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East Jamaica Conference

Communication Department
74 Constant Spring Road P.O. Box 181 Kingston 10 Jamaica W.I.
Tel:(876) 924-1061-3, Fax (876) 924-0263. E-Mail:

May 31, 2014

To: All Pastors, Elders, Leaders and Church Members

Sincere Christian greetings!

Please see important dates and events of the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists below.

(1) Anti-Drug March Sab. May 31-2014 @3:30 pm
May has been designated as Drug Awareness Month. With that in mind the Youth Ministries
Department has organized an anti-drug march which has been scheduled for May 31, 2014
starting at 3:30 pm.

There will be two marches running concurrently:

I. Zones 1-3 will march from Devon House to Mandela Park where a presentation,
including skits, testimonial and musical items will take place.

II. Zone 4 will march from the round-around leading into Morant Bay, thru the town to
the park where a similar meeting will take place. We use this opportunity to solicit
the support of your churchs participation in this worthwhile event.

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Item # Description Page #
Anti-Drug March - Sab. May 31, 2014 @ 3:30pm
EJC 5K Run/Walk - June 1-2014 @6:00 am
Notices from the Health Ministries Department

Letter from Health Ministries Director - JAMU
Notices from the Children's Ministries Department
Notices from the Women's Ministries Department
Notices from the Youth Department
Notices from the Sabbath School / Personal Ministries / Comm. Services Department
Notice from the Family Life Department
Notices from the Communication Department
Schedule of Upcoming Conference Dates and Events

(2) EJC 5K Run/Walk - June 1-2014 @6:00 am

Even though the cut off time for registration is past, we still invite the entire church to come
and join us for the EJC 5K Run/Walk and Childrens Fun Day June 1, 2014 starting at 6a.m
at the Kencot SDA church. The day's activities will also feature a children's fun day. Come
and have clean healthy fun time with young and old. Come out and be blessed. Please be on
time !
(3) Notices from the Health Ministries & Stewardship Department

1. The Health Ministries Department will be hosting its annual Lifestyle Retreat at Golden
Acres in St. Andrew June 5-8, 2014. Cost $7,700. See poster on our website or contact the
Health Ministries Department at 924-1061for more information.

1. Medical Missionary training will be held July 27- September 13, 2014. Cost $7,800.

2. Health Summit August 14-17, 2014 in Mandeville, under the theme, Protecting Your
Health. The main presenters will be Dr. Hansel Fletcher and Dr. Craig Jackson,
Professors at Loma Linda University, California.

3. Leadership & Professional Development SeminarSeptember 3-4, 2014. Please see website
for details.

(4) Letter from Health Ministries Director - JAMU

Below is a copy of a letter from Dr. Milton Gregory, Health Ministries Director-JAMU, that was
addressed to officers and Health Ministries Directors in our church. The official letter on the JAMU
letter head can be accessed by clicking on this link. A message from Dr. Gregory regarding World
No Tobacco Day can also be accessed by clicking on this link.

To: All Field Officers & Institutional Leaders, Health Ministries Directors

Dear Colleagues:

Re: The Observance of No Tobacco Day, Sabbath, May 31, 2014

Greetings from the Health Ministries Department of Jamaica Union Conference!

This year, the observance of World No Tobacco Day, falls on Sabbath, May 31. As such, the
Minister of Health, Dr. Fenton Ferguson, in collaboration with the World Health Organization
(WHO), is requesting that during our services on that day, that we place strong emphasis on the
dangers of tobacco smoking. It is also his plan, to attend the Divine Hour Service at the Family of
God SDA Church in Spanish Town.

In keeping with the observance, we have attached a message from the Health Ministries Department
of the Union which we are asking you to circulate to all the churches in your respective fields,
requesting that it be read by the Health Ministries Coordinator or a representative, at an
appropriate time during the Divine Service.

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The Minister of Health is further requesting that the Adventist Church identify specific locations
whereby persons who are desirous of quitting the habit of smoking can go to seek help. We,
therefore, would be grateful if you would provide us with a list of such sites in your conferences, so
that we can share the information with him. Please give this programme your full support.

Sincerely yours,
Milton G. Gregory, D.Min.
Health Ministries Director

(5) Notices from the Childrens Ministries Department

1. Our fund raising fish fry takes place on Thursday, June 5, 2014. Kindly inform the office about
the number of tickets sold so we can adequately cater for the purchases. All payments should
reach the office by Wednesday, May 28, 2014.

2. Children & Youth preachers consecration service will be held on Sabbath July 19, 2014 at
4:00 p.m.

3. Come hear the EJC Childrens Choir under the direction of Sis. Kareen Murray and Dr. Julie
Ann Grant on June 28, 2014 @ 4:00 p.m.

4. EJC Childrens symposium will be held on Sabbath June 28, 2014 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

5. Childrens choir rehearsal continues on June 7 beginning at 4:00 p.m. at Kingsway High
School. The choir directors are Sis. Kareen Murray (Andrews SDA) and Dr. Julie Ann Grant
(North Street SDA). There is room for other children on the choir. Please bring them along.

6. All EJC Youth & Child Preachers your shirts are ready. Call the office immediately to
make your purchase.

7. Team members we solicit a contribution from all of you to assist our missionaries to Belize.
Little is much when God is in it. Imagine all of our churches contributing even J$500.00 per
church will help the missionaries with their dormitory contribution. See letter on our website.

