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IC-GWBT2012, Ahmad Dahlan University, March 23-24, 2012


The Concept and Application of Green Cities in Indonesia

Maria Christina Endarwati, ST. MIUEM
National Institute of Technology Malang

Major cities in Indonesia need to carefully address the issues of urban population explosion due to
increasing urbanization and very sharp not bearable, if we wish that these cities could become
habitable in the future. One of them is to control population and its redistribution, as well as improved
the quality of public services. With the concept of Green City urban crisis we can avoid, as happened
in large cities and metropolitan areas that have undergone obesity urban, if we are able to handle the
development of the towns small and medium well, among others with the provision of green open
spaces, the development of bike lanes and pedestrian, compact city development, and control wide
spreads the edges. Basically a Green City is a city where all the man-made construction such as roads
and buildings, interspersed in harmony with the environment, a balanced society, and the economy,
and all of which were managed by responsible Government, is open to its people as well as working
closely with the community through a participatory process. There are several approaches to Green
City that can be applied in the management of the development of the city.

Keywords: Green City Concept.
Green, Green and Green, the color is a color often played recently , because so many
things to do with the colors will give a positive impact on various kinds of things , especially
relating to sustainable development. A lot of the concept of green which has been much used
in overcome climate change that the impact has already begun we can feel. One of the
concept of which is known as green and shall we talk about here is the concept of green city.
What causes the green the concept was so striking and it becomes the trends in the
development of cities today in the world or in Indonesia in particular?

Could be felt that the impact of the development and the high rate of urbanization in cities it
will caused many negative impact on a city, such as a very high population density, traffic
jam, air pollution, a high crime rate social gap, the flood, and much more. According to
Budirahardjo and Sudanti in their book mentioned that the city is organism as a whole
network system consisting of two sub system , which citys hardware ( the physical) and
citys software ( the spiritual) . Both of them shall walk side-by-side and mutually complete
each other so walk with a good balance and harmony its. With the growing complexity of the
impact of the construction of a city's various development concepts developed many towns,
one of them with the concept of sustainable development of the town. Within the concept
itself is still quite have not found the applied model to the real thread directly into the
construction of a city.

The global warming is also as a result of interrelated phenomena, among other population, an
increase in natural resources, industrialization, fuel consumption, emissions, the greater the
amplitude of temperature, the melting ice, water vapor is getting higher, and changes of
monsoon. According to the intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC) States the
Earth's temperature rose 0.13-0.15 degrees Celsius (1990-2005) and is expected to rise as
much as 4.2 degrees Celsius (2050-2053). If the Earth's temperature rises up to 1.5 degrees
Celsius, about 20-30 percent of species of plants and animals could become extinct. If the
increase in temperature reaching three degrees centigrade, it gives a result that 40-70 percent
of species may be wiped out. Therefore, as a result of only recently do not fit anymore,
endangered animals, plants will be unable to live at a location in the past, such a condition
may change the map of agriculture, plantations and livestock. Food security could also

IC-GWBT2012, Ahmad Dahlan University, March 23-24, 2012


endanger and the danger of hunger will hit the world. Likewise the impacts of another are
very threatening the viability of various kinds of life in this world. Could it be that the pattern
of life and our daily routines like this is not going to threaten our Earth?

The concept of Green Cities is one of solutions address the problems that exist in particular in
Indonesia at the moment. The concept can be applied and applied directly in the construction
of a city. In this international seminar, will be reviewed is clearly and in detail what is meant
by the concept and application of the Green Cities especially in Indonesia. What are things
that have been done in cities in Indonesia, using the concept of a Green City?

2. The Basic Concept of Green City

Green City is the theme of world environment day world first initiated in 2005 in which San
Francisco is the first city designated as the host. The term of green undertaken with regard to
the urbanization factor causing major cities become uncontrolled. The Green City is an urban
concept whereby environmental issues, economy, and social balance is to be kept for the sake
of future generations. Therefore, the leaders of the cities source urbanization are responsible
for this problem. A local problem which is must be thought together so that the existence of
the Planet Earth stays up. This is where strategic positioning acts locally, while thinking
globally not only simply mere slogan.

