FastPhobiaCure NLP

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Fast Phobia Cure The Technique

1. Ask your client find and confront their


2. Have them walk into an imaginary movie
theatre of their mind and sit down in the
center of the front row.
3. Have them float u out of their body and
gently settle in a comfortable seat in the
balcony! so they can watch themselves
watching the screen.
". Have them ut the very beginning of their
Phobia on the screen in the form of a
colored slide. Have them run the movie of
their hobia all the way to end! as they
remain in the balcony watching sitting in the
front row watching themselves on the
#. At the end of the movie! free$e the frame
into a slide. %hange the icture to black and
white and then re&associate fully into the
icture on the screen 'walk into the movie(.
)un the associated movie backwards at
trile seed or faster! with circus or
cartoon music laying! and have them free$e
& frame the image when they get to the
beginning of the movie.

*. Have them walk out of the still icture and
sit back down in the center of the front row
of the theater! then have them white out
the entire screen.
+. )eeat stes 3&* as necessary. ,est for
the hobic resonse after each time
through. All throughout the rocess use
'resuositions and -ilton model language
atterns( to reinforce your change work.
.n both methods the critical oint is the dissociation from the actual
event and in fact both use the double disassociation techni/ue. 0hen
association is eventually imosed! it is so bi$arre that the brain re&writes
the memory and unlearns the hobia as /uickly as it learnt it.
,echnically this is a brain re&imrinting e1ercise and this is best
e1lained in a little story.
.magine you are walking down a road and come to a dead end. .n front of
you is a large cornfield with corn grown to shoulder height. 2ou can not
see the sides of this field nor can you see the other side. ,he corn is
grown right u to the fence so it is not ossible to walk round the field so
you decide to walk straight across the field. .t takes /uite some
endeavour to tramle your way across the field but with time and effort
you succeed to getting to the other side 3 4ob done.
5e1t day you arrive at the end of the same road and have the same task
in front of you 'to get to the other side( this time it is much easier as all
you have to do is follow your tracks from yesterday. ,his attern is then
reeated day after day.
6o we see from this e1amle that the first time you do something you
carve new neural athways in your brain and this takes some energy to do.
0hen sub4ected to the same or similar situation again you will have the
tendency to go down the same 'neural( athway. ,his tendency is
reinforced time after time until it becomes a habit or hobic resonse.
,herefore to break the habit or hobic resonse you need to carve a new
neural athway's( or go down a different ath. ,he 57P fast hobia cure
does 4ust that & it hels you to create a new athway a athway that
does not include an unsuitable resonse to a given situation i.e. a hobia.

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