"l boar an a wh"te shee!B
an the former be0at man# boars- but that shee! be0at twel*e shee!$ 13$ An when
those twel*e shee! ha 0rown- the# 0a*e u! one of them to the asses- an those asses
a0a"n 0a*e u! that shee! to the wol*es- an that shee! 0rew u! amon0 the wol*es$ 14$
An the @or brou0ht the ele*en shee! to l"*e w"th "t an to !asture w"th "t amon0 the
wol*es5 an the# mult"!l"e an became man# flocks of shee!$ 15$ An the wol*es
be0an to fear them- an the# o!!resse them unt"l the# estro#e the"r l"ttle ones- an
the# cast the"r #oun0 "nto a r"*er of much water5 but those shee! be0an to cr# alou on
account of the"r l"ttle ones- an to com!la"n unto the"r @or$ 16$ An a shee! wh"ch ha
been sa*e from the wol*es fle an esca!e to the w"l assesB an ) saw the shee!
how the# lamente an cr"e- an besou0ht the"r @or w"th all the"r m"0ht- t"ll that
@or of the shee! escene at the *o"ce of the shee! from a loft# aboe- an came to
them an !asture them$ 17$ An 3e calle that shee! wh"ch ha esca!e the wol*es-
an s!ake w"th "t concern"n0 the wol*es that "t shoul amon"sh them not to touch the
shee!$ 18$ An the shee! went to the wol*es accor"n0 to the wor of the @or- an
another shee! met "t an went w"th "t- an the two went an entere to0ether "nto the
assembl# of those wol*es- an s!ake w"th them an amon"she them not to touch the
shee! from henceforth$ 19$ An thereu!on ) saw the wol*es- an how the# o!!resse
the shee! e;cee"n0l# w"th all the"r !owerB an the shee! cr"e alou$ 20$ An the @or
came to the shee! an the# be0an to sm"te those wol*es5 an the wol*es be0an to
make lamentat"onB but the shee! became 9u"et an forthw"th cease to cr# out$ 21$ An
) saw the shee! t"ll the# e!arte from amon0st the wol*esB but the e#es of the wol*es
were bl"ne- an those wol*es e!arte "n !ursu"t of the shee! w"th all the"r !ower$ 22$
An the @or of the shee! went w"th them- as the"r leaer- an all 3"s shee! followe
3"m5 an h"s face was a::l"n0 an 0lor"ous an terr"ble to behol$ 23$ =ut the wol*es
be0an to !ursue those shee! t"ll the# reache a sea of water$ 24$ An that sea was
"*"e- an the water stoo on th"s s"e an on that before the"r face- an the"r @or
le them an !lace 3"mself between them an the wol*es$ 25$ An as those wol*es
" not #et see the shee!- the# !roceee "nto the m"st of that sea- an the wol*es
followe the shee!- an %those wol*es& ran after them "nto that sea$ 26$ An when the#
saw the @or of the shee!- the# turne to flee before 3"s face- but that sea 0athere
"tself to0ether- an became as "t ha been create- an the water swelle an rose t"ll "t
co*ere those wol*es$ 27$ An ) saw t"ll all the wol*es who !ursue those shee!
!er"she an were rowne$
28$ =ut the shee! esca!e from that water an went forth "nto a w"lerness- where there
was no water an no 0rassB an the# be0an to o!en the"r e#es an to seeB an ) saw the
@or of the shee! !astur"n0 them an 0"*"n0 them water an 0rass- an that shee!
0o"n0 an lea"n0 them$ 29$ An that shee! ascene to the summ"t of that loft# rock-
an the @or of the shee! sent "t to them$ 30$ An after that ) saw the @or of the shee!
who stoo before them- an 3"s a!!earance was 0reat an terr"ble an ma<est"c- an
all those shee! saw 3"m an were afra" before 3"s face$ 31$ An the# all feare an
tremble because of 3"m- an the# cr"e to that shee! w"th them %wh"ch was amon0st
them&5 > 8e are not able to stan before our @or or to behol 3"m$> 32$ An that shee!
wh"ch le them a0a"n ascene to the summ"t of that rock- but the shee! be0an to be
bl"ne an to waner from the wa# wh"ch he ha showe them- but that shee! wot
not thereof$ 33$ An the @or of the shee! was wrathful e;cee"n0l# a0a"nst them- an
that shee! "sco*ere "t- an went own from the summ"t of the rock- an came to the
shee!- an foun the 0reatest !art of them bl"ne an fallen awa#$ 34$ An when the#
saw "t the# feare an tremble at "ts !resence- an es"re to return to the"r fols$ 35$
An that shee! took other shee! w"th "t- an came to those shee! wh"ch ha fallen
awa#- an be0an to sla# themB an the shee! feare "ts !resence- an thus that shee!
brou0ht back those shee! that ha fallen awa#- an the# returne to the"r fols$ 36$ An
) saw "n th"s *"s"on t"ll that shee! became a man an bu"lt a house for the @or of the
shee!- an !lace all the shee! "n that house$ 37$ An ) saw t"ll th"s shee! wh"ch ha
met that shee! wh"ch le them fell aslee!5 an ) saw t"ll all the 0reat shee! !er"she
an l"ttle ones arose "n the"r !lace- an the# came to a !asture- an a!!roache a
stream of water$ 38$ Then that shee!- the"r leaer wh"ch ha become a man- w"threw
from them an fell aslee!- an all the shee! sou0ht "t an cr"e o*er "t w"th a 0reat
cr#"n0$ 39$ An ) saw t"ll the# left off cr#"n0 for that shee! an crosse that stream of
water- an there arose the two shee! as leaers "n the !lace of those wh"ch ha le
them an fallen aslee! (l"t$ > ha fallen aslee! an le them >)$ 40$ An ) saw t"ll the shee!
came to a 0ool# !lace- an a !leasant an 0lor"ous lan- an ) saw t"ll those shee!
were sat"sf"eB an that house stoo amon0st them "n the !leasant lan$
41$ An somet"mes the"r e#es were o!ene- an somet"mes bl"ne- t"ll another shee!
arose an le them an brou0ht them all back- an the"r e#es were o!ene$
42$ An the o0s an the fo;es an the w"l boars be0an to e*our those shee! t"ll the
@or of the shee! ra"se u! %another shee!& a ram from the"r m"st- wh"ch le them$ 43$
An that ram be0an to butt on e"ther s"e those o0s- fo;es- an w"l boars t"ll he ha
estro#e them all$ 44$ An that shee! whose e#es were o!ene saw that ram- wh"ch
was amon0st the shee!- t"ll "t forsook "ts 0lor# an be0an to butt those shee!- an
tram!le u!on them- an beha*e "tself unseeml#$ 45$ An the @or of the shee! sent
the lamb to another lamb an ra"se "t to be"n0 a ram an leaer of the shee! "nstea of
that ram wh"ch ha forsaken "ts 0lor#$ 46$ An "t went to "t an s!ake to "t alone- an
ra"se "t to be"n0 a ram- an mae "t the !r"nce an leaer of the shee!B but ur"n0 all
these th"n0s those o0s o!!resse the shee!$ 47$ An the f"rst ram !ursue that secon
ram- an that secon ram arose an fle before "tB an ) saw t"ll those o0s !ulle
own the f"rst ram$ 48$ An that secon ram arose an le the %l"ttle& shee!$ 49$ An those
shee! 0rew an mult"!l"eB but all the o0s- an fo;es- an w"l boars feare an fle
before "t- an that ram butte an k"lle the w"l beasts- an those w"l beasts ha no
lon0er an# !ower amon0 the shee! an robbe them no more of ou0ht$ 48b$ An that
ram be0at man# shee! an fell aslee!B an a l"ttle shee! became ram "n "ts stea- an
became !r"nce an leaer of those shee!$
50$ An that house became 0reat an broa- an "t was bu"lt for those shee!5 (an) a
tower loft# an 0reat was bu"lt on the house for the @or of the shee!- an that house
was low- but the tower was ele*ate an loft#- an the @or of the shee! stoo on that
tower an the# offere a full table before 3"m$
51$ An a0a"n ) saw those shee! that the# a0a"n erre an went man# wa#s- an forsook
that the"r house- an the @or of the shee! calle some from amon0st the shee! an
sent them to the shee!- but the shee! be0an to sla# them$ 52$ An one of them was
sa*e an was not sla"n- an "t s!e awa# an cr"e alou o*er the shee!B an the#
sou0ht to sla# "t- but the @or of the shee! sa*e "t from the shee!- an brou0ht "t u! to
me- an cause "t to well there$ 53$ An man# other shee! 3e sent to those shee! to
test"f# unto them an lament o*er them$ 54$ An after that ) saw that when the# forsook
the house of the @or an 3"s tower the# fell awa# ent"rel#- an the"r e#es were