Green City known as a ecological city.
The city can also be said to be
ecologically healthy city. It means there is
a balance between development and the
development of the city with
environmental sustainability. Healthy
cities is also a condition of a city that is
safe, comfortable, clean, and healthy to
live in populated by optimizing the
potential socio-economic empowerment of
communities through community forums,
facilitated by the related sectors and in
sync with the city planning. To be able to
make it happen, it takes the efforts of each
individual Member of the public and all

The Picture of Green City Concept
This concept in accordance with the approaches presented Hill, Ebenezer Howard, Patrick
Geddes, Alexander, Lewis Mumford, and Ian McHarg
. The implications of the approaches
had presented above is avoiding development area that not woke up. This emphasis on the
need to plan the development of towns and cities that pay attention to local ecological
conditions and minimize the adverse impact of the development of the city, then the city's
development also ensures that by itself creates local natural assets.

Sustainable Development Past and Present, Sir Patrick Geddes Commemorative Lecture, Edinburgh, at
the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1 October 2004.

IC-GWBT2012, Ahmad Dahlan University, March 23-24, 2012

There are eight criterias, the concept of green city among other things
1. The city must be appropriate rules of law that apply, such as in Act No. 24 of 2007:
disaster relief (the Green City must become city disaster alert), LAW 26/2007: Setup
space, ACT 32/2009: protection and management of the environment, and so on.
2. The concept of Zero Waste, namely integrated waste treatment where there is no
litter is wasted.
3. The concept of the Zero Run-off that is all water should be able to seep back into the
ground or can be called concept eco drainage.
4. Green Infrastructure, namely the availability of pedestrian paths and bike lanes.
5. Green Transport that is the mass transportation better use some examples of these,
namely usage of which environmentally friendly renewable fuelled, encourages the
use of motor vehicles, transport is not expected to hike, bike, rickshaws and etc.
6. The Green open spaces of 30% of the area of the city which is the Green open spaces
of public open space is 20 % and private as much as 10%
7. Green Building Concept
8. Community Participation or more common with a called as a green community

The concept is just a concept which has been running and held in several cities who planned
the city as green city. But actually there are other concepts the eighth the concept that has
been done.

3. Why the Concept of Green City in Indonesia need to be considered?

The Big cities in Indonesia needs to the scrutiny overcome the problem of urban population
explosion caused by urbanization which is unbearable , if we hope that can be worthy of
those cities better in the future . In his book Yoga et al. said that the report of the
intergovernmental panel on climate change is mentioned the effects of climate change put
mankind in massive threat will lack clean water on one side otherwise endangered coastal
floods and tropical storms. Management of water resources is less able to place in the plan of
improvement of environmental adaptation. One of them is to control and redistribution the
number of people, and improves the quality of the public services. With the concept of Green
City urban crisis we can avoid, as happened in large cities and metropolitan areas that have
undergone obesity urban, if we are able to handle the development of the towns small and
medium well, among others with the provision of green open spaces, the development of bike
lanes and pedestrian, compact city development, and control the wide spreads of the edges.

There are several approaches to Green City that can be applied in the management of the
development of the city. The first is a Smart Green City Planning based on Hall and Powel.
This approach consists of 5 main concept is the concept of the ecological balance that could
do with a balancing of water, CO2, and energy. The second approach is the concept of
ecological village which consists of determining the layout of the area, architecture, and
transportation with example application include: compliance with topography, wind, water
circulation corridor to control micro climate, fuel efficiency, as well as public transport.
Third, the concept of the housing arcades of the wind (wind corridor housing complex) which
is with the warming impact reduction strategies. How, with the construction of green open
space, control of air circulation, as well as creating green cities. Fourth, the concept of the
circulation water (water circulating complex). The strategy does is recycled rainwater to be
raw water. Fifth is the concept of the garden rainwater (rain garden).

This paper is a case study of the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) in Canada, the host region for the World Urban
Forum 2006

IC-GWBT2012, Ahmad Dahlan University, March 23-24, 2012


The second approach is a concept CPULS (Continuous Productive the Urban Landscapes).
The greening concept this city is the development of landscape that is continuous in relation
to the urban and rural and productive is a landscape. Approach the latter is integrated the
tropical city. This concept suitable for a city is having tropical climate like Indonesia. The
concept of the point is to have special attention to climate aspects, as a protection against the
weather, make deforestation in a city by multiplying vegetation to reduce the urban heat
island. It is not impossible if Indonesia apply it like the cities concept other specialized (Abu
Dhabi with urban utopia and also Tianjin with eco-city), considering that Indonesia with the
tropics country.

