Russian Peasantry

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Stephen K.


Department of Political Science
3300 University Blvd.
Carr-Collins Hall, Rm. 220
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275-0117
(214) 768-2523 phone
(214) 768-3469 fax

Employment History
Director of International and Area Studies, Southern Methodist University, Fall 2006-present.
Interim Chairman, Department of Political Science, Southern Methodist University, August
2010-August 2011.
Professor of Political Science, Southern Methodist University, Fall 2005-present.
Associate Professor of Political Science, Southern Methodist University, Fall 1997-Fall 2005.
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Southern Methodist University, Fall 1991-Fall 1997.
Assistant Professor of Political Science, St. Mary's College of California, Fall 1990-Spring 1991.
MacArthur Post-Doctoral Fellow, Duke University, Fall 1989-Fall 1990.
MacArthur Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Duke University, Fall 1988-Fall 1989.

Ph.D. Political Science, Columbia University February 1990
M. Phil. Political Science, Columbia University May 1989
M. A. Political Science, Indiana University May 1982
B. A. Political Science, University of Oregon June 1979
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa

Research Interests
Political economy in post-communist countries, stratification and inequality, land reform in post-
communist states, new institutionalism and effects of new institutions on mass behavior, class
formation, peasant-state relations, gender inequality.

Books and Monographs
6. Stephen K. Wegren, Rural Inequality in Divided Russia. New York and London: Routledge
Publishers, 2014. 272 pp.
5. Stephen K. Wegren, Land Reform in Russia: Institutional Design and Behavioral
Responses. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009. 340 pp.
4. Stephen K. Wegren, The Moral Economy Reconsidered: Russias Search for Agrarian
Capitalism. New York and London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2005. 278 pp.
3. Stephen K. Wegren, Russias Food Policies and Globalization. Lanham, MD:
Lexington Books, 2005. 191 pp.
2. Stephen K. Wegren, The Land Question in Ukraine and Russia. Donald W.
Treadgold Papers No. 35. Seattle: Henry M. Jackson School of International
Studies, University of Washington, 2002. 78 pp.
1. Stephen K. Wegren, Agriculture and the State in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia.
Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998. 294 pp. Winner of 1999
Hewett Award. Best book on political economy in Slavic Studies, American
Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies.

Edited Works
9. Stephen K. Wegren, ed., Return to Putins Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain. 5th ed.
Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2013. 332 pp.
8. Stephen K. Wegren and Dale R. Herspring, eds., After Putins Russia: Past Imperfect,
Future Uncertain. 4th ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010. 318 pp.
7. Stephen K. Wegren, ed., Rural Adaptation in Russia. London: Routledge,
2005. 237 pp.
6. David A. J. Macey, William Pyle, and Stephen K. Wegren, eds., Building Market
Institutions in Post-Communist Agriculture: Land, Credit, and Assistance.
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2004. 229 pp.
5. Stephen K. Wegren, Guest Editor, Special Issue entitled Rural Adaptation in Russia,
The Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 31, nos. 3-4 (April-July 2004). 224 pp.
4. Stephen K. Wegren, ed., Russia's Policy Challenges: Security, Stability, and
Development. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2003. 288 pp.
3. David J. O'Brien and Stephen K. Wegren, eds., Rural Reform in Post-Soviet
Russia. Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD: Woodrow Wilson Press/Johns
Hopkins University Press, 2002. 430 pp.

2. Stephen K. Wegren, ed., Land Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern
Europe. London and New York: Routledge, 1998. 268 pp.
1. Stephen K. Wegren, Guest Editor, Special Issue entitled Privatization of Land in
Russia and Eastern Europe, The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, vol. 21, nos.
2-3 (1994). 200 pp.

Journal Articles
86. Stephen K. Wegren, Prospects for Russia as Global Food Exporter, Russian Analytical
Digest, no. 133 (July 18, 2013), pp. 9-16.
85. Stephen K. Wegren, Food Security in the Russian Federation, Eurasian Geography and
Economics, vol. 54, no. 1 (January-February 2013), pp. 22-43.
84. Stephen K. Wegren, The Impact of WTO Accession on Russian Agriculture, Post-Soviet
Affairs, vol. 28, no. 3 (July-September 2012), pp. 296-318.
83. Stephen K. Wegren, Institutional Impact and Agricultural Change in Russia, Journal of Eurasian
Studies, vol. 3, no. 2 (July 2012), pp. 193-202.
82. Stephen K. Wegren and Alexander Maximov, Pathways of Rural Stratification in Russias
European North, Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 64, no. 5 (July 2012), pp. 835-56.
81. Stephen K. Wegren, Investment Trends in Russian Agriculture, Russian Analytical Digest,
no. 99 (July 11, 2011), pp. 9-13.
80. Stephen K. Wegren, Private Farming in Russia: An Emerging Success? Post-Soviet
Affairs, vol. 27, no. 3 (July-September 2011), pp. 211-40.
79. David J. OBrien, Stephen K. Wegren, Valery V. Patsiorkovsky, Poverty, Inequality and
Subjective Quality of Life in Rural Russia during the Transition to a Market Economy:
1991-2006, Journal of Poverty and Inequality, vol. 3, issue 2 (Summer 2011), pp. 90-118.
78. Stephen K. Wegren, The Development of Agrarian Capitalism in Post-Soviet Russia,
Journal of Agrarian Change, vol. 11, no. 2 (April 2011), pp. 138-63.
77. Stephen K. Wegren, Food Security and Russias 2010 Drought, Eurasian Geography and
Economics, vol. 52, no. 1 (January-February 2011), pp. 140-56.
76. Stephen K. Wegren, Russias Food Policies and Foreign Policy, Demokratizatsiya: The
Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, vol. 18, no. 3 (Summer 2010), pp. 189-207.
75. David J. OBrien, Stephen K. Wegren, and Valeri V. Patsiorkovski, Sources
of Income, Mental Health and Quality of Life in Rural Russia, Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 62, no.
4 (June 2010), pp. 597-614.
74. Stephen K. Wegren, Valeri V. Patsiorkovski, and David J. OBrien, Market Reform and the
Gender Gap in Rural Russia, Slavic Review, vol. 69, no. 1 (Spring 2010), pp. 65-92.
73. Stephen K. Wegren, Russias Incomplete Land Reform, Russian Analytical Digest, no. 64

