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3/9/2014 Building a Bookmark Management UI for Mozilla' s Build Your Own Browser 1/12
Building a Bookmark Management UI for Mozilla's Build
Your Own Browser
Last updated at Tue, 22 Jun 2010 15:07:00 -0400
by l.m.orchard / / @lmorchard
I've read lots of articles and tutorials highlighting webdev frameworks, widgets, and assorted little helpful
tricks to get things done in our mashed up matrix of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
But, what I've not seen very often are case studies in webdevthat is, narratives describing the process of
getting a thing done, with an eye toward learning how to do it better in the future:
What did you pull from your bag of tricks?
What were you thinking?(!)
What happened along the way?
Could you have done something differently?
Did you figure anything out worth sharing?
It could be that these kinds of articles just don't get read much, but personally I'd like to see more. So, I
thought I might take a shot at writing one myself. Remember: What might seem mundane to you could be
very interesting to someone elseI'm hoping that'll be the case here.
This article will be very light on code examples, and heavy on telling the story. If you'd like to dig in,
though, you can find the BYOB project source on GitHub. And, of particular interest are these source files:
HTML template
CSS styles
model JS
controller JS
I'll be skipping a lot of pieces and I won't get around to explaining everything in these files with the first
draft of this, but hopefully things will make sense along the way.
Table of Contents
What is Build Your Own Browser?
Planning to plan
Pondering the design
Considering the requirements
Staging the attack
Let the hacking begin
Sketching with markup
Calling in the sortables
Gotcha: Empty sortables are unhappy sortables
Sketching with data
Building a data-driven view
Generating page content with JS
Send in the clones
Populating the bookmarks view
Making the bookmarks editable
Reconsidering the Sortables
The map is not the territory
Looking under the Sortable hood
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Making gestures
Cheating on the view
Smartening up the model
Saving the changes
Room for improvement
Progressive enhancement
HTML5 Drag and Drop
Optimizing page performance
Redundant validation
What is Build Your Own Browser?
Build Your Own Browser (or BYOB) is a Mozilla project on which I work. It helps you create customized
distributions of Mozilla Firefox through a web-based tool, without any advanced knowledge of how to build
or package Firefox from source code.
BYOB offers a tabbed wizard to manage a custom Firefox distribution. Each tab allows you to tailor a
particular aspect of the browser, within certain predetermined rules.
One of the aspects open to customization is the set of bookmarks and folders included in the bookmark
toolbar and menu item. This tab offers an interface inspired by the window summoned in Firefox via the
Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks menu command. With this, you can create and manage bookmarks and
folders, arranging them as you see fit via drag-and-drop.
Planning to plan
It was my job as a webdev to build this feature given a set of business requirements, a visual design, and a
basic understanding of the user experience we wanted. For BYOB, I cover all the bases from server-side
PHP up to the client-side HTML/CSS/JavaScriptso, the implementation of this feature was all me, warts
and all.
After a first glance, I thought this would be an afternoon's work. I was visiting the Mozilla Toronto office
and had a next-day flight home to Detroit. I figured I'd be able to hammer it out before I left. It was one of
the project's quarterly goals, the deadline for which was about a week away. So, this would have been a
good thing to get out of the way sooner than later.
Well, it turns out I was wrong about how long it would takeby at least an order of magnitude. So, some of
this work ends up being rushed. I mention this, not as an excuse, but as context: It's interesting what you
can get done under pressure, versus when you have unlimited time. It's also interesting to see, in
hindsight, what you missed in a pinch.
Pondering the design
One of the first things I did in getting down to work on this thing was to take a look at the visual design.
The design of the bookmark organizer consists of two panes: folders on the left; folder contents on the
right. And, in Firefox, there are two main places where bookmarks are found: the Bookmarks menu and
the Bookmarks toolbar. So, each of these are represented as root folders in the folder pane.
