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Paper accepted for presentation at PPT 2001

2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Conference

loth -13'h September, Porto, Portugal
Initialization of Wind Turbine Models in Power
System Dynamics Simulations
J .G. Slootweg' H. Polinde?
Member. IEEE
I Electrical Power Systems, Electrical Power Processing
Faculty of Information Technology and Systems, Delft University of Technology
P.O. Box 503 1,2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 15 278 6219, Fax: +31 15 278 1182, e-mail:
Abstract: As a result of increasing environmental concern,
increasing amounts of electricity are generated fromrenewable
sources. Oneway of generating electricity fromrenewablesources is
to usewind turbines. A tendency to erect morewind turbines can be
observed. As a result of this, in the near future wind turbines may
start to influence thebehavior of electrical power systems.
To investigate the impact of increasing wind turbine penetration,
power systemdynamics studies need to becarried out. To this end,
power systemdynamics simulation software is used, in which wind
turbine models must be integrated to enable the investigation of
increasing wind turbine penetration on power systembehavior. If
wind turbine models are to be integrated into power system
dynamics simulation software, it must bepossible to calculate the
initial conditions of thedynamic model fromload flow data to be
able to initialize thedynamic simulation correctly. In this paper, a
solution to this problemis presented.
Keywords: wind turbine, modeling, simulation, power system
dynamics, grid integration, model initialization, initial conditions
As a result of increasing environmental concern, the impact of
conventional electricity generation on the environment is
being minimized and efforts are made to generate electricity
fromrenewable sources. The main advantages of electricity
generation from renewable sources are the absence of harmful
emissions and the infinite availability of the prime mover that
is converted into electricity.
One way of generating electricity fromrenewable sources is
to use wind turbines that convert the energy contained in
flowing air into electricity. Up to this moment, the amount of
wind power integrated into large scale electrical power
systems only covers a small part of the total power system
load. The rest of the power system load is for the largest part
covered by conventional thermal, nuclear and hydro power
Wind turbines often do not take part in voltage and frequency
control and if a disturbance occurs, the wind turbines are
disconnected and reconnected when normal operation has
been resumed. Thus, notwithstanding the presence of wind
turbines, frequency and voltage are maintained by controlling
the large power plants as would have been the case without
any wind turbines present. This is possible, as long as wind
power penetration is still low.
However, a tendency to increase the amount of electricity
W.L. Kling'
Member. IEEE
generated fromwind turbines can be observed and they may
begin to influence overall power systembehavior, making it
difficult to operate a power systemby only controlling large
scale power plants. It is therefore important to study the
behavior of wind turbines in an electrical power systemand
their interaction with other generation equipment and with
To investigate the impact of increasing wind turbine
penetration on power system behavior, power system
dynamics studies need to be carried out. To this end, power
systemdynamics simulation software is used and to enable
the investigation of increasing wind turbine penetration, wind
turbine models must be integrated in power systemdynamics
simulation software packages. One of the problems that must
be solved to make this possible, is the calculation of the initial
conditions of the wind turbine from load flow data in order to
be able to initialize the dynamic model correctly.
The structure of this paper is as follows. First, the problem of
the initial condition calculation is commented upon. Then,
models of the three most important actual wind turbine
concepts are described and the system equations for each
concept are given. To conclude, a solution to the problem of
the calculation of the initial conditions for each of these
concepts is discussed and applied to an example wind turbine.
A. Power system dynamics simulation software
Power system dynamics simulation software is used to
investigate the transient behavior and small signal stability of
power systems. An example of a power system dynamics
simulation package is PSSIE. Power system dynamics
simulation software can be used when the phenomena of
interest have a frequency of about 1 to 10 Hz. When the
frequencies of interest are higher, subtransient simulation
software, such as ATP, EMTP or the MATLAB Power Systems
Blockset should be used. These packages contain more
detailed and higher order equipment models than power
systemdynamics simulation software.
Some advanced software packages offer both transient and
subtransient simulations and are able to automatically switch
between equipment representations appropriate for the
subtransient and transient domain, depending on the event to
be simulated.
0-7803-7139-9/01/$10.00 02001 IEEE
The main difference between dynamics simulation software
and subtransient simulation software is that in the first only
the fundamental harmonic component is taken into account.