bl"neB an ) saw the @or of the shee! how 3e wrou0ht much slau0hter amon0st
them "n the"r hers unt"l those shee! "n*"te that slau0hter an betra#e 3"s !lace$ 55$
An 3e 0a*e them o*er "nto the hans of the l"ons an t"0ers- an wol*es an h#enas-
an "nto the han of the fo;es- an to all the w"l beasts- an those w"l beasts be0an
to tear "n !"eces those shee!$ 56$ An ) saw that 3e forsook that the"r house an the"r
tower an 0a*e them all "nto the han of the l"ons- to tear an e*our them- "nto the
han of all the w"l beasts$ 57$ An ) be0an to cr# alou w"th all m# !ower- an to
a!!eal to the @or of the shee!- an to re!resent to 3"m "n re0ar to the shee! that
the# were e*oure b# all the w"l beasts$ 58$ =ut 3e rema"ne unmo*e- thou0h 3e
saw "t- an re<o"ce that the# were e*oure an swallowe an robbe- an left them
to be e*oure "n the han of all the beasts$ 59$ An 3e calle se*ent# she!hers- an
cast those shee! to them that the# m"0ht !asture them- an 3e s!ake to the she!hers
an the"r com!an"ons5 > @et each "n"*"ual of #ou !asture the shee! henceforwar-
an e*er#th"n0 that ) shall comman #ou that o #e$ 60$ An ) w"ll el"*er them o*er
unto #ou ul# numbere- an tell #ou wh"ch of them are to be estro#e,an them
estro# #e$> 61$ An 3e 0a*e o*er unto them those shee!$ An 3e calle another an
s!ake unto h"m5 > 4bser*e an mark e*er#th"n0 that the she!hers w"ll o to those
shee!B for the# w"ll estro# more of them than ) ha*e commane them$ 62$ An e*er#
e;cess an the estruct"on wh"ch w"ll be wrou0ht throu0h the she!hers- recor
(namel#) how man# the# estro# accor"n0 to m# comman- an how man# accor"n0
to the"r own ca!r"ce5 recor a0a"nst e*er# "n"*"ual she!her all the estruct"on he
effects$ 63$ An rea out before me b# number how man# the# estro#- an how man#
the# el"*er o*er for estruct"on- that ) ma# ha*e th"s as a test"mon# a0a"nst them- an
know e*er# ee of the she!hers- that ) ma# com!rehen an see what the# o-
whether or not the# ab"e b# m# comman wh"ch ) ha*e commane them$ 64$ =ut
the# shall not know "t- an thou shalt not eclare "t to them- nor amon"sh them- but
onl# recor a0a"nst each "n"*"ual all the estruct"on wh"ch the she!hers effect each
"n h"s t"me an la# "t all before me$> 65$ An ) saw t"ll those she!hers !asture "n the"r
season- an the# be0an to sla# an to estro# more than the# were b"en- an the#
el"*ere those shee! "nto the han of the l"ons$ 66$ An the l"ons an t"0ers eat an
e*oure the 0reater !art of those shee!- an the w"l boars eat alon0 w"th themB an
the# burnt that tower an emol"she that house$ 67$ An ) became e;cee"n0l#
sorrowful o*er that tower because that house of the shee! was emol"she- an
afterwars ) was unable to see "f those shee! entere that house$
68$ An the she!hers an the"r assoc"ates el"*ere o*er those shee! to all the w"l
beasts- to e*our them- an each one of them rece"*e "n h"s t"me a ef"n"te number5 "t
was wr"tten b# the other "n a book how man# each one of them estro#e of them$ 69$
An each one slew an estro#e man# more than was !rescr"beB an ) be0an to
wee! an lament on account of those shee!$ 70$ An thus "n the *"s"on ) saw that one
who wrote- how he wrote own e*er# one that was estro#e b# those she!hers- a#
b# a#- an carr"e u! an la" own an showe actuall# the whole book to the @or
of the shee!,(e*en) e*er#th"n0 that the# ha one- an all that each one of them ha
mae awa# w"th- an all that the# ha 0"*en o*er to estruct"on$ 71$ An the book was
rea before the @or of the shee!- an 3e took the book from h"s han an rea "t an
seale "t an la" "t own$
72$ An forthw"th ) saw how the she!hers !asture for twel*e hours- an behol three
of those shee! turne back an came an entere an be0an to bu"l u! all that ha
fallen own of that houseB but the w"l boars tr"e to h"ner them- but the# were not
able$ 73$ An the# be0an a0a"n to bu"l as before- an the# reare u! that tower- an "t
was name the h"0h towerB an the# be0an a0a"n to !lace a table before the tower- but
all the brea on "t was !ollute an not !ure$ 74$ An as touch"n0 all th"s the e#es of
those shee! were bl"ne so that the# saw not- an (the e#es of) the"r she!hers l"kew"seB
an the# el"*ere them "n lar0e numbers to the"r she!hers for estruct"on- an the#
tram!le the shee! w"th the"r feet an e*oure them$ 75$ An the @or of the shee!
rema"ne unmo*e t"ll all the shee! were "s!erse o*er the f"el an m"n0le w"th
them ("$e$ the beasts)- an the# ("$e$ the she!hers) " not sa*e them out of the han of the
beasts$ 76$ An th"s one who wrote the book carr"e "t u!- an showe "t an rea "t
before the @or of the shee!- an "m!lore 3"m on the"r account- an besou0ht 3"m
on the"r account as he showe 3"m all the o"n0s of the she!hers- an 0a*e test"mon#
before 3"m a0a"nst all the she!hers$ 77$ An he took the actual book an la" "t own
bes"e 3"m an e!arte$
Cha/er :;0 ,C
1$ An ) saw t"ll that "n th"s manner th"rt#,f"*e she!hers unertook the !astur"n0 (of the
shee!)- an the# se*erall# com!lete the"r !er"os as " the f"rstB an others rece"*e
them "nto the"r hans- to !asture them for the"r !er"o- each she!her "n h"s own
!er"o$ 2$ An after that ) saw "n m# *"s"on all the b"rs of hea*en com"n0- the ea0les-
the *ultures- the k"tes- the ra*ensB but the ea0les le all the b"rsB an the# be0an to
e*our those shee!- an to !"ck out the"r e#es an to e*our the"r flesh$ 3$ An the
shee! cr"e out because the"r flesh was be"n0 e*oure b# the b"rs- an as for me )
looke an lamente "n m# slee! o*er that she!her who !asture the shee!$ 4$ An )
saw unt"l those shee! were e*oure b# the o0s an ea0les an k"tes- an the# left
ne"ther flesh nor sk"n nor s"new rema"n"n0 on them t"ll onl# the"r bones stoo there5
an the"r bones too fell to the earth an the shee! became few$ 5$ An ) saw unt"l that
twent#,three ha unertaken the !astur"n0 an com!lete "n the"r se*eral !er"os f"ft#,
e"0ht t"mes$
6$ =ut behol lambs were borne b# those wh"te shee!- an the# be0an to o!en the"r
e#es an to see- an to cr# to the shee!$ 7$ Kea- the# cr"e to them- but the# " not
hearken to what the# sa" to them- but were e;cee"n0l# eaf- an the"r e#es were *er#
e;cee"n0l# bl"ne$ 8$ An ) saw "n the *"s"on how the ra*ens flew u!on those lambs
an took one of those lambs- an ashe the shee! "n !"eces an e*oure them$ 9$ An
) saw t"ll horns 0rew u!on those lambs- an the ra*ens cast own the"r hornsB an )
saw t"ll there s!route a 0reat horn of one of those shee!- an the"r e#es were o!ene$
10$ An "t looke at them %an the"r e#es o!ene&- an "t cr"e to the shee!- an the rams
saw "t an all ran to "t$ 11$ An notw"thstan"n0 all th"s those ea0les an *ultures an
ra*ens an k"tes st"ll ke!t tear"n0 the shee! an swoo!"n0 own u!on them an
e*our"n0 them5 st"ll the shee! rema"ne s"lent- but the rams lamente an cr"e out$ 12$
An those ra*ens fou0ht an battle w"th "t an sou0ht to la# low "ts horn- but the#
ha no !ower o*er "t$ 13$ An ) saw t"ll the she!hers an ea0les an those *ultures an
k"tes came- an the# cr"e to the ra*ens that the# shoul break the horn of that ram-
an the# battle an fou0ht w"th "t- an "t battle w"th them an cr"e that "ts hel!
m"0ht come$ 16$ All the ea0les an *ultures an ra*ens an k"tes were 0athere
to0ether- an there came w"th them all the shee! of the f"el- #ea- the# all came
to0ether- an hel!e each other to break that horn of the ram$ 19$ An ) saw t"ll a 0reat
swor was 0"*en to the shee!- an the shee! !roceee a0a"nst all the beasts of the
f"el to sla# them- an all the beasts an the b"rs of the hea*en fle before the"r face$
14$ An ) saw t"ll that man- who wrote own the names of the she!hers %an&carr"e u!
