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Quick Test Pro FAQ

What is QTP ?
QuickTest is a graphical interface record-playback automation tool. It
is able to work with any web, java or windows client application.
Quick Test enables you to test standard web objects and Active
controls. In addition to these environments, QuickTest !rofessional
also enables you to test "ava applets and applications and
multimedia objects on Applications as well as standard #indows
applications, $isual %asic & applications and .'(T framework
QT! is )ercury Interactive *unctional Testing Tool.
)ercury QuickTest !rofessional+ provides the industry,s best solution
for functional test and regression test automation - addressing every
major software application and environment. This ne-t-generation
automated testing solution deploys the concept of .eyword-driven
testing to radically simplify test creation and maintenance. /ni0ue to
QuickTest !rofessional1s .eyword-driven approach, test automation
e-perts have full access to the underlying test and object properties,
via an integrated scripting and debugging environment that is round-
trip synchroni2ed with the .eyword $iew.
Whats the basic concept of QTP?
QT! is based on two concept-
Which scripting language used by QTP?
QT! using $% scripting.
How many types of recording facility are aailable in QTP?
QT! provides three types of recording methods-
4 5onte-t 3ecording 6'ormal7
Analog 3ecording
8ow 8evel 3ecording
How many types of Parameters are aailable in QTP?
QT! provides three types of !arameter-
4 )ethod Argument
4 9ata 9riven
4 9ynamic
Whats the QTP testing process?
QT! testing process consist of seven steps-
4 !reparing to recoding
4 3ecording
4 (nhancing your script
4 9ebugging
4 3un
4 Analy2e
4 3eport 9efects 6more:7
How to !tart recording using QTP?
5hoose Test ; 3ecord or click the 3ecord button.
#hen the 3ecord and 3un <ettings dialog bo- opens to do this=
>. In the #eb tab, select ?pen the following browser when a record
or run session begins.
@. In the #indows Applications tab, confirm that 3ecord and run on
these applications 6opened on session start7 is selected, and that
there are no applications listed.
How to insert a check point to a image to check enable property
in QTP?
A< you are saying that the all images are as push button than you
can check the property enabled or disabled. If you are not able to
find that property than go to object repository for that objecct and
click on add remove to add the available properties to that object. 8et
me know if that works. And if you take it as image than you need to
check visible or invisible property tht also might help you are there
are no enable or disable properties for the image object.
The Image 5heckpoint does not have any property to verify the
enableAdisable property.
?ne thing you need to check is+
4 *ind out form the 9eveloper if he is showing different images for
activatingAdeactiving i.e greyed out image. That is the only way a
developer can show deactivateAactivate if he is using an BimageB.
(lse he might be using a button having a headsup with an image.
4 If it is a button used to display with the headsup as an image you
woudl need to use the object !roperties as a checkpoint.
How to !ae your test using QTP?
<elect *ile ; <ave or click the <ave button. The <ave dialog bo-
opens to the Tests folder.
5reate a folder which you want to save to, select it, and click ?pen.
Type your test name in the *ile name field.
5onfirm that <ave Active <creen files is selected.
5lick <ave. Cour test name is displayed in the title bar of the main
QuickTest window.
How to "un a Test using QTP?
> <tart QuickTest and open your test.
If QuickTest is not already open, choose <tart ; !rograms ;
QuickTest !rofessional ; QuickTest !rofessional.
. If the #elcome window opens, click ?pen (-isting.
. If QuickTest opens without displaying the #elcome window, choose
*ile ; ?pen or click the ?pen button.
In the ?pen Test dialog bo-, locate and select your test, then click
@ 5onfirm that all images are saved to the test results.
QuickTest allows you to determine when to save images to the test
5hoose Tools ; ?ptions and select the 3un tab. In the <ave step
screen capture to test results option, select Always.
5lick ?. to close the ?ptions dialog bo-.
D <tart running your test.
5lick 3un or choose Test ; 3un. The 3un dialog bo- opens.
<elect 'ew run results folder. Accept the default results folder name.
5lick ?. to close the 3un dialog bo-.
How to open a new test using QTP?
>. If QuickTest is not currently open, choose <tart ; !rograms ;
QuickTest !rofessional ; QuickTest !rofessional. If the #elcome
window opens, click %lank Test. ?therwise, choose *ile ; 'ew, or
click the 'ew button. A blank test opens. @. . If QuickTest is already
open, check which add-ins are loaded by selecting Eelp ; About
QuickTest !rofessional. If the #eb Add-in is not loaded, you must
e-it and restart QuickTest. #hen the Add-in )anager opens, select
the #eb Add-in, and clear all other add-ins. 5hoose *ile ; 'ew, or
click the 'ew button. A blank test opens.
How to do #aod testing for web based Application?
>. 3ecording a scenerio in QT! of my web based application.
@. )ake >FF copies of that scenerio and run the test 6scenerio run for
>FF times7
D. In that case, do the load of application on server.
G. The basic logic of running the copy >FF times is to create same
scenerio as if >FF users were working.
What is the e$tension of script and ob%ect repository files?
?bject 3epository + .tsr , <cript + .mts, (-cel + 9efault.-ls
How to supress warnings from the &Test results page&?
*rom the Test results $iewer BTools ; *ilters ; #arningsB...must be
When we try to use test run option &"un from !tep&' the
browser is not launching automatically why?
This is default behaviour.
What(s )heckpoints for QTP?
A checkpoint verifies that e-pected information is displayed in your
application while the test is running.
QuickTest Professional offers the following types of
+escription ,$ample of -se
5hecks values of an
object1s properties.
5heck that a radio button is
5hecks the property
values of an image.
5heck that the image source
file is correct.
5hecks information in a
5heck that the value in a
table cell is correct.
5hecks the
characteristics of a #eb
5heck how long a #eb page
takes to load or if a #eb
page contains broken links.
Te-t A Te-t
5hecks that a te-t string
is displayed in the
appropriate place in a
#eb page or application
5heck whether the e-pected
te-t string is displayed in the
e-pected locatio
5hecks an area of a
#eb page or application
after capturing it as a
5heck that a #eb page 6or
any portion of it7 is displayed
as e-pected.
5hecks the contents of
databases accessed by
an application or #eb
5heck that the value in a
database 0uery is correct.
Identifies areas of a #eb
site to check for <ection
HFI compliancy.
5heck if the images on a
#eb page include A8T
properties, re0uired by the
#D5 #eb 5ontent
Accessibility Juidelines.
5hecks the data content
of )8 documents.
'ote+ )8 file checkpoints
are used to check a specified
)8 file= )8 application
checkpoints are used to
check an )8 document
within a #eb page.
How to add a standard checkpoint in your test ?
>. <tart QuickTest and open your test.
In the ?pen Test dialog bo-, locate and select your test, then click
@. <ave the test as 5heckpoint.
<elect *ile ; <ave As. <ave the test as 5heckpoint.
D. 5onfirm that the Active <creen option is enabled.
If you do not see the Active <creen at the bottom of the QuickTest
window, click the Active <creen button, or choose $iew ; Active
G. 8ocate the page where you want to add a standard checkpoint.
H 5reate a standard checkpoint.
In the Active <creen, right-click element in your application and
choose Insert <tandard 5heckpoint.
& <ave the test.
How to add a page checkpoint to your test?
The page checkpoint checks that the number of links and images in
the page when you run your test is the same as when you recorded
your test.
> 8ocate the page where you want to add a page checkpoint.
@ 5reate a page checkpoint.
3ight-click anywhere in the Active <creen, and choose Insert
<tandard 5heckpoint. The ?bject <election - 5heckpoint !roperties
dialog bo- opens. 'ote that this dialog bo- may include different
elements, depending on where you click in the Active <creen.
D <ave the test.
