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BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description INTERNAL

BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description

1 BSC6900 GU Subracks
The configuration of BSC6900 GB!"TC Co#$ine% !o%e su$rac&s is sho'n in the figure ()
The !TS su$rac& is the #aster su$rac& an% configure% $efore the GS! su$rac&)* The
configuration of BSC6900 GB!"TC Separate% !o%e su$rac&s is sho'n in the figure +) The
GS! su$rac& is the #aster su$rac& an% configure% $efore the !TS su$rac&) The ,uotation of
BSC6900 G 'ithout D-c"D-g. the configuration is B!"TC Separate% !o%e)
The $asic configuration rules of BSC6900 G su$rac&s are as follo's/
0(1 BSC $oar%s an% RNC $oar%s are not configure% in one su$rac&)
0+1 The nu#$er of BSC su$rac&s is at least one an% at #ost four) The nu#$er of RNC su$rac&s
is at least one an% at #ost fi2e)
031 The total nu#$er of BSC an% RNC su$rac&s is at #ost si4)
051 If a TC su$rac& is configure%. it #ust $e installe% in a TCR ca$inet)

-rinciples for configuring BSC6900 ca$inets an% su$rac&s are as follo's/

() Ca$inet 00+((+66+1/ 7ne or t'o pieces can $e configure%) The actual ,uantit8 of ca$inets %epen%s on the
BSC capa$ilit8) A $oar% configuration %esign #ust %epen% on the BSC capa$ilit8 accor%ingl8) At a ca$inet.
an in%epen%ent su$rac& #ust $e reser2e% for a fan)
+) Su$rac& 00+30096+1/ 7ne to three pieces can $e configure% in each ca$inet) Su$rac&s 00+30096+1 can $e
configure% for ca$inets 00+((+66+1 onl8 an% #ust $e installe% fro# %o'n to top)
+0(+:6:3( ;ua'ei Confi%ential -age ( of (0
BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description INTERNAL
3) <an $o4 00+(+03=01/ 7ne piece is re,uire% in each su$rac&) <an $o4es 00+(+03=01 can $e configure% for
su$rac&s 00+30096+1 onl8)
5) NEBS ca$inets 00+((3+(01/ 7ne or t'o pieces can $e configure%) Such ca$inets are re,uire% $8 the
Net'or& E,uip#ent Buil%ing S8ste# (NEBS1 certification onl8)
2 General Rules for Board Configuration
2.1 Differentiation Beteen GS! and U!"S Subracks

A su$rac& 'ithout TNa $oar%s is a !TS su$rac& an% that 'ith TNa $oar%s is a GS!
su$rac&) TNa $oar%s are configure% in prece%ence) T'o are installe% in each GS!

TNa. >-a">-$. D-c"D-f. D-%"D-g. <G+c"<G+%.G7c" G7%. EIa an% 7Ia

$oar%s are configure% in onl8 the GS! su$rac&)

S-a"S-$. D-$"D-e. 7Ia"7Ic. A7a"A7c. -7a an% AEa $oar%s are

configure% in onl8 the !TS su$rac&)

SCa"SC$. -Ea. <G+a"<G+c. G7a"G7c. -7c. 7!a"7!c .GCa"GCGa an%

NIa can $e configure% in $oth GS! an% !TS su$rac&s)
$n certain cases% onl& S'Ua(S'Ub boards are configured )ile *'Ua(*'Ub boards are not.
$n suc) cases% S'Ua(S'Ub boards are configured as *'Ua(*'Ub boards and inserted in
t)e GS! and U!"S subracks.
$n certain cases% onl& D'Ub boards are configured )ile D'Uc(D'Ud boards are not. $n
suc) cases% D'Ub boards are configured as D'Uc(D'Ud boards and inserted in t)e GS!
and U!"S subracks.
2.2 +ro, +ront to Rear

Boar%s 0SCa"SC$. TNa. GCa"GCGa. S-$"S-a. an% >-$">-a1 in the front half
su$rac& are configure% first. then D-$"D-c"D-%"D-e"D-f"D-g" NIa $oar%s. an%
then interface $oar%s 0AEa. -Ea. EIa. A7a"A7c. 7Ia"7Ic. <G+a"<G+c"<G+%.
G7a"G7c"G7%. -7a"-7c. an% 7Ia1 an% ser2er $oar%s 07!a"7!$"7!c1 in
the rear half su$rac&)