The following picture shows the illustration of
the establishment of integrated the concept of
the tropical city:

Source : www.wanapalhiriau.files.wordpresscom

Based on world bank in June 2004, excess
of the concept of green city is can fulfill a
need the existence of the green open space
in an area , so as to diminish even solve
problems the environment, natural
disaster , air pollution a low, free the
flood, a low noise and other environment
problems .
But despite the advantage, this concept has
its disadvantages as well. Implementation
in each region could not be identified
because each area requires its own studies.
At the very least should be known about
the characteristics of local climate,
macros, and so on. For example, a
mountainous green open spaces
functioned to withstand erosion, landslide
and at the beach to avoid tidal wave,
tsunami, in big city for pressing air
pollution, as well as in housing,
functioned dampen noise.
But despite the advantages, these concepts have its disadvantages as well. Implementation in
each region could not be identified because each area requires its own studies. At the very
least should be known about the characteristics of local climate, macros, and so on. For
example, a mountainous green open spaces functioned to withstand erosion, landslide and at
the beach to avoid tidal wave, tsunami, in big city for pressing air pollution, as well as in
housing, functioned dampen noise. So the green open spaces at each city have different
ecological function. In addition, its implementation is currently the most greenness not just in
concept without implementation, giving rise to the image of the greening of origin so without
seeing who can take the positive benefits of greening.

4. Form of the Green City Development Program Implementation

IC-GWBT2012, Ahmad Dahlan University, March 23-24, 2012

Green City Development Program, it called with P2KH
in Indonesia, it was developed by
the Ministry of Public Works should not stalled in the planning but also implementation. One
form of implementation, is doing the signing of joint commitment to realize a green city on
Memorial Day 2011 Spatial Planning. So the government delivered the space in the Setup
Field Legislation Workshop space and Green City action plan Concept.
Furthermore, the embodiment of the ministry revealed that later will be integrated P2KH in
the plan of action to support the implementation of a green city. From the legal side, in fact
the concept of P2KH has been in accordance with the mandate of Act No. 26/2007 on spatial
planning. In particular in the framework of the fulfilment of the needs of green open spaces is
30% of the total area of the city. This percentage is made up of 20% of the 10% of public and
Private according to Yoga et all in. In this rules have provided a legal base in the
embodiment of the green city. Therefore, P2KH will need to be supported by a commitment
from all parties in make it happen.
The current condition green open space in public at urban area in Indonesia has not been
adequately due to high urban activity. Associated with it, then it have a duty to observe the
green open spaces in order to improve the quality of the environment for generations to
come.In this way, the P2KH had 8 green cities, namely attributes of green planning and
design, green open space, green communities, green energy, green transportation, green
water, green building, and green waste. It is harmonious that conveys that the concept of
green cities should also include conservation efforts, such as saving land, saving material, and
saving energy.
The Ministry of public works claimed as many as 60 new district and city or of 12,35% of
total 491 regencies and cities in Indonesia, which is ready for the concept as a town green.
The details i.e. 34 cities and 26 others in the area. Green City action plan implementation or
building a green city is part of the green city development program that will start to
implement the Government starting next year to 60 area for instance Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
Bau-Bau, Kendari, and others. Furthermore, the region has implemented the Green City was
expected to expand its quality to be sustainable, whereas improving the quality in terms of
transportation, clean water, waste water, energy, and building. Green city itself should
contain eight categories namely planning and design of the city eco-friendly, green open
space availability is adequate, efficient consumption of energy, water management and
effective. Next it will be able to manage waste with 3R principle, energy-efficient buildings
or green building, sustainable transportation system implementation and the increased role of
the community in the Green community.
In his book, Emil Salim said that planning the wisdom shared environment is one form of
good planning for the future of global conditions that exist today. So what this does now is
not a search for someone to blame but should be straight to the action plan so that there is a
harmony between human and nature.
5. How to Build a Greener City ? A lesson from other countries.
So, how can citiesold or newtake green to a new level? Here's a look at some of the
ways based on Mr. Totty as a news editor for The Journal Report in San Francisco:
District Heating: In a typical office building, heating and cooling account for nearly two-
thirds of total energy use. So an alternative to traditional electricity or natural-gas HVAC
systems can go a long way toward making cities greener. One solution: tapping the excess
heat produced by nearby utilities or industry. A network of pipes distributes the heat, which
can be used for hot water, space heating and in absorption chillers to provide air conditioning
in the summer. These district heating systems are considerably more efficientcapturing up