How +oes "un time data .Parameteri/ation0 is handled in QTP?
Cou can then enter test data into the 9ata Table, an integrated
spreadsheet with the full functionality of (-cel, to manipulate data
sets and create multiple test iterations, without programming, to
e-pand test case coverage. 9ata can be typed in or imported from
databases, spreadsheets, or te-t files.
What is keyword iew and ,$pert iew in QTP?
QuickTest1s .eyword 9riven approach, test automation e-perts have
full access to the underlying test and object properties, via an
integrated scripting and debugging environment that is round-trip
synchroni2ed with the .eyword $iew. Advanced testers can view and
edit their tests in the (-pert $iew, which reveals the underlying
industry-standard $%<cript that QuickTest !rofessional automatically
generates. Any changes made in the (-pert $iew are automatically
synchroni2ed with the .eyword $iew.
How QTP recogni/es 1b%ects in A-T?
QuickTest stores the definitions for application objects in a file called
the ?bject 3epository. As you record your test, QuickTest will add an
entry for each item you interact with. (ach ?bject 3epository entry
will be identified by a logical name 6determined automatically by
QuickTest7, and will contain a set of properties 6type, name, etc7 that
uni0uely identify each object. (ach line in the QuickTest script will
contain a reference to the object that you interacted with, a call to the
appropriate method 6set, click, check7 and any parameters for that
method 6such as the value for a call to the set method7. The
references to objects in the script will all be identified by the logical
name, rather than any physical, descriptive properties.
What are the types of 1b%ect "epositorys in QTP?
QuickTest has two types of object repositories for storing object
information+ shared object repositories and action object repositories.
Cou can choose which type of object repository you want to use as
the default type for new tests, and you can change the default as
necessary for each new test. The object repository per-action mode
is the default setting. In this mode, QuickTest automatically creates
an object repository file for each action in your test so that you can
create and run tests without creating, choosing, or modifying object
repository files. Eowever, if you do modify values in an action object
repository, your changes do not have any effect on other actions.
Therefore, if the same test object e-ists in more than one action and
you modify an object,s property values in one action, you may need
to make the same change in every action 6and any test7 containing
the object.
2f 2 gie some thousand tests to e$ecute in 3 days what do u do?
Adhoc testing is done. It 5overs the least basic functionalities to
verify that the system is working fine.
+oes QTP is &-nicode& compatible?
QT! &.H is not but QT! I.F is e-pected to be /nicode compatabile
by end of 9ecember @FFG.
How to &Turn 1ff& QTP results after running a !cript?
Joto BTools ; ?ptions ; 3un TabB and 9eselect B$iew results when
run session endsB. %ut this supresses only the result window, but a
og will be created and can viewed manulaly which cannot be
restricted from getting created.
,$plain about the Test Fusion "eport of QTP ?
?nce a tester has run a test, a Test*usion report displays all aspects
of the test run+ a high-level results overview, an e-pandable Tree
$iew of the test specifying e-actly where application failures
occurred, the test data used, application screen shots for every step
that highlight any discrepancies, and detailed e-planations of each
checkpoint pass and failure. %y combining Test*usion reports with
QuickTest !rofessional, you can share reports across an entire QA
and development team.
To which enironments does QTP supports ?
QuickTest !rofessional supports functional testing of all enterprise
environments, including #indows, #eb, ..'(T, "avaA"@((, <A!,
<iebel, ?racle, !eople<oft, $isual %asic, Active, mainframe
terminal emulators, and #eb services.
What(s QuickTest Window?
%efore you begin creating tests, you should familiari2e yourself with
the main QuickTest window.
The QuickTest window contains the following key elements+
. Title barK9isplays the name of the currently open test.
. )enu barK9isplays menus of QuickTest commands.
. *ile toolbarK5ontains buttons to assist you in managing your test.
. Testing toolbarK5ontains buttons to assist you in the testing
. 9ebug toolbarK5ontains buttons to assist you in debugging tests.
. Test paneK5ontains the .eyword $iew and (-pert $iew tabs.
. Active <creenK!rovides a snapshot of your application as it
appeared when you performed a certain step during the recording
. 9ata TableKAssists you in parameteri2ing your test.
. 9ebug $iewer paneKAssists you in debugging your test. The
9ebug $iewer pane contains the #atch (-pressions, $ariables, and
5ommand tabs. 6The 9ebug $iewer pane is not displayed when you
open QuickTest for the first time. Cou can display the 9ebug $iewer
by choosing $iew L 9ebug $iewer.7
. <tatus barK9isplays the status of the QuickTest application.
How does QTP identifes the ob%ect in the application
QT! identifies the object in the application by 8ogical'ame and
*or e-ample +
The (dit bo- is identified by
8ogical 'ame + !<?!TI?'<M%<(MTI)(@F
5lass+ #eb(dit
2f an application name is changes fre4uently i5e while recording
it has name 6Window78 and then while running its 6Windows38
in this case how does QTP handles?
QT! handles those situations using N3egular (-pressions..
Table and +9 )heckpoints*
%y adding table checkpoints to your tests or components, you can
check that a specified value is displayed in a cell in a table on your
application. %y adding database checkpoints to your tests or
components, you can check the contents of databases accessed by
your application. The results displayed for table and database
checkpoints are similar. #hen you run your test or component,
QuickTest compares the e-pected results of the checkpoint to the
actual results of the run session. If the results do not match, the
checkpoint fails. Cou can check that a specified value is displayed in
a cell in a table by adding a table checkpoint to your test or
component. *or Active tables, you can also check the properties of
the table object. To add a table checkpoint, you use the 5heckpoint
!roperties dialog bo-. Table checkpoints are supported for #eb and
Active applications, as well as for a variety of e-ternal add-in
environments. Cou can use database checkpoints in your test or
component to check databases accessed by your #eb site or
application and to detect defects. Cou define a 0uery on your
database, and then you create a database checkpoint that checks
the results of the 0uery. 9atabase checkpoints are supported for all
environments supported by QuickTest, by default, as well as for a
variety of e-ternal add-in environments.
There are two ways to define a database 0uery+
6a7 /se )icrosoft Query. Cou can install )icrosoft Query from the
custom installation of )icrosoft ?ffice.
6b7 )anually define an <Q8 statement.
The 5heckpoint timeout option is available only when creating a
table checkpoint. It is not available when creating a database
)hecking 9itmaps*
Cou can check an area of a #eb page or application as a bitmap.
#hile creating a test or component, you specify the area you want to
check by selecting an object. Cou can check an entire object or any
area within an object. QuickTest captures the specified object as a
bitmap, and inserts a checkpoint in the test or component. Cou can
also choose to save only the selected area of the object with your
test or component in order to save disk space.
#hen you run the test or component, QuickTest compares the object
or selected area of the object currently displayed on the #eb page or
application with the bitmap stored when the test or component was
recorded. If there are differences, QuickTest captures a bitmap of the
actual object and displays it with the e-pected bitmap in the details
portion of the Test 3esults window. %y comparing the two bitmaps
6e-pected and actual7, you can identify the nature of the discrepancy.
*or more information on test results of a checkpoint, see $iewing
5heckpoint 3esults.
*or e-ample, suppose you have a #eb site that can display a map of
a city the user specifies. The map has control keys for 2ooming. Cou
can record the new map that is displayed after one click on the
control key that 2ooms in the map. /sing the bitmap checkpoint, you
can check that the map 2ooms in correctly.
Cou can create bitmap checkpoints for all supported testing
environments 6as long as the appropriate add-ins are loaded7. 'ote+
The results of bitmap checkpoints may be affected by factors such as
operating system, screen resolution, and color settings.
