Gun Control Pres Comp 2

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Endangerment of Right

to Bear Arms
Why is this a big deal?
It is a constitutional right! A well regulated
Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and bear
Arms, shall not be infringed.
Is the Government a Little
90 gun per 100 people. Thats a lot!
Why Gun Control is a Lost
There are too many already in circulation
There is not enough funding or people to support
it in comparison to gun advocates
Government is clearly crutching on emotional
appeal and mainstream media as their only
hope, going as far as sick means of staging
True statistics on crime rates and laws dont
support gun control contrary to media

The Facts
Over the past twenty years gun sales have sky
rocketed however homicides with firearms are down
with 39 percent and other crimes with firearms down
69 percent during that time.
A study by Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy
concluded that countries with more guns tend to have
less crime.
Almost every mass shooting that has occurred in the
United States in the past 50 years has taken place in a
state with strict gun laws.
With one exception, every public mass shotting in the
United States since 1950 has taken place in an area where
citizens are not permitted to conceal carry firearms

Despite stricter gun law, Europe holds record for
three of the six worst shootings in the world
The United States is number one in the world in
gun ownership, and yet it is only ranked number
28 in gun murders per 100,000 people?
Approximately 200,000 women in the US use
firearms to protect themselves from sexual
predators every year.
Overall, guns in the United States are used 80
times more often to prevent crime rather than to
take lives.
he number of unintentional fatalities due to firearms
went down by 58 percent between 1991 and 2011.
despite very strict ban on guns in the UK, the overall
rate of violent crimes in the UK is around 4 times
greater than it is in the United States. In one recent
year, there were 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000
people in the UK in comparison, the US there were
only 466 violent crimes per 100,000 people that same
In Australia, gun murders increased by about 19
percent with armed robberies up 69 percent after
gun bans were enforced.
the murder rate in Chicago increased about 17
percent in 2012 from 2011 and Chicago has some of
the strictest laws on firearms in the US.
A city in Georgia by the name of Kennesaw passed a
law requiring that each household have a firearm.
Crime rates dropped 50 percent of the course of a 50
year period and burglaries declined 89 percent.

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