Interface $oar%s are inserte% fro# slot +0 to $oth si%es) <G+c. G7c. an% 7Ic $oar%s 0 If
<G+c. G7c. an% 7Ic are concurrence. <G+c. G7c are configure% first. then 7Ic1 are
configure% first. then AEa. -Ea. an% EIa $oar%s. an% then other interface $oar%s) If $oth
E( interface $oar%s an% optical interface $oar%s are configure%. the E( interface $oar%s
shoul% $e configure% on one si%e 'here2er possi$le) The sa#e t8pes of $oar%s #ust $e
configure% in a%?acent slots)
+0(+:6:3( ;ua'ei Confi%ential -age + of (0
BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description INTERNAL
0(1 "-Ua boards are fi.edl& inserted in slot / and slot 0% SCUa(SCUb boards in slot 6 and
slot 1% and GCUa(GCGa boards in slot 12 and slot 12.
0+1 D'Ub(D'Uc(D'Ud(D'Ue"D'Uf(D'Ug(-$Ua boards are ser3ice boards. ")e& ,a& be
installed in bot) t)e front )alf and t)e rear )alf of a subrack but in t)e front )alf in
031 4$Ua% '4Ua% 54Ua% 6$Ua% 56Ua% 56Uc% U6$a% U6$c% '6Ua% '6Uc% +G2a% +G2c% +G2d%
G6Ua% G6Uc and G6Ud boards are interface boards. ")e& ,ust be installed in t)e
rear )alf subrack.
2.2 -o $nter,
E4cept D-$. D-c"D-f. D-%"D-g. D-e an% NIa $oar%s. $oar%s in the front half su$rac&
#ust not $e inserte% in the rear half an% $oar%s in the rear half su$rac& #ust not $e inserte% in
the front half)
2./ Board 5llocation Rules

E4cept the fi4e%l8 configure% $oar%s 0SCa"SC$. TNa. GCa"GCGa. an%

7!a"7!$"7!c1. all $oar%s are allocate% e2enl8 to each su$rac&) The nu#$er of
$oar%s per su$rac& e,uals the total nu#$er of $oar%s %i2i%e% $8 the nu#$er of su$rac&s)

The nu#$er of acti2e an% stan%$8 $oar%s 0>-a">-$ an% S-a"S-$1 #ust $e e2en in
each su$rac&) The acti2e $oar% an% the stan%$8 $oar% #ust $e inserte% in a%?acent acti2e
an% stan%$8 slots. such as slot 0 an% slot (. slot + an% slot 3. an% so on)