Te$t:Te$t Area )heckpoint *
In the Te-tATe-t Area 5heckpoint !roperties dialog bo-, you can
specify the te-t to be checked as well as which te-t is displayed
before and after the checked te-t. These configuration options are
particularly helpful when the te-t string you want to check appears
several times or when it could change in a predictable way during run
'ote+ In #indows-based environments, if there is more than one line
of te-t selected, the 5heckpoint <ummary pane displays Ocomple-
valueP instead of the selected te-t string. Cou can then click
5onfigure to view and manipulate the actual selected te-t for the
QuickTest automatically displays the 5hecked Te-t in red and the
te-t before and after the 5hecked Te-t in blue. *or te-t area
checkpoints, only the te-t string captured from the defined area is
displayed 6Te-t %efore and Te-t After are not displayed7. To
designate parts of the captured string as 5hecked Te-t and other
parts as Te-t %efore and Te-t After, click the 5onfigure button. The
5onfigure Te-t <election dialog bo- opens
5hecking )8 +
)8 6(-tensible )arkup 8anguage7 is a meta-markup language for
te-t documents that is endorsed as a standard by the #D5. )8
makes the comple- data structures portable between different
computer environmentsAoperating systems and programming
languages, facilitating the sharing of data.
)8 files contain te-t with simple tags that describe the data within
an )8 document. These tags describe the data content, but not the
presentation of the data. Applications that display an )8 document
or file use either 5ascading <tyle <heets 65<<7 or <8 *ormatting
?bjects 6<8-*?7 to present the data.
Cou can verify the data content of )8 files by inserting )8
checkpoints. A few common uses of )8 checkpoints are described
An )8 file can be a static data file that is accessed in order to
retrieve commonly used data for which a 0uick response time is
neededKfor e-ample, country names, 2ip codes, or area codes.
Although this data can change over time, it is normally 0uite static.
Cou can use an )8 file checkpoint to validate that the data has not
changed from one application release to another.
An )8 file can consist of elements with attributes and values
6character data7. There is a parent and child relationship between the
elements, and elements can have attributes associated with them. If
any part of this structure 6including data7 changes, your application,s
ability to process the )8 file may be affected. /sing an )8
checkpoint, you can check the content of an element to make sure
that its tags, attributes, and values have not changed.
)8 files are often an intermediary that retrieves dynamically
changing data from one system. The data is then accessed by
another system using 9ocument Type 9efinitions 69T97, enabling
the accessing system to read and display the information in the file.
Cou can use an )8 checkpoint and parameteri2e the captured data
values in order to check an )8 document or file whose data
changes in a predictable way.
)8 documents and files often need a well-defined structure in order
to be portable across platforms and development systems. ?ne way
to accomplish this is by developing an )8 schema, which describes
the structure of the )8 elements and data types. Cou can use
schema validation to check that each item of content in an )8 file
adheres to the schema description of the element in which the
content is to be placed.
What are the Features ; 9enefits of Quick Test Pro.QTP055?
>. .ey word driven testing
@. <uitable for both client server and web based application
D. $b script as the scriot language
G. %etter error handling mechanism
H. (-cellent data driven testing features
How to handle the e$ceptions using recoery secnario manager
in Qtp?
Cou can instruct QT! to recover une-pected events or errors that
occured in your testing environment during test run. 3ecovery
scenario manager provides a wi2ard that guides you through the
defining recovery scenario. 3ecovery scenario has three steps
>. Triggered (vents
@. 3ecovery steps
D. !ost 3ecovery Test-3un
what is the use of Te$t output alue in Qtp?
?utput values enable to view the values that the application talkes
during run time.#hen paramaterised, the values change for each
iteration.Thus by creating output values, we can capture the values
that the application takes for each run and output them to the data
What information do the columns in the <eyword =iew show for
each step?
As you recorded your test, QuickTest generated steps in the
.eyword $iew representing each operation you performed in the
#eb browser.
The columns in the .eyword $iew show different information for
each step, as follows+
. ItemK9isplays the item for the step 6test object, utility object,
function call, or statement7 in a hierarchical icon-based tree.
. ?perationKThe operation to be performed on the item, for
e-ample, 5lick or <elect.
. $alueKThe argument values for the selected operation, for
e-ample, the mouse button to use when clicking the image.
. AssignmentKThe assignment of a value to or from a variable so
you can use the value later in the test.
. 5ommentKAny te-tual information you want to add regarding the
step, for e-ample, 3eturn to page used in first step of the test.
. 9ocumentationKAuto-documentation of what the step does, in an
easy-to-understand sentence, for e-ample, 5lick the Nfind*lightsQ
Why use "egular ,$pressions?
you created a te-t checkpoint that searched for a specific te-t string.
Cou can use regular e-pressions to increase the fle-ibility and
adaptability of your tests.
3egular e-pressions enable QuickTest to identify objects and te-t
strings with varying values. Cou can use regular e-pressions when
defining the properties of an object, the methods of an argument,
when parameteri2ing a step, and when creating checkpoints with
varying values.
,$plain QTP Testing process ?
The QuickTest testing process consists of & main phases+
>. 5reate your test plan
!rior to automating there should be a detailed description of the test
including the e-act steps to follow, data to be input, and all items to
be verified by the test. The verification information should include
both data validations and e-istence or state verifications of objects in
the application.
@. 3ecording a session on your application
As you navigate through your application, QuickTest graphically
displays each step you perform in the form of a collapsible icon-
based test tree. A step is any user action that causes or makes a
change in your site, such as clicking a link or image, or entering data
in a form.
@. (nhancing your test
o Inserting checkpoints into your test lets you search for a specific
value of a page, object or te-t string, which helps you identify
whether or not your application is functioning correctly.
'?T(+ 5heckpoints can be added to a test as you record it or after
the fact via the Active <creen. It is much easier and faster to add the
checkpoints during the recording process.
o %roadening the scope of your test by replacing fi-ed values with
parameters lets you check how your application performs the same
operations with multiple sets of data.
o Adding logic and conditional statements to your test enables you to
add sophisticated checks to your test.
D. 9ebugging your test
If changes were made to the script, you need to debug it to check
that it operates smoothly and without interruption.
G. 3unning your test on a new version of your application
Cou run a test to check the behavior of your application. #hile
running, QuickTest connects to your application and performs each
step in your test.
H. Analy2ing the test results
Cou e-amine the test results to pinpoint defects in your application.
&. 3eporting defects
As you encounter failures in the application when analy2ing test
results, you will create defect reports in 9efect 3eporting Tool.
What is Parameteri/ing Tests?
#hen you test your application, you may want to check how it
performs the same operations with multiple sets of data. *or
e-ample, suppose you want to check how your application responds
to ten separate sets of data. Cou could record ten separate tests,
each with its own set of data. Alternatively, you can create a
parameteri2ed test that runs ten times+ each time the test runs, it
uses a different set of data.
What is test ob%ect model in QTP ?
The test object model is a large set of object types or classes that
QuickTest uses to represent the objects in your application. (ach
test object class has a list of properties that can uni0uely identify
objects of that class and a set of relevant methods that QuickTest
can record for it.
A test object is an object that QuickTest creates in the test or
component to represent the actual object in your application.
QuickTest stores information about the object that will help it identify
and check the object during the run session.
A run-time object is the actual object in your #eb site or application
on which methods are performed during the run session.
#hen you perform an operation on your application while recording,
R identifies the QuickTest test object class that represents the object
on which you performed the operation and creates the appropriate
test object
R reads the current value of the object1s properties in your application
and stores the list of properties and values with the test object
R chooses a uni0ue name for the object, generally using the value of
one of its prominent properties
R records the operation that you performed on the object using the
appropriate QuickTest test object method
*or e-ample, suppose you click on a *ind button with the following
ET)8 source code+
LI'!/T TC!(SBsubmitB 'A)(SB*indB $A8/(SB*indB;
QuickTest identifies the object that you clicked as a #eb%utton test
object. It creates a #eb%utton object with the name *ind, and
records the following properties and values for the *ind #eb%utton+
It also records that you performed a 5lick method on the #eb%utton.
