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CELLRESH : HO between 2 different LAC (Local Area Code)

Untuk mengatasi High Location Update

To see check ATIA!CA "
Compare #ith A!TIA!CA $
I% the di%%erent &er' (ig) atasi dengan:
*+ ,aikkan nilai C-LL.-!H
/+ Check #hether the site in the same LAC0not
I% di%%erent LAC make into same LAC
I% same LAC go to ne1t step
2+ Change %re3uenc' cari %rekuensi 'ang inter%rensin'a minim
$+ Check H4 also
Untuk mengatasi HOSR rendah, naikkan RXLEVM!+
-1: *$ /" (1trim lo# H4!.)
*+ i% H4!. 5 like the ordinar' site
/+ parameter #hich concern
Ciri"#iri S$ n%a rendah, #an&t #hange 'im(r)*e+ S$
.7L-9I, (ad:) ; H4LTHL9<L
= >I,?>4,? H4
@eda la'er (?!A<C!) set H4
Change .7L-9I,
Change H4LTHL9<L (Hand 4&er lo#er Threshold Le&el <o#n link)
I+ >rocedure
*+ Correct data(ase ad:acent package
H4) .7L-9I,) <L,C
mutual ad: inconsistenc'
check scanner o0 neigh(or cells #as created alread'+
/+ Check meas o% outgoing H40 neigh(or+
2+ Use map in%o to &eri%' neigh(or B H4 meas
$+ Check #0 dri&e test+
II+ ?uideline neigh(our &eri%'ing
*+ check num(er o% ad: (et#een ser&ing(!) cell B ad:(A) cell C! A B A !D
/+ check direction B co&erage o0 ser&ing cell
to kno# ho# %ar u0 neigh(or cells should (e
!ee <ata (<:)0 tools0 dr %lash0 tool0 do#n tilt EF
2+ check #hether missing ad: B &eri%' par+ d@ o% hando&er) in case an' pro(lem donGt H4
on dri&e test+
$+ use latest H4 meas
III+ I% thereGs no attempt H4 %rom ser&ing cell
Check (elo# (e%ore delete it : FF
*+ Location) o0 ser&ing cell B num(er o0 ad:acent
/+ Intra @!C H4
A see parameter (H4) .7L-9I,) <L,C)
A i% each neigh(or no attempt check s'nchroniHation clock)
2+ Inter @!C H4
A check parameter in T?T@T! (match0 not #ith ad:+ package)
$+ Inter !C H4
A check created rate (et#een !C
I9+ 4ther cases
*+ ,eigh(or missing in direction that point each other+
/+ co&erage o0 ser&ing cell too %ar (o&er co&erage)
2+ ,o hando&er attempt due to d@ error
A incorrect d@) e+3+ #rong @CCH) @!IC) .7L-9I,
A no route creating (et#een LAC %or inter !C H4+
I+ @ene%its
*+ impro&e 3ualit' u0 net#ork ie+ TCH drop) !< drop) H4 se
/+ impro&e %re3+ %or reuse
2+ @alance tra%%ic
$+ Customer satis%action
II+ 8hen II
*+ A%ter %re3+ retuning
/+ 4ptimiHe neigh(our
2+ Complaint
III+ >arameter tuning
short term) eas' to do
*+ kage T.7
A >8..-< (C>o#er @T!) do#nlink)
/++ >ackage @T! @asic
A .7L-9 e&an (do#nlink)
A .ACH @T (uplink)
2+ >ackage HA,<
$+ >ackage A<J
A H4 (co&erage o0 hando&er)
PWRRED (TRX) 6 A#tua, ()wer #)*erage #)ntr),-
-1+ Cell A #anted to reduce po#er to large co&erage
!ol&e: reduce >8..-< %rom K / %or e&er' T.7s
means that cell A #ill decrease transmission po#er %or $ d@
RXLEVAMI : call setup control (@T! @)
-1+ Cell @ #anted / control co&erage (' limiting
in+ recei&ed le&el that ! re3uired %or access the net#ork on .ACH (do#nlink)
!ol&e: reduce .7L-9 AI / L
