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YOUNG LEARNERS Here is a list of each of the 20 points to

be covered, as well as a brief description and/or list of what is included in each point:
Greetings - Introductions
Basic small talk
including 'How are you'
Numbers 1 - 100
Pronunciation, counting skills, telephone numbers
Spelling Skills
Gi!e Nme " #ersonl In$ormtion
Name, telephone number, address
%his& tht& here& there
Recognizing the connection between 'this, here' as opposed to 'that, there'
#resent o$ the !erb 'to be'
on!ugation o" the #erb, $uestion and negati#e "orms "or all sub!ects
(sic descripti!e d)ecti!es
%bility to describe ob!ects simply
(sic prepositions use
in, at, to, on, etc&
%here is& %here re
'i""erence between singular and plural, $uestion and negati#e "orm
Some& n*& much& mn*
(hen to use some and any in the positi#e, negati#e and $uestion "orms& )uestions using much and
+uestion ,ords
*he use o" 'wh+' $uestion words as well as 'how much' and 'how many'
Ad!erbs o$ -re.uenc*
*he use o" ad#erbs o" "re$uency such as, always, o"ten, sometimes, ne#er
Sub)ect #ronouns
-, .ou, He, She, -t, (e, .ou, *hey
#ossessi!e Ad)ecti!es
/y, .our, His, Her, 0-ts1, 2ur, .our, *heir
& n& the
Basic rules "or usage de"inite and inde"inite articles
Names o" the most common !obs
%elling the %ime
How to tell the time
%ime e0pressions
3sing 'in the morning', 'in the a"ternoon', 'in the e#ening', 'at night', and 'at' with time
E!er*d* Ob)ects
(ell rounded basic #ocabulary

#resent Simple *he use o" the present simple "or describing e#eryday routines, positi#e, negati#e and
$uestion "orms

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