Pos Kota, in article : Menteri PU: P2KH Solusi Tepat Atasi Dampak Perubahan Iklim Rabu, 9 November 2011

IC-GWBT2012, Ahmad Dahlan University, March 23-24, 2012


to 90% of the available energythan in-building boilers. And they can tap any number of
heat sources, including high-efficiency natural-gas turbines, large-scale solar thermal
systems, biomass incinerators or furnaces in a steel mill. Common in Europe, high-efficiency
district heating systems are being used in South Korea's Songdo IBD and are in the plans for
other eco-city developments.

Micro wind turbines
Micro Wind Turbines
The giant windmills that dot the
countryside aren't suitable for cities, where
vibrations can rattle windows and the
noise would be annoying. So developers
are turning to micro turbines. These small
generators sit atop commercial or
residential buildings and are designed to
take advantage of the quirks of big-city
wind patternslots of turbulence and
frequent, sudden shifts in direction.

The turbines are generally small, rated at one to three kilowatts each. But when installed in
arrays and combined with high-efficiency solar panels, they can generate a large share of a
building's energy needs, especially when the structure is equipped with a full set of energy-
saving features. A handful of companies provide micro wind systems around the world, and
the devices, while more expensive per kilowatt than bigger systems, have been installed at
scores of locations, including PepsiCo Inc.'s Chicago office building.
Pumped Hydro Storage/Micro Hydropower: Wind and solar power are notoriously fickle,
producing more power than needed at some times and less than needed at others. A city that
wants to rely on such intermittent sources needs to find a way to bank that power. One
technique: pumped hydroelectric storage. When wind or solar power is plentiful, electricity is
used to pump water to an upper reservoir; later, when power is needed, the water is allowed
to flow downhill, turning turbines in the process. (The lakes have the added benefit as open-
space landscaping.) Large-scale pumped-hydro systems are increasingly used for storing
energy, and many isolated towns rely on small-scale micro hydro plants to generate
electricity. Adding a pumped-storage capability isn't technically difficult, but it's expensive,
especially on a small scale, and current technology generally requires a large "drop," or
change in elevation to produce much powerthough companies are working on lower-flow
hydro turbines that can work in more level settings.
Walking and Biking When it comes to transportation, dense urban areas like Manhattan
already have an advantage over suburbs: By packing people, jobs and services close together,
they reduce the need for many car trips and provide the density to support bus and transit
services. Green-city planners do even more, designing streets so that walking is safe,
convenient and interestingwith wide sidewalks, landscaping and abundant crosswalks
and providing separate designated bicycle lanes. Songdo's 1,500 acres are designed so that

IC-GWBT2012, Ahmad Dahlan University, March 23-24, 2012

most shops, parks and transit stops can be reached in less than a 15-minute walk, and the city
also has a 15-mile network of bike lanes.

Picture : 2getthere

Cities can encourage greener auto choices
by providing electric-vehicle charging
stations in parking garages.
Personal Rapid Transit Not every urban
trip can be made on foot, bicycle or public
transit. Cities can encourage greener auto
choices by providing electric-vehicle
charging stations in parking garages. A
futuristic solution: personal rapid transit,
or PRTpod-like, self-powered vehicles
that can carry as many as six passengers.
The vehicles can travel along dedicated roadways, like an automated airport transit system, or
on streets equipped with buried magnets. There are no fixed schedules or routes; passengers
pick their destinations, and a central computer guides the car without intermediate stops.
Although still a novelty, PRTs are operating at Heathrow International Airport near London
and at the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Masdar City, an eco-city
development in Abu Dhabi. Masdar, however, has put on hold plans to deploy the pod cars
throughout the entire planned two-square-mile development.