QuickTest displays your step in the .eyword $iew like this+
QuickTest displays your step in the (-pert $iew like this+
%rowser6B)ercury InteractiveB7.!age6B)ercury InteractiveB7.
How to analy/ing Test "esults using QTP?
#hen QuickTest finishes running the test, the Test 3esults window
Initially, the Test 3esults window contains two panes for displaying
the key elements of your test run.
. The left pane displays the results tree, an icon-based view of the
steps that were performed while the test was running. The results
tree is organi2ed according to the #eb pages visited during the test
run and can be e-panded 6T7 to view each step. The steps
performed during the test run are represented by icons in the tree.
Cou can instruct QuickTest to run a test or action more than once
using different sets of data in each run. (ach test run is called an
iteration, and each iteration is numbered. 6The test you ran had only
one iteration.7
. The right pane displays the test results details. The iteration
summary table indicates which iterations passed and which failed.
The status summary table indicates the number of checkpoints or
reports that passed, failed, and raised warnings during the test.
> $iew the test results for a specific step.
In the results tree, e-pand 6T7 Test 3ecording <ummary ; 3ecording
Iteration > 63ow >7 ; Action> <ummary ; your application ; your test
name .
The Test 3esults window now contains three panes, displaying+
. the results tree, with one step highlighted
. the test results details of the highlighted step
. the Active <creen, showing a screen capture of the #eb page on
which the step was performed.
#hen you click a page in the results tree, QuickTest displays the
corresponding page in the application view. #hen you click a step
6an operation performed on an object7 in the results tree, the
corresponding object is highlighted in the application view. In this
case, the 9eparting *rom te-t bo- is highlighted.
,$plain the check points in QTP?
A checkpoint verifies that e-pected information is displayed in a
Application while the test is running. Cou can add eight types of
checkpoints to your test for standard web objects using QT!.
U A page checkpoint checks the characteristics of a Application
U A te-t checkpoint checks that a te-t string is displayed in the
appropriate place on a Application.
U An object checkpoint 6<tandard7 checks the values of an object on
a Application.
U An image checkpoint checks the values of an image on a
U A table checkpoint checks information within a table on a
U An Accessiblity checkpoint checks the web page for <ection HFI
U An )8 checkpoint checks the contents of individual )8 data files
or )8 documents that are part of your #eb application.
U A database checkpoint checks the contents of databases accessed
by your web site
2n how many ways we can add check points to an application
using QTP5
#e can add checkpoints while recording the application or we can
add after recording is completed using Active screen 6'ote + To
perform the second one The Active screen must be enabled while
,$plain in brief about the QTP Automation 1b%ect >odel5
(ssentially all configuration and run functionality provided via the
QuickTest interface is in some way represented in the QuickTest
automation object model via objects, methods, and properties.
Although a one-on-one comparison cannot always be made, most
dialog bo-es in QuickTest have a corresponding automation object,
most options in dialog bo-es can be set andAor retrieved using the
corresponding object property, and most menu commands and other
operations have corresponding automation methods. Cou can use
the objects, methods, and properties e-posed by the QuickTest
automation object model, along with standard programming elements
such as loops and conditional statements to design your program.
+iscuss QTP ,nironment5
QuickTest !ro environment using the graphical interface and
Active<creen technologies - A testing process for creating test
scripts, relating manual test re0uirements to automated verification
features - 9ata driving to use several sets of data using one test
,$plain the concept of how QTP identifies ob%ect5
+uring recording 4tp looks at the ob%ect and stores it as test
ob%ect5For each test ob%ect QT learns a set of default properties
called mandatory properties'and look at the rest of the ob%ects
to check whether this properties are enough to uni4uely identify
the ob%ect5 +uring test run'QT searches for the run time obkects
that matches with the test ob%ect it learned while recording5
1b%ect "epositories types' Which ; when to use?
9eciding #hich ?bject 3epository )ode to 5hoose
To choose the default object repository mode and the appropriate
object repository mode for each test, you need to understand the
differences between the two modes.
In general, the object repository per-action mode is easiest to use
when you are creating simple record and run tests, especially under
the following conditions+
Cou have only one, or very few, tests that correspond to a given
application, interface, or set of objects.
Cou do not e-pect to fre0uently modify test object properties.
Cou generally create single-action tests.
5onversely, the shared object repository mode is generally the
preferred mode when+
Cou have several tests that test elements of the same application,
interface, or set of objects.
Cou e-pect the object properties in your application to change from
time to time andAor you regularly need to update or modify test object
Cou often work with multi-action tests and regularly use the Insert
5opy of Action and Insert 5all to Action options.
)an we !cript any test case with out haing 1b%ect repository?
or -sing 1b%ect "epository is a must?
'o. / can script with out ?bject repository by knowing the #indow
Eandlers, spying and recogni2ing the objects logical names and
properties available.
How to e$ecute a Win"unner !cript in QTP?
6a7 T<8Test.3unTest Test!ath, Test<et O, !arameters P --; /sed in
QT! &.F used for backward compatibility !arameters + The test set
within Quality 5enter, in which test runs are stored. 'ote that this
argument is relevant only when working with a test in a Quality
5enter project. #hen the test is not saved in Quality 5enter, this
parameter is ignored.
e.g + T<8Test.3unTest B9+Vtest>B, BB
6b7T<8Test.3unTest(- Test!ath, 3un)inimi2ed, 5loseApp O,
!arameters P T<8Test.3unTest(- B5+V#in3unnerVTestsVbasicMflightB,
T3/(, *A8<(, B)y$alueB 5loseApp + Indicates whether to close the
#in3unner application when the #in3unner test run ends.
!arameters + /p to >H #in3unner function argument
Why diide a test into three action calls?
#hen you create a new test, it contains a call to one action. %y
dividing your tests into calls to multiple actions, you can design more
modular and efficient tests.
How To clear the Auto)omplete?
> In your Internet (-plorer1s menu bar, choose Tools ; Internet
?ptions ; 5ontent tab.
@ 5lick Auto5omplete in the !ersonal information area. The
Auto5omplete <ettings dialog bo- opens.
D In the /se Auto5omplete for area, clear the /ser names and
passwords on forms option.
G 5lick ?. to save your changes and close the Auto5omplete
<ettings dialog bo-, then click ?. again to close the Internet ?ptions
dialog bo-.
What is 1b%ect !py in QTP?
/sing the ?bject <py, you can view the properties of any object in an
open application. Cou use the ?bject <py pointer to point to an
object. The ?bject <py displays the selected object1s hierarchy tree
and its properties and values in the !roperties tab of the ?bject <py
dialog bo-.
What is the +iff between 2mage check?point and 9it map )heck
Image checkpoints enable you to check the properties of a #eb
image. Cou can check an area of a #eb page or application as a
bitmap. #hile creating a test or component, you specify the area you
want to check by selecting an object. Cou can check an entire object
or any area within an object. QuickTest captures the specified object
as a bitmap, and inserts a checkpoint in the test or component. Cou
can also choose to save only the selected area of the object with
your test or component in order to save disk <pace *or e-ample,
suppose you have a #eb site that can display a map of a city the
user specifies. The map has control keys for 2ooming. Cou can
record the new map that is displayed after one click on the control
key that 2ooms in the map. /sing the bitmap checkpoint, you can
check that the map 2ooms in correctly.
Cou can create bitmap checkpoints for all supported testing
environments 6as long as the appropriate add-ins are loaded7.