(September 15, 2009), pp. 2-7.
72. Stephen K. Wegren, Russian Agriculture in 2009: Continuity or Change? Eurasian
Geography and Economics, vol. 50, no. 4 (July-August 2009), pp. 464-79.
71. Stephen K. Wegren, The Food Problem in Russian Agriculture, Russian Analytical Digest,
no. 52 (December 2008), pp. 2-13. Translated and reprinted in German in Russland-
Analysen, no. 178 (February 28, 2009), pp. 10-20.
70. Stephen K. Wegren, Typologies of Household Risk-Taking: Contemporary Rural Russia as a
Case Study, Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 35, no. 3 (July 2008), pp. 390-423.
69. David J. OBrien, Valeri V. Patsiorkovski, and Stephen K. Wegren, Household Capital,
Sources of Income and Stratification in Rural Russian Households East European
Countryside, vol. 14 (2008), pp. 27-42.
68. Stephen K. Wegren, David J. OBrien, and Valeri V. Patsiorkovski, The Economics of Rural
Households in Russia: The Impact of Location, Eurasian Geography and Economics, vol.
49, no. 2 (March-April 2008), pp. 200-14.
67. Stephen K. Wegren, Land Reform in Russia: What Went Wrong? Post-Soviet Affairs, vol.
24, no. 2 (April-June 2008), pp. 121-48.
66. Stephen K. Wegren, The Limits of Land Reform in Russia, Problems of Post-Communism,
vol. 55, no. 2 (March-April 2008), pp. 14-24.
65. Stephen K. Wegren and Andrew Konitzer, Prospects for Managed Democracy in Russia,
Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 59, no. 6 (September 2007), pp. 1025-47.
64. Stephen K. Wegren, Russian Agriculture and the WTO, Problems of Post-Communism, vol.
54, no. 4 (July-August 2007), pp. 46-59.
63. Stephen K. Wegren, The State and Agrarian Reform in Post-communist Russia, Journal of
Peasant Studies, vol. 34, nos. 3 and 4 (July 2007), pp. 498-526.
62. David J. O'Brien, Stephen K. Wegren, and Valeri V. Patsiorkovski, Stratification in
Russian Villages, Problems of Post-Communism, vol. 54, no. 1 (January-February
2007), pp. 37-46.
61. Stephen K. Wegren and Andrew Konitzer, The 2003 Russian Duma Election and the
Decline in Rural Support for the Communist Party, Electoral Studies, vol. 25, no.
4 (December 2006), pp. 577-95.
60. Andrew Konitzer and Stephen K. Wegren, Federalism and Political Recentralization
in the Russian Federation: United Russia as the Party of Power, Publius, vol. 36,
no. 4 (Fall 2006), pp. 503-22.
59. Stephen K. Wegren, Valeri V. Patsiorkovski, and David J. OBrien, Beyond
Stratification: The Emerging Class Structure in Rural Russia, Journal of
Agrarian Change, vol. 6, no. 3 (July 2006), pp. 371-98.

58. Stephen K. Wegren, (Review Article), Rural Responses to Reform in Post-Soviet
Countries, Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 33, no. 3 (July 2006), pp. 526-44.
57. Stephen K. Wegren, David J. O'Brien, and Valeri V. Patsiorkovski, Social Mobility
in Rural Russia: 1995-2003, Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 33, no. 2 (April
2006), pp. 189-218.
56. Valeri Patskiorkovski, David J. OBrien, and Stephen K. Wegren, Land Reform
and Land Relations in Rural Russia, East European Countryside, vol. 11 (2005),
pp. 5-17.
55. Stephen K. Wegren, Russian Agriculture During Putins First Term and Beyond,
Eurasian Geography and Economics, vol. 46, no. 3 (April-May 2005), pp. 224-44.
54. David J. O'Brien, Stephen K. Wegren, and Valeri V. Patsiorkovski, Marketization
and Community in Post-Soviet Russian Villages, Rural Sociology, vol. 70, no. 2
(April-June 2005), pp. 188-207.
53. Stephen K. Wegren, Rural Adaptation in Russia: Who Responds and How Do We
Measure It? Journal of Agrarian Change, vol. 4, no. 4 (October 2004), pp. 553-78.
52. Stephen K. Wegren, Rural Support for the Communist Party and Implications
for the Party System, Party Politics, vol. 10, no. 5 (September 2004), pp. 565-582.
51. Stephen K. Wegren, From Communism to Capitalism? Agrarian Relations in
Twentieth Century Russia and Beyond, Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 31,
nos. 3-4 (April-July 2004), pp. 363-399.
50. Stephen K. Wegren, David J. O'Brien, and Valeri V. Patsiorkovski, Household
Responses, Regional Diversity, and Contemporary Agrarian Reform in Russia,
Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 31, nos. 3-4 (April-July 2004), pp. 552-587.
49. David J. OBrien, Valeri Patsiorkovski, and Stephen K. Wegren, Rural
Adaptation and Poverty in Russia, Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 31, nos. 3-
4 (April-July 2004), pp. 457-488.
48. David J. O'Brien, Stephen K. Wegren, and Valeri V. Patsiorkovski,
Contemporary Rural Responses to Reform from Above, The Russian
Review, vol. 63, no. 2 (April 2004), pp. 256-76.
47. Stephen K. Wegren, Russian Peasant Farms and Household Plots in 2003: A
Research Note, Eurasian Geography and Economics, vol. 45, no. 3 (April-May 2004),
pp. 230-39.
46. Stephen K. Wegren, Why Rural Russians Participate in the Land Market:
Socio-Economic Factors, Post-Communist Economies, vol. 15, no. 4
(December 2003), pp. 483-501.
45. Valeri Patsiorkovski, David J. OBrien, and Stephen K. Wegren, Selskaya Mestnost