If the total nu#$er of interface $oar%s is e2en. the nu#$er $oar%s allocate% to each su$rac&
#ust $e e2en) Acti2e an% stan%$8 $oar%s #ust $e inserte% to a%?acent slots. such as slot 0
an% slot (. slot + an% slot 3. an% so on) If the total nu#$er of interface $oar%s is o%%. the
nu#$er of $oar%s allocate% to a su$rac& #a8 $e o%%)
0(1 ")e nu,ber of boards for GS! use in a subrack e7uals t)e total nu,ber of boards
di3ided b& t)e nu,ber of GS! subracks.
0+1 ")e nu,ber of boards for U!"S use in a subrack e7uals t)e total nu,ber of boards
di3ided b& t)e nu,ber of U!"S subracks.
031 ")e nu,ber of ot)er boards in a subrack e7uals t)e total nu,ber of boards di3ided b&
t)e nu,ber of subracks.
+0(+:6:3( ;ua'ei Confi%ential -age 3 of (0
BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description INTERNAL
2 BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description
B6! -a,e Slot Configuration in 6ne
5llocation to !ultiple Subracks
+5@+= The 7!a or 7!$ $oar% is
inserte% in slots +5@+=) The
7!c $oar% is inserte% in slot
+5 or +9)
T'o or one for each BSC.
%epen%ing on the ,uotation
(+ an% (3 <i4e% configuration T'o GCa or GCGa $oar%s for
each BSC
6 an% = <i4e% configuration T'o for each su$rac&
0309(((6 TNa 5 an% 9 <i4e% configuration of GS!
T'o for each GS! su$rac&
0309(((9 >-a 0@3 Inserte% in slots 0@3. at #ost
four for one GS! su$rac&
Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of GS! su$rac&s
0309+=60 >-$ 0@3 an%
Inserte% in slots 0@3 an% slots
6@9. an% slots 0@3 in
Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of GS! su$rac&s
0309(=30 S-a 0@9. an%
Inserte% in slots 0@9 an% slots
6@((. an% slots 0@9 in
Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of !TS su$rac&s
0309+=6( S-$ 0@9 an%
Inserte% in slots 0@9 an% slots
6@((. an% slots 0@9 in
Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of !TS su$rac&s
0309(6(6 D-$ 6@(9 Inserte% in slots 6@(9
0GCa"GCGa configure% in
slots (+ an% (3 of the #aster
<ront slots configure% in
prece%ence. an% rear slots
configure% fro# slot (5
Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of !TS su$rac&s
6@(9 Inserte% in slots 6@(9
0GCa"GCGa configure% in
slots (+ an% (3 of the #aster
D-%"D-g $oar%s configure%
in prece%ence 'hen
D-c"D-f an% D-%"D-g
coe4ist. front slots configure% in
prece%ence. an% rear slots
configure% fro# slot (5
Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of GS! su$rac&s
+0(+:6:3( ;ua'ei Confi%ential -age 5 of (0
BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description INTERNAL
B6! -a,e Slot Configuration in 6ne
5llocation to !ultiple Subracks
6@(9 Inserte% in slots 6@(9
0GCa"GCGa configure% in
slots (+ an% (3 of the #aster
D-%"D-g $oar%s configure%
in prece%ence 'hen
D-c"D-f an% D-%"D-g
coe4ist. front slots configure% in
prece%ence. an% rear slots
configure% fro# slot (5
Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of GS! su$rac&s
0309+=99 D-e 6@(9 Inserte% in slots 6@(9
0GCa"GCGa configure% in
slots (+ an% (3 of the #aster
<ront slots configure% in
prece%ence. an% rear slots
configure% fro# slot (5
Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of !TS su$rac&s
03093936 NIa 6@(9 Inserte% in slots 6@(9
0GCa"GCGa configure% in
slots (+ an% (3 of the #aster
su$rac&1) D-c"D-%"
D-e"D-f"D-g $oar%s
configure% in prece%ence)
<ront slots configure% in
prece%ence. an% rear slots
configure% fro# slot (5
Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of !TS su$rac&s
0309+=6( <G+c (5@+=
'hen use for
!TS #o%e.
It can onl8
configure% in
the slot of (6:
<ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of su$rac&s
0309+=6+ G7c (5@+=
'hen use for
!TS #o%e.
It can onl8
configure% in
the slot of (6:
<ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of su$rac&s
+0(+:6:3( ;ua'ei Confi%ential -age 9 of (0
BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description INTERNAL
B6! -a,e Slot Configuration in 6ne
5llocation to !ultiple Subracks
0309+=60 7Ic (5@+=
'hen use for
!TS #o%e.
It can onl8
configure% in
the slot of (6:
<ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of !TS su$rac&s
0309(566 -Ea (5@+= <ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of su$rac&s
0309(565 AEa (5@+= <ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of !TS su$rac&s
0309((+( EIa (5@+= <ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of GS! su$rac&s
0309+=56 -7c (5@+= <ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of su$rac&s
0309+=99 A7c (5@+= <ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of !TS su$rac&s
0309(566 <G+a"
(5@+= <ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of su$rac&s
0309(593 G7a"
(5@+= <ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of su$rac&s
0309(59+ 7Ia (5@+= <ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of !TS su$rac&s
0309(569 A7a (5@+= <ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of !TS su$rac&s
0309(9(= -7a (5@+= <ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
of !TS su$rac&s
0309((++ 7Ia (5@+= <ro# slot +0 to $oth si%es Nu#$er of $oar%s per su$rac& A
Total nu#$er of $oar%s " Nu#$er
+0(+:6:3( ;ua'ei Confi%ential -age 6 of (0
BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description INTERNAL
B6! -a,e Slot Configuration in 6ne
5llocation to !ultiple Subracks
of GS! su$rac&s
/ 5ssociations Beteen 6ptical $nterface Boards and
6ptical "ranscei3ers
Board "rans,ission
9a3elengt) "&pe Rate $nterface Reference
+ &# (3(0 n# !ulti:#o%e (99)9+ !$ps LC 35060+6=
(9 &# (3(0 n# Single:#o%e (99)9+ !$ps LC 35060+=6
50 &# (3(0 n# Single:#o%e (99)9+ !$ps LC 35060+6(
G7a"G7c"G7% (0 &# (3(0 n# Single:#o%e ()+9 G$ps LC 350605=3
0)9 &# 690 n# !ulti:#o%e +)(+9 G$ps LC 35060+66
Note/ The nu#$er of optical transcei2ers is a full configuration as per the nu#$er of ports in an
optical interface $oar%/

7ne optical transcei2er is configure% in one 7Ia $oar%)

At #ost eight optical transcei2ers are configure% in one 7Ic $oar%)

At #ost four optical transcei2ers are configure% in one 7Ia $oar%)

At #ost four optical transcei2ers are configure% in one A7c. -7c. G7c or G7% $oar%)