Picture : Pneumatic garbage collection
Pneumatic Garbage Collection Even the
greenest cities produce lots of garbage,
which creates two problems: collecting the
trash and getting rid of it. On the
collection side, a centralized waste system,
using an underground network of
pneumatic tubes, can replace the fleets of
trucks that block traffic, tear up streets and
burn fossil fuels. The tubes can collect
garbage from both households and outdoor
trash bins and carry it to a centralized
collection and sorting facility.
Though some systems handle only food waste, others are set up to handle separate streams
for paper and other recyclable trash. The systems are used in scores of cities world-wide; a
pneumatic trash-collection system on New York's Roosevelt Island has been in operation
since 1975.
Waste to Resources: Getting to zero waste is as important to cities as getting to zero carbon.
This doesn't mean just encouraging residents to recyclecities also can deploy technologies
to tap the energy and other valuable resources buried in the trash. Advanced anaerobic
digesters process organic garbage waste and the sludge left over from treating wastewater to
produce biogas, which can be burned for energy; more common in Europe, the technology is
just being deployed in the U.S. for handling municipal garbage. High-temperature plasma-arc
gasifiers can consume nearly the entire waste stream, making a synthetic gas that is burned to
produce electricity; the leftover slag can be used in building materials. One novel approach
under consideration by the Plan IT Valley project, an eco-city development planned for
northern Portugal: Aluminum cans are processed with water and energy, producing aluminum

IC-GWBT2012, Ahmad Dahlan University, March 23-24, 2012


oxide and hydrogen, which can then be used to power fuel cells. But because aluminum oxide
requires tremendous energy to make aluminum, it may be more economically feasible just to
recycle aluminum containers.

Picture : Green Rooftop
Green Roofs Rooftops, which take up a
fifth of urban surface area, can be used to
support solar panels or wind turbines, but
they're otherwise underutilized. Covering
the tops of buildings with grasses, shrubs
and other plants can deliver a host of
benefits. Though often more costly than
traditional coverings, green roofs can
provide insulation and trim a building's
heating and cooling needs. They absorb
rainwater, reducing the load on storm-
water systems, and filter what water does
run off so it can be used for many
domestic needs. They also filter air

IC-GWBT2012, Ahmad Dahlan University, March 23-24, 2012

6. Conclusion

To sum up all this is indeed the concept green city it 's much more easy to be seen and
implemented as well as higher can be seen as a result to the action plan. Hopefully, the
concept of green city can run smoothly and, of course, assisted by all party awareness about
the importance of sustainable development of a city. Considering the world has to go do the
green city, we are still in the planning and implementation of the program has not been
hopefully, the program can be in achieving. Expected here to entire cities and regencies in
Indonesia has already started to implement and is committed to realizing the Green City in its
planning and conscious to reflect in its development so that Indonesia is becoming a
sustainable region.

7. References
Emil Salim, Pembangunan Berwawasakan Lingkungan, LP3S, pp. 152-154, 1986.
Eko Budihardjo and Sudanti Hardjohubojo, Kota Berwawaskan Lingkungan, pp. 14-15, Penerbit
Alumni, 1993.
Nirwono Yoga, Iwan Ismaun, RTH 30%! Resolusi (Kota) Hijau, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, pp.
202-204, 2011.
Pos Kota, Menteri PU: P2KH Solusi Tepat Atasi Dampak Perubahan Iklim, Rabu, 9 November 2011
Review of CPULs Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes. Designing Urban Agriculture for
Sustainable Cities. Andre Viljoen (ed) 2005. Architectural Press.
Richard Eberhart Hall, Mathew J Power, Smart, Green, and Growing Planning Plan, Planning Guide,
June 2010
World Bank, Indonesia Averting an Infrastructure Crisis : A Framework for policy and action, A co-
publication of world bank East-Asia Infrastructure Department and Indonesia Country Program,
Jakarta, June 2004
Sustainable Development Past and Present, Sir Patrick Geddes Commemorative Lecture, Edinburgh, at
the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1 October 2004.
wuf-iii-2006 in article: Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) in Canada, the host
region for the World Urban Forum 2006 : in article
How to build a greener city, November 2011

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