unto the !resence of the @or of the shee! %came an hel!e "t an showe "t e*er#th"n05 he
ha come own for the hel! of that ram&$ 15$ An ) saw t"ll the @or of the shee! came unto
them "n wrath- an all who saw 3"m fle- an the# all fell "nto 3"s shaow from before
3"s face$ 17$ An ) saw that man- who wrote the book accor"n0 to the comman of the
@or- t"ll he o!ene that book concern"n0 the estruct"on wh"ch those twel*e last
she!hers ha wrou0ht- an showe that the# ha estro#e much more than the"r
!reecessors- before the @or of the shee!$ 18$ An ) saw t"ll the @or of the shee!
came unto them an took "n 3"s han the staff of h"s wrath- an smote the earth- an
the earth cla*e asuner- an all the beasts an all the "rs of the hea*en fell from
amon0 those shee!- an were swallowe u! "n the earth an "t co*ere them$ 20$ An )
saw t"ll a throne was erecte "n the !leasant lan- an the @or of the shee! sat
3"mself thereon- an the other took the seale books an o!ene those books before
the @or of the shee!$ 21$ An the @or calle those men the se*en f"rst wh"te ones- an
commane that the# shoul br"n0 before 3"m- be0"nn"n0 w"th the f"rst star wh"ch le
the wa#- all the stars whose !r"*# members were l"ke those of horses- an the# brou0ht
them all before 3"m$ 22$ An 3e sa" to that man who wrote before 3"m- be"n0 one of
those se*en wh"te ones- an sa" unto h"m5 > Take those se*ent# she!hers to whom )
el"*ere the shee!- an who tak"n0 them on the"r own author"t# slew more than )
commane them$> 23$ An behol the# were all boun- ) saw- an the# all stoo before
3"m$ 24$ An the <u0ement was hel f"rst o*er the stars- an the# were <u0e an
foun 0u"lt#- an went to the !lace of conemnat"on- an the# were cast "nto an ab#ss-
full of f"re an flam"n0- an full of !"llars of f"re$ 25$ An those se*ent# she!hers were
<u0e an foun 0u"lt#- an the# were cast "nto that f"er# ab#ss$ 26$ An ) saw at that
t"me how a l"ke ab#ss was o!ene "n the m"st of the earth- full of f"re- an the#
brou0ht those bl"ne shee!- an the# were all <u0e an foun 0u"lt# an cast "nto
th"s f"er# ab#ss- an the# burneB now th"s ab#ss was to the r"0ht of that house$ 27$ An
) saw those shee! burn"n0 an the"r bones burn"n0$ 28$ An ) stoo u! to see t"ll the#
fole u! that ol houseB an carr"e off all the !"llars- an all the beams an
ornaments of the house were at the same t"me fole u! w"th "t- an the# carr"e "t off
an la" "t "n a !lace "n the south of the lan$ 29$ An ) saw t"ll the @or of the shee!
brou0ht a new house 0reater an loft"er than that f"rst- an set "t u! "n the !lace of the
f"rst wh"ch ha beer fole u!5 all "ts !"llars were new- an "ts ornaments were new
an lar0er than those of the f"rst- the ol one wh"ch 3e ha taken awa#- an all the
shee! were w"th"n "t$ 30$ An ) saw all the shee! wh"ch ha been left- an all the beasts
on the earth- an all the b"rs of the hea*en- fall"n0 own an o"n0 homa0e to those
shee! an mak"n0 !et"t"on to an obe#"n0 them "n e*er# th"n0$ 31$ An thereafter those
three who were clothe "n wh"te an ha se":e me b# m# han %who ha taken me u!
before&- an the han of that ram also se":"n0 hol of me- the# took me u! an set me
own "n the m"st of those shee! before the <u0ement took !lace$ 32$ An those shee!
were all wh"te- an the"r wool was abunant an clean$ 33$ An all that ha been
estro#e an "s!erse- an all the beasts of the f"el- an all the b"rs of the hea*en-
assemble "n that house- an the @or of the shee! re<o"ce w"th 0reat <o# because
the# were all 0oo an ha returne to 3"s house$ 34$ An ) saw t"ll the# la" own that
swor- wh"ch ha been 0"*en to the shee!- an the# brou0ht "t back "nto the house- an
"t was seale before the !resence of the @or- an all the shee! were "n*"te "nto that
house- but "t hel them not$ 35$ An the e#es of them all were o!ene- an the# saw the
0oo- an there was not one amon0 them that " not see$ 36$ An ) saw that that house
was lar0e an broa an *er# full$ 37$ An ) saw that a wh"te bull was born- w"th lar0e
horns an all the beasts of the f"el an all the b"rs of the a"r feare h"m an mae
!et"t"on to h"m all the t"me$ 38$ An ) saw t"ll all the"r 0enerat"ons were transforme-
an the# all became wh"te bullsB an the f"rst amon0 them became a lamb- an that
lamb became a 0reat an"mal an ha 0reat black horns on "ts heaB an the @or of the
shee! re<o"ce o*er "t an o*er all the o;en$ 39$ An ) sle!t "n the"r m"st5 an ) awoke
an saw e*er#th"n0$ 40$ Th"s "s the *"s"on wh"ch ) saw wh"le ) sle!t- an ) awoke an
blesse the @or of r"0hteousness an 0a*e 3"m 0lor#$ 41$ Then ) we!t w"th a 0reat
wee!"n0 an m# tears sta#e not t"ll ) coul no lon0er enure "t5 when ) saw- the#
flowe on account of what ) ha seenB for e*er#th"n0 shall come an be fulf"lle- an
all the ees of men "n the"r orer were shown to me$ 42$ 4n that n"0ht ) remembere
the f"rst ream- an because of "t ) we!t an was trouble,because ) ha seen that
+ha!ters 92N91,105- .+))N.+),+/
Cha/er :30 ,CII
1$ The book wr"tten b# 1noch,%1noch "nee wrote th"s com!lete octr"ne of w"som- (wh"ch "s)
!ra"se of all men an a <u0e of all the earth& for all m# ch"lren who shall well on the
earth$ An for the future 0enerat"ons who shall obser*e u!r"0htness an !eace$
2$ @et not #our s!"r"t be trouble on account of the t"mesB
Lor the 3ol# an 2reat 4ne has a!!o"nte a#s for all th"n0s$
3$ An the r"0hteous one shall ar"se from slee!-
%7hall ar"se& an walk "n the !aths of r"0hteousness-
An all h"s !ath an con*ersat"on shall be "n eternal 0ooness an 0race$
4$ 3e w"ll be 0rac"ous to the r"0hteous an 0"*e h"m eternal u!r"0htness-
An 3e w"ll 0"*e h"m !ower so that he shall be (enowe) w"th 0ooness an
An he shall walk "n eternal l"0ht$
5$ An s"n shall !er"sh "n arkness for e*er-
An shall no more be seen from that a# for e*ermore$
Cha/er :1*a0 ,CI*a
1$ An now- m# son 6ethuselah- call to me all th# brothers
An 0ather to0ether to me all the sons of th# motherB
Lor the wor calls me-
An the s!"r"t "s !oure out u!on me-
That ) ma# show #ou e*er#th"n0
That shall befall #ou for e*er$>
2$ An there u!on 6ethuselah went an summone to h"m all h"s brothers an
assemble h"s relat"*es$
3$ An he s!ake unto all the ch"lren of r"0hteousness an sa"5
>3ear- #e sons of 1noch- all the wors of #our father-
An hearken ar"0ht to the *o"ce of m# mouthB
Lor ) e;hort #ou an sa# unto #ou- belo*e5
4$ @o*e u!r"0htness an walk there"n$
An raw not n"0h to u!r"0htness w"th a ouble heart-
An assoc"ate not w"th those of a ouble heart-
=ut walk "n r"0hteousness- m# sons$
An "t shall 0u"e #ou on 0oo !aths-
An r"0hteousness shall be #our com!an"on$
5$ Lor ) know that *"olence must "ncrease on the earth-
An a 0reat chast"sement be e;ecute on the earth-
An all unr"0hteousness come to an en5
Kea- "t shall be cut off from "ts roots-
An "ts whole structure be estro#e$
6$ An unr"0hteousness shall a0a"n be consummate on the earth-
An all the ees of unr"0hteousness an of *"olence
An trans0ress"on shall !re*a"l "n a twofol e0ree$
7$ An when s"n an unr"0hteousness an blas!hem#
An *"olence "n all k"ns of ees "ncrease-
An a!ostas# an trans0ress"on an uncleanness "ncrease-