Rossii v 1991-2001 gg. (Rural Localities of Russia during 1991-2001), Narodo
Naselenie, no. 3 (July-September 2003), pp. 111-122.
44. Stephen K. Wegren, David J. O'Brien, and Valeri Patsiorkovski, Russia's Rural
Unemployed, Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 55, no. 6 (2003), pp. 847-67.
43. Stephen K. Wegren, David J. O'Brien, and Valeri Patsiorkovski, Why Russia's
Rural Poor are Poor, Post-Soviet Affairs, vol. 19, no. 3 (July-September 2003),
pp. 264-87.
42. Stephen K. Wegren, The Rise, Fall, and Transformation of the Rural Social
Contract, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, vol. 36, no. 1 (March
2003), pp. 1-27.
41. Valeri Patsiorkovski, Stephen K. Wegren, and David J. O'Brien, Selskaya
Rossiya: Vyigravshie-proigravshie v 1991-2001 gg. (Rural Russia: Winners and
Losers during 199102001), Vlast, no. 2 (February 2003), pp. 16-23.
40. Stephen K. Wegren, David J. O'Brien, and Valeri Patsiorkovski, Winners and
Losers in Russian Agrarian Reform, Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 30,
no. 1 (October 2002), pp. 1-29.
39. Stephen K. Wegren, Observations on Russia's New Agricultural Land
Legislation, Eurasian Geography and Economics, vol. 43, no. 8 (December 2002),
pp. 651-60.
38. Stephen K. Wegren, David J. O'Brien, and Valeri Patsiorkovski, Russian
Agrarian Reform: The Gender Dimension, Problems of Post-Communism,
vol. 49, no. 6 (November-December 2002), pp. 48-57.
37. Stephen K. Wegren, Rural Orientations to Land Privatization in Russia,
Journal of International Development, vol. 14 (2002), pp. 1033-1043.
36. Stephen K. Wegren, Democratization and Urban Bias in Post-Communist
Russia, Comparative Politics, vol. 34, no. 4 (July 2002), pp. 457-76.
35. Stephen K. Wegren, Agrarian Policy under Putin, Post-Soviet Geography and
Economics, vol. 43, no. 1 (January 2002), pp. 26-40.
34. Stephen K. Wegren, Risk Environments and the Future of Russian Private
Farming, Current Politics and Economics of Russia, Eastern and Central
Europe, vol. 16, no. 2 (2001), pp. 125-37.
33. Stephen K. Wegren and A. Cooper Drury, Patterns of Internal Migration
During the Russian Transition, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition
Politics, vol. 17, no. 4 (December 2001), pp. 15-42.
32. Stephen K. Wegren, Socio-Economic Transformation in Russia: Where is the
Rural Elite? Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 52, no. 2 (2000), pp. 237-71.

31. Stephen K. Wegren, State Withdrawal and the Impact of Marketization on Rural
Russia, Policy Studies Journal, vol. 28, no. 1 (January-March 2000), pp. 46-
30. Stephen K. Wegren, The Russian Food Problem: Domestic and Foreign Policy
Consequences, Problems of Post-Communism, vol. 47, no 1 (January-
February 2000), pp. 38-48.
29. Stephen K. Wegren, Russian Agrarian Reform and Rural Capitalism
Reconsidered, Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 26, no. 1 (October 1998),
pp. 82-111.
28. Stephen K. Wegren and Vladimir R. Belen'kiy, The Political Economy of the
Russian Land Market, Problems of Post-Communism, vol. 45, no. 4 (July-
August 1998), pp. 56-66.
27. Stephen K. Wegren, Gregory Ioffe, and Tatyana Nefedova, Demographic and
Migratory Responses to Agrarian Reform in Russia, Journal of
Communist Studies and Transition Politics, vol. 13, no. 4 (December 1997), pp.
26. Stephen K. Wegren and Frank A. Durgin, The Political Economy of Private
Farming in Russia, Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 39, no. 3 (Fall-Winter
1997), pp. 1-24.
25. Stephen K. Wegren, Land Reform and the Land Market in Russia: Operation,
Constraints, and Prospects, Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 49, no. 6 (1997), pp.
24. Stephen K. Wegren, The Politics of Private Farming in Russia, Journal of
Peasant Studies, vol. 23, no. 4 (July 1996), pp. 106-140.
23. Stephen K. Wegren, From Farm to Table: The Food System in Post-Communist
Russia, Communist Economies and Economic Transformation, vol. 8, no. 2
(March 1996), pp. 149-83.
22. Stephen K. Wegren, Understanding Rural Reform in Russia: A Response to
Reisinger, Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 48, no. 2 (1996), pp. 317-329.
21. Stephen K. Wegren, Rural Politics and Agrarian Reform in Russia, Problems
of Post-Communism, vol. 43, no. 1 (January 1996), pp. 23-34.
20. Stephen K. Wegren, The Development of Market Relations in Agricultural
Land: The Case of Kostroma Oblast, Post-Soviet Geography, vol. 36, no. 8
(October 1995), pp. 496-512.
19. Stephen K. Wegren and Frank A. Durgin, Why Agrarian Reform is Failing,
Transition, vol. 1, no. 19 (October 1995), pp. 50-54.

