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Online Library System project report
Online Library System project report
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Published by bijeshnair007
this is the online library system's project report..
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Online Library System

Sorting of data
Data is stored in different databases and sorted into different tables to differentiate content and it caneasily converted
into reports for presentations.
Feasibility Study
Feasibility is a determination of whether or not a project is worth doing. Feasibility Study is performed for
determining the feasibility of a project. The content and recommendations of such a study will be used as a sound
basis for deciding to proceed, postpone, or cancel the project.In the conduct of feasibility study, we will usually
consider following inter-related type of feasibility. They are:
Technical feasibility
We concern here with specifying Equipment and software that will satisfy the user requirement.It will run on any
platform (machine), since the C# is considered platform independent.It will run with minimum system requirements
and with minimum system resources acquiredduring run.It will need a web server, to which it gets from the internet,
at run time.Expandability will be maintained in the new system. New modules can be added later on theapplication,
if required in the future.
Operational feasibility
The system will be easy to use as user interface is GUI based.The system is easy to use so no any special skills will
be required to use the system. New user will find it easy to use.So the project will be operationally feasible.
3. Economic feasibility
The procedure is to determine the benefit and savings that are expected from the project andcompare them with the
cost.As internet is the cheapest way of communication, we can perform communication usingweb.The cost is just the
cost of using the internet based on the channel allocation.So the project will be economically feasible.
4. Social feasibility
B y :
B i j
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Online Library System
The project will be socially feasible as todays user want quick services in everywhere.With the help of web based
shopping we can make business with others instantaneously in just seconds, in a large geographical area.
In feasibility study phase we had undergone through various steps which are describe asunder:1.
Identify the origin of the infor mation at different level. 2. Identify the expectation of user from
computerized system.3. Analyze the drawback of existing system (manual) system
Some of the problems being faced in manual system are asfollows:1. Fast report g eneration is not
possible.2. Tracing a book is difficult.3. Information about issue/return of the books are not
properly maintained.4. No central database can be created as information is not available in
There will be three major components:1. Stock maintenance.2. Transaction entry. 3. Reports.4.
Centralized Database.5. Access from anywhere.Proposed system provides with following solutions :1. It
provides "better and efficient" service to members.2. It is the online system that can be operated
from anywhere.3. User can inquiry about the book without going to Library.4. Reduce the workload
of employee. 5. Faster retrieval of information about the desired book.
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Online Library System
6. Provide facility for proper monitoring reduce paper work and provide data security.7. All details
will be available on a click.
Vision Statement
The vi s i o n i s t o pr ovi de a n e f f i c i e nt o nl i ne l i b r a r y ma na ge me nt s ys t e m. Onl i ne
s e a r c henables users from all over the world to search for books in the library. This allows memberso f t he
l i br ar y t o ca r r y out t r ans a c t i ons onl i ne. I t a l s o e nab l e s ad mi ni s t r a t o r / l i br ar i a ns
t o monitor transactions in the library.
Sc op e f o r t he l i br ar y ma na ge me nt s ys t e m i s a n i mp r o vi s ed s e ar c h al go r i t hm. Re a l -
t i me searching algorithms can also be implemented to improve the functionality of the search. ISBN
number can be used to search book details online and retrieve it for the user. All thesecan be done to make the
existing solution better.
O b j e c t i v e o f t h e p r o j e c t i s t o c r e a t e a l i b r a r y m a n a g e m e n t s y s t e m
w h i c h s o r t s t h e a dmi ni s t r a t or s , s t a f f s a nd s t ud e nt s s ep ar at e l y. I t e mp o we r s e a c h
wi t h d i f f e r e nt l e ve l s of pr i vi l e ge s . Us e r s a nd a d mi ni s t r a t o r s a r e a l l o we d t o s e ar c h a nd
l e nd / t a ke b ooks f r om t he library. It also sorts the items in the library and lets administrator to monitor
items/membersand also generate graphical reports for them. Administrator can also send reminders to
thedefaulters or can even deny membership to them.
Budget would include initial setup of the server that would include a system as a server andone system for
browsing/searching the library. Using many more systems for browsing mayaffect the budget of the solution
Technologies Used



Visual Web Developer Express Edition

SQL Server 2005 Express edition

Windows XP Professional EditionAll the above listed softwares are either freeware or trial version software.
Certainfeatures which these lacks may be successfully executed using a licensed version of thesame set of softwares.
Hence this affects the budget of a solution developer.
B y :
B i j
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Online Library System

During the course of fulfilling of the system development, many different situationsarise that must be understood to
facilitate the decisions on the approaches, methods,strategies, technologies and development.The system to be
developed may be either simple or complex, where the complexsystems can be a collection of the other small
systems. Such complex integrated system isdeveloped requiring the operation on the heterogeneous platform of
hardware and software.It is quite possible that the system developed may require maintenance to have
someadditions and modifications. This system may be old in terms of technology, design and lacksflexibility
requiring a higher maintenance cost. The system analysis can be defines as:-System analysis is an important
activity that takes place when new information systems are being built or existing ones are changed.There are some
system elements, given below, which require the system analysis to be performed:1. System Objective2. System
Boundary3. System Importance4. Nature of the System5. Role of the System as an Interface6. User Participation7.
System Objective: -
Its defining the centralized, single objective of the system. Such objective must beachieved accurately.
2. System Boundary:-
It is necessary to establish the system boundaries that define the scope of the system. Italso helps to identify the
inputs and outputs of the system.
B y :
B i j
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Online Library System

3. System Importance:-
It is required to see the system importance and its place as the organizational aspects.
4. Nature of the System: -
It is to decide whether this particular system will open or closed. On the basis of thenature, the designer will make
the architecture of the system.
5. Role of the System as an Interface: -
Sometimes it happens that the system we are going to build plays the role of aninterface among the various other
systems. Working as an interface is a very critical task, because it makes the connectivity among the system.
6. User Participation: -
Basically, any new system is to build requires the complete user participation becausethe user has to tell its
requirements and can see the development of the project.
7. Required Resources: -
Resources may be in any of the form like hardware, people and software etc. so, suchresources requirement should
be mentioned in the initial phase
B y :
B i j
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Online Library System
A Software Engineer or a team of engineers must incorporate a development strategy thatencompasses the process,
methods and tools layers. This strategy is often known as processmodel or a software engineering paradigm. A
process model for software engineering ischosen based on the nature of the project and the application, the methods
and the tools to beused, and the controls and deliverables that are required.In SITE, the Linear Sequential Model has
applied. This model suggests a systematic,sequential approach to software development that begins at the system
level and progressthrough analysis, design, coding, testing and support.Below figure illustrated the linear sequential
model for system:Fig: Linear Sequential ModalLinear Sequential Model:Linear Sequential model encompasses the
following activities: -
System/Information engineering and modeling: -
System engineering and analysisencompasses requirements gathering at the system level with small amount of top-
leveldesign and analysis. This type of analysis has been done and gathered all the information atstrategic business
level and at business area level.
Software requirement analysis: -
The requirement gathering process is focuses specificallyon software. To understand nature of program, our team
has made information domain for the software, as well as required function, behavior, performance and
interface.Requirements for both the system and software are documented and reviewed with thecustomer by the
team of engineers.
B y :
B i j
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A n a l y s i s
D e s i g n C o
d e T e s t

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