'ote+ The results of bitmap checkpoints may be affected by factors
such as operating system, screen resolution, and color settings.
How many ways we can parameteri/e data in QTP ?
There are four types of parameters+
Test, action or component parameters enable you to use values
passed from your test or component, or values from other actions in
your test.
9ata Table parameters enable you to create a data-driven test 6or
action7 that runs several times using the data you supply. In each
repetition, or iteration, QuickTest uses a different value from the 9ata
(nvironment variable parameters enable you to use variable values
from other sources during the run session. These may be values you
supply, or values that QuickTest generates for you based on
conditions and options you choose.
3andom number parameters enable you to insert random numbers
as values in your test or component. *or e-ample, to check how your
application handles small and large ticket orders, you can have
QuickTest generate a random number and insert it in a number of
tickets edit field.
How do u do batch testing in W" ; is it possible to do in QTP' if
so e$plain?
%atch Testing in #3 is nothing but running the whole test set by
selecting B3un TestsetB from the B(-ecution JridB.The same is
possible with QT! also. If our test cases are automated then by
selecting B3un TestsetB all the test scripts can be e-ecuted. In this
process the <cripts get e-ecuted one by one by keeping all the
remaining scripts in B#aitingB mode.
How to use the 1b%ect spy in QTP @5A ersion?
There are two ways to <py the objects in QT!
>7 Thru file toolbar
---In the *ile Tool%ar click on the last toolbar button 6an icon showing
a person with hat7. @7 Tru ?bject repository 9ialog
---In ?bjectrepository dialog click on the buttonBobject spy...B
In the ?bject spy 9ialog click on the button showing hand symbol.
the pointer now changes in to a hand symbol and we have to point
out the object to spy the state of the object if at all the object is not
visible..or window is minimised then Eold the 5trl button and activate
the re0uired window to and release the 5trl button.
What is the file e$tension of the code file ; ob%ect repository file
in QTP?
*ile e-tension of
-- !er test object rep +-
-- <hared ?ject rep +- filename.tsr
5ode file e-tension id script.mts
How to )reating an 1utput =alue using QTP?
> <tart QuickTest and open the !arameter test.
@ <ave the test as ?utput.
D 5onfirm that the Active <creen option is enabled.
G <elect the te-t you want to use as an output value.
H <et the output value settings.
& )odify the table checkpoint.
W <ave the test.
What does it mean when a check point is in red color? what do
u do?
A red color indicates failure. Eere we analy2e the the cause for
failure whether it is a <cript Issue or (nvronment Issue or a
Application issue.
What do you call the window testdirector?testlab?
B(-ecution JridB. It is place from where we 3un all )anual A
Automated <cripts
How do u create new test sets in T+
8ogin to T9.
5lick on BTest 8abB tab.
<elect the 9esired folder under which we need to 5reate the Test
<et. 6 Test <ets can be grouped as per module.7 5lick on B'ew Test
<et or 5trlT'B Icon to create a Test <et.
,$plain the concept of ob%ect repository ; how QTP recognises
?bject 3epository+ displays a tree of all objects in the current
component or in the current action or entire test6 depending on the
object repository mode you selected7. we can view or modify the test
object description of any test object in the repository or to add new
objects to the repository. Quicktest learns the default property values
and determines in which test object class it fits.If it is not enough it
adds assistive properties, one by one to the description until it has
compiled the uni0ue description.If no assistive properties are
available, then it adds a special ?rdianl identifier such as objects
location onthe page or in the source code.
What are the properties you would use for identifying a browser
; page when using descriptie programming ?
BnameB would be another property apart from BtitleB that we can use.
?3 #e can also use the property Bmic5lassB. e-+
2 want to open a Botepad window without recording a test and 2
do not want to use !ystem-til5"un command as well How do 2
do this?
/ can still make the notepad open without using the record or
<ystem utility script, just by mentioning the path of the notepad B6 i.e.,
where the notepad.e-e is stored in the system7 in the B#indows
Applications TabB of the B3ecord and 3un <ettings window. Try it
out. All the %est.
If an application name is changes fre0uently i.e while recording it has
name, in this case how does QT! handlesR
2F we use batch testing5the result shown for last action only5in
that how can i get result for eery action5
Cou can click on the icon in the tree view to view the result of every
Win"unner )ompared to QuickTest Pro
(nvironment 5overage 5omparison+
5ommon environments shared by both #in3unner and QuickTest
I(, 'etscape, A?8
"9., "ava *oundation
5lasses, A#T
<ymantec $isual 5afX
Active 5ontrols
(3!A53) ?racle+ "initiator, >>i, '5A
5ustom 5lient <erver #indows
$isual %asic
?perating <ystems #indows YI, @FFF, 'T, )(,
8egacy D@WF, H@HF (mulators

#in3unner ?nly (nvironments+
(3!A53) %aan
<iebel H, & J/I
?racle J/I *orms

QuickTest !ro ?nly (nvironments+
(3!A53) <A!
<iebel W.-
!eople<oft I.-
.'et #in*orms
.'et controls
#eb <ervices )8, ETT!
#<98, <?A!
"@((, .'et
)ultimedia 3ealAudioA$ideo

Feature )omparison*

5ommon features found in both #in3unner and QuickTest
3ecordA3eplay ?9%5 Z (-cel
5ode (ditor Z 9ebugger 3ecovery )anager
<hared ?bject 3epository 3apid ?bject Import
'umerous 5heckpoints Analog
<cript Z *unction

#in3unner ?nly (nvironments+
3un #i2ard T<8

QuickTest !ro ?nly (nvironments+
Active<creen TestJuard
Tree $iew <cript*usion
9ata Table $%<cript
6coming in vW.F7
3un #i2ard4
6coming in vW.F7
How to 2mport data from a &5$ls& file to +ata table during
9atatable.Import B...8< file name...B
9ataTable.Import<heet6*ile'ame, <heet<ource, <heet9est7
9ataTable.Import<heet B5+Vname.-lsB ,> ,BnameB
How to e$port data present in +atatable to an &5$ls& file?
9ataTable.(-port B....-ls file name...B
!yntact for how to call one script from another? and !ynta$ to
call one &Action& in another?
3unAction Action'ame, OIteration)ode , Iteration3ange ,
Eere the actions becomes reusable on making this call to any Action.
Iteration3ange <tring 'ot always re0uired. Indicates the rows for
which action iterations will be performed. $alid only when the
Iteration)ode is rngIterations. (nter the row range 6i.e. B>-WB7, or
enter rngAll to run iterations on all rows.
If the action called by the 3unAction statement includes an
(-itAction statement, the 3unAction statement can return the value
of the (-itAction,s 3et$al argument.
How to e$port QTP results to an &5$ls& file?
%y default it creates an B)8B file and displays the results
How the e$ception handling can be done using QTP
It can be done /sing the 3ecovery <cenario )anager which
provides a wi2ard that gudies you through the process of defining a
recovery scenario. *CI.. The wi2ard could be accesed in QT!;
Tools-; 3ecovery <cenario )anager .......
How many types of Actions are there in QTP?
There are three kinds of actions+
non-reusable actionKan action that can be called only in the test
with which it is stored, and can be called only once. reusable action
Kan action that can be called multiple times by the test with which it
is stored 6the local test7 as well as by other tests.
e-ternal actionKa reusable action stored with another test. (-ternal
actions are read-only in the calling test, but you can choose to use a
local, editable copy of the 9ata Table information for the e-ternal
Analy/ing the )hecpoint results
<tandard 5hecpoint +%y adding standard checkpoints to your tests or
components, you can compare the e-pected values of object
properties to the object,s current values during a run session. If the
results do not match, the checkpoint fails.
How to handle "un?time errors?