A 0reat chast"sement shall come from hea*en u!on all these-
An the hol# @or w"ll come forth w"th wrath an chast"sement
To e;ecute <u0ement on earth$
8$ )n those a#s *"olence shall be cut off from "ts roots-
An the roots of unr"0hteousness to0ether w"th ece"t-
An the# shall be estro#e from uner hea*en$
9$ An all the "ols of the heathen shall be abanone-
An the tem!les burne w"th f"re-
An the# shall remo*e them from the whole earth-
An the# ("$e$ the heathen) shall be cast "nto the <u0ement of f"re-
An shall !er"sh "n wrath an "n 0r"e*ous <u0ement for e*er$
10$ An the r"0hteous shall ar"se from the"r slee!-
An w"som shall ar"se an be 0"*en unto them$
11$ %An after that the roots of unr"0hteousness shall be cut off- an the s"nners shall be estro#e b# the
swor '$ $ $(shall be cut off from the blas!hemers "n e*er# !lace- an those who !lan *"olence an those
who comm"t blas!hem# shall !er"sh b# the swor$&
18$ An now ) tell #ou- m# sons- an show #ou
The !aths of r"0hteousness an the !aths of *"olence$
Kea- ) w"ll show them to #ou a0a"n
That #e ma# know what w"ll come to !ass$
19$ An now- hearken unto me- m# sons-
An walk "n the !aths of r"0hteousness-
An walk not "n the !aths of *"olenceB
Lor all who walk "n the !aths of unr"0hteousness shall !er"sh for e*er$>
Cha/er :40 ,CIII
1$ An after that 1noch both 0a*e an be0an to recount from the books$ 2$ An 1noch
> +oncern"n0 the ch"lren of r"0hteousness an concern"n0 the elect of the worl-
An concern"n0 the !lant of u!r"0htness- ) w"ll s!eak these th"n0s-
Kea- ) 1noch w"ll eclare (them) unto #ou- m# sons5
Accor"n0 to that wh"ch a!!eare to me "n the hea*enl# *"s"on-
An wh"ch ) ha*e known throu0h the wor of the hol# an0els-
An ha*e learnt from the hea*enl# tablets$>
3$ An 1noch be0an to recount from the books an sa"5
> ) was born the se*enth "n the f"rst week-
8h"le <u0ement an r"0hteousness st"ll enure$
4$ An after me there shall ar"se "n the secon week 0reat w"ckeness-
An ece"t shall ha*e s!run0 u!B
An "n "t there shall be the f"rst en$
An "n "t a man shall be sa*eB
An after "t "s ene unr"0hteousness shall 0row u!-
An a law shall be mae for the s"nners$
5$ An after that "n the th"r week at "ts close
A man shall be electe as the !lant of r"0hteous <u0ement-
An h"s !oster"t# shall become the !lant of r"0hteousness for e*ermore$
6$ An after that "n the fourth week- at "ts close-
/"s"ons of the hol# an r"0hteous shall be seen-
An a law for all 0enerat"ons an an enclosure shall be mae for them$
7$ An after that "n the f"fth week- at "ts close-
The house of 0lor# an om"n"on shall be bu"lt for e*er$
8$ An after that "n the s";th week all who l"*e "n "t shall be bl"ne-
An the hearts of all of them shall 0olessl# forsake w"som$
An "n "t a man shall ascenB
An at "ts close the house of om"n"on shall be burnt w"th f"re-
An the whole race of the chosen root shall be "s!erse$
9$ An after that "n the se*enth week shall an a!ostate 0enerat"on ar"se-
An man# shall be "ts ees-
An all "ts ees shall be a!ostate$
10$ An at "ts close shall be electe
The elect r"0hteous of the eternal !lant of r"0hteousness-
To rece"*e se*enfol "nstruct"on concern"n0 all 3"s creat"on$
11$ %Lor who "s there of all the ch"lren of men that "s able to hear the *o"ce of the 3ol# 4ne w"thout
be"n0 trouble M An who can th"nk 3"s thou0hts M an who "s there that can behol all the works of
hea*en M 12$ An how shoul there be one who coul behol the hea*en- an who "s there that coul
unerstan the th"n0s of hea*en an see a soul or a s!"r"t an coul tell thereof- or ascen an see all
the"r ens an th"nk them or o l"ke them M 13$ An who "s there of all men that coul know what "s the
breath an the len0th of the earth- an to whom has been shown the measure of all of them M 14$ 4r "s
there an# one who coul "scern the len0th of the hea*en an how 0reat "s "ts he"0ht- an u!on what "t "s
foune- an how 0reat "s the number of the stars- an where all the lum"nar"es rest M&
Cha/er :1*b0 ,CI*b
12$ An after that there shall be another- the e"0hth week- that of r"0hteousness-
An a swor shall be 0"*en to "t that a r"0hteous <u0ement ma# be e;ecute on the
An s"nners shall be el"*ere "nto the hans of the r"0hteous$
13$ An at "ts close the# shall ac9u"re houses throu0h the"r r"0hteousness-
An a house shall be bu"lt for the 2reat E"n0 "n 0lor# for e*ermore-
14$ An all mank"n shall look to the !ath of u!r"0htness$
14a$ An after that- "n the n"nth week- the r"0hteous <u0ement shall be re*eale to the
whole worl-
14b$ An all the works of the 0oless shall *an"sh from all the earth-
14c$ An the worl shall be wr"tten own for estruct"on$
15$ An after th"s- "n the tenth week "n the se*enth !art-
There shall be the 0reat eternal <u0ement-
)n wh"ch 3e w"ll e;ecute *en0eance amon0st the an0els$
16$ An the f"rst hea*en shall e!art an !ass awa#-
An a new hea*en shall a!!ear-
An all the !owers of the hea*ens shall 0"*e se*enfol l"0ht$
17$ An after that there w"ll be man# weeks w"thout number for e*er-
An all shall be "n 0ooness an r"0hteousness-
An s"n shall no more be ment"one for e*er$
Cha/er :50 ,CI+
1$ An now ) sa# unto #ou- m# sons- lo*e r"0hteousness an walk there"nB
Lor the !aths of r"0hteousness are worth# of acce!tat"on-
=ut the !aths of unr"0hteousness shall suenl# be estro#e an *an"sh$
2$ An to certa"n men of a 0enerat"on shall the !aths of *"olence an of eath be
An the# shall hol themsel*es afar from them-
An shall not follow them$
3$ An now ) sa# unto #ou the r"0hteous5
8alk not "n the !aths of w"ckeness- nor "n the !aths of eath-
An raw not n"0h to them- lest #e be estro#e$
4$ =ut seek an choose for #oursel*es r"0hteousness an an elect l"fe-
An walk "n the !aths of !eace-
An #e shall l"*e an !ros!er$
5$ An hol fast m# wors "n the thou0hts of #our hearts-
An suffer them not to be efface from #our heartsB
Lor ) know that s"nners w"ll tem!t men to e*"ll#,entreat w"som-
7o that no !lace ma# be foun for her-
An no manner of tem!tat"on ma# m"n"sh$
6$ 8oe to those who bu"l unr"0hteousness an o!!ress"on
An la# ece"t as a founat"onB
Lor the# shall be suenl# o*erthrown-
An the# shall ha*e no !eace$
7$ 8oe to those who bu"l the"r houses w"th s"nB
Lor from all the"r founat"ons shall the# be o*erthrown-
An b# the swor shall the# fall$
%An those who ac9u"re 0ol an s"l*er "n <u0ement suenl# shall !er"sh$&
8$ 8oe to #ou- #e r"ch- for #e ha*e truste "n #our r"ches-
An from #our r"ches shall #e e!art-
=ecause #e ha*e not remembere the 6ost 3"0h "n the a#s of #our r"ches$
9$ Ke ha*e comm"tte blas!hem# an unr"0hteousness-
An ha*e become rea# for the a# of slau0hter-
An the a# of arkness an the a# of the 0reat <u0ement$
10$ Thus ) s!eak an eclare unto #ou5
3e who hath create #ou w"ll o*erthrow #ou-
An for #our fall there shall be no com!ass"on-
An #our +reator w"ll re<o"ce at #our estruct"on$
11$ An #our r"0hteous ones "n those a#s shall be
A re!roach to the s"nners an the 0oless$
Cha/er :60 ,C+
1$ 4h that m"ne e#es were %a clou of& waters
& That ) m"0ht wee! o*er #ou-
An !our own m# tears as a clou of waters5
That so ) m"0ht rest from m# trouble of heart?