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Considering the requirements
Along with the design, there were also the business requirements to consider. These included the
description in the bugzilla bug for the feature, as well as existing requirements from a previous
Only Toolbar and Menu are allowed as root bookmark folders
Only the root folders can contain sub-folders
Folders may contain bookmarks and livemarks
Up to 3 items in the Toolbar
Up to 5 items in the Menu
Between 1 and 10 items in any other folder
Note that though the design shows additional root folders beyond toolbar and menu, but the requirements
disallow this. Resolving differences like this are just part of the webdev job. Usually, this is straightforward
after a chat or two, but surprises are to be expected.
Staging the attack
My habit is to just start hacking iteratively, after just a little bit of forethought. Maybe a few doodles are
done on a notepad, but I don't spend too much time on the details up front before starting to sketch with
working code. It's best to fail early and often, and it's great to iterate on one small puzzle at a time.
While a good grasp of available tools is a minimum starting point, remember that tools change,
documentation lies, and things tend not to work the way you think they should. I start trying things right
away, and have the uncompressed, original source code of all libraries involved close at hand.
Oh, and make sure you've got Firebug installed; it could save your day.
Let the hacking begin
So, with the design and constraints in mind, I started to think about a plan of attack. With a MacVim
window open, I dove into some research. I use jQuery throughout BYOB, so I skimmed over the docs for
jQuery and jQuery UI to get a refresher on what the drag-and-drop offerings looked like.
Here's where I let the customization rules influence what to pick: I could have gone with a full-on
outline/tree widget for the folder pane. But, the only folders that allow sub-folders are the root toolbar and
menu folders. So, I figured just using a pair of Sortables would be simplerone for each of the root folders.
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And, since the folder contents pane is always just a flat list, the Sortable widget looked like a great hammer
to bang down that nail as well.
So far, so good. In theory, I can use Sortables for all the lists of items I want to sprinkle with magic drag-
and-drop dust. I expect it to be too good to be true in practice, but we'll see what happens.
Sketching with markup
Like many modern UI widgets, having chosen to use Sortables informs to some extent what markup I can
use in the page. Luckily, the choice here is completely sane and not at all objectionable: I can just use <ul>
lists with <li> children. No extra wrappers or shims just to make the code work.
Keeping markup clean and meaningful is more than just a nice-to-have: I've found it inevitably leads to
cleaner JavaScript and CSSas well as easier localization and accessibility. This should be almost obvious
at this point in webdev history, but it's easy to forget when faced with new shiny webdev toys.
So, with a widget in mind, I started playing with the markup and CSS. I built out the two panes of my
bookmark management UI with vaguely semantic HTML, threw a pair of lists into the folder pane and
another list into the folder contents pane. I then mocked up a variety of folders, bookmarks, and livemarks
and slapped together some CSS styles for a rough layout.
Calling in the sortables
With a first-draft DOM structure in place, I enhanced the page with Sortables. As it turns out, the widget
worked as advertised on my three listsat least for reordering items within the bounds of each individual
What I really wanted, though, is to be able to drag items between each of these lists. In the docs, I
discovered the "connectWith" option, which establishes a one-way relationship to drag items from one
sortable to another. Having found that, I connected each of the three with the other two.
And, it worked. Items dragged from one list to another moved in the DOM as expected.
Gotcha: Empty sortables are unhappy sortables
Here's where I ran into my first gotcha: Once I dragged every item out of a list, I could no longer drag an
item back into the empty list.
Right away, I discovered the dropOnEmpty option, but was dismayed to find it was already true by default
no dice, not the problem.
That's when I started pawing through jQuery UI source code and tearing things apart. At one point, I even
tracked down a release-version bug that I later discovered had been fixed in development. But, that
wasn't the bug I was looking for.
I spent far too time in troubleshooting this. To make a long story short, it came down to tweaking the CSS.
When all the items have been removed from a list, there's nothing left to display of the parent element. Its
height has collapsed so much that there's nothing to receive the drop. So, a little padding in CSS seemed to
fix the issue.
My mind was totally not on CSS while I was hacking in a JS context. That lead to a fun late night of
Sketching with data
So, I had three Sortable-enhanced lists, in a style vaguely reminiscent of the visual design. I had a ways to
go with the functionality, but I shifted gears to the bookmark data itself with an eye toward deriving more
realistic markup from it.