18. Stephen K. Wegren, Rural Migration and Agrarian Reform in Russia: A
Research Note, Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 47, no. 5 (1995), pp. 877-888.
17. Stephen K. Wegren, Is Land Privatization Necessary in Russia? The Soviet
and Post-Soviet Review, vol. 21, nos. 2-3 (1994), pp. 137-147.
16. Stephen K. Wegren, Weapons of the Weak: Rural Responses to Urban Bias
and Consequences for Land Reform in Russia, The Soviet and Post-Soviet
Review,vol. 21, nos. 2-3 (1994), pp. 283-317.
15. Stephen K. Wegren, New Perspectives on Spatial Patterns of Agrarian Reform:
A Comparison of Two Russian Oblasts, Post-Soviet Geography, vol. 35, no. 8
(October 1994), pp. 455-481.
14. Stephen K. Wegren, Building Market Institutions: Agricultural Commodity
Exchanges in Post-Communist Russia, Communist and Post-Communist
Studies, vol. 27, no. 3 (September 1994), pp. 195-224.
13. Stephen K. Wegren, Farm Privatization in Nizhnii Novgorod: A Model for
Russia? RFE/RL Research Report, vol. 3, no. 21 (May 1994), pp. 16-27.
12. Stephen K. Wegren, Rural Reform and Political Culture in Russia, Europe-
Asia Studies, vol. 46, no. 2 (1994), pp. 215-241.
11. Stephen K. Wegren, Yel'tsin Decree on Land Relations: Implications for
Agrarian Reform, Post-Soviet Geography, vol. 35, no. 3 (March 1994), pp.
10. Stephen K. Wegren, Rural Reform in Russia, RFE/RL Research Report, vol. 2,
no. 43 (October 1993), pp. 43-53.
9. Stephen K. Wegren, Trends in Russian Agrarian Reform, RFE/RL Research
Report, vol. 2, no. 13 (March 1993), pp. 46-57.
8. Stephen K. Wegren, Agricultural Reform in the Nonchernozem Zone: The Case
of Kostroma Oblast, Post-Soviet Geography, vol. 33, no. 10 (December
1992), pp. 645-685.
7. Stephen K. Wegren, Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: The Politics of an
Emerging New Rural Social Policy in Russia, The Soviet and Post-Soviet
Review, vol. 19, nos. 1-3 (1992), pp. 1-51.
6. Stephen K. Wegren, Private Farming and Agrarian Reform in Russia, Problems
of Communism, vol. XLI, no. 3 (May-June 1992), pp. 107-121.
5. Stephen K. Wegren, Dilemmas of Agrarian Reform in the Soviet Union, Soviet
Studies, vol. 44, no. 1 (1992), pp. 3-36.
4. Stephen K. Wegren, The Social Contract Reconsidered: Peasant-State Relations
in the USSR, Soviet Geography, vol. 32, no. 10 (December 1991), pp. 653-

3. Stephen K. Wegren, Regional Differences in Private Plot Production and
Marketing: Central Asia and the Baltics, Journal of Soviet Nationalities, vol. 2,
no. 1 (Spring 1991), pp. 118-139.
2. Stephen K. Wegren, (Review Article), From Stalin to Gorbachev: The Role of the
Soviet Communist Party in the Implementation of Agricultural Policy, Studies in
Comparative Communism, vol. 23, no. 2 (Summer 1990), pp. 177-190.
1. Stephen K. Wegren, Private Agriculture in the Soviet Union Under Gorbachev,
Soviet Union, vol. 16, nos. 2-3 (1989), pp. 105-144.

Chapters/Contributions to Collective Works
32. Stephen K. Wegren, Putin and Agriculture, in Stephen K. Wegren, ed., Return to Putins
Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain. 5th ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield,
2013, pp. 209-31.
31. Stephen K. Wegren, Russias Entry into the WTO: Consequences for Agriculture, in N. M.
Nikulin and M. G. Pugachev, eds. Krestianovedenie: teoriia, istoriia, sovremennost.
Moscow: Delo, 2012, pp. 253-81.
30. David J. OBrien, Valery V. Patsiorkovsky, and Stephen K. Wegren, Inter-disciplinary
Russian-American Project to Study Social, Economic, and Institutional Change in Rural
Russia, in Yuri P. Tretyakov, ed., Russian-American Links: Leaps Forward and Backward
in Academic Cooperation. St. Petersburg, Russia: Nestor-Historia, 2012, pp. 151-67.
29. Stephen K. Wegren, Change in Agriculture: Development of Russias Private Farming, in
Neil Robinson, ed., The Political Economy of Russia. Lanham, MD: Rowman and
Littlefield, 2012, pp. 121-50.
28. Stephen K. Wegren, Russian Agriculture in the Late Putin Period and After, in
Stephen K. Wegren and Dale R. Herspring, eds., After Putins Russia: Past Imperfect,
Future Unknown. 4th ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010, pp. 199-220.
27. Stephen K. Wegren, Land Reform in Post-Communist Russia: The Effects of
Human Labor, in Max Spoor, ed., The Political Economy of Rural Livelihoods in
Transition Economies. London: Routledge, 2008, pp. 56-75.
26. Stephen K. Wegren, Can Russian Agriculture Compete in the WTO? NBR Special Report,
no. 12 (March 2007), pp. 24-30.
25. Stephen K. Wegren, Putin and Agriculture, in Dale R. Herspring, ed.,
Putins Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Unknown. 3rd ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman and
Littlefield, 2007, pp. 147-69.
24. Valeri Patsiorkovski, David J. O'Brien, and Stephen K. Wegren, Selskoe

