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6 PowerSchool Opens
PowerSchool Update:
2 G8 Service Day
ISSUE # 37
SY 2013 2014
Weekly Publication for Middle School Parents
Friday Bulletin
Inside this issue:
Treasury Department
ISM Upcoming Events
3 Admissions & Advancement
Superintendents Ofce
Events & Actvites:
3 G8 Moving On Rehearsals
Dear Parents:

We have reached the fnal week of the school year and this will be the
last editon of the Parent Bulletn for school year 2013-2014. As we re-
fect on the months that have fown by, we remember a year packed with
actvites, fun and lots of learning. Everyone has earned a well-deserved
holiday and tme to recharge.

Our grade 8 students shined this past Thursday as they debated global
issues during the Advocatng for Change Summit. The tme and efort
they spent researching and writng were clearly evident. We hope our
students contnue to build on the work they have done and fnd ways to
take responsibility and be part of a soluton as the move into their high
school years. On Monday, June 2 the grade 8 students will partcipate in
a range of community outreach actvites followed by an actvity day on
Tuesday. Finally, the Moving On Ceremony will take place on June 4 in
the Fine Arts Theater from 4:00 6:00 P.M. We congratulate all the stu-
dents for successfully completng Middle School and wish them all the
best in High School.

Please be reminded that PowerSchool is closed so that teachers can fnal-
ize grades and comments. PowerSchool will reopen on June 6 so that se-
cond semester reports can be viewed. Report card distributon will begin
on June 11.

The last day of school will be on Thursday, June 6 and students will be
dismissed at 12:00 noon. Please make the necessary arrangements to
have your child picked up from school.

To those of our families who are traveling abroad or within the Philip-
pines, we wish you a rejuvenatng and safe holiday. To those families
who are leaving the ISM community, we extend our sincere wishes for
contnued success and happiness in your new homes and schools. Thank
you to all of our students, parents, teachers and staf for making school
year 2013-2014 a memorable one.

Yours in Educaton,

Simon Gillespie Clarissa Sayson
Middle School Principal Middle School Assistant Principal
4 G8 Moving On Ceremony
Operatons & Security

IDs for the New School Year

Parent IDs

The parent IDs issued in SY 2013/14 (black) will contnue to be valid for the new school year. The old parent
IDs (burgundy) issued before this year are no longer valid and must be replaced. Standard parent cards will
be issued free of charge. Parents may, however, elect to apply for a smartcard ID which will be usable with
the cashless payment system introduced into the school for SY 2013-14. There will be a fee of P250.00 for
a smartcard.

Applicatons for parent IDs can be processed through the Security Ofce.

Student IDs

All students will be issued with new ID cards at the beginning of the new school year. The cards will be com-
patble with the cashless payment system. There will be no need for returning students to visit the Security
Ofce as we will be utlizing the photographs taken for the yearbooks.

School Passes

School passes issued to parents employees and representatves need to be replaced for next school
year. As of August 29, 2014 the grey bordered passes will be invalid.

The security ofce is now acceptng applicatons for new school passes, however the cards will not be avail-
able for collecton before July 1, 2014. These passes will not be compatble with the cashless payment sys-

Each family will be given two free school passes. Additonal school passes may be obtained afer paying a
processing fee of Php100.00 each to the Cashiers Ofce.

Car Stckers for the New School Year

The car stckers for school year 2014/2015 will be available from the security ofce beginning July 1, 2014.

For vehicles already displaying an existng stcker, parents should submit a completed renewal form with a
copy of a current LTO ofcial receipt. For new vehicles, parents are reminded that a copy of the vehicles
certfcate of registraton and a current ofcial receipt need to be submited with the applicaton. Applica-
tons for vehicles registered with companies or other insttutons should be supported by a leter of assign-

Each ISM family will be issued one vehicle stcker free of charge. Any additonal stckers will be issued fol-
lowing payment of P100 to the cashiers ofce.

I would like to thank all members of the ISM community for their cooperaton across this school year in
helping us maintain ISM as a safe and secure environment for our children.

Director of Operatons and Security

Returning for school year 20142015?
Dear Parents,

Please take a moment to review the re-enrollment procedure for your child to atend classes on August 7,

STEP 1 - Online Re-enrollment must be completed by May 22.

Afer May 22nd you will not have access to POWERSCHOOL and this may re-
sult in a delay for your child to atend classes on the frst day of school for
school year 2014-2015.

Please follow this link for the detailed step-by-step guide and required forms for students entering Grade 1,
6 and 9. To access the Parent Portal and PowerSchool, please download the PDF instructons here.

The forms should be completed and submited to the appropriate ofces at any tme prior to the start of
school in the Fall. We encourage you do start this process NOW to avoid long lines.

For informaton regarding your POWERSCHOOL access informaton please contact the school in which your
child is currently enrolled.

For informaton regarding our Health Clinic Clearance procedures, please contact the Clinic

For informaton regarding billing or tuiton and fees, please contact our Treasury department
at (for billing) and or (for tuiton and

May we request that if you are NOT RETURNING that you send the Admissions Ofce your of-
cial WITHDRAWAL NOTIFICATION FORM immediately as this will help us to clear student account(s) in a
tmely manner. We request one form per child.

Please note: Parents who fail to notfy the school by Friday, 9th May that their children are leaving ISM
will forfeit US$1,000 from each Facilites Upgrade Deposit.

We appreciate your assistance with this procedure as we have many anxious families awaitng word regard-
ing spaces for their children for school year 2014-2015.

Stephanie H. Hagedorn
Director of Admissions & Advancement

Re-enrollment: SY14-15 Returning Students Medical Update

Dear Parents:

As you may know, for a number of years we have had required medical check-ups for students at diferent stages
in their school lives: G1; G5; G9. In recogniton of the increasing concern about heart health, especially in conjunc-
ton with physical exercise in a tropical climate, we shall be introducing a mandatory Electro-Cardiogram (ECG)
test for older students.

Sudden Cardiac Death in Adolescents, especially during sportng actvity, is a recognized syndrome and well over
100 children a year die of this in the USA. Medical advice is that it makes sense to test only students who are 12
years old and beyond. In light of this, we shall now have two thresholds for medical examinatons instead of the
present three. These will be in Grade 1 and Grade 6. At Grade 1, there will be a physical examinaton performed
by a duly accredited doctor as is the case at present. At Grade 6, there will be a similar physical examinaton but
with the added component of an ECG. All new students between G1 and G5 will have a physical examinaton; all
new students from G6 onward will have a physical examinaton and the ECG.

In order to "grandfather out" our present cohort of students, please note:
Incoming G6 students will have an ECG, but will not need a physical examinaton, since this was done when
they entered G5
Incoming G9 students will have the full medical examinaton and an ECG.
Incoming G7 and G8 will have the full medical examinaton and an ECG when they enter G9.
We shall contnue to encourage very strongly all athletes partcipatng in Varsity sports to take an ECG.

Over the course of the next years, this will mean that all ISM students from G6 onwards will have had a basic heart
check-up. The ECG is not defnitve, and there is a more sophistcated check that the doctor will recommend if any-
thing in the ECG causes concern. The test itself is very reasonably priced and is readily available at St Lukes and
Makat Medical Center as well as other hospitals.

Please take a moment to review our re-enrollment tme-line and procedures for all students returning for school
year 2014-2015: RE-ENROLLMENT

I do understand that adding this requirement of an ECG may be seen as an additonal chore for parents and stu-
dents at the tme of re-enrollment, but if such a test saves even one life then it will be well worth the extra efort.

David Toze


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