Iran Desperately Looks For A Remedy To Stop Growth of Christianity

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Iran Desperately Looks for a Remedy to Stop

Growth of Christianity
Saturday, 31 August 2013
The Islamic regime's think-tank, in association with the Iranian intelligence serice held its first of a series of meetings called !"ree thinking and critical speech!# The
meeting was held to disc$ss !conersion from Islam! and analy%e why Iranian yo$th tend to conert to Christianity#
According to Mohabat News, the regime-backed Sharq website reported that the ub!ic "e!ations
section o# the $Sarcheshmeh$ %Martyrs o# &s!amic "e'o!ution( )u!tura! )enter announced that the #irst
in a series o# meetings ca!!ed $*ree thinking and critica! speech$ was he!d to discuss $con'ersion #rom
&s!am$ and ana!y+e why &ranian youth tend to con'ert to )hristianity,
-he report indicates there were se'era! specia! guests in the #irst meeting as we!!, -he guests were .r,
)hristian /runo and .r, 0assin #rom *rance and another guest #rom &ta!y, -he guests spoke about
)hristianity and a #ew reasons why some young peop!e tend to con'ert to it,
-he announcement states that re!igious minorities and &ranian )hristians are #ree to take part with no
admission costs, &t a!so indicates that due to the sensiti'ity o# issue and !imited seats, those interested
need to sign up in ad'ance,
-he meeting dedicated to in'estigating the reasons #or con'ersion o# &ranian youth to )hristianity wi!!
be he!d on September 1, 2013, in the Sarcheshmeh )u!tura! )enter,
)hristianity is spreading in &ran rapid!y and has reached its peak especia!!y in recent years, 2owe'er,
the increasing growth o# house-churches in the country and the tendency o# &ranian youth and their
#ami!ies to con'ert #rom &s!am has turned into a ma3or concern #or the security organi+ations, especia!!y
Shi4ite &s!amic c!erics,
&t seems great crackdowns on churches and e5traordinary wa'es o# arrest o# &ranian pastors and
)hristian con'erts ha'e not been e##ecti'e, -his time the &s!amic regime intends to use a!! means
a'ai!ab!e to ho!d anti-)hristian meetings in order to distort pub!ic opinion about )hristianity in order to
stop the rapid growth o# )hristianity among &ranians, .espite a!! the pressures, threats, and oppression
against &ranian )hristians, especia!!y )hristian con'erts, &ranian youth become more interested in
knowing about )hristianity e'ery day and more o# them decide to con'ert,
-he incredib!e tendency o# &ranians, especia!!y younger ones, towards )hristianity in recent years, has
created a ma3or concern in the minds o# &ranian &s!amic ru!ers, Now the question is, do these e5pensi'e
meetings, with especia!!y hand-picked #oreign guests, he!p the &s!amic regime to interrupt the work that
6od has started among &ranians and dissuade &ranians #rom gi'ing their hearts to 7esus )hrist8
&ranian )hristian con'ert sentenced to two years in prison
Sunday, 29 7anuary 2012
A )hristian con'ert whom security authorities arrested in her home was sentenced to two years in
prison by the "e'o!utionary )ourt in -ehran,
According to reports sent by reporters o# &ranian )hristian news agency, Mohabat News, Ms, ;ei!a
Mohammadi, a )hristian con'ert who resided east o# -ehran, was sentenced to two years o#
imprisonment a#ter enduring < months o# uncertainty in notorious :'in prison,
2er tria! was he!d on 1= 7anuary in "e'o!utionary )ourt in Moa!em street where she was charged with
$co!!aboration with #oreign-dependent groups, broad anti-&s!amic propaganda, decei'ing citi+ens by
#ormation o# what is ca!!ed a house church, &nsu!ting sacred #igures and action against nationa!
security,$ 2owe'er she was acquitted o# co!!aboration with #oreign-dependent groups because the 3udge
be!ie'ed she had done that unintentiona!!y, *or the other charges she was sentenced to two years in
prison and the ru!ing was de!i'ered to her,
A#ter the 'erdict was issued know!edgeab!e sources reported that her attorney announced that the case
was sent to the high court o# -ehran pro'ince to be re'iewed,
;ei!a Mohammadi, was arrested a#ter a number o# security agents raided her home on 30 7u!y, 2011 at
10>30 ,M, in ?ianshahr town, east o# -ehran, -he agents thorough!y searched her house and a!so
con#iscated some o# her be!ongings,
Ms, Mohammadi was taken to 2orr custody center which be!ongs to the &ranian po!ice #orces, *rom
there, she was trans#erred to :'in prison, @n 2= .ecember 2011, she was re!eased on a bai! o# 1<0,000
AS. a#ter BC days in harsh conditions in so!itary con#inement in :'in prison,
&t is being reported that some other peop!e were a!so arrested in re!ation to this case, According to this
report, some days a#ter Ms, Mohammadi4s arrest, another person ca!!ed ar'i+ 6, was a!so arrested by
security agents, Again, in this case they thorough!y searched ar'i+ 64s house and sei+ed his
be!ongings inc!uding his computer, 2e was #reed a#ter spending three days in :'in custody center and
being sub3ected to interrogations and signing a disc!aimer, &t seems that his arrest was re!ated to
e'ange!ica! acti'ities o# his wi#e $Masoumeh$ who was !inked to the case o# ;ei!a Mohammadi,
.id )ristiano "ona!do rea!!y support &s!am8 D photo
-uesday, 1= September 2012
A photo o# the superstar soccer p!ayer, )ristiano "ona!do was recent!y pub!ished, which !ater turned
out to be photoshopped, &ranian media, through this photo, tried to i!!ustrate that "ona!do is a supporter
o# &s!am,
According to Mohabat News, the &ranian go'ernment media dependent 0oung 7ourna!ists )!ub recent!y
quoted %a!though the report was remo'ed #rom their website !ater( ;ebanese dai!y, A!-.iyar as
reporting, $whi!e many peop!e a!! across the wor!d are protesting against the screening o# the American
mo'ie that insu!ted the prophet o# &s!am, socia! media users say the ortuguese #ootba!!er, )ristiano
"ona!do, a!so protested against the mo'ie, *acebook users shared a photo o# )ristiano "ona!do, the
p!ayer o# "ea! Madrid *,), showing him ho!ding a picture #rame with Arabic writing on it that reads,
4-here is no 6od but A!!ah4,$
-he report continued, $by doing this, the ortuguese superstar, who is a )atho!ic, wanted to show his
ob3ection to the distribution o# this mo'ie that insu!ted Mohammad, the prophet o# &s!am$,
/ut what is the rea! story8
-he rea!ity is that, the photo was photoshoppedE -he photo was taken o# him whi!e recei'ing a picture
#rame o# himse!# that his team-mates ga'e him as a gi#t,
-his time again, the &s!amic "epub!ic media tried to pro'oke &ranian youth4s #ee!ings by distributing
this made-up photo o# a superstar soccer p!ayer to achie'e their own re!igious purposes,

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