This approach enables the representation of the network by a
constant impedance or admittance matrix, like in load flow
calculations. Further, it reduces the number of differential
equations, because no differential equations are associated
with the network and fewer with generating equipment and
because it enables the use of a larger simulation time step [l].
As a result of this approach, power system dynamics
simulation software alternately executes a load flow, to
calculate node voltages and branch flows, and a dynamic
calculation, to calculate the response of the dynamic
equipment models to changes in their terminal voltage,
current andor frequency and to determine the new values of
the state variables. This sequence is depicted in figure 1.
Loadflow Dynamics
Start calculatio? calculation
values of
- -
Figure I . Dynamic simulation activity sequence
B. Model initialization
As can be seen from figure 1, a simulation run using a power
system dynamics simulation package starts with preparing a
load flow case and solving this using the load flow calculation
module of the software. Thereafter, the dynamic simulation
model must be initialized.
This comes down to calculating the initial conditions of the
dynamic equipment models from the load flow data. If this is
not done correctly, state variables and other quantities do not
stay at the value at which they are initialized, but start
changing at the start of the dynamic simulation. In this
situation, it may take much time to reach a new equilibrium
and numerical instability can occur before an equilibrium is
reached. Further, if an equilibrium results, it can be different
from the original load flow case that was initially planned to
be investigated [2].
These outcomes are undesirable and therefore attention
should be paid to the calculation of the initial conditions of
dynamic equipment models. Some of these models have been
used for long, such as synchronous generator models and
exciter and governor models. The calculation of the initial
conditions of these model categories does not pose special
problems and is integrated in power system dynamics
simulation software. However, in order to be able to integrate
new equipment models into dynamic simulation software, not
only an equipment model must be available, but the problem
of the calculation of the model's initial conditions must be
solved as well. For models of the three currently most widely
used wind turbine concepts, a solution to this problem is
presented in this paper.
A. Introduction
The three most important currently applied wind turbine
concepts are the following:
A constant speed wind turbine, which consists of a directly
grid coupled squirrel cage induction generator. The wind
turbine rotor is coupled to the generator through a
gearbox. The power extracted from the wind is limited
using the stall effect. This concept will be further referred
to as concept 1.
A variable speed wind turbine with doubly fed (wound
rotor) induction generator. The rotor winding is fed using
a back-to-back voltage source converter. Like in concept
1, the wind turbine rotor is coupled to the generator
through a gearbox. In high wind speeds, the power
extracted from the wind can be limited by pitching the
rotor blades. This concept will be further referred to as
concept 2.
A variable speed wind turbine with a direct drive
synchronous generator. The synchronous generator may
have a wound rotor or may be excited using permanent
magnets. It is grid coupled through a back- to-back
voltage source converter or a diode rectifier and voltage
source converter. The synchronous generator is a low
speed multi pole generator, therefore no gearbox is
needed. Like in concept 2, the power extracted from the
wind is limited by pitching the rotor blades in high wind
speeds. This concept will be further referred to as concept
For a more elaborate description of these wind turbine
concepts and their advantages and disadvantages, ref: [3]
should be consulted.
Further, three remarks must be made. First, when calculating
the initial conditions of a dynamic model from load flow data,
the model is calculated through from the output to the input.
The initial values of the output are determined in the load
flow case and the initial values of the state variables and other
values have to be calculated from these load flow data.
Therefore, the description and modeling of the components of
the each of the wind turbine concepts will be discussed
starting from the grid connection point.
Second, when calculating the initial conditions, the system is
assumed to be in steady state. Therefore, all time derivatives
are equal to zero and will not be included in the wind turbine
model equations. Further, the following is assumed when
deriving the equations describing each of the systems:
Magnetic saturation is neglected in the generator models
Flux distribution is sinusoidal
Converter losses are neglected
Third, the rotor is modeled as an algebraic relationship
between wind speed and rotor. power. This is considered
detailed enough for power system dynamics studies [4]. In
this way, the use of the blade element method which would
result in lengthy computations and the need for detailed rotor
blade descriptions can be avoided.
