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Use of different ovitraps for the surveillance and control of urban mosquito
vectors, with special reference to Aedes aegypti - Karam V. Singh and S. K.
Date of Commencement: January, 2005 Duration: Two Years Status: New
1. To evaluate the efficacy of different types of ovitraps for the surveillance and
control of urban mosquito vectors in arid situations
Detection of the presence of different mosquito vectors in urban situations has been a
difficult task owing to inherent human behaviour and some traditional habits, which in turn
have also affected the impact assessment of the ongoing vector control programmes in a true
sense. Ovitraps provide a very sensitive and economical method for detecting container
breeders even when the population density is low and general larval surveys and adult
collections produce unsatisfactory results. The addition of grass infusion in the ovitrap
enhances significantly the trap efficacy. The use of different types of ovitraps for the
detection and impact assessment of an ongoing urban vector control programme has given a
new dimension in present context. The method has got potential to involve the local
communities and seek their active participation in the programme with measurable
behavioural changes resulting from well-planed social mobilization and communication
actions. The studies would be conducted in Jodhpur city from where the cases of dengue
have been reported. Since the technology is inexpensive and easy to adopt, it can be utilized
without specialized training by the community on regular basis for the control of dengue
vector viz., Aedes aegypti.
Progress of the work
Preliminary studies were undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of ovitraps in arid situations. The
studies were conducted in 10 localities of Jodhpur city viz., Kudi Bhagtasni Housing Board,
Railway Colony Bhagat ki Kothi, Indira Colony, Mahamandir, Soorsagar, Fidusar, Chopasni
Housing Board, Mansuria colony, Pratap nagar and Bakra Mandi. The above colonies covered
both old city areas as well as peripheral newly developed residential colonies.
Three types of ovitraps i.e. grass infusion (Cynadon dactylon), grass infusion with Bacillus
thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) and lethal having cyfluthrin, were used during the studies. In
8 localities one type of trap along with control were laid, however, in 2 localities all 3 types plus
control were laid. The studies were conducted for 2 weeks and the traps were observed at
weekly intervals. Besides observing ovitraps, the information on the location of ovitraps, type of
house, water storage, type of water containers present, sleeping places and presence of cattle
sheds was also considered.
The studies revealed that 37.5 percent traps were positive showing immature stages of urban
mosquito vectors i.e. Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi. 86.7 percent ovitraps were
positive for Ae. Aegypti and 13.3 percent for An. stephensi. In case of Ae. aegypti 57.5 percent
traps were found positive for eggs, 3.8 percent for larval forms and 38.5 percent for both eggs
and larval forms. In case of An. stephensi only eggs were detected in the traps. An. stephensi
eggs were found mostly in the traps laid in peripheral localities, whereas, the breeding of Ae.
aegypti was detected mostly in the central old city areas. The details of the species-wise
positivity of different types of ovitraps laid during the studies have been given in Table 1.
Table 1. Positivity of different types of ovitraps
Species & Stage-wise distribution
Aedes aegypti Anopheles stephensi
Egg Larvae Both Egg Larvae Both
46.6 05
-- -- --
Grass+Bti 26.7 02
-- 02
-- -- --
Cyfluthrin 21.4 02
-- -- 01
-- --
Control 44.4 06
-- 07
-- --
Laboratory evaluation of these ovitrap solutions was also made against two important urban
mosquito vector species to know their efficacy. In case of Ae. Aegypti the relative percentage
of eggs laid in different solutions revealed that maximum no. of eggs (32.6%) were laid in
grass infusion, followed by grass infusion and Bti (27.7%) control (23.6%) and cyfluthrin
(16.1%). Cyfluthrin showing reduction in eggs laid exhibited deterrent effect. In case of An.
stephensi, the relative percentages revealed reduction in no. of eggs laid, in all the three
tested solutions. Grass infusion and Bti was found the most egg-laying inhibitor (16.6%),
followed by grass infusion (24.4%) and cyfluthrin (26.5%).
Table 2. Laboratory evaluation of the effect of different ovitrap solutions on the
oviposition of Ae. aegypti and An. stephensi
Relative percentage of eggs laid in different ovitrap solutions Mosquito
Control Grass infusion Grass infusion
Ae. aegypti 23.6 32.6 27.7 16.1
An. stephensi 32.6 24.4 16.6 26.5
In case of An. stephensi, the observations on the individual percent reduction in the eggs
laid in different solutions revealed 85.0, 74.2 and 53.0 percent in case of grass infusion, grass
infusion and Bti and cyfluthrin respectively.

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