samoupravlenie, in Agrarnaia khoziaistvu, vol. 1. Moscow: Barnaul, 2006, pp. 15-
23. Valeri Patsiorkovski, David J. O'Brien, and Stephen K. Wegren, Social and
Economic Change in Rural Russia, in Vera Majerova, ed., CountrysideOur
World. Prague: Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, 2006, pp. 213-223.
22. Valeri Patsiorkovski, Stephen K. Wegren, and David J. O'Brien, Sootnoshenie
krupnogo i melkogo proizvodstva v selskom khoziaistve, in Krupnyi i malyi
biznes v selskom khoziaistve: tendentsii razvitiia, problemy, i perspektivy.
Moscow: Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2006, pp. 23-26.
21. Stephen K. Wegren, Civil Society in Rural Russia, in Alfred B. Evans, Jr., Laura A.
Henry, and Lisa McIntosh Sunddstrom, eds, Russian Civil Society: A Critical
Assessment. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2005, pp. 126-46.
20. Valery Patskiorkovsky, Stephen K. Wegren, and David J. OBrien, Sotsialnyye
problemy sela i razvitiya selskikh territoriy, in A. V. Petrikov, eds.,
Gosudarstvennoye reglirovaniye selskogo khozyaystva: kontseptsii, mekhanizmy,
effectivnost, Moscow: Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2005, pp. 422-
19. Stephen K. Wegren Putin and Agriculture, in Dale R. Herspring, ed.,
Putins Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Unknown. 2nd ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman
and Littlefield, 2004, pp. 141-60.
18. Stephen K. Wegren and David Macey, Introduction: Market
Institutions in Post-Soviet Agriculture, in David Macey, William Pyle, and
Stephen K. Wegren, eds., Building Market Institutions in Post-Communist
Agriculture: Land, Credit, and Assistance. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books,
2004, pp. xiii-xxiii.
17. Stephen K. Wegren, Russias Indeterminate Land Privatization: Psychological
Aspects, in Building Market Institutions in Post-Communist Agriculture: Land,
Credit, and Assistance, pp. 33-52.
16. Stephen K. Wegren, Decree on Land, Peasant Economy, Prodnalog,
Prodrazverstka, and Soviet and Post-Soviet Land Tenure, Encyclopedia of
Russian History, 4 vols. New York: Macmillan, 2003.
15. Stephen K. Wegren, Risk Environments and the Future of Russian Private Farming,
in Frank Columbus, ed., Russia in Transition. New York: Nova Publishers, 2003,
pp. 155-66.
14. Stephen K. Wegren, Vladimir R. Belen'kiy, and Valeri Patsiorkovski, The
Challenge of Rural Revival, in Stephen K. Wegren, ed., Russia's Policy

Challenges: Security, Stability, and Development. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe,
2003, pp. 222-249.
13. Stephen K. Wegren, Neo-liberalism and Market Reforms in Rural Russia, in
Joel Moses, ed., Dilemmas of Post-Soviet Transitions. Chicago:
Burnham Publishers, 2003, pp. 31-60.
12. Valeri V. Patsiorkovski, David J. OBrien, and Stephen K. Wegren, Ustoichivoe
razvitie selskoi mestnosti v usloviiakh globalizatsii, in A. V. Petrikov, ed.,
Agroprodovolstvennaia politika i vstuplenie Rossii v VTO. Moscow: Russian
Academy of Sciences, 2003, pp. 340-43.
11. Stephen K. Wegren, Rural Land Privatization in Russia, Economic Systems,
vol. 26, no. 2 (June 2002), pp. 175-178. Included in Forum devoted to land
reform in Russia.
10. Stephen K. Wegren and David J. O' Brien, Adaptation and Change: Old
Problems, New Approaches, in David J. O'Brien and Stephen K. Wegren, eds., Rural
Reform in Post-Soviet Russia. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson
Center Press/Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002, pp. 1-20.
9. Stephen K. Wegren and Vladimir R. Belenk'iy, Change in Land Relations: The
Russian Land Market, in Rural Reform in Post-Soviet Russia, pp. 88-115.
8. David J. O'Brien and Stephen K. Wegren, Where Do We Go From Here?
Building Sustainable Rural Communities, in Rural Reform in Post-Soviet
Russia, pp. 403-16.
7. Stephen K. Wegren, Change in Russian Agrarian Reform, 1992-1998: The Case
of Kostroma Oblast in Kurt Engleman and Vjeran Pavlakovic, eds., Agricultural
Development in Eurasia and the Middle East. Seattle: University of Washington Press,
2001, pp. 3-44.
6. Stephen K. Wegren, The State and Agrarian Reform in Russia, in Peter Tillack
and Eberhard Schulze, eds., Land Ownership, Land Markets, and their Influence on the
Efficiency of Agricultural Production in Central and Eastern Europe, ed. by. Kiel: Vauk-
Verl, 2000, pp. 383-92.
5. Stephen K. Wegren, The Third Wave of 20th Century Land Reform: Post-Soviet
States, in Stephen K. Wegren, ed., Land Reform in the Former Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe. London and New York: Routledge, 1998, pp. xii-xxiii.
4. Stephen K. Wegren, The Conduct and Impact of Land Reform in Russia, in
Land Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, pp. 3-34.
3. Stephen K. Wegren, Political Institutions and Agrarian Reform in Russia, in
Don Van Atta, ed., The Farmer Threat: The Political Economy of Agricultural