It is difficult to calculate the per unit value of the power
extracted from the wind, because mechanical wind turbine
characteristics such as rotor diameter and nominal rotor speed
come into play. Therefore all equations are in per unit, except
the equations describing the rotor. These equations are only
valid for a 2 MW wind turbine with the characteristics given
in table 1 . For wind turbines with different nominal power
and/or mechanical characteristics, new numerical
approximations for the power coefficient cp should be
Wind turbine characteristic Value for
concept 1
Rotor diameter [m] 75
Value for
concepts 2 and 3
1 5
Nominal rotor speed [RF'M]
Minimumrotor speed [WM]
16.7 18
B. Steady state equations describing concept I
Seen from the grid, the first component is the squirrel cage
induction generator, which is described by the following per
unit equations in the d-q reference frame using the generator
convention, i.e. positive currents are outputs [ 11.
Voltage equations:
v*= - R,i,+ oS((Lsa+ Lm)iqs+ Lmiqr)
vqs= - Rsiqs- q( ( Lsa+ Lm)idp+ Lmib)
O= - Rriqr- sws((L,+ Lm)idr+ Lmih)
O = - Rrib+ sos((Lnr+ Lm)iqr+ Lmiqs)
Real and reactive power:
P= vdrirtr+ v i
Q= vqsidF- vJqS
qs 4s
In these equations v is voltage, i is current, R is resistance, L
is inductance, omega is frequency and s is slip. The indices d
and q stand for direct and quadrature component respectively,
m stands for mutual, s for stator, r for rotor and U for leakage.
P is active power and Q is reactive power. The rotor slip
Nominal wind speed [ ds]
I 12
in which p is the number of poles and om is the mechanical
frequency of the generator rotor.
The generator is coupled to the rotor with a shaft. Wind
turbine shafts are relatively flexible, therefore it is important
to incorporate the shaft in the model in power system
dynamics studies [5]. In steady state, the following per unit
equation describes the wind turbine shaft:
in which T is torque in P.u., y is the angle between the both
ends of the shaft [el. rad] and K, is the shaft stiffness.
The rotor is modeled using the following algebraic relation
between wind speed and mechanical power extracted:
P, =p 2 Cp(a)AR v;
cP(A)= (46.4((-- A 0.01)- 2.0))e - 16.52-
( 5)
in which P, is the power extracted from the airflow [W], p the
air density [kg/m3], cp the performance coefficient or power
coefficient, 3L the tip speed ratio vt/vw,, the ratio between blade
tip speed v, and wind speed upstream the rotor v, [ ds] and
A, the area covered by the rotor [m2].
C. Steady state equations describing concept 2
In this concept, the first components seen from the grid are
the doubly fed induction generator and the converter feeding
the rotor winding. The voltage equations describing the
doubly fed induction generator are the following [6]:
v&= - R,i,+ ms((Lsa+ Lm)iqs+ Lmiql)
vqs= - R,iqs- as((Lsa+ Lm)idr+ Lmi*)
vqr= - Rriqr- sos((Lra+ Lm)idr+ Lmidr)
v*= - Rri,+ sos((Lra+ Lm)iqr+ Lmiqs)
A doubly fed induction generator is capable of generating
reactive power. Reactive power can be delivered by the stator
or by the grid side of the converter. It is assumed that the grid
side of the converter operates at unity power factor and that
any reactive power is delivered by the stator. In that case, the
following equations apply for real and reactive power:
P= Ps+ Pr= vdFi,+ v i +vdFidc+ vqsiq,
Q= vqSi*- vdriqs
in which the index c stands for converter. The other symbols
have the same meaning as in equations ( 1) and (2). Note that
from (S), it follows that the converter only takes part into
active power generation, not in reactive power generation.
In the case of a variable speed wind turbine, the shaft can be
neglected, because the power electronic converter decouples
the electrical and mechanical behavior. Therefore, the shaft
properties are hardly reflected in the wind turbines response
to wind speed changes or grid faults. Therefore, no equations
describing the wind turbine shaft will be taken into account.
The rotor is modeled using the following equations:
qs qs
P,= p 2 cp(a,e)ARv; (9)
a 0.8-
' g0. 6-
$ 0 4 -
- 12.5
cp(;l,e)= 0.22(--- 0.48- 5) e *i
1 - 1 0.035
The meaning of the symbols is the same as in equations (4)
and (5). However, the blade pitch angle 8 [deg] has been
added to the equations, because in the variable speed wind
turbines the power extracted from the wind is limited using
pitch control.