JSON is the first thing I reach for when I think about a data format for roundtrips between a web server
and a browser client. Once upon a time, that might have been XML, but the ease in consuming and
producing JSON across platforms and its ample expressiveness make it a win.
I thought a bit about the kinds of items needed to describe bookmarks and what attributes each would
have. And, thinking in terms of folders, I wanted to make sure nested folder structures were consistent,
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thinking ahead to recursive walking code I might be writing in the near future.
So, as I did with markup, I started sketching with data and came up with something like this:
"toolbar": {
"items": [
"id":"bm-1", "type":"bookmark", "title":"Foo",
"description":"Description of Foo",
"id":"bm-2", "type":"folder", "title":"Bar",
"items": [
"id":"bm-3", "type":"livemark", "title":"Baz",
"description":"Description of Baz",
"menu": {
"items": [
This isn't formal like drafting a schema or drawing out a class diagram in UMLthis is just thinking things
through in running code. Object literals in JSON make this sort of doodling easy, since you don't need to
commit to class definitions up front while exploring an idea.
Building a data-driven view
Once I had a stab at the data model in mind, I started thinking about markup again. Or, rather, I started
thinking about the browser DOM that resulted from that markup.
I could have generated markup from the data on server side. But, I figured it would be cleaner to draw the
boundary between browser client and web server at the level of JSON exchange.
That is, rather than the server sending pre-built markup to the client, it just includes the JSON
representation of bookmarks in the page. The client uses this to build up the DOM structure for the UI.
And, at the end, the client will submit the same JSON structure back to the server, modified as a result of
user interaction.
This leaves the client fully responsible for managing the UI, and offers me fewer context switches between
PHP / JavaScript / HTML / CSS while developing it.
Generating page content with JS
There are many tools in the webdev kit for generating page content from JavaScript.
One of the most basic techniques is to use the createElement and setAttribute DOM methods to build up
elements and insert them into the page structure.
You can also build up strings of HTML markup and use the innerHTML property to inject content, which
works fairly well on modern browsers. Some webdevs will tell you that's non-standard and cheating,
An even more interesting techniquein terms of building an end-to-end web appis to use one of the
many template languages in JS, such as Mustache or an implementation of the Django Template Language.
I even tried building Zope's Template Attribute Language for jQuery, once. In most cases, these utilities
have implementations in multiple languages besides JS, letting you share the same templates between
both the server and client sides of a web application.
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Send in the clones
My favorite technique lately, though, is to use the cloneNode with a template node. For most purposes, it's
both simple and capable enough to do everything I need, and seems more lightweight and performant than
many alternatives. Additionally, I use plain PHP as the templating language on the server, so there's really
no language to be shared with the client side here.
In my server-side HTML templates, I include markup to build templates for list items and the like. These
templates in the page are hidden by CSS, and I include class names to tag placeholders for content. Then,
in client-side JavaScript, I clone these nodes and use CSS selectors to find and fill the placeholder elements
with content.
I've found that building these templates on the server often comes in handy when localizing a site: Text
can be localized using server-side tools (eg. gettext), rather than trying to make localized strings available
to client-side JS (eg. gettext-js). Doing localization in JS can often be a pain, so I'll try avoiding it whenever
Since I've been using this approach so much lately with my own tweaks, I've bundled it up as a jQuery
plugin called cloneTemplate. You can see a simple template for bookmark folders in the HTML template
for the UI. And, over in the JS code, you can see it in use for updating the folder pane.
If you like it, you're of course free to use this plugin and send suggestions.
Populating the bookmarks view
So, with bookmark data and templates for page content in hand, it was time to put the two together and
replace the markup I'd sketched by hand with more realistic elements generated from data.
I filled in list items based on the folders found in the data for the Toolbar and Menu root folders. I also
filled in the bookmarks pane using the contents of the first folder in the list. Both of these updates were
performed using the cloneTemplate plugin and hidden template nodes.
I used Event Delegation to attach a click handler to the <ul> folder list container. This handler catches any
clicks on folder list items. As the user manipulates the bookmarks data, I expect the set of children in this
list to change often. So, tracking individual list items is much less efficient than simply catching things at
the stable parent level.