2$ who has !erm"tte #ou to !ract"ce re!roaches an w"ckeness M
An so <u0ement shall o*ertake #ou- s"nners$
3$ Lear not the s"nners- #e r"0hteousB
Lor a0a"n w"ll the @or el"*er them "nto #our hans-
That #e ma# e;ecute <u0ement u!on them accor"n0 to #our es"res$
4$ 8oe to #ou who fulm"nate anathemas wh"ch cannot be re*erse5
3eal"n0 shall therefore be far from #ou because of #our s"ns$
5$ 8oe to #ou who re9u"te #our ne"0hbour w"th e*"lB
Lor #e shall be re9u"te accor"n0 to #our works$
6$ 8oe to #ou- l#"n0 w"tnesses-
An to those who we"0h out "n<ust"ce-
Lor suenl# shall #e !er"sh$
7$ 8oe to #ou- s"nners- for #e !ersecute the r"0hteousB
Lor #e shall be el"*ere u! an !ersecute because of "n<ust"ce-
An hea*# shall "ts #oke be u!on #ou$
Cha/er :70 ,C+I
1$ =e ho!eful- #e r"0hteousB for suenl# shall the s"nners !er"sh before #ou-
An #e shall ha*e lorsh"! o*er them accor"n0 to #our es"res$
2$ %An "n the a# of the tr"bulat"on of the s"nners-
Kour ch"lren shall mount an r"se as ea0les-
An h"0her than the *ultures w"ll be #our nest-
An #e shall ascen an enter the cre*"ces of the earth-
An the clefts of the rock for e*er as cone#s before the unr"0hteous-
An the s"rens shall s"0h because of #ou,an wee!$&
3$ 8herefore fear not- #e that ha*e suffereB
Lor heal"n0 shall be #our !ort"on-
An a br"0ht l"0ht shall enl"0hten #ou-
An the *o"ce of rest #e shall hear from hea*en$
4$ 8oe unto #ou- #e s"nners- for #our r"ches make #ou a!!ear l"ke the r"0hteous-
=ut #our hearts con*"ct #ou of be"n0 s"nners-
An th"s fact shall be a test"mon# a0a"nst #ou for a memor"al of (#our) e*"l ees$
5$ 8oe to #ou who e*our the f"nest of the wheat-
An r"nk w"ne "n lar0e bowls-
An trea uner foot the lowl# w"th #our m"0ht$
6$ 8oe to #ou who r"nk water from e*er# founta"n-
Lor suenl# shall #e be consume an w"ther awa#-
=ecause #e ha*e forsaken the founta"n of l"fe$
7$ 8oe to #ou who work unr"0hteousness
An ece"t an blas!hem#5
)t shall be a memor"al a0a"nst #ou for e*"l$
8$ 8oe to #ou- #e m"0ht#-
8ho w"th m"0ht o!!ress the r"0hteousB
Lor the a# of #our estruct"on "s com"n0$
)n those a#s man# an 0oo a#s shall come to the r"0hteous,"n the a# of #our
Cha/er :80 ,C+II
1$ =el"e*e- #e r"0hteous- that the s"nners w"ll become a shame
An !er"sh "n the a# of unr"0hteousness$
2$ =e "t known unto #ou (#e s"nners) that the 6ost 3"0h "s m"nful of #our estruct"on-
An the an0els of hea*en re<o"ce o*er #our estruct"on$
3$ 8hat w"ll #e o- #e s"nners-
An wh"ther w"ll #e flee on that a# of <u0ement-
8hen #e hear the *o"ce of the !ra#er of the r"0hteous M
4$ Kea- #e shall fare l"ke unto them-
A0a"nst whom th"s wor shall be a test"mon#5
I Ke ha*e been com!an"ons of s"nners$I
5$ An "n those a#s the !ra#er of the r"0hteous shall reach unto the @or-
An for #ou the a#s of #our <u0ement shall come$
6$ An all the wors of #our unr"0hteousness shall be rea out before the 2reat 3ol#
An #our faces shall be co*ere w"th shame-
An 3e w"ll re<ect e*er# work wh"ch "s 0roune on unr"0hteousness$
7$ 8oe to #ou- #e s"nners- who l"*e on the m" ocean an on the r# lan-
8hose remembrance "s e*"l a0a"nst #ou$
8$ 8oe to #ou who ac9u"re s"l*er an 0ol "n unr"0hteousness an sa#5
I 8e ha*e become r"ch w"th r"ches an ha*e !ossess"onsB
An ha*e ac9u"re e*er#th"n0 we ha*e es"re$
9$ An now let us o what we !ur!ose5
Lor we ha*e 0athere s"l*er-
9c$ An man# are the husbanmen "n our houses$I
9$ An our 0ranar"es are (br"m) full as w"th water-
10$ Kea an l"ke water #our l"es shall flow awa#B
Lor #our r"ches shall not ab"e
=ut s!ee"l# ascen from #ouB
Lor #e ha*e ac9u"re "t all "n unr"0hteousness-
An #e shall be 0"*en o*er to a 0reat curse$
Cha/er :90 ,C+III
1$ An now ) swear unto #ou- to the w"se an to the fool"sh-
Lor #e shall ha*e man"fol e;!er"ences on the earth$
2$ Lor #e men shall !ut on more aornments than a woman-
An coloure 0arments more than a *"r0"n5
)n ro#alt# an "n 0raneur an "n !ower-
An "n s"l*er an "n 0ol an "n !ur!le-
An "n s!lenour an "n foo the# shall be !oure out as water$
3$ Therefore the# shall be want"n0 "n octr"ne an w"som-
An the# shall !er"sh thereb# to0ether w"th the"r !ossess"onsB
An w"th all the"r 0lor# an the"r s!lenour-
An "n shame an "n slau0hter an "n 0reat est"tut"on-
The"r s!"r"ts shall be cast "nto the furnace of f"re$
4$ ) ha*e sworn unto #ou- #e s"nners- as a mounta"n has not become a sla*e-
An a h"ll oes not become the hanma" of a woman-
1*en so s"n has not been sent u!on the earth-
=ut man of h"mself has create "t-
An uner a 0reat curse shall the# fall who comm"t "t$
5$ An barrenness has not been 0"*en to the woman-
=ut on account of the ees of her own hans she "es w"thout ch"lren$
6$ ) ha*e sworn unto #ou- #e s"nners- b# the 3ol# 2reat 4ne-
That all #our e*"l ees are re*eale "n the hea*ens-
An that none of #our ees of o!!ress"on are co*ere an h"en$
7$ An o not th"nk "n #our s!"r"t nor sa# "n #our heart that #e o not know an that #e
o not see that e*er# s"n "s e*er# a# recore "n hea*en "n the !resence of the 6ost
3"0h$ 8$ Lrom henceforth #e know that all #our o!!ress"on wherew"th #e o!!ress "s
wr"tten own e*er# a# t"ll the a# of #our <u0ement$ 9$ 8oe to #ou- #e fools- for
throu0h #our foll# shall #e !er"sh5 an #e trans0ress a0a"nst the w"se- an so 0oo ha!