Using these equations, the system has not been fully
determined yet. This is caused by the fact that concept 2 is a
variable speed wind turbine. Therefore, the blade tip speed v,
varies in concepts 2 and 3, in opposition to concept 1, where
it is approximately constant. Thus, A is not determined. To
link A to equations (7) to (1 l), the speed versus power control
characteristic can be used. The control characteristic of the 2
MW example wind turbine used here is depicted in figure 3
and will be further referred to as P(w,,,).
-- --
A~ A+ 0.088 e+ 1
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Rotor speed [RPM]
Figure 3. Rotor speed versus power control Characteristic used in concepts
2 and 3.
the semiconductor switches.
The equations describing a synchronous generator can be
found in [I ]. The damper windings need not to be taken into
account, because the current through the damper windings is
zero in steady state. The direct drive synchronous generator is
coupled to the generator side of the converter. The generator
terminal voltage vg can be derived from the control strategy
V,(o,) and the rotor speed. Voltage equations:
vg= /=
vdF =om(Lqm +LsJiqs- R,i*
v =om(- (L*+ Lso)idr+ LhGd)- Rsiqs
Real and reactive power:
In these equations, the index fd stands for field and g for
generator terminal. The main inductance in the d and the q
axis may be different in opposition to what applies to the
induction generators used in concepts 1 and 2. The other
indices have the same meaning as in equations (1) and (2).
The generated reactive power Q, can be controlled through
the rotor winding excitation and depends on the reactive
power generation control characteristic. Normally, it is
dependent the rotor speed om andor the terminal voltage v,.
The reactive power control characteristic will be further
referred to as Q,(w,,v,).
The last equation of (13) only applies to synchronous
generators with a wound rotor. Further, when a rotor with
permanent magnets is used, the product of mutual inductance
in the d-axis L,, and the field current i, has to be replaced by
the flux of the permanent magnets coupled to the stator
winding in the equation of (1 3) giving vqs. This results in the
following voltage equations when a rotor with permanent
magnet excitation is used:
D. Steaa'y state equations describing concept 3
In this concept, the first component seen from the grid is a
voltage source converter. A voltage source converter can
generate both active and reactive power. The equations
describing the converter in steady state operation are
Pc=vdci dc+v i
qc qc
Qc= 'qcidc- 'dciqc
Then, the generator side of the converter is modeled. It can be
modeled as a voltage source. The value of the voltage is
determined by the control strategy. Normally, it varies with
the generator speed and its value can be derived when the
generator speed is known. The relation between terminal
voltage and generator speed will be further referred to as
When the generator side of the converter consists of a diode
rectifier, its voltage is controlled indirectly through the grid
side of the converter andor the generator if it has a wound
rotor. When the generator side of the converter consists of a
voltage source converter as well, like the grid side of the
converter, its voltage can be controlled directly by controlling
v =/ v*+ vis
v&= om(Lqm+ Lso)iqs- RsiA (15)
vqs =om(- (Lm, +L,,>i* +qpm> - Qqs
in which $pm is the flux of the permanent magnets linked by
the stator winding.
The wind turbine shaft is neglected again, because the :<haft
properties are hardly reflected in the grid interaction. The
rotor model and speed versus power control characteristic are
the same as those of concept 2.
A. Number of equations and unknowns f or each concept
In table 2, the variables with a known value, the variables
with an unknown value and the number of equations for each
of the wind turbine concepts are given. Concept 3 is
addressed both for a wound rotor and a permanent magnet
synchronous generator.
From this table, it can be concluded that the initial conditions
of all concepts can be calculated. The substitution of the
equations in each other is basic calculus and will therefore not
be carried out here. Note that because P and Q are quadratic
quantities, the equations are not linear. A symbolic
mathematics package such as MAPLE can be used
advantageously to solve the equations. Equations in which the
rotor speed versus power characteristic P(o,,,) occurs, had to
be solved numerically, because it is difficult to obtain a
closed form solution.
and equations f or each of ihe
Concept 1
KnOWn P, vds, Vqs
Unknown iqs,
iqr, Q>s, Y
Number of (1)+(2)+(4)
equations =7
Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 3
with with
wound permanent
rotor magnets
P, Q, vds, Pc, Qo v d o Pc, Qc , vds?
vq\ vqo p, Vqa
ldsr l qsr l dr r Vdr. vqs. Q@ ."&. vqs3
p,, $pn
. . .