At #ost t'o optical transcei2ers are configure% in one A7a. -7a. or G7a $oar%)
Note/ <or an interface $oar%. the sa#e t8pes of optical #o%ules #ust $e use%) <or t'o interface
$oar%s 'or&ing in acti2e"stan%$8 #o%e. the sa#e t8pes of optical #o%ules #ust $e use%)
0 Softare Code !apping Beteen t)e :ost Board and
t)e 6!U Board
Soft'are co%e #apping $et'een the host an% the 7! $oar%
+0(+:6:3( ;ua'ei Confi%ential -age = of (0
BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description INTERNAL
;ersion Softare Code of t)e
:ost Board
Softare Code of t)e 6!U
Re,arks <6!U Softare Code
Deli3ered in Special Situations=
B900R0(( 090(9300 0++36606.0++3696=.0++3=((( 0++36966.0++3=(+3.0++3=(+=
B900R0(+ 090(0DEC.090(0EB!.
0++36606.0++3696=.0++3=((( 0++36966.0++3=(+3.0++3=(+=
B900R0(3 090(0EBE 0309356(. 0++36606 0++3696=.0++3=(((.
The follo'ing ta$le lists the soft'are co%es an% the correspon%ing %escription of the host $oar%
an% the 7! $oar%/
"&pe Softare
090(9300 BSC6900 BSC6900 B900R0((C00. BSC6900 ;ost Soft'are F Local !aintenance
Ter#inal Soft'are -h8sical Soft'are -ac&age
090(0DEC BSC6900.BSC6900 B900R0(+C00. ;ost Soft'are F Local !aintenance Ter#inal Soft'are
090(0EB! BSC6900.BSC6900 B900R0(+C0(. ;ost Soft'are F Local !aintenance Ter#inal Soft'are
090(0DCL BSC6900.BSC6900 B900R0(+C0+. ;ost Soft'are F Local !aintenance Ter#inal Soft'are
090(0DC! BSC6900.BSC6900 B900R0(+C03. ;ost Soft'are F Local !aintenance Ter#inal Soft'are
090(0EBE BSC6900.BSC6900 B900R0(3C00. ;ost Soft'are F Local !aintenance Ter#inal Soft'are
7! 0309356( -ARC.G-((-7!c.7peration an% !aintenance nit 0'ith D7-RA LIN> an% Dri2er
Soft'are -ac&age 1 REB/c
0++36606 7peration an% !aintenance Co#ponent.'ith D7-RA LIN> an% Dri2er Soft'are -ac&age
0++3=((( 7peration an% !aintenance Co#ponent.'ith SuSE LIN> Enterprise Ser2er an% Dri2er
Soft'are -ac&age
0++36966 7peration an% !aintenance Co#ponent.'ith Gin%o's Ser2er an% Dri2er Soft'are -ac&age
0Chinese1 REB/a
0++3696= 7peration an% !aintenance Co#ponent.'ith Gin%o's Ser2er an% Dri2er Soft'are -ac&age
0English1 REB/a
0++3=(+3 7peration an% !aintenance Co#ponent.'ith Gin%o's Ser2er an% SHL soft'are 0English1
0++3=(+= 7peration an% !aintenance Co#ponent.'ith Gin%o's Ser2er an% SHL soft'are 0Chinese1
+0(+:6:3( ;ua'ei Confi%ential -age 6 of (0
BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description INTERNAL
6 "&pical Configuration of a "C Cabinet

If the interface $oar% is EIa or 7Ia. it is onl8 necessar8 to replace the -7c $oar%s in the
a$o2e figure)

In a TC ca$inet. SCa"SC$. TNa. an% D-c"D-f $oar%s are #an%ator8)

SCa" SC$ an% TNa $oar%s are inserte% in fi4e% slots) D-c" D-f $oar%s are inserte%
in the front slots in prece%ence an% in the rear slots 'hen the front slots are all use%)
Interface $oar%s EIa. 7Ia an% -7c #ust $e inserte% in rear slots)
+0(+:6:3( ;ua'ei Confi%ential -age 9 of (0
BSC6900 Slot Configuration Description INTERNAL
1 Re,arks

Recognition of e4pansion or%ers/ An or%er 'here the first:le2el B7! of pro%ucts is 0(060599
an% 'here ser2er $oar%s 07!a"7!$"7!c1 an% cloc& $oar%s 0GCa"GCGa1 are not
inclu%e% can $e recogniIe% as an e4pansion or%er)

Ghen the configuration is full. e4tra $oar%s are %eli2ere% as spare parts)
+0(+:6:3( ;ua'ei Confi%ential -age (0 of (0

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