Reform in Post-Soviet Russia. Boulder: Westview Press, 1993, pp. 121-48.
2. Stephen K. Wegren, Agricultural Reform under Gorbachev, in Joseph L.
Wieczynski, ed., The Gorbachev Encyclopedia, Gorbachev: The Man and His
Times. Bakersfield, CA: Charles Schlacks Publishers, 1993, pp. 11-21.
1. Stephen K. Wegren, Equity Relations and the Future of Russian Agriculture, in
Current Agricultural Situation in Russia, Hearings of the House Committee on
Agriculture, Serial no. 103-9, 103rd Congress, 1st session. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1993, pp. 250-60.

Competitive Grants and Research Support (National Competition Indicated by Asterik)
31. Southern Methodist University, Research Grant, Summer 2013, $4,608.
30. OXFAM, 2013, $15,000. (Principal Investigator)
29. John G. Tower Center, Faculty Fellowship, Southern Methodist University 2012-2013,
28. John G. Tower Center, Faculty Fellowship, Southern Methodist University, 2009-
2010, $2,500.
27. Southern Methodist University, Research Grant, Summer 2009, $4,846.
26. John G. Tower Center, Faculty Fellowship, Southern Methodist University, 2008-
2009, $2,500.
25. Ford Foundation (Moscow office), 2008-2009, $200,000 (Co-Principal Investigator)
24. Colin Powell Faculty Fellowship, John G. Tower Center, Faculty Fellowship,
Southern Methodist University 2006-2007, $4,000.
23. *National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, 2005-2007, $60,000.
(Principal Investigator)
22. John G. Tower Center, Faculty Fellowship, Southern Methodist University, 2004-
2005, $2,000.
21. Southern Methodist University, Travel Grant, 2003, $1,500.
20. Colin Powell Faculty Fellowship, John G. Tower Center, Faculty Fellowship,
Southern Methodist University 2002-2003, $2,500.
19. President's Partner Grant, Southern Methodist University, 2002, $854.
18. *National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, 2000-2002, $45,000.
(Principal Investigator)
17. *International Research and Exchange Board, Short-term Grant, 2000,
16. John G. Tower Center, Faculty Fellowship, Southern Methodist University, 1999-
2000, $2,500.

15. *Rotary International Grant, 1999-2000, $10,000 (declined to accept).
14. Southern Methodist University, Travel Grant, 1999, $900.
13. John G. Tower Center, Faculty Fellowship, Southern Methodist University, 1998-
1999, $2,500.
12. Southern Methodist University, Research Grant, Summer 1998, $3,000.
11. *Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Short-term Grant,1998,
$2,400 (declined).
10. John G. Tower Center, Faculty Fellowship, Southern Methodist University, 1997-
1998, $2,500.
9. *International Research and Exchange Board, Short-term Grant,1997, $3,000.
8. John G. Tower Center, Faculty Fellowship, Southern Methodist University, 1996-
1997, $2,000.
7. John G. Tower Center Faculty, Fellowship, Southern Methodist University, 1995-
1996, $2,500.
6. Southern Methodist University, Research Grant, Summer 1995, $3,700.
5. *Social Science Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Soviet Studies,
1992-1994, $27,000.
4. *Title VIII Research Fellow, Duke University, May 1992-May 1993, $1,000.
3. Southern Methodist University Research Grant, Summer 1992, $4,400.
2. *MacArthur Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Duke University, 1989-90, $22,500.
1. *MacArthur Doctoral Fellowship, Duke University,1988-89, $18,000.

Academic Awards and Honors
9. Godbey Lecture Series Annual Authors Award, SMU, 2010.
8. Winner Hewett Award, American Association for the Advancement of
Slavic Studies. Best book on political economy in Slavic Studies, 1999.
7. Summer Research Associate, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, July
1992, July 1997.
6. Junior Fellow, W. Averell Harriman Institute for Advanced Study of the Soviet
Union, Columbia University, 1988-89.
5. Political Science Fellowship, Columbia University, 1986.
4. President's Fellowship, Columbia University, 1984-85.
3. Foreign Language Area Scholarship, Indiana University, Spring 1982.
2. Foreign Language Area Scholarship, Indiana University, Summer 1980.
1. Foreign Language Area Scholarship, Indiana University, 1979-80.