?n (rror 3esume 'e-t + causes e-ecution to continue with the
statement immediately following the statement that caused the run-
time error, or with the statement immediately following the most
recent call out of the procedure containing the ?n (rror 3esume
'e-t statement. This allows e-ecution to continue despite a run-time
error. Cou can then build the error-handling routine inline within the
/sing B(rrB object msgbo- B(rror no+ B Z B B Z (rr.'umber Z B B Z
(rr.description Z B B Z (rr.<ource Z (rr.Eelp5onte-t
What are the different scripting languages you could use when
working with QTP ?
$isual %asic 6$%7,)8,"ava<cript,"ava,ET)8
How to handle dynamic ob%ects in QTP?
QT! has a uni0ue feature called <mart ?bject
IdentificationArecognition. QT! generally identifies an object by
matching its test object and run time object properties. QT! may fail
to recognise the dynamic objects whose properties change during
run time. Eence it has an option of enabling <mart Identification,
wherein it can identify the objects even if their properties changes
during run time. 5heck this out-
If QuickTest is unable to find any object that matches the recorded
object description, or if it finds more than one object that fits the
description, then QuickTest ignores the recorded description, and
uses the <mart Identification mechanism to try to identify the object.
#hile the <mart Identification mechanism is more comple-, it is more
fle-ible, and thus, if configured logically, a <mart Identification
definition can probably help QuickTest identify an object, if it is
present, even when the recorded description fails.
The <mart Identification mechanism uses two types of properties+
%ase filter propertiesKThe most fundamental properties of a
particular test object class= those whose values cannot be changed
without changing the essence of the original object. *or e-ample, if a
#eb link,s tag was changed from to any other value, you could no
longer call it the same object. ?ptional filter propertiesK?ther
properties that can help identify objects of a particular class as they
are unlikely to change on a regular basis, but which can be ignored if
they are no longer applicable.
,$plain the keyword createob%ect with an e$ample5
5reates and returns a reference to an Automation object
synta-+ 5reate?bject6servername.typename O, locationP7
servername+3e0uired. The name of the application providing the
typename + 3e0uired. The type or class of the object to create.
location + ?ptional. The name of the network server where the object
is to be created.
What is a "un?Time +ata Table? Where can 2 find and iew this
-In QT!, there is data table used , which is used at runtime.
-In QT!, select the option $iew-;9ata tabke.
-This is basically an e-cel file, which is stored in the folder of the test
created, its name is 9efault.-ls by default.
How to do the scripting5 2s there any inbuilt functions in QTP as
in QTP?!5 What/ the difference between them? how to handle
script issues?
Ces, there,s an in-built functionality called B<tep JeneratorB in Insert-
;<tep-;<tep Jenerator -*W, which will generate the scripts as u
enter the appropriate steps.
What is the difference between check point and output alue5
An out!ut value is a value captured during the test run and entered
in the run-time but to a specified location. (+-8ocation in 9ata
TableOJlobal sheet A local sheetP
Types of properties that Quick Test learns while recording?
6a7 )andatory 6b7 Assistive . In addition to recording the mandatory
and assistive properties specified in the ?bject Identification dialog
bo-, QuickTest can also record a backup ordinal identifier for each
test object. The ordinal identifier assigns the object a numerical value
that indicates its order relative to other objects with an otherwise
identical description 6objects that have the same values for all
properties specified in the mandatory and assistive property lists7.
This ordered value enables QuickTest to create a uni0ue description
when the mandatory and assistive properties are not sufficient to do
+ifferences between QTP ; Winrunner?
6a7 QT! is object bases <cripting 6 $%<7 where #inrunner is T<8 65
based7 <cripting.
6b7 QT! supports B.'(TB application Automation not available in
6c7 QT! has BActive <creenB support which captures the application,
not available in #3.
6d7 QT! has B9ata TableB to store script values , variables which #3
does not have.
6e7 /sing a Npoint and clickQ capability you can easily interface with
objects, their definitions and create checkpoints after having
recorded a script [ without having to navigate back to that location in
your application like you have to with #in3unner. This greatly
speeds up script development.
Few basic 4uestions on commonly used ,$cel =9A functions5
common functions are+
5oloring the cell
Auto fit cell
setting navigation from link in one cell to other saving
How does Parameteri/ation and +ata?+riing relate to each
other in QTP?
To datadrive we have to parameteri2e.i.e. we have to make the
constant value as parameter, so that in each iteraration6cycle7 it
takes a value that is supplied in run-time datatable. Through
parameteri2ation only we can drive a transaction6action7 with
different sets of data. Cou know running the script with the same set
of data several times is not suggestable, Z it,s also of no use.
What is the difference between )all to Action and )opy Action5?
5all to Action + The changes made in 5all to Action , will be reflected
in the orginal action6 from where the script is called7.%ut where as in
5opy Action , the changes made in the script ,will not effect the
original script6Action7
How to erify the )ursor focus of a certain field?
/se BfocusB property of BJet3o!ropertyB methodB
Any limitation to C># )heckpoints?
)ercury has determined that >.G)% is the ma-imum si2e of a )8
file that QT! &.H can handle
How to make arguments optional in a function?
this is not possible as default $%< doesn,t support this. Instead you
can pass a blank scring and have a default value if arguments r not
How to add a te$t checkpoint to your test to check whether
(welcome( is displayed in your welcome page5
> 8ocate the page where you want to add a te-t checkpoint.
@ 5reate a te-t checkpoint.
In the Active <creen, under your page highlight the te-t welcome.
3ight-click the highlighted te-t and choose Insert Te-t 5heckpoint.
The Te-t 5heckpoint !roperties dialog bo- opens.
#hen 5hecked Te-t appears in the list bo-, the 5onstant field
displays the te-t string you highlighted. This is the te-t QuickTest
looks for when running the test.
5lick ?. to accept the default settings in this dialog bo-.
QuickTest adds the te-t checkpoint to your test. It is displayed in the
.eyword $iew as a checkpoint operation on your welcome page
D <ave the test.
How to "unning and Analy/ing a Test with )heckpoints?
> (-pand the test and review your test.
5hoose $iew ; (-pand All or use the 4 shortcut key on your number
@ <tart running your test.
5lick 3un or choose Test ; 3un. The 3un dialog bo- opens. (nsure
that 'ew run results folder is selected. Accept the default results
folder name. 5lick ?.. #hen the test run is completed, the Test
3esults window opens.
D $iew the test results.
#hen QuickTest finishes running the test, the Test 3esults window
opens. The test result should be !assed, indicating that all
checkpoints passed. If one or more checkpoints had failed, the test
result would be *ailed.
G $iew the results of the page checkpoint.
In the 9etails pane, you can review the details of the page
checkpoint, which lists the items checked.
H $iew the results of the table checkpoint.
In the 9etails pane, you can review the details of the table
checkpoint. Cou can also review the values of the table cells 6cell
values that were checked are displayed in black= cell values that
were not checked are displayed in gray7.
& $iew the results of the standard checkpoint.
In the 9etails pane, you can review the details of the standard
checkpoint, which lists the properties that were checked and their
values. The checkpoint passed because the actual values of the
checked properties match the e-pected values.
W $iew the results of the te-t checkpoint.
In the 9etails pane, you can review the details of the te-t checkpoint.
The checkpoint passed because the actual te-t matches the
e-pected te-t.
I 5lose the Test 3esults window. 5hoose *ile ; (-it.
How to +efining a +ata Table Parameter for QTP?
> <tart QuickTest and open the 5heckpoint test.
@ <ave the test as !arameter.
D 5onfirm that the Active <creen option is enabled.
G 5onfirm that the 9ata Table option is enabled.
H <elect the te-t to parameteri2e.
& <et the parameteri2ation properties.
How to add a runtime parameter to a datasheet?