The click handler for folders, in turn, triggers the population of the bookmarks pane with the contents of
the folder clicked. And, with that, I reached the point where the UI was fully data-driven and I could use it
to navigate a set of bookmarks from JSON.
Making the bookmarks editable
Almost half the battle was getting to the point of having an interactive, read-only UIthis made it a good
first milestone.
Switching gears for a bit, I worked on getting more bookmark data into the page and I iterated on the CSS
styles to get closer to the visual design. This helped me get comfortable with the design, making sure it
could handle easy-to-neglect issues such as:
extra long bookmark titles;
the blank-slate case before any bookmarks are created;
and the fully-populated case where all the limits are reached.
Having a UI that I could click through made this work a bit easier, along with Firebug and live CSS editing
via the Web Developer toolbar.
Working on the visual aspects gave me a break from thinking about the functionality, but before long it
was time to get back to the business of editing bookmarks.
Reconsidering the Sortables
It's true that, with respect to bookmark data, the UI was read-only at the first milestone. But, since I'd
hooked up the Sortables, the page and its DOM were mutable via user interactionsthe changes just
didn't get reflected in the underlying bookmark data itself.
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So, that suggested the goal for the next milestone of work: Connecting changes in the page to changes in
data. Or, at least, that had been my first thought.
I could drag items between the lists, and the Sortable widget automatically updated the DOM of the
respective lists. And, Sortables also offer a toArray method that translates the current state of the DOM
into an array of IDs taken from the list items. This makes sortables very useful for letting users rearrange
simple lists, because the DOM directly corresponds to the data.
However, as I started working through the interactions afforded by the Sortable-enhanced lists, I realized
that things didn't quite match up to what I wanted. For example:
I could drag bookmarks from the right pane into the folder list in the leftbut what I really wanted
was to drag a bookmark into a folder in the left pane, not between the folders.
I wanted to reorder Toolbar sub-folders on the left, and see the results of that action reflected in the
right panel when it showed the Toolbar contents.
The map is not the territory
The map is not the territorythat is, the view is not the model. Had I spent more time thinking things
through at the top, I might have anticipated this. (Of course, had I spent more time thinking, I might not
have gotten as much done.)
So, I kind of backed into a Model-View-Controller design. I realized that I couldn't rely on the Sortable's
toArray method to convert DOM state (ie. the view) directly to bookmark data (ie. the model). And that's
because the UI gestures afforded to make changes in the data model didn't all directly correspond to
changes in the browser view. For example:
Dragging a bookmark from the right pane into a folder on the left should cause it to disappearbut it
should still exist, just in a folder not currently selected.
Reordering a folder on the left should be reflected on the rightbut the right side includes
bookmarks not displayed on the left.
So, I had to break the Sortable's default connection between the gesture (eg. drag-and-drop) and the
displayed result (eg. DOM node moved within or between lists).
That's the true goal of the next milestone, then: Connecting gestures to changes in the data model. Model
changes, in turn, should get reflected in the view. That separation there, between gestures and model and
view, is the important bit.
This is where things start to get messy.
Looking under the Sortable hood
Since the default behavior of the Sortable widget turned out not to be the right fit for the UI interactions I
wanted, I needed to take a closer look at how to customize that behavior.
The best way to do this is through the set of custom events generated by the Sortable widget, to which you
can attach your own handlers. These events narrate the entire course of a drag and drop interaction
involving Sortables. At each point, you can do things such as:
detect a drag from list onto another connected list;
trigger feedback while hovering over drop targets;
react to the completion of a drop.
And, each event handler has access to a lot of context about the drag and drop operation, such as:
the original list from which an item was dragged;
the item being dragged;
a helper element appearing under the mouse during the drag;
a placeholder element that can appear in lists to show a destination preview;
Having access to all the above in event handlers means that, at any point during the interaction, you can
tweak or override the out-of-box Sortable behavior.
In other words, having checked out the events generated by a Sortable widget, I worked out that I could
interpret them as user gestures and completely revise their effects on the data model and browser view.
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Making gestures
Once I started getting down to handling the UI gestures, the permutations began to make my head hurt.