Conferences and Paper Presentations
42. Putin is Back: What Does it Mean? Godbey Luncheon Lecture, Southern Methodist University,
August 27, 2012.
41. Profession and Inequality in Rural Russia, Paper presented at Kurganskaia Akademiia Selskogo
Khoziaistvo (Agricultural Academy of Kurgan), Kurgan, Russia, May 17, 2012.
40. Private Farming and Rural Stratification, Paper presented at the 42nd Convention of the
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Los Angeles, November 15-18,
39. Land Tenure in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia, Post-Graduate College, Mexico City, Mexico,
May 17, 2010.
38. Trends in Russian Politics and Society under Medvedev, Amarillo College, TX, February 24,
37. Agrarian Capitalism in Russia: Who Won, Who Lost, and Prospects, Paper presented at the 41st
Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston,
November 12-15, 2009.
36. Contrasts in Land Privatization in Urban and Rural Russia, George Washington University, May
30, 2008.
35. Typologies of Household Risk-Taking: Contemporary Rural Russia as a Case Study, Colloquium
of Agrarian Studies Program, Yale University, February 22, 2008.
34. Contemporary Land Reform in Russia, at the 39th Annual Conference of AAASS,
New Orleans, November 15-17, 2007.
33. Russian Agriculture and the WTO, at the 38th Annual Conference of AAASS,
Washington, DC, November 16-18, 2006.
32. Land Reform in Russia, at Land, Poverty, Social Justice, and Development: An
International Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, January 12-14, 2006.
31. Myths and Realities of Russian Agrarian Reform, Presentation to Central Intelligence
Agency, Langely, VA. October 11, 2005.
30. Russian Agriculture Under Putin: Achievements and Tasks, Kennan Institute, Woodrow
Wilson Center, Washington, DC, April 4, 2005.
29. Behavioral and Attitudinal Characteristics of the Rural Unemployed in Russia During
the Transition,at the 20th Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology,
Sligo, Ireland, August 18-22, 2003.
28. Rural Responses to Russian Land Privatization: Results from Survey Data, at the
34th National Convention of AAASS. Pittsburgh, PA, November 21-24, 2002.
27. Russian Land Privatization: Why is it Indeterminant and What is to be Done,
Conference on Market Supporting Institutions in Post-Communist Economies,

Middlebury College, November 15-17, 2002.
26. Rural Policy Under Putin, at the 33rd National Convention of AAASS, Washington,
DC, November 15-18, 2001.
25. The Politics of Agrarian Reform in Russia: Rural Orientations and Resistance
Reconsidered, Presentation at Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT, October 5,
24. Dilemmas of Russian Food Policy: The Domestic Dimension, at the 32nd
National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic
Studies, Denver, November 9-12, 2000.
23. The Status of Russian Land Reform, Conference on Agriculture in the
Former Soviet Union, George Washington University, October 13-14, 2000.
22. The Land Question in Ukraine and Russia, Presentation to Central Intelligence
Agency, Langely, VA. March 9, 2000.
21. The Political Economy of the Russian Land Market, Conference on Doing
Business in Ukraine and Russia, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada,
February 24-26, 2000.
20. Change in Russian Agrarian Reform, Conference on Land Ownership,
Land Markets, and their Influence on Agricultural Production in Central and
Eastern Europe, Institute for Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern
Europe, Leipzig, Germany, May 9-11, 1999.
19. The 'Agrarian Question' in Transitional Russia, Conference on Rural Russia,
Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson
International Center, Washington, DC. May 4-6, 1999.
18. Agrarian Transformation in Russia: Where is the Rural Bourgeoisie?
Conference on Agricultural Development in Central Asia, Russia, and Middle
East, University of Washington, November 20-22, 1998.
17. Social Transformation in Russia, Symposium on Agrarian Reform in
Russia and Ukraine, George Washington University, October 30, 1998.
16. Land Reform, the Land Market, and Social Capital in Russia, Symposium on
Rural Social Capital in Russia, University of Missouri, May 11-13, 1998.
15. The Political Economy of the Russian Land Market, Conference on Land
Policy, the Land Market, and Investment Environment in Russia, Moscow,
February 2-5, 1998.
14. Models of Land Reform and the Russian Experience, at the 29th National
Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies,
Seattle, November 20-23, 1997.

13. Winners and Losers in Russian Agrarian Reform, at the 28th National
Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies,
Boston, November 14-17, 1996.
12. The Politics of Private Farming in Russia, Presentation at Texas A&M
University, April 17, 1996.
11. Why Private Farming is Failing in Russia, at the Southwest Slavic Convention,
Dallas, TX, February 17, 1996.
10. Food Policy in Post-Communist Russia, at the 27th National Convention of
the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington,
DC, October 26-29, 1995.
9. Agrarian Reform in Moscow Oblast, at the 26th National Convention of the
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Philadelphia,
November 17-20, 1994.
8. The Politics of Financing Agricultural Reform in Russia, at the 25th
National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic
Studies, Hawaii, November 19-22, 1993.
7. Agricultural Reform in Russia: What Can We Learn from Kostroma?
Presentation at the Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin at Madison,
April 8, 1993.
6. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Foreign Agriculture and Hunger, House
Committee on Agriculture, U. S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC,
April 1, 1993.
5. Land Reform in Russia After Two Years, Presentation at University of Texas-
Austin, March 23, 1993.
4. Peasant Rationality and Agrarian Reform in the Soviet Union, at the 23

National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic
Studies, Miami, FL., November 22-25, 1991.
3. Where to Find Political Bases of Support: Dilemmas of Agrarian Reform in the
Soviet Union, at the 22nd National Convention of the American Association for
the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington, D.C. October 18-21, 1990.
2. Soviet Agricultural Policy and Urban Bias: The Politics of Gorbachev's Agrarian
Reform, at the Second Annual Workshop on Soviet Domestic Politics and
Society, sponsored by the Social Science Research Council, University of
Toronto, June 5-16, 1989.
1. Policy, Process, and Change in Soviet Agricultural Policy, at the First Annual
Workshop on Soviet Domestic Politics and Society, sponsored by the Social

Science Research Council, University of Toronto, June 4-15, 1988.