shall not be #our !ort"on$ 10$ An now- know #e that #e are !re!are for the a# of
estruct"on5 wherefore o not ho!e to l"*e- #e s"nners- but #e shall e!art an "eB for
#e know no ransomB for #e are !re!are for the a# of the 0reat <u0ement- for the a#
of tr"bulat"on an 0reat shame for #our s!"r"ts$ 11$ 8oe to #ou- #e obst"nate of heart-
who work w"ckeness an eat bloo5 8hence ha*e #e 0oo th"n0s to eat an to r"nk
an to be f"lle M Lrom all the 0oo th"n0s wh"ch the @or the 6ost 3"0h has !lace "n
abunance on the earthB therefore #e shall ha*e no !eace$ 12$ 8oe to #ou who lo*e the
ees of unr"0hteousness5 wherefore o #e ho!e for 0oo ha! unto #oursel*esM know
that #e shall be el"*ere "nto the hans of the r"0hteous- an the# shall cut off #our
necks an sla# #ou- an ha*e no merc# u!on #ou$ 13$ 8oe to #ou who re<o"ce "n the
tr"bulat"on of the r"0hteousB for no 0ra*e shall be u0 for #ou$ 14$ 8oe to #ou who set
at nou0ht the wors of the r"0hteousB for #e shall ha*e no ho!e of l"fe$ 15$ 8oe to #ou
who wr"te own l#"n0 an 0oless worsB for the# wr"te own the"r l"es that men ma#
hear them an act 0olessl# towars (the"r) ne"0hbour$ 16$ Therefore the# shall ha*e no
!eace but "e a suen eath$
Cha/er ::0 ,CI,
1$ 8oe to #ou who work 0olessness-
An 0lor# "n l#"n0 an e;tol them5
Ke shall !er"sh- an no ha!!# l"fe shall be #ours$
2$ 8oe to them who !er*ert the wors of u!r"0htness-
An trans0ress the eternal law-
An transform themsel*es "nto what the# were not %"nto s"nners&5
The# shall be troen uner foot u!on the earth$
3$ )n those a#s make rea#- #e r"0hteous- to ra"se #our !ra#ers as a memor"al-
An !lace them as a test"mon# before the an0els-
That the# ma# !lace the s"n of the s"nners for a memor"al before the 6ost 3"0h$
4$ )n those a#s the nat"ons shall be st"rre u!-
An the fam"l"es of the nat"ons shall ar"se on the a# of estruct"on$
5$ An "n those a#s the est"tute shall 0o forth an carr# off the"r ch"lren-
An the# shall abanon them- so that the"r ch"lren shall !er"sh throu0h them5
Kea- the# shall abanon the"r ch"lren (that are st"ll) suckl"n0s- an not return to them-
An shall ha*e no !"t# on the"r belo*e ones$
6$ An a0a"n ) swear to #ou- #e s"nners- that s"n "s !re!are for a a# of unceas"n0
blooshe$ 7$ An the# who worsh"! stones- an 0ra*e "ma0es of 0ol an s"l*er an
woo (an stone) an cla#- an those who worsh"! "m!ure s!"r"ts an emons- an all
k"ns of "ols not accor"n0 to knowle0e- shall 0et no manner of hel! from them$
8$ An the# shall become 0oless b# reason of the foll# of the"r hearts-
An the"r e#es shall be bl"ne throu0h the fear of the"r hearts
An throu0h *"s"ons "n the"r reams$
9$ Throu0h these the# shall become 0oless an fearfulB
Lor the# shall ha*e wrou0ht all the"r work "n a l"e-
An shall ha*e worsh"!e a stone5
Therefore "n an "nstant shall the# !er"sh$
10$ =ut "n those a#s blesse are all the# who acce!t the wors of w"som- an
unerstan them-
An obser*e the !aths of the 6ost 3"0h- an walk "n the !ath of 3"s r"0hteousness-
An become not 0oless w"th the 0olessB
Lor the# shall be sa*e$
11$ 8oe to #ou who s!rea e*"l to #our ne"0hboursB
Lor #ou shall be sla"n "n 7heol$
12$ 8oe to #ou who make ece"tful an false measures-
An (to them) who cause b"tterness on the earthB
Lor the# shall thereb# be utterl# consume$
13$ 8oe to #ou who bu"l #our houses throu0h the 0r"e*ous to"l of others-
An all the"r bu"l"n0 mater"als are the br"cks an stones of s"nB
) tell #ou #e shall ha*e no !eace$
14$ 8oe to them who re<ect the measure an eternal her"ta0e of the"r fathers
An whose souls follow after "olsB
Lor the# shall ha*e no rest$
15$ 8oe to them who work unr"0hteousness an hel! o!!ress"on-
An sla# the"r ne"0hbours unt"l the a# of the 0reat <u0ement$
16$ Lor 3e shall cast own #our 0lor#-
An br"n0 affl"ct"on on #our hearts-
An shall arouse 3"s f"erce "n"0nat"on
An estro# #ou all w"th the sworB
An all the hol# an r"0hteous shall remember #our s"ns$
Cha/er 1;;0 C
1$ An "n those a#s "n one !lace the fathers to0ether w"th the"r sons shall be sm"tten
An brothers one w"th another shall fall "n eath
T"ll the streams flow w"th the"r bloo$
2$ Lor a man shall not w"thhol h"s han from sla#"n0 h"s sons an h"s sons> sons-
An the s"nner shall not w"thhol h"s han from h"s honoure brother5
Lrom awn t"ll sunset the# shall sla# one another$
3$ An the horse shall walk u! to the breast "n the bloo of s"nners-
An the char"ot shall be submer0e to "ts he"0ht$
4$ )n those a#s the an0els shall escen "nto the secret !laces
An 0ather to0ether "nto one !lace all those who brou0ht own s"n
An the 6ost 3"0h w"ll ar"se on that a# of <u0ement
To e;ecute 0reat <u0ement amon0st s"nners$
5$ An o*er all the r"0hteous an hol# 3e w"ll a!!o"nt 0uar"ans from amon0st the hol#
To 0uar them as the a!!le of an e#e-
Hnt"l 3e makes an en of all w"ckeness an all s"n-
An thou0h the r"0hteous slee! a lon0 slee!- the# ha*e nou0ht to fear$
6$ An (then) the ch"lren of the earth shall see the w"se "n secur"t#-
An shall unerstan all the wors of th"s book-
An reco0n":e that the"r r"ches shall not be able to sa*e them
)n the o*erthrow of the"r s"ns$
7$ 8oe to #ou- 7"nners- on the a# of stron0 an0u"sh-
Ke who affl"ct the r"0hteous an burn them w"th f"re5
Ke shall be re9u"te accor"n0 to #our works$
8$ 8oe to #ou- #e obst"nate of heart-
8ho watch "n orer to e*"se w"ckeness5
Therefore shall fear come u!on #ou
An there shall be none to hel! #ou$
9$ 8oe to #ou- #e s"nners- on account of the wors of #our mouth-
An on account of the ees of #our hans wh"ch #our 0olessness as wrou0ht-
)n bla:"n0 flames burn"n0 worse than f"re shall #e burn$
10$ An now- know #e that from the an0els 3e w"ll "n9u"re as to #our ees "n hea*en-
from the sun an from the moon an from the stars "n reference to #our s"ns because
u!on the earth #e e;ecute <u0ement on the r"0hteous$ 11$ An 3e w"ll summon to
test"f# a0a"nst #ou e*er# clou an m"st an ew an ra"nB for the# shall all be
w"thhel because of #ou from escen"n0 u!on #ou- an the# shall be m"nful of #our
s"ns$ 12$ An now 0"*e !resents to the ra"n that "t be not w"thhel from escen"n0 u!on
#ou- nor #et the ew- when "t has rece"*e 0ol an s"l*er from #ou that "t ma#
escen$ 13$ 8hen the hoar,frost an snow w"th the"r ch"ll"ness- an all the snow,
storms w"th all the"r !la0ues fall u!on #ou- "n those a#s #e shall not be able to stan
before them$
Cha/er 1;10 CI
1$ 4bser*e the hea*en- #e ch"lren of hea*en- an e*er# work of the 6ost 3"0h- an
fear #e 3"m an work no e*"l "n 3"s !resence$ 2$ )f 3e closes the w"nows of hea*en-
an w"thhols the ra"n an the ew from escen"n0 on the earth on #our account-
what w"ll #e o thenM 3$ An "f 3e sens 3"s an0er u!on #ou because of #our ees- #e
cannot !et"t"on 3"mB for #e s!ake !rou an "nsolent wors a0a"nst 3"s r"0hteousness5
therefore #e shall ha*e no !eace$ 4$ An see #e not the sa"lors of the sh"!s- how the"r
sh"!s are tosse to an fro b# the wa*es- an are shaken b# the w"ns- an are "n sore
trouble M 5$ An therefore o the# fear because all the"r 0ool# !ossess"ons 0o u!on the
sea w"th them- an the# ha*e e*"l forebo"n0s of heart that the sea w"ll swallow them
an the# w"ll !er"sh there"n$ 6$ Are not the ent"re sea an all "ts waters- an all "ts
mo*ements- the work of the 6ost 3"0h- an has 3e not set l"m"ts to "ts o"n0s- an
conf"ne "t throu0hout b# the san M 7$ An at 3"s re!roof "t "s afra" an r"es u!- an
all "ts f"sh "e an all that "s "n "tB =ut #e s"nners that are on the earth fear 3"m not$ 8$
3as 3e not mae the hea*en an the earth- an all that "s there"n M 8ho has 0"*en
unerstan"n0 an w"som to e*er#th"n0 that mo*es on the earth an "n the sea$ 9$ Fo