eans that ! #ill attempts to cell @ #hen it recei&es more than A*K/ d@
RACH BT: call setup control (@T! @)
-1+ Cell @ #anted to limiting co&erage (' @T!
eans the signal le&el on each .ACH times and determines #hether the signal
success%ull' recei&e or not (uplink)
sol&e : change .ACH @T %rom **K *KL
! can attempt to cell @ #hen the UL recei&ed le&el in @T! more than A*KL d@
increasing !4!.
H4LTHL9<L B H4LTHL9UL 6 H4 control (HA,<)
.eal co&
-1+ Cell C #anted to limiting co&erage o0 hando&er (' setting the recei&ed signal thres
hold <L0 UL
!ol&e : A Ad:ust H4LTHL9<L *K *"
! #ill hando&er %rom cell C i% the recei&ed signal in ! AM" d@ or more lo#er
(%aster0 smaller)
A Ad:ust H4LTHL9UL " *K
! #ill hando&er i% <T! recei&ed the UL signal lo#er than A*KK d@ (%aster0
-1+ Cell < is #anted to limit H4 (' determines the minimum recei&ed signal le&el the ad:
cell must pro&ide to (e regarded as a suita(le target cell %or H4
sol&e : Ad:ust .7L-9I, /K *N
.7L-9-L o% ad: re3uired ! to per%orm H4 to the ad: cell
*N /K
HOM # HO Con!o" (ADJ) onl' %or the same la'er
-1+ Cell - #anted to limit co&erage o0 H4 (' de%ining a threshold %or po#er (udget H4+
!ol&e+ Ad:ust H4 NM to N2
! #ill hando&er %rom cell - to ad:acent i% ad:Gs
.7 Le&el higher than cell - (' changed N d@ to 2 d@ (%aster)
P$%&'c(" )n'n*
A Tilting
A .edirection
A Height ad:ustment
A <ri&e test anal'sis to &eri%' co&erage in one cell o% area that #ill (e tuned ph'sical
A use tornado to predict co&erage
A implement ph'sical tuning
A <T a%ter tuning compare #0 (e%ore
A check stats
To sol&e H4!. pro(lems ((ased pon)
.7L-9I, O
TI,HPAIH4 not e%%ect / much %or rural O
g cell
A7PAILH4 not e%%ect / much %or rural O
Timer untuk menghalangi hando&er ke cell lain (ila ter:adi kegagalan+ Hando&er
untuk pertama kalin'a
e1+ TI,,PAIH4 6 2K
cell A akan H4 ke ad:acentn'a cell @) tetapi mengalami kegagalan) maka selama 2K
unit #aktu cell A tidak diper(olehkan H4 ke cell @+
H4 againE
To pre&ent pingpong hando&er
pada saat ! dekat cell A) akan di ser&ing oleh A) saat di @ :uga di ser&ing @+
Agar saat ! (erada di dekat A) tidak hando&er ke @ (ping pong) perlu di(eri histeresis
!<!. pro(lems
increasing !<!.
Check per cause see drops %i1 it
Check %re3uenc' i% not clear change
Check H08 #hether CU #ork good0 not
s#ap CU
.elation (et#een H4LTHL9UL B H4LTHL9<L #ith .7L-9I,
i% ! doesnGt ha&e le&el (etter than AMM d@ canGt H4 to cell @ (H4LTH9UL)
i% ! canGt recei&e AM" d@ canGt H4 to cell @
i% (oth o% them alread' achie&e) (ut the signal o% ! not to strong) cannot H4
-< decrease
Check direction
increase .<L,QT4 O B >C.LPTCH O
s#ap CU @CCH
*+ lock the @CCHCU R 2Ks
automaticall' change into another CU
/+ unlock check tra%%ic #hether increase0 not
2+ lock the remaining CU in order the @CCH change into the old CU
$+ unlock check tra%%ic again
"+ i% necessar' o%) i% not change CU
Acti&ate !o%t#are 4C

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