Conferences and Symposia Organized
7. Gender Inequality in Communist and Post-Communist States: The Effects of Market
Reform, October 20, 2014.
6. Russia under Medvedev, Southern Methodist University, April 9, 2009.
5. Co-organizer, Market Supporting Institutions in Post-Communist Economies,
Middlebury College, November 15-17, 2002.
4. Russian Security Challenges in the 21st Century, Southern Methodist
University, April 6, 2002.
3. Southwest Slavic Association Conference, Southern Methodist University,
February 24, 2001.
2. Agriculture in the Former Soviet Union, George Washington University,
October 14, 2000.
1. Agrarian Reform in Russia and Ukraine, George Washington University,
October 30, 1998.

Solicited Manuscript and Grant Proposal Reviews
Comparative Politics
Journal of Development Studies
Party Politics
Economics and Society
Europe-Asian Studies (formerly Soviet Studies)
Post-Soviet Geography and Economics
The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review
Agricultural History
Comparative Economic Studies
Problems of Post-Communism
Land Economics
Journal of Comparative Economics
Population Studies
Journal of Rural Studies
Journal of Peasant Studies
Journal of Agrarian Change
Slavic Review

Post-Soviet Affairs
Eurasian Geography and Economics
Longman Publishers
University of Pittsburgh Press
Rowman and Littlefield
National Science Foundation (US)
Swiss National Science Foundation
The National Academies
Australian National Government Research Council
The Leverhulme Trust (England)
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
American Councils for International Education (ACTR/ACCELS)
Czech Science Foundation

Solicited Book Reviews
American Political Science Review
The Journal of Politics
Political Science Quarterly
Europe-Asia Studies (formerly Soviet Studies)
Comparative Economic Studies
Slavic Review
The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review
Canadian-American Slavic Studies
Development and Change
Journal of Agrarian Change
European History Quarterly
The Russian Review
Journal of Peasant Studies
Canadian Slavonic Papers

Courses Taught
Introduction to Comparative Politics
Why Nations Revolt
Politics and Government of Russia
Revolution to Revolution: Soviet Politics 1917-1991

From Communism to Democracy: Transformation in Eastern Europe
Communism and Post-Communism
Current Issues in International Politics
The American-Russian Relationship

Member, International Advisory Editorial Board, Journal of Agrarian Change, 2013-present
Member, Editorial Board, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2006-present
Member, Editorial Board, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 2002-2009
Experience in survey design and implementation:
2001, 800 rural households, Russia, funded by NCEEER
2003, 382 rural households, Russia, funded by Russian Academy of Science
2006, 900 rural households, Russia, funded by NCEEER
2008, 300 rural households, Russia, funded by Ford Foundation
2009, 300 rural households, Russia, funded by Ford Foundation
2012, 5,000 respondents, Ukraine, funded by USAID/Chemonics/AgroInvest
2013, 169 respondents, Russia, funded by OXFAM (United Kingdom)
Fellow, Tower Center for Political Studies, SMU, 2009-2015

Consulting Experience
Ford Foundation (Moscow), 2008-09 (2 year contract)
Phase 1: Surveyed 300 households in Republic of Karelia, Republic of Komi, and Kostroma oblast
in 2008. Surveyed 300 households in Republic of Komi in 2009.
Phase 2: Designed and implemented three programs to help residents of forested villages diversify
incomes and improve standard of living.
USAID/Chemonics/AgroInvest (for work in Ukraine), June 1, 2012-November 30, 2012.
Designed survey questionnaire for survey of 5,000 households in rural Ukraine.
OXFAM (United Kingdom, for work in Russia), January 2013-August 30, 2013.
Designed questionnaire for survey of 169 small-scale producers in rural Russia. Created survey
questionnaire, wrote final analytical report based on survey data.

Selected Administrative Experience
Interim Chairman, Department of Political Science, SMU, 2010-2011 academic year
Director, International and Area Studies, SMU, Fall 2006-present
Chair, Judicial Politics Search Committee, Political Science, SMU, 2010-2011
Search Committee, Tower Post-Doctoral Fellow, SMU, Spring 2010

Member, Presidential Task Force on Study Abroad, SMU, 2009-2010
Chair, Comparative Politics Search Committee, Political Science, SMU, 2009-2010
Search Committee, Tower Post-Doctoral Fellow, SMU, Spring 2009
Chair, Comparative Politics Search Committee, Political Science, SMU, 2007-2008
Member, Presidential Task Force on International Education, SMU, 2006-2007
Member, Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee to the Dean, SMU, 1999-2005
Search Committee, Tower Post-Doctoral Fellow, SMU, Spring 2003
Interim Director, International and Area Studies, SMU, 2000-2001 academic year
Search Committee, Comparative Politics Search Committee, Political Science, SMU, 2000-2001
Search Committee, Tower Post-Doctoral Fellow, SMU, Spring 2000
University Fulbright selection committee, SMU, 1998-1999 academic year
University Fulbright selection committee, SMU, 1997-1998 academic year
Search Committee, Tower Post-Doctoral Fellow, SMU, Spring 1998
Search Committee for Director of International Studies Program, SMU, 1995-1996 academic year
Search Committee for Departmental Chairman, Political Science, SMU, 1994-1995 academic

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