So, unlike most other steps in this process, I decided it was time to hit the whiteboard.
I considered drag-and-drop as a UI gesture, consisting of two major parts:
the item dragged;
the drop target.
The list of items available for drag was pretty short:
folder in folder pane;
folder in bookmark pane;
bookmark/livemark in bookmark pane.
But, the list of available drop targets included not only all the things available for dragbut several relative
positions within each of those items: above, below, and on top. These relative positions account for both list
reordering and parent/child relationshipsbut they expand the list of drop targets to 9.
This meant that, paired with the draggable items, I had 27 distinct gestures to evaluate.
I probably could have generalized this more easily in my head, if I'd had enough coffee and if it hadn't been
2am. But, at that point, I just wanted to brute-force my way through the problem space so that I didn't
miss anything.
In order to wrap my head around the combinations, I actually composed a little one-off JavaScript in the
Firebug console on a scratch page to build a table with a results column to consider and fill in by hand. This
was what I came up with:
Dragged item Position Drop target Result
folder in folder pane above folder in folder pane move item as sibling before target
folder in folder pane below folder in folder pane move item as sibling after target
folder in folder pane on top of folder in folder pane append item as last child of target
folder in folder pane above folder in bookmarks pane move item as sibling before target
folder in folder pane below folder in bookmarks pane move item as sibling after target
folder in folder pane on top of folder in bookmarks pane append item as last child of target
folder in folder pane above bookmark in bookmarks pane move item as sibling before target
folder in folder pane below bookmark in bookmarks pane move item as sibling after target
folder in folder pane on top of bookmark in bookmarks pane --
folder in bookmarks pane above folder in folder pane move item as sibling before target
folder in bookmarks pane below folder in folder pane move item as sibling after target
folder in bookmarks pane on top of folder in folder pane append item as last child of target
folder in bookmarks pane above folder in bookmarks pane move item as sibling before target
folder in bookmarks pane below folder in bookmarks pane move item as sibling after target
folder in bookmarks pane on top of folder in bookmarks pane append item as last child of target
folder in bookmarks pane above bookmark in bookmarks pane move item as sibling before target
folder in bookmarks pane below bookmark in bookmarks pane move item as sibling after target
folder in bookmarks pane on top of bookmark in bookmarks pane --
bookmark in bookmarks pane above folder in folder pane --
bookmark in bookmarks pane below folder in folder pane --
bookmark in bookmarks pane on top of folder in folder pane append item as last child of target
bookmark in bookmarks pane above folder in bookmarks pane move item as sibling before target
bookmark in bookmarks pane below folder in bookmarks pane move item as sibling after target
bookmark in bookmarks pane on top of folder in bookmarks pane append item as last child of target
bookmark in bookmarks pane above bookmark in bookmarks pane move item as sibling before target
bookmark in bookmarks pane below bookmark in bookmarks pane move item as sibling after target
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bookmark in bookmarks pane on top of bookmark in bookmarks pane --
From this, I figured out the basic set of data model operations:
move item as sibling before target
move item as sibling after target
append item as last child of target
Again, with enough sleep or caffeine, the above might have just been a no-brainer. But, I'd also made
explicit some constraints I'd had floating in my head, such as:
bookmarks can't have child items, only folders can
bookmarks don't belong in between folders in the folder pane
Armed with these realizations, I started writing handler logic for Sortable events. Although it's getting
ahead of the story, you can see the end result for folders and for bookmarks in the JS code.
Cheating on the view
As I wrote the code to pair gestures in Sortables with changes to bookmark data, I needed to ensure the
view was updated to reflect those changes.
In past projects, I've kept things granular by mirroring the model and view changes individually. But, here
I got lazy and cheated: Rather than carefully moving DOM nodes around to reflect the same state as the
model, I just blew away the UI contents and rebuilt the whole thing at the end of each gesture and data
model update.
On the face of it, this sounds horrendously expensive and shouldn't perform well at all. But, practically
speaking, none of the lists in the UI ever deal with more than 10 items, thanks to the business
requirements. So, doing a full refresh of the UI every time is actually very fast. Additionally, it ensures
that the view always reflects the state of the model after a gestureand it saved my rapidly-degrading
brain from thinking too much at 3am.