. . .
iqr, Vdri Vqrr I do l qo Ids, I d 0 I q o I ds
s, U, Iqs. wm, vfdi l qsr om, vg
&, Q, vg
(3)+(7)+(8) (12)+(13) (12)+(14)
+P(%) +(I41 +(I51
=8 +P(O,) +P(%)
+V,(%) +V,(%J=9
=1 I
B. Example generator characteristics
In the next paragraphs, for each concept the initial conditions
will be calculated. The parameters of the generators used in
concept 1 and 2 can be found in [7] and of the generator used
in concept 3 in [8] respectively and are not reproduced here.
C. Initial conditions of concept I
The initial conditions of a concept 1 model can be calculated
using algorithm depicted in figure 4. As an example, this
algorithm is applied to a wind turbine of 2 MW nominal
power that is generating 1 MW of real power, i.e. 0.5 P.u.,
with a terminal voltage of vd,=l.02 p.u. and v,,=0.25 p.u. The
results of each of the steps are given in table 3.
D. Initial conditions of concept 2
The initial conditions of a concept 2 model can be calculated
using the algorithm depicted in figure 5. In this algorithm the
generator losses are neglected by setting the mechanical
power extracted from the wind equal to the electrical power
generated in the load flow case. This very much simplifies the
calculations and introduces only a minor error in the initial
conditions, because the generator losses are small.
As an example, the algorithm is applied to a wind turbine of 2
MW nominal power that is generating 1 MW of real power,
i.e. 0.5 p.u. and 0.4 MVAr reactive power, i.e. 0.2 p.u. at a
terminal voltage of vd,=l.02 p.u. and vq,=0.25 p.u. The results
of each of the steps are given in table 3.
1. Use (1) and (2) to calculate ids, io, ido io,, s and Q
2. Calculate copper losses using p,=~~i,:+i,:,+~,(i,,'+i,,Z)
I 3. Calculate rotor speed using (3) I
I 4. Calculate torque using P=Tw I
I 5. Calculate y using (4) I
I 6. Calculate wind speed using (5) and (6) I
Figure 4. Algorithm f or calculation of initial conditions of a concept 1 wind
turbine from loadflow data.
PCP", P=P",
2. Calculate wind speed using (IO) and ( I 1)
4. Calculate v, vqp idp i, i& iqs using (7) and (6)
Figure 5. Algorithm f or calculation of initial conditions of a concept 2 wind
turbine from loadflow daia.
E. Initial conditions of concept 3
The initial conditions of a concept 3 model can be calculated
using the algorithm depicted in figure 6. In this algorithm, the
generator losses are again neglected, like in the case of
concept 2 an$ for the same reasons. As an example, the
algorithm is applied to a wind turbine of 2 MW nominal
power that is generating 1 MW of real power, i.e. 0.5 p.u. and
0.4 MVAr reactive power, i.e. 0.2 p.u. .at a terminal voltage of
v,,=1.02 p.u. and v,,=0.25 p.u. Further, it is assumed that
and that in case of the permanent magnet rotor bpm equals 1.3
p.u. The lower equation of (16) only applies to a generator
with a wound rotor. Other control strategies for terminal
voltage and reactive power can be used without rendering the
proposed algorithm invalid. The results of each of the steps
are given in table 3.
F. Initial conditions of concepts 2 and 3 at nominal power
When concepts 2 and 3 generate nominal power in the load
.flow case, there is no unique relation between generated
power and rotor speed, as can be seen from the right part of
figure 3 (up from 18 rpm). This is caused by the fact that at
wind speeds above nominal the pitch angle controller
becomes active and limits the power extracted from the
airflow to the nominal power, no matter what the actual wind
speed is.
Therefore, when a concept 2 or concept 3 wind turbine
generates nominal power in the load flow case, the actual
rotor speed and the wind speed or the pitch angle have to be
given. The other values can then be calculated in the same
way as when the wind turbine is initialized below nominal
power. In figures 5 and 6, the right arrow corresponds to an
alternative algorithm that can be used in that situation.