The following e-ample uses the 8ocal<heet property to return the
local sheet of the run-time 9ata Table in order to add a parameter
6column7 to it.
)y!aramS9ataTable.8ocal<heet.Add!arameter6BTimeB, BH+GHB7
How to change the run?time alue of a property for an ob%ect?
<etT?!roperty changes the property values used to identify an
object during the test run. ?nly properties that are included in the test
object description can be set
How to retriee the property of an ob%ect?
using BJet3o!ropertyB.
How to open any application during !cripting?
<ystem/til , object used to open and close applications and
processes during a run session.
6a7 A <ystem/til.3un statement is automatically added to your test
when you run an application from the <tart menu or the 3un dialog
bo- while recording a test
(.g + <ystem/til.3un B'otepad.e-eB
<ystem/til.5lose9escendent!rocesses 6 5loses all the processes
opened by QT! 7
How to coert a !tring to an integer?
5Int67---; a conversion function available.
2nserting a )all to Action is not 2mporting all columns in
+atatable of globalsheet5 Why?
Inserting a call to action will only Import the columns of the Action
+ifferentiate the two 1b%ect "epository Types of QTP5
?bject repository is used to store all the objects in the application
being tested.@ types of oject repositoy per action and shared. In
shared repository only one centralised repository for all the tests.
where as in per action.for each test a separate per action repostory
is created.
What the differences are and best practical application of each5
!er Action+ *or (ach Action, one ?bject 3epository is created.
<hared + ?ne ?bject 3epository is used by entire application
,$plain what the difference between !hared "epository and
PerDAction "epository
<hared 3epository+ (ntire application uses one ?bject 3epository ,
that similar to Jlobal J/I )ap file in #in3unner !er Action+ *or
each Action ,one ?bject 3epository is created, like J/I map file per
test in #in3unner
Hae you eer written a compiled module? 2f yes tell me about
some of the functions that you wrote5
I /sed the functions for 5apturing the dynamic data during runtime.
*unction used for 5apturing 9esktop, browser and pages.
What pro%ects hae you used Win"unner on? Tell me about
some of the challenges that arose and how you handled them5
pbs +#3 fails to identify the object in gui. If there is a non std window
obk wr cannot recogni2e it ,we use J/I <!C for that to handle such
)an you do more than %ust capture and playback?
I have done 9ynamically capturing the objects during runtime in
which no recording, no playback and no use of repository is done AT
-It was done by the windows scripting using the 9?)69ocument
?bject )odel7 of the windows.
!ummary* QuickTest Pro
QuickTest !rofessional provides an interactive, visual environment
for test development.
Eere is the description from the )ercury Interactive NEow it #orksQ
section of the QuickTest !ro web page+
)ercury QuickTest !rofessional\ allows even novice testers to be
productive in minutes. Cou can create a test script by simply pressing
a 3ecord button and using an application to perform a typical
business process. (ach step in the business process is automated
documented with a plain-(nglish sentence and screen shot. /sers
can easily modify, remove, or rearrange test steps in the .eyword
QuickTest !rofessional can automatically introduce checkpoints to
verify application properties and functionality, for e-ample to validate
output or check link validity. *or each step in the .eyword $iew,
there is an Active<creen showing e-actly how the application under
test looked at that step. Cou can also add several types of
checkpoints for any object to verify that components behave as
e-pected, simply by clicking on that object in the Active<creen.
Cou can then enter test data into the 9ata Table, an integrated
spreadsheet with the full functionality of (-cel, to manipulate data
sets and create multiple test iterations, without programming, to
e-pand test case coverage. 9ata can be typed in or imported from
databases, spreadsheets, or te-t files.
Advanced testers can view and edit their test scripts in the (-pert
$iew, which reveals the underlying industry-standard $%<cript that
QuickTest !rofessional automatically generates. Any changes made
in the (-pert $iew are automatically synchroni2ed with the .eyword
?nce a tester has run a script, a Test*usion report displays all
aspects of the test run+ a high-level results overview, an e-pandable
Tree $iew of the test script specifying e-actly where application
failures occurred, the test data used, application screen shots for
every step that highlight any discrepancies, and detailed
e-planations of each checkpoint pass and failure. %y combining
Test*usion reports with )ercury Quality )anagement, you can share
reports across an entire QA and development team.
QuickTest !rofessional also facilitates the update process. As an
application under test changes, such as when a N8oginQ button is
renamed N<ign In,Q you can make one update to the <hared ?bject
3epository, and the update will propagate to all scripts that reference
this object. Cou can publish test scripts to )ercury Quality
)anagement, enabling other QA team members to reuse your test
scripts, eliminating duplicative work.
QuickTest !rofessional supports functional testing of all popular
environments, including #indows, #eb, .'et, $isual %asic, Active,
"ava, <A!, <iebel, ?racle, !eople<oft, terminal emulators, and #eb
- QuickTest !ro NEow it #orksQ webpage from )ercury+
#e like QuickTest !ro and now prefer implementing it over
#in3unner. #hen you get into advance testing scenarios, QuickTest
!ro has more options and they are easier to implement compared to
#in3unner in our opinion.
9o to the similarities in concept and features, an e-perienced
#in3unner user can easily convert to QuickTest !ro and 0uickly
become an efficient Test Automation (ngineer]
#e recommend that e-isting customers begin all new development
with QuickTest !ro and use the built-in feature of calling #in3unner
scripts from QuickTest !ro for all e-isting #in3unner scripts that
they already have. As older scripts re0uire updates and time permits,
we recommend replacing them with QuickTest !ro scripts.
(ventually you will be able to convert your test script library with all
QuickTest !ro scripts.
4 #ill be getting the initial focus on development of all new features
and supported technologies.
4 (ase of use.
4 <imple interface.
4 !resents the test case as a business workflow to the tester 6simpler
to understand7.
4 'umerous features.
4 /ses a real programming language 6)icrosoft1s $%<cript7 with
numerous resources available.
4 QuickTest !ro is significantly easier for a non-technical person to
adapt to and create working test cases, compared to #in3unner.
4 9ata table integration better and easier to use than #in3unner.
4 Test 3un IterationsA9ata driving a test is easier and better
implement with QuickTest.
4 !arameteri2ation easier than #in3unner.
4 5an enhance e-isting QuickTest scripts without the NApplication
/nder TestQ being available= by using the Active<creen.
4 5an create and implement the )icrosoft ?bject )odel 6?utlook
objects, A9? objects, *ile<ystem objects, supports 9?), #<E,
4 %etter object identification mechanism.
4 'umerous e-isting functions available for implementation [ both
from within QuickTest !ro and $%<cript.
4 QT! supports .'(T development environment 6currently
#in3unner W.H does not7.
4 )8 support 6currently #in3unner W.H does not7.
4 The Test 3eport is more robust in QuickTest compared to
4 Integrates with Test9irector and #in3unner 6can kick off
#in3unner scripts from QuickTest7.
4 5urrently there are fewer resources 6consultants and e-pertise7
available due to QT! being a newer product on the market and
because there is a greater 9emand than <upply, thus fewer
employeeAconsulting resources.
4 )ust know $%<cript in order to program at all.
4 )ust be able to program in $%<cript in order to implement the real
advance testing tasks and to handle very dynamic situations.
4 'eed training to implement properly.
4 The ?bject 3epository 6?37 and Ntesting environmentQ 6paths,
folders, function libraries, ?37 can be difficult to understand and
implement initially.
QuickTest Pro Questions 1nly
>. how many ma-imum actions can be performed in a single test
@. Eow to create the dynamic object repository in QT!R
D. #hat is difference between global sheet anh action sheetR
G. Eow to pass parameters from one action to another action.
H. Eow to perform 5ross platform testing and 5ross browser testing
using QT!R5an u e-plain giving some e-ampl
&. how to connect the database through QT!