Smartening up the model
Getting closer to the milestone of editable bookmarks, I noticed that I was repeating myself a lot. My data
model was just a dumb JSON structure, and I was writing the code to manipulate the model directly in the
gesture handlers.
It seemed like a good idea at the time: At first, the repetition was just the single line or so it took to move
an item between JS arrays. But, then I got around to thinking about enforcing the constraints demanded
by the business requirements. Recall these from earlier:
Only Toolbar and Menu are allowed as root bookmark folders
Only the root folders can contain sub-folders
Folders may contain bookmarks and livemarks
Up to 3 items in the Toolbar
Up to 5 items in the Menu
Between 1 and 10 items in any other folder
Well, checking whether a particular folder is too full to allow a dropie. 0, 3, 5, or 10 maximum items,
depending on what both the dragged item and drop target arestarts to get really repetitive if I copy-
and-paste the same code to every spot where an item gets moved into a folder.
So, with those alarm bells going off in my bleary head, I decided it was long-past time to refactor things. I
needed to make my dumb JSON model smart by wrapping it in prototyped objects bearing methods to
take care of manipulations and constraint enforcement.
Since I wanted a little classical inheritance to handle things like the relationship between plain folders and
the Toolbar / Menu root folders, I dragged in John Resig's "Simple JavaScript Inheritance" code. It did the
job and seemed small enough to not cause much fuss.
In retrospect, I think I over-engineered it, but you can take a look at the resulting model code and see
what you think. Some of the concerns expressed in this code include:
all items should easily convert themselves and their children to a JSON structure (ala Sortable's
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toArray) for later submission;
all items should be able to report what they are;
structure manipulations should be simple method calls;
folders should report whether they're full or not, depending on type;
items should be able to validate their own properties against business requirements.
All of these concerns are aimed at making the code in the controller event handlers as simple and self-
explanatory as possible, reducing the repetition and encapsulating the model concerns in one spot.
Simplifying things with a smarter model also freed me up a bit to think about adding in more UI feedback
during gestures. That is, I could easily figure out what a drop target would do with a dragged item during
the drag. So, for example, I could figure out that a folder would accept a bookmark as a child, and so
highlight that folder when the mouse was dragging over it.
Saving the changes
When I finally went to bed, I counted myself as having reached the second milestone: I could load the UI
up with a set of bookmarks in JSON, perform manipulations, and get updated JSON out of the other end.
After some sleep, I got around to the final milestone: Get the data submitted to the server and save the
changes to the bookmarks. This part, thanks to relying on JSON, was relatively simple.
First, a hidden <textarea> is maintained on the page, filled with the latest JSON representation of the data
model after each UI refresh. Despite sounding expensive, it works quickly enough and could be optimized
in the future to only update just before a submission. (In case you're wondering: This field is a <textarea>
rather than a hidden <input> field, so that I could easily make it visible during debugging.)
Then, upon form submission, the server accepts the JSON data in the form field, decodes it, and
recursively validates it before saving. Any errors are reported back to the user in the wizard page layout.
This duplicates all of the constraints checking done in the client-side UI, but is unfortunately necessary to
ensure the integrity of the data.
And finally, the bookmark data in JSON form is saved as a property of the database object maintaining
browser customizations.
Keeping this data as JSON end-to-end throughout the process helps keep a lot of things simple, from the
database down to the templates for an individual bookmark and sets of bookmarks used in building the
distribution.ini configuration accepted by Firefox for customizations.
Room for improvement
That's pretty much it, then. Over the course of a few of days and late nights, I threw all of this together
and got in front of other members of the project team for review and testing. By the end of the weekand
the end of the quarterwe'd chased down some bugs and I sanded off some rough corners. We called it
acceptable enough for launch.
But, of course, there's always room for improvement. I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to some of these
things, but they're worth considering. As always, suggestions (and patches) are welcome!
Progressive enhancement
Progressive Enhancement describes an approach to building web content that naturally degrades
gracefully on web clients offering varied capabilities. In an ideal world, everything should be built this way.