not the sa"lors of the sh"!s fear the sea M Ket s"nners fear not the 6ost 3"0h$
Cha/er 1;30 CII
1$ )n those a#s when 3e hath brou0ht a 0r"e*ous f"re u!on #ou-
8h"ther w"ll #e flee- an where w"ll #e f"n el"*erance M
An when 3e launches forth 3"s 8or a0a"nst #ou 8"ll #ou not be affr"0hte an fear
2$ An all the lum"nar"es shall be affr"0hte w"th 0reat fear-
An all the earth shall be affr"0hte an tremble an be alarme$
3$ An all the an0els shall e;ecute the"r commanst
An shall seek to h"e themsel*es from the !resence of the 2reat 2lor#-
An the ch"lren of earth shall tremble an 9uakeB
An #e s"nners shall be curse for e*er-
An #e shall ha*e no !eace$
4$ Lear #e not- #e souls of the r"0hteous-
An be ho!eful #e that ha*e "e "n r"0hteousness$
5$ An 0r"e*e not "f #our soul "nto 7heol has escene "n 0r"ef-
An that "n #our l"fe #our bo# fare not accor"n0 to #our 0ooness-
=ut wa"t for the a# of the <u0ement of s"nners
An for the a# of curs"n0 an chast"sement$
6$ An #et when #e "e the s"nners s!eak o*er #ou5
I As we "e- so "e the r"0hteous-
An what benef"t o the# rea! for the"r ees M
7$ =ehol- e*en as we- so o the# "e "n 0r"ef an arkness-
An what ha*e the# more than we M
Lrom henceforth we are e9ual$
8$ An what w"ll the# rece"*e an what w"ll the# see for e*er M
=ehol- the# too ha*e "e-
An henceforth for e*er shall the# see no l"0ht$I
9$ ) tell #ou- #e s"nners- #e are content to eat an r"nk- an rob an s"n- an str"! men
nake- an ac9u"re wealth an see 0oo a#s$ 10$ 3a*e #e seen the r"0hteous how the"r
en falls out- that no manner of *"olence "s foun "n them t"ll the"r eath M 11$
IAe*ertheless the# !er"she an became as thou0h the# ha not been- an the"r s!"r"ts
escene "nto 7heol "n tr"bulat"on$I
Cha/er 1;40 CIII
1$ Aow- therefore- ) swear to #ou- the r"0hteous- b# the 0lor# of the 2reat an
3onoure an 6"0ht# 4ne "n om"n"on- an b# 3"s 0reatness ) swear to #ou$
2$ ) know a m#ster#
An ha*e rea the hea*enl# tablets-
An ha*e seen the hol# books-
An ha*e foun wr"tten there"n an "nscr"be re0ar"n0 them5
3$ That all 0ooness an <o# an 0lor# are !re!are for them-
An wr"tten own for the s!"r"ts of those who ha*e "e "n r"0hteousness-
An that man"fol 0oo shall be 0"*en to #ou "n recom!ense for #our labours-
An that #our lot "s abunantl# be#on the lot of the l"*"n0$
4$ An the s!"r"ts of #ou who ha*e "e "n r"0hteousness shall l"*e an re<o"ce-
An the"r s!"r"ts shall not !er"sh- nor the"r memor"al from before the face of the 2reat
Hnto all the 0enerat"ons of the worl5 wherefore no lon0er fear the"r contumel#$
5$ 8oe to #ou- #e s"nners- when #e ha*e "e-
)f #e "e "n the wealth of #our s"ns-
An those who are l"ke #ou sa# re0ar"n0 #ou5
> =lesse are the s"nners5 the# ha*e seen all the"r a#s$
6$ An how the# ha*e "e "n !ros!er"t# an "n wealth-
An ha*e not seen tr"bulat"on or murer "n the"r l"feB
An the# ha*e "e "n honour-
An <u0ement has not been e;ecute on them ur"n0 the"r l"fe$I
7$ Enow #e- that the"r souls w"ll be mae to escen "nto 7heol
An the# shall be wretche "n the"r 0reat tr"bulat"on$
8$ An "nto arkness an cha"ns an a burn"n0 flame where there "s 0r"e*ous <u0ement
shall #our s!"r"ts enterB
An the 0reat <u0ement shall be for all the 0enerat"ons of the worl$
8oe to #ou- for #e shall ha*e no !eace$
9$ 7a# not "n re0ar to the r"0hteous an 0oo who are "n l"fe5
I )n our trouble a#s we ha*e to"le labor"ousl# an e;!er"ence e*er# trouble-
An met w"th much e*"l an been consume-
An ha*e become few an our s!"r"t small$
10$ An we ha*e been estro#e an ha*e not foun an# to hel! us e*en w"th a wor5
8e ha*e been torture %an estro#e&- an not ho!e to see l"fe from a# to a#$
11$ 8e ho!e to be the hea an ha*e become the ta"l5
8e ha*e to"le labor"ousl# an ha no sat"sfact"on "n our to"lB
An we ha*e become the foo of the s"nners an the unr"0hteous-
An the# ha*e la" the"r #oke hea*"l# u!on us$
12$ The# ha*e ha om"n"on o*er us that hate us an smote usB
An to those that hate us we ha*e bowe our necks
=ut the# !"t"e us not$
13$ 8e es"re to 0et awa# from them that we m"0ht esca!e an be at rest-
=ut foun no !lace whereunto we shoul flee an be safe from them$
14$ An are com!la"ne to the rulers "n our tr"bulat"on-
An cr"e out a0a"nst those who e*oure us-
=ut the# " not atten to our cr"es
An woul not hearken to our *o"ce$
15$ An the# hel!e those who robbe us an e*oure us an those who mae us fewB
an the# conceale the"r o!!ress"on- an the# " not remo*e from us the #oke of
those that e*oure us an "s!erse us an murere us- an the# conceale the"r
murer- an remembere not that the# ha l"fte u! the"r hans a0a"nst us$
Cha/er 1;50 CI+
1$ ) swear unto #ou- that "n hea*en the an0els remember #ou for 0oo before the 0lor#
of the 2reat 4ne5 an #our names are wr"tten before the 0lor# of the 2reat 4ne$ 2$ =e
ho!efulB for aforet"me #e were !ut to shame throu0h "ll an affl"ct"onB but now #e shall
sh"ne as the l"0hts of hea*en- #e shall sh"ne an #e shall be seen- an the !ortals of
hea*en shall be o!ene to #ou$ 3$ An "n #our cr#- cr# for <u0ement- an "t shall
a!!ear to #ouB for all #our tr"bulat"on shall be *"s"te on the rulers- an on all who
hel!e those who !lunere #ou$ 4$ =e ho!eful- an cast not awa# #our ho!es for #e
shall ha*e 0reat <o# as the an0els of hea*en$ 5$ 8hat shall #e be obl"0e to o M Ke
shall not ha*e to h"e on the a# of the 0reat <u0ement an #e shall not be foun as
s"nners- an the eternal <u0ement shall be far from #ou for all the 0enerat"ons of the
worl$ 6$ An now fear not- #e r"0hteous- when #e see the s"nners 0row"n0 stron0 an
!ros!er"n0 "n the"r wa#s5 be not com!an"ons w"th them- but kee! afar from the"r
*"olenceB for #e shall become com!an"ons of the hosts of hea*en$ 7$ An- althou0h #e
s"nners sa#5 I All our s"ns shall not be searche out an be wr"tten own-I ne*ertheless
the# shall wr"te own all #our s"ns e*er# a#$ 8$ An now ) show unto #ou that l"0ht
an arkness- a# an n"0ht- see all #our s"ns$ 9$ =e not 0oless "n #our hearts- an l"e
not an alter not the wors of u!r"0htness- nor char0e w"th l#"n0 the wors of the 3ol#
2reat 4ne- nor take account of #our "olsB for all #our l#"n0 an all #our 0olessness
"ssue not "n r"0hteousness but "n 0reat s"n$ 10$ An now ) know th"s m#ster#- that
s"nners w"ll alter an !er*ert the wors of r"0hteousness "n man# wa#s- an w"ll s!eak
w"cke wors- an l"e- an !ract"ce 0reat ece"ts- an wr"te books concern"n0 the"r
wors$ 11$ =ut when the# wr"te own truthfull# all m# wors "n the"r lan0ua0es- an o
not chan0e or m"n"sh ou0ht from m# wors but wr"te them all own truthfull# ,all that
) f"rst test"f"e concern"n0 them$ 12$ Then- ) know another m#ster#- that books w"ll be
0"*en to the r"0hteous an the w"se to become a cause of <o# an u!r"0htness an much
w"som$ 13$ An to them shall the books be 0"*en- an the# shall bel"e*e "n them an
re<o"ce o*er them- an then shall all the r"0hteous who ha*e learnt therefrom all the
!aths of u!r"0htness be recom!ense$>
Cha/er 1;60 C+
1$ )n those a#s the @or bae (them) to summon an test"f# to the ch"lren of earth
concern"n0 the"r w"som5 7how ("t) unto themB for #e are the"r 0u"es- an a
recom!ense o*er the whole earth$ 2$ Lor ) an 6# son w"ll be un"te w"th them for e*er
"n the !aths of u!r"0htness "n the"r l"*esB an #e shall ha*e !eace5 re<o"ce- #e ch"lren
of u!r"0htness$ Amen$
+ha!ters 106,107- +/),+/)) ILra0ment of the =ook of AoahI
Cha/er 1;70 C+I
1$ An after some a#s m# son 6ethuselah took a w"fe for h"s son @amech- an she
became !re0nant b# h"m an bore a son$ 2$ An h"s bo# was wh"te as snow an re as
the bloom"n0 of a rose- an the ha"r of h"s hea an h"s lon0 locks were wh"te as wool-