8. Do not hesitate to order your A J ourney to Healthland VBS package and collect same before
June 30. Contribution $2,000.

9. Child Preachers Training will be held on Sunday, July 6, 2014 @ EJC Boardroom.

(6) Womens Ministries Department

1. All GEMS are reminded of their commitment to attend the JAMU NCU Girls of Eloquence
Morals and Standards launch on June 14, 2014.

2. The theme for June 2014 global Womens Ministries Emphasis Day is You Are the Light of
the World, a striking theme and a reminder for us women who represent Jesus Christ in this
dark world. See the EJC website or call the office to arrange for your hard copy.

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3. IMAP spousal treat will be held on Sunday, June 8 beginning at 3:00 p.m. All team members
are asked to invite a non SDA to this function. Our main speaker will be Pastor Derek Bignall.
We ask that you send a picture of your spouse via email/ hard copy. Contribution is $1000.00
per person. Females this will be our spousal pampering for our males. See poster on website.

4. Team members we solicit a contribution from all of you to assist our missionaries to Belize.
Little is much when God is in it. A letter was sent to all Pastors/ Elders soliciting a contribution
of J$500.00 or more from each church. This will help with dormitory fee for our missionaries.
See letter attached.

(7) Youth Ministries Department

1. SUMMER CAMP 2014: Its that time of year again when our children and youth are all
excited about Summer Camp.

Based on the unavailability of Camp Don for August 5-12 2014, the camp date has been
moved to July 21-28. This means there will only be one camp, with age related activities.
Closing date for all registration is June 30, 2014. Absolutely no application will be accepted
after this date.

Application form can be collected at the office of the Youth Ministries Department or on line
at I take this opportunity to also remind you that each church has been asked to
sponsor at least one person to this much anticipated event. The cost for Camp is the same
as last year-$6,000.00

Looking forward to seeing you at Summer Camp 2014, as together well fellowship and
enjoy the rich spiritual blessings that await us.

Application Forms can be accessed from the EJC website:

2. INVESTITURE SERVICE- ZONE 4: You all invited to be a part of the Zone 4 Investiture
Service for Master Guides to be held on Sabbath June 7, at the Morant bay Church in St.
Thomas. Starting time 4:00pm. Come and meet our future youth leaders!!!

3. YOUTH CONGRESS-GUATEMALA 2014: All delegates to the Youth Congress in
Guatemala are being asked to make final payment for their hotel accommodation to the
Jamaica Union NOW! Accommodation for triple occupancy rooms is US$550.00 per person
for the duration. Double occupancy is US564.00.

4. BIBLE BOOM 2014: Its almost time for the play-offs to begin and Bible Boom promises to
be more inspiring, interesting and fun. The Books to be studied are Hosea-Micah. Every
AYS must be on board as we want our youth to become men and women of the WORD!!!

5. JAMU E-News: The Jamaica Union is still inviting youth to submit news items,
testimonials, clean Christian jokes, stories, significant happenings in your area and other
articles to the EJC Youth Department for inclusion in its upcoming E-Paper. Submission
should be sent to

6. Look out for the upcoming Federation Days!!!
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The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible
and achieve it, generation after generation. Pearl Buck

(8) Notice from the Sabbath School, Personal Ministries & Comm. Services Dpt.

1. June 14, 2014 MM 14 Cluster C New Believers Convention & June 21 for all other Clusters

2. The 2014-2015 Ambassador elimination will be on June 29, 2014 at the EJC office.

3. July 5, 2014 LEA Personal Ministries Convention Zones 1-3

4. EJC Family Fun Day and Ambassador Bring & Buy Sale: August 6, Zone 4 & August 10, 2014,
Zones 1, 2 & 3. We need all your recyclable plastic bottles for our bottle drive.

5. Reminding all Sabbath School Superintendents & Personal Ministries Leaders:
i) to submit your end Quarter Report.
ii) to ensure the conduct of the Parent Care Group (PCG) & Operation Reclamation and to
register the relevant names to the MM14 Initiative.

6. Birthday greetings to our seniors, born in the month of May; wishing you good health and a blessed
and peaceful 2014.

(9) Notice from the Family Life Department

The National Singles Convention is to be held August 23-24, 2014 at Duncans, Trelawny. (Please
click here for registration form) We invite those who are interested in attending to register through
the EJC Family Ministries Department. See upcoming events on the EJC website for flyer. In the light
of these activities the East Jamaica Conference will not be having a Singles Convention for 2014.
However, November 29, 2014 will be celebrated as Singles day within each church.

(10) Communications Department

Latest News Update. Read news updates from here and abroad by following this section of our
website at :Click here for Latest News

(11) Schedule of Upcoming Conference Dates and Events

Dates Event Location
June 1 5k Run/Walk and Childrens Fun Day Starts at the Kencot SDA
June 5-8 Annual Lifestyle Retreat Golden Acres
June 8 IMAP Spousal Treat EJC Boardroom
June 14 Cluster C New Believers Convention
June 21 New Believers Convention (All other clusters)
Jul 5 Personal Ministries
July 27-
Sept 13 Medical Missionary Training V.H Percy Centre
August 6 EJC Family Fun day Zone 4
August 10 EJC Family Fun day Zones 1-3

Phillip E. L. Castell
Communication Director

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