In my day-to-day world, this has been a challenge to achieve for web applications like BYOB.
I'm not even sure how I'd build a user interface like this one, following the principles of Progressive
Enhancement. I could imagine composing it out of a tedious sequence of form POSTs to manipulate the
state of bookmarks data, just like something I might have built back in 1999. Then, I could gradually
enhance this process with AJAX requests back to the server to perform in-place changes, and even enable
drag-and-drop eventually.
But, I'd probably lose the conveniences of end-to-end JSON, among other things. The development
process would have been a bearand probably would've taken more time than I had to spare. And then,
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who would have genuinely benefitted from the work? Should I really expect people to be using something
like BYOB from an under-powered mobile device or an older browser?
Still, failing at progressive enhancement and graceful degradation makes me hang my head as a webdev.
So, I'll take that hit to my karma for now, and try to do better on future projects.
HTML5 Drag and Drop
And then, almost in direct opposition to graceful degradation, are shiny new toys like the HTML5 drag-
and-drop events. I've written about these before, and have been pleased with them.
Still, I didn't want to entirely exclude browsers missing this new feature. But, as in the previous section,
I'm not sure if that consideration will really benefit many real BYOB users. Other aspects of BYOB may
exclude users of older browsers anyway: Since BYOB is a bit of a niche service, we honestly haven't spent
a lot of time ensuring the site performs properly on browsers beyond the latest crop.
So, I wonder if settling on using the Sortable widget was the right decision? Rather than overriding its
behavior, could I have saved a lot of time and hassle by just writing everything from scratch using the new
HTML5 features? Possibly. Would it be worth rewriting everything to use them in the future? Probably
notat least, not unless it were part of another major refactoring of the UI for other reasons.
Accessibility is an aspect of web site development that empowers people with disabilities to use a site.
Navigation and user interface cues embedded in the markup, among other things, allow assistive
technologies to work with a site in ways more appropriate to a user's abilities.
I have to admit that my practical understanding in this area needs work. Consequently, BYOB could use a
lot of work in the accessibility department. For this bookmark management UI specifically, I'd love to hear
any suggestions on how it could be made more accessible.
Localization describes how web sites can be built in a way that makes them usable throughout the world.
This includes translating text, but also encompasses issues from how sets of things are counted to the
expression of dates and times.
At Mozilla, localization has become a huge part of our mission, so webdevs are strongly encouraged to
account for it in all of our projects. And, to a large exten, we do that: For instance, the AMO team and an
army of volunteers maintain over 40 locales for
But, alas, BYOB is available only in US English, at present. Again, I hang my head in shame.
Fortunately, the problem isn't so much a lack of know-how but a lack of time. I've set sites up for
localization before, and have even put some hours into working on the AMO team. With a bit of elbow
grease, I think BYOB could be retro-fit for localization, and I expect it'll be a quarterly goal for us very
Optimizing page performance
There are a number of best practices for page performance that are widely used across the web. Since
BYOB has been in heavy development mode, these optimizations are not applied very well here.
Again, this is more a matter of time than knowledge, so this will definitely be a goal for a near-future
Redundant validation
As I mentioned earlier, bookmark data validation occurs both on the client side in UI constraints and on
the server side in a recursive inspection on submission. It would be nice to collapse this redundancy just on
general principle.
But, most things I come up with sound horribly inefficient. For example, I could frequently submit the
JSON data to the server via AJAX. I would display validation feedback from the server and just skip
enforcing the constraints in the UI. But, that sounds like a horrible user experience and a lot of network
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My hunch is that something better could be done here, but I just can't figure out what.
This was a case study about my process of developing a bookmark management interface for Mozilla's
Build Your Own Browser web application. Though I didn't cover everything, I tried to describe some of the
major highlights during the adventure.
My hope is that, somewhere in here, there's a useful bit or two of information for other webdevs. I'd also
love to get some feedback on what I could have done betteror better yet, send me some code patches I
can review to directly improve the project. After all, like just about everything we do at Mozilla, BYOB is
Open Source software.
Thanks for reading!
Last updated at Tue, 22 Jun 2010 15:07:00 -0400 by l.m.orchard / / @lmorchard

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