In this paper, a method was presented to calculate the initial
conditions of dynamic models of the most important actual
wind turbine concepts from data provided in a load flow case.
This is an important result that facilitates the integration of
wind turbine models in power systems dynamics simulation
[l ] P. Kundur, Power system stability and control, New York, US:
McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994.
[2] P. Lacassel, L.Gerin-Lajoie, D. McNabb, P.-J . LagacC, J . Mahserediian,
"New Initialization method for controls in transient analysis", 200 1 IEEE
Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, J an. 28-Feb. 1, 2001, paper
[3] S. Heier, Grid integration of Wind Energy Conversion Systems,
Chicester, UK: J ohn Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1998.
[4] V. Akhmatov, "Some aspects of new windmill technologies on voltage
stability", Seminar on Control Concepts of Wind Turbines, 23 Oct., 2000.
[5] V. Akhmatov, H. Knudsen, A.H. Nielsen, "Advanced simulation of
windmills in the electric power supply", International J ournal of Electrical
Power & Energy Systems, v01.22, no.6, 2000, pp.421-434.
[6] P.C. Krause, 0. Wasynczuk, M.S. Hildebrandt, "Reference frame
analysis of a slip energy recovery system", IEEE Transactions on energy
conversion, vo1.3, no.2, J une 1988, pp.404-408.
[7] J .G. Slootweg, H. Polinder, W.L. Kling, "Dynamic Modelling of a Wind
Turbine with Doubly Fed Induction Gcnerator", 2001 IEEE Power
Engineering Society Summer Meeting, J uly 15-19, 2001.
[8] J .G. Slootweg, H. Polinder, W.L. Kling, "Dynamic Modelling of a Wind
Turbine with Direct Drive Synchronous Generator and Back to back Voltage
Source Converter and its Controls", 2001 European Wind Energy
Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark, J uly 2-6,2001,
2. Calculate wind speed using (10) and (1 1)
4. Calculate v and for wound rotor
also Q, using&,(w,) and Q,(w,,v,)
5 Calculate vd., vq,, id., ig,. v,, and i,, for wound rotor using (13)
usina (11) and 115)
and (14) or Q,, v,,, vq, ids, i for permanent magnet rotor
Figure 6. Algorithm for calculation of initial conditions of a concept 3 wind
turbine,from loadjlow data.
Table 3. Results yielded when the solution algorithms are applied to an
Concept 3
ample. Va h
f unless indic
Concept 2
are in per un
Concept 1 Concept 3
J.G. Slootweg received his MSc degree in electncal
engineenng from Delft University of Technology on
September 23rd, 1998. During his education he stayed in
Berlin for six months, to hear lectures at TU Berlin and to
conduct research at the Dynamowerk of Siemens AG He
is currently working on a PhD on large scale integration
of dispersed generation into existing electric grids at the
Electncal Power Systems Laboratory of Delft UT
H. Polinder received his MSc degree in electncal
engineering in 1992 and his PhD degree in 1998 both
fromDelft University of Technology. Currently, he is an
assistant professor at the Electrical Power Processing
Laboratory at the same university, where he gives courses
on electncal machines and dnves. His main research
interest is the field of generator systems in renewable
energy, such as wind energy and wave energy
W.L. Kling received his MSc degree in electncal
engineenng fromthe Technical University of Eindhoven
in 1978. Currently he is a part time professor at the
Electnc Power Systems Laboratory of Delft UT. His
expenence lies in the area of planning and operation of
power systems He is involved in scientific organizations
such as Cigre and IEEE He is the Dutch representative in
the CigrC Study Committee 37 Planning and
Development of Power Systems.
1 i,,=O. 3 7
iqr=-O. 16
a,= 15.2
2 P,=0.0062 v,=9.5 m/s v,=9.5 mJ s
w,=1.0049 s=-0.015 idp0.51
t i,g-O.072
v,=9.5 mls
id,=0.5 1
4 T=0.50 i,= 0.51
v,,=-O.O 10
idq= 0.26
Q,=-0.03 5
5 y=l.68 el.
vW=9.2m/s I I

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