W. Eow to open multiple instances of an application from QT!R @.
Eow to recogni2e each instance and setting
I. This is the chain of 0uestion^+ >HGDG#hat conditions we go for
3eusable <cripts and how we create and
Y. 5an we call QT! test from another test using scripting.<uppose
there are G tests and i want to call these
>F. Is it possible to test a web application6java7 with winrunnerR
otherwise is it possible to check with
>>. Eow can we insert Te-t check point and %it map check point R if
provide e-ample script, it is greatefu
>@. 5an we mask a 5ode In .vbs file so that it is not viewable to
>D. Is there any function to double click a particular row in a
>G. what is the use of command tab in 9ebug viewer Rcan we
e-ecute any user defined 0ueries
>H. #hat is Analog recording,#hat is the difference between analog
recording and low level recording
>&. what is database check point.
>W. #hat is the use of function and sub function in QT!R
>I. #hat is the new $ersion of QT! which is recently released in the
>Y. Eow to call a funtion present in dll file in QT! <cript.
@F. I have n iterations of test run in QT!. I want to see the results of
not only the latest 6_n1th7 iteration
@>. Eow to call from one action to another action in QT!R
@@. #hat is the 9ifference %etween %it map 5heck point Z Image
5heck point!lease e-plain in detailTe-t Z
@D. Eow can we do block commenting in QT!R
@G. Eow to get the column count and column name from resultset in
database connction programR
@H. >. Eow to write QT! scriptsR@. Any related website resource to
learn QT!RD. #hat steps the to be follwed
@&. Eow to check an )8 schema 6)8 <chema $alidation--from
)8 file7R Ttell me about .<9 file format.
@W. Eow to schedule tests in QT!R
@I. Is Addins enough to work in *le- based applicationsR or do we
have to get a licence for multimedia for
@Y. how to identify a ,web element, class object while recording and
running in ,(vent, mode of settings.
DF. #hat are the new features available in QT! I.@ compared with
earlier versionsR
D>. Ei forum. 5ould any body tell me what is A)9?5<, and what are
its models R %est regrds.
D@. #hat is difference between window6B B7 and dialog6B B7 in QT!
while creating scriptR
DD. Eow do you retrieve the 5lass name of a Test ?bject
programmatically from within a scriptR
DG. #hat is the best way to test /'I 6QT!, #inrunner or runner7R
If QT! supports let me know the brief
DH. #hat is the 3ecovery <cenerio can apllied for any telephone line
connection6(-+%<'l,Airtel etc
D&. what are advantages and disadvantages between internet
e-plorer and netscape navigator 6or7 Internet
DW. Anybody with an e-perience of testing )ainframe applications. I
usually check the Active and $% add-ins
DI. 9ifference %etween te-t and Te-tarea checkpoints in QT!
DY. Eow to Eandle dynamic #eb8ist in QT!...$alues in #eblist are
GF. #hat is the Eotkey that can be used for Eitting spacebarR
G>. #e are trying to avoid that anybody see our script after we wrote
it. 9id anybody know how to do thisR
G@. how can i insert database checkpoint in 0tp-&.H
GD. #hat are different e-ecution modes available in QT! Z e-plain
GG. Eow can we recogni2e objects in *le- application using QT!R
#hen I record scripts, it takes all objects
GH. *or the A<AGFF application that takes data only thru the keyboard
input and not even single mouse click
G&. Eow to write QT! test results to an (-cel application
GW. Eow to write recovery scenario for below 0uestions and what are
the steps we will followRif i click
GI. If winrunner and QT! both are functional testing tools from the
same company.why a separate tool QT!
GY. Eow do we test 8inks using Quick Test !rofessional and confirm
that the page we are re0uesting is seen
HF. Eow do you test 988 files using QT!R
H>. After importing e-ternal .-ls datasheet in to 9atatable of QT!,
Eow to set '? of iterations run for
H@. Eow to test 9ynamic web pages using QT!
HD. Eow to record *le- 6>.F7 objects using QT!R!ost the code which
works for this.
HG. Advantage of using )ercury Quality 5enter over Test 9irector
HH. Eow do we connect to ?racle database from QT! R
H&. 5an any one pls tell me about how to configure the environment
variables in 0tp and how to use the variables
HW. #hat is the process for creating an automated test script using
QT! assuming you have reviewed the manual
HI. Eow to use a data driver in QT!R
HY. #hat is the method used to focus on particuler field.I need the
script.I will give e-ample.I flights
&F. >7what is the advantage and disadvantage of using $irtual ?bject
wi2ardR@7 Eow efficiently we can use
&>. #ithout recording objects in ?bject 3epository are we able to run
&@. 5an we call a QT! script from a main script without making it
&D. wat is -ml schema validation and how to perform schema
validation for a file.wat is 4.<9 e-tention
&G. 5an any body e-palin me the differences between a reusable
and a e-ternal action with e-ampleR
&H. I need information on using *<?6file system object7 also its
&&. Eow to 3un a script recorded in (nglish flavor of my application
and re-run the same script on different
&W. Eow to write QT! test results to an (-cel application, !lease
provide the e-act code if possible A<A!Thanks
&I. #hat are the limitations for )8 5heckpoints in QT! I.FR
&Y. how good is QT! for testing siebel applicationsRwhether QT!
recogni2es siebel objects or something else
WF. Eow do I use te-t checkpoint in QT! as everytime I use this
checkpoint in the e-cel sheet and highlight
W>. Eow is automation used in QT! for regreession testing. !lease
give me a sample script.
W@. Anybody e-plain me, the concept of checkpoint declaration in the
QT! mainly for the ?bjects, !ages, Te-t
WD. Eow can we validate the !9* file recogni2ation and its content
with the help of )ercury product QT!6Quick
WG. #hat is (-pert view in QT!R5an you e-plain with e-ampleR
WH. #hat is the best way to do regression testing using QT!.
W&. what is the use functions in QT!. public, private
WW. Eow can we return values from userdefined functionR anybody
provide code with small e-ample its great
WI. how to retriveAupdate database by writing code in e-pert viewIn
my case database is Accessmy dsn nameSBtryBdatabase
WY. Eow can I import andAor merge an e-isting repository into my
current testR
I>. Ei,I was set the repository as per test mode and recorded my
script. 'ow I wana to change the repository
I@. #hat are 8imitation of QT!R
ID. what is difference between stub and driverR
IG. #hat is meant by <ource 5ontrolR
IH. #hat is descriptive programmingR
I&. how to automate editing an )8 file .because when i record the
editing on an )8 file and run it,some
IW. #hat are the disadvantages or drawbacks in QT!R
II. >. (ach test that you run is displayed into the screen ... I,m
looking for a way to run a test in background
IY. I have faced one 0uestion in interviewhe has given one screen
with one bitmap and one edit bo-.The original
YF. #hat 0t plus R Eow we merge the files in 0tpR#hat is feasibility
study in automationR
Y>. when a script is recorded in 0uick test for connecting >F rows in
the database, can we change script
Y@. Eow do you test siebel application using 0tpR
YD. Eow to get Traceability matri- from T9R
YG. Eow to import a test case present in B.-lsB file to T9 under a Test
YH. Eow to attach a file to T9R
Y&. #hat do you to script when objects are removed from
YW. Eow do you data drive an e-ternal spreadsheetR
YI. Jive me an e-ample where you have used a 5?) interface in
your QT! projectR
YY. Eow long have you used the productR
>FF. Eow to get B*ont<i2eB of a B#eb(ditBR
>F>. Is there anyway to automatically update the 9atasource name
in 9atabase 5heckpoints object when we migrate tests to a new
>F@. Eow to create a 3untime property for an objectR

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