an h"s e#es beaut"ful$ An when he o!ene h"s e#es- he l"0hte u! the whole house
l"ke the sun- an the whole house was *er# br"0ht$ 3$ An thereu!on he arose "n the
hans of the m"w"fe- o!ene h"s mouth- an con*erse w"th the @or of
r"0hteousness$ 4$ An h"s father @amech was afra" of h"m an fle- an came to h"s
father 6ethuselah$ 5$ An he sa" unto h"m5 >) ha*e be0otten a stran0e son- "*erse
from an unl"ke man- an resembl"n0 the sons of the 2o of hea*enB an h"s nature "s
"fferent an he "s not l"ke us- an h"s e#es are as the ra#s of the sun- an h"s
countenance "s 0lor"ous$ 6$ An "t seems to me that he "s not s!run0 from me but from
the an0els- an ) fear that "n h"s a#s a woner ma# be wrou0ht on the earth$ 7$ An
now- m# father- ) am here to !et"t"on thee an "m!lore thee that thou ma#est 0o to
1noch- our father- an learn from h"m the truth- for h"s well"n0,!lace "s amon0st the
an0els$> 8$ An when 6ethuselah hear the wors of h"s son- he came to me to the ens
of the earthB for he ha hear that ) was there- an he cr"e alou- an ) hear h"s *o"ce
an ) came to h"m$ An sa" unto h"m5 > =ehol- here am )- m# son- wherefore hast
thou come to me M > 9$ An he answere an sa"5 > =ecause of a 0reat cause of an;"et#
ha*e ) come to thee- an because of a "sturb"n0 *"s"on ha*e ) a!!roache$ 10$ An
now- m# father- hear me5 unto @amech m# son there hath been born a son- the l"ke of
whom there "s none- an h"s nature "s not l"ke man>s nature- an the colour of h"s bo#
"s wh"ter than snow an reer than the bloom of a rose- an the ha"r of h"s hea "s
wh"ter than wh"te wool- an h"s e#es are l"ke the ra#s of the sun- an he o!ene h"s
e#es an thereu!on l"0hte u! the whole house$ 11$ An he arose "n the hans of the
m"w"fe- an o!ene h"s mouth an blesse the @or of hea*en$ 12$ An h"s father
@amech became afra" an fle to me- an " not bel"e*e that he was s!run0 from
h"m- but that he was "n the l"keness of the an0els of hea*enB an behol ) ha*e come to
thee that thou ma#est make known to me the truth$> 13$ An )- 1noch- answere an
sa" unto h"m5 >The @or w"ll o a new th"n0 on the earth- an th"s ) ha*e alrea# seen
"n a *"s"on- an make known to thee that "n the 0enerat"on of m# father Care some of
the an0els of hea*en trans0resse the wor of the @or$ 14$ An behol the# comm"t s"n
an trans0ress the law- an ha*e un"te themsel*es w"th women an comm"t s"n w"th
them- an ha*e marr"e some of them- an ha*e be0ot ch"lren b# them$ 17$ An the#
shall !rouce on the earth 0"ants not accor"n0 to the s!"r"t- but accor"n0 to the flesh-
an there shall be a 0reat !un"shment on the earth- an the earth shall be cleanse from
all "m!ur"t#$ 15$ Kea- there shall come a 0reat estruct"on o*er the whole earth- an
there shall be a elu0e an a 0reat estruct"on for one #ear$ 16$ An th"s son who has
been born unto #ou shall be left on the earth- an h"s three ch"lren shall be sa*e w"th
h"m5 when all mank"n that are on the earth shall "e %he an h"s sons shall be sa*e&$ 18$
An now make known to th# son @amech that he who has been born "s "n truth h"s son-
an call h"s name AoahB for he shall be left to #ou- an he an h"s sons shall be sa*e
from the estruct"on- wh"ch shall come u!on the earth on account of all the s"n an all
the unr"0hteousness- wh"ch shall be consummate on the earth "n h"s a#s$ 19$ An after
that there shall be st"ll more unr"0hteousness than that wh"ch was f"rst consummate
on the earthB for ) know the m#ster"es of the hol# onesB for 3e- the @or- has showe
me an "nforme me- an ) ha*e rea (them) "n the hea*enl# tablets$
Cha/er 1;80 C+II
1$ An ) saw wr"tten on them that 0enerat"on u!on 0enerat"on shall trans0ress- t"ll a
0enerat"on of r"0hteousness ar"ses- an trans0ress"on "s estro#e an s"n !asses awa#
from the earth- an all manner of 0oo comes u!on "t$ 2$ An now- m# son- 0o an
make known to th# son @amech that th"s son- wh"ch has been born- "s "n truth h"s son-
an that (th"s) "s no l"e$> 3$ An when 6ethuselah ha hear the wors of h"s father
1noch,for he ha shown to h"m e*er#th"n0 "n secret,he returne an showe (them) to
h"m an calle the name of that son AoahB for he w"ll comfort the earth after all the
+ha!ters 108- +/))) IAn A!!en"; to the =ook of 1nochI
Cha/er 1;90 C+III
1$ Another book wh"ch 1noch wrote for h"s son 6ethuselah an for those who w"ll
come after h"m- an kee! the law "n the last a#s$ 2$ Ke who ha*e one 0oo shall wa"t
for those a#s t"ll an en "s mae of those who work e*"lB an an en of the m"0ht of
the trans0ressors$ 3$ An wa"t #e "nee t"ll s"n has !asse awa#- for the"r names shall
be blotte out of the book of l"fe an out of the hol# books- an the"r see shall be
estro#e for e*er- an the"r s!"r"ts shall be sla"n- an the# shall cr# an make
lamentat"on "n a !lace that "s a chaot"c w"lerness- an "n the f"re shall the# burnB for
there "s no earth there$ 4$ An ) saw there someth"n0 l"ke an "n*"s"ble clouB for b#
reason of "ts e!th ) coul not look o*er- an ) saw a flame of f"re bla:"n0 br"0htl#- an
th"n0s l"ke sh"n"n0 mounta"ns c"rcl"n0 an swee!"n0 to an fro$ An ) aske one of the
hol# an0els who was w"th me an sa" unto h"m5 > 8hat "s th"s sh"n"n0 th"n0M for "t "s
not a hea*en but onl# the flame of a bla:"n0 6 f"re- an the *o"ce of wee!"n0 an
cr#"n0 an lamentat"on an stron0 !a"n$> 5$ An he sa" unto me5 > Th"s !lace wh"ch
thou seest,here are cast the s!"r"ts of s"nners an blas!hemers- an of those who work
w"ckeness- an of those who !er*ert e*er#th"n0 that the @or hath s!oken throu0h
the mouth of the !ro!hets,(e*en) the th"n0s that shall be$ 7$ Lor some of them are wr"tten
an "nscr"be abo*e "n the hea*en- "n orer that the an0els ma# rea them an know
that wh"ch shall befall the s"nners- an the s!"r"ts of the humble- an of those who ha*e
affl"cte the"r bo"es- an been recom!ense b# 2oB an of those who ha*e been !ut
to shame b# w"cke men5 8$ 8ho lo*e 2o an lo*e ne"ther 0ol nor s"l*er nor an# of
the 0oo th"n0s wh"ch are "n the worl- but 0a*e o*er the"r bo"es to torture$ 9$ 8ho-
s"nce the# came "nto be"n0- lon0e not after earthl# foo- but re0are e*er#th"n0 as a
!ass"n0 breath- an l"*e accor"n0l#- an the @or tr"e them much- an the"r s!"r"ts
were foun !ure so that the# shoul bless 3"s name$ 10$ An all the bless"n0s est"ne
for them ) ha*e recounte "n the books$ An he hath ass"0ne them the"r recom!ense-
because the# ha*e been foun to be such as lo*e hea*en more than the"r l"fe "n the
worl- an thou0h the# were troen uner foot of w"cke men- an e;!er"ence
abuse an re*"l"n0 from them an were !ut to shame- #et the# blesse 6e$ 11$ An now
) w"ll summon the s!"r"ts of the 0oo who belon0 to the 0enerat"on of l"0ht- an ) w"ll
transform those who were born "n arkness- who "n the flesh were not recom!ense
w"th such honour as the"r fa"thfulness eser*e$ 12$ An ) w"ll br"n0 forth "n sh"n"n0
l"0ht those who ha*e lo*e 6# hol# name- an ) w"ll seat each on the throne of h"s
honour$ 13$ An the# shall be res!lenent for t"mes w"thout numberB for r"0hteousness
"s the <u0ement of 2oB for to the fa"thful 3e w"ll 0"*e fa"thfulness "n the hab"tat"on
of u!r"0ht !aths$ 14$ An the# shall see those who were- born "n arkness le "nto
arkness- wh"le the r"0hteous shall be res!lenent$ 15$ An the s"nners shall cr# alou
an see them res!lenent- an the# "nee w"ll 0o where a#s an seasons are
!rescr"be for them$>
Translaed b# R' H' Charles0 )'$&'0 )')'
Scanned and Ed&ed b# =osh!a W&ll&a%s0 Norh>es Na?arene Colle-e0 1::6 (Ao
+o!#r"0ht ment"one)$
F!rher correced and HT2$ ed&ed b# .da% =ero%e0 3;;3@ O+o!#r"0ht 2002-
Aam Cerome$ All r"0hts reser*e$

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