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Charity no: 295263 Company registration no: 2050929

Our Vote Counts
May 2014


Charity no: 295263 Company registration no: 2050929
In February we held a workshop on
how to register to

People talked about the things that concerned them
and learnt that voting meant they could have a say

In April we held hustings (meeting politicians)

People asked the local politicians some hard hitting
questions on Jobs, college, transport, carers and hate


Charity no: 295263 Company registration no: 2050929
On May 22nd we voted

Hinal voting by post.

I am voting because we want more jobs and caring,
studying, and housing to live on your own, and
travelling on your own. People with learning
disabilities need this help.

Tim says: Im voting because I want
to be part of my local community. People with learning
disabilities have the right to have their say and people
need to listen


Charity no: 295263 Company registration no: 2050929
Simon making his vote counts.

Im voting as I want to have a say
on how things run where I live
voting gives me a voice

Moiz says: I am voting
because I want the party which I support to represent
people with learning disability and mental health. It
might change the view of people who see people with
learning disability as cant do anything and cant be
represented in society.
I want to change views. People with learning
disability can go to school, work, and college and be
educated and get a degree.


Charity no: 295263 Company registration no: 2050929


Im voting because I want to
make a difference, there are lots
of things wrong for people with
learning disabilities but if we dont vote we wont
change anything
I voted because I want my vote
to count in the elections. People
need to help disabled people
more. I could get a job but there
isnt enough support for me
I found the ballot papers
confusing but the staff helped


Charity no: 295263 Company registration no: 2050929
The Reaction on Twitter
We tweeted our pictures during the day and had a
very positive reaction with over 50 people retweeting
and over 30 people favouring our tweets we reached
over 28,000 people here is some of the reaction

rom @Holly_MencapMH @Harrowmencap Fantastic
photos from today - great to see everyone exercising
their right to vote :) #Elections2014 #ourvotecounts

rom @RobHoll Lovin the pics from @Harrowmencap
of folk with a learning disability voting, get on the RT!
#Elections2014 #ourvotecounts

rom @DunKinLondon @Harrowmencap
#ourvotecounts thanks for the inspiring photos and
actions, there should be more of this
From TheAngryMop @Harrowmencap @RobHoll
Daughter voted for the first time today - very proud of


Charity no: 295263 Company registration no: 2050929

Harrow Mencap would like to thank the
individuals who shared their experiences
with us and Harrow Councils Democratic
Services for supporting people to register
to vote and the excellent support given to
our members at the polling stations

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